(2008/09) Sep 2008

What is SRS? I am intending to get a few Christian books on parenting wor.

MRs Yap
Do keep us posted on ur condition after ur gynea visit leh!!

Btw, for maternity loop.. issit reallie a must to get those LOOP LOOP? Issit majiam reallie got a string to tied round the waist tat kinda?
Keke.. I never see one before.. onie imaginating how it looks like nia
Or can just get those SUPER HEAVY FLOW PAD + extra long with WINGS?? I wonder how bloody it will be? ermm…

19 Jul Gathering :
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
shazz - 1 pax
Millie22-1 pax
Jaymickey - 1 pax
Cloud (Gail) - 1 pax
Goldfish - 1 pax
Jessi- 1 pax
Sarahmay - 1 pax
stef&seanbabes - 1 pax
isa_belle - 1 pax
Mei - 1 pax
Flos - 1 pax
Rxmom - 1 pax (+1 child)
Alabone - 1 pax (may have to bring 2 kids...)
Crayonshinchan - 1pax
lok - 1 pax (not bringing J as he's a terror at the table and usually napping somewhere between 2-5pm)


J is turning 2YO on 14 July so your son is 3 mths older.
crayonshinchan: i've not made up my mind abt hiring a maid yet, so once my CL leaves after 6 weeks with me, I'm going to be handling bb all by myself and i know for sure i cannot cope cos i'm not the "mothering" sort. My DH and I love to club and travel...

So it's either they come over to stay with me, or I leave my bb with them when I'm working. It's quite "leh chey" in the latter case as we'd need to go there to pick the bb up to/fro every day.

actually, my MIL can come & stay ALONE as my FIL is effectively redundant (he does not know how to cook/do housework). But my MIL will never ditch him alone at home, therefore, BOTH have to be invited over to stay at my place for the sake of granting them "companionship".

several yrs ago, they had entertained this ideal thought before, i.e. that they would lease out their place to earn passive income while they move into mine for good.

If I invite them over, I'm soooo afraid they would quietly lease out their own place and when that happens, I'd be stuck with them for several yrs!!! 赶也赶不走!
Lemon: Wasn't wanting to ask. Just found a website about it. Rber you were asking abt it. So have you started on the tea yet? Where did you buy it eventually?

Flos: If your ILs are nice and sensitive to your needs, you shdn't worry too much. My ILs won't dream of moving in with us cos they believe every couple should have their own space. In fact, they told my hubby, and his siblings, tt they must all move out to their own place when they got married since they were little.

Goldfish: Oops! Did i type SRS? I meant SKS bookshop at Outram. It's a big christian bookstore. Some pretty good Christian parenting books you can consider: 5 love languages of kids, oops forgot the rest of the titles. Yikes. Will post when i rber. Oh! There are little devotions that you can use with your kids starting from when they are toddlers. I got one which i think is pretty good! u got a kids' bible yet?

Crayonshin: You're so funny! hahaha. Forgot that you are pregnant? I only do that when I'm in the pool. out of that, my BIG belly weight reminds me all the time tt i AM preggers!

Shazz: Books everywhere?! Haha. Sounds like my hubby and I. I think I have more books than clothes, accessories and shoes combined.

Alabone: Are you Catholic? is that why your children have middle names? Cadence Faith is pretty. I like Natalie Claire. thank goodness none of your kids have LPG for their initials!
Studio Loft photography:
Storeberry: Have you signed up with them yet? I want to cos my original photographer prob can't make it. Thinking of doing a BP but have no clue how to get around it. Anyone here still wanting to do bloom shots?
My hb is being adventurous and wants to take the shots himself! Hope they turn out as nice as Bigtoes'...

see, Bigtoes...told u before my hb also likes to get his hands dirty and do DIY stuff...but no bean sprout pillows lah...he cant sew to save his life!
I have one question for the experienced moms. How many teats do we have to buy for the bottles? And what kinds? Like how many for each age group? Also, is latex better than silicon?
Flos, actually i'm also in 2 minds abt getting a maid. but hb doesnt want one even though he grew up having one.. babysitter will be our next choice ba...

but if u and ils' relationship has always been ok and u need the help then bo bian lor.. but rem 相见好同住难。

hahaha.. me and hb were oso party animals til i got preggers.. now, I'm out of it though he still gets the itch to party.
sarahmay, i think i said that cos I was still blur blur after being woken up from my beauty sleep ba..haa.. today i got it left, right, centre, inside out from hb for being so chor lor... haaa..

btw, since u are back, will u be goin to dr sim's clinic for ur future check up?
<font color="119911">Ava (avalyn) - I am sure your photos would turn our excellent!
Plus we end up saving money by DIY-ing the photos. Hubby is also 'making' me a push gift - was working on it last evening before I came back from work as well - so secretive...&amp; making me wonder what on earth he could be doing...

wingkei (wingkei) - I only ended up with 2 teats (2-3 months onwards) from pigeon, to fit into the Medela bottles I bought. Am planning to use these to bottle feed expressed BM during confinement as well (like during the nite when the CL is around) - will most prob have to send hubby out to get more! Experienced mommies - how many teats is sufficient?</font>
You'll be washing and sterilizing each time, so dont need too many...not like they'll be sitting unwashed in the sink and u willl run out...

remember you will need different flows eventually so dont over buy.I think 2-3 per type of flow is sufficient.

I hope they turn out nice too! will post them when they are done...I think we are all wondering what he's making too! must let us know!

I dunno whether to leave my maid at home with my bb or not. Some one needs to supervise the maid, lest she "plays punk"...

I cannot stay with my inlaws. Tested and Proven. They have strange habits...

SarahMay: My in laws have never been very sensitive to my needs... They've always wanted to move into my place so that they can lease out their own to earn some pocket $ (as I've mentioned). And I think they still bear a grudge against me for preventing that from happening years ago! To them, it was a huge opportunity cost as they could've leased out THEIR own property to earn extra pocket $ (while they move into ours when we were living abroad), instead of watching us leased ours out and earned $ for our own keep! kekeke!

When we were living abroad, they pulled the same trick again by deliberately spending many weeks at our overseas apartments and refusing to fly back to SG. It took me quite a while to hint to them that we needed our own space and it's about time to fly home! You hv no idea what a burden they could be when we wanted to travel around the country/region during the local public holidays. Not only did they slow our plans down, we needed to pay for 2 more pax! When you have no children, travelling with inlaws are really no fun...

You're really lucky that your inlaws and parents are so zi dong. Otherwise, you would have them bunking in with you in Macau now!
Crayonshin: Yes! Back to Dr Sim...my fave doc! When is your next visit? Mine is 8 July at 11am. Can't wait!

Ava: Wah! So nice of your hubby. My hubby thinks that I shd just go splurge since it is our first one. Hehe. So when will your shoot be? DId you also do it DIY for Adan?
Staying with in laws

After my bb is born, we will be moving to my in-laws place, and not the other way round.
Will be renting out my place while waiting for the property market to drop to get another place near to my son's future primary school, where my hubby is an alumni of (so kiasu hor..haha :p)

I think it's actually quite good to have old folks around in the house. I think the children will grow up better because of that. Am moving over also because my FIL is getting old and for the past months, he has been travelling to my place every day to jaga my son and maid. Too tiring for him, and dangerous too considering the amt of time he spent on the road.

With them around, more pairs of eyes will be on my two boys also next time, and hopefully, we will find it easier looking after them.

Can always bit the bullet and move out if things gets unpleasant...
Actually for Adan we DIYed also, but it was my sis who took the pics
My hb a bit more ambitious...wants to get proper lighting etc!!
teats: I didn't get so many. Only two 0+ months from Avent and another free one from ParentCraft goodie bag. I need to be sure that my bb likes Avent teats. Dun want to end up like my two SILs switching the entire set after learning that their bbs dun like the first brand they bot.

If the bb doesn't like it, just ask DH or relatives to drop by Kiddy Palace and grab the next size or another brand.
<font color="119911">mommies - my colleague was just saying that her cousin gave birth yesterday at 33wks (emergency C), cos her baby was not kicking much &amp; she went to check up. Ended up that her amniotic fluid was drying up, &amp; if she waited one more day the baby would have ended up being still born
Thank goodness she was vigilant then. I better start keeping track of the kicks as well....

Anyway, here is an article on the condition: http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/complications/oligohydramnios/

"It has been found that drinking plenty of water will boost levels of amniotic fluid so it would be worthwhile keeping your liquid intake up. You'll also want to take care to eat well and rest."</font>
Flos, in that case, will the teats that come with the bottles suffice? My hubby thinks that just get one size will do, if baby needs bigger milk flow, just cut the holes bigger on the teats.
crayonshinchan, hehehe.. sometimes i also will forget that i'm preggers especially when i just wake up from my sleep. i will try to get out of bed or turn too quickly and will feel the strain or a pull on my waist and back then i remember that i'm carrying a bump now.

SarahMay, your hubby so nice to let you go splurge on your bloom shots. mine said tat he will take for me to save money, but take by ourselves also don't have nice backdrop or props. :p anyway, now i got stretchmarks on my tummy already. don't feel pretty taking bloom shots. hehe..
Yeah.. my SIL had contractions at 34 weeks.. hearing the story of your colleague's cousin is also scary.. no wonder they say the 3rd trimester is also another stressful stage of pregnancy.
re: DIY teat size adjustment: in this case, your hb may not be too far off
just be careful not to cut too big a hole too soon, or baby will choke!

Actually the same happens to me, which is why i went for emergency c-sec eventually, though the circumstances was slightly different.

It was 5 days after my EDD and my son was not showing any signs of coming. Was waiting for a slot for induction cos hospital is out of space (yes, it's like dat in the US). Finally got a call for induction, then at the hospital, the nurse noted that my bb heartbeat was dropping, and hence I need to go for emergency c-section.

Turned out that my amniotic fluid is v low, and my bb has the cord around his neck. He also swallowed meconium. He looked v overdue then, will peeling and flaking skin and was in NICU for 3 days under observation and strapped to many things. Luckily, he pulled through (maybe cos he was a big baby and have better chance of survival?).

Dare not imagine wat would have happened if the hospital called me 1 day later for my induction...I might have lost him.
hi ladies
I called the clinic and told the nurse what happened. She suggest i go to see doc today. But I schedule it to be tml instead cos my hubby on leave and he can go with me together.
As i dun feel any pain, i think i still can tahan. Jus now in the afternoon, the spotting seems to clear up abit. Its always like tat... strange strange one...
When i walk about or when i jus finish removing bowels, will have alot of brown blood stain mixed with mucus. Then it will "recover" and the cycle will repeat itself everyday.
If i go gynae today, he wont be able to find any blood also no use.
I will be going tml instead will keep u guys posted. Anyway my gynae still owe me my Baby's weight. Make sure he tell me everything i wanna know tml
Hmm, I have not felt much movement as in kicks last night and today...but i feel like the whole babies' bodies moving or is that braxton hicks....should i call gynae?? :p
Ava/wingkei: What?! Cut/punch the teat holes yourself? Can meh? I think I'll buy those industrially-cut ones!! Wah lau...wait my scissors not sterilised how?!! yikes..
Please don't delay.. today &amp; tomorrow makes a huge difference! Like in my SIL's case, if she went to see her gynae just a little later, she would have given birth!
hey mrs yap

i had brown staining with discharge a week or 2 ago. went to see gynae the next day as nurse i spoke to wanted to be safe. turned out that i had fungal infection which is apparently very common amongst preggies. no signs like itching or whatever. gynae said staining is one of the signs of infection. but lucky i detected it very early so gynae gave me some tablet to insert and it cleared the next day. gynae also mentioned in passing that fungal/yeast infection if left undetected is not good for the baby.
remember to go tomorrow coz gynae will check for any infection despite the non presence of blood. in fact i think he can check for past incidents of bleeding by checking.
BB Movements: so far so good. Mine is moving so much that I can't sit still in my office...Keep moving, baby!

Actually, Nurse Chong of my ParentCraft's class also delivered her bb at week 32. emergency c-section. Hearing her ordeal made us worried

RXmom: I think your bb's weight and size is attributable to your DH's size and height right, given that all RSAF pilots are very tall and Toa-Chiak?!! LOL

Of course can cut with the sissors. After cutting the teats, just sterilise the teats lor!

But i think better to buy the next bigger size. Just in case i cut too much, and the baby ended up gulping too much air from drinking too fast.
Jessi: Ah! Stretch marks can be touched up using Photoshop. The pros can do it. Hehe. Anw, I am the one who doesn't feel like splurging. But he says I shd. Hubby did want to take the pics himself...But we know that it prob won't turn out the way we want. So, might as well do it pro. Hehe. If your hubby is a hobbyist photog, I'm sure the pics will be great!

Ava: Wow! So did you like those shots when u were expecting Adan? So cool to be able to take them yourself.

RxMOM: that was scary! Thank goodness he is strong and healthy!!!

No leh, my hubby not very big and tall. He just passed the minimum height limit for pilots. haha. But he is not the lanky kind, nor am I.. we are both quite big boned, think that's why my son Ruixiang is so big.
Flos, i think its always better to have someone to supervise the maid esp if you have a newborn at home.

Dealing with ILs are such tricky issues and I shudder to think that 30yrs down the road, I'll be someone's MIL and probably like me, she'll call me monster-in-law.. kekekekekee...

Sarahmay, my next appt is next Sat, so wont get to coincide with yours. I like her too! I find her very pretty.

Mrs Yap, I agree with Meie, you should go asap. Try not to delay.

Bigtoes, that must have been scary for your fren's cousin. We really have to be very vigilant yet not make ourselves seem like gan jeong spider.

For me, I do not count the kicks per se. I will roughly gauge the time he tends to move a lot. Usually evening time and 9plus at nite and agar from there. Are you all doing the same too?

My hb has also made it a habit of greeting me in the morning with "Did Reyes kick you?" instead of good morning..

Jessi.. hahaa.. that happens to me all the time too! I will tend to forget that I've a huge tum tum and still think that I am agile like before. Try to sit up on bed without rolling over first. Then I'll get stuck.. haa
Sarah: I haven't book from Studio Loft yet! I asked Marianne but she told me no BP now cos the recent one is just over. I am thinking of taking up the package when bb is born so can have whole family photo together...

RXmon: I thot we need to buy those punch for the teats? If not later cut too big then too much wind then bb have colic??

Ava: Was it your creative sister that did the shots the last time? She is talented!!

Mrs Yap: if you don't want to go down today, pls go &amp; see doctor EARLY morning!!! And write down on a piece of paper the list of questions you need to ask your doctor so he cannot "SIAM"!!

Are there punchers for teats? I don't know about that. No lah, I won't be punching the holes... anyway, the teats need to be replaced every 2 months or so or when there's signs of wear from the brushing, can change to a bigger teat size then.
wingkei / flos
i came across a hole punch for teats when i was shopping at carrefour at suntec. (if i never remember wrong)But I think we still need to get different size of teats at different months. Maybe every 3 month we change one.
Storeberry: same here. I'll take go to a pro studio to take a family portrait when my bb is older.

I dun like my pregnant look at all
My DH is an avid photographer and I myself am trained in Photoshop too. Just never crossed our minds that we wanna DIY Demi Moore shots during my pregnancy...

RXmom: Did u sterilise the scissors before u cut those teat holes?! I cannot gauge at all...

i have bought the raspberry tea from momsinmind.com eventually.
i started taking it last week for a few days but think i drank too much, seems to be a little very stimulating on uterus.

I read somewhere that we should not start before 32 wks...but some says it's fine to start about 20wks but just 1 cup per day.

So I am just taking a little per day now. Will increase the amount after 32 wks.

Anyway, I just went for an anti-D jab yesterday as I am rhesus-negative. Anyone here also have this condition? And my, the jab is expensive! I spent $500+ just for the jab!
Crayonshin: ya! Dr Sim is very pretty!!! That was my first impression of her. She reminds me of Dr Alison Shepherd from Grey's Anatomy. Hahaha. PLus, she is very sweet and motherly. And she has a great sense of style! Plus, I read that she is pro-natural birth. Btw, when is your EDD again? And have you booked your hospital yet - TMC or Mt A?

Lemon: Wah! The jab IS expensive! But erm...it is crucial right? Helps ensure your pregnancy is stable and bb continues to thrive. So money is well-spent! How do you tell if the tea is stimulating your uterus?

Storeberry: I know the BP is over. Dun think they will have another so soon. But still, I think I will just do it. Hehe. Will also do the family one when bb is out!

Flos: My thinking is a bit different. I think if I dun take now...I dread to think how my body might change after bb is out! I quite like my pregnancy body. Hehe. Like I tell my friends, it is the first time I can wear fitting clothes without being afraid of any love handles showing! Cos the baby has stretched out all my flab! Haha. I think every pregnant body is beautiful! Should just capture your body in this transitional phase for posterity sake.
sarahmay, i kind of like my pregnant body too.
it looks more balanced out with the bump; finally my butt don't look too big anymore and my child-bearing hips have a valid reason to be there also! teeheehee.
Bigtoes: thanks for sharing the story and link. I had a scare when the sonographer checked and told me my amniotic fluid is abit low, then I got a shock, she re-measured the 4 sections again. Thank God she said should have enough for the rest of the pregnancy! phew! But I will still increase my fluid intake from now on after reading the article. I'm very lazy when it comes to drinking water ... especially now when I pee so often now! I can pee and then once I stand up, feel like pee-ing again!
i also had low amniotic fluid for my first preg. Then i ended up having to induce after waiting for abt a week for labor to start naturally. Gynae was quite patient actually, till he finally said i MUST induce that day or day after at the latest... But induction was at 39 weeks though. By then the mucus plug had already been passed out for abt a week too...

Hmm... today my baby doesn't seem to be very active either. Just prodded her during dinner and she stirred a bit... phew
But guess i'll be loading up on the water now!

Thx big toes!
Ava: did u go to the studio to take your previous pregnancy shots? if u didn't, u shd now cos u r carrying twins!!! not many pp get to conceive twins

xuanting: r u going to Canale on 19th?

sarahmay: hmm, just feeling miserable that i couldn't squeeze my swollen feet into those lovely killer heels at zara last weekend...couldn't fit those trendy clothes either...wearing a non-coloured hair...skipping my foundation...missing my pre-preggers frame...grrr...dun wanna rem/record this episode! Just pop and quickly go to the slimming centres/gym and get back in shape!

sianz... recently duno what happen.. eat what keep feel like vomiting out.. JUst now ate xin zhou mee fen.. feeling stomach a bit got gastric juice... end up want to go down ntuc buy thing, step out of the house vomited.. lucky i got rubbish in the plastic bag to throw.. so vomited inside.. take life downstair.. worst vomited out my dinner
