(2008/09) Sep 2008

lilboymom: Thos feizai water is like an appetiser?

I also cross my fingers...I want to pop within the lunar 8th mth, not the 7th mth!! So far in my last visit, my gynae still concluded it's the same date...

19 Jul Gathering :
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
shazz - 1 pax
Millie22-1 pax
Jaymickey - 1 pax
Cloud (Gail) - 1 pax
Goldfish - 1 pax
Jessi- 1 pax
Sarahmay - 1 pax
stef&seanbabes - 1 pax
isa_belle - 1 pax
Mei - 1 pax
Flos - 1 pax

Sunrays: Got savoury stuffs or not? I dun want to eat macarons the whole afternoon hor!

my class ends 4ish..would be too late to make my way down
u gals enjoy!

Am also thinking alot about the birthing process these days...actually i am quite scare..doesnt help when Mrs W explained in details abt the process in class..but at the same time, i am excited..cant wait to hold my boy..

In the last few weeks, i am gg to abandon my GD diet and binge!! hee..

Anyone cant sleep at nite? I would wake up at 3am..n cant get back to bed..would be thinking what else i need to buy! Morning will wake up with panda eyes..
Hi ladies, I'm better. Tummy still a little weak. Thanks for your concern!

Isabelle: Wah! So hardworking ah? "don't want to miss school". Haha.

Bacon & Egg: Just typing your nick makes me hungry! I want to eat bacon and eggs, hams and sausages! Ava is right...come on 19th and start binging!!! And yes, i'm sometimes like you...sleepless through the night. Was really q bad in the mid of last trimester. Hehe. Now a little better. BUt still sometimes wake up and start thinking abt bb things too. We must try to catch as much zzz as we can now. Cos when bb comes, we will be deprived!

Sunrays: Yes! Flos is right...some savoury stuff will be great too! Yum yum.

Bigtoes: Can you come before class starts? Hehe.

RXMom: Bring your son along la! Or bring your maid along to look after your son? At least you can join in the fun, and still keep a watchful eye over your maid and kid!
Good book: http://www.amazon.com/Your-Babys-First-Year-Pregnancy/dp/B000CC4926/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1214964039&sr=8-1

Rber I shared this book sometime back. As I'm reading it, I find it really really useful. Got some useful baby preparation tips. But what I love is the weekly developmental milestones, relevant tips for the week and really fun yet developmentally appropriate activities to boost baby development and parent-baby bonding. It is also quite a bargain - about $27 i think.

Shazz: You mentioned you've read quite a lot of parenting books. Any good ones to share? Oh! Have you read Steve Biddulph's RAISING BOYS? Wondering if I shd get. Was on Karen Cheng's rec book list. http://www.amazon.com/Raising-Boys-Different-Become-Well-Balanced/dp/0890878536/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1214965800&sr=1-1
hi bacon&egg,

i aso just noe i developed GD. trying hard to ctrl diet nw. can u share wat ur GD carbo exchange system bout? i hav multiply too. can i add u?
Bring yr kiddo along lah!!
**to all mummies who wanna bring their kid/s along, pls feel free to do so!!**

YES! Got savoury items too, once menu is confirmed, I'll post it here!

Bigtoes/Bacon& Eggs
Is there any way u can skip the 19Jul class and go for makeup lesson before or after tat?? Cos it's a pity u both can't join...

I have the book "Raising Boys", and also the book "The Complete Secrets of Happy Children" by Steve Biddulph. I find the books quite easy to read, and quite interesting, though I can't really remember what they talk about now. Think these are the kind of books you have to read a few times, at different stages of your child's growth to find the relevant points to note.


hmmm, ok, let me think about it if I should bring my son along. I'm sure he would like to eat the pastries and other food! haha. But he normally wakes up from his nap at 4pm.. so I will join you all later if we go.
okie lah! Count me in!

19 Jul Gathering :
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
shazz - 1 pax
Millie22-1 pax
Jaymickey - 1 pax
Cloud (Gail) - 1 pax
Goldfish - 1 pax
Jessi- 1 pax
Sarahmay - 1 pax
stef&seanbabes - 1 pax
isa_belle - 1 pax
Mei - 1 pax
Flos - 1 pax
Rxmom - 1 pax (+1 child)
<font color="119911">sunrays (sunrays) - hmm...never thought of that. Will call Parentcraft &amp; see if we can attend a morning session on Sat/Sun or something like that. Would love to catch up with you gals before we all pop - might not be months later (with babies in tow) before we get to meet up again!</font>
RXmom: Thanks for feedback! Did you read the James Dobson's one about raising boys too?

Bigtoes: Yeah! Call and see if you can change slots!

GD: Does that mean no honey if we have GD? Do post the diet plan here if possible cos I dun have multiply either.
Bigtoes: yes, u can certainly attend other nurses’ class or do it before or after. My class has many couples from other sessions too.

Great! RXMom u can make it!

Lok and Mrs Yap leh? U two clan mates…kekeke!!

Suppose this will be the grand finale before we all pop! By late Jul, we’ll be too nua and tired to move around…
hi sarahmay,
i've been around. reading but haven't really posted. so sweet of you to ask!

wah. you're really hardworking. i'm now on hospitalisation leave and took such long mc previously.. think this year's grading sure D...

19 Jul Gathering :
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
shazz - 1 pax
Millie22-1 pax
Jaymickey - 1 pax
Cloud (Gail) - 1 pax
Goldfish - 1 pax
Jessi- 1 pax
Sarahmay - 1 pax
stef&amp;seanbabes - 1 pax
isa_belle - 1 pax
Mei - 1 pax
Flos - 1 pax
Rxmom - 1 pax (+1 child)
Alabone - 1 pax (may have to bring 2 kids...)

can you go for the gathering?? bring CY along!
This morning i discovered lots of mucus tinted with brown blood on panty. Like i say in my posting yday, i had spotting for a week already. I start to worry if i am actually losing my mucus plug at wk 28?
I check out the net and the last sentence in *** freaked me out. I am scared i might be the earliest to pop.

See this info from the net....
As you near the end of your pregnancy, your cervix will begin to thin out and dilate. As it changes, you may lose your mucus plug and find a gooey deposit in your underwear or on the toilet tissue after wiping. It is not uncommon for this mucus to be mixed with brown, pink, or red streaks of blood from the changes occurring within your cervix. Some women may lose the plug at 36 weeks' gestation, while many others may not lose it until labor has begun. Sometimes moms-to-be may not even notice that they are losing their mucus plug because it happens gradually, over several weeks, and they've already grown accustomed to varying but increased amounts of the vaginal discharge that often accompanies a normal pregnancy.

***If you are earlier than 36 weeks' pregnant when you see blood-tinged mucus, or if you have any vaginal bleeding beyond the first trimester, you should call your practitioner.

I will confirm tml if i can attend the gathering
Mrs Yap: Call your gynae!!!! Spotting in pregnancy, this time somemore, is no joke! Pls pls pls get some medical attention for this! Do update us!

Alabone: Hello!Don't worry about your grading la. I was on the panel before...and seriously, the grading system isn't at all reliable gauge of your professional capabilities! Anw, you have a good reason! You're growing a life! Good to know you are doing well! How is your MIL?

Raspberry Tea: I think Lemon asked about this earlier. Haven't seen her around. Lemon you around?

Anyway, found this article abt this:
<font color="0000ff">Mrs Yap
yesh!! agree with the rest. hurry call ur gynae. dun suspect anymore. better to be safe den sorry yah.. do keep us informed</font>
MrsYap: hope everything is ok and you're not losing mucus plug. keep us posted after your visit to the gynae.

Isabelle &amp; Bigtoes: hopefully dun pop too early, I dun mind 29 Aug, which is my hubby's bday!

Bacon&amp;eggs: thanks for sharing the files! will try to follow! hehe

SarahMay: I have not finished reading the books that we got, simply too many! Here are some that we got, mainly christian based parenting books:

What Dads Need to Know about Daughters, What Moms Need to Know about Sons - by John and Helen Burns

The Miracle in a Daddy's Hug - John Burns

Loving Obedience - Child Training Techniques That Work - William J. Richardson

Grace Based Parenting - Dr Tim Kimmel

So far, hubby likes the ones by the Burns
Just want to share with everyone..

My SIL is also preggy, her EDD is in early August. Just on Monday, she felt contractions &amp; went to see her gynae.. apparently she had 'real' contractions &amp; her gynae said if she delayed any longer, she would have given birth. She was put on ventolin &amp; contractions monitored. Her contractions lessened &amp; yesterday have stopped but she is still under observation.

So I feel, whatever seems not right, do not ignore.. just go see our gynae.. even if it's a false alarm.
Thanks Shazz! Will be so cool if Eamon shares the same bd as your hubby! I have the Grace-based parenting one. I quite like his approach. Shall go check out the Burns. Have u any books by James Dobson?

Mei: That was a close shave!!! Glad to hear that her contractions stopped!
hi mrs yap,
oh dear! i hope you've gone to see your gynae. better to be safe. keep us informed ok??

yeah... the ranking thing truly is not a good gauge of my teaching abilities but then again, if i wasn't around, there wasn't much teaching also right? so if they have to give me such a grade, i also cannot complain...

sigh, don't get me started on my mil... on sunday, hb was on the phone with her and asked her rather bluntly i must say, when she's going to move out. he said 'eh, when are you shifting out huh?' then after that, i just heard 'orh'. i resisted and resisted asking her reply. but on monday, i really couldn't tahan liao lah. so i asked him. then he said that she said 'ah, not so soon lah.' i tell you, when i read that, i almost pulled out all my hair in anguish!!!! what did she mean not so soon?? she don't know i going to give birth in sept?? how much time is there left for me to decorate and set up cadence's room??? she's so inconsiderate lor. plus the later it is, the bigger my tummy's gonna get and the less mobile i will be, how to do anything else??? anyway, i told hb all these and he said he understand. so he's gonna find a chance to ask her exactly when she's moving.
tried posting here but file too big.
Anything that is sweet, go easy..I have gone on unsweetened stuff for a long time. Only at times, I would indulge in ice-cream - few mouthful..then i tried to work it out with walking or swimming.
Mrs Yap: Don't delay any further &amp; think that you are idsturbing your gynae because of this! I mean you are a paying patient, he should answer any of your doubts!!! Hope everything will be well &amp; you can join us on the 19th!

Sarah: Hope you are well now!! Drink lotas of water! So you are ordering from amazon?

Bacon&amp;egg: Come after your class lah!!

Yes , pls have some savoury stuffs, my smallberry not into sweet stuffs now.. kekek... He likes salty stuffs.
<font color="119911">Mei (meie) - ur SIL had real contractions one month earlier than her EDD? Wow, quite scary.

I think I might be able to make it after all!
Called Parent Craft, and the lady said she would try to squeeze me into their Sunday morning's session. Hubby can't make it this Sat anyway (&amp; i don't want him to miss the session with the lonngg labor video..hehe..), so am planning to change this Sat's and the 19th July session. Sunrays - will confirm with Parent Craft lady &amp; let u know tomorrow. How come no hubbies are going for the gathering?

alabone (alabone) - where is the MIL going to move out to? She promised to do so, &amp; is now changing her mind?

Btw, just bought a cute bumble bee romper during lunch! hehe..</font>
mrs yap, ya you should visit your gynae to do a check! hope everything is ok.

seemed like many of you the edd is being pushed forward but mine like sort of pushed back instead. my bb weigh only 900gms at 26wks+ during my checkup last week. i saw frm the measurement, the edd is in beginning Oct but doc said that bb still in average weight so is ok. anyway to let bb put on more weight? :p
Storeberry: Yup. Am better though tummy still feels a bit topsy-turvy. Not ordering from Amazon. Just going to book shop when I'm back. I got the "Your baby's first year" here cos I was bored and needed reading material! If u are thinking of buying Christian parenting books, do go to SKS. They have the widest range i know and the prices are generally cheaper.

Bacon &amp; Egg: Can PM the diet then?

Bigtoes: I'm sure Parentcraft will be able to fit you into another class! Cos they told me that they cld do it! So hope you can come. NO hubbies? Tt means we can girl talk all we want! Hahah. BUt i guess sunray's hubby will be there.

Alabone: At least your hubby is supportive of you! Btw, I really like the name 'Cadence'. Had thought of naming my daughter that a long time before. Hehe. Wat other creative names do u have for your two kiddos?

Baby's position: Anyone with bb not engaged in vertex position? I'm in Wk 29 and I think he is still in transverse position.
SarahMay: Don't have any books by James Dobson. told hubby to stop buying already, we got so many books on hand to read, plus he's reading his management and leadership books at the same time. we have books everywhere in the house!

Alabone: your MIL really buay zi dong! she's just trying to buy time and not doing anything about it. Can reccommend housing agents or someone who can actively help her find alternative housing?

SarahMay: I dun think Chef Pang got time to sit down and chatter with us! he'll be busy making sure we all get our food and not raid his kitchen! lol

Flos: Diptyque now available at The Link at 1 Nassim, Singapore.

Jessi (jessi): I was told that beef and durian will make baby grow bigger! can try that!
hi bigtoes and shazz,
ya lah. buay zi dong right??? she's already got a place at shunfu. had her first appt in MAY some more ok. means can get contractor and do renovations already wat. so what did she mean when she said 'not so soon'??? i was terribly annoyed.

yup. hb is usually supportive of me and in this case, he especially sees my pt in wanting back the room. so that's why he offered to ask for exact timeline.

Hehe. i also really like the name 'cadence'. hb isn't so hot abt it though but he can't think of any other names. so i think cadence is quite settled. hmmm my other kids' names are not exactly creative lah. just names that hb and i like. my boy is Jared Nicholas Goh. Girl is Natalie Claire Goh. This third bb will be Cadence Faith Goh.

Maybe you can tell your mil that you are going to paint the room for bb soon? Or start moving all the baby things, crib, etc in her room? She might get the idea then.

I think actually, best is dun need to hint, just tell her you all need to get the room ready for baby.
Get her to paint the room lor...if she ain't moving out, make use of the extra pair of hands...that might be the final push!

hb wants to attend but can't eat most things due to strict diet (allergies) and he doesnt want to look like he's not enjoying the food...*sad*

i am on FB...havent added you meh?
shazz: really?! I love Diptyque more than L’Artisans and Serge Lutens. The shower gels are very nice When I’m near Tanglin, I’ll pop by Thanks for the headsup

Bigtoes: I’m sure u can just slot yourself in for the weekday classes. I see many new couples walking into my class and simply adding their names on the attendance sheet.

Alabone: Cadence is a good choice! How come your MIL is occupying your bb’s room? Do u hv another room for bb then? This is really inconsiderate!

You are getting me worried cos I’m about the open the Pandora’s Box by inviting my ILs to come stay with me to jaga my bb when my CL leaves and before I return to work. I wonder if it’s impossible to chase them out later? How to open my mouth?!
RxMom, Ava,

i can't exactly move anymore things into her room. it was originally a study room so hor, my cupboards and study table actually still inside leh. we couldnt move it anywhere else when she shifted in. so now that room she stays in, has her bed, her cupboard, plus my own cupboards and study tables. where got any more space to put anything else. so i really need her to move out first lor. you know??
janf, think you better check with your gynae cos I had very similar pains earlier on. And my gynae said it could be stones, and asked me to monitor, if it still doesn't go off. She told me preggies are prone to stones too.
i only have 3 rooms in my tiny flat... the room she is currently occupying was my study, which we had to give up. so imagine, this mid year, when i had exam scripts to mark, i had to do so in my room, on the bed. else i had to use my dining table. i do have another room but that's for my other two kids. i dun want to put cadence with the two todds... so only place now to put cadence is the study which i wanna convert to baby room. you understand my anguish??? ARGH!
alabone: u need to put your feet down. If her reno is almost done at Shunfu, tell her to vacate the study so that u can springclean and move in the cot. Doesn't she ever pause for a moment and wonder where your cot is going to be placed, when she is occupying the last bedroom?!!!

Btw, do u claim for tax relief since she is living with u now? if u r not benefiting from her staying with you, well, hint to her to move back lah...

But having said that, would she be able to help u babysit your Cadence? If yes, let her stay for a while more to jaga your bb gal lor...

yes, I'm around..reading you gals' posts just to keep me updated on the happenings..don't have time to participate in your daily chatting though..
what is it that you wanna ask me regarding the raspberry tea?
shazz, yup i been taking durians at least once a month but also don't dare to eat too much cos i'm also afraid the weight is gain on myself instead of bb. hehehe..

Alabone, i also agree with RXmom that you should tell your MIL directly cos maybe she purposely can't get your hint to move out sooner.
my baby is not head down yet too. during 3D scan on Monday, her head was on the right side of my tummy, very near the waist.. i had to lie on my left so that we were able to see her face.
hi hi ladies.. good day to all...

flos, if i were u, i wouldnt even try to offer ils to stay over.. cos like u said, it will be difficult to "ask" them to leave in future if they are not zhi dong...

mrs yap.. keep us updated after ur visit!!

alabone, rem to keep ur cool ah.. rem ur gynae advises u need to keep ur blood pressure down leh.
Anyhow, i think she's assuming tat baby will slp with either her siblings or with u n hb...
i think 2nd tri is really our honeymoon period.
During the first month, we worry heaps abt baby since its the early stages and now when we are in the 3rd tri, other worries appear..

like yesterday noon, i had some crampy feeling in my tummy and i tolerated for a couple of hrs til it subsided..din know wat it was! but not worried enough to call up gynae..

Then last nite, i fell aslp with newspapers, glasses on and all, so hb gently woke me up to slp properly.. and since i still blur blur, i simply rolled over to my side of the bed and my hb SCREAMED at me lor!!! he went "DEAR AH!!!! UR TUMMY!!!!!"
hahahaa.. and i actually replied "oops, i forgot i am pregnant"

Then this morning, i started to gan jeong cos Reyes seems to be more quiet than usual!!!! I even tried to wake him up by shaking my belly. but no response until late morning! *phew*

its getting stressful..

19 Jul Gathering :
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
shazz - 1 pax
Millie22-1 pax
Jaymickey - 1 pax
Cloud (Gail) - 1 pax
Goldfish - 1 pax
Jessi- 1 pax
Sarahmay - 1 pax
stef&amp;seanbabes - 1 pax
isa_belle - 1 pax
Mei - 1 pax
Flos - 1 pax
Rxmom - 1 pax (+1 child)
Alabone - 1 pax (may have to bring 2 kids...)
Crayonshinchan - 1pax
