hi angeline,
mebbe it's too early thaat's y can't see hearbeat. When i was first warded the doc did scan n cld only see pregnancy sac. But when I went on Fri can see the fetus and heartbeat cos already 6 weeks. But also can see the bleeding behind the placenta though.
hi hazelnut,
i love sushi tei too! kept thinking of my salmon belly sushi with wasabi during dinner just now! Mmm Mmm Yummy! But cannot eat. Sad... Actually during my first preg, i did succumb to temptation and had sashimi a few times. But that was later on, definitely not first trimester. Too risky and had too poor an appetite to eat anything anyway.
Now starting to get a bit nauseous, though still v mild. Hopefully it'll not be as bad as the first. I hardly ate and when i did it was porrigde and salted egg... Or just plain mee sua with minced pork. MIL was horrified... Hee...Was also lazy to take the multivit that dr gave cos it made me nauseous. But then I consoled myself thinking last time Goh Chok Tong all those old old ministers also fr poor family what, their mother also never take supplements but they still so smart so nevermind lor... But i think I'll still be more careful this time since like that already