(2008/09) Sep 2008

<font color="0000ff">Flos
oops... he took his 5-in-1 ytd + Pneumococal + Rota...

Hi Mei, Sunray, FLo &amp; Lanolin,

I am alway so tempted to dress my son into a girl when i am in little colette ... I love the stuffs there ..so pretty.
Flos.. agreed with you le.. my boy also started missing one night feed when he is about 2.5 months.. and his weight gain wasn't that much for this month...

Just went to take the pneumococal jab just now.. think its ultra painful lor.. my boy cry till the whole face like "red tomato" lor

he is now 6kg and 61.5cm @ 12 weeks.... both weight and height at 50th percentile... PD say he is of an average size...

About #2: ACtually me and hubby already discussing about it.. was thinking.. might as well suffer one shot then can rest while they grow up together.. since now we are still young.. still can take it bah... was perhaps thinking of trying when EJ reach 12 months or 18months.. but then.. tt's a plan lah.. dun noe will carry out or not... heehee
On #2, I think i will try only after BB reach 12 months. Just thought that to be fair to BB, should give him undivided love and attention for at least his first 12 months...
Storeberry - its ok to carry her upright.

I brought Little e to see a physio yesterday and its confirmed that he has flat head and this also affects his vision. The remedy 4 types of therapy exercises 10 sets 3 times a day for a month. I do noticed hat my little one was so exhausted after each session.

Physio has advised that babies 3 month and above should be carried in an upright position so that it strengthens the bb's neck muscle and helps digestion as well. I guess hubby and i just have to be hardworking and do his exercises for him.

Also, i need to buy a special pillow and a baby carrier for him. Anyone any idess where i can get cheaper baby Bjon? Its really retailing very high. Am concern that after spending $200 plus. it will go to waste when he is one year old.
<font color="0077aa">Breadmum: You can do a search in this forum to see if anyone is selling their bb bjorn, its definitely cheaper if you don't mind 2nd hand. (Search for baby carrier) Another cheaper alternative will be to buy cheaper brands like combi ninna nanna (I think) or Infinatio (cannot remember the spelling..)Opps..</font>
breamdum- my baby K is putting a lot weight le. now even carry upright till my hand get ache after a while. now when put him on his tummy he manage to lift up his head high for long. but when carry him his head stil tend to fall back
<font color="119911">Flos (flos) - i was wearing bikinis the last couple of times we took K for his swims cos i don't even own a one-piece! Tummy fats not too obvious, thank goodness. Finally managed to get one last week from Seiyu.

Oh, and today, i got a new swimsuit from Kiddy Palace for K - the outlet at Compass Point is having a sale - most of their swimsuits are going at 1/2 price!

Also bought the Pigeon Fridge-to-go and additional cooling gel for carrying BM to and fro when i get back to work.</font>

wow..your hair so long last time..n et u can bear to cut it off..nvm..it will grow again


i still considering short hair coz my face face v big..last time during school days i keep short hair..so 'tu'...+i wear spects at home so lagi worse..my salon is next to my blk..its a home based type..the husband from Fox &amp; wife from Kimage formerly..now they shift to a bigger shop liao as they r planning for #3...their prices similar to norm salon though..

infantino.. is not exactly tt good though... em.. i feel the strip like abit filmsy.. so not much support for me and bb... and it can only last till 9kg... em.. dun noe if you saw me using tt day at tampines swensen....

me just bought a bbjorn recently from mothercare... the air carrier cost me about $165 after 15% discount... (original price $199).. so still ok bah.. coz that infantino oso cost about $99 ...

perhaps you wanna drop by mothercare and see see look look =)
Hair Loss

I'm dropping hair too, there will be a thick mass collected at the drainage hole after washing my hair. And Raphael is also dropping hair, looks little funny at the back, half botak.

Are you refering to Dave? His new place is at Paradiz, right?
Hi breadmum,

You can try ebay(US). i bought mine there. ard $100SGD plus shipping. look for power sellers or those with many many positive feedbacks.
Hi, sorry I didn't know the mummy's name.
I saw u using the carrier when we were at bigtoes' house for the x'mas gathering.
Can I know the brand, I find it quite easy to use. ans also what is the price for that. Thks
Hi, breadmum

Little E wil be ok soon with the effort you and your hubby put in.. For baby bjorn, are you interested? I might be able to help you get a discount.. maybe u want to let me know the model u interested and PM me. I will check for you.. how?

Hi Angeline

short hair + specs during sch day?? hmmm.. sound so familiar!!!! Me also like that before.. somemore my lens are super thick so really like the "yo yo yo yo" (one of the character Moses Lim played mant years back).. My face also big big but bo bian leh.. my hair keep dropping.. now both myself and son fighting for hair loss champion. We might have to shave him prior to CNY, dun think can wait till after that, he will look like a AH Pek.. :p
Do u gals still experience slight 'soreness' down there?

I still feel slight 'soreness' at times when i seat down wor.. dunno issit something 'wrong'
flos &amp; storeberry,
I only dare to wear tankini..still spotting those dark pigmentation patches!! ggrr..

Baconboy also playing his hop n pop..but no interest in the toys except he likes to tip his toes and jump all the time. Your smallberry leh?

My baconboy is 6.982kg and 66cm at 3.5 mths. His PD mentioned that he is a tall boy...i am not sure cos i dont have a chart to find out. How do u know if your boy is short/tall?

Baconboy also ran a fever after his jabs..my MIL used a boiled egg to rub the area where the jabs are..seems to smoothen him a bit..

ya..i agree with jeraldin..infantino carrier not much support..we bought 1 last time but didnt really like it..the bbjourn is much better but last till 10kg only for the 'original' model..now i oso seldom use tt coz can feel the strain as soon as i start carry carine.


u oso koe them har...haha..yup,mine is audrey...u going for their new shop opening on 30th? now they move to there not convenient for me liao.last time used to popby whenever i free..


u toking abt the carrier thats 'silverish colour'? should be sunnysunny...hehe


same lor..my degree oso quite high..600/800+ so can imagine how thick my lens is last time..
Merry Christmas in advance to all mummies!

yep, i think if i ever have another kid, 3 years wld be good.

there were two mummies using baby bjorn at big toes place. Sunny sunny and millie. It's the baby bjorn air. I have it too. Love it. But if u have budget, get the one with back support. It costs like $299 before any discount though... (Without support is $199) i can't rememebr which)

i'm dropping hair too!

LC &amp; angeline
that sounds like me too! But i started wearing contacts in sec 2 to try to slow down the increase in degree. Cos by sec 2 my glasses were already 700 degrees!

Sorry to hear abt ur little baby. But the physio will remedy the condition right?
siann..today thought of going up to jewelbox for the xmas mood but they say its closed till 11pm to the public for the diners there only..wah lao,by then the road up sure jammed! now no program liao..
my chubby cheeks sounds so small. She is only 6kg and 58cm! Even shorter than cheeky girl when they were the same age. I went to check their health booklets and found that CG was 60cm.

now my degree is 1000+ le. I am already wearing the max degree for disposables
agree with u..our bbs grow up so fast..

i think i will enjoy baconboy's toddler's years..as much as I enjoy changing his diapers, milking myself and those graveyard shifts..hee..

i am definitely lookin 4ward to 2nd one..but think by the time i am ready...might be too old liao..but right now, like u,i just wanna enjoy my boy.

hey sept mommies,
merry xmas to you and families if we dont see each other in real/online...happy holidays! Have a blessed Xmas!
chubbycheeks not short/small...petite is the word! hee...which is good.."jiao xiao ling long"

U consider lasik for your short-sightedness? I am considering it...i am 500-500 both eyes..if u keen, we do it together..maybe can get group discount!!! hahaha...
Storeberry/C,Ttt - have checked out ebay and awaiting seller's response.

Koras - all our babies are growing mah. mine too will wake up at 2am for his feed. Carrying my little one is also causing aching hand :)

Jeraldin - yup saw you with the infantino the other day, but forgot your nick. wanted to ask you about it. hey thanks for the tip will go mothercare to check it out.

LC - if you can, thanks heaps. Is it cheaper than what Jeraldin mention? the air carrier is good enough since most of the mummies are using this model. But do find out for me how much the synergy one cost as well. I contacted one mummy and she told me $259.

li - flat head syndrome, is caused when babies spend a considerable amount of time with their head resting in the same position. It's most often the result of babies spending a lot of time lying on their backs or often being in a position where the head is resting against a flat surface.They are born with soft, pliable skulls, so when they rest in the same position on a regular basis, their head can develop a flat spot where it presses against the car seat or mattress, it in no way impacts the child's brain or intellectual development.
Another thing that can contribute to flattening is torticollis, which means the neck muscles are too tight, have inadequate tone, or are shorter on one side than the other, causing the head to tilt one way while the chin points in the opposite direction.

lasik cannot? but hor,its not gtd successful.coz my hb did n his 'shan guang' came back so have to wear back glasses again..his degree remain 0 though..
i got no guts to do lasik, altho many have made good comments. Cos I feel this procedure is still relatively new in the sense that the ppl who have done lasik have not grown old yet, and i can't imagine not rubbing my eyes hard as i do sometimes! And i find daily disposables very convenient so guess i'll prob never do lasik!
Angeline - u want to sell yours? i don't mind taking over since its part of the therapy. i will have to get it these few days anyways.

cupcake - yup so long as baby is not one year old, we can do the correction now. the younger they are, the easier as their head can still be adjusted. Once they start crawling and if not rectified, it will not get back to shape. In some cases, it will distort facial, so better correct when early says physio.

u mean the bbjourn? but mine is the Original model..can last till 10kg only..very fast outgrow liao..tink its better for u to get the higher range model like the air/synergy coz they last till abt 13kg i tink..its better..
Hi Mummies....

Wish all of u Merry Christmas &amp; Happy 2009... have a great yr ahead...

26.12.08 i'm bring my boi for jab.. the 3 mth jab... heard will hv fever 1 huh? can i have some tips on hw to lower or fever etc?

so eager to knw his wgt &amp; hgt.... I will rpt here after his visit to clinic on 26.12.08...

enjoy the long weekend...
cupcakes &amp; angeline: hmmm... i know it not mille.
she carried her son all the while in the carrier. I remember she wearing red t-shirt. one of the bf mummy ( she was bfing that day)

by the way, where got sell or have it bought online?

my fri give me a carrier, but it was quite big n need to 2 person in order to use.
Dear breadmum,

We're using the baby bjorn synergy.. love it too, has good back support and makes carrying baby a breeze.. even went to the toy sales with it hehe.. but yes its a little bit pricey, i got mine for $260 after discount
Dear cupcakes,

the procedure is sooooooo fast you won't believe it, my hubs was out in like 10mins after he went in... and i was like 'huh?'.. i even bought a book to read... but didn't even get to get it outta my bag...LOL.. and there was not much of a recovery to speak off, just went with usual chores.. cept that must keep eye hydrated
my face also big. I only cut my hair short once in my whole life. Your hair dresser move to paradise? So can you still go to their house to do your hair?

I still feel the soreness too. I’m also not sure if it is normal, but my sis who gave birth 2 months earlier than me, don’t feel the soreness after 2 months. I have no idea why is it taking so long to heal. Especially after shopping for long hours, the feeling of soreness is even stronger.

Wow, baconboy is really very tall! My boy is 62cm and I think he is tall already. People always thought he is a 6 month old baby because of his height. I think Bigtoes posted the link on the chart once. Can’t tell you offhand as I save the link in my PC at home.

Merry X’mas to all Sept mummies! It’s the 1st Christmas with our baby, I hope you girls will enjoy it as much as I do!
<font color="119911">Baby Charlotte wishes all mummies and babies</font> <font color="ff0000"><blink>MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!</blink></font>
<font color="0000ff">bacon &amp; egg
oohh.. the PD juz marked on her graph and told mi the percentile leh.. mayb u can check with ur PD???

Babies running a fever
Juz wana check how's the appetite of ur babies when running a fever? Max was running a fever ytd.. n the funny thing is.. he was more hungry den ever. Cried for milk every 2-2.5hrs. and each time he finished watever tat was fed to him. usually even after 3 hrs he doesnt even cry for milk. We will juz feed him at 3 hr intervals... hhhmm... skuly he feels hungry when sick. haha, same as my MIL.

n thankfully he's not afraid of jabs or med.. juz guai guai swallow the med when we feed him

All mummies
Have a wonderful Xmas!!!</font>
im feeding my boy formula now, what are the signs to tell if the milk is not suitable for him ?? Is mild diarrhoea one of them?
he was drinking breastmilk until 3mths old, but his "poo cycle" didnt change at all after drinking formula, during BM he poo-ed about 4 times a day, fully formula also 4 times a day. Is this okay?

its sunnysunny..hers is the bbjourn Air i tink..can ask her


no..they going to turn their house back to 'normal' again..their new shop not tt accessible for me coz no mrt to reach..
<font color="119911">Jasmine Yeo (jasyeo80) - check if anyone is selling their carrier on Spore Motherhood threads or on eBay in Spore? If the carrier is not suitable, then most people would end up letting go a relatively new piece for 1/2 price!
Can get pretty decent bargains! We haven't even bought a carrier for K yet - have a hand me down from my SIL, but he doesn't seem to like it (thighs too fat - end up with scratches when he struggles)...so haven't bought the Baby Bjorn Synergy we were intending to. Hubby is however, getting wrist pain from carrying K upright!

Short hair - the last time i had short hair was in Primary school! Have had long hair every since, and now my hair is down to my waist. I just find it a hassle to keep my hair short cos then i have to keep going back for trims. Am really low maintenance and color and trim my own hair! All the money i save on my own hair cuts end up paying for my dog's grooming sessions ($58 per session)!

Lasik - my younger sis also went to get lasik done this year, and it was a breeze. My older sis, on the other hand, had lens implanted into her corneas some years back, and these became uncomfortable recently - had to have surgery done to remove them, and now she is back to specs/lenses.

Okie, am off to my nephew's Bday and Xmas party in a bit!</font>
<font color="ff0000">Merry Xmas to all Sept Mommies!!!
Merry Christmas to all!!!

rain rain go away!!!

Our entire clan actually planned a zoo trip today since it's half day for most. A little gathering before xmas day..but haiz, looking at the rain, can forget about it liaoz...
Sunray, I love your bb pics, Charlotte so cute!how you make hair like this?

Sasa, my gp didn't write anything on the graph..only updated the jab and date!
Hi Sunray,

I love the pic of charlotte ! She is really adorable and you are a mummy who really know how to doll her up ! I love the tiara on her hair...

Other mummies,
any feedback on the FP grand piano for whose who bought it during the mattel sales. I am thinking of getting it at isetan sales on boxing day.

Breadmum, i fix the jumperoo already but yet to put marcellus in. Bue Marcellus is very intrigue by it...keep staring at the toy. Thanks for selling it to me

actually i only go there coffee couple of times. let me know when u free loh

try using the special pillow with a hole from babysafe. i noticed my girl's head abit flat during 2nd month so i bought it. then think now her head not so flat.
