(2008/09) Sep 2008

Bigtoes, yalor...also don't want to accept new thing , aii..luckly my parents totally different with my MIL :p
my boy neck got redness, so my mum powdering on his neck...but no help

I use both sling and baby bjorn for my boy. Its ok and safe if u tie properly. If u have a sleeper baby like mine, more advantageous cos baby can be cradled, rather than letting him sleep in d carrier in upright position. I find it very poor thing. But now as he grows bigger, ive used d sling a lot lesser. D maid at his babysitter's place uses d sling to make him sleep in d daytime though, cos i don't let them use d 'yao lan' at all.

Wah.. Another flipping baby... My Q still can't fleep.. He made improvements though.. Now turned his body like 3/4 way already, still haven't made a full flip yet.. hehehhe.. but still very cute.. U put ur baby on walker already?? Is it safe already..?? i want to put my boy in walker, but not sure when is d right time...
blackberryb, i oso counted 16wks for the date range u provided
Neck redness

mine oso have..PD prescribe Elomet..which contain steriod..so have to apply very sparingly..once after apply,the next day,it improve alot already..that time her neck/armpits/tighs all the folds very red..put powder no use for me...
sarahmay, hopefully it's just a passing phase then. mine was extremely fussy & clingy in the day just a couple of wks ago but dunno since when she just sort of became more independent. eh, but i also read somewhere that bbs who are more fussy are also purportedly the more intelligent ones cos they are more sensitive & responsive to their environments & such!

elderly comments on bm
my mom's like that too. every time she sees me feed bb with ebm, she'll keep commenting that it's very xi1 bao2 (thin) and then harp on abt me not eating enough, blabla... she can't seem to see that i'm more than 10kg of what i used to be. sigh.
missy : thanks ar , will get is to try, am using combi magical compact and i tink quite tiring on my shoulder when i cradle carry bb , and she's onli 5.5kg. or maybe i wear wrongly
Baby K necks behind also redish. Tdy during his 5in1 jab i ask the doc he gave me a cream to apply. last week put K on tummy time he manage to flip . today when i put he keep turning to one side but hard to flip down
hi mummies

im oso having a sep baby. my gal was born on 6 Sep
she is now 6.3kg n 61cm. "Officially" flip yday and keep flipping whenever i put her on her cot!
just wanna check did u all leave light on thru out the nite? we had leave our toilet light on thru the nite ever since she is borned. wonder will she be scared of darkness in future?

I am a Oct08 mum. My daughter just turn 3 months old. She already can flip from back to tummy b4 she 3 turn 3 months old. Now she always want to jump up a bit during play and burping. I am thinking of getting a Fisher Price jumperoo for her.

Anyone of u use this or other brands and think it is good for children? When ur baby start using it?

Thanks for answering to my questions in advance.
storeberry: poor you! u carried him for 2 whole hours? how?

l'lcy: daytime feds are 3-hrly and regular. how do u train? share share. tempted to buy the marc weis(something) book on healthy sleep, happy babies.

bigtoes: i latchd him on last nite...but it didn't really work. really makes me wonder if there is something wrong w my breastmilk.

rlene: welcome! light on during the night? doesn't it affect her nighttime rest?

ypg: i hve the jumperoo. think most mummies here who have it will agree that our bbs seem to love it. my boy isgrowing to love it more every day cos he can jump higher now. on some days, it can keep him entertained for almost an hour. once, he even fell asleep on it. quite funny.

flos: yes, going back rather often. what to do? don't want to risk having e re-take jabs later cos sg govt says not done properly. here, don't have combo shots. real pathetic. going over to hk will cost more than flying back to sg. plus when i go can meet up with friends like you ma. hehe. you are so poor thing... will work get better after CNY?
Dear mummies..

Sounds like most have a hard time adjusting, be it stay-at-home or to work! Group Hugsie! I'm sure we will rise above this milestone and our body clocks will just adjust accordingly. Also hope that all babies will continue to smile and be sweet to their mummies~ (lil S also has a tendency to look at helper only and when I carry, she'll turn other way)

Actually Sarahmay - I recall that Bigtoes fed K with EBM at nights to monitor his intake. For me, I ensure regular 4 hourly intake coz I've been giving lil S EBM since the beginning. I do miss the bonding but I will rest in between her feed say she can't finish remaining 50ml, I'll wait 10min then feed her again until she finishes what I give her (altogether 150ml). My helper also has a technique of singing and slightly bouncing her to help her finish. In a way it is 'force feed' but so far it regulates her feeding..

Update on myself, I was doing ok with the 530am pumps, 640am leave house, 710am reach in-laws, 3 hrly pump/ wash up at work, reach in-laws at 730pm, reach home at 9pm, pump at 12mn... THEN last night out of the blue.. WHACK.. throbbing headache, ringing in ears, super sore throat, red specks of blood in phlegm, body ache.. sigh.. obviously not cut out for this!!
lights on at night's not very good for bbs. coz sleep in darkness help them produce certain hormones that is important for growth. so it's best to switch off lights when they are sleeping.

you know lah, i used to follow the babywise book. do you organise E's daytime routine? eg wake, feed, playtime, sleep, wake feed, playtime, sleep?

then bedtime routine? maybe he is those kids that need to go out for walks in the evening?

the coldness might be a reason tho...hmmm...but not sure how you can help that leh.izzit draughty in his room?

neck redness
tried calendular? it works for ch...

Thanks for answering my question. Think it make me want to buy it even more. How much u bought it for? When ur baby start using it?
Hmmm Is it the mummies who are on TBF still who have bbs that are waking like a zillion times (it seems) at night? i vaguely remember my FB doing that to me while i was still working and being totally zombified at work. Are the mummies using FM having the same problem?

Moving in with inlaws
I moved in with my MIL when FB was born for the help 2 days a week with bb-sitting. I cried almost every night for 4 months... but now its 5 years down the road and we are still living together
more or less happily. to everyone who is experiencing crazy in-law relations, pls hang in there. just try as much as you can to "look open" because they all have bb's interests at hear otherwise they would not have offered up their time to help look after our bbs.
Dear Mummies (who ordered sockies from me)

Package will hopefully reach tomorrow, will pack it quickly and try send before 2pm, see if it will reach by next week, thanks.. (got a lousy supplier this time, just my luck! !@#)
mummies struggling with in-laws.. just to share, my FIL was diagnosed with cancer and we were happy when the Dr said that it was contained just before baby (1st grandchild) was born. Few days ago, diagnosis was that it has spread again. He has also started saying things like 'hope to hear lil S call him'
The turn of events really made me see things differently and I am more willing to let lil S spend time with them and put up with the differences in upbringing..

Just some thots la of frailty of life and treasuring family around us...
hugs....yes, when elderlies say things like that, how to refuse the lil one more time with them. really hope and pray that the cancer will go into remission again for him
and many mroe years to spend with lil s...
<font color="0077aa">Springz: Hope you are better!! Rest well &amp; drink lotas water!

Sarah: No, I didn;t carry him for 2 hours, only from 6plus till 7am then I out him on the bed cos have to prepare to go to work. Thank God my baby don't need me to carry &amp; walk around, I can just carry him while I lie on my bed with my two pillows. But back &amp; hands are aching lo! Am Praying that lil E &amp; smallberry will sleep better today!!

l'l CY^^l'l CH (lilboymum) &amp; springz: i also have the night light on, is that ok?

Springz: Yes, really anything can happen so treasure our loved ones now! Hugz!! Hope that your FIL condition will improve, take care dear!</font>
springz: hope u get well soon! HUGSSSSSSS Eat lots of multivits and take lot of fluids. i knocked off at 7.30pm, reached ILs at 8+pm, and came back at 9pm tonight. fed miniflos and put him to bed cos MIL already wiped him down for me...

I've brought work home for this weekend...urrrggghhh...wondering if I hvthe time to go to Taka for the sale.

storeberry: my son sleeps soundly with dim light. he hates total darkness...

sarahmay: how shiok it is to be a SAHM in a foreign land...IMO, it's not shiok to be a SAHM in Singapore
Seems like a lot of our babies are waking up in the middle of the night again.. Mine too!! I think for D, it's because he's teething. One of his tooth has sprouted out already.

Tomorrow's Saturday, yippee!! I'm going for my long overdue haircut.

No talc in the powder means no danger to baby's breathing.

Not sure if Pigeon's one non-talc. I'm currently using California Baby's.
yah i put him in since beginning of last week... think he is about 13 weeks then.. coz i find his head quite stable and he like to be held in a upright position.. so we try put him in for 5 to 10 mins ... mainly for us to be handsfree so can go toilet or take meals..

initially he can't stand and only move backwards.. but now he seem quite strong... he can stand straight up and move forward... you can see that he is actually moving his legs like walking like that so that he can move forwards...

i will probably check with the PD when i bring him for his 2nd dose of 6-in-1 about the use of walker for his age bah... fill you all with more details then..

"but i also read somewhere that bbs who are more fussy are also purportedly the more intelligent ones cos they are more sensitive &amp; responsive to their environments &amp; such!"

see this statement makes me feel more comforted that my bb is more fussy hahaha... hope it is true ah!! wahahha

Think its a routine... my baby sleep with orange light during his first month.. then subsequently i switch off all the lights in the room when its bedtime... initially i think you might need to stay beside him to give him assurance that you are right beside him... after a while.. he will know that lights out = nite time... and he will be fine.. =p

Jumperoo vs walker..
em... i think the seat for both quite similar rite... how come walker not good for spine if put bb in too early??? someone please enlighten me???
rlenn ,
i also switch on one toilet light .. cos quite easy to watch my little one when he co sleep with me ..

Sarahmay ,
I guess this waking up episode is only once / twice kind of thingy .. it happen to zac before and he can wake up every hr and fuss ... but for about 1-2 days only and he will be back to normal ... try to make elisha comfortable and he will settle himself

Flos ,
busy month for u .. let your PILs handle miniflos sure miniflos will enjoy extra company .

Xuanting ,
BM is indeed very thin .. haha .. sometimes we really have to eat healthy meals and make sure bb get the healthy stuff as well ...

Ya, I canunderstand how tired it is. My little J has been zhao fan since monday.. last night brought him back and again dun wan to sleep and we are so wore out that we just place him between us and both doze off. and when i woke up abt 1plus, little J has slept by himself.. hahaha.. must be bored playing with the diaper cloth till doze off.. but last night, little J has been very kind to mummy. slept thr till 7am. hope this will go on


My MIL sama sama as yours. hahaha..just that I found powder at little J's groine area ..hahaha..


Yup, I am putting little J in IFC at my area, not jurong area (my mum stays there but I stay in the east). I think near jalan bahar got one quite established one at the blk 200plus there.. you might wan to check it out..
hello ladies, so many posts! got lost..

qqq : i think most MIL and mothers are like that cos most of them did not bf their children. but human milk is made for humans and is best for humans so dun give up! My PIL also made such comments, like aiyah just feed formula lah, baby can grow bigger etc. but when they saw baby E after a few weeks, they were quite surprised at the benefits of BF.

BTW, does anyone have a Combi stroller? any model to recommend? i want to buy one..... thanx!
Angeline, can't buy at farmasi right?

Springz: 'red specks of blood in phlegm' - me too! My sorethrout still not fully recover. My colleague comment me that too weak after give birth.I also felt my body weak..hard to recover from sick

lilboymum, where to get calendular?
<font color="0077aa">Blackberry: You can get Calendular cream from the BP or want to sell thread, think they are selling at $18, Watson sells that too must at $29.90!! Gosh!

I am planning to get a car seat cos the infant car seat cannot contain smallberry soon, have to drop by baby hypermart to see see look look...</font>
Storeberry: wow, different $11.90
smallberry growing well
Beside baby hypermarket also have a shop selling car seat, I get the Britax carseat from there. I can't remember the shop name, sound like Baby Kingtom.
so im nt the only one who left lights on during the nite.

l'l CY^^l'l CH: din know tat sleeping in the dark is important for growth. shall try Jeraldin's method of switching off all lights subsequently

hi blackberry: my gal also has neck redness. and it is very difficult to apply the cream on her as she refused to cooperate! cant find her neck. haha.. so many folds n got double chin.
any bb keep flipping to sleep on tummy?? my gal keep doing tat after she knows hw to flip! aiyo. i need to keep flipping her back especially during the nites. in the day i dun really care.. then also scare her face will be smashed. coz she will sleep only on her left side of the face. and when i flip her over, her left eye, face will be flat and red. :p
me too, i leave a night light on in the room. much easier when i have to get up and prepare the night feed fm in my room.

was out a little longer than expected last night and came back to pump quite a lot, but somehow this morning still woke up with painful lumps! took 1hr 45mins to finally get rid of them. am super sore now.

sweaty bbs
i find my bb extremely sweaty – and this is despite being in an aircon room at 25ºc. it gets worse when she screams &amp; cries; all bathed in sweat and i'll need to change her so that she doesn't catch a cold. any other sweaty bbs here or are they all supposed to be like that?
my boy sweats a lot too.. especially when he starts to fuss n cry.. so i keep my house windy all the time. Some pple say its due to our diet during pregnancy. But im don't eat lots of meat during pregnancy, little Q still like that.. Dunno y too....
rleen: can your gal do tummy time? if yes, she will naturally know how to turn her head when she is sleeping on her tummy. my boy does that. he's been sleeping on his tummy since he was 3 d/o.

chewy ring: it's been going on for 3 days liao. but yday a bit better...but not really better in the sense that he wakes up, but i had more patience to deal with it. hahaha. think it's the cold.

l'l cy: aiyo...tell you ar.i also dunno how to fix his feed-paly-nap schedule. cos some feeds during the day will be wake-feed-play-nap; others wake-play-feed-play- nap or wake-play-feed-sleep. hows? the cold might be the culprit cos it's been really getting colder during the nights since he started acting up. will up the radiator tonight and see how. he seems to be more comfy sleeping w us, prob cos of our body heat. bedtime routine: same as before, so may not be that.

dseptkon: good q hor. FM bbs got any probs with suddenlywaking up in middle of night now?

springz: yes, will pray for your FIL. and yes, we must learn to treasure every moment with our loved ones.

flos: sahm for me is more shiok if i were back in sg. got my support network there. and the place is MUCH more bb-friendly than here. i mean, i hate the fact that public transport is so bb unfriendly; most eating places are NOT smoke-free. the pavements here are good for training for a stroller 4wd event, but not nice walks. air here is POLLUTED! psi 130 is q the norm here. ok la...enough of b*tching about this place, there are still saving graces like friends. hehe. so why don't u get your dh trsf back to SH, then you can be SAHM there too?

ypg: i started to use it when he was abt 11 -12 wo i think. but in the beginning he wasn't as interested in it as now. also, i do not put him in there for long stretches as i'm concerned abt inhibiting his physical growth. they need to stretch.as for price i got it for sg240 but tt is in macau. think sg is abt 280.

storeberry: yes, shall pray for your smallberry's sleep. did he sleep beter last night? e slightly better...but still woke up q often. got up at 630 am somemore!!! aiyo, but made him take naps. trying to regulate his nap times more now.

Sitting Upright in STROLLER : does anyone know if we can put our babies sitting in the inclined positions already? e's 15w now.
Jeraldin: here's an article on why walkers are not encouraged. http://www.kkh.com.sg/PatientHealthLibrary/ChildrensHealth/GrowingUp/Baby+Start+Walking.htm

Springz: hope you recover soon! take vit C and multivits like Flos recommended. Think your body is not used to the hectic lifestyle of a working + pumping mum yet.

storeberry: i need to get a car seat too! GuniBoy is outgrowing his infant car seat.

Anyone knows where got discount for US version of Britax car seats? I checked out Robinsons and Cheong Choon, they have the Australian version. I want the US version because it comes with a isofix belt attachment which can be attached to my car for a more secure and hassle free installation.
<font color="119911">rlrenn (rlrenn)- why don't u try putting a bean pillow over ur girl's tummy when she sleeps at nite? That would prevent her from flipping in her sleep.

Springz- hugs! Hope you are better already

dseptkon (dseptkon) - Baby K is still waking up more than we would like him to at night! He is on TBM, but i doubt it is because of hunger, cos (if you have seen him photos) - he is a well fed baby, and I read that babies over 6kg have the ability to sleep through the nite. The problem is that he wakes up after almost every sleep cycle, and needs help getting back to sleep again. We usually end up bottle feeding, or nursing - not the right thing to do - but seems to be the best solution! Need to try the cry-it-out method and let him self sooth, but apparently that cannot be forced - babies need to learn at their own pace to self sooth.

Xuanting - if ur BM is thin, then try supplementing with fish oil? I have been taking pure fish oil since i was preggers, and i think it does help with the quality of the milk.

Meanwhile, i am back at work on Monday
1001 things waiting for me...Won't be able to come online as frequently anymore.</font>
gunibabe: how tall is guniboy now? my son is also outgrowing his maxi cosi! Is Britax good?

"pumping mum"?!!!! muaaahahahahaha!! so funny lah you!

sarahmay: i'll go back there when miniflos is older. but u like said, i need a strong support network, and I can only get it here in SG.

Hey, i wanted to ask u whether it is straining on E's back when he jumps on his jumperoo? I hvn't fixed my exersaucer yet cos my son still can't flip @ 17.5weeks. grrrrr......

springz: well, the fragility of life. haizzzzz. On Thurs, I found out my 73-yr-old FIL helped us install the travel cot...I was touched (that the old man persoanlly fixed the cot for my son) and paisay (becos I made a big hoohah over the 'die-die cannot let him sleep on tilam' issue last weekend!)

Mei: how much is CB non-talc powder? Sounds very fragrant...

storeberry: I'm one who went to Watsons to buy the $29.90 CB calendula cream
heheh, too lazy to order from BP. I already find it a hassle to meet up with the seller to collect my babycubes this week (kept changing collection times cos both DH and I are so busy)...

ENFALAC A+: can't rem the mommy who told me Ang Mo sells the cheapest Enfalac. It's true! I bought two tins @ $35.90 ea today.

jaymickey: hv u checked if your Enfalac is the cyan colour one, not the one with Malay labels? I dunno if my Econ minimart sells it at $33+ as well.

PAMPERS NB: Today I saw Ang Mo selling Pampers NB at only $12.95 per pack of 36. Wah...looks like Ang Mo is really cheapcheap wor...The packaging however has Traditional Chinese words, meaning it's manufactured in China and exported to HK/Taiwan.

LC: R u kicking a big fuss over the powder then? My MIL likes to call my son names too. How annoying...but I'm too tired to argue with her every evening. Just quietly ate my dinner and collect miniflos and went home! I no longer call her during my lunch hour since the 3rd day, and no longer bother to ask how many ml he drank, how many diapers she used, how many times he pooped, etc. I just gotta trust them, if I wanna be a FTWM.
Try MothersWork (Great World City or Tanglin Mall) for US Britax models...

J is almost on TBF (maybe 1 FM feed once a week).. but he doesn't wake up in the middle of the night. Even if he did, he will self-soothe back to sleep... The difference is that I feed J EBM 99% of the time as I find that he usually falls asleep on the breast if latched-on and tends to wake up in the middle of the nite if still hungry..
flos: don't worry about miniflos not flipping. every baby at his own pace. when he does, you will prob wish he didn't. hahaha. mine also haven't flipped. as for whether e's back is being strained when in the jumperoo...not from what i can see. he is jumping MORE vigorously than before and enjoys it. however, i am cautious abt putting him in it for too long a stretch. will be asking my PD abt it when i see her on the 19th. update you then?

bigtoes: how long is each sleep cycle? i just read www.supernanny.co.uk about controlled crying technique. it is rec that it shdn't be used for bb below 6mths. i also think each bb takes his own time to learn to self soothe. however, i do wish e learnt tt faster. nonetheless, he is doing better w falling asleep with less assistance for daytime naps. night-time ones...well...i m just grateful is he stops waking up every one or 2 hours between 12 - 7am. hehe.

does the bean pillow help prevent bb from i flipping? i know i can't do it for e (though he's not flipping yet) cos once he used his arms to flick it off his tummy and it landed on his face!

koras: your bb already q the heavyweight champ. why do you want to feed him glucose water? i think there is no need for extra sugar, is there?

springz: feel better yet? gunibabe's right - take more vit c and multi-vits!
Flos: GuniBoy is 7.3kg and 67cm yday when we went to PD for his vaccination.

Britax is one of those car seats that meets our needs cos we want the iso-fix clip belt that comes with the seat, cos we don't want to spend extra money buying an iso-fix base.

Yes, Ang Mo's pricing is very good. I usually do my marketing there and NTUC. ;)

you can also get GAIA non-talc powder from Guardian pharmacy. GuniBoy using that now.


Jumperoo: I think it's not encouraged to leave them in it for more than half an hour. I usually leave GuniBoy in there for a max of 20mins even though he loves it very much. That boy is now using #2 settings cos he's standing when he's at #1 setting and when his knees are slightly bent. I read that they're supposed to be in a tip-toe position when they're in the jumperoo. I must say this is one of the best investments for GuniBoy.

Lok: I went to MotherWorks but there's no discount. Any idea when is their anniversary sale? I rem you got yours last year during their sale.
