(2008/09) Sep 2008

Hi flos
i dun think its good to disclose his identity like tat lah... He also got his good points which i heard from another frd whom happen to hv the same gynae as me. Heard he is v good in high risk pregnancy and he saved many mummies and babies. This explains his expensive package. He is a v experienced gynae in this area but in terms of consultation, not v tactful.


I kinda think the linea nigra is nice to be seen in pregnancy shots... but not hairs or stretchmarks
it's the beauty of pregnancy...
RXmom (ruixiangsmom) -yes, my hubby left my linea nigra in the shots too, cannot be too airbrushed or it would look fake....but this one had stretchmarks and quite a messy linea nigra...
not using any stretch mark cream, just applying some cheap olive oil/baby oil...

is the clarins oil expensive? wats e full name?

mrs yap
oh..just read abt ur condition...pl take care..hope everything's fine

I'm with him, i think there are quite a few of u with him too....
so far he has not taken my weight and blood pressure at all...not even once...is it the same with u?
I thought must monitor blood pressure?
Agree with Bigtoes abt that picture. I think the studio should've airbrushed away the blue veins and any other blemishes. The bump can be smooth and shiny if they do it well. The model shd hv applied some Clarins oil prior to taking the shots to give it some sheen. KKKEKEKE!!!

Someone here mentioned abt the Lau Pat Sat Cheesecake shop months ago. How come I couldn't find it just now?
<font color="119911">Okie, I confirmed with Parent Craft on changing my pre-natal sessions, so we can join u guys for the gathering.
Are hubbies allowed? Alex is dropping me off anyways, so thought he'd just hang around with us rather than go off &amp; come back again later. Is that fine with mommies?

19 Jul Gathering :
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
shazz - 1 pax
Millie22-1 pax
Jaymickey - 1 pax
Cloud (Gail) - 1 pax
Goldfish - 1 pax
Jessi- 1 pax
Sarahmay - 1 pax
stef&amp;seanbabes - 1 pax
isa_belle - 1 pax
Mei - 1 pax
Flos - 1 pax
Rxmom - 1 pax (+1 child)
Alabone - 1 pax (may have to bring 2 kids...)
Crayonshinchan - 1pax
lok - 1 pax
Bigtoes - 2 pax (if hubby welcomed)
Hi mummies...
long time no 'see'...hope all is fine and well with mtbs and bbs!!!!

19 Jul Gathering :
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
shazz - 1 pax
Millie22-1 pax
Jaymickey - 1 pax
Cloud (Gail) - 1 pax
Goldfish - 1 pax
Jessi- 1 pax
Sarahmay - 1 pax
stef&amp;seanbabes - 1 pax
isa_belle - 1 pax
Mei - 1 pax
Flos - 1 pax
Rxmom - 1 pax (+1 child)
Alabone - 1 pax (may have to bring 2 kids...)
Crayonshinchan - 1pax
lok - 1 pax
Bigtoes - 2 pax (if hubby welcomed)
lilboymum - 1 pax (and maybe 1 boy)
Mrs Yap: yes, I did check out the prices for Infant care center, it's around that range from $950 - $1.6k. Singaporeans working mothers will get a government subsidy of $400, so it's almost the same price as a nanny. However, most infant care center's timing is from 7am-7pm, so have to make sure to pick up baby by 7pm.

Anybody has any good nanny to recommend?

I chose infantcare over nannies. Guess it really depends on whether you can get a nanny you like.

The main reason is I'm really not sure how the nanny cares for my child. Even if I leave J with my MIL or mum, the tv is the main caregiver. Which I suspect will be the same case with nannies. At least in infantcare, they do reading, kindermusik lessons, gym activities, enforce routines, artwork and definitely NO tv. The socializing helps as well. J had a very good buddy who is French and they always have good fun running around. The IFC also notes his devt vs. milestones and flag to me if anything unusual is noted. His IFC also creates a portfolio (something like report book) and paste his pictures/artwork etc to track his important "first" and time in school. They also sometimes send cute photos of him to me. Guess these are the kinda of things which the nanny/elderly may not do. Being a first time mum then, I also ask them a lot of qns abt childcaring (modern day type, not previous generation).

However, the inflexibility in timing is real. So when looking for an infantcare centre (if u decide on one), LOCATION is very impt! The frequency of falling sick will also increase unless u continue bfg and hence mummies' anti-bodies will flow through to your kid. Hence, must think through alternative childcare arrangement in case they fall sick too.
For mummies who already have their baby cots delivered and set up, are you all present when the cots were delivered and set up? My MIL insisted that I cannot be present when my baby cot is set up. But I want to be involved in the process even though I'm not the one setting up.
I want to see the cot being set up and everything, this being my first child, of course I'm excited about everything and want to take part.
I stayed in another room when my bb cot was setup. I just sent my hubby to ja-ga when the delivery man setup the cot. U can still admire the cot after its been setup..
i've just received my preg update at week 29, and it talks abt itching skin... just to share with u.

Dry and itchy skin is becoming a problem for many as their skin stretches to accommodate the expanding uterus. A good moisturizer can help to a certain extent if not entirely. Moisturizing your skin regularly and generously can certainly keep the itchiness under control as well as serve as a pampering agent. Look for creams enriched with Vitamin E and cocoa butter based.

I'm with Dr Adrian Woodworth. I always take go weigh myself. He will let me go ahead with it and ask the nurse to see and tell him the weight. Last month i went he did took my blood pressure but is not every visit. I took my blood pressure twice already (if i'm not wrong)
my mom's also very pantang, asked me not to go and dismantle the baby cot at my inlaws and bring it back to my own place now... so i guess just to please her, i will do her bidding. will get my hubby to dismantle it and bring it back without me! =P

i'm also like u, wanna oversee everything myself just so scared tat anyone screws up anything without my knowledge! hahaha.... =P

but since things aint tat good with ur mil and all those issues with hubby, beta do her bidding or she might complain to your hubby and everyone will be unhappy abt it, rite? in the end, u might be the one who swallow the "yuan qi" again... think for the baby, and dun witness the dismantling lor... =)
just go downstair for a while and come back..small matter..maybe yr MIL is pantang and scare if you "witness" the setup, you and bb might be affected in some ways. I stayed away cos i need to ja-ga my dog who was barking non-stop at the delivery guy! Plus there is really nothing to see when the delivery guy is fixing the cot - taking out cot from cardbox, tearing plastic bags, fixing it with a screwdriver and nails etc...

Shazz has answered yr question. Thats the clarin oil recommended.

Shazz, so much cheaper on strawberry.net. Anyone starting a spree on that?

Blood pressure and weight
I have mine taken at every visit to monitor my blood sugar level and if pressure too high, gynea could advise remedy too.
wingkei: What?! Baby cot also got AN CHUANG ritual? tsk tsk...

shazz: alas, it's gone...Was hoping to buy some for this afternoon's snacks!!

Lok: I also prefer infantcare. Singaporean nannies are usually those typical aunty-housewives who have no formal nursing/child ed experience.

To me, networking/interpersonal/social skills are very impt. And most infactcare-givers are Singaporeans I was told.

I can so imagine my ILs turning on their fav Canto channels every evening, listening to Canto music while babysitting my bb...Worse, my MIL is a hopeless mahjong addict. Bad influence!
I watched my cot being set up for first baby and it wasnt all that exciting really :D i had to be there cos no one at home to watch the delivery guy set it up...

I'm not with Dr Woodworth, but i get my blood pressure and weight measured every visit.
<font color="119911">wingkei (wingkei) - what is the logic of not being able to watch the men set up the cot? I was there when they did it (not supervising, but popping in &amp; out of the room). There was no drilling/hammering involved anyways.

Come to think of it, the repair man just came by to fix my sound system and was using the power drill to remove the screws as well &amp; I was in the room....guess not really pantang.

Traz - the first thing I do when I get to the gyne is to take my weight &amp; tell the nurse who jots it down in my booklet. BP is taken by the gyne at every visit as well. Maybe if u have cause for concerns (like family history of high BP), just tell Dr Adrian to check ur BP at each visit.</font>
In addition to my earlier posting, I think it's useful for babies to have personalised care at first, but then around 1 year, good to have other kids' company, in playgroup etc. My nanny looked after a few kids so adan had some stimulation from the older kids like reading and playing / socialising...which worked out quite well.
wingkei: I was home when the delivery man delivered and set up the cot. But I wasn't all that excited to be in the same room as the 2 men, so I was out of the room most of the time. Only inspected the cot after it was set up. Didn't even put bedsheets etc to mock up the set-up! hehe ... just left everything intact, the plastic wrap for the mattress etc. hehe ... Will only clean up the cot again nearer to our due date. Think hubby or my mum got to set up the cot before we bring baby home.

bacon&amp;eggs: no need to spree for the oil, cos the travelling cost to pick up the oil or postage is not justifiable. Stawberry.net offers free shipping anyway to your doorstep, so it's very good deal. If you buy buy, got abit more discount, that's about it.

Flos: I think their Lau Pa Sat outlet was a great collection point for orders, but I think the rental is a killer, so it makes sense to close it if the cost is not justifiable.

But if your nanny looks after a few kids, then it will be similar to IFC where it will not be 1 to 1 ratio.

Dilemma right? That's why just have to choose and make adjustment if things don't turn out well. I'm thankful my chosen IFC has a ratio of max 1:3.
HI all,

Im in my 30th weeks, just dismantle my gal's playpen afew mths back. From what i know baby cot should be ok but to move your master bed during preggy seems more an issue.

Anyone have this feeling of bb dropping out anytime from cervix or the feeling of bb at cervix? I start to exp pain when walking and the feel of vivid bb movement at cervix of which i dun exp during my first preggy..
thanks sarahmay, bacon&amp;eggs, crayonshinchan, lok, flos &amp; ava. one of their country style combi caught my eye but dh is not v keen about using ikea for the kitchen cos some of the ikea chest of drawers and cupboards etc we bought in 2006 have already chipped, warped or aren't shutting very well. maybe we'll look for a contractor who can copy the design with better table top and laminates. we're quite happy with ikea's non-slam mechanisms though. they really are v clever.

flos, i could be stuck in that house indefinitely so we have to be a lot more on the ball about design &amp; materials. i hope we can get everything done and move back in time man. getting v worried liao.

mrs yap, i can't believe u actually feel like u have to present some evidence of sorts before u have a "case" to appear before your o&amp;g doc! that's not right! u definitely must change doc next time. i'm sure there are other good but caring docs out there.

traz, my doc takes my blood pressure at every visit. i think this is the std practice?
i'm coming for the gathering! dh's v funny. he called this the fat girls' club meet-up!

19 Jul Gathering :
Sunrays 1 pax
Ava 1 pax
Storeberry 1 pax
shazz - 1 pax
Millie22-1 pax
Jaymickey - 1 pax
Cloud (Gail) - 1 pax
Goldfish - 1 pax
Jessi- 1 pax
Sarahmay - 1 pax
stef&amp;seanbabes - 1 pax
isa_belle - 1 pax
Mei - 1 pax
Flos - 1 pax
Rxmom - 1 pax (+1 child)
Alabone - 1 pax (may have to bring 2 kids...)
Crayonshinchan - 1pax
lok - 1 pax
Bigtoes - 2 pax (if hubby welcomed)
lilboymum - 1 pax (and maybe 1 boy)
xuanting - 1 pax
jen kate, where's the cervix? like somewhere above and behind the pubic bone? i've been feeling some intermittent dull ache and pressure there, esp if i've been walking too much. an o&amp;g friend has advised that it's normal past 6mths. what's this dropping out feeling like? i hope it's not cervical incompetence. when is your next appt? perhaps u shd call your doc and see what he/she says?
Hi mummies,

I'm new to this thread..can I join?
I m preggie with my 2nd baby..due 28 Sept.

I do wish to know..any mummies here engaging maid? can share your experience? as I considering whether to get anot..

True, no 1 to 1 ration, but small still and the other kids were a lot bigger (4-5 yrs old)...anyway, the one to one ratio not that impt to me (altho i was apprehensive at first). 1:3 for the first year was OK for me.

Lanolin bought me the Clarins oil in Chinatown (near Cheong Choon) for $51.70 only. cheap!!! ask her where exactly...
<font color="119911">Just spoke to my colleague from Italy, she had twins last year &amp; said she put on 30kg! Scary....

xuanting (xuanting) - think "Hot mamas' club" meet up sounds better

Linda welcome to the thread!</font>
cervix is the exit gate of your bb during labour. My next appt is this coming sat and yes im going ask my gynae about it. Just that i din exp it for my first preggy so i feel abit weird and insecure...thanks anyway..hope ur backache will get better if you rest more..

yah, I was outside in the living room when they were setting up the cot. I thot the two men stink. After it was done, I went in to inspect. I told them to move it down to level 2 cos I am too lazy to lower it later when bb is able to turn. So I left the room again and they unscrewed the screws. When it was done, I went in to ok the height.

The cot mattress is still plastic-wrapped. I didn't even dress up the cot cos I am afraid my bumper and sheets will be dirty!


Oh, funny...my pantang MIL also told me never to "poke" the area underneath my bed with the mop/vaccum cleaner/broom. Hmm, what's the logic. It's quite dirty down there now

xuanting: my blood pressure is also taken at every visit.

I totally didn't expect myself to require an extra island top for my kitchen when I did up my place many years back. I thot I was going to come back from overseas to sell it and move to another place pronto. I came back to SG last Sept and was shocked that the property mkt has heated up
So for now, I'll get those ready built ones from Ikea. The less drilling and installation during this period, the better!
Flos: Huh? How come up so many sizes? It is the width expansion right? Can’t be the length surely…That is 3 sizes up! Tho I’’m sure it is just your feet, not your legs!

Mrs Yap: Eeks! Yah, who is this bochap insensitive gynae. I dread to think how poor his bedside manners might be. My gynae handles my anxieties differently. She will tell me not to gan cheong, and reassure me that it will be fine. I think you should definitely switch to someone for your number 2! I mean, he may have the professional track record but at the end of the day, it is impt that you feel comfortable with your doc. Not made to feel like an idiot. Cos I think for me, even if my preg not high risk, I might just land up in that category with a callous doc.

Bigtoes: Sure will share! But depends on what kind of shots I get in the end! Hahah. The romper was 18! Then I’m sure the quality must be better than the one I got. Hehe. It’s really cute! And yes, the one I got looks pretty big too! Oh! About the linea nigra and stretchmarks…I guess it depends on your perspective. It is more au natureul…and some ppl like to capture it. So don’t photoshop lor. Hehe. For me, I have uneven tan now. Eeks! So I dunno how to do my nude shots. For me, I will want to airbrush the imperfections like complexion, blue veins etc…but leave the linea nigra (tho mine is crooked and in the shape of a cross). That is vain me.

Traz: Blood pressure and weight is a must I think. Don’t the nurses do it whenever you go for your appointments? Blood pressure and weight gain are monitored to ensure no complications like pre-eclampsia, GD occur.

Lok: Which infant care did you send your son to? And how old was he when you started him there? The socializing works I think when they are older, and they are at the right developmental age. Sounds like what J is doing is not exactly infant care …more like toddler care. Do share!

Wingkei: I think it is just pantang / superstitious beliefs. However, since you already have some tension with them. Just let her oversee the setting up. Admire it after! Since I’m alone in SG, I have to supervise. Hehe. Thank goodness my parents aren’t superstitious… Plus, I am going to supervise my dad.

Xuanting: The ‘non-slam’ design is actually a copy of the BLUM system (which can be q pricey per hinge. About 4+ if I’m not wrong.) However, the good thing is you can actually purchase similar hinges for your contractor to install into your kitchen cabinets for you. They are available at hardware shops catering to contractors e.g. in the Kaki Bukit area. And these copy hinges are cheaper than the original blum system ones, ranging between $1.50 – 2.50.

This is a link to the original blum system http://www.cabinetparts.com/shop_2008/categories/?manufacturer=Blum&amp;gclid=COHA9v6io5QCFQMLewod_h92uA
TRaz (traz), Dr Adrian take my blood pressure for the last visit. He's not concerned about mummy's weight gain.
Anyway, he have never check my weight not even once so i just weigh myself at home. Relax and try not to think too much since he have been seeing so many pregnant ladies so i trust he knows wad he's doing.
thanks Limay.. :D

wow 30kgs...tat alots lei.
my 1st preggie..i put on 25kgs until now i stil cant shed away..so this time round preggie, i m more careful w wat i eat..i dun wan 2 b fat mum mum..

i wonder how long ur colleagues wld tks to shed off..
xuanting: u dunno where ur cervix is? Just stick your fingers in to touch it!!! LOL. It's 9-10cm up your vagina...

Lanolin: Please tell me the name of the People's Park toiletries shop. I also want to grab the Clarins Oil at $51!!!

he goes to Babies Resort at AMK Ave 1(opp Bishan Park). Started when he's 5 mths. When the infant reaches 6 mths old, the school has programs like kindermusik and gym activities.
Flos (flos), we are not supposed to vacumn under the bed???! Few months ago when i was ard 4mths pregnant, me and my hubby dismantled our whole platform bed and vacumn the flooring inside and also moved it a few inches to make room for the baby cot! before preggie, i always took the boards out and vacumn underneath whenever i changed the bedsheets and it is really dirty inside one.
Jen Kate,
Wat is there to pan dan for kids born in 7th mth lunar?? but I do heard b4 tt kids born in tt mth...hv higher chances of cing tt...

Salute to u..stil can do hsework.

higher chances of seeing tt? u mean that 'thing'? i mean we cant control the birth date naturally so am just curious is there any superstitious belief lor..cos mine might be one..
SarahMay: Absolutely! I think it's more the width than the length lah...I was shocked that I can only fit in size 39 now!

BLUM? so cheem...I thot most established contractors in SG would install such non-slam mechanisms for your kitchen cabinets?

Any one used AIR DESIGN before? I need extra cabinets to store my overseas barang, and I'm worried Ikea ones will not hold the weight!
