(2008/09) Sep 2008

em... my boy like not very interested in toys one... he prefer talking and looking at pple talk.. hahaha we label him "little kay poh" haha but he enjoys talking...

now whenever we change him.. must talk to him.. if not he will attempt to flip over... so i always ask daddy to stand at the other side (he only turns on his right side now...so other side means left) so that he can keep his back on the bed for wipe down...

alternating between toys is abit diff coz i put him at my aunt's place so only got the swing & walker... no cot mobile coz cot is at my place... i dun noe why he doesn't like the swing le ... maybe he just dun like the position he is in on the swing.... hiaz

i haven't introduce him to the telly due to the possible side effects to the eye... but sometimes he will still catch the advertisement when we happen to back face the telly while holding him over the shoulder..

goldfish... my boy does the "walking' thing oso when we hold him by his armpits.. and now he will kick his legs very excitedly when we suspend him in mid-air for a while... ganna kicked by him once and oh my... super painful lor...

hi everyone - thanks for all the encouragement. Its been a week since i started work.

Storeberry - your fax no. err...? got people picking up the phone.
In the end, i bought the Baby bjorn active from a mummy in the forum cause the Ergo advertised ended up being a Baby bjorn original.

Last night, i kind of fought with little e, he refused to latch on and cried really loud as if i tortured him. I have totally given up latching him and will continue to be a "pumping mum" till milk supply stops.

Milk supply is terrible now as i pump in office only twice, once in the morning, and once in the evenings. My boss still ask me to hurry up each time i go pumping. sigh. super stressed out. And last night i was rushing slides for meeting till 2am. Somehow my breast decided to sleep and not produced milk.

I ate papaya, eat fish and drinking soup, hopefully to get more of the milk supply and it helped.

Seriously, i have a real problem balancing work and home now. With my parents down with flu, hubby had to take leave to look after baby e these 2 days, since i just came back to work and i feel really bad.

Every night i come back, i seem to noticed that my darling boy has grown so much. It really makes all unhappiness at work go away when you see him. So proud of him. :)
Goldfish ,
my menses also comes back already ... in fact .. it only stopped for one month and me still TBF also and sometimes supplement one FM if not enough for zen .. nothing to worry about .

Storeberry ,
what tiem did u go ??? I went for the shot too .. met Rachel and preggie and rachel helped me write Zen name and book first * thank you rachel* but still have to wait for one hour plus .. the shot was only 10 mins for both my sons 2 settings and i felt a bit sianZ cos forget to let the two take pic together cos they are rushing us ... somemore zac pics are all sulky faced and i still forced myself to pick two pics.. sianZ ... should have placed them together for a shot ... urghh hhhhh
ohhhh .. leaking breast ...
I am very paiseh when my breast leaked during facial and i am wearing their gown ..( my therapist has to wash the gown loh ... so paiseh.. kept apologising ).. that was one year plus ago when i have my zac (and totally no experience with a "let down" nor breast pad) , i happily went for facial in preparation for his 1st month party. and the letdown was from both sides and formed a long trikle of stain from both sides of gown .. super embarassing
Mine was pinkish initially. Few drops nia. And stop a few days and now is the full blown version. Bright red wor.. bt not beri heavy flow bt cannot use pantyliner to contain it wor

Bt glad u gals oso experience menses though bf. phew! I always haf this morbid thot tat my down there something wrong cos i still feel sore-ness.

Talking abt tv and eyesight, do u all tink it is ok to use camera flash to take pix of bb!!???
Hii LC...

Been doing quite a bit on weaning, these are from the books, hope it helps:

(a) do you give t=solid food as one meal or supplement it with BM or FM?

At the age of 6 mths, FM/BM will still make up the major food group for babies. Depending at which stage of weaning you are at, solids are usually introduced step by step.

@ Day 1-3 (11.30am, as this is when babies are most alert) start off with milkfeed, then a teaspoon or 2 of baby rice and ends with the milk feed
@ Day 4-6 (11.30am) try a teaspoon or 2 purees instead in middle of milk feeds
@ At week 2-4, do the same at 11.30am (milk +puree or baby rice mix) but at 6.30pm, this feed can be entirely a puree or cereal (which will usually be mixed with FM/BM) This is also the time to gradually stop the 10pm feeding
@ At week 4, the 7am milk feed can now be introduced with cereal/puree, 6.30pm feeds can now be entirely puree/ milk cereal (11.30am still continue milk + puree/cereal mix)

~ All other timings not specified are full milk feeds

(b) how often to feed baby with solid food in one day?

As above

(c) which partof the day to feed solid food will be preferred?

At the very start of weaning, 11.30am is the best time to try- baby is most alert, baby can have more time during the day to digest, any signs of allergens can be picked up usually by nightfall or the day after

(d) Do we start with rice or cereal for a start?

Baby rice is by far most easily digested since it is almost always mixed with FM/BM.. maybe baby rice first :p

(e) those feeding utensil, can put in those sterilizer as well? Lastly

Must check your utensil if it can withstand strong steaming.. if yes, go ahead and sterilise

(f) do you place baby upright to feed him?

Baby must be able to sit upright first of all before any form of weaning and must sit upright during solid/ semi solid feeds, this ensure the smooth flow of food down the pipe to reach the stomach easily.
Hi, SarahMay

Thanks..Little J can'y flipby himself though and put on the bumbo seat, he tends to bend down cos neck control is still not there yet.. guess will have to be patient.. Yesterday was the first time taking his length since birth and he is taller by 20com

Hi, Kym

Thanks a lot for your posting on my questions.. will try out this weekend. I can only do weekend cos my Hubby dun wan my MIL to do the feeding.. would it matter? Little J will have solid food as proper meal when he goes IFC in March, meanwhile its just for testing testing.. and also where can I get those bowl and spoon that can goes into steriizer?

haha..guess morning is her sleeping time..tts y cranky! tks for lending anyway..not sure if wana have #3 lei.hubby said most prob no..me oso cant make my gal smile...haiz..usually she more smiley in late afternoon or at night!
Hi LC,

I only give her 1 Tbsp of baby rice with FM on Saturday (her first atempt). She was siting on her bumbo seat.

The PD recommends that baby must use spoon and must be seated upright preferably in a high chair or feeding stool when starting on solids.

Our first atempt was at 3pm cause she was really active and alert. We only tried to give her 7 spoons (small feeding spoons) of the baby rice with milk. We were only testing testing. We were surprised that she like it. I tasted it, it was bland!

She did not develop any alergic reaction. The PD recommends that we give her the same food type for 3 consecutive days to monitor for any allergies. Then we can move on to cereal, oats, brown rice etc but all must be given one at a time. (3 days of the same type of food).

For now, we only give her 1 feed of baby rice per day but this does not replace her one milk feed. She will still take her milk about 150ml or less every 4 to 5 hourly. This again depends on her mood. We notice that our baby does not really like milk. Most of the time she would rather sleep than drink milk. That is why we started to introduce semi solids to her at 15 weeks.

I will put her feeding spoon in the sterilizer. Read the manufacturers recommendation. Her feeding bowl I will wash with the bottle cleaner and use hot water to rinse. (hot water from the mixer).

Hi SarahMay,
Our baby was born on 16 Sept, she cannot flip over yet.

Hope this helps!
<font color="0077aa">Chewring: I was there from 12 plus till about 2pm. I remembered one lady helping her friend to write her name down but don't know if its rachel cos never met her before. Yah, it was abit rushing for us too but thank GOD smallberry enjoyed it. I realise its not Maryann that shoot us, it was another lady.

Rachel, were you the one that is wearing black &amp; skirt then you went to change to a cheongsam?</font>
Chewring - pai say, didnt know you were chewyring yesterday though I could recognise you as a sept mummy! Didnt see preggie though.

Storeberry, nope, I was wearing a black top with jeans, not skirt! Didnt change into cheongsam either. I was there at 3plus till 4:30pm!

Kydric didnt smile alot, and I find that it's too crowded and they were kind of like rushing... eg.. like my xmas settings, I only had about 6 photos (I think) of the same background to choose from!! And for the CNY shoot, there's 1 background which is as simple as just putting oranges on the floor! I think I can do that at home and take some photos too! :p

So, in the end, I only chose 4 photos (2 settings). Was actually willing to buy more photos if they turned out great.. but...sigh.. save money loh!
Oh Kym, wanted to ask about the spree.. how about those collection from Tampines MRT? (dont mean to rush you.. )

Also, thought I'll just let you know that we decided to still go ahead with the IFC registration v. nanny, and will only consider nanny if Kydric is not doing well in IFC. So I'll be registering with the NTUC one at St 45!
I don't think the US models are available in Mothercare. Diplomat and Boulevard are convertible carseats. Diplomat is a compact convertible (hence, less bulky and lower wt. limit) while Boulevard is a convertible. Convertible means u can start using it from NB since it's both rear and front-facing. It is NOT a booster seat. Booster seats are generally meant for older toddler (from 15kg and of certain height) onwards. They cannot be reclined (only upright) and mostly comes without the shoulder strap. The main purpose is really just to boost the height of the kid so that u can use the car's own seat belt. Mothercare has a brochure that explains all the different types of car seats if u are interested. Does this help?

J2 is not flipping yet and he's 8 days older than E.

Yes, I asked my friend to order the spares from the Britax USA website and bring it back for me. They only deliver to US addresses. The retailers in SG does not carry any spares like covers (I asked Mother Works before). R u preggers again? Sounds like #2 is arriving soon????

I think u can forget abt bringing your Peg Perego stroller to HK if u are staying in the city. We brought our lightweight compact (4.2kg) Combi and were already struggling with the stroller-unfriendly terrain (e.g. stairs at MTR station). Thank God our main target was Disneyland (for J#1) which was of cos much more stroller friendly. Just bring a good Baby Carrier.
Hi Lok: Tks! That was very helpful indeed
The MC brochure costs $4 so we din get it...

The Boulevard seems very bulky. Not sure the growth rate of my boy; I wonder if he'll outgrow a Compact Convertible like Diplomat very quickly?

Lok: even a good baby carrier doesn't help for me. I panted like mad each time I bjorned miniflos to the nearby supermarket that is one-busstop away from my place. Maybe I lack cardio exercise? hehe.
get an ergo, think miniflos has outgrown bjorn liaoz...

i got my carseat safety first (not safety fits) a US brand...it can be used all the way from newborn to toddlerhood even as booster..just remove parts of it..but yes very bulky...
LC- my dad also keep saying that he cant see where my boys necks. then my mum will say u go and see you baby photo(cox last time i also like sumo) also cant see your neck.

yun- guess our baby is heavy and cant carry for long le. now when i carry him up from bed for his milk session, i can really feel the weight.
my hubby will think of easy way to feed him. cox when i carry my boy put his neck on arm my arm tired
Just to share, I read a book on solid feeding. It says we should start with cereal first before venturing to fruits, veg, porridge etc. Those porridge our moms used to cook for us when we were young is actually not as nutritious as we think cos the slow cooking process already "killed" all the vits, nutrients of the ingredient. The book suggests to cook white/brown rice porridge and add the pureed vegs, meats etc into the porridge when about to feed.

I should be gg with my HB and bb only. If my extended family is gg to join me, then i can be more relaxed and able to shop! This coming trip is to give myself an experience to travel with baconboy..cos we love travelling and hope our boy can be with us whenever we travel. Will note the advice on the stroller/carrier usage
thanks ladies.
<font color="0000ff">Wow.. so many of you travelling. Dun think i'll be that adventurous to bring Max overseas yet. Hb and I juz came back from a short trip to Malacca over the weekend and we missed Max like crazy. Now we are thinking of canceling our planned trip to Shanghai over the CNY

Gosh, i'm down with flu and sore throat after all the feasting in Malacca. Feel so horrible</font>
Thanks Renee.. I am trying out this weekend
Any recommendation of the bowl and spoon? Exciting mann.. hahaha. hope my boy can swallow well and will like it..

Hi, bacon

Yup, I read somewhere too abt the porridge. Need to get a good blender
Lok: no not preggie now! my menses just resumed, so gotta be more cautious now! ;p when we were getting the car seat, we were thinking ahead, of our future plans etc, that's how we decided on the Diplomat. We'll definitely have at least one more baby, planning to have #2 when #1 can walk

Flos: yes, i totally agree with I'CY that you shld get an Ergo! GuniBoy is beginning to love being Ergo-ed! He used to cry for a split second when we put him in it. Then after a while he'll settle down and always fall asleep in the Ergo! There's a hood which you can put over their head to give extra support. Sometimes I don't even know he's awake cos he'll sit in there quietly and enjoy the motion.

Kym: thanks for the detailed explaination on weaning! I just borrowed Gina Ford's book on weaning cos the last time I didn't have much time to go thru it and I had to return it.

My boy can sit upright in the Bumbo and his torso is always in upright position whenever we carry him, even before he's 2 mths old, his neck and back muscle is very strong cos his head doesn't wobble and he can control his neck muscles very well. He knows how to shake his head when he's full and refuse to have any more milk. I believe he's showing signs that he's ready for semi solids but I have yet to test his tongue reflex. My MIL used to feed him water using the spoon, so hopefully he'll take to the feeding spoon.

LC: I received a set of Combi feeding set. Looks very good! I also bought a set of fork and spoon in a casing, to feed him when we're out. Can check it out at Kiddy Palace, they have a veyr wide range.
hi all, i'm v miserable with a few plugged ducts i've been kneading, squeezing &amp; running under warm water the whole morning to no avail.
so, so, so painful. am trying with a handheld massager now. pls let it work!!!
SarahMay, thanks for the welcome. As mentioned earlier, my HB found out about it and says that it is making me to be a worse person. To him, I am not standing up for myself but being rebellious, which makes me feel really sad. It seems like to him, having the freedom to be who I am amounts to being rebellious.

A question for all the wives out there. Is it normal or your husband to scold you 'fan4 si1' or ask you to stand there while he shouts at you? I still feel that this is not how a husband should treat a wife.
Dear guni, LC

no probs dear.. been reading a couple of weaning books and looking to fit into lett's schedule.. so went to the library and got all their cookbooks and weaning basics~ heehhee...compiled a couple of puree recipes here if you like to take a look: http://www.xanga.com/MeetScarlett

those purees are suitable for breakfast and teatimes..still compiling from all the books i've borrowed.. just for starters first

It is not normal for husband to scold us, no matter wat they scold us. We are married couple, think mutual respect is very important. If they think we r in the wrong, they should talk to us nicely n not scolding us.

U mean ur hubby ask u to stand up while he shout at u? Guess he is the 大男人 type. But if u feel upset when he is scolding or shouting at u, u should tell him straight. I dun think it got anything to do with u being rebellious.

Hope u dun mind my frankness. If he did such things to u n it make u feel very sad, it can be consider as family abuse also, emotional abuse. Pls dun let urself subjected to such abuse.

U have every right to be happy n stand up for urself. Is there any1 in ur family who know of this? Can they knock some sense into ur hubby?


I join this thread liao. Hehe... BTW, I got my jumperoo already. U moving to ur new house soon right? Then u can use ur jumperoo. Dun need to "suffer" ur MIL comments liao.

I thought we should let our babies start on solid food after 6 mnoths since it is recommended for us to be TBF for 6 months?
Heh, hi clarissa,

Glad that you got your j-roo =) Solid food wise, TBF for as long as you can stretch, look out for signs of weaning, some babies start early, some start later, though of course- recommendation is 6 months to be tip-top

My daughter's name is clarissa. So I am clarissasmum. Haha... Just call me ypg can liao. I am going back to school on 28 Jan, after CNY. So thought of finding out more about weaning b4 I return to work cause I know I sure got no time.

I am super confused with weaning. So we just give them cereal mixed with milk first, then after that, give porridge with mash potato or carrot (is it called puree), follow by some chicken(Ji1 Si1)? Then when can we give them eat some apple puree or fruit juice?
Hi yp,

maybe you can take a look, just roughly.. i am still formatting it.. may upload onto my blog soon =)))



In the end, its the parent's budget, effort or habits that makes up what you feed your baby, so just roughly use it as a guide and make ur own timetable!
I always sleep wz my hp beside me n the hp is jus beside baby since baby's cot is also beside my bed. Is it ok for the hp to b near baby like this? Cos my mom keep telling me cant place hp too near baby cos got radiation? Anyone can advise pls?
renee &amp; lok: thanks for the reassurances. anyway, my friend just told me her daughter rolled over at 2.5 months, but only started crawling at 8 mths, walked at 13mths. that put me at ease a little. i was initially concerned tt later rolling over = later crawling &amp; walking. apparently there is not much correlation. heheh. i hope he walks early though.

kym: what's your blog addy?is it the same as the one you posted here? if not, can pm me?

xuanting: plugged ducts? soreness? me too! dunno why this time my left side feels so sore, but got no lumps. but really feels like plugged ducts. argh! how do you feel now after the massage? latch on the baby! it helps! i latched on bb more on affected area, and pumped like mad after each feed.

storebery: yeah lor. very embarassing...and uncomfortable. thakn goodness haven't squirted in public yet.

l'l cy: did anyone in ur class notice? now e has rashes on his cheek and chin. argh! think it is both his drool and milk that is causing it. he droooooools like no trow. given up wiping all the time.

sasa: honeymoon ah? hehe. so what did you pig out on that got u soooo sick? take care and get well soon ya?

ypg: you got a good deal for your jmperoo right? how come that mum was selling it off for so low a price?

gunibabe:did you buy your bumbo second-hand? how much did you pay for it? i'm thinking about whether to get one from.

wingkei: i agree with ypg. i believe a few of us mummies have also shared our concern about you being subject to emotional &amp; mental abuse. no one deserves to be treated so shabbily. so you didn't cont with the aware counselling?

lc: get a hand blender! at least that's what i've heard. more useful than a blender-blender.

angeline: my boy is totally opp of your bb. he is the best in the morning! hehe

gtg...dinner time.
Sleeping : Do ur bb sleep through the night now? My daughter starting to sleep through the night and skip her usual 2 or 3 am feed. She been on FM for quite a while liao. So dun think it is due to FM. Should I be concerned about her skipping her usual feed?


Think maybe she dunno the market price? Hehe... Anyway, the jumperoo is in real good condition. My daughter try it out yesterday liao. As usual, she enjoy fun at anything new.

I dunno should I buy the bumbo or not. Cause I already put my daughter in the ikea high chair n she's ok with it. I bought the cushion to put around the high chair to secure her further.


How much u bought for ur 2nd hand bumbo? My hand itchy again. Been buying alot of stuff from the BP. Now awaiting SSW BP for bumper playmat. Luckily, I never depend on my hubby or else sure cant continue with my shopping spree.

hmm.. since i am compiling a bit of work on weaning, baby food, blah blah.. let me know if you like to explore any particular topic on weaning (and which i may overlook and not cover my own blog on..) .. maybe i can write something up! (got like 6 weaning books.. i wish i could photocopy them all! lol)
<font color="0077aa">Sasa: You went Malacca?? Little Nonya?? LOL!

yog: My bb is on BM &amp; he still havent sleep thru the night yet. Even if I dream feed around 12 or 1plus, he will still wake up @2plus or 3am..

I have a bumbo but its a hand me down.. I will not spend on a bumbo seat lo...cos its has short life span..</font>
dun need to get bumbo, if you want, can rent one...only $10 per month.

talking about, need to dig it out from storage for the trip liaoz...

ooo..talk about nitrates in food!!!! that's the all time fav paranoid topic of many mothers!!!

should advise all the boycott US grown produce!hahahah....

im getting to be a dirty mum. ch puts her hands in her mouth all the time, the moment i finish cleaning one hand it goes straight into her mouth...im just letting her go lah...haiz..
sarahmay: my bumbo is a gift during the 1st mth celebration.
I dun think I will pay $60 plus for it considering the short life span it has for the baby's growing up stage.

kymkym: I just borrowed 3 books on weaning from the library yesterday but didn't have time to go thru them yet. So your blog is super useful!
Wa,Kym, you are cool.. 6 weaning books?? Oh my..certainly looking fwd to your blog.. I am going to check out one book at MPH tom lunch time.. Let us know when your master piece is out in your blog


Its has been a long while since you last posted here.. things not getting better ya? pardon me but I feel that your hubby has no rights to scold you, let alone asking you to stand up while he lectures you.. It is about respect for each other in a marriage, together with love, care, loyalty and committment.. but I dun see your hubby giving you the basic.. and you are really putting up with him.. sighz! maybe its time you do something big to shock him!

Hi, SarahMay

Hand blender? any good recommendation?

Hi, Gunibabe

Thanks! I will go kiddy palace one of these lunch time.. now really no time.. so see if can do anything during lunch time instead of after work.. cos I will be rushing to my MIL place to bring my boy back and everyday, I can;t wait till 6pm to leave office.. Think my boss not very happy that I leave on the dot plus expressing twice during office hours of about 20mins per session..
hmmn, since we're on the topic of feeding. Any mummies got input or experience to share on what feeding equipments are good besides the IKEA high chair?

I received a wonderful set of Combi baby label tableware during the 1st mth celebration, so I have yet to get anything for feeding. Have yet to open up the box of tableware too! haha

Oh yes, I also have a set of Pigeon Food Maker somewhere in baby's room, got it together as a set when I got my sterilizer.

Time to open up these boxes!
sarahmay, the massager didn't help so i'm now wearing cabbage leaves!!! am so, so, so miserable!!! i've stopped latching a long time ago as my bb got v frustrated with the slow milk flow and wasn't putting on weight then. have tried but she simply refuses to latch back. will try pumping again in an hour and see how. if still cannot, i'll trot down to parentcraft tomorrow. dun want to end up with fever and all. aggggghhhh!!!

btw, i got a 2nd hand bumbo w/o tray for $30. didn't realise it's actually made of foam; it looks kind of plasticky in the pix. put my bb in it and she slouched to one side so she's prolly not ready for it yet.

also got her passport pix taken at the studio just now. thankfully, she was in a good mood so we got it over and done with in minutes. what are bb's passports like? do they have a page to cater for updated photographs or do we have to keep getting a new one every time they grow a bit?
xuanting (xuanting): take a warm shower and let the water do the massaging on your boobs. then gently use your hands to massage and then try pumping straight after shower, together with a hot drink.
try leaning forward, shake the boobs together and try to pump again and massage at the same time, especially if you can feel the hard lumps. *hugs*

no..u have to change the whole passport when the Imiigration offficer tells u to.now nomore pasting of photos liao due to the biometric passport...my FB's passport still haven change from bb 2mth till now 32mth..going to malaysia this cny to visit relatives..cfm sure gena 'caught' 1...
Hi xuanting and mummies here,

I gave birth last sept to a baby boy. He is now about 4 months old. Up till today, I have had fever 4 times due to engorgement. Can you believe that?? Either I oversleep or overestimated the limit of by boobies.... end up getting blocked ducts and engorgement!! But I think the boob department is getting used to the stress... things are much better now
I am pumping exclusively and using bottle to feed baby.

And coincidentally, I just went to ICA today to make passport for baby. I tried to upload a photo that I took at home but the website seemed to hang all the time. So I decided to go down to ICA once and for all. Baby took passport photo there $5+ for 4 pieces. It was quite well taken. I then opt to submit the application at the counter. Had to fill up form, paste photo etc $70 paid using nets. Collecting next monday. Also going malaysia for CNY.

Actually, I wanted to get some advice from mummies regarding how to stop breastfeeding. Since I pump exclusively, I have been extending the hours between pumps, but I still empty out the boobs each time I pump. So, now I am wondering, how on earth am I going to be able to slowly reduce the milk production without getting blocked ducts and engorgement? Anyone got any advice?
Wing kei,

I don't think it is common nor normal to be commanded in this way. Is it a one-off or it happens all the time?

perhaps you n hubby should take time out and have a talk calmly? well, he doesn't want to be commanded by his child when your child grows older right? by treating you the way he does, it is setting a bad example.

re: passports
baby can only tag to 1 parent or both?

schoko (schoko): I stopped breastfeeding a mth ago due to badly torn and bleeding skin on areola. I was contemplating taking medication to stop milk supply then but was advised by many friends against it. So what I did was wear cabbage leaves all day long, to reduce engorgement and extensive wearing also reduce milk supply. Then I pumped out but I don't empty it. When you empty it, the boobs produce exactly what you've emptied into the space in the breasts. So the trick is to delay pumping period, and to remove lesser amount from your breast each time you pump. I dragged to 2 pumps a day, then 1 pump a day and then 1 pump every 2 days for a few days and eventually stopped pumping altogether and there's no hard lumps. It took me about a week plus to 2 to stop completely though.

miow: baby holds individual passport now, no more tagging le
