(2008/09) Sep 2008

hi mummies

thanks for having us over, sorry for messing up your place. especially those crumbs from yummy choc bread (baked by breadmum) dropped by my son.

lett is a good girl and could keep herself entertained while mummy and daddy works!

maybe ethan wants to be professional shopper. heeeee...i think it's the best job in the world...shopping with other people's money!

thnks kym for having us over and cheesecake, thanks for the pic
thanks traz..haha..after the thing finish then i realise i didn capture any pic of her choosing in process...


thanks for opening your place & btw, i can view the pics so thanks alot.
Hi mummies,

Any baby drinking soy formula? If yes, what brand did u give ur baby? My baby is on Isomil 2 but now im thinking of switching to another brand that is suitable for >1YO..

my older boy is on soy (my girl who is sept 08 bb is still bfed). not good for bbs to be on soy for too long. so i switched him between isomil and baby only lactose free milk. its organic so quite exp but then it's the only laxtose free milk fm around. can get it from vitakids. 400g costs around $36. the stock is inconsistent and that explains why i have to alternate occasionally...
Hi Mummies!

Heh.. Thanks fr coming over, and apologies for not being around when you ladies came! Was collecting the pies.. and it took a while =(.. If we have been bad hosts, apologies too! but overall I thought it was a success.. I was meant to explain the entire process but didn't manage to so it was a bit chaotic! For babies who have chosen their items, mummies could do some research on the internet, or youtube 'Zhua Zhou' events to see how they do it! and yes it does take a while.. some babies just take longer than usual! =))) Don't worry over about it ya~ and unfortunately we didn't get to play the water pit as it was raining and the babies were getting cranky!.. next time lets do it again =)

I'll post the pictures online when i get them done! See ya!

wow..400g cost $36+? faint..i am still trying my gal on nan ha...but recently she goo vv mashy poo(almost diah like) for a few weeks.. 1 or 2x aday...not sure if its due to her being lactose intolerant??coz her current sympton of milk allergy is rashes + hives only...
Hi Mummies

How is everyone doing? DId not went for the party tat day.

Did u all start to feed ur bb outside food liao huh? I started abit liao wor... actually it is so difficult to feed my bb at home. It is so much easier when we feed him outside cos he is distracted by the surrounding.
l'l CY^^l'l CH (lilboymum)

tks for replying. Why was it not good to be on soy for too long?? What is the organic brand?


I started to feed my ger outside food too. But most of the time still porridge. sometime I do feed her Mee Suan, noodle, guo tiao n bee hoon, etc but not in huge a amt, scare she can't digest.

This morning, when I preparing to go out, ask E to stand up, she slipped and fell, and I think she hit her chin on my toes, cos her face is facing the floor. She was crying so hard, when i picked her, i took a look at her mouth, to see whether she was hurt. saw nothing, I tot lucky no bleeding, who know next min i see her mouth cover with blood. Faster wiped off her blood and see where is her wound. Faster bring her to kitchen n wash her mouth n tried to put sugar on it. Should have carried her instead of asking her to stand up.
Goldfish/ Jasmine,
I give Anvelle adult food liao. She eats almost everything!

Is E ok? Any more bleeding. Muz monitor if still bleeding k? Sayang sayang...
Me too give Ryan adult food liao. Like Anvelle he eats almost everything even hv a try on chilli too.

Just make sure u monitor if it still bleeding.
It happens when our little ones trying to figure the outside world n without help from their dear mummy.
My boy alway fell n hv "BAO" on his head.
Just be sure there is no sharp objects near our little darling.
MummyNana / Annteo:

My mum say we got to be careful when she fell cos she having teeth now, so when she fell might get hurt by the teeth.

She fell on tues, on Wed while she was in Child care, an other toddler accidently push her, she fell and knocked her front again.

She seem ok, just that she won't let me see her mouth, before she fell and hurt herself, I already had hard time getting her to let me brush her teeth.
Same here. She ate my nasi lemak wif chilli and also curry chicken and potatoes. No reaction leh! Maybe I ate too much spicy food when I was preggy.
Wow!!! Mummies, u gals are adventurous !!! I'm apprehensive in giving Alston outside food yet, though he tried durians, durian mooncake, etc. I hardly give him outside food. However, my hubby's aunt fed him a bit of fried egg ( we had fried oyster egg - hao jian) during our dinner yest. I dun really like the idea, but she says ok and i dun wan to make her unhappy. Actually, I dun fancy bb eating fried stuff. Do u mummies think it's ok to eat these food ?
My mum feeds anything she eats as well, So little e gets to sit at the dining table and mind you, he already had his dinner. But he gets bits and pieces of rice, chicken, tofu, whatever is for our adults' dinner.

I started him with cod liver oil this week and he absolutely loves it. yucky but he likes. I tried it and it was the last time am gonna eat it.
soy is eostrogen enhancer (or whatever you call that). not very good for boys but it's effect is not really documented for girls...too much of it is not good for kidneys and..erhmm..hormones...

but then too much of anything is not good lah...

yah lor..that's why im a poor mummy here...am trying to get his lactose tolerance up by giving him milk based products..cheese, yogurt etc..

outside food
ive started ch on outside food when we were travelling overseas recently. a lot of bread and stuff.

but at home, food is pretty bland. we adults eat those food too.. :p coz must set example mah...plus i have a 3 year old to consider, so it's a lot of steamed stuff.. :p

yes i just started ch on child's life dha too :p...am trying to change to omega 3 coz it's better than dha...
Hi Breadmum,

Baby M also loves the fish oil
i got mine as sample from Pink of health (sister company of vitakid). As the norwegian fish oil is pure extract so they recommend only half tea spoon for baby, But baby M loves it aslway ask for second helping...
Outside Food:

I started giving food, but only those soup base, some more i give her w/o the soup. I don give her fried food. I have to be careful of what she eat, she seem very easily getting indigestion / stomach flu.

I also worried what my dad give her to eat, he liked to feed her things, finally on fri he saw her vomit, wonder he still dare anyhow feed her food, although this time round, it was not his fault. I had to keep an eye on him, just in case he feed her the food I don like.

On fri she had watery stool, plus vomitting. wondering is it due to the Ice Cream she ate. End up she recovered from the vomitting but the watery stool continue. When I looked into her mouth, I saw her another front tooth is on the way put, wonder her watery stool is due to teething?
Anyone experience these?
Dear All,

I've already started giving my gal a taste of outside food but i have my reservation on fried food....so till now have not given her anything that is fried or oily...(besides keropok) she loves that, but she tried kway teow soup, steamed fish, those roasted chicken but only the meat, tofu...n so on..
my gal is always asking for more..
Though i dun hv experience on the above scenario, however i dun tink teething will result in watery stools. It should be LS, isn't it ?? Maybe u wan 2 monitor for another 1-2 days , if this continues, then it is LS.
Bring her to KKH today, doc dignose as some infection, something like infection.
Sent her to childcare today, but was asked to fetch her back during lunch time, cos she LS 3x over there for the one morning, but when i picked her, she actually LS one time and that was b4 dinner time. So now got to monitor her for 2 more days and see whether she continue LS. Doc said it will last at least 5 days, so starting from fri, tml is the 5th day, hope she get well soon.
jojobar - i give my liitle one scotts emulsion. The traditional yucky stuff. He keeps asking for more too. So different from me as a kid. i used to hate it.

Jasmine - possibly a mix of infection and teething.

My little one has not been sleeping well, the last 2 nights , due to new teeth sprouting out and to make matters worst, my aircon tripped at home causing a short circuit, so we had to sleep without aircon last night.:-( Hubs and me are so tired out.

U can try giving ur girl soya milk formula instead of her normal milk formula.
My son PD taught me this, soya formula milk will reduce n stop the LS.

if not dilute the FM oso can...

cos my son oso LS for few days... i try diluting the FM... for him...it works...
sounds like virus cos Jon caught one a couple of weeks back and was LS too. the PD said the bug is a strong one and as adults can catch it too to be sure to wash hands w soap and water after handling the poo and dont share food/utensils etc w bb.

We stopped Jon's formula so he was just breastfed and he could eat all the biscuits he wanted without constipating
avoid dairy, cut down fruit and fibre cos that will stimulate more LS. u can try switching to soya like annteo suggested or do the traditional remedy of feeding her porridge water. hope she gets better soon!
Thank all mummies, I will go and get one small tin soy formual. the doc say we still can feed her whatever she want to eat, drink more water.

On CSL today, Eleanor woke up crying at 5plus, tot she want to be carry, and get her diaper change, while changing, she LS b4 i can place the diaper. End up, I bring her to toilet to continue her LS plus cleaning, while Hubby change the bedsheet.
hihi mummies,
such a long time since my last update .. hope u gals have fun in the " Zhua zhou" ..

Jasmine ,
just make sure babies are hydrated .. did the doc gave " lactefort" powder ??

some updates ..
back in shanghai on 24th last month and my two sons are sick from then till nw .. getting a bit better only today ... what happened was they caught some flu bug ( maybe on teh plane ) and was down with it for 6 days .. fed them antibiotics and flu medicines from the hospital ..then after the episode , my two sons kena viral gastroentritis( stomach flu) .. they vomitted non stop ( every 5-10 mins) for 8 hrs ..Zac was the first to kena the viral .. then the next day Zen .. the children hospital requested both to be admitted but i refused .. and they made me sign the papers saying they will not be liable .. anyway to cut the story short .. both have intravenous drip in teh daytime and zac only recovered three days ago with mild LS .. after the vommitting for 4 days , he LS for 4 days .. Zen was the most pathetic .. 10 straight days .. LS for 7-8 times in teh day and 3 times at night .. they really scared the shit of from me ..both hubby and myself rush from hospital to hospital ( cos they have different opening hrs )and in fact they finally stop their vommitting at the 4th day when we bought them to parkway health international where they were injected to stop the vommiting .. thankfully I was down with the viral too cos if not we will not head for parkway .. in shanghai .. anything happen to the children they will ask u to send to children hospital ( even parkway they dun give IV drip for children). Anyway i vommitted profusely , was injected given IV drip .. so after feeling better i asked the pakeway doc if they can inject my sons to stop the vommitting first ( they cannot do IV but they can inject the kids) .. i recoved the next day with mild diarr ..

After this terrible episode .. I want to go back to sin .. discussed with hubby and he agreed ..

will update u gals again ..
that sucks man... you mean you couldnt use guan xi in china to get into hospital?yes a virulent bug of stomach flu was going around sometime ago...you came back the wrong time

alternatively you can prepare your own med when you are in singapore and bring over... saves trouble. visit your GP and sometimes you can do that if you are very familiar with them...

My sale price for 6 packs at $13 each.
(Retails at $17.30.)
Brand new. Sealed.
Self collect at Seng Kang or Bukit Batok.
Price negotiable if taking 11 packs.

Please PM me if interested. Thanks.

i have lots of med from sin ... in fact I bought almost all medicine my PD can give. I tried to feed moutilum when they vomit but the med came out too.. Guan Xi ?? Money talks in china .. foreigners have special VIP doctors at hefty price tag .. their normal registration = 10 RMB for child and u have to wait 2 hrs to be registered .. VIP cost 500 RMB for registration alone .. not inclusive of tests .. blah blah .. and their hospital bed per day ( not inclusive of all other extras are at 1600 / day) .. to but the story short .. zac first visit cost me 1200 rmb for the doctor and some tests on stools, blood, vomit and they only gave me the same med I have that is motilum .. n bcos i refused to have zac admitted ( pretty unsure of the hospital n if they will refuse to let me go or do some other stupid stuff) they made me sign liability .. anyway bcos of dehydration .. zac was given intrevenous drip with glucose .. but the local hospital is still cheaper than parkway .. cost me 4600 rmb for my visit and IV ...
i have lots of med from sin ... in fact I bought almost all medicine my PD can give. I tried to feed moutilum when they vomit but the med came out too.. Guan Xi ?? Money talks in china .. foreigners have special VIP doctors at hefty price tag .. their normal registration = 10 RMB for child and u have to wait 2 hrs to be registered .. VIP cost 500 RMB for registration alone .. not inclusive of tests .. blah blah .. and their hospital bed per day ( not inclusive of all other extras are at 1600 / day) .. to but the story short .. zac first visit cost me 1200 rmb for the doctor and some tests on stools, blood, vomit and they only gave me the same med I have that is motilum .. n bcos i refused to have zac admitted ( pretty unsure of the hospital n if they will refuse to let me go or do some other stupid stuff) they made me sign liability .. anyway bcos of dehydration .. zac was given intrevenous drip with glucose .. but the local hospital is still cheaper than parkway .. cost me 4600 rmb for my visit and IV ...
Hi mummies,

would appreciate it if you could share your feeding schedule? cos recently I have replace one of his milk feed to cereal. MIL commented that I should give milk instead of cereal/ porridge cos they need milk. Wonder how true is it leh..

My feeding schdule

7am = 180ml milk
10am = cereal/ porridge (REPLACED. Suppose to be milk)
1pm = porridge
4pm = 150ml milk
7pm = porridge
9pm = 210 milk

and think I read somewhere that we should be reducing the number of feeds to 5.. hmmm.. eg. 2 milk + 3 soild after they turn one???

iszit true???

Thanks in advance.
mine is 2 times porridge leh.. for lunch & dinner.. morning is milk + bread...

i make stock in slow cooker...den use it to cook porr with 1 meal meat + vege, another meal fish + vege ..
Tinkerbell Lim:

I sent my ger to IFC, so their feeding is:

9.00 - 9.30: 180ML (I fed her b4 i sent her in)

12.00 - 12.30: 200ml porridge
between 1 to 3.30:
fruit like apple, payaya, yogurt etc..
snack like bread, cake, red/green soup etc..
sometime she will fall asleep during those time, then she will skip her fruit or snack,
3.30 to 4.00 - 180ml milk

7.30 - porridge (home)
10.30 to 11.30 - 180ml milk (last feeding)

these are her weekday meal schedule

For weekend it will be different. Lazy mummy, wake up late, then she only get to drink milk most of the time. but dinner sure give her porridge.
that sounds really bad! how did u get it too? I thot adults are stronger? It must hv been something that u three took together? What airlines did u take this time? I think u shd seriously consider moving back to Singapore. That is one of the reasons why I didn't want to spend the first few years in China. I cannot imagine myself having to cope with all that. You're really very brave...
Hi , my little girl don't want sit on the potty, how to train ar?

she also don't want to take cereal in the morning,only porridge at lunch and night. she so skinny, only 8.9kg, after 9 months never increase at all..so worries...

She only like to take fruits, so young like to on diet, sigh!!

Can I know what what you mummies feed your little one in the morning? They can finish porridge?
Hi Jo,

icic... thanks! cos thought I read somewhere that we should be cutting down their number of feeds to 5???

Hi Jas,

so she is taking 3 milk and 2 solid feeds on weekdays and 4 milk and 1 solid on weekends?

Hi Jam,

just started this week by replaacing one of the milk feed to solid.. am still pondering if I should stick to cereal for morning and porridge for lunch and dinner.. very siong leh.. cook porridge 3 x a day..
Hi Tinkerbell,

Early morning she only took 150ml sometime still can't finish it. I can't stand cook porridge 3 x a day. Normally I only cook once and store the dinner at the thermal pot. I still need to cook porridge for my sick FIL.

Each time feed porridge I very angry wan, so bad mummy...

How much milk your little one take each feed?
