(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

hi, emeraldbride,
like to ask y cannot eat the coconut flesh??.. mi 7 1/2 mths liao... i started taking coconut two weeeks ago... once weekly... finished the flesh also... hahah.....

WHO recommends breastfeeding for at least 6 mths.
If called formula milk agent for samples, they will say breastmilk is recommended for bbs too. They will encourage formula milk only after 6 mths if really necessary.
Anyone need babysitter to help look after their kids/bb whilst away at work? I have this very, very good and experienced bbsitter to recommend. She is currently looking after my son who will be going to childcare in January. She stays at Simei blk 163. Anyone need one, please email me : [email protected]
2nd baby,
thanks. she tried to prolong her pump interval n end up got infection. so poor thing. i thought she stretch too long liao.
oh now then i saw the web hor. yday the talk should have all these

Lesson 6
(Doctor’s Talk)*
• Husband’s Role during Childbirth
• Problems Associated with a Newborn <= didnt even talk about it?
• The Process of Labour <= Didnt talk Much
• Living with the In-laws
• How to Raise a Brighter Child
• Post-natal Depression
• Back Care &amp; Postures <= didnt even talk about it.
• Instructional Video<= Didnt even see it.
Fabbie, 2nd Baby, Sam &amp; Phyl
Ya I also think GP can't do much thats why i'm not going to waste my $ seeing them. Just that sometimes i feel like I'm really short of oxygen. Perhaps I shd get myself an oxygen tank for that! hahaha

Going to try and see a Chiropractor. Apparently, my colleague had the same problem for her 1st pregnancy and the Chiropractor helped her by massaging and lengthenly her torso muscle to create "more space". That is what i need now, Space to breath without Bryan sticking his legs or buttocks on my lungs!
Hi Mummies

Do any1 of u know if there is any place tt has discount for Avent Steriliser? My friend lent me hers but i afraid later i spolit hers so thou its better i buy i myself la.

Btw, heard tt Avent sterilsier need to use its own medi tablets. is it true? Can buy from any place except from their main ofc @ Philip?

If i buy pigeon steriliser, can put Avent milk bottles inside?
mum2ndx, infection ah. If engorgement still ok tho very painful.

xiaohwa, pigeon rapid sterilizer is quite big, can fit most bottles. I place my pigeon and avent bottles into it to sterilize
ytd i got this terrible ache , think it's ribcage area stretch til back. like i have finish 1000 sit up men...when i yawn or breath in deep, i can feel the ache. ouch! last night worst, i cant even bend down to take my boy's potty! then today better.. strange...
xiaohwa, kiddy palace has a promo.. $150 comes with bottles and also a cooler bag i think.

usual price with no freebies is 171.. but now most places have 20%.. e.g OG

if u are talking abt the steam sterilizer.. then no need for the tablets.. coz use steam ma.. not dip inside water one..

pigeon sterilizer can put avent and vice versa.. there are quite alot of ppl selling their preloved set in the WTS section.. check it out if u wanna save money..
Hi 2nd Baby &amp; Phyl

I heard tt pigeon 1 dun need tablet n Avent 1 need. is it true? So u both buy pigeon steriliser n can put Avent bottle in it?
xiaohwq, pigeon rapid sterilizer dun need tablet. yes, can fit avent bottles.

mum2ndx, I bought cooler bag. Gd enough to store milk for 4-5 hrs with ice pack.
lol adel.. i did told myself also! that i need more air. and i need a mask or something like that. but always tell doc that im breathless he like treat me like normal so aiya. dun wan to care. just bear! still got 7 more weeks!
Hi 2nd Baby

Thanks alot.... I will go cc lklk on the Pigeon steriliser.

Sigh, need go shopping again.....So tire to shopping these days. Get tire easily.
Hi Christine, welcome!

Bubblepearl &amp; Emeraldbride,
Nice meeting u ladies for lunch! Next time we makan again =)

2nd baby,
What cooler bag you bought? I also looking for something tt is not too ex...

Avent also dun need? Sigh...my friend tell me tt need put medi every 2-3 week to clean the steriliser itself n i ask 1 store n they said now no longer can buy from market, hv to buy from Philip itself.

But i go Philip website to check the user manual for sterilsier, n its only mentioned tt we can de-scale steriliser by either mix vinegar w water or mix 1 sachet of citric acid (10gms) w water to clean the empty steriliser.

Sigh....so confused now.
xiaohwa, when u buy the sterilizer, it comes with a few packets of citric acid..

the sterilizing tablets can be bought easily at most places incl NTUC.. but not avent brand lor.

So if we need more citric acid where can we buy? Have to buy from Avent/ Philip itself?
Meaning for sterilising the bottle, its just using steam, n only for de-scale of steriliser then we need use citric acid. For Pigeon 1, also like tt?
Hi bubblepearl,
the Pigeon rapid sterilizer is $95 at the chinatown shop. I still waiting for my hubby to get it together on a weekend...

Hi Luthadel,
Please go see a chiropractor, it really helps. My colleague who's in her 37 wks used to have backaches since her 2nd tri, but after i urge her to see a chiropractor, she has no problem since then. I oso see my chirpractor once a week.
I thougth citric acid is more for descaling the sterilising unit. The normal sterilisation depends on the steam.

In any case, you can subsitute the citric acid with Lemon juice (less chemical better)
when i bought my pigeon steriliser the lady also said that to clean using lemon / lime.

AdelChia / bubblepearl, nice having lunch wif u gals too!!! We will do it again next time..hahaha
usually friday better cos i can have longer lunch.

adel, try not to walk too much ya!!! but i supposed at the last few weeks, u will be breathless, so shuld be normal bah..

liz, i not sure y cannot eat the flesh but my mom ask me not to eat leh.. hahaha. I will start drinking coconut water after 32nd week (8th month)..dun wanna drink too much of it as well since i dun really like coconut..hehe
Hi gals...

Yeah The steam sterilizes ur bottles.... the citric acid or vinegar is use to clean the sterilizer... get get rid of odour... I know the pigeon brand just need water and actually very little water...

just dilute the lemon/lime in water and switch on the sterilizer... without bottles...

The acid will remove any impurities stuck on the walls of the sterilizer...

Like how some people use vinegar to clean kitchen table top...
which model did u get? mus keep in freezer over the night before each use right? did u still put ice pack inside to enhance?

the pigeon cooler bag u mention, is it the one they joint with FTG? how many hours can it keep cool? the "baby fridge" model (i think older model) can only keep cool for abt 4-6 hrs. dunno sufficient or not.
Hi gals,
I get a "throb" feeling at the bottom of my admomen... It's a wierd feeling. it's like having a heart beat that doesn't beat v fast there. Any of you gals having the same thing?
I also am experiencing rib pain, just under my bust line. Hurts when I turn in bed, sneeze or yawn. My gyane says it's part of normal pregnancy pain. Something about the baby growing and squishing the organs/muscles in the rib area. Gynae says there's nothing that can be done to relieve the pain. However, I did google and they say you can take tylenol/panadol or use hot pack. I also got my husband to massage the area, and that helped a bit.

Is it like little jumps that repeat every few seconds? These are foetal hiccups. Babies have hiccups to help them strengthen their diaphragm and practise breathing. I think you are more likely to feel them in the 3rd trimester, also babies can start having them from 2nd trimester onwards. Foetal hiccups are quite common and are not harmful to the baby. I get them from time to time, and my bb usually gets quite irritated when she has them, because she usually starts kicking a lot after the hiccups start. So cute!
mum2ndx.. me nv use b4 yet leh.. but it has a FTG logo on it.

Adel, ya.. the citric is for the descaling.. normal bottle sterilizing is using the steam..

toonies: Fridge to Go.. its a cooler bag brand

by the way.. its selfix at vivo.. not homefix.. keke.. raining leh.. but need to go site.. byebye
thanx. hehe. will try out tis wkend. =)

i don remember which model wor. every dae afta use i will juz place in freezer n use again d next dae. can kip cold up to abt 8hrs. din put extra ice pack inside, if not, defeat d purpose of buying FTG. =p
snowger.. ya i got also. is like tu.. pause pause tu.. pause pause tu.. pause pause and is not like baby heart beat tu tu tu so fast one. hehe. i just ignore it. starting tout whats that. but i think is part of pregnancy ba. lolx.

Echo is best not to eat those outside panadol ba. just bear with it lor =( i also wana cry for the pain at times. haiz. just bear with it ba.
other then ribcage pain, my right buttock is bery painful too, since 2nd month.. esp when i need to use that muscle to turn or stand up when i was lying on the bed...sob sob,, sometime the pain wil shock me cos it's like those sore n sharp pain...never have these nonsense for my 1st pregnancy..
hi gals, me back at home. everything is fine and me on 2 weeks hospitalisation leave. my bleeding (1 time yst morning) is due to low lying placenta. will be back to work on 20th Oct.

btw, my baby is 1.8kg at 29w2d. gynae say baby is at average weight.
nice meeting u at SCGS last nite.. It was abit dark.. paisay..can't rem a few other mummies names/faces. hopefully there'll be another gathering sometime soon b4 we all pop

thanks for keepin me company thru'out the talk.. can't imagine how boring it would be w/o u gals ard =)

I've been experiencing cramps at my lower abdoment area for the past few days. Its quite bearable at first.. but can become quite painful when it comes on when I'm walking.. anyone experienced tat? is it normal??
Ah Bur...still thinking want to buy or not..big tix item leh..

I am hungry now...just go to canteen and grab a fruit cake..auntie say quite nice.
