(2008/09) Sep 2008

Jasmine, ya lor!now he like to flip,cannot put him on sofa anymore. Your ger like to talk back? When we talk to him, he will responde like talk back to us


My daughter record is 3 days, she poo on the 3rd day, just a small tidy bit. But on the next day, she compensate all the previous no-poo days by giving us the biggest poo she even have. Haha... She is on FM so I expected that. Ur baby leh? On FM or BM?


Paiseh, I always very busy working, seldom explore Bedok area so din know much ppl from here also. I have been staying in the West for the past 29 yrs, u see. U got how many children?


No lah. My mum not the bossy mother who interfere with our affairs. Just that she is super kan cheong about our baby n will stop us from doing things that may not be good for the bb. Like I anyhow bring my bb go swimming at Hua Xia when she is only 2 months old, she kena very serious rashes on her private part. So my mum very heart pain lor. I got to admit me and my hubby not very good in taking care of baby n we really appreciate my mum help.

She also know it is important for me n DH to bond with my gal, so she will ask us sleep with our daughter during weekend. Like weekend parents under 1 roof? Also, we bond with my gal through playtime, massage time, makan time n bath time. So that she wun forgot that we r her parents. Haha.

U r really solid, handle ur BB so well. Peifu Peifu... U mean ur daughter automatic sleep at 10pm sharp the moment u put her inside the cot?

Dunno is it a blessing or not. I dun have MIL so I really got no senior to turn to except my own mother. She help me do my confinement. She got aching all over her body but still insist helping me. Mother really very Wei Da right.

I got a very strong bonding with my mother since young. So I am not very possessive towards my baby. I am more than glad that my mother love my daughter n vice versa. To me, my mother suffer alot to bring me up so I want her to enjoy her life now. I dun want to upset her like how I do during my rebellious days.

Not that I dun love my daughter, just that I am happy to know that besides me, she is also well-loved by many others. I not jealous of the bonding between my mum n my baby. Weird right.

Come to think of it now, feel like crying cause recall how much my mother sacrifice for me for so many years. Sob sob...
wingkei: my analysis is based on what you mentioned so far. If you feel better after talking it out, AWARE is the best place to go to, because they can follow up on your case. Your hubby will surely object to it. If he kick up a fuss again, perhaps you can pretend to put the "blame" on yourself, to say that if you don't talk to them, you may fall into post-natal depression blah blah blah. If you were to talk to him in a rebellious manner, he'll surely object to you receiving counselling. For people like him hor, you need to play reverse pychology! hehe ... but you must be strong mentally, to know that you're not the one with the problem, but you are within control.

I think it's ok to submit to your hubby, if the situation calls for it. Submitting to hubby doesn't mean you're the weaker party. In fact, I encourage you to let him know sometimes that you don't agree with him, but you submit to him because you RESPECT him. And can gently tell him that it would be nice if he were to do the same too (please dun say this in accusational tone ;p). Sometimes, men needs this kind of "soft" treatment one. They need to feel that they're in control. When you're actually controlling the situation too.

haha..same sentiment..foto u is much better..i took a package with them when my FB is 1yr old for family shoot..find SL ppl quite rude..not that it happen to me but i see it to others when i there...


9kg? faint..i carry my ger 8.25kg already hand/wrist v tiring..


tink my ger record 8/9days...
shes still like this now..long time nv poo liao..waiting for the big bomb..she on tbf
Angeline- now when i carry him for long i can feel the strain on my back and shoulder. K can only play on his playmat the most1/2 hour then he will start to make noise as he is warm. then we will carry him. and carry him for milk and to sleep
just got back from bb's 4th mth jab. we're one week early but she only weighs abt 5.9kg now. pd said below average and gave me a tin of cereal to boost her weight. dun feel like starting her on solids though.
sasa, haha....me SAHM wor... tats why so free to suft so many thread and buy alots too.
yup, iam staying at JW, BLOCK 652A, do look for me if u happen jalan jalan here...

hi blackberry, i got the cap from FOX BABY.. its cheap, abt $11
xuanting: my son's weight at 3m3w was also 5.9kg n my pd also mentioned its below average. Even though we're concerned, pd still strongly recommend to start on solids when bb is 6mths old. Btw, my son is 6.5kg now at 4m2w n he's considered lightweight compared to the many babies here. But dun worry, as long as our babies r healthy, their weight shdn't b a prob.
Now tat i'm officially a SAHM, i've more time to come online (but tats provided my son is cooperative!). As much as I'll like to continue working, there's really no one who can help me take care of bb if i'm at work. I've tired practically all options - bbsitter, maid, etc - all of which didnt work out in the end. So no choice, hv to b a huang lian po now. How i envy those who hv mil who can help... Really really n i mean really pei fu mothers like alabone, lil cy, etc who hv to handle more than 1 kid!
koras: u stay at buangkok? Me staying at compassvale rd, v near u wor. I always go to the ntuc n kopitiam foodcourt there. U also SAHM?
just get into a schedule. things will be ok for the bb and you! once you have a schedule, it's ok even with more kids.

just take it as a privilege to be there to watch your child grow! it's fun!!!i hve inlaws who are dying to help out. but i still believe mothers exist for a reason more than giving birth.

so who are the sahm here? eve, yun, kym, alabone, qiuling, and who else? we should really meet up for playdates when the bbs are older! it'll be fun. go sentosa for sandplay, visits to farms etc when they older....fun!!!
<font color="0077aa">Koras: Your baby is cute!! Boy right?

Sasa &amp; Ypg: My boy loves to suck his fingers!! Today he ventured to his feet liao!!

Aloevera: My boy did not poo for 7days &amp; he is on TBF.</font>
Aloevera, my bb used to dun shit for like 3 days? Not tat long as urs but PD told me if bb is on BM, it is ok not to haf poo. But when my bb poo-ed then, yah, it is sticky sticky one like those DIY glue!

Thanks everyone for ur assurance on the tongue tingie! I reallie thot it is 'abnormal'and mite be a sideeffect of the viral infection then!!
chewy ring/angeline

was thinking of taking over calamari's package but looking at your comments , am thinking twice. how much was foto u's package? i did one with the shop at forum basement when FB was 1 and it was good but cant remember how much it cost. does anyone else know the rates or the name of the place ?
Eve- at the moment i am looking for job. Yes i stay near to the ntuc there. often go down for lunch or dinner and also NTUC

storeberry- er ya boy
dseptkon ,
the package is ard $120 for one hr session .. all photos returned and also free 3 x 8R photos.. i took it last time when the forum opened up the offer for this forum. Apparently have two photographers with diff style .. david more close up shots and benjamin another style ...
me aso moved to bedok bout 4 yrs ago when married. my 1st kid here. my girl is aso a sept bb.. 4.5mth nw

lil ch
me too.. jz being a sahm a mth ago aft resigned. am trying hard to adjust to sahm life..&amp; alot of things yet to learn &amp; needa alot support/info.. it v tirng to take care of everything 24x7.. it's nw all bout napping, "entertaining" &amp; feeding time

mummies, do ur babies hav a bad temper? my girl does. when things doesn't suit/go her ways, she will throw temper by screaming or making angry ox/dog growling sounds.. (like blowing out air from her nose sound &amp; growling sound frm throat) we r puzzled cos no one show her all these bad behaviours at all &amp; wonder how she got to know how to throw tempers..
Jo: didnt manage to go to BHG today but popped by TPY Kiddy Palace just now, the Combi table set is $55 or $59, I can't rem which is which.
lil CH,
yup afternoons are good, actually anytime after 9 when FB goes to school is good. keke.

chewy ring
sounds like a good deal...am off to look at the forum businees page. think they are there? tks
keke.. it's bb napping time.. i realy dread making my girl to zzz.. it's nt an easy job.. cos she fusses alot even when wanna zzz.. needa rock, pat &amp; sing songs
but if im realy tired, i do try to catch some sleep as much possible when she is napping..
Ha..ha.. my boy also crying and scratching his face, ears when wanna slpzzzz..really hard to please...like we owe them from previous life.

Wat time ur girl wake up in the morning ?
blackberryB: ya, my ger do talk to me. when we talk to her, she will respond. when we carry her while watching tv, she will talk to the tv also.
there is one time she 'quarrel' with another bb at infant care. they were laying side by side, when the other bb is moving her hands n legs, she not happy with it. she shouted back.

Ur son so flexible, can eat his legs liao. Haha... Must be very cute.


I am not SAHM, but still on my ML as my daugher is Oct bb. So for this period, I am considered SAHM with a paid salary. Perhaps now dun need to work hard to get paid, just sit at home also got $, I been spending like no tmr.

I have currently join 3 BP, 1 for taggie (really so cute), 1 for books that I can use for my students n puree book (Chinese), another 1 on Carter Bib.

Not to mention I am pending for 3 deliveries from closed BP. 1 musical hand piano, 1 wall sticker, 1 hair accessories.

Just got an email from Small Small World, dun have to wait for their BP. They selling their Yellow Bear bumpermat the same price as last BP. So getting it too.

I am never someone who love shopping but for my daughter stuff, I never blink when I have to spend. Hope DH wun have to tied up my hands to prevent me from joining further BP.

SAHM: Really Peifu u ppl, sacrifice so much for ur children. There are ppl who think SAHM are lazy or expect SAHM to be better in motherhood.

They dun understand the hardship of being a SAHM. I am under ML (sort of like SAHM), I already cant tahan it. So if ppl say SAHM is easy, I chop chop their head. Haha...
depending on her mood n her last feeding time.. her wakie time can ranging frm 7plus to 10plus in the morning..
Lilboy mum
Me..me..! I'm free in the afternoons. My FB goes to N1 in the mornings for 3.5 hours so I have some R&amp;R time before she's back.
I keen on the taggies.. but wat is the taggies for ? seem like blanket only lehhhhh.
Me also waiting the musical piano,mini sticker.

If u like winnie the pooh character, actually can find from SELF FIX store.. they sell it and cheaper

If u like GAP,POLO RALPH,VICTORIA SECRET,OLD NAVY.. really can join the overseas thread..
the shipping cost is about $3/shirt. its much cheaper than buying here.
Me too ,
A boring SAHM , since bb born , had never go out once without bb. Did'nt go back to work and had to compensate them 1 mth salary , sianx , no personal life at all , guess got to sacrifice for our children bah...

I got my taggie from here. http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/2057333.html?1232060667 Her taggie is more like small pillow with ribbon, not so big as other BP taggie. My daughter like to pull n bite at things, so the ribbon is good for her to play. It cost $10.70 only.

My wall is blue so I am getting the animal wall sticker to put. I bought at $28, dunno is it cheaper or more expensive but cause I din see at DIY store so I order from BP.

As for clothes, I prefer Carter. I go to the Gimmil sales at Tampines. They sell Carter, OshKosh &amp; others at super cheap price. I at 1 go, buy quite a lot. Carter sunsuit is only $10 for 3, while over BP, it cost around $10 plus. Blanket is $4 each. Romper is 5 for $8.

The sales is around Dec, last yr is their 3rd. Hopefully this Dec still got. I am going to get even more.

U got go there?


Can ask u why u decide to let ur bb start on his solid food? Any sign he display? How old he is?

I am now getting prepared for my BB to start on solid food. I bought Nestle Rice cereal without milk Stage 1. What solid food u give ur BB?

I got Heinz unsweetened apple juice also. It stated that can start from 4 months, so I am thinking of starting the apple juice 1st. As for solid food, I am still waiting for the sign.


I supposed u bu2 fang4 xin1 to leave ur BB with others while u go out jalan jalan right. U very wei3 da4. But try to relax a bit. Leave ur bb with some1 u can trust n go out without bb. SAHM dun mean u got to be with bb 24 hours. U need a break also.

ACTIVE FINGER: I start this topic by asking whether my daughter normal or not to keep sucking her finger or pull at things, end up many bb also like that. Hehe... I feel more relieved now. Thanks.
<font color="0000ff">blingbling
Congrats! U get to stay home with ur darlings too!

oh dear. Hope everyone gets better soon. Must be tiring! Totally understand the missing the latching on thing. Felt like dat when cheeky girl stopped in feb last year, but as gunibabe says, after I felt like my boobs were mine again and I was totally free to go out as I liked, I din miss it one bit! In fact, if I weren't still bf chubby cheeks, I wld have taken off for a holiday with hubbs and left my kids in Sg!

u collecting passport for baby? I'm gg to ICA this sat morn to collect chubby cheek's passport.

GOod for you that you went for AWARE counselling. Hope things will start looking up for you.

ur experience with studioloft sounds terrible... And oh, r u gg to Shanghai soon? Sorry, too long didn't come onto forum, am behind the loop of things...

alamak, today then i come online after so long, I think M size must be sold out liao =(

Updates on chubby cheeks:
On Monday went to PD and she's 64cm long, 6.6kg at 4 mths plus

And really happy that my new spring mattress for baby cot has arrived. So sick of the grubby hand me down from my nephew. It's so soft n grubby I decided I cldn't let baby sleep on it anymore!</font>
Hi mummies, what is a good teat to buy? Is it NUK brand? My boy still refuse to drink from the bottle, and I'm going to try out different teats. He is currently using Avent teats, and will be going to IFC next month, worry that he's not going to drink his milk when bottlefed there.

Can anyone guide me which site allows us to resize photos?

Koras, smart boy! how heavy now?

Jasmine, hahaha! oh, I cannot stop my laughing! 'quarrel' with other baby.

I will take 2 week leaves start from next Monday to look after my boy. I am very happy can stay at home look after him

ypg: How much your bumper mat?

Chantellesun, me too, after give birth hubby and me never go to movie! Sometime my mum asked me having dinner or movie with my hubby and she can look after my boy, but we didn't. I will feel guity lor, very silly right

Mrsseng, how old your baby?

Yun, where you bought the wall paper? You did it yourself??

Jaymickey, fund transfer to you le!

Any mummies can advise me, how to defrost the puree? microwave or Avent warmer?
Good morning ladies,
was reading up a bit on weaning and drinking fruit juices.

I was kind of "shocked" to read that
1) we must NOT feed fruit juices from milk bottles as it will cause tooth decay
2) we shd not try to prepare our own fruit juice which is not pasteurized. (commercially prepared ones are pasteurized.)
3) if we want to prepare our own fruit juice, we can steam them first
4) citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits shd not be introduced before 4months as they are more likely to cause allergy.
5) since we are discouraged from allowing babies to drink in milk bottles, we shd only introduce fruit juices after 6months.

Here are 2 links.


Actually if u do a google search, they sing the same tune. Esp the part about not feeding thru the bottle.

Just for ur info since we are all preparing to wean our babies and I see some mummies feeding fruit juice through the bottle..
Crayon, some book comment that we should not introduce fruits juice for baby less than 1 year.
THanks for the link. This link quite usefull
Gunibabe... thanks for checking....

crayonshinchan... thanks for the infro on fruit juice.... i din knw abt it oso...
blackberryB: ya, that topic had been for 2 days, the care taker regrets never video for me to see.
so far, i only see her shouted once before. that when my mum holded her hands and say byebye to me. she knew she is going home, so she tot we going to left her there? not sure also.
ypg, my boy loves tugging and pulling at things so I went to get a taggie for him! Ended up he was more interested in eating the taggie!

Sian! Now its my turn. I just realised that I'll be going back to work in 2wks time! And I am sooooo not prepared to go back to face 34 rascals! Boo!

Gunibabe, I received one combi tableware set 1 as a gift but hor, I do not know wat the little dishes are for leh! They are all in japanese! haaa...
morning mummies ,
storeberry ,
My zac used to take his legs and bite and my aunties kept saying that zac will have a brother soon .. thne accidently pop zenneth .... and it is very true according to her and some grandmothers tales ... so Zane will be getting a little brother soon
if it is true ...

Crayonshin ....
34 only not 40 ??
haha ....

Cupcakes ,
still in singapore... might go for a long holiday from april till june to shnaghai ... then access if the place is suitable for my little one ... keke .. i really hate china .. haha
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Yun</font>
wa... okok. i'm staying near Gek Poh.. haha.. so still quite a distance if I walk over

<font color="ff0000">Storeberry</font>
YES!! tell me about it. Max loves to suck his toes even tho his socks are on. Suck until the socks so wet lah... YUCKS!!</font>
Same qn as rachel ...how to resize har ... am really bad in photos ...FLOS .. u are expert right ?? can still do photo editing ?? Teach me me

Milky , LLCY
yah ,,, SAHM ,, can meet up for lunch if i can afford the time .. keke
