(2008/09) Sep 2008

My little e's feeding schedule

7.30am Cereal mixed with one whole fruit( eg. apple, peach, banana, or kiwi)pureed
10am 150ml milk
11.30am / 12pm Porridge (1 meat/fish + veg)
3pm Yogurt + cheese + snacks
5.30pm/6pm Porridge ( same as lunch)
8.30pm 150ml milk
12 am/ 2am - 100ml milk

i use healthy rice to cook his porridge - mix of red, brown unpolished, frangrant and calrose rice

Flos, llCY,

Yah .. asked hubby to come back every month like last time and then try to shift back by next year end ... he say he will try ... but I will come back in year end / start of this year .. cos too cold .. dun think my kids can take it .. ...I guess i am still quite okay without him ard .. keke ..

Heard frm my mum tt cooked porridge should be served to babies not later than two hours later, cos will "shen feng" (accumulate wind) even in the thermal pot. Since then, I've tried to cook porridge and feed her within 2 hours...but i can understand how you feel, when u still need to take care of your ill FIL...

Rachael has been drinking lesser and lesser milk, she is like Tinkerbell's bb, taking cereal in mrng and 2 porridge for lunch + dinner. She finishes like more than 2 bowls for each meal of porridge, but dont like noodles/rice. So I've been unsuccessful in introducing other types of food for her. She like pandan sponge cake though=)

Your ger still takes so much milk? Mine only 120ml max for each feed, using still the 2-hole nipple. She hates fast flow, so her feeding is so slow...and feeding cup fails..=(

U refer to me?
Ya, she still drinking 180ml, not much not less, less than 180ml, she cry, more than that, she still drink 180ml and stop drink, sometime, she will not finish the whole bottle.
hey mummies.. i've been AWOL for a while.. the last school term is really busy for teachers..

just want to ask whether you mummies are still sterilizing bottles?

and whether you'll be sending your bb for the chicken pox jab?
cloud ,
i am still sterilizing the btls at every feed .. keke .. even for zac .. cos that time zen is born zac is still one year 2 months .. so i just continue till nw .. i dunno when to stop too .. i have cousins stopping at 8 mths , some 1 year old .. hmm ... but since not too much of hassle .. just on the sterlizer .. am still using the baby tollyjoy btl detergent .. am still using pigeon detergent for the clothes .. and still adding the liquid to kill the bacteria. Am still cooking fish porridge with meat / vege for zac .. less / no salt .. keke ..

that is y zac and zen often kena diarh in china .. cos sometimes we eat outside and i just let them taste outside food once a while .. and they will come back with a few days of diar .. keke..

Most likely gg to stop in another two more months .. when I head back n have no time to do all these ..
Hi Cloud,

I stop sterilizing when baby M hit one year old. Based on the PD recommendation, just stop everything. SO far, everything okay.

As for chicken pox jab, the PD recommend it on 15th month. So baby M will be getting MMR and chicken pox on 15th month.
Sterilizing Bottles:
There was once my ger was admit in hospital. The doc asked do we still sterilize her bottles, cos by right at 6 mth we can stop sterilize their bottles. so now once awhile i will sterilize her bottles.
<font color="aa00aa">Sterilizing bottles - I never did sterilize right from the start! Just didn't want to bother the CL with additional work during the 1st month (she bottle fed BM some nights), &amp; then I just never did once she left. Just washed with baby wash &amp; air dry.

cloud (lovelycloud) - Kieran is scheduled for his chicken pox jab at 15 mths as well.</font>
hmmm ... till now still sterilizing lovelle bottles. think will stop when the sterilizer spolit, cause if not there's no place for me to put the 5bottles.

how do u mummies keep the bottles? on those bottle drying racks?
Jojobar, your PD recommended that you stop sterilizing?

Seems that all mummies are going to send their bb for jab at 15 months too.. that's what I was planning to do too..

mummies, any good PD to recommend?
there's cover for munchkin drying rack ? seems to see it somewhere before , can't recall.

My bb next jab is a 18mths, jus took her jab at 12mths.
Hi Cloud,

I will not say he recommend lah. I just ask him whether it is still necessary to sterilize. Then he say no need already since Baby M is 1. And I was bring him to perth for vacation, very troublesome to sterilize. So he suggest to stop sterilisation and he told me to just STOP. No need to gradually stop.

Mamyvelle, there is not cover for the drying rack. I just put the bottles there to dry and use.
Hi Mummies!

Wow.. see tat some mummies dun sterilise bottles liao! Feel inspired oso! keke

I was MIA for a while cos too tired looking after my son plus preggie..and oopps.. tink my next bb is a boy cos saw the dick in yesterday routine scan. thot will kena a gal loh -_-

Bigtoes, saw ur FB videos on Kieran. OMG. Can u tell me how u 'educate' him to be so smart leh! CAn sing song and pronounce alphabets! I am amazed!!!

U guys sending ur little one to any schools yet? Dunno shld do little neurotree mah... any feedbacks?
<font color="aa00aa">♥Mamyvelle♥ (mamyvelle) - hah, i am a dirty mommy - didn't even buy any drying rack - just use the disposable containers used to contain grapes, &amp; change them once they get ickky

Goldfish (goldfish1395) - Oh, so confirmed baby no 2 is a boy? Congrats!!! How many weeks are u now?

On Kieran singing &amp; reading alphabets/numbers - I guess he is just a quick learner? He is naturally very curious &amp; observant. Like singing Twinkle twinkle little star in the video - it just happened out of sudden. Hubby sang to him in the car maybe 2-3 times, he automatically said the last word of each verse after that.

Schools - no plans to send to enrichment classes etc., but we will send K to a playschool after 18 months (NTUC's First Skool) for 3 hours during the day so my MIL can get a break.</font>
I'm still feeding milk with cereal for breakfast and 1 rice porridge for lunch only. The rest are milk feeds. Any of ur bb refusing to eat porridge now ?? Alston always "boo boo"out his porridge at lunch till i so angry and fed up...made a whole mess of everything. But the most worrying part is that I'm afraid he's not getting enough nutrition cos he's oni eating 1/4 a bowl and most of the time boo boo out the food...sigh

Do take care...it must be very tiring on u/

So confirmed boy for ur 2nd one ?? Congrats !!!
great! meet up again when you return!can bring both zac and zen over and we can have a nice playdate!

little neurotree is ok, but i think comments that their activities are simpler and pace slower than other brain straining schools... you can try their trial..other than lnt, there is shichida, one private centre at bishan which has very good reviews and this centre at tpy(sorry cant rem name) that provides revision classes nearly everyday of the week...

let your lil one take his time. one day he might just amaze you at the different things he is proficient at. let him grow to love learning and try not to compare. i think we tend to compare a lot esp our fb (new experience?), but we also know at the end of the long road in life 'that time and chance overtake us all...'
Kieran is super cute!

if it makes u feel better to know, both my sons dont like porridge and have "pui-ed" it out since day one. so i had to feed them ang mo diet like oatmeal but now Jon is taking very well to rice. esp w savoury ingredients, :p, have u tried?

come back soon. hope everyone gets well quickly.

are there any SAHM like lil CH, kym and I? we were thinking of having some playgroup on weekdays...any takers?

anyone can tell me why use powder or liquid and the difference? i have always bought powder detergent but today my helper says liquid is better. opinions? advice?

There was a long period of time when I had difficulties feeding my boy too.. My bbsitter would feed him with porridge for lunch and rice with soup for dinner. She too had difficulties feeding him. He would just turn his head left right up down and refused to open up his mouth... Eat 1 meal would take an hour and I would always end up flaring getting angry!!!

Subsequently, I changed his variety of food. Instead of feeding him with porridge or rice, I switched to maccaroni, kway teow, mee sua and western food etc... His appetite got much better.

So me and my hubby concluded that he's sick and tired of eating the same food like porridge and rice everyday..

I found this website from other threads and I followed the SAHM's recipe.. Wide variety and quite easy to whip up...
Bigtoes, I am into my week 14 now. I hope the ‘dick’ we saw is actually something else like toe or wat loh cos I am reallie hoping for a gal. Keke

Kieran is so KE-AI. I like the part when he suddenly utter a lyrics of the twinkle twinkle little star!! Irresistible

Wah.. u seems quite knowledgable in this area. Ermm.. wich private centre in Bishan are u referring to? I stay in Bishan wor.. :p

Ok.. I oso experienced the same problem. Ethan oso fussy over food. After I came back home, I prepared porridge and steam fish and some veggie and when I put him into feeding chair, he cannot seat still. And I have to let him roam ard the house and den he can slowly eat. It is a PURE torture cos I oledi so tired after a long day work and come back home still nid to feed him for an hr liddat.. it is TORTUROUS
iiCY ,
yah.. will sure meet up ... keke .. am very near u nw .. i have plans to send zac to half day school after i head back .. but will monitor and see how he react to school ..cos he resists school so much .. i send him to JG in shanghai .. 1.5 hrs each time and he can really cry all the way after 5 weeks he is still crying .
Can let me know if u gals are joining playgrp class on weekdays ?? I'm oso SAHM

Ya i oso guessed he's sick of eating the same fd every day. He used to be like this previously and i changed to white potato with cheese a few times, but i find it difficult to add in veg with the potato. I guess i need to give him mashed potato or pasta tomorrow.
<font color="aa00aa">Variety in food - I am also guilty of feeding Kieran porridge every single day! I would love to give pasta, mee sua etc...but these won't keep &amp; I prepare the food to pass to my MIL for his weekday meals. Must make an effort to provide more variety during weekends I guess. Thankfully, K has been OK with his porridge so far, not like overly enthusiastic (compared to our adult food), but will sit &amp; finish up in about 15 minutes (have to keep him occupied with lots of books on the high chair though). I try to add alot of variety to the porridge - each time I cook, I have like 6-8 different items (e.g. minced pork + egg + tomato + carrot + corn + sweet potatoes + mushroom, or something like that). Also add alot of non-salt spices to add more natural flavor.

Goldfish (goldfish1395) - Having another boy is not bad what. You can recycle Ethan's clothes for instance!
Anyway, week 14 is still so early to tell for sure.

On K singing - hehe, he knows some of the lyrics from ba ba black sheep as well cos my MIL sings that to him sometimes. Other than that, he listens only to class 95 or 90.5 cos we don't even have any nursery rhymes CDs! Anyway like what lilboymum mentioned - different babies have different talents &amp; eventually everyone catches up anyways

Any Mummies still breastfeeding or have just weaned their baby successfully?

I'm at my wits ends! My little girl refuses the bottle/beaker/cup but the PD &amp; her teacher recommended that I wean her off breastfeeding now. (She's almost 13 months).

All I can do is cry when my little girl cries for me! (my husband is trying to help me with milk feeding but it's not working). =( I know I have to wean her off sooner or later... and it'll probably be easier now rather than later... but it just feels so hard! sobs.
er... its not playgroup class right now...unless Lil CH wants to conduct the lessons*grinz*...more like a social gathering at present but sure, i think we can try to make it educational:D we're doing baking next week if u are interested
as in, the kids baking and the mummies swallowing whatever the result...

i am still breastfeeding and from the stuff on the net, it seems that weaning baby when he/she wants it is the easiest way. it might be easier when your bb is willing to co-operate at least! is your girl taking solids for at least 2 meals yet? that might help if u can supplement a milk feed with a solid one. or at home, try with a little formula e.g. 30ml first then the breast. i'm not very successful myself but even if one milk feed is replaced is better than nothing.

I can't keep my boy sit thru his lunch or dinner as he always tries to get up. My maid has to hold him down and try to get more NEW toys to district him..

wondering if i should just let him watch TV..
o you live in bishan, then you should go for this, i went for a trial and i think they are pretty good! butbutbut..i think i must look for their contact again..

i dun sign up coz my priority then as now is to build up areas that i cmi like swimming, music...so that's all my kiddoes go to :p

send to school ah, tell you ah i nearly killed myself looking for a school for cy..there are so limited chocies in yishun and the ratio is sooo high even for the expensive ones. im looking out now will keep you posted which is a good choice :p

millie, dseptkon
hahaaha,...see lah, i wanna relac too :p..kekeke...okok the kiddoes baked cookies then we sing the cookie monster C is for cookie song how about that?something real educational...or show them sesame street with cookie monster singing the cookie song

while we mummies sit one corner and eat 'proper tea' (*grin to dseptkon*)
limay : was considering my first skool flexible short-hour programme too. but seems like there's no centre near my place. and if i were to bring her to and fro , headache also , don't know to stay around that area or go back home.
hahah..i help dseptkon post..'come come welcome'..kakakak...

millie, mamyvelle
this week will be at my place at yishun...if you wanna come for the cookie bashing and mashing session, the come along..can pm me your contact number then i sms you guys my addy? actually i can pm lah, but i lazy...
Re: Fussy with food

I think mine is the champion for sure! She basically will just eat 3-5 spoonfuls (on good days) and will stop eating.

At first, she merely kept the food in the mouth.
Then she learnt how to turn away and scream in real high pitch!
Now she knows how to spit/blow out the food!

Whole day total amt of porridge intake is like 1/3 bowl? or less? just surviving on breastmilk...suckling all night long..

she's just 7+kg at 1 year old...not surprising though..sigh

sigh. She's actually taking 3 solid meals a day already. But the PD told me a child her age should be taking around 400-500ml of milk still! Am not sure how I'm going to squeeze that in.

Problem about self weaning is..my little girl doesn't seem anywhere NEAR wanting to wean! If anything, she seems to want the breast more and more.

Anyway, yesterday was my first day of going cold turkey...I think I took it more badly than my little girl coz I cried quite a bit. It's so sad to see her going to sleep without any milk coz she didn't want formula. Surprisingly though, she didn't wake up more during the night. If anything, she actually slept longer! hmmm...

We've resorted to feeding her formula from a spoon and she takes about 40ml at a go. Sigh... guess I'll just have to keep trying. I didn't think it'd be so difficult to stop breastfeeding!

Oh and tinkerbell, my girl got more restless at mealtimes too. So I started giving her a spoon with a little bit of food to feed herself whilst I feed her and that seems to work.
Good morning mummies, seems like the thread is moving again, which is a good sign!

On breastfeeding
I'm still expressing once in the early afternoon, and latch on for K's night feed. He's on 3 meals (breakfast - cereal mixed with bm/formula, porridge for lunch &amp; dinner). Tea break, he'll take 120ml of formula (pediasure), and ifc will soak bread in the milk and spoon feed.

Steph, you can try bread with milk. Also, try different types of formula. I tried enfa and was not successful, and when I tried pediasure, he asked for more, so I knew he's ok with pediasure.

Also, another method to increase milk intake, is to do banana milkshake. Sometimes, for K's cereal in the morning, I rather use formula than breastmilk, and I would take my extra bottle of breastmilk to do banana milk shake for his in-between snacks. Very easy to do, just take 1 banana and milk and blend!

Also, there's a spoonbottle (a bottle that is attached with a spoon type, which u just tilt the bottle, and milk flows out from the spoon) in the market. Eg. Pigeon / faarlin brand or even tolly joy has it. Easier to spoonfeed milk.

Millie, on eating.. perhaps you would like to start trying out dried scallops in your porridge. At least it's natural, adds a bit more taste to the porridge, (better than adding soy sauce, salt) or like what other mummies say, give variety like noddles, etc. I have yet to try on noddles too! :p Lazy mum...

I know most mummies already started giving outside food.. but mummies, go slow on that.. bits and pieces are fine, but try not to give it as a meal for the babies. Not forgetting that in the event if your child ever goes to childcare in the near future, the porridge at the cc will not have any salt/sugar!

Goldfish, can check if your ifc provides dinner for the little one, cos mine does! So I dont have to rush home, cook and feed! :p
yah ..yishun is limited .. there is a famous " little skool house international " n another " carpe diem" but yah the ratio is really high and the queue inside is long .. siAnZ .. but i am definite i will throw zac in.. for half a day ..so that I can handle zen ( walking and climbing n falling) ..
Cool .. baking session at your house .. u gals can keep the biscuits for the toddlers to consume within a few days .. keke ..

check out this website .. they are giving free trial for music ..


I am looking for maid .... from jan next year n will take a new maid instead of transfer maid .. not gg back to the ex agency cos their service is lousy .. thou my ex maid is good .. keke .. it all depends on luck .

Racheal ,
u not SAHM ??

Traz ,
i thought u are in teaching line .. u SAHM ..
ya..i'm a teacher..but currently on no pay child care leave..

i give up on my girl! Bought a bottle of bovril just now and added it into the porridge...and she still "blew" everything out! Morning until now she hasnt eaten anything except 1 biscuit!

seriously thinking of seeing a consultant...
traz ,
try pediasure they have choc favour... or some fruits .. or u wanna try milk .. yoru girl is no2/3 right ?
i am so free today ... originally plan to go shopping .. but bcos of headache nw staying at home ..

another good news to share with all .... I am expecting my NO 3 .. and hoping it will be a gal this time round .. if not i will kill my hubby and get his sperm checked .... if all his chorosomes are "YY" .. MS is very bad .. and worse than my two previous .. think i have not fully recovered from the stomach flu virus .. hmm .. nevertheless .. just nice lor .. can head back to sin
Oh yah .. just to add...
close factory after this one ... no matter boi / gal ... cos too close the gap already and i cannot stand staying at hm for too long ..
Congrats chewy ring!!! No, I'm not a SAHM. When you mentioned ratio is high, how high is that? The standard rule is 1:8 for babies 18months. IFC's ratio is 1:5. The older they are, the ratio gets worse...

Traz, look at it this way. If you dont feel like eating, and someone force you to eat, would you like it? So, if your gal just simply refuse to eat, just take it away. As parents, it's natural that we always worry that they dont eat enough, sleep enough, etc. When she's hungry, she'll eat something eventually. No babies will starve themselves!

And yes, pediasure has chocolate flavour too, so you can try! Or try banana milk shake, it's sweet!
