(2008/09) Sep 2008

Angeline - if the back of the head is sloping like the head in the picture, then its flat head. Its very obvious, cause the head structure is sloping to one side. now botak should be easy to see. Looks quite sharp on the fav sleeping side.

Hope sumo gets well soon!

Probably body is stressed from all the Christmas shopping so missed menses. Heehee...

We just got back from a dinner and R Boy was so cranky. He wants his bathe, massage and bed and was kicking up a fuss.

R Boy is yanking my hair too, same 'hobby' like lil S. I found a strand of my hair in his mouth this morning.

Yours all 'Imported Goods' hee..ee. Mine 'local products', all year end after the SC marathon, must run the last race. R Boy ran the marathon with me last year.
Morning, Mummies.. Me working today. Sighz!! Had a bad bad night with Little J not sleeping.. Somehow, last night, he was not in deep sleep and kept waking up every 2hours or so from 9pm onwards all the way to this morning
I latched him on at 9plus, then 10 plus, then 11plus (still hungry) and we fell asleep together at the 11plus feed and I went to bed past midnight, hopefully to have some sleep. Guess what?? He woke up again at 2plus for milk and doze off and then work up again at 3plus for more milk.. and he refused to sleep until 4plus in the morning..then 6plus woke up again.. my boobs worked the most last night, now deflated! Hubby was on night shift somemore.. now me a big panda.. What is wrong???

Hi, Crayon

YOu no bad mummy.. dun be upset.. we are all trying our best to provide our little miracles..must monitor little sumo well..

Hi, Angeline

I wan to shave my little J too but my MIL disapproved (ya, its her again!!!) cos she said not in time for CNY! My goodness.. there are already patches on both sides and behind too.. she still disapproved us from shaving little J hair.. like that, little J looked worse, like a pek pek like that
Sayang little sumo... The first fall is always hardest to stomach but don't be too hard on yourself. Just make sure u take precautions and not let it happen again (having said that, I think Josh has fallen quite a few times off my bed. I'm trying to be more careful with jonas).

They are all "local" products i.e conceived after we are back in SG! Not made in HK lah..

Thanks for contact. As far as I can see and feel, his head is nice and round, not flat but I'm concern abt the neck muscle.
Springz, you are so funny... 1 year ago we were so hopping that the indicator will be positive.. now we LONG for it to be negative.. For me, negative is really a GOOD news.. if Positive, is super bad.. hahaha
<font color="0000ff">Happy Boxing Day!!!

Hope everyone had a merry merry xmas with ur loved ones &amp; of coz the little ones. I had a tiring yet enjoyable xmas. Think Max enjoyed himself too. haha.. he was like a clown coz after dressing him up in his santa claus suit, everybody became 'paparazzi'.. cameras clicking like nobody's business.. scary!!!

haha.. believe it or not!! I held my breath as I was reading through the posts!! Was wondering if u would b the 1st in this thread to announce u are preggy again

i dread to think if the same would happen to mi.. muahahah.

oh no!! Hope little sumo is better already. Poor mummy. lack of rest now

now after posting the pic... i'm worried. have to go back to see if Max's head is like tat too.. coz he loves to sleep on a particular side too

so sad!!! my sterilizer juz broke down on mi!! sighz... searching for the receipt high and low. hopefully I can find it.

Pulling of Hair
oh.. Max pulls my hair too... OUCH!!</font>
morning mummies!

Jojo: bet you must be shopping right now! traditionally, that's my shopping day too! But I had to report back to office today so I just went to Isetan Private Sale and grabbed the McClaren Quest stroller I was eyeing and left quickly! The Q to enter was long cos they need to verify if you're cardmember. Q took about 8mins and then I got my stroller, went to pay (alot of cashiers) and collect item and left, all within half an hour!
Fast yah?

Pulling of hair: GuniBoy grabs my hair too when I dun tie it up! So my hair is always in a bun or something when I'm at home these days! I think short hair would be worse cos they can still reach for your hair, especially since they like to be carried in an upright position.

Springz &amp; l'l CY^^l'l CH: I would prefer a closer age gap too, when our body is still very much used to a new baby's routine and we do not have to adjust to it all over again.
I think 18mths or 2 years gap is just nice. But like what I'l CY^^I' CH mentioned, it will be taxing if both the kids go to oversea uni at the same time, especially if you have a boy and then a girl later on. But I believe somehow we'll be able to manage cos He'll provide! ;)
<font color="0077aa">Smallberry loves to grab &amp; scratched me!! And his fingernails are sharp lo even when I have already cute it!

Gunibabe: I love to have another one cos I am currently enjoying this little one! But I cannot imagine how much couple time with hubby if another one comes along cos now our time is all revolved around smallberry!!!

Xuanting: Thanks dear! Your lil" ting also have nice looking eyes! They can be a match!! LOL!

LC: Smallberry have been waking up like every 3hourly again!! Everday I am hoping he will sleep thru but its not happening!</font>
blackberryB: correct! I plan to start "production" for #2 when #1 can walk, which should be ard 9mths to 15mths timeframe, depending on his development. But if "good accidents" happen, then so be it lah, will embrace the gift! keke

storeberry: I think coupletime is imprt, perhaps set a weekly or fortnightly date with hubby lor, with the help of in laws or parents to babysit the kids. my hubby was just commenting, how to eat if we have 2 kids next time huh? I was like, good question! We'll figure it out when the time comes! haha
Hugs to u !!! Hope Sumo will recover soon. Take care ya.

I was told by the eye practioner that i am not suitable for lasik surgery, but i can't rem the reason now....sigh...if not can join u all to enjoy grp discount

I love to have another one too . In fact regretted now having bb earlier. Hoping to have a 2nd one born in the year of COW leh. But then , i need to get back to my pre-preg weight b4 conceiving leh, if not ,my weight will be out of control
jaymickey - yes!! you captured the emotions exactly!! Last year it is *take deep breath.. positive, positive, positive*.. this year same time it is *take deep breath, negative, negative, negative* hahaha...

sunnysunny - lil S is local la. I'm talking about myself!! hahaha.. me jap product! my mom was posted there for a while

sasa - ya lor! I was really holding my breath!!! I'm sure Max looked like a handsome santa!! pics??

Gunibabe - huh must bun hair? Ah yeoh we become auntified already?

Me me! I also want closer age gap. Initially I saw my nephew (the 2nd born) receiving alot less attention when he was a baby compared to the 1st born. Not that we preferred the FB, but my niece was just learning to talk so very engaging hee hee.. but now looking at them play together, it is really heartwarming. They entertain themselves! Check out the FB pics.. older one will be 4 yrs in June, younger one will be 2 yrs in Feb. The younger one also learns from his sis alot by following her actions (brushing teeth, wearing shoes etc)

so for me, guess i may start trying in jun/ jul.. haha so that 2nd one will be born when lil s is about 1 plus
blackberryB: can start feeding from 4 mths onwards but recommendation is to start them from 6mths onwards, to lower the risk of allergy. But things like rice cereals should be ok, that's why most babies start with that. I'm planning to start on rice cereals when my boy is 5 mths plus to 6mths, already bought Healthy Times Organic brown rice cereals (can get from NTUC or Cold Storage).

Usually start with rice cereal first, then slowly introduce other food in the form of purees. Recommendation is to start one new item at a time, so you can identify if the food is causing an allergy easily.

ok..thanks..from the back view i can see tt her head is quite flat n left side slanted..but from the front cant see any 'flat area'...
hopefully its allright..hubby was saying to use the sarong...so that the head will be round..haiz,my mum was scolding me how come for #1 i take care so nice..yet #2 i didn..frankly,i totally forgot abt changing the head sides when she zz.


how come ur mil so funny 1..norm is mil want to shave n we dun wana shave...hehe..i went to shave yesterday n ended up got scolded by my mum again for doing it early..say shd do on the actual day which is this sat...


wat time u were there? i was there from 8.30-12pm+..damn crowded lor...the maclaren quest got special price? u v cute lei..spend so short time there..


norm is the plain rice cereal 1st..then slowly add on...
<font color="119911">Grabbing and scratching babies – looks like everyone's babies are doing that now. I cut K's nails short and file them, but somehow, they are still scratchy.

Springz (springz) – am happy for you that the test turned out negative, if that is what you want! I would love to have another baby (girl), but no where so soon – as it is, our lives are already so revolved around K, I can't imagine having another one so soon and still having alone time! Once I stop BFing, I am going back on my pill to make sure accidents don’t happen!

Btw, my hair is up in a bun most of the time when i am out - i hope i don't look like an auntie then!

Crayonshinchan – hope ur sumo baby is ok already</font>
Hi Mummies... Happi Boxing day,....

Brought my boi for the 5 in 1, rotarix &amp; pneumococcal jab just now...

he's weighing 8.5kg, hgt 69cm @ 3 mths 1 week.... my PD says that he's a mature bb... hee hee
GuniBabe: wow,you act so fast!!I just start to gather informations now :p cereal will cause baby constipation?

Angeline, plain rice cereal can add into milk and feed together?

Today so quiet!
whoa Jo! 8.5kg! you are feeding him well!

bigtoes - so farny heh.. i want a boy next!!
in a way was hoping for negative coz very soon but if positive will also be ok one la.. haha

i'm pretty worried for lil s.. she is 3 months 3 wks already but still not very strong in her neck. She hates tummy time and can def not be placed in a bumbo as her neck will flop back and forth
telling myself not to kan cheong and compare!
springz... nw u r having a boy rgt? y dun 1 a gal next?

if mi... i 1 a gal... 1 boy 1 gal... just nice.....

bt for c-section my gynae says tat it's best to wait for 1.5 yrs....

for natural... i think can liao rgt?

for those who having c-section... hw's ur scar? mine still redish leh.... not reali recover yet... gynae still gif mi medication.....
Springz: my boy neck also not very strong..when tummy time, he can lift up and hold but awhile only..he not enjoy his tummy time..not to worry to much,different baby have different development!
Angeline Goh: me no choice leh, was with hubby and he's the impatient sort who would rather pay full price and shop without the crowd whereas I'm the cheapo one who want to save the $$$! haha ... I left hse at 9am, reached there at 912am, Q for 8mins to get in, then grabbed and paid and left by 940am and was in office by 10am! super fast right? keke

Quest got special price, but not that much savings lah, it was $368, IPS at $298 and got free liner. Savings is only 19% nia, but better than nothing lah, plus I have $30 Isetan voucher, so go and squeeze lor! haha
You bjorned Carine to the sale? what did you get?
blackberry: my friends recommended the cereals to me, I didn't do much research, read the rest of the information when the other mummies posted the links.

Bigtoes: no no, you don't look like an auntie at all even when you bun up your hair.
you're a pretty and hot mama!

Jo: I think your boy got you and hubby's genes. I rem he was also growing very fast when he was inside your tummy yah?
so fast hor, the way they grow!
First day at work... Ahhhh!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M AT WORK NOW!!!

Your baby so healthy... My boy weighed only 5.9 kg at 3mth 1wk.. Now im starting to worry if he is ok...
<font color="119911">Forum is quite quiet today - think some mommies are out shopping?? Loads of post-Xmas sales going on
I stayed home to bake a bread-and-butter pudding instead, and grubby &amp; hubby are sleeping! Both piggies...

GuniBabe (gunibabe) - hah, thanks
i know its high time i changed my hairstyle, but i can't stand having any hair touching my neck, even in a ponytail! Can't leave my hair down also, cos hubby reckons i look like (a very fair) SPG if i do that!

Jo (jgwee) - my C sec scar is also abit red, but no soreness/itch. Btw, my gyne said to ideally wait 2 years for the womb to heal before trying for another baby.

8.5kg, 69cm @ 3 mths 1 week has to be a new record!!</font>

before i forget..my memory these few days very bad..keep forgettinh things..


Happy Birthday!! enjoy your special day with your loved ones..
<font color="0077aa">Jo(gwee): My c-sec scar also abit red but same as limay no soreness / itch... Your son is heavy weight champion!

Springz: I want a gal next time!! LOL!</font>
Jo- The PD got say he is consider big size. mine that time went to polyclinic, the doc say baby K was consider big size, asking if his dad was also big size.that time around 3 mth 2weeks bought him for his 1st 5 in 1 inject already weight 7.8kg. nw the longer i carry him, my right shoulder ache

blackberryB- till now next week is 4mth le my boy when put onto his tummy he kinda of lazy. lift up for a while then he doesnt want to lift.bt when carry uplight he is ok but his head still tend to fall back

jo- mine also red. wondering if the scan will slowly fade off
I think everyone' babies are growing so well. I thought my boy is heavy but 8.5kg is indeed a new record. Declan is only 7.5kilos at 4 months!!!! Koras, I think K is quite big sized yah?

Flos / Sunrays / all shopping ma mas- Today was a rather significant day ... it's the first time I visited Du Pareil and I fell in love with the things there. Sunrays - to ur point re Little Colette, I think i would be broke if I had a little girl. Have u seen all the stuff they have at Du Pareil for little girls???? I wish I could wear them!

Gunibabe - u r indeed efficient! I think that's the way to go because I no longer have the energy... I went shopping today with the hubs and we barely lasted 4 hours! (lunch included) ... sigh.

Has anyone NOT have their periods yet? I'm breastfeeding and there's no sign of it (I'm not complaining) but is it normal?

Springz - :D I was like sasa - reading the posts as if this was a gripping suspense story. hahaha...ur gut feel is damn zun eh?

Crayon - yes, hope Sumo is back to his chuckling self soon. if after 48 hours and he is fine, then it should be alright.

QUESTION - does anyone know where I may be able to buy a COVER for a Britax car seat? We were given one today but the cover is quite old so we were thinking of buying a new one.

KymKym - I was really say that the video on ur FB with Lett Lett holding the bottle on her own was AWESOME! I asked my nanny to watch and told her that Mini D isn't developing as fast. hahahaha....
she said "ok, we practise". What Mini D can do is to hold a ball and "throw" but "throwing" just means letting go of the ball and it falls onto the ground. ha ha....

How was everyone's Xmas? Mini D had a great time coz he got to stay up late 2 nights in a row but now we r having a tough time putting him in bed by 730pm (which is his norm). This evening, he wailed like there's no tomorrow and I kept having to tell him "we're NOT going out tonight!!!"
Sigh mummies... just realize dat there's another gathering for CNY in Feb.. I wish i can go, but i'm working dat day. So saaddd.. Been joining dis thread but don't noe how each of u looks like...
lanolin- er ya kind of worried that he over weight ahah. but lucky his dad also big size and tall. but i guess next mth injection he might it 8.5 already i guess.

strange but not sure why when baby k at my parents hse at night sometime he sleep only 2 hrs and cry very loudly for milk again. but at my house he can sleep for long. wondering isnt that time i pray to the bed god that why.
koras- u pray to d bed god?? seriously...?? hehhehehe. ;p maybe its bcos different environment, so he not used to it... babies r quite sensitive..
Gunibabe.... ya... Mathhias was growing fast when he's in my tummy... hee hee....

Bigtoes.... mine got itchy .. sore leh.. shd i visit my gynae?

Koras....ya I can't crry him for too long oso.. my shoulder damn tired.... bt he dun 1 2 lie dwn leh... always 1 2 sit up! beri tiring for mi... bt is it true that the baby shd not sit too much when he's young? It will affect his spine?

I also hope that the scar will fade off... it looks damn ugly... i still applying those creams which my gynae gif mi...

Hey all.. i heard that Metro sale at Expo having cros sale? anyone been there?

today I went to chinatown market that shop.... call what seng 1... i bought a playmat... at $119... quite alright leh.... i think small small world oso selling.... And the lady told me that the size which I bou might not be coming in already... so those who 1 2 buy can go there.... It's at level 3... If u interested i go find out the address....
My mum never let me make my baby sit in 90 degrees position. She say babies, spine, neck and waist bone still not strong.. So we usally put him in 45-60 degrees position if we want him to sit him up a bit. Other than that, i carry him in upright position. Now i think our babies getting more n more curious, so 1 2 look around, but VERY tiring for us mummies!!! Now when i carry him in lying down position, he'll make noise cos he scared i 1 2 put him to sleep quickly.. So must carry n carry n carry.......
missy -i actually dont believe in all those. bt my HB 2nd in law their daughter also having the same pblm as me. that time baby k is super cracky at night . once put him down to the bed he cry. after praying everything turn good.

Jo- not too sure. but indeed when i carry him upright my hand also get tired very easy unlike cuddle him.hmz.. maybe i guess but see if after praying to the bed god at my mum place see how things goes

by the way noramlly if baby have colic how many months old will it goes off. cox my boy on and off still have wind in his stomach and when he pass out gas he will cry. then i have a hard time trying to make him sleep
hihi! u mommies didn't go shopping today? I just went to chiong the sales from Morning till Evening!!! My damage = more than $1K!!!!!

Got 4 pairs of high heel shoes from Tang &amp; Co, 1 pair of Adidas snickers, 4 tops + 1 pants + 2 pairs of socks from Zara BABY, and my Braun MR4050 handheld blender (only $28 after I wiped out all my rebate points!!!)...

Lanolin: I know!! Isaac has a few pieces from DPAM. But I find the girls' clothes are much prettier
Actually, I prefer Obabi...

Gunibabe: 30min? I walked past Isetan but couldn't get in cos I am not a member

crayon: oh gosh...I hope crayon is well now...

Jo: whooooaaa..8.5kg! very well taken care of

storeberry: I also want a girl next time...so many pretty clothes to buy.

springz: r u not relieved that u r not?!!! lol...

DRINKING LESS &amp; LESS MILK: wondering why my boy is drinking lesser milk these days. Maybe we've been taking him out too often? He is more interested in sleeping then drinking his milk! And when he is awake, he is more interested in sucking his fingers than his teat! Looks like it'll take quite a while before he upgrades to XL Pampers

oh i also bought two blouses from BYSI...I'm going again tomorrow to Orchard to grab more stuffs for next week's new year's eve party! I still haven't bought my handbag...
Wow!!! >1k shopping!!! I'm sooooo envious... I can nvr afford to shop dat much.. If i do.. Hubby n i will eat plain rice n soya sauce n fried ikan bilis.. Hehhehehehe... ;p

My baby also another sleeping prince. He doesn't mind skipping his feed, or drinking VERY little, as long as he gets his beauty sleep.. Quite scary leh.. He's only 5.9kg at 3m1w. How heavy is urs alrdy?
Flos flos - of course I was! That was why I said good news hahaha.. also mentioned that I was holding my breath and saying "negative, negative, negative!"

Hee hee.. me also went shopping today! Soo happy can fit into XS! hahaha! Honestly, I'm really surprised coz my mom and sis ballooned during and after birth. And when I grew to 72kg during preggers and had fat face, arms, body, legs (everything!) I thought THATS it, I'll prob have hard time losing as well! surprise surprise in 3.5 months, I'm now abt 50kg... still not wedding weight of 45kg but hee lighter than pre-preggers (coz I pigged out after wedding)...

Btw, my sis told me I'm drooping!!!
Can I check if it is ok to wear underwired now? (I don't latch but express every 3 hrs)... can't remember why breastfeeding mothers not supposed to wear underwired..
Hi Gunibabe,

You are so efficient. There was a big jam into the carpark and i stuck there for half an hour before i could go in and park my car. Afterwhich, there is a long long queue, i took almost 20 mins to go in...After which the shopping is scary. I only grab the grand piano and some cosmetic and kitchen stuff and left quckily. However i walk over to forum, and spend close to $300 at little colette.... Cannot control when i saw those prince thingy... esp i have try to tahan when i was there couple of time before...

Hi Lanolin, can you imagine, i did not spend much time at the S&amp;E shoe shop at forum... My heart is only focus on baby shopping... Think motherhood does not cure my shopping addiction but change my shopping pattern...

jojobar - what did u buy from little colette? I am thinking of getting one of their diaper bags and a dinosaur coin bank for the boy!

Did u buy anything from S&amp;E? I bought a pair of shoes there during their last sale. I really like some of the stuff there but ... don't think I should be spending...at least not 700 bucks on a pair of shoes la.
