(2008/09) Sep 2008

<font color="0000ff">blackberry
hhmm... my PD oso didnt plot on the graph in the health booklet. Instead she plotted it on her own graph wor.. n juz casually commented abt it

omg!!! Char is so cute!!!! Can I 'chop' her?? or is she taken already???</font>

merry Xmas eve to all ....

Raining ... siaNZ .. stuck at home but tomorrow gg to chiong robinsons ..

Sunrays ,
u can hold start to give Q no already .. so many mummies chopping your little char .. haha ... or start collecting " resumes " for your potential son in law .... your char is simply so cute and irresitable ..
There was once i really cannot tahan..so i bit her arm,hahahahha!!

I didnt do anything to her hair except accessorise it with the antler hairband and tiara....if u are referring to the pong pong hair-it's naturally like that,much to my dismay...

Yes, dressing up a baby is so much fun!! She is only 4mths old but the amt of clothes she have can fight with the amt of clothes I have over the past TWO years,hahahaha!!

As long as Max dun mind a fat chick like her,kekeke....
Jojo: I think most mummies have not let their babies try the FP Grand Piano yet cos it's for slightly older babies. I think the Isetan promo is not too bad, but they have limited pcs, so you have to be there early. If not, can wait till next year's Mattel Sale in May period.

bacon&amp;eggs and cupcakes: I've been wanting to do Lasik for the longest time! Then no more fiddling for my glasses in the middle of the night when the little one cries! also looking forward to waking up and being able to see my sleeping hubby clearly without having to squint my eyes! haha ... I definitely want to do it before I get preggie again cos I had planned to do it this year, but who knows, got preggie! Now waiting for hormones to get back to normal before I go for eye assessment.

sunrays: gosh, i was abt to tell you I feel like biting Char's arms! haha ... but I can resist! hee

sasa: I think it's good that Max wants to drink more cos when they're not well, it's very important to keep them hydrated.
no need to worry.
Merry X'mas N and wishing everyone a Happy New Year filled with happiness and joy (and fat turkey, baked ham, log cakes, xmas fruit cake with rum, free flow of champagne and of coz lotsa pressies...) Ho Ho Ho!!!
<font color="ff0000">Blessed Christmas Mummies!!!</font>

busy busy busy period.. quick post:

Has anyone received a comment like this before, "Oh! Yr baby was born in Sep, you must have been busy in Dec!" I'm like.. what do you want me to say???

Scariest thing is that my mensus didn't come for this month!!! It came in last two months.. breastfeeding throughout this time but it is strange right come then go.. quite unprepared if it really is.... hmmm exactly 1 yr apart n really same time conceived!
Merry Christmas to all the mummies &amp; babies...

hiaz.. today is a rainy day.. wet christmas eve.. supposed to meet my sec kaki at a studio apartment for countdown.. but raining for the whole day and super cold.. so end up we didn't go....

hopefully tomorrow will be a better day... hope to bring baby out for a walk especially tt hub will be on leave on fri... thinking so hard to think of program to make both days a family session..

Spring.. wah! so accurate ah! haha... good luck to you ah... =)
go test!!!

age gap
hmmm, actually after having #2, realise a close age gap is quite good too. by close i mean one year apart, not two years like mine

think it depends on two things, the gender of your #1 and his/her maturity. it also depends if you want #1 and #2 to 'grow up together' or for one to be more indepedent and ready when #2 is here...never really a best time lah, but somehow will survive...

for me, i find two years gap a lil awkward. was telling hb eh if both cy and ch wants to go overseas university then how (they will go uni together with 2 years age gap)...so hmm,..also one consideration leh...
Hi, Springz
Scary scary.. quick go test..

Hi, Jo
I gave my boy barely water (with no sugar) to drink before the injection and on the injection day itself and he never kanna fever. Some mummies will give pao sheng water instead but me concern abt the pao sheng quality I have so give barely water instead..

Hi, Breadmum
PM you liao. Pls check.


Question - I tot if on TBF, there will be no menses right? I have not got any discharge at all..

wrong..tbf will still have menses but maybe sometimes later..ur body still ovulating but with no 'menses'..last time when i bf #1, my menses also came back..hope it wun come back so fast this time round..

MerrY ChriStmas!!
ya LC i also tbf but got menses when lil s was nearly 2 months... i'm scared to test!!!

2nd time today with nearly 6 hr interval for pump. morning still can pump 260. now2nd time 6 hr hope body doesn't drop supply!!
It's me you saw at Bigtoes place with the Bjorn Air. I bought it 1+ years ago at FFY for #1. I think you can get it at a lot of other places now, like Mothercare and Isetan.

One thing about carriers, when they are older and can grab things, got to be careful while shopping. My #1 was pulling stuff off shelf and hooks when I Bjorned her facing out.

I was also comparing their health book. Raph is also smaller than #1 at the same age.

You also planned to go to the zoo today? Me too! We would have met if it hadn't rained this morning. Bad weather.

I think with a close age gap like 1-2 years, the first few years will be very tough. Endless diapers, night feeds and dealing with the 'terrible 2'. Why is it awkward for U with a 2 years age gap?

Go test!
ok this time 230ml. praying hard that body won't re-adjust like in previous times and drop ss!

okies okies will go buy kit tomorrow and update if it is sigh of relief or time to embrace new gift of life
If it really is hor, find it hard to 'mien tui' people! 1st reaction will always be 'whoa so fast or cannot wait or something!'

will go zzz now.. 3 parties down, 1 more to go...
merry christmas to all mummies!

i'm just back from my friend's party. have to leave earlier and quickly start pumping when home cos it had been more than 7 hrs since last pump. pumping milk really affects social life alot :p
Springz: my gynae told me before that even on TBF, menses can come on and off. you may have menses for a few months then no menses for next few months then have menses again. but it's still better to test just in case
WOW MIN!!!!!!!!! Jia you!!!!! Heheheheheh exciting!!!!!!!!!!

<font color="F77777"><font size="+2">Merry Christmas to all September mummies~~~
From lil' Scarlett~~~~



springz, i dunno what to say!!! remember we were just talking abt this a while ago on fb... *gasp* this will be a christmas present to remember if it really is!

merry christmas everyone!
jessi - ya me too feel the same way about expressing and hampered social life? Have you tried movies before? Of course these christmas parties are worse!

But your words give me hope! Really can on off huh!!!!! hahahaha!! Yippeee
Coz I based on 'feeling' one.. i bought a kit when I was 6 wks preggers coz I 'felt' preggers!!

xuanting - i know i know...
go test..keep us updated! *wink*

u reckon we can get group discount if we go in pairs? hee.... I am game to go for it next year..when r u planning? Any good doc to recommend?
<font color="0077aa">Springz: Go test!!!! Wow..!

Jessi: You didn't bring baby to the party? I used smallberry as my pump. LOL!

I brought smallberr to his 1st Christmas party &amp; I think he enjoyed himself!! Even though he was tired, he refused to sleep! Then when we reached home about 12am &amp; did the wipe down, he was chuckling away! And yday he wake up at 1am / 4am / 6am / 7am /8am for feeds!!! I think the last 3 sessions is not real feed, he suddenly cried &amp; fussed &amp; want to nurse to sleep... Mummy today like zombie liao..

LC: I have got a hand me down lucky baby carrier, not good support but not sure if there is a need to buy another better carrier since smallberry is about 6.6kg liao...

Kymkym: Lil' Scarlett is forever so regal-ly cute!

Sunrays: I love her little tiara, she looks like a queen!</font>

<font color="ff0000">Merry Xmas Mommies and Babies!!

Springz (springz) - so how??? update us on the test! My menses is not back yet, and i hope it doesn't come back for a long time, cos it would reduce the milk supply. The last time i missed mine - like 1 week late and i already suspected i was preggers - was in Dec last year and we ended up with little K

dollyNEYUKO (dollyneyuko) - long time no hear! How have you and baby been?


Me on TBF for 4mth plus but never got menses leh.. is it something wrong with me?

Hi, Storeberry

I guess carrier is easily outgrown.. now Little Z is coming to 7kg, perhaps, should invest in one that canlast over 10kg one if you really need to carry him ard.. for me, i only used by baby bjorn when go nearby NTUC, not for far distance, can backache if too long.. haha.. my Little J is 8kg already so no joke.
Dear all concerned mummies.. yes went to buy the kit!

Good News!

My feelings/ instincts were right!!

kit says....




negative!!! whoo hoo!

Means no menses and not preggers for now!

storeberry - yeah! when I was at office christmas party lil s was awake, then at night at church cell group party she was also happily looking everywhere. This morning could hardly open her eyes when we bathed her. Then at morning church service she was again fully alert and didn't cry for her 12pm milk! Only now then feeding her! Sigh later tonight got family party hope she behaves well!!
<font color="0077aa">Springz: Hahaha!! Yah ma, think our babies love parties! I also have a cell groiup party on boxing day, hope he will behave!

LC: My menses also never come for four mths plus, think its normal lah!</font>
SpingZ ...
Haha ... when u say Good news .. i thought U preggy lei .. haha ... Merry Xmas ..

Anyway just to comment also .. my menses also never come this month despite having menses after the first two months of delivery .. anyway not testing cos not worried man .... dun think will get preg loh .

U r so funny! Both my boys were conceived immediately after HK holidays. And I just came back from HK in early Dec. Then my hubby asked "what if".... hahaha!!

Can u PM me contact for the physio? Jonas MIGHT be suffering from torticollis. I can't tell whether his head is flat or not as it's camouflaged by his hair but his neck is definitely at an awkward angle.
why does the physio encourage u to use a bb carrier? Is it to lessen the time spent on a flat surface? For special pillows, we do have the Babysafe infant pillow which has a lobang in the middle.
Merry Christmas mummies and babies ;-)

Its been a tiring week for me.
First, my sumo fell off the bed on Monday (bad mummy). I had to monitor for 36hrs to ensure that there's no vomitting and fits.

Then on Tue night, he was coughing a bit and on yesterday morning he was super cranky and we brought him to the PD. She suspected it was upper respiratory tract infection. Who knows when we reach home, he was running a fever. Sigh.. It din go down even after taking medicine. After a slpless night, this morning his temp hit 38.9 . He was given suppository but his fever is not getting better.. Sigh..

LC, u are normal lor! haaa.. Mine came last month and I was like %#^$@%@Q%Q!!!!!

Gunibb and Bacon, I don mind going oso leh. My sis just did it 2wks back and she's loving it now!! Will be good if there's group discount.. haaa.. I am so not waiting for the time to come when my sumo starts pulling off my glasses and I hate wearing contacts cos my eyes will get super dry at the end of the day.
hey LC and Angeline were talking about cutting short hair right? It is quite a good thing! Lil S has been grabbing my hair and yanking it = painful!!!
o dear, poor sumo... no bumps or anything serious, i hope. better take him to the doc again if the fever still doesn't subside. will sponging help him feel more comfortable?

preparing to go for another party tonight. my bb screamed and fussed at last night's bbq party and i had to keep walking her around so didn't get to eat much; wonder if it might be the smoke and perhaps the lights and noises. hope she'll be in a better mood tonight cos ppl will be singing and all – they're definitely not going to be happy if she screams in the middle of their performance!

crayon, take care hor. keep us updated abt little sumo. hope he gets better soon.
Hi All Mummies,

Merry Christmas ! Love all the picure posted. Marcellus is good boy for the christmas parties. Lots of presents are given to him and he was so engross when his presents are unwrapped ! A big party at home, and guests stay till abt 11 pm then marcellus start to fuss... Today, went to his god mum house for christmas lunch, he was smiley all the way

Hmm hmm, i think i will go down to isetan and see if i can grab a grand piano. Anyway, tomorrow is boxing day, my traditional shopping day...
HO ho ho Merry X'mas!
Omg.. saw all the bbs photos here.. so pretty...kekeke where u all go and take photos one har>>?? always so nicely taken...

how's ur handsome boy ?Reyes?? is he ok now?? dun be patient in feeding him medicine.. no choice.. guess u better keep him at home.. no more party for him...

Today our family of 4 went for X'mas Service.. it was first time for my FB and Cayden... think Chloe enjoys it more.. coz we were in the children room for age 2-3.. so get to play..

Viral Infection,
Guess wat.. remember some time ago both my FB and Cayden was down with fever and was spread my my this BIL... just now i saw him blowing his nose again... omg... how am i going to tell him to stay away from my kids again!! sop sop... so sad.... some time when this kind of things happen.. my only wish to have my own home...

I forgot to let you know that I was quoted US18 for priority shipping. So you should not pay for anyting more expensive than that! I bought in June.. Cos the item itself is very light only and the box is not big. But I ship back by Vpost, cos I ordered quite a lot of other stuff that time, but can't exactly remember how much was it but it wasn't much cheaper or anything. Oh, and it was baby bjorn air that I purchased. But the total was definitely less than 100SGD after conversion. And I also heard of some people buyin ergo brand. don't exactly knows how it looks like but heard it can last longer (as in carry heavier weight). I also don't know how much it cost. So you might wanna check it out. But I do like my bjorn. =) Anyway, tot you would need this info la. =) take care.
<font color="0077aa">Crayon: Don't beat yourself, accidents do happen! Yesss.. pls update us on your lil' sumo! Hope he is better!

breadmum: How do we know if bb has flat head? Cos smallberry has been sleeping flat on his back so not sure if the back of his head is flat...

Smallberry definitely behave better at parties, he refused to sleep even though he was tired (but maybe due to the noise also). Posted pict on FB!</font>
Lok - PM you the contact. Do make appt. She is closed for the holidays these few days. She is ex-KK Senior Physio for kids. If it is, then better do it at this early stage. Feel it with your hands, see if its sloping, like the picture.
yup the carrier is so that there is no pressure made to the skull as our babies skull is still developing. It also helps to strengthen the neck muscles. My little e's head is above average sized so it can be quite tiring for him to balance.
As for the pillow, she recommended The first few years support pillow- one side triangle, one side cylindrical. I had a hand me down version which is 2 triangles.

Storeberry - cause we noticed a steep slope when viewed from the back and he keeps insisting on sleeping only on his favourite side. So it looks like the picture attached.


I must say the excercises have helped greatly and am seeing results already.

C.Ttt- thanks :)

crayonshinchan - will pray for Reyes. u take care as well cause he needs you.

JoJo- enjoy. glad Marcellus loves it.
Blessed Christmas to all!

crayonshinchan: poor baby sumo, hope he recovers soon so mummy can have some rest. mummy, pls dun be too hard on yourself. *hugs* hee, on hindsight, good thing baby sumo got some flesh to cushion the fall, if not his bones may break hor! That's what my mum said to me when I gained some weight! haha, that's her way of consoling me after I didnt lose the weight after giving birth! haha

lasik: let's do it together then!
but I have not done my research on where to go and which doctor to go to. Most of my friends went to the one at Paragon, so far all full of praises and no side effects like halo and poor night visions. Only con of that place is that the service is sometimes not very good, sometimes they double book 2 patients for the same timeslot! But that could be due to the fact that the surgery can be done super fast, in just 10mins or less. Let's compare notes after we've done our research!

springz: hee, somehow I knew you're not preggie too even before I read your post! God will give us the 2nd gift when the time is right!

Menses: I've stopped breastfeeding for about a mth already but there's still no signs of my menses yet, which is good for me cos I dread having menses again after not having it for the whole year! keke

just shaved carines hair botak..can see her left side really flatten..hmm..will check with PD on mon when go for injection..hmm,i stll cant make out the pictures...
Hey Crayon sorry missed yr post - hope sumo gets well soon! Please don't be so hard on yourself. Lots of things happen. My sis just told me her 8mth old baby fell off the ti-lam, which is only a few inches from the floor. I'm no doc but you know the thing connecting the upper set of teeth to the lips? Well it spilt and there was alot of blood. In the end, A&amp;E said it is very common and will naturally heal.. so i guess quite a few babies have falls!

Lok - both made in HK!! haha so farny! Btw I am a Jap product haha! Quality not bad heh?? hee hee.. so buay pai seh...

Gunibabe - haha thanks for yr assurance. yup totally believe in His timing! Even if really is hubby n I will just trust that it is best for us

Btw, saw my niece and nephew playing together! SO cute! think close age gap really got merits.. heard most say minimum 18mths gap and you have a one-time pain for baby needs... not sure but something along the lines that if there is a 3 yr gap then body clock needs to readjust again to night feeds..
