(2008/09) Sep 2008

my boy love to watch barney. once on he can stay focus for some time.. he still slow in talking.. now he keep on standing up and try walking around with the play mat . din dare to let him walk on the floor himself incase he fell.. recently he fall off the bed cox his daddy did not watch him and guess he doze off. i was too tired that i slept while he take care. we both heard a loud bang we woke up from our sleep and notice he wasnt on the bed, we saw him on the floor already crying
l'l CY^^l'l CH (lilboymum)/Desptkon,
When is the gathering ? What item do i need to bring along ?

l'l CY^^l'l CH (lilboymum),
PM u liao
I switched to giving Alston pasta with cheese and threadfin for lunch today. He blew from start to end, that i stopped giving after a few feeds. I think i need to surrender now, will give milk to him the whole day for a few days . He's not even interested in milk these days, will play with the milk bottle half way thru, unlike previously, i will juz pass him the bottle and he will drink all by himself. Now i need to ja gar him during his milk feed to make sure that he's not playing with his bottle.

lotsa pink dust for you!!!!!kakaka...well, just get it over then you can enjoy the three of them!but this one and zen will be two years apart so not so bad lah...

i went to lil skool house at OCC..carpe diem if im not wrong is childcare not playschool leh..

heee, seeing a consultant, for you or jvel?? :)P)...but i understand. sucky to ahve a child who doesnt like food...

my boy saw the PD and dietitian, think your fb too right???

okok it's on weekday, 27th oct, tuesday at 2pm....
can pm me then i email you the details!! anyone welcome but if no place the take turns to play with dough before throwing into oven lo...in my experience, they dun last that long...

but feel free to bring stuff for waterplay..there is a small bb pool...nothing big deal..but guess its the company that matters. if not jsut leave them in the playroom and let them play...

butbutbut..i actually dun ahve many one year old toys coz anything for one year olds are all hand me downs....

you have cookie cutter?

you going to buy the phoon huat ones?

pasta with cheese and threadfin!!!! hahahaha...sorry but ive never heard of this combi before!!! kakakaka....maybe something mroe conventional he will like? just pasta and cheese first?
*hugs* so u are trying to go cold turkey. hang in there if u've decided that that's the way to go for u. i heard that it doesnt take long before the babies adapt.if u can get over the initial difficulty that is.

lil CH
don't worry about the toys la. i think most of the bbs will just be excited with that "ooh new place" and anything at all will interest them. heck, jon can amuse himself for a LOOOOONG while with two lego duplo blocks*LOL* and anyway i think that most of the mummies here will go out with at least one little toy tucked away in their bag for "emergencies" so if it comes down to an extremely desperate situation, we all do toy swap lor ...hahahaha.

to all the SAHMs
join us leh! welcome
Lil CH, yea the phoon huat ones, i'll get a few types and enough for all of us i think

Hehe, i got a teether and pacifiers if anyone wants to swap toys! hehehe
dunneed so many lah, just one or two packs enough..dun think the bbs can do more than one eat...else we end up doing all for them ah..i think we just let them stamp stamp here and there a bit then just dump into oven..

you wanna mix and chill it first before coming? or come earlier to mix and chill..coz easier to play when chilled..
Thank you all Mummies , despkton , racheal , jo , amanda , kym , angeline, millie , IICY ( I got your pink dust) .... for your well wishes ... PRAY FOR ME THAT I AM GG TO GET A TIGERESS ..

Millie, Let me settle and kick my son inside CC first before tea .. have to find maid as well .. then tea .. keke ..
Lilyboy, okok... see whether u can find the contact of the trial or not. If not, nvm.

Tinkerbell, i tried to get ethan to watch tv bt he is not interested! However, my friend boy can seat still and watch TV and it is such a breeze to feed him. I find it so FASCINATED! However, the side effect is -- IMPOSSIBLE to feed him when outside cos no TV!

Rachel, ur IFC provides dinner?? OMG... that is HEAVENLY leh! So that means ur IFC close quite late issit? Mine dun and closes at 7pm loh. Shiok leh u!
And ur banana milkshake is a good idea!

Annteo, u bishaner oso? ARe u new to this thread? Kkeke.. ur name unfamiliar or probably i haf a poor memory. I stay at ST 12. U?

Chewy ring, CONGRATS to ur pregnancy!!! Haha.. i hope u tio a gal too cos i think my #2 could be a boy. I oso find it 'annoying' and also wonder what is wrong wif my hubby sperms too!!! Keke

ONE qn, have anyone tried self-feeding yet? I do not have the 'guts' to get it started cos i am someone that cannot stand MESS!
i oso have 2 boys before i got j gal...i was so happy to know that i can finally buy something pink when my gynae confirmed #3 is a gal! Bought some pink sock immediately aft the checkup! hahaha..
hope u'll hv the same experience!
wk 14...actually by wk 16 ur gynae should be able to tell u the odds...
good luck!
3 is definitely enough, if u ask me...in fact i think 2 is just nice...3 is a bit crazy liao, cos i hv no help from my parents..

Gathering at CY's
sorry, cant attend liao..my #2 is going for an op that day.
removing tonsils and adenoids(lump behind the nose)..they are too big and have been obstructing his breathing and sleep.
qiuling, goldfish
you funny lah, the previous generation everyone hoping for boy, now everyone pining for a girl :p... but me too lah, kekekek..was praying so hard though tried to stay 'positive' and told friends aiyah boy oso nebermind..can play together...

wow, a tigeress ah!!! think she'll be the bully of the family liaoz (looking at how mild zac and zen are...)

ch self feeds, we steal in mouthfuls now and then..yes real messy, but she enjoys mealtimes this way, can put newspaper below the high chair ..then use ikea high chairs, bring the entire thing to wash after that...including bb...
o dear, hope he wont be too traumatised by the experience...

okok let's organise things a bit, put your names down and pm me, and i;ll send you my addy..

Event: Cookie bake
Date: 27/10/2009
Time: 2pm
Location: Yishun
1. lilboymum, CY and CH
2. kym and scarlett
3. dseptkon and Jon (sam?)
4. mamyvelle and lovelle
lilboymom: dreadssss...it's a weekday!!! I would like to join in cookie bake class too with my boy! But I've to work ley....should organise on a weekend mah...
Congrats !!! Me too hopping my #2 is a a tigeress too. Praying hard going for detail scan so can only confirm next mth.

Me staying at St 22, not new to this thread, just not very active in posting cos my naughty take up most of my time.
knock knock .. so quiet today ..
It is getting colder at night here in shanghai ..having a stupid headache today .. sianZ ..

Annteo ,
yah .. lets pray this one is a princess man .. nightmare if a boi again ..Hubby keep saying he guess it will be boi again .. but i am keeping fingers cross for nw .. cos his two previous guess are quite accurate ..
argh need help !!!
can someone teach me how to count ovulation days?
been trying for few months le

issit day 14 from 1st day of period? have brought some ovulation kits to test , but we will be able to count from the dates right?
yipee..thread alive again.

envy envy..i end my leave tomorrow not tuesday, else will sure join u .

haiz - little E had his great fall this morning. Got a BIG baluku on his left . I had to use a cold compress and 2 warm hard boiled eggs to bring the swelling down. Now its major blue black.

I've been on leave and looking after him all week and nothing happen. Now that my leave is about to end, this happens. But the most guilty party is my hubs cause i was cooking little e's porridge and my hubs fell asleep, so little e who is cruising fell from my bed to the floor. he cried for 1 hour..sigh
breadmum : guys are like this. almost happen before to my girl while i was bathing , ask hubby to look after her. But just when i open the toilet door , saw my girl at the end of the bed. and my hubby sleeping away. And his explanation was he's really tired , and i nag at him for having no sense of responsibility.
Good morning mummies! Weekend is finally over - - felt so tired! :p

Goldfish - my ifc also closes at 7pm, but they will usually help me feed dinner at 5pm. Anyway, they cooked once in the morning, just ask them to prepare more, so that your baby can take it for dinner too!

Breadmum - sayang Ethan!!! Poor boy! I'm sure your hub must also have felt guilty, so nevermind lah.. it's part and parcel of life! When they start walking, you'll realised that they keep falling too! Enjoy your last day of leave today!!!

I tried dried scallops on Sat's dinner! K finished the whole pot of porridge! hohoho... but I tried not to give it everytime, cos IFC's porridge will be super bland if he's used to the sweet stuff.
sorry about this, but i have to postpone tuesday's playdate. coz ch down with fever and have recent nosebleed. so bringing her to see doc for full blood count most prob...

will fix up the cookie bake next week ? can anyone make it then?

okok..not a problem..hehe..will go look for some cookie cutter...
been bz the whole last week as my elder gal down with fever oso..haiz...carine oso caught the fever bug but luckily it got better overnight..phew....
dunno...if the fever persists and is high like around 41,then cause for concern..coz might be something with the blood...

im just paranoid lah..

she is ok whenever she takes her pdhamol, but after a while it comes back again..hovering at around 38.5....
There is a PD near your place .. Dr Foo at Ooi baby clinic ... she is not bad .. better get the blood check usually fever > 3 days means something with blood ..

Oh dear, do update us about CH ya, yinyin.
No worries about the baking date, we'll fix it again.

Take care take care, not sure if you feel it, it is really really warm this week!

You're trying again! And considering you're still so young... its great..
lilboymum, u're not paranoid la, it's better to get it checked. i hope it's just a touch-n-go bug. btw, ch's fine (spoon & marker holding is fine right?) motor skills are very impressive! i believe with just a little more practice, there will be nothing for u to clean up after! my o still holds the spoon upside down when she "feeds" herself.
willl be getting it checked...

ch's self feeding is still a great big mess lah, she prefers to feed herself using her fingers...very kampung girl :p

why not try fork for O to jab? been wanting to ask you, how many dogs do you have?
lilboymum, hope CH is better soon.

self feeding
i recently start my gal too. was a mess and she also hold her spoon upside down and use fingers instead of spoon to eat.
lilboymom: alas...what do u guys normally do at cookie bake classes? just get the todds to mix the dough and place it inside the mould and bake them for u?

ya..the weather damm hot man..everynite mus zz in aircon + fan..carine if i off the aircon,she will toss abt n wake up coz she hot...


wow..afew starting self feeding liao..haha,tink carine long way man..she cant even hold a biscuits to eat on her own..will play with the biscuits n throw away onto the floor..she only likes those 'man tou bb biscuits ' that i feed her..not to mention her being picky at food!!!!
lilboymum, fork to jab ah... i think she will use it in the most savage manner lor. but i think i will try it out and see how it goes!

i have 1 dog, the other 2 are her parents who live with my cousin and they come and stay over sometimes. they are clowns in fur suits – never a dull moment! i think o is v lucky to grow up with them.

angeline, have u tried the gerber graduate puffs? they are a star shaped snack, quite nice.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi mommies - Hope everyone is doing well! Baby Kieran has 'false measles' or roseola. This is basically a viral rash which appears after a bout of fever &amp; clears up in a couple of days. He was feverish (low 38 degrees)over the weekend, &amp; very "deh", then woke up on Monday morning with red spots all over
Thankfully, this is very common &amp; not suppose to be itchy, &amp; should clear in a few days. But meanwhile, he is very clingy &amp; keeps coming to me &amp; saying "bao, bao, bao!!!!" *faint*

Feeding - doubt they can feed neatly at this stage. K also scoops his fruits (e.g. grapes) but then spoons it onto the table/floor (not the mouth) &amp; uses his hands to pick the food up instead. I don't even want to let him try self feeding porridge - too messy!</font>
hee..no the dough is there, let them play around try to guide them to mould, use those cookie cutter, playplay...then bake it and they eat or we eat lo....when they are older can get them to decorate, but for now just the dough play lo...

never tried it with ch yet, but my fb cy used to have playdates like that..bread and cookie baking..

went for blood test liao..ch down with some virus...could be dengue could be measles (not fake measles)..same like K...low grade fever then rash...

have to repeat blood test...

cookie bake session
when is the next public holz? if there is one we could have it then then other mummies could join us...or we can have it nearer christmas so can bake some cookies for mummy and daddy...cookie bakes are messy but fun. if there are more mummies ic ould have it at the function room to minimise mess..kakakakka...

most prob will have one sometime next week...can anyone make it next thursday or friday?sahms?

self feeding
eh...my fb a boy took forever to self feed...ch is doing it now, she is ok with the spoon just as long as it is nothing soupy...rice she use spoons but veggie she use her hands.but then she is a girl and 2nd born....so her fine motor is supposed to be more devloped...plusplusplus...she LOVES food

angeline, xuanting
try food that will stick to the spoon, like mashed up potatoes or rice...
lilboymum, saw ur FB and realized ur little one need to go blood test and came to check this thread.

My bb tat time kena blood test when discover got tiny spots on his body. And yes, it is endless round of blood test and concluded to be CMV infected with the low blood count of White BLood Cell. Bt i was worried stiff so i understand how u feel!

The prob wif KK doc is they never discharge a bb till they find the source of the prob!

So u must be mentally prepared in this aspects
Anything come back to this thread to ventilate!
hey thanks for the heads up..

so they actually isolatedthe cause? thing is i went to poly and if the child is up and skipping around, im not sure if they would isolate the cause. they only mention virus and could be dengue or measles or CMV or what looing at how the rash came after the fever broke. wanna them to check if it is measles actually but dun think they are going to do it. going tmr for second round of blood test.
Samuel is prone to this fever rash type thing too. why dont u get the blood test done at kk? then they can tell you within that visit whether its something to really be concerned about or not.

cookie bake
jon has swimming on friday

yup..i still got 1 BN haven open yet..1 open long time in the fridge..that speaks how well she likes it..haha..


i shd be ok for thurs/fri...
Rach - so dried scallops work on K. variety is good.

Mamyvelle - my hubby kanchiong so we brought him to the PD. Its quite a bad fall, says PD but my tough little cookie looks active and well. Then after seeing doc, he came home played in his play yard and fell backwards this time. This time, he super manja. haiz.i think its the clumsy balancing phase. i hope he finds his balance soon.

in any case, his bruises are recovering well.

So long never check on the thread..

Chewy: You are preggy?!!!! Congrats!!!! Happy for you, very productive wor... Keke.. Just nice, can come back to Sing to "yang tai"? So your hub gonna be posted back?

lilCH: Hope CH will be fine! You must be so worried!
