(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

mum2ndx, my gal loves to wear her crocs. Nw that u mention, kinda dangerous for her to wear.

Bubble, I will be taking 16 wks straight.

thanx. can pop by on sun since i gg century sq to do pedi. hehe. but got prob wif free size bras. =p

be careful wif kids wearing crocs. i see so many cases at my clinic.
wow say! wat a sacry accident! think i will be scared out of my wits lor! take care and do take note if u feel any change.

u take good care too.
think your boy n mine is about the same age right. though not hurt he must be scare also.

i also buy a cheaper version of croc for my boy, but i think the proper standing on escalator is more important, everytime when my boy are on escalator, just make sure that his feet is not too near.
2nd Baby, iemik0, winnie,
my boy 3yr 3mth. ya, indeed he was frightened. MIL say he cried all the way home.. poor thing...i think it's the holes surrounding the shoe gives the escalator advantage to "bite" so tightly on the shoe..be extra careful ok gals!
Hi Gals,

So far ok, try to c my gynae this morning, but he can only come in at 10:15am which I can't wait coz got meeting at 10am. So will c him tmr morn to make sure. My girl still moving quite alot, so I'm not tat worried, waterbag not burst and no bleeding and pain. Really scare out of my wits, imagine when I was turning and swirling my car, I can see the tree in front of me, luckily my car able to stop rite at the kerb. So gals, really have to cherish what you have and take good care of urself.


That was terrible, I always remind my son not to hold the belt and dun stand too near , always stand at the back of escalator. Thankful tat ur boy is ok.
i juz got back fr compass point..watson's have boxes and boxes of kodomo wipes!! Succumbed to temptation and bought 9 packets and remaining bought kodomo baby powder..really small bottle one, 3 for $1.95..hehe

iemiko, u also go to century for pedi?? me too..which one u frequent? I patronise the one opposite mondo and ever went to the one at tampines. Next week me going to try out PINC..see which one is better.. but i hv mani n pedi package everywhr..hahaha jia lat.
Hi Ladies,

I'm a first time mom and newbie here. Nice to know all of u!
EDD: 20 Dec. 2008. Gynae: Dr. Adrian Woodworth. Baby gender: boy.

Now I'm at my 29+ weeks...have gained weight in the range of 5-7 kg. It's been up and down for the past 2 weeks. Is the weight gain normal?

Last week during doctor's visit, the baby was at 1.2 kg. Doctor said it's normal but my sis commented it's too small. I'm a bit worried now :S Anybody can share their experiences?
echo / mum 2nd
Me also having the ribcage pain, but mine is at the side, left side.
I have been wandering what is this, sometimes breath also pain. Sleep also cant toss and turn.. sigh...
I tot muscle pain, I put the oitment and salonpass
, but still no use.
Hope its nothing.

No prob, enjoy talking to you also... :)
glad to hear that u are fine.

my boy also wearing crocs shoe. I must be extra careful with him. But now he like his shoe so much. Once this shoe upgrown i will not buy for him liao. It so scary hor..

Yesterday went for my gynae check up. Total weight gain was 5.8kg and bb weighs 1.2kg as in 28wks and 4days.
Hi Jappooh,

it seems that your weight gain and bb weigh are similar as me. I'm so glad to know that
Is ur bb boy or gal?
mum2ndx- my cousin's crocs got rolled into Genting's escalator.. original also.. then her toenail came off..

my crocs once got caught by the escalator too.. but i took it out before it went in.. so only slight tear to the front..

its quite common.. for both authentic as well as fake crocs.. so when wearing gotta be extra careful lor!
crocs called my hb wif appologies. They will make the compensation by sending a pair of brand new crocs to our house. I told hb, I dun want the same design!! He got another pair o latest design with tigger stripes, i think that's better one. better dun get the very 1st design with holes by the front side. think that's the holes that giv escalators advantages to grip tightly!
mum 2ndx:
dats not the q1st time dat crocs shoes are caught in the escalators... i will think twice now to get any BB or kids crocs for my BB. thank god yr boy is ok =)
apart from 1 infant care ctr & 2 babysitters i visited in aug, i visited another 2 infant care ctrs after my exam today. the first one is http://www.jamiyah.org.sg/gcdc/ and the second one is http://www.learningvision.com/Parent/centres/republicpoly.aspx

the 1st one is the cheapest infant care that we managed to find. it has no air-con which is good, coz our house also no air-con. we don't want the baby to be used to air-con. i think most likely we will choose this one. although v leh chey, have to take a bus fr home to interchange 1st, then take a bus to drop baby at infant care ctr, then take a bus bk to interchange, then take a bus to workplace in the morning. and i'm super-worried on the 7pm/2pm deadline to fetch the kid from work.

the 2nd one, haiz, sad to say i don't like LV's customer service & "over-population". LV@RP has 2 storeys. just the infant care side, already have 14 infants (another joining soon, so 15) and 6 teachers. from what i understand from them is that they have HFMD more than once. the rest of the things of LV are still good - facilities, spacious, feeding, systematic programme, record book, blah blah... 1 more thing is that it's also v leh chey, from the bus stop at RP, i took 10mins to walk to LV which is located at the end of the campus. from the front of RP i took 25mins to walk home (it's not nice when having swollen ankle). the other 2 options will be i take 2 buses to go home. or walk from RP to interchange n take bus home. the 2 options are not nice too, i think LV@RP is good for those who drive.

i got a call that another infant care ctr under NTUC which opens in Nov will have open house this Sat. will try to visit.

2nd Baby - don't know where's beauty language... also don't know got anyone near my home.

Santorini - 1 drop is 1 pump of J&J or like around 50 cents coin of amt?

jowinbaby - thanks for picture

mum2ndx - good tips. i was still thinking of putting bath tub at living rm table with clean clothes & diaper, etc and sit on sofa to bathe baby. heard that genuine crocs also got such prob. do remind ur son to stand in middle of the escalator step.
juz..the ratio of infant to teacher is okay ah... recommended by MCYS..so i dun see any issue wif it. by the time u send bb thr, ur ankle will not be swollen liao lar..hahaha. Remember to ask if they plan to increase the price or not cos i heard alot of child/infant care plan to increase their fees.
emeraldbride - what i mean by over-population is they really have lots of kids there... infant section is just one smaller section of 14, toddlers really a lot, nursery, K1 & K2 also a lot. HFMD and other kind of illnesses can spread more easily. the first one i visited today has 2 infant care teachers with 4 infants, 1 infant graduating to playgp soon. the one i visited in aug was under NTUC and had 2 teachers to 4 infants as well.
oh.. shouldnt the infant care section be separated?? the one that i enrolled with have a special room, kitchen and bathroom for infants and the teachers are dedicated to infants..but max onie 10infants to 4 teachers.
emeraldbride - yes, all sections separated. but to go to infant section, i passed by the toddler section which has more than 20 and i passed by the nursery section which has more than 15, didn't check out other sections like K1, K2, student care.

the amount of infants there already want to make me faint. they will take the maximum of 20 infants and the number is turning 15 soon. 15 infants means 15 chances of catching illnesses if spread. their 2 cases of HFMD i think are within the span of 1 yr.

as i mentioned i think their customer service is not there. the principal is really young lady, maybe younger than me. i sent her an email saying that i will like to visit today afternoon and that was about 3 weeks back. She replied to look for herself or Teacher P. then i asked her how to locate LV@RP (i asked in my 1st email but she didn't answer that part so i asked again), coz i'm not familiar with campus, she didn't reply at all. i tried calling about 8+am, 9+am, 12+pm, nobody answers until about 3+pm. I asked her over phone if I could look for her when I reached, she told me to look for Teacher S instead. although she was ard when i reached, even face-to-face, she didn't smile or say anything to me. i think basically the greetings n briefings are done by teachers only.

anyway, i think as long as u r comfortable with the infant care u r enrolling ur baby to, it will be gd. so far the centres i went to, i have never seen so many infants, toddlers, etc... that's why i put "over-populated" in inverted commas.
hey giggle

your weight gain and bb's weight sound very similar to mine, at 29 weeks I had put on 5.5kg and bb was abt 1.3kg. Doc says at 28wks bb should be about 1kg
you said theres a open house for infact care on sat? where is it? any website or details? cus i want to intro my frd. Thanks
Juzyounme, sorry for the late reply. My hubby bought some tapes from those DIY shops last year...it's black and thick...very very strong leh. I use them to hang my framed pictures. So far so good.

NTUC having Nepia diapers sale! I kiasu... M size also take. They're going quite fast...can drop by and have a look if you're interested. ^_^
hurray!! its fridae!! tmr can c baby kayson. wonder wat's his current wt. hehe. ^^

sure. no prob. =)

LV is juz a "branded" name for care child. i still cant get ova my disappointment wif them. for infant care, u muz reali stay there for a few hrs to observe how they handle d babies. hav to be comfortable wif d teachers n principal as well.

mi bought nepia diapers from NTUC as well. hehe.
iemik0 and emeraldbride, i also frequent PINC for mani and pedicure previously. but now pregnant, hubby pantang ask me cannot do mani and pedicure.

tamms, ur doc say bb at 28w should be 1kg? faint... my baby is 1.5kg at 28w5d and my doc say is at average weight.
my workplace got funding to open a childcare wor! keke.. but it will be VERY ex coz of the location.. well, dun think they will have infantcare.. hehe.. so aim put my Hayden here from 18mths onwards only lor..

i think i found a day time nanny liao! think only..coz i got my ex house owner to ask her friends, then that day she sms me told me she found someone.. will call me to let me know.. but that was monday and today friday liao still no sound.. well.. hope lor.. what to do.. keke..

HFMD is very common in children.. though most children get it probably from their CC but public places are very potential as well. to prevent or minimise is to make sure the care giver, school, or even ourselves practice good hygiene practices..

when i was playing at my childcare teaching stint, i caught HFMD also.. keke.. i was the 2nd adult patient my GP saw.. i caught it from a child whose parents refuse to keep the child home and was in denial that the child has HFMD.. haha.. and i was in charge of the quarantine playroom that time.. it was just me and the boy for 4 days before i came down with it..

i also agree that if a CC has no aircon, its definitely better.. the first school i taught in was in set up in a semi D.. and its fully aircon.. i was having runny nose and sore throat almost every month.. then when i change to another cc with no aircon.. i stop falling sick too.. imagine my immunity vs a child's immunity..

mimi.. my baby was 1.3kg at 28wks.. dr say good! keke.. coz my tummy small so means baby growing well.

I think 1 drop of J&J is literally 1 or 2 drops...not 1 pump which i think it's quite a bit and definitely not a 50 cents puddle of it...

the bathtub is actually very small...so if you put a pump or 50 cents of the soap into the tub, i think the baby can have a bubble bath liao...hehe....
Good morning!!!recession coming soon...economy doing bad...thought of changing job after birth...but now am not sure if it is that east to find a new job...!!

1 drop is less then one 5 cent lor. as you only fill up bathtub with very little water so 1 or 2 drop will do. think you shouldn't be seeing bubble - that is too much
i agree with phyl, even Little-Skool House have cases of HFMD, unavoidable lar.. Juz, when u say not much infant, it could be some of them went home or their parents din send them thr on that day itself..haha, who knows. However, the final decision of course comes fr urself and ur hubby. U must be comfortable with the way they handle ur baby and you are okay with the teacher.

For me, not answering phone is minute matters cos they could be busy which is also a good thing, meaning they are pretty hands on with the kids..you wouldnt want the teacher to be sitting ard waiting for phone calls mah..hahaha. Always 2 way to look at things lar..

Normally baby wash is soap free, so dun need to use alot. Usually 1 or 2 drop on the palm and then apply all over baby is sufficient. Of course in order not to make the water murky with soap, u will use a small cup to scoop up the water and pour it over the baby (outside the tub)..tat's how i observe my mom does it, esp during hair washing.
you just spin your ankle? take care hor! dun go too much of shopping!! haha

That day the talk you were wearing jeans right? i so envy you leh! i cannot even wear my jeans liao! =(

Anyway gals did you feel ya baby's bones? rubbing across your tummy? its kinda ticklish that i felt it. haha
Haven't gotten over the rashes yet
Gynae didn't expect my rashes to be so severe. She says the worst case is that it may be fatal for the mother! She wants to monitor my condition & tell me to go back to her in 2 wks time. Really hope the itch & redness goes away soon..

Oh really, 1.8kg at 29wks is considered average? Mine is 1.1kg at 28+wks & gynae also says average. Hmm.. seems like different gynae has different measurement charts..

My bb is about 1.1kg at 28+ wks & I've also put on about 6+kg so far. So don't worry too much, okie?
Here's the estimated weight chart:

Dun need to envy me...those were maternity jeans....but very soon i think i wont be able to fit into them also....Was telling my hb at the rate i'm growing, soon i will have to go to office naked...
lol. sorry Santorini ... that's farnee ... I think people will run off screaming at the sight of a naked PREGNANT woman strolling casually into the office ...
hahaha i also leh.. every morning i keep changing alot of clothes, cus all cannot fit sia. so sad..

Help me update my baby girl's name is Clarice Chew

My company told me i got 11 days of leave. my EDD is 25nov. So i guess my ML will be taking on 21nov and before my EDD i will be taking 11 days of leave. So meaning nov 6 is my last day of work! Due to management dun wan to be SO manfan. they ask me to take 4 months at one go. Im quite sad and unhappy about it. as i hope to 3rd and 4mth to sometimes go back to work and sometimes stay at home. Due to management meeting they ask me to take 4 months at one go. HAiz. NOt sure whether is this a good or bad thing.
Giggle, yr bb wt is ok. My bb wt at 29 wks is also at 1.2kg. My gynae says the wt is fine. But I put on more wt than u, around 11 kg.
okie fabbie .. i take note ... won't post the table yet until more people update their details .. or else the thread gets longer and longer
scarletGal ...

so is what you have PUPPP? My friend had that too during her pregnancy recently. She had to pretty much stay in air con the whole day and night to NOT aggravate the rashes ...

To read more about <font color="ff0000">PUPPP</font>, visit CLICK HERE
yesterday went for my regular check up with gynae... Everything fine..

I'm at 31 weeks+ and bb weighs 1.9kg.. Doc said my bb's weight is at the 63th percentile... which is good... I however have put on 12kg... Sigh... but doc said nothing about my weight...

Yeah I can feel the bb's elbow or kness jutting out frommy tummy (very cute!!) but because I have an anterior placenta... The kicks aren't that hard.. My placenta helps to cushion my bb's kick!!

I ask my doc about Group B strep as I had it earlier during the pregnancy... she said she will check me again at 36 weeks.. She said this bacteria comes and goes... Like playing hide and seek...

ladies, dont worry abt yr weight.. i've put on 16kgs since my pregnancy!!!!!

My weight gain started after week 19, which i increased ard 1-1.5kgs each week... now gynae told me that we are supposed to put on only 0.5kgs per week, so i have to watch my scale real frequently!
