(2008/09) Sep 2008

rlrenn (rlrenn) - i tried giving 3 meals but kaylen still wakes up for his milk. Even before his last feed we tried giving him bread + milk still the same sob sob

Dear mummies,

I am a working mom, after breastfeeding my little one for a year I hope to wean him off breastmilk and switch to formula.

But he rejects the formula milk. He is now on Gain EyeQ after switching from Enfragrow. I'm very worried about him as he is drinking only 4 to 4.5oz in a day. We started the wearning last weekend...

Would appreciate any advice. I'm very worried about my little one.
Hi Mummy Dearest!!

I am Kym Kym (Pebblez/ Pebblez99) .. I changed accounts again!! Its been a while, hi breadmum, hi jojobar, hi everyone!

We are organising a September Babies gathering in the name of Children's Day and 'Zhua Zhou' (for those interested in Zhua zhou) at my place~

It's not a very big place though :p
Have got some mummies on the list already, mummies coming (if not doing the Zhua Zhou) could join us and watch the affair or just chat and get together again, would be very fun!! I am hoping to do it on Oct 3rd, 2009 (Saturday) from 2pm - 5pm? I'll order some light refreshment and tea for us all =)))

For those not sure what 'Zhua Zhou' is- it is a chinese tradition to place 12 objects in a basket for 1 year old babies to pick out their future destiny, eg: drumstick means well fed, ruler means a career in accounting/ calculations etc :p Will be fun! (Please note that there are no religious or racial connotations in this, its all for the fun of it :p )

September Babies Children Day Gathering / Zhua Zhou Affair
Date: October 3rd, 2009, Saturday
Time: 2 - 5pm
Venue: Tampines Street 83, Blk 865
1. Kym + Scarlett + Hub
2. Liz + Kaiden
3. Eileen + Isabelle + Gabby

Please put your name down!! Cheers~
hi kym - u still owe me my CD. i have email u, call u but to no avail. Pls PM me.

I am v disappointed w ur attitude...i waited for u to pop by my mum's plc that day (mths ago) and u did not show u. I called u after that and u ignore my call. Though i paid a v small amt of $ for that photoshoot (ur first at ur plc for u to build ur portfolio), it is not the $ that matters but ur service and attitude towards giving me the CD.

I realised that u r now running ur own photo business, i reckon u will not treat ur paying customers by not giving them their CD/photos. So pls PM me.
Hi Christine,

I'm still breastfeeding too! Just tried pediasure for my boy, and he seems to like it. But he drank only 30ml when I made 80ml. Faint. Guess, if your son is eating solids well, there's nothing to worry about (of cos, easier said than done). Try to include cheese, yogurt in his meals, or you can even try banana milk shake which is something that my boy loves.

Kym, I'm interested! Hubby's going on a full day course, so I'm alone with baby! I'll walk over to your house! hahaha.. (so near!)

September Babies Children Day Gathering / Zhua Zhou Affair
Date: October 3rd, 2009, Saturday
Time: 2 - 5pm
Venue: Tampines Street 83, Blk 865
1. Kym + Scarlett + Hub
2. Liz + Kaiden
3. Eileen + Isabelle + Gabby
4. Rachel + Kydric
Hi Vanilla,

You are?
Pardon me Pardon me.. So Sorry.. I had thought I accounted for and finished giving out all the CDs before I left and embarked on another venture, in the end, i couriered and sent CDs via taxi because my CDs were getting lost (though i still have angeline's one here with me).

Yes I am running my own business right now. And no, I will not treat my customer that way!
September Babies Children Day Gathering / Zhua Zhou Affair
Hi Kym - wave wave. It has been a long while.

Date: October 3rd, 2009, Saturday
Time: 2 - 5pm
Venue: Tampines Street 83, Blk 865
1. Kym + Scarlett + Hub
2. Liz + Kaiden
3. Eileen + Isabelle + Gabby
4. Rachel + Kydric
5. Breadmum + Ethan
Thanks Rachel.

He loves his lunch and dinner and the little snacks. We are concerned because no matter what, the main nutrients from the milk
kym kym

haha..yah..mine still with u..i should be able to make it for the gathering on the 3rd n will collect from u then..
can participate in the affair? i got a hunch my gal will go take the pen..haha...

Babies Children Day Gathering / Zhua Zhou Affair
Hi Kym - wave wave. It has been a long while.

Date: October 3rd, 2009, Saturday
Time: 2 - 5pm
Venue: Tampines Street 83, Blk 865
1. Kym + Scarlett + Hub
2. Liz + Kaiden
3. Eileen + Isabelle + Gabby
4. Rachel + Kydric
5. Breadmum + Ethan
6. Angeline + Carine

promise i will try to make it to this gathering!!!!

er... i'm also quite blur... is that Mooncake day?

Date: October 3rd, 2009, Saturday
Time: 2 - 5pm
Venue: Tampines Street 83, Blk 865
1. Kym + Scarlett + Hub
2. Liz + Kaiden
3. Eileen + Isabelle + Gabby
4. Rachel + Kydric
5. Breadmum + Ethan
6. Angeline + Carine
7. Peiling + Jonathan (+Samuel?)
vanilla pod from Sept thread??? scratch head.

Kym - now the whole world knows where u stay liao.

dseptkon - ya. its mooncakes festival. Lets all bring one mooncake each to share.6 mooncakes so far. LOL. I'll bake a loaf of bread for all. small loaf ah..cos home alone. hubs working. Will try walking from my place to kym's.

will come on tat day to select the photo for the canvas.

Date: October 3rd, 2009, Saturday
Time: 2 - 5pm
Venue: Tampines Street 83, Blk 865
1. Kym + Scarlett + Hub
2. Liz + Kaiden
3. Eileen + Isabelle + Gabby
4. Rachel + Kydric
5. Breadmum + Ethan
6. Angeline + Carine
7. Peiling + Jonathan (+Samuel?)
8. Jane + Simon + Samuel
Hi would like to join the Zhua Zhou Affair too !

Date: October 3rd, 2009, Saturday
Time: 2 - 5pm
Venue: Tampines Street 83, Blk 865
1. Kym + Scarlett + Hub
2. Liz + Kaiden
3. Eileen + Isabelle + Gabby
4. Rachel + Kydric
5. Breadmum + Ethan
6. Angeline + Carine
7. Peiling + Jonathan (+Samuel?)
8. Jane + Simon + Samuel
9. Mamyvelle + Lovelle + Niece
wow, just pop in aft a long long while and manage to "catch" this gathering...

Kym, u wanna limit the no. of pple? Or else i think it'll balloon to a very big no. very soon.
If u r ok wif it, can i join in? wld like to meet up and chat..
If not, just delete my name from the list...i'm ok wif it hor..

Date: October 3rd, 2009, Saturday
Time: 2 - 5pm
Venue: Tampines Street 83, Blk 865
1. Kym + Scarlett + Hub
2. Liz + Kaiden
3. Eileen + Isabelle + Gabby
4. Rachel + Kydric
5. Breadmum + Ethan
6. Angeline + Carine
7. Peiling + Jonathan (+Samuel?)
8. Jane + Simon + Samuel
9. Mamyvelle + Lovelle + Niece
10. Traz + Jvel
Hi mummies,

hows everyone? Busy celebrating bb's 1st bday?

my girl is still petite at 7+kg..sigh..
cant walk yet...just stand without support for half a min or so..cant talk either..
she is still waking up 4-6 times every night to suckle for comfort. It's been a year of broken sleep for me! *panda eyes*
Koras, actually its okay coz we sleep until 11am in the morning..I only need to wake up once at 8am to feed him. so I can say I got enough sleep..hahaha
Hi Traz!!

Such a long time since we met! Lots to catch up i am sure :p You are most most most welcome to join in. I'll see how the numbers move today.. may cap at 15! Thanks!

Dear breadmum,

You notice i didn't put down my unit number.. hahaha.. :p Thanks for the bread and the mooncakes in advance first ya! I'll prepare some top quality chinese tea leaves, chicken pies and we can all have a good afternoon having tea and chatting.

Dear Angeline and Jane,

Will have your CDs ready when you come!

Meanwhile, i am still collecting all the equipment for the zhua zhou! so fun!!
Can u believe it..this mummy here is so nuah..i still have 1 or 2 session of swimming outstanding at hwa xia, and i'm staying just in punggol!! Just too lazy to bring her there..and i notice she is not enjoying it like before too..

you doing proffessional photography? Aiya..just had a beach party at Sentosa for Jvel's birthday over the long weekend. I even made a hula dress for her to wear. I was too busy to take any good photos, she didnt even have a decent photo with the cake alone! Wanted to get a photographer but my fren's contact quoted me $400! Tat's out of my budget, cos i've spent quite a bit on the venue, food and party packs (gave the kids a goodie bucket packed with snacks, sunglasses, bubbles, removable tattoo, sand toys etc and all mummies a flower hairclip)

It was very fun but now i realised i've not taken enough photos of the guests and my family! Should hv just spent the $ on getting a photographer...boo hoo hoo..

Some of the photos to share:
Flower hairclips for the ladies

garlands for the kids (S/M/L)

Goodie buckets for the kids

Name tags for the kids

The cake

The Bday girl


Kids at play
Hi mommies.

Would love to go to the gathering but 3 Oct seems a busy day. Happens to be Mooncake Festival. So gotta go to gran's for gathering. Will join in next gathering instead ba.

You really put in a lot of effort for the party. Agree wif u tat it's hard to have many nice pictures of the bday gal. Coz neither do I hv nice pix of Anvelle on her bday. Only her huge 3D Winnie the Pooh cake! Hahaha

Re: Sleeping thru
Anvelle has been sleepin thru from abt 11pm to 6.30/7am since abt a week ago. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Instead of letting her watch Playhouse Disney until she falls aslp, I switch off the lights and lie down next to her now. Seems to be wking fine. Twinkerbell/ Cheescake, u may wan to try too...
your party looked like a great success. u put in a lot of effort, yes?

my little gym at marina sq
mummies who are interested, i asked about a trial class and the cost is $42.80 which can be offset against a term's fees if we sign up eventually. the co-ordinator offered to existing slots monday 1015-1100am or wed 1015-1100am. or if there are 4 mummies who are interested, they will set up a class to suit our timing. Will any mummies who are interested,(was it u angeline?) pls PM me so we can arrange?
dseptkon, i'm interested in trial @ my little gym. but must be weekend, cos i'm working on weekdays. thanks for coordinating.

i realised i have been missing all the gatherings - have not met most of you mummies. either my hubby was not free or i'm too lazy to travel east. guess i have to miss this one @ kym's place too - my boi got his enrichment class. hope to get a chance to meet up with u ladies soon...
pd said it's ok as long as she's active and happy...she is at the 3rd %tile only leh..she doesnt really like to eat..will eat only abt 5-7 mouthful and then refuse to continue..be it porridge/fruits/cereal/canned bb food...
I'm quite interested in polliwogs, though i heard that it's quite ex..

maybe i can contribute some food/snacks too?mmm...green bean soup will be too sweet to go with mooncake and clash with your chinese tea hor? potato salad too heavy for the stomach...let me think abt it.. :>
Yo Kym, pls count me in for the gathering at ur place too

Date: October 3rd, 2009, Saturday
Time: 2 - 5pm
Venue: Tampines Street 83, Blk 865
1. Kym + Scarlett + Hub
2. Liz + Kaiden
3. Eileen + Isabelle + Gabby
4. Rachel + Kydric
5. Breadmum + Ethan
6. Angeline + Carine
7. Peiling + Jonathan (+Samuel?)
8. Jane + Simon + Samuel
9. Mamyvelle + Lovelle + Niece
10. Traz + Jvel
11. Dmbb + JD (+ hub?)
cheesecake : my girl too , only eat abt 5-7mouthful and refuse to eat. till now still drink 100ml of milk , but for every 3hrs. ex meh? saw from the site it's $6 for kids under 2 unlimited play on weekdays. weekends $6 for 90mins.

those tat go before , correct me if i'm wrong.

they are duplicated presents from my daughter's first birthday party.

they retail at $99.90 at robinsons and toys r us.

Im letting it go at $85 each. Both in unopened boxes.

kindly email to [email protected]

do not reply to thread

pick up at upp serangoon area.

Polliwogs is ok for our bbs. They hv 2 ball pits, 1 in the toddler section and the other one where they can climb around. Try to go early. Coz the last time we went at abt 4pm. By 5pm there were many angmoh kids running around and some r rather rowdy.
Maybe we can go sometime in end Oct? Coz will be busy wif wk from now till den. I can take a day's leave n enjoy tai-tai life wif u! hahaha =)
Hi Kym, it's been some time since you shot for Kaleb. not sure if u remember me.

Congratulations on yr new business.
How's it going?

Would like to join in the gathering at your place too. The 'Zhua Zhou' seems kind of interesting.

Date: October 3rd, 2009, Saturday
Time: 2 - 5pm
Venue: Tampines Street 83, Blk 865
1. Kym + Scarlett + Hub
2. Liz + Kaiden
3. Eileen + Isabelle + Gabby
4. Rachel + Kydric
5. Breadmum + Ethan
6. Angeline + Carine
7. Peiling + Jonathan (+Samuel?)
8. Jane + Simon + Samuel
9. Mamyvelle + Lovelle + Niece
10. Traz + Jvel
11. Dmbb + JD (+ hub?)
12. Charlene + Kaleb + Hubby tbc
Ethanmy/ Cheesecake,
Happy Birthday to your little ones! Our bbs are officially 1 YO today. How are you celebrating? My poor Anvelle has notin special on today. Mummy's wking late and Daddy's at reservist (stay in).
Thanks. Want to b nice but wat can I do? Will be knocking off around 8 tonite. By the time I reach my gran's to pick her up it will be abt 9. Reach hm at 10pm. She's all sleepy n ready for bath n bed liao.
Oh..a tampines gatherinG!
Bt too far for me.. will gif it a miss

Btw, now got TOYRUS fair at United Sq.
The collection so-so nia. Only bought building blocks (with alphabets and numbers) at $29.60. Original Price: $56 liddat.

My colleague was suan-ing me that 'WAH SO EXPENSIVE. Lego oso not so ex'...


Lego got alphabets meh?
HI Mummies,

Nice turn-out for the gathering =)

Can mummies pls indicate who is in for the 'Zhua Zhou'?

Please do prepare a red-packet each for our own babies participating. It is just a gesture, and will be given to our own babies on the spot after they pick their items as a congratulatory!


Dear Vanilla,
I got your message!

Dear Charlene,
Of course I remember =)
Wa so traditional..so fun

Date: October 3rd, 2009, Saturday
Time: 2 - 5pm
Venue: Tampines Street 83, Blk 865
1. Kym + Scarlett + Hub
2. Liz + Kaiden
3. Eileen + Isabelle + Gabby
4. Rachel + Kydric
5. Breadmum + Ethan : Zhua Zhou
6. Angeline + Carine
7. Peiling + Jonathan (+Samuel?)
8. Jane + Simon + Samuel
9. Mamyvelle + Lovelle + Niece
10. Traz + Jvel
11. Dmbb + JD (+ hub?)
12. Charlene + Kaleb + Hubby tbc
Date: October 3rd, 2009, Saturday
Time: 2 - 5pm
Venue: Tampines Street 83, Blk 865
1. Kym + Scarlett + Hub
2. Liz + Kaiden
3. Eileen + Isabelle + Gabby
4. Rachel + Kydric
5. Breadmum + Ethan : Zhua Zhou
6. Angeline + Carine
7. Peiling + Jonathan (+Samuel?)
8. Jane + Simon + Samuel
9. Mamyvelle + Lovelle + Niece : Zhua Zhou
10. Traz + Jvel
11. Dmbb + JD (+ hub?)
12. Charlene + Kaleb + Hubby tbc
Date: October 3rd, 2009, Saturday
Time: 2 - 5pm
Venue: Tampines Street 83, Blk 865
1. Kym + Scarlett + Hub
2. Liz + Kaiden
3. Eileen + Isabelle + Gabby
4. Rachel + Kydric
5. Breadmum + Ethan : Zhua Zhou
6. Angeline + Carine : Zhua Zhou
7. Peiling + Jonathan (+Samuel?)
8. Jane + Simon + Samuel
9. Mamyvelle + Lovelle + Niece : Zhua Zhou
10. Traz + Jvel
11. Dmbb + JD (+ hub?)
12. Charlene + Kaleb + Hubby tbc
Hi Kym,

I would like to join in the gathering as well.
Date: October 3rd, 2009, Saturday
Time: 2 - 5pm
Venue: Tampines Street 83, Blk 865
1. Kym + Scarlett + Hub
2. Liz + Kaiden
3. Eileen + Isabelle + Gabby
4. Rachel + Kydric
5. Breadmum + Ethan : Zhua Zhou
6. Angeline + Carine : Zhua Zhou
7. Peiling + Jonathan (+Samuel?)
8. Jane + Simon + Samuel
9. Mamyvelle + Lovelle + Niece : Zhua Zhou
10. Traz + Jvel
11. Dmbb + JD (+ hub?)
12. Charlene + Kaleb + Hubby tbc
13. Millie + Alston- Zhua Zhou
Hubby's not able to go wif me tat day. Wanna meet me at Tampines MRT and we can walk to Kym's pl ??

Is it far to walk fm Tampines Interchange ? I used to live at St. 83 when young and if i dun rem wrongly, ur pl should be abt 1 bus stop fm Tampines interchange rite ?? Is it near Blk 860 ??

Alston is like tat, i cannot predict his eating appetite. Sometimes, he can finish a bowl of porridge within 15-20min, yet can take 1/2-1hr to finish 1 bowl on bad days. What's worse is tat sometimes he juz finish only half a bowl. I need "hong hong pian pian " in hokkien and singing songs and pointing things to him during his meal time every day to make him eat....sigh
