(2008/09) Sep 2008

springz: wow, you ballooned to 72kg from 45kg! that's my pre-preggie weight too and I'm still hovering around 50 to 51kg
But I can't fit into XS! Sob

I also drooping leh, cos boobs was overstretched and now like deflated balloon after I stopped breastfeeding.

Hmmn, we're not supposed to wear underwired bras cos they cause blocked ducts, especially on the area where the wires are.

Flos: you need to show Isetan card or the invitation passes on the newletter to enter the outlet at Shaw. Go apply for the card!
they have pretty good deals sometimes.

how's the Zara baby sale collection? worth checking it out?

Jo_jo: I was with my hubby who is veyr impatient so once he saw the long Q of cars heading towards Isetan Shaw, he made an illegal U-turn and headed straight to Wheelock Place carpark where there's definitely carpark lots! haha ... and once we got in we just zoomed straight for what we wanted. I think this year's sale is alot more crowded than last year. There are so many people shopping and even at 2pm, there was massive jam heading towards Orchard from Newton area. Scary manx! What recession! People are still spending ... hehe ... to help boost the economy! haha

I'm waiting to be back at 45kg too. Sigh! It happened when #1 was 14 months but then I was pregnant with #2 already... I feel I'm losing weight much slower this time.

No underwired cos will cause engorgement for some people.
sunnysunny - whoa you managed to go back to 45 after preggers?? ya i think it will take a while and you are right by then #2!! hahaha... you know last time I used to think why bother at all? Just eat then after officially closing shop then diet but I think have to start early coz later stages harder!!!!

really block ducts and cause engorgement?? Then how??? sighsssss....

gunibabe- yes heard from flos that the zara baby girls collection is nice! I'm so tempted!!!!! hahaha.. btw, not ballooned straightaway la. During wedding night I was already pigging out.. hubby was horrified! hahaha.. there I was squatting in my gown next to the suite's coffee table eating our wedding cake coz I was soooo hungry!! I was about 53kg before preggers then I ballooned. Everyone who saw me was like 'WHOA!' coz I was pretty huge lor...
Hi Lanolin,

I bought the following from Little Colette,
1. A little prince big photo frame
2. A little prince photo wallet
3. A big letter M hanger
4. A first tooth & hair car kee[sake
5. A felt clothe container ( to put on my lower rack of the PP3 stroller).

very tempted on the $80 big piggy bank...and the little prince blanket..
I was working out very hard, ran at least 3 times a week and I was still breastfeeding. But still it took me so darn long to be back at 45 kg.

You can try to wear, I did. Just don't wear it so tight.

Zara's girl collection is definitely nicer than the boy's. Every time I shop for my boy, I'll end up with more items for my girl.
missy: i didn't realise I'd spend so much today...but I really need new pumps cos my feet have grown larger. How abt your feet?

my son was 7kg/64cm at 12 weeks. Shd be a bit heavier and a bit taller now? hehe...

sunnysunny/lanolin: Hey it's right next to DPAM@Raffles City. lanolin baby, I'm surprised u didn't spot it!!! Both Obaibi and Okaidi are under the Jarcadi label. The Isetan Scotts Obabi section has been taken over by PONEY i think

Gunibabe: I never got down to applying it cos I was living overseas until I got preggers a yr ago...looks like I need to find out all the good deals in SG!!

The Zara Baby sale is, well, as usual, mostly winter stuffs...I picked only short-sleeved tees and shorts for my miniflos. I'm not travelling to anywhere cold any sooner... Anyway, still the discount at this point is not very tempting. I paid $75 for everything today. Still pricey in my opinion...

springz: u managed to lose so much weight? good for u!! Anyway, I'm resolved to losing all the fats when I go back to work in jan. for the past few mths, I've been bingeing a lot when I"m home with my boy and maid...sighzzzzzzz...

jojobar: the jam at orchard AND the all the parking lots today was HORRENDOUS with a capital H!!! We were FORCED to park at Four Seasons cos we wanted to attack Zara Liat Towers first...

What did u get from litte colette? I am exercising restraint from little colette cos they are pretty frivolous...

lanolin: i saw the lovely diaper bags too but decided against buying one cos my maid is the one carrying the diaper bag, not me...there are many nice toys but I am worried that the fibre might get into the bb's mouth...as for the nursery items, I can't find a good reason to buy any extras...I've to rationalise....uurrrrghhh...

Where is S&E? Not Sergio Rossi right? Anyway, where can we find Sergio shoes in SG? On Pedder?

I need my a new handbag...where r u, hangbag?!!!
Hi Gunibabe,

Lucky you for your hubby who park at wheelock and save your time. i usually prefer to shop alone as hubby is too impatient.

Lanolin, i did not buy any shoe at S&E today.

think tomorrow town will be jam again... will not go down anymore. probably will go holland village or tanglin mall to shop instead... have a relax weekend...
Flos - YES the jams were bad!!!!! hubby took leave to accompany me to shop (also coz its my bday) and he was quite grouchy with the Q into orchard road, then the Q into the carpark, then the Q for the fitting rooms, Q for the cashier, Q to the restaurant and lastly the Q to get out of the shopping mall and orchard road!! Today was queue up day!!
<font color="0077aa">Springz: My weight is now about 49kg but I also cannot fit into XS! Boobs &amp; shoulders are bigger &amp; wider now so my size is M now..

Litle Colette sounds interesting but I shall go far far away from it!!!

Flos &amp; Lanolin: I passed by Du Pareil the other day, wanted to go in &amp; take a look but was rushing to the nursing room to pump so didn't manage to go.

Today brought smallberry to boxing day gathering &amp; he enjoyed himself! He was very well-behaved there, mummy is so proud of him! As usual he was passed around to entertain.. LOL!</font>
Mummies, thanks for all your love and concern towards my sumo.

He's still nursing a fluctuating fever, throat infection and it seems like the nose is beginning to run as well. Not only that, he's been vomitting like a merlion quite a bit too!

PD said that all these are not due to the fall. But I think if I had been more careful, he wouldnt have fall and I wouldnt have brought him to the PD and he MIGHT have caught some viral infection there.Its really saddening and heartbreaking to see the poor boy suffering.

I really shd have been more careful.

However, one thing good is that the boy is still smiling and kicking happily when he's not feeling the drowsy effects of the medicine. And also still farting a lot like normal! ahhaa...

Lets hope that he'll get well within the next couple of days.
Gunibb, my sis did hers in Mount A. But was a bit expensive at abt 3.1k for both eyes. And I've heard a lot of pple doing lasik at Paragon as well. There's also this new Lasik centre which is newly opened right?

Heee, looking at all the weight and length of the babies, I'm not wrong in calling my boy SUMO.. haa.. he was 60cm (ONLY!!!) and 7.3kg at around 14wks. Grow taller pls baby!

Little Colette. Actually I've walked pass the various branches many times and always thought that it only sells girly stuff. Now with all of you gushing over it, I think I shd pop in one to look see look see. hee.. I have frens commenting that Sumo is a poor thing cos mummy seldom dress him up. He's always in boring rompers.

Springz, I guess we've no choice but to endure non underwired bras for now. Like gunibb, mine's like deflated balloons too! So ugly.

Flos, last Sat, we went to town to do last min xmas shopping and were reminded why we hate going to town. Everywhere is packed. Carpark, malls, toilets, nursing rooms, restaurants, changing rooms and even at the traffic lights. And not forgetting parking is usually very expensive.
40kg and 50kg...sigh.. I cant even rem when I was in that range. I guess was during my sec sch days. And I so hate my tummy now! 3 wks back, I went to the gym for an hour of combat and I came out aching for 3days! haaa..
Hi Flos, My baby is also drinking less milk these few days... any mummy knows why?

does obabi sell clothes for girls? so sad i missed all the sales today.
angeline -little e's head is slanted from back view. front view he looks perfectly normal. So you'd better check with your PD.

Lok - neck muscles need to be trained. but you can ask , just to be safe.

momopanda /Flos- my little e is also drinking less milk these few days. he'll rather play and sleep. am getting worried too.i have reduced my pumping but he is still drinking lesser than what i have pumped out. PD did say he must drink 750ml per day.
flos: u are a shopping queen! I went to Isetan today, total damage = $600+

baby carrier: bought b.bjorn air with 20% off @ the sale. going to test out on baby miow tomorrow

jo/ koras/ flos: our babies can form the heavy-weight club man. Jo - your little one is the champion!

mummies, does your baby exhibit the following behaviour:
went out shopping today, so left baby miow at my mum's for about 7 hrs. when we return, he actually ignored us! when i try to latch him on, he actually pouted and started crying like no tomorrow and ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to interact with us for an hour.

Babies so young also know that the parents went gai-gai without them meh?

storeberry/ springz/ guni-babe, you gals are so blessed with such slim figures! i still got 10+ kg to lose.
have to start buying clothes for the office, dun think miracle is going to happen.
Wah..talking abt weight ah... I'm worst la... heheheh.. I gained alot u noe when I'm preg... Muz be due to durians cz I nvr eat alot except for durians..hehehe...

B4 preg = 55kg
Preg = 82kg!!
After bb is out = 76kg
Ard 1wk after delivery = 74kg
Nw = 69kg!!!

LOL!!! OMG... I'm FAT! but its ok as long I'm healthy.. the only thing I'm frust abt is I cant wear my previous clothes lor... den hv to buy new clothes..isshhhh.. waste of $$$!!

Oh ya.. my bust size oso increase.. frm 38 to 42! For Hips &amp; Waist... errmmm... no need to say la... EXPAND! hahahah..

DD (3mths, 2wks &amp; 4 days old) nw weigh 6kg.. 61cm.... for me tts consider heavy oredi... buay tahan man...

my tummy look very ugly...bulging.. hv anyone tried the Osim Uzap? works or nt? hmmm...
Springz: envy envy! you can slim down so fast! super fast! I only lost 11kgs, another 5kgs more to pre-preggi weight, 8 kgs more to pre-wedding weight. from pre-wedding to preggie, 1 year I increased 8kgs, so terrible!I really no confidence to lost weight!why why why, can't lose weight!sob sob sob
me also drooping!

Cryonshinchan, my boy also 60cm only!I keep saying why so short, pls grow tall
my mum look at me, are you crazy! :p

mompanda/flos/breadmum, my boy too!xmas we went to vivo from 4-9pm, he only finished 120ml.. I felt that he don't like drink milk at any shopping mall, why har?

Koras, my boy too! He like carry upright now, don't want to lay down..
u bought heels?? hw high? :p I cant wear heels animore... sob... injured my knee cap... nw fat seems like my kneecap injuries worsen.. some more i need to carry DD.. so it put more pressure to it...
LOL... ur massage lady gt wrap ur tummy with herbs? mine don.. they said if gt wrap, will make ur tummuy look flat.. hmmm.. maybe i need to go to the gym cz my colleagues ar... tot I'm preg again!!!! meaning my tummy is so bulging rite...
Sri Leo, I did wrap tummy with herbs, I only wrap 8 hours, tummy super itchy! My massage lady said me at least 12-16 hours cause my tummy too big!sob sob! frankly, wraping with herbs really help make tummy look flat!BUT I still have fat tummy!
hahahahahaa..... den hw to make it flat? eat jamu? or go gym better? looks ugly when i wear dress wit bulging tummy..
i intend to buy Osim Uzap cz i see gd eview at OSIM webby..
Sri Leo, I don't know where to buy jamu and I'm pbf , not dare to eat lor!I don't like jog so I 'play' tennis twice a week. Talk about Osim Uzap, I had it before I get marry. I apply sliming cream and zap it every night, also jog..It did help me mantain my weight at 48-49kgs.
The Uzap can't work now, don't know is the wire or machine spoil..I don't know can repair or not
Read that someone oso experienced soreness ‘down there’, same as me. I wrote an email to my gynea and he told me probably it could be an INFECTION!!!? He told me to come down to do thorough check by him .Sianz..i think he is going to ‘poke’ me again!

U actually ran 3 times a day!! OMG, u are my idol. I simply cannot find time to do so. And when I do, I feel slight soreness down there. Do u have similar experience?

Anyone has any good recommendations on blender for doing puree and oso other stuff?
blackberry/mompanda/flos/breadmum: I'm quite concerned...he is not gaining weight as fast as he should be. Maybe we shd start waking him up to force-feed him? He's like happily sucking his own fingers that he forgot to cry out for his food! ytd, he only took 540ml!

Sri Leo: I bought 2.5 inch heels cos those flats make me look even fatter! I was bjorning my son when I was trying on those heels, and other shoppers were like looking at this mom, thinking that she must be so damn desperate to shop! I couldn't even bend down to adjust the heels (all the SAs were too busy with hundreds of other 'shoe-hunters'), as I gotta keep my back upright with the carrier...it was like wearing STILTS while carrying a very heavy sack of rice on my chest!! OUCH...my back &amp; ankles hurt!

Springz your bday? oh!! happy belated bday then
u r very slim oredi...dun lose anymore weight...i bought a lot of 'TRANSITION' clothes as I dun wish to wear my maternity clothes anymore (except the jeans) and can't fit into most of my prepreggers clothes
No choice...

crayon: the nursing rooms were still quite ok. it's the carpark and cashier...I thought we're in the midst of a recession? People are still shopping wor...

storeberry: how was the large nursing room at Raffles City? I hvn't tried...ytd tried the TANGS one...it's actually a handicap toilet.

ERGONOMICS: Just wanna grumble abt Wheelock Place here. It's not very stroller-friendly at all! And to get from Wheelock to CK Tang, I gotta bjorn miniflos to walk across the stuffy and crowded underpass tunnel. Of course, Zara Liat Towers itself is notorious for not being baby-friendly. That flight of stairs and no lifts inside the building.

miow: $600+ is also a lot! I think infants are pretty fair-weathered. my son will forget abt me when my DH takes over the weekend shift.

momopanda: yes, OBAIBI sells baby girls' clothes as well...

YEAH, my karen katz books hv arrived...time to read to sonny before we go out again!
Flos, he sucking his finger when drinking milk, teat and his fingers in his mouth at the same time..This few days, I threw a lot of milk...

reading to baby
what kind of book suitable to read now? big picture book ?
urs still under warranty? maybe u can try ask Osim customer service officer...
if ok liao, u can use it ma...then can lose weight n tone up ur tummy! :D

I LOL on reading ur post.. hehehe... I don dare to try wearing heels when carry DD... I scared I lost my balance &amp;i fall together wit DD...
few wks back i tried nt to let DD wear any mittens after i attend our X'mas gathering &amp; i noticed u mummies nvr wear ur babies any mittens..
3mths oredi shldnt wear mitten...big gal ma... hehehe.. at 1st she scratch her face but nw nt animore.. phew! i constantly hv to check her nails.. if long, hv to faster cut her nails..
spring, Flos &amp; Jo_jo: totally agree that the jams and Qs in Orchard are horrendous! My hubby and I plan to park our car at our office and take train to town when we head to town this weekend just to avoid being stuck in jams!

Sri_Leo: I have the uZap but I dun think it helps at all!
dun waste your money! My tummy is still flabby and looks like 4mths preggie now!

Milk Intake: GuniBoy also prefers to sleep and play rather than drink his milk these days! He even knows how to use his hands to push the bottle away and make way for his hands!

Guniboy tried to flip over a few days ago and I recorded it down. He had problems flipping and after trying for a while, he got frustrated and started making noise and then I had to assist him. Still waiting for him to do it by himself.
Gunibabe,just think want to repair the Uzap leh but my hubby siad can't repair wan..did you apply slimming cream when using Uzap?
My boy tried to flip and at the same time sucking fingers. He enjoy suckling finger than flipping
Flos: u should use the nursing room which is at the kids section, near the cashier area, it's one of the best! there's a comfy chair, steriliser, hot water dispenser, changing area has mobile hanging over it to distract baby, sink and dustbin that's not smelly! think u went to the wrong one, which was at the toilet area.
at level 3 only??? lol... i went to level 1 &amp; 2 don hv.. at NTUC area dere oso don hv... u noe dere's a toilet for handicapped/bb but its closed always..... nxt time muz straight go to level 3... thks for the info!

i dun put cereal into the milk to feed together although some mummy do...i prefer to seperate them to give..

i also not discipline when doing the malay massage wrap..i will take it off b4 i sleep coz its too tight n uncomfy n i cant zzz..!


yalor..u so fast!i always stay till 12pm+..just bought some of the bigger teats/toys/my cny clothes..etc..haha..&amp; the special offer pillow..anyway,my hb oso same as yours..he cant stand crowds &amp; all those pushing n jostling..
AMK Hub, I went once, at basement where the sign at the handicap/bb, went in n found nothing for bb changing. end up got to push the stroller in n change.
West Mall: I was there shopping n u know what, their bb changing station is just all along the walk way to toilet.
Suntec: even worse, their new renovate toilet don even have a changing station.
Jojobar - ur loot sounds great from Little Colette.....I'm hopeful - r they having some sort of sale as well?

Flos - I was with my husband shopping yesterday so didn't have time to really browse coz he was getting hungry and grumpy. :D I also had to express at the nursing room in Raffles city. It's great!

Sergio Rossi - S&amp;E stands for Scarlett &amp; Ebony. I think u can be Sergio shoes in On Peddar though a very very limited range. where did u get ur shows from?

Storeberry - u should go into the shop to check it out. The things r so cute....hahahaha....I don't think my son appreciates all the nice things he is wearing though. :D ... Did u bring ur manual pump? I brought my whole PIS out. Husband had to carry it. hehehe

Blender - I was given the same one (Xmas gift!!) that Flos bought : BRaun MR 4050. My sister uses it (and therefore recommended / bought it for me) and says it is great so those of u might want to try!

Springz - did you buy much in the end after all the Q-ing? Happy belated birthday my dear!!

Weight - I also am quite far from my "aim". Hope to be 52kilos but not near there yet, even though I've gone to the gym 7 times.
I think I am just not doing enough cardio and I don't know how to find time to do cardio.

crayon - don't beat urself up for it....I'm sure u r taking excellent care of Sumo! By the way, Mini D at 4 months is only 2 cm longer than Sumo so I think he is pretty short as well! Nevermind la. I keep telling myself that F1 drivers need to be short. HAHAHAHA...
<font color="0077aa">Lanolin: Nooo... I brought my Ameda dual pump, it was dam* heavy lor! In the end I got to dump it in m car after I finish pumping cos I have a handbag, a laptop bag &amp; my breastpump!

Flos: The Raffles city nursing room is not very big &amp; I actually shared with one mummy who was BF-ing inside cos I need to pump using the socket &amp; I was in a hurry to go for another appt.

It has been such a long time since I go shopping, but with the crods I think I will continue shopping online.. LOL!

Crayon: I am also afraid my smallberry will become "xiao pang" short &amp; fat!! I don't know his length now, will measure later...</font>
Jasmine, suntec have changing room , inside also got a sofa for bf! The changing room same level with toy r us!

Lanolin, you bring your PIS out for shopping, you express out at the shopping mall?

Angeline, my tummy super itchy and got 'red spot' after wrap..'ai mei bu yao ming' hahaha
Yup! tts wat i trying to say..no changing area... but they put the bb sign hor... **fainted** i gt no choice tt time (DD poo poo) but to close the toilet bowl cover so DD can lied on dere..but b4 tt i wipe it wit plenty of wet tissue!! lol..
<font color="119911">lanolin (lanolin) –me – K is on TBF, and my period is not back yet.
I thought that was the norm rather than the exception, and the period only comes back after we stop nursing?

Wow, u put D to sleep so early at 7.30pm? How is that possible on most days when you are out? K doesn’t go to bed till about 10.30pm on most nights.

Jo (jgwee) – itch at the C-sec wound – that is just a sign that the scar is healing. Not sure about soreness thou...If its just abit tender I think it should be fine? If u are worried, then best to check with your gyne. My gyne didn’t even give me any medication to apply – so I am just letting mine heal on its own – the red line is slowly fading away.

Yah, the Chinatown shop for cheaper baby products is called Cheong Choon – the lady's name is Winnie. I have her contact if anyone needs it. Speaking of Chinatown, we are going to Chinatown next Monday – have to get bah kua for my FIL already, and CNY clothes for baby K and some friends' babies.
Better go earlier before the crowd!

missy (missus)- I am letting K sit up at 90 degrees to sing/read/chat with him, but not for too long stretches (not more than 20-30 minutes each time).

Flos (flos) – wah, out shopping… no wonder the forum was quiet yesterday! I saw the crowds outside Isetan for the Boxing Day sale on telly – scary! I wont have the patience to push and wait in queue at the cashiers! Anyway, hubby is already nagging me to clear my old clothes to make space before I shop
...said I have too much clothes that most only see daylight once a year! (hah, which is true – I spent 1/2 hour yesterday digging for a yellow dress I suddenly remembered I had, but couldn’t find it. Also have several pieces I have yet to wear.)

Springz (springz) – wow, u went down from 72kg to 50kg? Impressive!

I am also below my pre-preggers weight now, at about 48kg. My target is my Uni-days weight of 45kg, hopefully by CNY. Have been digging out my old skirts from years back and so happy that I can fit into them again!

Drooping – contrary to that, my boobs are actually very rounded and 'fake' now – feel like I have breast implants, especially when engorged. However, my colleague told me that boobies will 'deflate' once we stop nursing, and we end up with just sagging skin….argh…how true is that?

crayonshinchan - wow, ur sumo ended up catching his infection at the PD's clinic? Glad he is getting better now.

blackberryB (blackberryb) – don’t think baby can differentiate what we read to them at this stage, so anything with loads of colorful pictures that captures their interest. I am using the cardboard type books, only cos these are easier to hold up to him whilst reading.

Meanwhile, we have our final Xmas gathering at our place today – about 20 of hubby's classmates from his masters course are coming by for dinner. I hope grubby behaves himself.

Hubby and I are also going for a day trip and spa at Batam tomorrow – kinda regret booking this – am lugging along my Medela and fridge-to-go, but wondering if I will get a chance to express milk! Worried that I will end up with bad engorgement, and also know I will be missing grubby!!
blackberryB - yes I did that! I find it quite compact so i've been bringing my PIS to shop / visit friends and still get relief (from full breasts). I need to as I want to keep up the milk supply but yet stay out for 5 hours at a go without the baby.

Koras - my baby seem to also know a difference btw "home" and other people's houses. HE refused to sleep on Xmas night when we were out at a party. The host provided a darkened airconed room and we even brought his pillows etc so that there is some sort of familiarity but he kept his eyes opened for 2 hours!!!
We had to go home at 9pm in the end coz I know he was just fighting sleep. Sigh.
Bigtoes, ok..have to buy some books and read to my boy, hope not too late to start now

want to go down RObinson to get a dress for my friend wedding tomorrow...my hubby said can't get new one then wear the maternity dress...gosh!
