(2008/09) Sep 2008


Yes, agree with you that is true, the point on building up immunity. After he turned 1, and after I stopped breastfeeding when he's 14 months, he also started falling sick... my friends was telling me cos the antibodies in his bodies dropped... which is something natural after they turned 1 years old...

Shazz - I've sent u an email re the spree. Thanks!

After hearing what you say, I think I should stop eating durians. I love durians and it is everywhere!!! AHH!! Are you ladies eating bigger portions or your normal portions of meals? I am taking in more carbs coz somehow there's a craving and I THINK I am burning more. ha ha ...operative word here is THINK!

Someone asked question re coconuts - should have 1 -2 MAX a week, 3 - 4 weeks before EDD.

Jaymickey - went to ur blog and saw how much u have bought for Janelle!
she's a lucky baby!
hi lok... aka my clan mate
5kg up till 7mths is the benchmark set by my gynae. But i turn a deaf ear to him... cos i know its not achievable.
I am hoping my girl can be at least 3kg at birth. Better even better. Like wat RXmom says, easier to hold esp during bfeeding n bathing. Somemore if bb too small see already will heartpain.
Big babies got chubby cheeks and good to kiss n pinch.. hehe
Size of babies: I dun want to hv a 4 kg bb! I hv seen how 6-pounder babies can grow to become bigger than 8/9-pounder ones!

My sis was a tiny 6 lb NB while I was a 7 lb NB. By 5, she was already larger and taller than I am! She is now 1.7m tall with a very large built! I think post-partum diet plays a part too. She had a great appetite while I developed a food aversion during childhood.

So too have I seen large and chubby NBs who later became skinny/scrawny toddlers. My nephew is one such bb. An 8-pounder at birth, now 18mths old with skinny arms and legs due to his detest for porridge and milk.

As long as your gynae doesn't say it's too big or too small, it should be ok lah!
RX mum & Shazz: I also hope that my bb to be 3.2-3.4kg, just nice for natural birth...

Mrs Yap: Its deja vu!! I dreamt about you spotting & telling me & I was comforting you.. Didn't want to post just now cos don't want to get you affected... Are you taking hormone tablets now? If there is clots maybe want to call dr to check?

The scans are indeed tempting but still think I want to see bb when out! Let now be a mystery!

lanolin: I am eating more now!! Especially now I can finish a whole packet of mixed rice! And always feeling hungry by teatime!
I just collect my loots from Mickey!! Love all the items! Didn't realise that that the Moon Musical Pull Toy for Baby is sooooo big! But its really cute! And the rattle & Nuby bottle! Kekek.. I sound like a crazy schoolgal excited about her new pressies!

big bbs vs small ones
eih, difficult to have natural birth if bb too big leh. im hoping for nothing bigger than 3kg. hahaha...my boy was a small bb, and is still small. very small in fact. but no implication at all to his development or health.

think big or small really no diff (Coming from a mummy with small bb)..small bbs are in fact very easy for attachment parenting..heeee...coz can carry until you song and wont be tired...

if your bb remains big can sometimes delay their rolling over, sitting up etc..coz too big sized
u mommies bought all your necessary stuff? i just found out i still have quite a bit to buy!
Is nursing pillow and bb carrier necessary if i have a stroller?
big vs small bbs:
speaking from experience of my FB at 2.65kg and SB at 3.06kg at birth, it's definitely easier taking care of the bigger baby. in terms of development like turing over, lifting head, etc, it's abt the same between the 2 babies.
so i guess, as long as the baby is not gigantic, development will be ok. i'm hoping this baby wil be in the range of 2.8 to 3.1kg
Agree with L'l CY.

Size doesn't matter (no pun intended) as it's probably determined by genes but health is most impt. Also, I am sometimes thankful my son is not too heavy so at least not so tiring to carry him despite expecting #2.

I compare my son (11kg) to his cousin (16kg). U can really see the difference in the pace (my son runs everywhere like a ferrari, while his cousin is like a heavy vehicle!)
storeberry - ok ok!!
Same same - they keep saying that eating for 2 is a myth but I actually think one's appetite really increases and it is not because of the fact that you "let urself go" and eat whatever u want. I do feel more hungry more often. :D

Another question all - do u know where to buy nice breastfeeding nighties? The ones I saw at momsinmind are not nice.... my sis was telling me to buy nice ones so when u stay in hosp, u can wear ur own and it feels much nicer than the hosp gowns.
RXmom (ruixiangsmom) : I read that baby's birth weight is much related to parents birth weight, not so much your current size. I was a 3.5kg baby myself and I ended up small and petite. My hubby was weighing about 2.8kg and he ended up borderline obese! haha ...

I don't want a low birth weight baby of course, cos they'll be more difficult to handle and their immunity may not be as good. But because I want to have natural birth, and my pelvic bone is not that wide, my gynae is just concerened that if my baby gets bigger than 3.6kg, we'll have to go for c-sec.

Lanolin: I find myself eating a bigger portion as compared to pre-preggie. And I get hungry more easily too ... had lunch at 1pm and was hungry at 4pm, hence took a snack. Then now getting hungry again even before dinner time. But problem is that I cant take heavy meals now or my chest will feel super tight. Think am back to the 1st trimester again ... hope i dun gain another 4kg!

didn't receive any emails from you leh, when did you send?
storeberry: i'm aiming for 3.2-3.4kg too. I think my gynae thinks my bb is of good size for natural delivery, that's why he told me "NO NEED C-SECTION LAH!"

lilboymum: U r rite abt the delay in rolling over. I look at my SIL's Michelin bb who at 8 mths is still having difficulty in rolling over. The limbs are so pudgy that rashes have begun to form at the joints. He also sweats like hell after each feed. By 4 mths, he has outgrown his standard size cot cos his pudgy legs are so strong that he kept kicking the railings. He is now wearing 3YO clothes at 8mos.

Oh yah, they feed him with Fei Zai water, so he downs his FM like no one's biz.
Mrs Yap, u seem to always over eat.. the last time was durian, now is chocolate.. try to control ur intake..

Lanolin, bought them now cos i have my SIL to share the shipping cost with me...

Shazz, i agree with u, i tend to crave for food more now.. but when i overeat, i will throw up in the end..
<font color="119911">Baby birth weight - yes, obviously health comes before anything else (even cuteness of the baby)!

Shazz - if baby's birth weight is much related to parents birth weight, then i think baby Kieran would be <2.8kg. I rather have a smaller baby though, seems easier to handle at birth &amp; less likely for me to end up with excess flabs &amp; stretch marks!

Weight gain of 5kg up till 7 months? That is quite low, no? I am already at about 8-9kg at wk 30. Am exactly 2 mths before my C-sec now, &amp; would be glad if I don't gain more than 4kg these last 2 months!</font>

That sounds so scary! Most formula fed baby end up pretty big. I think a few months back, they were talking about overweight babies in the Straits Times... it was so scary man! The parents still find them cute and 'just right'...That's one reason why I will want to breastfeed my no 2 as long as possible. They turn out leaner.


I think my son is about the same age as your son? He's 2 years 3 months old. And he's 14kg. He also go running around like a Farrari.. though he really doesn't look like he's 14kg...more like a 12kg boy... think he has really heavy bones like me...hehe.
Baby weight
There is a difference between a big (heavy) baby and a FAT baby!!! No michelins for me if i can help it! the fat cells u develop in your first year stay with you for life...it's just whether they are filled up or not, so the less, the better for a slimmer future lol!!

Altho Adan was 8 pounder, he's now only 15kg at 4 years, but tall and damn active lah...so we're happy with that...altho i wish he'd eat without getting distracted!!
Engorged breasts

Mon, Jun 30, 2008
The Star

BY: Dr Nor Ashikin Mokhtar

One of the most common problems women face during breastfeeding is breast engorgement.

This condition is so painful and frustrating that many women who suffer from it usually stop breastfeeding too soon.

However, there are several practical methods of preventing and treating engorged breasts. Surprisingly, you will find that a lot of these methods stem from age-old wisdom practised by our mothers and their mothers before them!

A new mother's breasts become engorged when they are overfilled with breast milk.

Normally, your breasts start making milk two to five days after your baby is born (the milk produced before that is called "colostrum" and your breasts are still soft then).

During these early days, you may feel some breast fullness and tenderness because your breasts are filled with milk, extra blood and fluids, while your baby has not yet settled into a regular feeding routine.

If you have to miss a feeding session,
express the milk by hand or with
a breast pump.

Once you have established a regular nursing routine, the feeling of fullness should go away.

However, some women go on to experience overly swollen breasts. There are several reasons this may occur. If you have established a regular nursing pattern, but you do not breastfeed as usual (due to change in routine, illness or baby starting complementary feeding), your breasts will fill up with milk and become swollen.

Of course, if you suddenly stop breastfeeding your baby altogether, engorgement will also occur because there is too much supply of milk.

Breast engorgement can be more severe if a mother waits too long to start breastfeeding, does not breastfeed often enough or gives her baby formula milk or water (baby is less likely to fully empty the breast while nursing).

It's hard to miss the signs of engorged breasts, but besides the obvious breast swelling and pain, look out for other signs like slight lumpiness, warmness, flattened-out nipples, hardened areolas (the dark area around the nipples), slight fever and swollen lymph nodes in your armpits.

If the breast engorgement is severe, it can lead to other complications and affect your baby's nursing.

As your nipples become flattened during engorgement, it can be difficult for baby to latch on to your breast properly. At the same time, baby's attempts to latch on will cause your nipples to become sore and cracked.

All this means that you will be less inclined to breastfeed, and your breasts will continue to be engorged with milk. If this goes on without treatment, your milk ducts may become blocked and infected, causing breast infection (or "mastitis").

Worst of all, your baby will not be getting enough milk throughout this period.

But don't worry - as I mentioned earlier, there are ways to prevent engorgement and treat it if it does occur.

Here are some tips to help you prevent breast engorgement. These involve managing the "supply and demand" of your breast milk.

Start breastfeeding as soon as possible after birth.

Breastfeed whenever your baby shows signs of hunger. If possible, breastfeed eight to 12 times within a day, to prevent milk from accumulating.

Make sure that baby latches on properly, so that he or she will feed well.

Empty your breasts completely every time you breastfeed. This will help your milk move freely, keeping your milk supply at the level your baby needs.

If your breasts are hard and swollen, express some milk out to soften your nipples before putting your baby to the breast.

Do not use bottles or pacifiers while you are exclusively breastfeeding baby.

If you have to miss a feeding session, express the milk by hand or with a breast pump.

When you plan to start baby on complementary foods (after six months), introduce the solid foods gradually, while continuing to breastfeed baby.

Most importantly, if you face any problems with breastfeeding, seek the advice of your lactation consultant, nurse, paediatrician or obstetrician. Dont be afraid to ask questions.

The first thing to remember is that mild to moderate engorgement is normal and will often resolve by itself within 12 to 24 hours.

However, if your breasts do not soften after a few days, or after a feeding, try some of the home remedies described below.

Before each feeding, apply some warm, moist heat (with a warm cloth or compress) on the breasts for a few minutes, or take a short, hot shower. This will help the milk to flow - but do not apply heat for more than five minutes, because it may make the swelling worse.

Massage both breasts gently and express a bit of milk (by hand or with a pump) before feeding, and while the baby pauses during feeding.

After feeding, a cold compress will help to reduce swelling. You've probably heard your mother or relatives talk about using green cabbage leaves - yes, it works! Wash some chilled cabbage leaves, crush them or cut the top of the leaf veins to fit them to the shape of your breasts, then put them over both breasts for about 20 minutes after feeding several times a day.

Some women even use cabbage leaves during the early days of breastfeeding to prevent engorgement.

As engorged breasts can feel extremely tender, be sure to wear a well-fitted, nursing bra for good support during this period.

If the pain is unbearable, ask your doctor whether it is safe to take medications such as ibuprofen.

Your doctor or lactation nurse may also be able to teach you breast massage and relaxation techniques to help improve your milk flow.

Lastly, if you have a fever or severe pain in the breasts, you may be having an infection. Don't hesitate to see your doctor immediately.

People may suggest all sorts of remedies to you, but ask your doctor for advice first, as some home treatments and traditional practices may bring more harm than help.

Datuk Dr Nor Ashikin Mokhtar is a consultant obstetrician &amp; gynaecologist (FRCOG, UK). For further information, e-mail www.primanora.com. The information provided is for educational and communication purposes only and it should not be construed as personal medical advice. Information published in this article is not intended to replace, supplant or augment a consultation with a health professional regarding the reader's own medical care.

<font color="aa00aa">Hey mummies, we shall set the date on July 19, Sat 3pm-6pm for tea at Canele Patisserie, #01-09 Robertson Walk. Directions to the shop can be found here - http://www.canele.com.sg/shop.htm
Robertson Walk's carpark entrance is along Merbau Road</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Per pax is $25 and my hb is planning about 10 items in the menu and he kept emphasizing tat tis is a super special price just for us!! So all the mummies can pig out!!! Once menu is confirmed, I'll post it here..In the meantime pls add your name to the guest list..</font>

19 Jul Gathering
Sunrays 1 pax
haha... no worries... everytime i got spotting i remembered u too
But i think its no big issue lah since i am always like tat. Immune liao

Durians and Chocolates...
Maybe they are too heaty for me tats why end up tummy ache

Fei zai water is so tasty
yummy... i still remembered drinking it when i was young.
sunrays (sunrays) - I thought we are doing this the week after? If its the 19th, hubby &amp; I will have to give it a miss - have the final prenatal session at AMK Hub
Shazz - the doh-doh me forgot to press "Send". ARGH. Now it should be in ur inbox!

Speaking of snacks, I shall go get something to much on. :D Tau Sa Bia!
bacon&amp;egg: I think nursing pillow is not neccessary, think will use normal pillow. I have a hand me down bb carrier, will use that 1st. Or you can buy the MIM baby sling from Cheong Chong for $35.

Yah formula bb is usually bigger!! I also want to BF for as long as possible.

Ava: I am most prob buying Ameda breastpump via ebay. Your Medela ok? Urs is brand new right?
thanks. will use the normal pillow
my fren told me that medela travel is good enough..i am thinking of medela PIS cos all colleagues are using it and love it..they bf for 8-12 months..still thinking..maybe after birth then buy?
Yah, mine is brand new and it works fine with the adaptor that mickey asked me to get.

19 Jul Gathering
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Ava: The one the seller is selling, she used it for 2 times, but not sure I should get it.. Thinking... Not bringing Adan, Ava?? You got your adaptor from Sim Lim or hardware store?

19 Jul Gathering
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
sarahmay - tats the description of the pain: sharp stabbing pain!! not only the part under right breast is pain, the right side of my back is pain too.. i try to lie down on bed once i get home and the back pain gets better.. can let me know why izit pain when u ask ur gynae ya.. coz my gynae said i might hv strain myself but i cant be straining myself EVERYDAY?! then i tot probably bb stretching herself.. anw, juz hv to tolerate for another 9wks.. hope the pain goes off aft birth..

v fast.. me in 30wks already.. excited yet scared.. =P
19 Jul Gathering :
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
shazz - 1 pax
stef&amp;seanbabes - 1 pax (still thinking if kiddies should join)
hi mummies,

after my scan yday and knowing that my EDD may be 27 Aug instead of 9 Sep, I was in abit of a shock today! Even though I was shocked, I'm more excited about the addition of the little one in our lives!
It's just 8 weeks to 27 Aug and 10 weeks to 9 Sep. So fast! Before we know it, we'll be popping one by one and then we'll be talking about our engorgement, our milk supply, how much our babies are drinking, how many times we wake up per night etc!

I wonder whom amongst us will be the first to pop, so excited!
fei zai water? isnt that for constipation?why must feed him that???

fat bbs
yes, bigness is most likely inherited. but fatness can be filled by lotsa milk and stuff. i have a friend whos mum took care of her boy. they actually demand feed formula (That is every 2hourly) to him when he was born (Even at night!!!). S22 somemore...super plump....

as for immunity i think it is also inherent and nothing to do wit fatness or bigness. my son is technically underweight, but his immunity is so far better than any tods his age. not jinxing myself, he has so far not seen any PD for illness yet...but of course, im still bfg him now

o yes, when we saw the pD for his 8mth assessment, the PD mentioned that children actually dun lose that much weight when they are sick. they lose water, but fats, very little (unless you are tlaking about hospitalisation due to HFMD kind...)
Shazz: Really excited right? There was one night when I suddenly thought of the birth process &amp; started getting jitters.... Have to pull myself back &amp; not let fear creep into me.. Have to trust the LORD for support!

Yah man, don't know who will be the 1st to pop!! I hope to pop on my EDD &amp; not in Aug!

Mrs Yap: Take care yah?
Thanks for organizing that
Yeap.. count me in for the gathering esp i have missed the earlier one.

19 Jul Gathering
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
shazz - 1 pax
Millie22-1 pax
Jaymickey - 1 pax
Cloud (Gail) - 1 pax
Goldfish - 1 pax
19 Jul Gathering
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
shazz - 1 pax
Millie22-1 pax
Jaymickey - 1 pax
Cloud (Gail) - 1 pax
Goldfish - 1 pax
Jessi- 1 pax

sunrays, thanks for organizing
19 Jul Gathering
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
shazz - 1 pax
Millie22-1 pax
Jaymickey - 1 pax
Cloud (Gail) - 1 pax
Goldfish - 1 pax
Jessi- 1 pax
Sarahmay - 1 pax

Thanks Sunrays and your DH for this!

Jessi: Will ask my doc and update you.

I've been having diarrhoea the past day. No fun! Glad I'm better now...but I've to watch what I eat. Sigh. HOpe i get to eat all the food I've been hoping to before I leave.

Shazz: I'm sure the time to pop will be perfect timing! You'll know when it's time! Anw, show your gynae the latest scan EDD and see what she says.

Storeberry: Know what you mean abt the fear. I get like that at times. But have to remind ourselves that our bodies have been designed to handle this! Plus we have HIm!

Bigtoes, Bacon&amp;Egg: I'll miss you girls! Can't you come after the class?

L'l CY: Fei Zai water is gripe water? Btw, are you coming for the gathering?

Hmmm..wonder what's happening with Alabone, Momoko? Haven't seen them here for a while.
19 Jul Gathering :
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
shazz - 1 pax
Millie22-1 pax
Jaymickey - 1 pax
Cloud (Gail) - 1 pax
Goldfish - 1 pax
Jessi- 1 pax
Sarahmay - 1 pax
stef&amp;seanbabes - 1 pax

Sunrays, thks for organising this gathering!
19 Jul Gathering :
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
shazz - 1 pax
Millie22-1 pax
Jaymickey - 1 pax
Cloud (Gail) - 1 pax
Goldfish - 1 pax
Jessi- 1 pax
Sarahmay - 1 pax
stef&amp;seanbabes - 1 pax
isa_belle - 1 pax

Thx sunrays!!!

Sarah may
do take care!

wow, ur edd brought forward by so many days?
Oh dear, mine is 4 Sept i hope gynae doesn't tell me I'm gonna pop earlier than 27 aug... Dun wanna miss school!
19 Jul Gathering :
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
shazz - 1 pax
Millie22-1 pax
Jaymickey - 1 pax
Cloud (Gail) - 1 pax
Goldfish - 1 pax
Jessi- 1 pax
Sarahmay - 1 pax
stef&amp;seanbabes - 1 pax
isa_belle - 1 pax
Mei - 1 pax
<font color="119911">Shazz - my scheduled date is 30th Aug,so looks like either u or Ava will pop the earliest amongst us?

SarahMay (sarahmay) - hope ur diarrhoea has subsided by now! Would love to join u guys for the gathering, but classes end at AMK hub only end at about 7pm, and u gals wld be done by then

btw, mommies who had C earlier - does the gyne remove the lochia for you during the cleaning up of the womb? Would be great if that is the case, no need to bleed for weeks!</font>

I think in most sense, whether having stretchmarks or not is iin your genes. I have no stretchmarks even after delivering my 3.7kg son. And my eldest sis also have no stretchmarks after 3 babies.
So dun need to worry about having too big a baby that might give you stretchmarks... it's all in the genes, though I;m sure applying creams/ oils does help in a way.


I am not able to join in for the gathering.
Really bo bian, cos I am on my own with my son since my hubby is away, and I really dun want to leave him in the care of my maid.
My actual EDD is 18 Sept, so I may or may not pop first...am hoping to tahan to 38 weeks! which will be first week sept!


No leh, my doc did not remove the lochia for me for my c-section. Still have lochia. Though mine was quite short, think just 2 weeks and it's gone.
