(2008/09) Sep 2008

any computer expert here? i still cant open my hotmail messages lei..cms like theres quite a few whos experiencing this problem oso in the thread..i can only enter till my inbox page n then when i click on the individual email,hang liao( nothing happen)

Morning mummies

Storeberry: I went to Watson & Guardian also can not find that calendular cream wor

Angeline: Which PD you visit?

rlrenn: my boy too! seem like no neck baby :p

Jas, I also go to work at 7am and reach home around 7.30pm, every nite also super tired! only able play awhile with him then he zzzz . sometime he can play up to 11pm and refuse to sleep.just wonder how some mummies can let their little one sleep at same time!
Me gg to HK in Mar
Am excited abt travelling with baconboy! U gg to HK anytime soon?

i personally feel its a good brand. Baconboy loves his carseat (i got a Britax Royale). He always Zzzz in his carseat...the material is super soft and comfy.
Tried to feed brown rice cereal ytd. either i dunno how to feed or bb do not know how to eat off spoon. end up most of the cereal spill out of her mouth.
so end up only feed 2 to 3 spoon and gave the rest to my niece who finish them happily....
btw my PD told me to feed about 4.5 mths. let bb get used to feeding before 6 mth. cant expect bb to know how to eat from spoon from the start right? so have to give them time to learn ...
I was told that Calendula is only available at Watson Taka. You may want to check it out
I ordered mine from the spree.. still waiting for it to arrive leh. Aiyoh.
There is also a spree going on -- http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/2013670.html?1231721863

What is Ang Mo supermarket?? Another supermarket chain like Econ minimart huh??

I am oso exhausted from pumping, looking after bb, doing household chores!! My hubby always say I give him black face nowadays.. bt how can he expect me to be smiley wif all the household chores waiting for me mah! Grrrr
ypg: you're teacher also? MT tcr life also v tough hor? p1 teachers not easy!!! hehe. i know cos iused to teach them. a lot classroom mgmt as well as trying to settle the kids into school. plus a lot of lesson prep.

jeraldin: try a playmat surrounded by a playpen?

jas: hugs! it will get better maybe when your class settles in. why don't u consider UPL if you really feel the strain and if your hubby can support you for a while?

flos: thanks for the reassurances. so why is Gaia a priority now lei?

gunibabe: yup! plan to limit his time in the jumperoo. the falling asleep one happened once-off as he was playing. quite funny. Btw, can eamon sit up on his own yet? somone told me bumbo shd only be used w bbs who can sit up on their own. but i thot it for bbs who already can suport their torso, not necc sit up. if can sit up on their own, why need the bumbo?

chewy: no tv for infants - how do u define infants? just asking tho i rber readig some article poste by limay and i personally 'detest' the tv. however, the tv is a v tempting babysitter lor. i've caught my son staring at it when my dad or hubs carry him. i get a bit exasperated w my DH cos if i ask him to help me look after him, he can just sit in front of the tv n let our son watch. yday he retorted, "He's watching ANimal Planet. Why cannot?" i'm so tired of repeating the reasons abt eyesight and interferrence with attention span devt.

qqq: oh! other than the saline nasal spray, there is also those than work like a dropper but those have shorter life-spans cos once opened got contamination, so can only use for one month. you can doublecheck w your PD abt other meds to stand by. you will get minimal meds cos like my PD told me, they want to see infants before giving meds.

HAENIM PLAYPEN: Anyone has bought this? I rber us discussing this a looong time ago, before we popped. How much is it retailing? Is it useful?someone wants to sell it to me for abt $120 cos she is moving back to sg. i'm trying to see if it is handy.
Goldfish: I went to Watson at ToaPayoh and Bukit Panjang ..aiyoh! Thanks for the link.
Ang Mo Supermarket like Econ minimart, moslty the things selling at Ang Mo cheaper than Ntuc.
Springz: I agree! good toys are not necc ex/ techie types. rber our good old days of playing masak-masak with recycled containers...and our paper dolls! hahaha.

bacon & egg: going HK? where you staying? just a word of caution, if you are plannig to travel around w bub...get a lightweight stroller. unless u are sticking to TST or Causeway Bay shopping centres, the streets are madness for stroller. i was just there in dec. in the end , dumped my stroller in the apt and sarong-ed him when out. anw, which part of march? if coming macau, call me!!!
My hubby oso does that! As in whenever I need him to babyseat, he will put bb on his lap and watch TV together.
And my hubby can proudly proclaim – bb watching TV! I expect him to do something more productive like tummytime, or flashing cards to bb LOH!

Actually is watching TV reallie tat bad? What abt educational shows?? I ordered BB Einstein DVD wor..
Hi all.. i haven't logged in for a long time.. finally back at school..

my little one is down with a cold and i feel so 'heart pain' because he most probably got it from me.. he has been wheezing and coughing and making a lot of phlegmy sounds.. i've already bought him to see a GP who just gave me a nose spray.. does anyone know of any other way that i can soothe my baby? i've read that a humidifier will help him to breathe easier, anyone know of a good brand to get?
<font color="0077aa">LC: Yah, I also don't pump in the night anymore but just afraid that if smalberry sleep thru the night will ss drop or not... But this is not happening now lo...

Yun &amp; Koras: your baby weight is like one yr old weight! Gosh! Really heavyweight!

LC &amp; Flos: My MIL call my nephew "Si zhu zai" in cantonese, (as in dead piglet) I told her so "nan ting"!! Next time better don't call my smallberryt that!

Gunibabe: My smallberry also love the TV! But we tried to cover his eyes &amp; he will use his hands to push our hands away!! Sometimes I just let him be cos its only for a few mins...

And your car seat is really cool! But too ex for me...

Springz: That time I had runny nose, I went to back surgical mask as don't want to spread to smallberry. But abit ma fan cos I bought the cheapo one so a while it will be wet, had to change often. But I am able to still carry &amp; play with him.

Jaymickey: had transferred!
Amount S$22.20
Transaction Reference 2066413528 </font>
Hi Mummies!

Would like to thank you for your advice (skinny pig, millei &amp; qqq)!

I have started to introduce her to rice ceral with milk on Saturday. She really love it. All the while (since birth) I have been feeding water to her using a spoon, so she is quite ok with eating from a spoon.

I guess her pattern remains that she will not drink milk at night and would prefer her beauty sleep.

<font color="0000ff">Semi-solid foods
mummies feeding ur bbs with cereals.. how much are u all giving now and how often? I'm feeding Max twice a day. Each time about 2 tablespoons full.. after tat he will still finish his milk. But i dun usually feed him for the last feed so he still drinks his milk. but den.. he will still fidget while sleeping throughout the nite till about 5+ when he will wake up n not be able to sleep anymore (note: will not cry for milk tho he's hungry). den i will have to wake up to feed him b4 he can fall back to sleep

Feeding Cereals
my boy... doesn't like to wait for the spoon to go to him. his head will find the spoon instead.. so he will eat till the whole mouth oso so dirty

Babies Flipping
Remember I posted that Max can flip already. but now I realise.. he's not one of those who likes to flip, apparently. I keep reading that ur bbs once they noe how to flip will keep flipping. This is not the case for Max. He doesn't like to lie on his back on the bed. and each time he does that, he's not keen to flip oso. sighz... wonder when he will start to FLIP FLIP FLIP</font>
Koras and gunibabe... I asked PD if I need to cut his milk intake ..but PD said no need worrrr...

My boy drink 120ml since 2months old.. I dun dare to increase his milk intake until now..but he still put on alot of weight..
Aiyo.. can't carry him for too long time
Hi hi mothers,

Gosh, it has been ages since I came to this forum as my computer was down and I only managed to get a new one now. So many posts to read, I don't think I will have time to go through them all.

So how is everyone? How are all your babies progressing? I will only return to work in March and already dreading the time. I will need some advice from you mothers who have returned to work and left your precious at your ILs. How do you get through the sadness?

Just a question. Do you think it is possible to still be the first one to let your baby try each of his/her new food? I do so want to see the look on my baby's face when I let her try each new food but I don't think it is possible after I return to work and it makes me so sad. I'm also worried that my MIL doesn't know how to monitor for allergy or just let her try everything that she thinks is good.
The main difference between Boulevard and Diplomat is the weight limit. Boulevard can take up to 65lbs (29kg) whilst Diplomat is up to 40lbs (18kg). With the benefit of hindsight, I think it might be better to just get the Diplomat and then upgrade to a booster seat. Joshua has been hovering around 12kg (+/- 1kg) for the past 1 year (he's now 2.5YO). By the time he hits 29kg, he would either be too old or too tall for the car seat (it's really elevated).
U can go to www.britaxusa.com to compare the different models.

Which J are u referring to? J#1 is 2.5YO whilst J#2 is 4 mths old (Sep 11 bb).

I hv the royale too. Jonas always falls asleep in it as well. The only grouse I have is that it can't hold an active toddler down very well. Joshua used to wriggle himself free once he knows how to. Tried to shorten the strap to be really fitting but it became very difficult to buckle him up. Now with the Boulevard, he can't break free anymore (unless he figured out how to release the catch).The morale of the story is either u pray hard baconboy will guai guai sit there when he's older or train him to sit in the seat at all times no matter what happens (I used my hands to hold the 2 shoulder straps together).

For me, I got my friend to buy the Britax spare parts (chest clips) and will try to retrofit my royale when J is older.
Wah... u still have now till March.. dats a lot of quality time for u n ur baby. Lucky u.. A lot of us, including me, have start working.
For my case, even worse, i can only take my boy home during d weekends, cos we have no choice but to leave him w a babysitter (husband's aunt). It was difficult to let go of him at first. 2 weeks b4 i start working, i cried almost everyday, cos i was sooooo sad to leave him. On d day taht i send him there, i was crying like mad...
It has been 3 weeks almost, and im getting used to it.. Of course, there are always times when i visit him, and see certain things that they do which i secretly don't agree, but i have to close one eye.. Cheer up... Just keep thinking positively, and don't let ur sadness overcome u. I feel sad too whenever i think of him, but i keep telling myself, this arrangement wont be for long, and he's in the hands of someone more capable than i am.. It really makes me feel better...
missy, I'm already crying every time when I think about the time that I have to go back to work and send my baby to my MIL's. I never even think about how badly I will cry on the first day that I will send her there. Unfortunately, I don't have a supportive husband who understands my feelings. Instead, he will only blame me for not bringing my baby to my MIL's whenever baby cries when my MIL carries her. When he comes back from work, he also didn't spend much time with baby and when baby cries while he's carrying her, then he will push baby to me. And then point the finger at me saying that baby is getting too attached to me.
Another thing that I think about is that I will not be the first one to introduce my baby to a new kind of food. Do any of you have this concern? Sure, I believe I can tell my MIL to let me start feeding her first, but I will never know what my MIL will do behind my back. And she is so fond of listening to other people telling her to do this and that. Yet, I also worry that if I insist on being the only one to introduce my baby to new foods, she will only get the chance to try during weekends and I'm like depriving her of her nutrition. sob.... Any suggestions?
I remember one of you, can't remember who now, who gave me some numbers to call for counselling. My HB found out about it and told me that the counsellor is giving me all the wrong advice, about tsanding up for myself, etc. That I am only learning to be rebellious when I talk back to him or object to what he says, etc. I am so confused now. I wonder who I should listen to?
wingkei: there is no right or wrong. It depend what kind of person u want to be. If u want to be 'xiao nu ren', 'san cong si de'. then of cos u won't be defending urself. whatever ur hb said, then u will agreed to it no matter is right or wrong.
if u want to be a woman who has it own view, then of cos u will have to voice out whenever u think it not right.

i go to Dr Ong EK @ TMC or Dr Low Kah Tzay @ Paragon (formerly from SBCC also) another 1 i like is Dr Lim Kwang Hsien..because he got an emergency number that u can call...when u need to find a PD in the middle of the night etc..


same lor..my hubby nv say..but i can feel that i am quite grouchy &amp; very tired at the end of the day...n oso impatient..
phew! what an exciting morning it's been...finally handed in my assignments I did on Sat-Sun (!) and replied all the emails received over the weekend. urrrghhhh...

LC: what is LPS?

sarahamy: priority cos my MIL cannot NOT do without that powder, so i might as well get a brand that is recommended by u all rite?

bacon: nope, sarahmay was saying we could catch up in SINGAPORE in mar when she is back again

lok: diplomat is therefore better? i went to the webby and it looks very nice! can i get it at Mothercare?

gunibb: i will go to FB to view the pics tonite. no time...

springz: erm, what is COS? budget day is impt &amp; relevant to everyone, dearie, esp in today's econ downturn. it will generate many talking pts and FAQs for my spokespersons...

Your DS is LimXX? I played host your former M and his family in China
kekeke...BUT, that said, I'm not from your sector lah!!

thanks for letting me try the ergo carrier..really can see the difference..all the weights not on my shoulder..its evenly distribute.now my shoulder aching badly after i carry her the whole day..just got home at 3pm+..haiz..but i dun koe y she cry lei..hope its not tt she dun like the ergo...


how many pics u choose in the end?
Angeline: you brought C for the shoot already? I think baby's picture and wedding photo very different leh! haha ... we still look thru hubby and my won baby albums!
we even printed for the grandparents and aunties, they're so happy with the pictures!

Lok: the US webbie sells the spare parts and covers. think by the time #2 arrives, I may need to get new covers.

yun: perhaps you may want to feed your baby with more milk and stretch the interval, so that the daily intake is not too much.
i intend to bring both bb bjorn and stroller. The latter to be used in the malls. Bjorn for walking those uneven roads, alley etc..If i venture to macau, will definitely call u

i hope baconboy will guai guai sit in his carseat..then mommy can save a bit of $

my baconboy loves watching tv!! when i play Einstein DVD for him, his eyes stay glued to the tv set..concentrating hard like a grown up! But if i try to repeat the DVD, he will cry and wants to get out of his bumbo. Quite smart ah..dont want to watch repeats!! hahaha..
lok: i think i was refering to J2. hee...

goldfish: haiya...men! they so tv addicts one. so how? do u rescue ur bb each time it hapens? i tend to do it. haaa. i m starting to think that my DH does it on purpose to make me carry our son. good thing is that my DH does play with him and read to him.

wingkei: welcome back! was wondering what happened to you. how's the aware counselling going?i think you need to really start standing up for yourself, and your baby. ultimately, a happy woman = happy mother = happy baby. i hope that you wil find a way to be happy and the freedom to be who u are.

SICK MUMS &amp; BF: That time i was sick my doc said it was good to cont breastfeeding/latching on as we wil pass on antibodies through our milk to our little ones. no need for mask etc. but just wash hands to kill germs. I've been sick twice -once fever (due to plugged duct) and recently flu/dry cough - and cont BFing and thank God e was healthy!

ROLLING OVER/FLIPPING: ANyone w bb born around 19 sept and not rolling over yet? he seems content to lift and slam legs, being on tummy. he likes to arch his back and kick backwards while lying on his back.

sasa: i think diff bb has diff interests. don't worry ok? (here's me telling you not to worry, and i'm also facing the same dilemma. the irony)

BLABBERING BABIES: Are your babies getting LOUDER and chattier? Aiyo...mine blabbers so much more now and his voice is getting louder!

He's starting to return to NORMAL for nights!!!! he slept for 5 hrs (unfortunately from 8pm to 1am) and then 450am. HOwever, after 450am feed he was exp intermittent sleep...maybe cos i didn't burp him after feed. so he finally fell asleep for 50m from 7am -750am. pray that it will cont and the hourly night wakes have ended!
lok: what do u mean "With the benefit of hindsight, I think it might be better to just get the Diplomat and then upgrade to a booster seat."

Isn't Diplomat a booster seat? Or Blvd is the booster seat?

Actually u got a valid point. a lot of my frens' kids hover around 12-18kg even when they are already 24-30 mths...by the time they hit 29 kg, they (most likely the boys) are probably in K2 or P1/2, and too tall that they no longer need the car seat anymore...

Gunibb: ur cowprint fabric is not available on Diplomat models it seems. Did u get the Parkway, which i believe has been discontinued?
my baby was born on 4/9, still havent flipped. So don't worry too much.. Let's wait together for our darlings to flip one day.. Hehehhe

My boy can scream himself hoarse.. Hehehehe.. Just yesterday, he was calling out for my mom to pick him up, and when my mom, continued to chat w him on and on,he start to scream so loud, im so sure he's scolding her.. Then when i pick him up, he scolded my mom some more... very very cute...

Came back from the PD. Little J has his second pneum jab.. cried as usual..Little J is 8.5kg and 69cm long .. he is coming to 5mth old this 15th Jan..

Hi, Green_baby and renee

Got a few questionon solid food and like your advice:-

(a) do you give t=solid food as one meal or supplement it with BM or FM?

(b) how often to feed baby with solid food in one day?

(c) which partof the day to feed solid food will be preferred?

(d) Do we start with rice or cereal for a start?

(e) those feeding utensil, can put in those sterilizer as well? Lastly

(f) do you place baby upright to feed him?

i am thinking of weaning off when little J is 6mth old so might start on solid food soon..
missy: yes, let's be patient! hehe. a bit hard for me to do tho. haha.

lc: wow! little j is doing so well! so tall!

bacon&amp;egg: actually right, depending on what kind of malls you intend to shop in, not many malls have that much free space to push stroller around in. times square, ifc type got lots of space but places like island beverly or mong kok are uber stroller-unfriendly.loi yen kai and the like also madness. then carrying stroller up and down MTR escalators is very tiring. btw, how many ppl you going with? i went with my parents and hubby...and in the end, i gave up any intention of shopping i had cos it was a mad crowd and was darn tired from carrying my bb.
ch rarely flips over. dun worry. she moves around lying down and she is able to travel the length of our living room doing so..hahah...we just lay lotsa mattress and playmat and whathaveyous...
l'l cy: at least she is moving. how does she do it though? so clever. mine is contented with studying the toys on play gym above him or on side. most happy sucking. wonder why he stopped kicking as much. before he could also kick a whole lot and spin on the mattress. you think it's just differnt phases where they get intersted in doing diferent stuff? anyway, i decided i'm a bit bo liao...like too bored or something that i have gotta create worries for myself. i'm pretty sure little e is doing just great!
yes i think they are interested in different things at diff periods. i mean they are newbies to the world so their interest waver a lot i guess. ch not smart at all, coz if she is, she'll notice the back of her head is nearly bald due to her traversing habits...now i ve a patchy botak at home...i really hope it grows back...
missy, sarah
use her legs to push...hmm..come to think of it, will take a video of her doing it tmr ....din think it is anything coz my boy did the same thing too when he was little..gosh think it runs in the family :p (the moving i mean, not the bald patches...)

My workload still manageable. My HOD give me foundation chinese this year to teach, so no need to mark compo.

Thanks for telling me to get my jumperoo from SMH Want to sell website. I manage to buy my jumperoo at $100, the condition as good as new. Hehe...

Just now put my daughter inside, she is charm by the lights n the bird at the top of the jumperoo. Though she is not jumping alot, she look very happy. Now we got 1 more thing to entertain her while we eat our dinner. Hooray...


Though I dunno u well, but I dun think u should allow other ppl to make u upset, even though the person may be ur hubby.

For us, FTWM, that mean we got to take care of children n housework after a long n tiring day at work. It is not easy job man. I know most mummy would love to stay at home take care of their little one but no choice got to work to maintain a good life for the family. We got our sorrow too. Imagine how many 1st time of our kids that we might miss out. So it is very important for our hubby to be understanding.

I dun think there is anything wrong of u to express ur own opinion to ur hubby. It is not answering back. This is not olden days liao. Hubby cant expect us to be parrot, just echoing them.

For me, u can consider me fierce wife. I let my hubby be the boss outside. But at home, I am the boss. Haha...
l'l cy: so cute! a little wriggler. mine is very interested in arching his back after feeds or on the change mat. he is also very interested in chatting (a lot!). these are the two things he hasn't lost interest in from the first month. hmmm. what does it mean? gymnast? lawyer? hahaha. btw rber how u said bbs may unlatch to let the milk squirt all over the place? i think e is starting to do it! he can happily coo and smile while my milk squirts all over his face and pool into his mouth. quite funny but exasperating at times cos that mean i get damp outerwear! eeks! e is such a MESSY drinker.

ypg: oh good! at least u have an understanding HOD!

EMBARASSING BFing MOMENT: Today I was wearing my nursing tank top when my breasts started to leak! I didn't realise until i felt cold under my right boob. I looked down and saw a BIG wet patch!!! Big - palm-sized!!! Yikes! And I was at Macs! Thank goodness it was a black top! Weird thing was I wasn't nursing, and E was sleeping next to me as I chatted to my friend. Wonder why got this sudden let-down.
<font color="0077aa">Went to the CNY photoshoot today &amp; waited for one hours plus for our turn!! But smallberry loves it!!! He was chuckling away when we used the chinese mini drum to entertain him! It was a worthwhile experience! Just didn't really like the family one because my face look so round!

Nice meeting you Millie &amp; twendy! I left my carrier in my car &amp; my arms are aching now!

BLABBERING BABIES: Yesss... Sarah! Smallberry loves to talk &amp; gosh, he is so chatty!!! And he likes to shout now also. And don't worry, smallberry is older than E but he is not flipping yet...

Oh dear.. Sarah.. luckily ur top is black color!</font>
yikes!!! no one noticed? yeah have that experience too. that was with my fb, went back to work place to visit and when i left, realised the part below my bra was wet...

e is really cute!! he must be totally entranced with the sprays of milk coming out (like when we first saw a water fountain!??!?!)...his first experiment with laws of gravity and projectile motions :p

chatting bbs!!
haha.. i dun rescue my bb from the TV trap cos i got 101 tings to do. keke.
my bb still cannot flip bt if he can start 'walking' abit when we grab him by his armpits!

Welcome back to the forum! It has been a long while manz! Opps... i dun find tat standing up for urself is an act of rebel. Guess ur HB reallie want a xiao nuren wife wor...

Aiyoh, i think my period is here leh! I am TBF yet kena period leh. Issit normal? Or something wrong wif me down there?!!??
<font color="0077aa">l'l CY^^l'l CH (lilboymum): you are so funny!!! "his first experiment with laws of gravity and projectile motions :p" LOL!!

Goldfish, I am also doing TBF, had a little bit of pinkish discharge &amp; then after two days it went off again. Yours is red?</font>
nice meeting angeline, millie &amp; storeberry today! i realise i'm quite a failure mum, dunno how to make my boi smile at the camera. paiseh to sing publicly too. hope we can fare better for the proper photoshoot.

angeline, if u intend to go for a 3rd kid, then seriously must consider getting an ergo. i also scared ur #2 rejects ergo, dun wan u to waste $. that said, i have not heard of any baby rejecting ergo. most babies tend to sleep so well being ergo-ed.

Gunibabe, I also think to increase the milk..

My little J keep playing and bite the teat when drinking milk milk leh.. is it a sign of teething ?
