(2008/09) Sep 2008

gunibabe, thanks for the advice. i actually had three hot showers in the day and already massaged till i have blue-black marks on my boob (only one engorged, thankfully!) but it still didn't work. it normally does so i really panicked when i tried pumping and still nothing came out. thankfully, the cabbage leaves worked! i managed to empty out my breasts just now! hooray! heng ah, tomorrow no need to crawl to tmc with bb and pump.

angeline goh, quickly go update your bb's passport then. if kena "caught", will they still let your bb through?

schoko, i intend to apply online too but i guess i might have to make a trip down to ica if i encounter the same problem with my online application. just drop into the box right?

SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT: My daughter today again sleep through the night. Miss her feed. We already never change her diaper. End up her private a bit red red. Any good diaper to use that can last her whole night? I am currently using Dryper S size
hi all,

baby E just woke up and started to fuss... i tried to feed her and she drank a while and started to cry like mad... so sad. maybe she dun like to drink milk already... perhaps i should consider weaning her too...

ypg : i use pampers for night. tried mamypoko previously, was also good for overnight use.

wingkei : perhaps you can try talking to one of your family members, the one you are closest to for the problem. also, i wonder if it will be better if you chose a good time to talk about any problem with your other half, eg when you are both relaxed instead of just after work? might be better to get your message across. If you need a listening ear can contact me
<font color="119911">Hi mommies! Am back at work this week, and have been too busy to catch up on the postings!

Surprisingly, I am not as tired as i thought i would be (maybe it would only hit me at the end of the week?), though i have been waking up 2X to express milk or latch on.

Have been expressing at the nursing room at my office and still been able to provide baby K with TBM though I have not been freezing any milk. However, i ended up with painful engorgement yesterday which the pump could not clear and had to rush home to nurse (cleared within 5 minutes of nursing - the miracle of BFing!).
Meanwhile, have been told that our milk supply will dry up quickly cos we do not latch on direct...is that the case for working mommies?

ypg (clarissasmum) - I find that the best diapers for overnite use is Mommypoko. Else, Pampers is also okie.

Wingkei - Hugs!

Hubby called into Class95 yesterday morning and Flying Dutchman read out his dedication (though they don't usually take dedications in the Morning Express Show).
However, it was at 9+am, and i missed it!</font>
i paid $40 w/o tray for the 2nd hand bumbo. U can also try bb hypermart or bb kingdom for a brand new set. My fren got it for $50 w/tray during sale period!

ikea high chair - someone told me there is new color at ikea! was that u?
U r one hardworking mummy. But take it as a guide only, every baby have their own preferences. Just remember that up till 1YO, milk is still their staple.

Ur milk supply will NOT dry up just becos there is no direct latch-on. Otherwise, I would hv dried up a long time ago. There are many mummies who only pump exclusively too.

I started work 1 month back and it's exclusively pumping. Never let my boy latch on at all since then.
So far my MS has been hovering between 900ml to 1000ml everyday from my 4 pumping sessions, around 25-30 mins each.

I think you must pump longer to clear the blocked ducts, in which for me is the case.
Sometimes in the morning pump @ 6am, I would spend a good 45 mins to express the milk.
<font color="0077aa">Ypg: Think dryer not so good, might be better to use in the day. I am using both nepia &amp; fitti 360 but I feel that fitti is better! Even after 12hours, bum is dry!

Xuanting: Poor you!! I had one block duct incident once &amp; its was horrible!! My boobs felt that it went thru hell! I can totally understand what you went thru...

Yday smallberry is back to his unusual waking time again. 12am wake up to talk so I thot maybe if I feed him, he can sleep thru longer but no!! He wake up at 2am &amp; 3plus again! Then 530am &amp; 6am! How can I ever train him to sleep? Should I feed him water now??

Kym: You are really hardworking! I haven't start on reading baby food yet..</font>
Hi Gunibabe! Thanks for the advice, I am trying that out today. This morning, I pumped less volume (about 2/3 to 1/2 the usual amount). I am already pumping about 9-12 hourly now.

Ypg, I use Huggies Ultra (purple packaging) for night time. Can hold lots of liquid and still stay dry!

xuanting, there are two options for you to choose from when you go to ICA. One is to collect the passport on behalf of the child, the other option, you have to bring the child along when u collect the passport. I think there's a $10 difference between the two.
bb must have their own passport now. just brought ch to make her passport the other day, gosh her photos ugly man, looks like a sausage bun!

think dryper cant really hold thru the night, im using Goon, can try pampers or mamypoko..these are the few that can last thru the night as i gather from mummies here...
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Kym</font>
wah... i admire ur dedication towards lett. Share with me the table too k

<font color="ff0000">SarahMay</font>
haha.. no honeymoon lah. Hb got so interested in nonya things and food that he decided to follow my parents and aunties to Malacca (self-drive). ended up we didnt eat any nonya food except their chendol wor.

Now I'm praying hard we dun 'strike' for this trip. Seems like I was in my fertile period. gosh!!!!

haha... i pigged out every meal n coupled with the sun and lack of water bah..

<font color="ff0000">Storeberry</font>
YEah!!!! Little Nonya!! haha... haven had enuff of the show. but den hor.. the 5 min "2nd ending" was horrible. didnt understand a bit of it

<font color="ff0000">Yun</font>
haha.. yes yes... i've been spree-ing.. as usual, oops. each time I tell hb to go open letterbox and he comes back with a parcel, he will automatically ask me "U bot something for Max again?" :p

<font color="ff0000">Bigtoes</font>
wah.. ur hb so sweet ah... dedicate song to u leh. eh.. how come these days he nvr come online to chat le

oh... i haven bot my swimsuit yet. OG got 20% discount for Amex cardholders but I dun have this card.. sighz...</font>
Yes, Ikea has new colors (blue &amp; red) in addition to the ubiquitous white.

Besides a highchair, necessary feeding equipments for me ---
1. Good bib (preferably with PVC backing to avoid staining the clothes and I actually prefer those where we tie rather than velcro),
2. Handheld blender (used to have a Braun but using Philips now)
3. Food cutter (for older infant when the food need no longer be pureed)
4. Feeding spoons (used Pigeon for FB. They have a set with 2 soft tip spoons --- I use the Juice/soup spoon which has a positioning stopper to prevent spillage)
5. Slow cooker
6. Food jar (to keep the porridge warm when outside).
7. Feeding bowl (I bought munchkin which has suction pads at the bottom to prevent the bowl from toppling over. Find that useful, though not really necessary).

Suggest u cook a little more each time as my FB toppled the bowl 2-3 times initially and I need to get a second serving for him..
It's cheaper if u apply for the passport online (the $10 difference). However, ICA officer definitely needs to see your bb at some point (either when u first apply for the passport or if application is on-line, upon collection).
<font color="119911"> Re: Milk supply from pumping. Thanks mommies, that is reassuring to hear.

skinny pig (skinny_pig) - I am only pumping 2X at work (about 300-400ml in total) - for about 5-10 minutes per session. Don't want to be stuck in the nursing room for too long! Also pump 2X at night, and produce another 300-400ml. The rest of the time, i try to latch on (1-2 at nite, and 1 at 6+am if he wakes up). I think his milk consumption has taped, and the amount that i express is still sufficient to provide for his daily needs.

Not sure if my PIS can get rid of the lumps! The last time, i also had to nurse to 'heal' my boobs. And yesterday, i ended up pressing the lumps when i was pumping till my skin feels totally bruised now!

sasa (sasa_xie) - heh, hubby is on childcare leave &amp; taking care of baby K for 4 days (Mon-Thurs) cos my MIL can only take over on Friday. He is home alone with baby and realised how difficult it is, so SMSed Class 95 to show is appreciation to me for taking care of the little one alone for 4 months

You are lucky to have a nursing room.. My office doesn't have a nursing room, no decent meeting rooms cos all the doors are in partially frosted glass, so I pump out my milk in single toilet during the 1st week.
Imagine I have to bear with the toilet smell for 30 mins

Subsequently I found a meeting room which is quite secluded. So I got the key from my admin dept, locked the door and pasted the non-frosted door area with newspapers!!!

I also experience blocked ducts and engorgement fever previously when I was out with baby and missed my pumping session during my maternity leave. I used a super duper hot tower to cover the whole breast and used all my might to massage the blocked area before pumping.
I am also using PIS, so far it can clear my ducts, just need to pump longer.

Your hubby still can take care of baby K alone.. My hubby threw in the towel after an hour or 2 alone with baby.
hi bigtoes, i am also using PIS. must massage very hard and pump at the same time to remove lumps. but by the time i am able to remove the lumps, my aerola very bruised already.. I also got bruised while massaging.. i totally understand what you are going through...

hi lok,

oh is it? i guess i didnt realize that because when i went to ICA yesterday, the baby was with me..
<font color="0000ff">Bigtoes
wah... super envious of u. my hb will onli help take care of the lil' one for a few min. He's those kind, can play with bb.. but once bb starts crying, he throws in the towel. aaarrrgghh...

but i'm thankful that he's helping mi these 2 nites for the feeds coz i'm not feeling well. I still wake up though. so juz sit there n see him feed Max. or help him get hot water to warm up the milk</font>
<font color="119911">skinny pig (skinny_pig) - i used to be on the same floor as the mothers' room, but shifted down, so now i have to take the lift with my pump &amp; stuff everytime i need to express. Was thinking of just expressing in the washroom on my floor, but like u mentioned - its unhygenic and there is no power point anyway. I have to share the room with 3 other nursing mommies in my company (all with babies 6 months to 1 year plus, but still BFing), but i have everyone's schedules now, so there isn't a clash of timings.

Blocked ducts - this is the 2nd time i am encountering painful blocked ducts. Its the type where it hurts to even walk!

schoko (schoko) - i ended up totally bruised as well - felt like i got beaten up!

sasa (sasa_xie) - ur hubby is also sweet to help out when u are not well
Hope u are better now.
skinny pig (skinny_pig) - he survived Monday alone with baby, but think maybe baby K missed me or something, cos he ended up crying most of that afternoon. That nite, hubby called his dad (who is working part time) to come over on the subsequent afternoons to help him!</font>
<font color="ff6000"> haha...bigtoes told me sasa commented in forum that i havent been posting. yeah, busy with the little monster these few days. not easy definitely. best time is when he sleeps (like now!). then i can get many things done and cook lunch (within half an hour! cos he usually sleeps only half an hour!). haha. u girls should definitely let your hubbies try out the "fun" of taking care of the little monsters!</font>

LC, i got the feeding bowl and spoon from pigeon. I use different type of spoons for baby rice and water.

ypg, i had no choice but to start my baby on semi solids at 15 weeks. She refuse to drink her milk especially in the evenings. Yesterday evening, she screamed when she saw me carrying the milk bottle towards her. It was already 5 hours after her last feed. She push away the milk bottle and cried so hard. No choice. Fed her baby rice with milk and she was so happy slurping every mouthful.

Called the PD and he commented that she is still young and should encourage her to drink milk more. He advice to give 1 feed of baby rice with milk per day. Slowly puree some carrots in. PD advice not to take oatmeal cereal and barley cereal yet as baby is still very young.

Your blocked ducts must be quite serious. Mine is painful whenever I touched them.
Anyway I am quite lazy to pump 4x a day.. Very hectic. Just started to pump 3x yesterday.
I need my sleep badly!!!
I went to the nearby GP for Alston's vaccination and they don't have bb weighing scale and measuring tape to measure his length

I also chose 3pics , same as u

Nice meeting u too

U din place any disposable breast pad whenever u go out ? I usually do that and even though i've been pumping at work, i still use the pads in case the breasts leak !!!

Unlike gynae and some mummies here who swear that latching on can increase or maintain milk supply, i'm actually the opp. In fact, my MS will decrease if i latch on exclusively. I guess the reason is Alston doesn't empty both breasts entirely as he is easily distracted and i need to switch him to another breast after a short while (less than 5min). However, he will finish the whole bottle if bottle feed. Therefore, i need to pump out the bal in order to maintain milk supply. However, i dun pump outside whenever i go out during the weekends. I found my supply dropped just after 3days of not pumping diligently as i took leave on Mon as well to bring A for photoshoot.

BB Flipping
Alston simply loves to flip and jumps at every opportunity to do so unless he's tired. I have to flip him over everytime i wanna change his diapers or dress him after bath.
Hi, Bigtoes

I have been working since last Nov and pumping twice during office hours.. I will pump once before I come to work, then pump at 11am plus and then pump again at 4pm plus..usually direct latch him on at night for the last feed.. so far so good, I am able to provide enough for little J.. how much it your K drinking??
thanks, schoko, i managed to get it done online already. collection within 3 working days which means by monday should be ready.

sasa, all the way to malacca and never eat any peranakan food? aiyo... how can???
Does ur bb keep stucking out their tongue huh?
I remembered bringing this up bt seems like no one has this experience before… my bb keep stucking out his tongue and initially we thot it is cute bt too often liao!!! Bt my PD said it is ok leh bt google tells me sometimes it is cos the bb tongue is too ‘long’ so bb stuck out!!?? Sound bullshit to me…


<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Bigtoes</font>
Take care k. I shudder to think how u are feeling from all the engorgement

<font color="ff0000">dracwy</font>
*Pat on back*.. well done manz. really admire u for being able to look after K all by urself.

<font color="ff0000">Xuanting</font>
haha.. terrible rite.. travel all the way there n ended up eating (guess wat!!) Teochew food. but i muz admit, they were VERY GOOD!! Supposed to have Nonya lunch on the day we return back to SG.. but den coz they wanna eat at Yong Peng oso, so had to forgo one lor. Hb abit disappointed but he said "Nvm, we can always come again, hehe"

<font color="ff0000">Goldfish</font>
hhmm... my bb keep sticking out his tongue at 1 point in time. but recently, his pattern changed le. Now he loves to suck his lips in, if u noe wat I mean.

Guess they tend to change their patterns, so dun worry too much k. Maybe he's juz exploring the use of his tongue

PS: Ur bb so cute leh....</font>
<font color="119911">skinny pig (skinny_pig) - i have been quite diligent in waking up to pump cos of the fear of blocked ducts! I pump at 1+am, and 4+am, then usually latch on for about 15min at 6+am if baby K is awake. After that, i pump again at 7+am to empty both sides, then pump at 11+am and 4+pm at work, and 7+pm once i get home. Baby K latches on another 1-2X more at night before he goes to bed at 10pm.

LC (faintz) - I am pumping at similar times at work as u. Not sure how much baby K is drinking - think about 800ml to 900ml+ a day? He has been taking about 500ml in the 4 EBM feeds these couple of days i have been back at work.

Goldfish (goldfish1395) - Actually, your son looks cute with his tongue out!
Could it be because u guys have been sticking out your tongues to him to during play and he is immitating? I mentioned earlier that my son was 'coughing' whilst talking(but it turns out to be a fake cough, imitating me when i was sick)...and 2 days back, i was making farting noises to amuse him, and he started making them back to me immediately! I stopped doing that promptly, but he is still going round making his "puuutttt" noises!</font>
Thank you girls, for all your comforting words. It always makes me feel better to talk to you all here, like I have some support behind me.

ypg, I have nothing to base on so I am not sure if it is right for my HB to do that, but now that I have talked to you all, I know that he is not right to do that to me. Yeah, he told me to stand there while he ranted at me, and when I didn't listen to him, and continued to move about doing my stuff, he was all the more madder. I did tell him that I felt upset about his behaviour but it did not seem to help.
He can only keep saying that I am being rebellious. I do not have anyone in my family who can help me on this though.

SarahMay, I just felt that his temper is getting worse and worse and the way he let it out is worse too. Like you say, the emotional and mental abuse seem to be getting worse. Now, he seems to get angry at every single thing and even make negative remarks about my family every time he is angry like "your damn family" or "your idiotic friends", which makes me really upset. Then, when he is in a good mood, he's really totally alright. It kinda makes me scared as I won't know when he will next blow up. Yep, I continued with the AWARE counselling, hoping to retain some sense of sanity. Perhaps, it wll be a good thing when I return to work.

Hi LC, I had hoped that things would get better when I next post here after a long hiatus but sadly, it is not to be so. I also feel a lack of respect in him for me and sometimes, I wonder how long I can bear with it.
What kind of something big?

miow, this was the first time he commanded me like this, though there were other instances of commanding. But I believe this would not be the only time. I just don't want my child to follow his example and command me like this in future!

momopanda, I don't dare to talk to my family member as I don't want words to get to my parents which may make matters worse. Now, I try to talk to him about our fight the day after, after a night's sleep. But unfortunately, he always failed to see my point of view and can only insist that I am being rebellious and that my counselling is doing more harm than good. Thanks for the offer, I may really need your listening ear!

Hi Bigtoes, thanks for the hug.
Bigtoes, you very hardworking lor. Still wake up in the middle of the night to express and let K latch on..
For me, my last pump is around 10+ pm, sometimes 11pm and I would go to bed around 12mn cos I spend a good 30-40 mins to fully clear my boobs.
The next pump would be around 6am.

Btw, my friend called me a monster cos I don't experience engorgement at all. The only time I experienced engorgement is 3rd day after delivery. Thereafter, I would just experience mild hardness and leaking breast if I don pump for 8-10 hours. That explains why I skipped my midnight pumps.
hi sasa, my gal also likes to suck her lips! and she does tat in her sleep too.. like sucking a pacifier.

goldfish: my gal did stick out her tongue once. but nw no more.
hi wingkei,

was wondering what happened to you. I'm the one who gave you the no for AWARE. I expected your hubby to be angry when he heards that cos to him, all external factors are causing you to "rebel" against him when you're merely standing up for yourself. It's clear that he does not want you to interact with your family, your friends or people from this forum, simply because he can't control you or he'll face more resistance when he verbally or emotionally abuse you as you learn new ways to handle him.
Jo: where's your office? let me help you think of places that sells Combi tableware.
I saw it at OG (Albert Park &amp; Orchard), BHG (bugis) and Kiddy Palace (Toa Payoh &amp; Marina).

bacon&amp;eggs: yes, I'm the one who told you the IKEA high chairs comes in new colours like red and blue.

Lok: thanks so much for the detailed explaination on the feeding equipments!
extremely helpful list!
hi everyone,
haven't come onto to read the thread for so long. the kids all fell sick at once then passed it on to the adults. now that we are all slightly better, no2 seems to be down again with a cold. i hope it doesn't start another round. i can't take it man.

bbC was the poor thing... had to take so much medication. brought her to PD and at 4.5 gg to 5mths, she weighs 5.65kg and is learning to flip. a bit stressful sleeping at night coz she's keeps wanting to flip over but only her head can and body flip 3/4 way only. then starts licking the bed.

how's everyone doing? still breastfeeding? i must sadly say that she's off breastfeeding and is on formula liao. soooo sad. miss the times when i could latch her.
Passport Application for Babies:
I applied mine online and even made appt online for the collection. I was in and out of ICA within 5mins for the collection. You have to bring baby there in person cos they need to check the identity of the baby.

Diapers for night:
So far my favourites are Fitti 360 (most cost efficient!), Mammypoko and GooN. Have recommended Fitti 360 to alot of mummies here and they love it so much we can form a I LOVE FITTI 360 CLUB! lolz
alabone (alabone): I stopped breastfeeding a month ago. I don't miss it at all cos it frees up so much of my time and going out is alot more flexible now without having to factor in pump time. ;)

Thanks for the advice on diaper. Think got to try out. I am thinking of trying either Mamy Poko or Fitti out 1st.


Ikea high chair got blue n red. Though my baby is gal, I choose the blue 1. It look better with the white tray. The tray still only got white colour. I bought a cushion to put around the highchair to add support as the chair is a bit slippery for my 瞳瞳, nickname of my daughter.


Ur PD say tongue too long sound quite bullshit to me. Haha... My gal like to stuck out her tongue since she is 2 months old. Now she drool alot, stuck out tongue, like to suck the edge of her beanspout pillow. Alot of pattern. Worse than ur boy.


Ur bb neck strong enough to swallow food liao? I read that there is few things that the bb is able to do b4 we introduce solid food. Think able to sit up without support is one of the criteria. So if ur bb can do that, no problem feeding solid food. But still, like wat ur PD say, main food should still be breastmilk or FM.


I go back think about ur hubby cause I feel I may be too negative towards him n it is not doing him justice when I make comments about him.

Like u mention in the thread, ur parents object to u n him together last time. I supposed u 2 suffer a lot to get married right. To ur hubby, ur parents objection mean he is not good enough for u n it may have hurt his pride or ego. I think perhaps his upbringing is different from u. Perhaps his mum take care not to hurt his ego since young so he cant tahan if ur parents hurt his ego n he take it very personally.

So in his mind, he can never forgive n forget. He will always remember how "BAD" ur parents treat him. Hence, he dun want u to do things for them.

I believe u since young have a strong relationship with ur family hence u feel very upset if u r forced to cut away from them because of ur hubby. So ur frustration build up. But the more u want to be with ur family, the more ur hubby dislike them.

As for his attitude towards the baby, is it because it is unplanned? So he is caught surprise therefore difficult for him to do things for baby. But usually, man will change upon seeing their own baby. So ur hubby is much better now right?

U know ur hubby is not bad guy or else u wun marry him right. Perhaps he is just unable to let go the past. Also to him, as compared to ur "evil" parents, his parents, especially his mum is angel so he expect u to be nice to his parents. So when u din do it, he got offended.

I supposed most of ur quarrels are due to ur family or his parents right? Try to understand his stand as well. Perhaps u more understanding towards him, he will be more understanding towards u also. If he expect u to go his parents place 2 times a week, then he should go ur parents place 2 times a week as well. Make him feel good 1st then say out ur request.

But that is the effort on ur side, if he refuse to give way, u should not keep giving way. U should stand firm on what u wish. Also, make sure u got the respect from him. Asking u to stand up while he lecture u is certainly not respecting u.

Sorry for the long-winded post.
ypg (clarissasmum): NTUC is selling Mammy Poko jumbo pack at $21. Fitti's cutting is slightly smaller than MammyPoko, but think slightly bigger than Drypers. So if your gal is wearing Drypers S, can try Fitti S too. Hope that helps!

Thanks. Ur info came at the right timing. I am about to go NTUC to buy diaper. Hope there got sample displayed then I can compare the size. My daughter got giant thigh, think she will outgrow S size soon. To think she is considered small with a 2.5kg birth weight. Haizz... The power of Similac FM, I guess.

I stay at Bedok. Any Bedok mum here?
GuniBabe... i working @ The Central leh...

hw much is the combi tableware set?

Diaper for night use... i think mammy poko and pampers r gd leh... Drypers no good.. always overflow...
goldfish, your bb is cute!

gunibabe, did they email/call you re the collection? i've submitted my application online but am only guessing monday collection cos there was no indication when exactly i can go.
