(2008/09) Sep 2008

WEEKEND parents: it's hard for us to leave our sonny from mon-fri at my PILs. Besides, I dun suppose my PILs would hv the energy to wake up for the nite feeds. And I certainly can't leave my maid at my PILs from mon-fri...

So sad to see him staring blankly and sucking his fingers every evening! He must be so bored with the old folks...no stimulation...

oh, spotted some powder on my son's neck just now and confronted my MIL. told her not to apply powder on him and she was rather offended by my bluntness. decided to shut up cos my MIL is a force to be reckoned with!

yawnzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....ok, gotta sleep now...got breakfast meetings...this is a sucky month...so many events. worse, got budget day and CNY campaign coming up. nite nite mommies....

make sure u hv enuff FBM before leaving. i also throw away watever milk i express when overseas. but usually last day i will keep and bring bak using ice box.

mummies that just started working. do take care in ur pumping. SS will really decrease. my SS halfed after 2 months back to work. now then try to increase my SS. may be too late alr.
hello mommies... super long nv log in le...
back to work since 5th Jan... busy at work and once i am back home.. its interaction time with my baby till his sleep time and it either back to work or housework time... so haven't really got time to log in...

Napping time
According to my aunt (who is the caregiver of bb), EJ is also taking power nap of 30 mins.. but he normally sleep about 2 to 3 hours in the afternoon after his shower and lunch feed @ 11 plus ... think they sleep better after shower bah...

this morning he finally flipped... actually he already tried flipping few days ago.. but he always get stuck.. haha super funny lor.. this morning he oso need more effort to flip.. but by the time i reach home after work today.. he can flip with ease le.. haha..

Bring bb back home..
I am also bringing bb home everyday from my aunt place. but the lucky thing is .. her place is just about 5 mins walk to my place so it makes it easy.. and i will have my dinner at her place. but ever since i went back to work.. i always leave on time and aim to reach home by 6.30pm so that i can shower before going over..

then will stay at my aunt place till 8 plus then i bring baby slowly walk home together.. hubby has been working till 10 plus recently.. so its only bb with me after work...

recognising caregiver..
have been putting bb there since this monday.. so far bb is still ok with me... everyday when i reach my aunt's place after work and call out to him.. he will smile and get excited.. i'll be super happy when he does that.. at least he still recognise me!! hahaha i hope he will continue to be like that...

why is putting bb in walker not good for their spine? em.. I actually put him in the walker.. and now he can stand with both his feet on the ground unsupported for a while.. and i think he sort of train his back le.. hmmm

initially he can only move backwards and sideway.. but now he seem like can control his direction le.. sometimes he can move forward when he stand up and lead forward.. and he is enjoying that freedom le...

sleeping through the nite..
shifted baby to our bed tt time when he was down with a flu... and i realised he sleep super well lor... no eh eh eh at all... and me and hubby really get undisturbed sleep throughout the nite le.. but we intend to shift him to his own cot bed on weekend..and on weekday where we need to work.. we will co-sleep with him... well i guess this might be the best arrangement for us for the time being...
qqq: why ur mil so funny one. when she young, she did not bf her son? don't her mother bf her? For mil, she keep asking whether i'm going to feed my bbb bf, at 1st, didn't want to. cos b4 i got pregnant, i do smoke n drink, so i tot not very gd to bf her, end up, i change my mind and try to bf her as much as i can.

did u email me? saw your email but i couldnt open it. i been having probs with my hotmail these few days...send me an sms ya.. 9630 3854


do u mind if you send the amt to trf & your acct details to my hp as well? i cant see the contents yet..gota wait till i go to my mums house to use the comp there...
Morning, Mommies

Can anyone advise? anything wrong?

My Little J has not been zz well since beginning of this week. When we came back fr MIL place ard 7plus to 8, I will wipe him and changed him into sleepsuit. Then, I will feed him. he will normally doze off and zz till 8plus or 9 but not that deep zz, with eyes not fully closed (last time he wun like that.) then he will wake up and we play with him for 15min or so and he show signs of tiredness and I will pat him to zz but this patting can last for 2hours (fr 9plus to 11plus). He will zz until 4plus in the morning and I will nurse him then he wun zz until 6plus. and will cry in his sleep (very loud but short cry, a few seconds maybe)..
morning everyone! jeraldine, long time no see.

lc, could it be that he is trying to adjust to the new routine? or maybe not napping enough in the day so it affects his sleep at night?
Hi, Xuanting

The routine is not new.. He has always been in this routine and can sleep thr fr 10plus to 6am or if he wakes up at 5am, he will sleep again after nursing. My head big lar and got dark circles oming out
I tot he might be napping too much in the day. How will napping not enough in the day affects his sleep at night?
xuanting.. hihi... haha super long no log in..

LC.. coz apparently.. the more they sleep in the day.. the better they can sleep at nite.. it might probably be due to the amount of simulation that he has during the day.. so
less nap = more simulation = brain unable to rest well = unable to sleep better at nite...
Hi, Xuanting

The routine is not new.. He has always been in this routine and can sleep thr fr 10plus to 6am or if he wakes up at 5am, he will sleep again after nursing. My head big lar and got dark circles oming out
I tot he might be napping too much in the day. How will napping not enough in the day affects his sleep at night?
Hi, Mommies

Need your help. My HR just informed me that under the enhanced maternity leave scheme, I am left with 14days to clear. I only cleared 3mth maternity leave and I came back to work. This is what happened:-

My little J was born prematured on 15 Aug 08 so I was given only 3mths maternity leave and I took the 3mth ML from 15 Aug 08to 14 Nov08. But I did an appeal and I am eligible for the additional 4weeks ML. My company also agreed to that. But today my HR came back and said I am left with only 14 days. This is how they calculated:-

Maternity leave from 15 August 2008 to 14 November 2008. This is 13 weeks & 1 day.
The paid maternity leave period is a total of 16 weeks. As such, the remaining maternity leave balance is 2 weeks & 4 days.
Based on a 5-day working week, left with 2 x 5 + 4 = 14 days to clear

My additional 4weeks become 14days??

basically, our maternity leave is counted in terms of weeks. 8 weeks + 4 weeks/20 days + 4 weeks/20days.

for the 1st 8 weeks, if ur company is cool, u'll be given the full month which was how my previous companies calculated . unfortunately my current company follows the law strictly so my 1st 2 months are effectively only 8 weeks = 28 daysx 2 months = 56 days incld weekends & PH.
LC, the calculation looks correct to me.. since u have taken 13 weeks out of the 16 weeks.

Angeline, can you PM me ur contact no.?

Can those on this list, kindly PM me ur email address?
Traz + bb - Confirmed
Springz + lil S + helper - Confirmed
lilboymum + CY + CH + HB - Confirmed
bakingmama + bb - Confirmed
cloud + bb + hb - Confirmed
Jas + BB
cupcakes + bb

Payment receive with thanks
1. Xuanting
2. Lok
3. Vellevelle
4. Bigtoes
5. Jessi
6. Sri
7. Jgwee
8. BBfan
9. Sunrays
Hi LC,

the working sounds logical by HR...

like dmbb, my maternity is counted by weeks.

re: Quality of bb sleep
mini miow is also like that recently. this is especailly just before he learn to flip efficiently. seems like they process what they learn in the day when they sleep. So, when he is frustrated in the day (when he is still learning to flip), they may let out their frustration in their sleep.
so, ever since he can flip quickly, this type of sudden crying reduced liao. But instead, when it is near day break, he will flip and smile and me to wake up...

I also agree with Jeraldin about the naps in the day affect quality of naps at nite.
btw, mini miow is a nite owl, will sleep for the long stretch after 10 pm...
I read from somewhere that if bb did not sleep well in the daytime, it may affect his nite sleep as well. Actually my bb occasionally will shriek in the middle of his nite naps as well! His cries is majiam beri sad liddat.. I take it as he had a bad dream wor. Opps

Dun be too worried abt ur milk supply! Initially when I went back to work, I thot my milk supply will drop bt ok wor.. did not drop tat much. Have faith in ur own ‘nei-nei’!

Actually wat is non-talc powder? I heard abt this term bt dun reallie understand bt I gek-kiang bought BURT’s Bee powder which I heard is non-talc. So for non-talc powder, we can puff up bb anytime issit huh??
Hi mummies!

Please help me! My baby is 3.5 months old and she only drinks a total of 560ml (plus and minus)of milk per day. These few days she has been acting pretty strange. She refuse to drink milk after her 4 hours interval and would prefer to sleep and sleep.

Yesterday, her last feed was at 2.30pm. She was supposed to drink her milk at 6.30 pm but she scream and scream when we gave her milk.

She slept at about 7.30 pm without drinking any milk. She slept all the way till 5.30 am this morning.

Is this normal? Her last check up at the PD, everything is normal. She was 5.6kg about 3 weeks ago. According to PD, it's normal but he is worried that her intake of milk is very little. He also mentioned that sleep is very important to babies.

PD suggested for her to take semi solids when she is 4 months old. Any advice?

Thanks in advance!
just bought K for his 2nd 5in1 Injection. His weight now 8.9kg
Sengkang doc say scared about his weight so write a letter for me to go thomson medical to check. said his weight suddently shot up to around 90%. kinda of worried now. tomorrow bring him back to thomson medical to check. hope nothing wrong

My boy weighs 8.4kg when I brought him for his 2nd 5 in 1 jab on 02/01/09. His weight also shot up to 90% from 50% previously.. My PD commented its ok, cos when they start to crawl, their weight growth will tapper down.
skinnypig- my mum said that doc at sengkang polyclinic doesnt havent enough experiences. as that time when he check K testical he just left the pamper open after checked. when we told doc in a joking manner that he doesnt scared that later his shirt is dirty - he answer oh isnt he will urine out now. we were like looking at each other

Can I know how much milk is she drinking per feed?
In this situation, I think she's more sleepy than hungry.

It happened to my boy at times.. When he's sleepy more than hungry, he would refused to finish his feed (which can be about half bottle remaining). No matter how I force him, he just refused to drink and keep crying + pushing the bottle or body away!!
Hi skinny pig,

Each bottle of milk is 150ml but she does not finish totally, sometimes 120ml sometimes more or less.

I am just worried that 15 hours without milk, is this normal?
HUH? I have phobias of PD writing referral letters to HOSPITALS one leh!!! What kind of checkup does ur PD recommend? I din know being heavy is an ISSUE!!! Ur PD over-reacted bah! U may wanna to get a 2nd opinon before u go to hospital cos sometimes hospital will check to the bottom of the case leh if it is a kena-referred case!!
Thanks, Dmbb and Miow..

After much tots, I think my HR is quite right on the calculation. Maybe my impression of 20days, suddently drop till 14days makes me feel shortchanged.. wahahaa..
Hi skinny pig,

My baby girl is very fussy. She won't drink milk if she is sleeping. I tried waking her up to drink milk but she cry and cry. She prefers sleeping.

goldfish- not PD is the doc at polyclinic refer to back to thomson. so i guess maybe i go there check then ask if able to start feeding my boy ceral. as the doc at polyclinic seem like very new. today K is very brave when the nurse injects him he cry one crys only
bigtoes, storebery: yikes! i was so glad he went to bed at 8pm with minimal fussing, woke up at 9pm for feed and the next at 1215am. Then things turned for the worse after.last night became worse!!!! i felt as if i was awake from 144am all the way to 644 am. every hour, i would hear him making noise. changed the diaper...nursed him...he would drink or i think he was...then when i thought he had enough, i unlatched him, put him back onto the bed...half an hour or so later, he starts his 'eh'-ing again!!!!

what is wrong?!!! and this morning, since he got up at 644am, he couldn't get to sleep until now! which is almost 4hours after! i tried the controlled crying method. wah! but he wailed even louder with each passing minute. max i went without picking him up was only 7 mins. is it my diet? or is it the weather? the temp here is dropping. was about 8 degrees last night. turned on the radiator, and i checked that it was not too warm or dry. i'm really at a loss over why this sudden change in feeding/waking during the nights.

xuanting: overstimulated? i don't think so. i make sure he doesn't do active play after his evening bath at 5+/6pm. and i do quiet activities to get him ready for bedtime. by 7 pm, i'm in the room with him doing the bedtime routine so he gets into bed by 8pm. do u think it could be the reverse instead i.e.being understimulated in the day?

sasa: look on the bright side! max is learning independence and at least he can self-entertain and not cry the whole house down. having said that, they are from a diff generation so they view child-raising differently. it will be great for you and max if you worked less, and spend time with him.

l'l cy: i LOVE your quotes!!! so encouraging..i shal try to rber that when i am grouchy in the middle of the night cos e has woken up yet again for milk. btw, do u have any advise for me on trying to fix this weird waking schedule?

BM: what's wrong with these older folks? before the days of FM, they were also BF what, right? aiyo. this reminds me again of horrible CLs who keep pushing their clients to feed FM. or worse, older women who scoff at BM saying that they don't notice any difference in termsof health for BF and FM babies.

flos: you are soooo busy! sigh. looks like gotta wait for my next trip home in mar to catch you!as for miniflos' change in sleeping pattern, maybe he's growing up and needs less sleep?
My boy used to drink very little too. So i asked d PD when i sent him for his 1st 5 in 1 jab about his milk intake. He was also 3.5 months then. She said that its quite normal for babies to prefer to sleep at that age than drinking. She says as long as he doesnt go below 500ml in 24 hours, its quite alright. cos d minimum for babies at dat age is 500ml. But she did tell me to try introducing another feed, cos although he is drinking more than d minimum intake, its still quite little. U may want to dream feed ur baby like skinny pig suggested.

I hate polyclinic doctors!!! I went to AMK poly intending to take Little Q's 1st Hep B jab, but guess wat.. They said i cannot do d jab, must wait 1mth later.. After arguing w d nurse, i pick my boy up n left, swearing nvr to trust polyclinic to attend to my boy in d future. Im still angry whenever i think about the experience. Then the nurse in charge of taking ht n wt for my boy had 2 student attachments w her. Instead of learning something, they were just staring at my boy like he's some kind of specimen.
I think there is no problem w ur baby leh.. Doesnt d doctor know dat babies have growth spurts...???
missy- i not sure if that doctor knows. but just now i will still go to thomson for the checks and will also check out with him if safe for K to take cereal at least will shut that doctor mouth for the next injection. AS i ask that doctor he seem unsure. and when ask if K start to teeth when i told him K like starting to bite things,he did not even check anything
I have phobias of referral to hospitals too.. Especially KK hospital..Hehehhe..

I think u can get more answers from d Thomson doctor.. And it will definitely make u feel better
<font color="0000ff">bacon &amp; egg
i wont be able to afford my mum's salary

Jasmine Yeo (jasyeo80)
so nice to noe that u are still wanted by ur gal.. hehe. sometimes i find that it could be bcoz we always talk to them, so they kinda get bored. so when there's a new person, their attn is on that person instead

i believe the situation cant be as bad as what I'm going thru coz at least ur ILs will talk to baby J. and furthermore, there's 2 of them

U putting ur boy at IFC? is it in Jurong area?

I spoke to hb last nite.. he initially decided on putting Max at IFC but he cannot be sure how Max will be looked after there. coz ultimately, teachers / caregivers there have to look after so many infants as well.. so their attention will be divided also

yeah.. when i was still preggy, I tried working from home (I dun need to be in office all the time). juz tat now, i dunno how my ILs will take it. When I was preggy, they didn't have a choice, coz if i couldn't walk too much. Now they will prob think, there's already some1 at home helping u to look after. and there u are making such a big fuss about everything.. sighz... ILs...

MIL's maid doesnt let max play with the toys I brot over. They are all left at the corner. Cannot stand it

Paiseh.. i noe this topic was brot up in the past, but I would like to ask if anyone knows if there are any good IFC in Jurong area? I wanna go find out more and check it out</font>

It depends how your company count. For mine, they go by weeks. so if your company also the same, then you can count if there is 16weeks from 8 Sept to 26 Dec.
lc, i'm not sure either. read from some websites. think it has to do with being over tired, like jeraldin &amp; the others mentioned.

sarahmay, poor u, i hope u'll get to nap a bit this afternoon. don't know abt being understimulation, but if u aren't using a pacifier, u may wish to consider giving e one now? the sucking motion helps to soothe bbs and perhaps u won't need to wake up to comfort nurse as much? but will prolly need to keep stuffing it back in when it falls out – still a less tiring alternative to actually getting up to nurse every time.
Ya.. Its hurtful.. But she dun speak that to me cos we had a ‘HUGE’ misunderstanding during my confinement. So now she will tell at my hubby. But I can understand bits and pieces of hokkien.. So when I heard it, I’ll double confirm with my hubby..

Waa.. yr MIL even more mean.. But what to do? I also can’t win her in arguments as I saw her POWER once during my confinement &amp; I’m scared to death!!! From then, I dun talk much so “zip” my mouth is the best.

Hehe, hubby told her but in her heart she think yuck. Mayb bcos she nv feed her child BM so they grow up and find it yucky.. I also agree BM is the best

Ok, now I w kp it at 4hr.. So sad!!! Need to pump in the handicapped toilet w my rechargeable batteries…

Green baby,
Waa.. half is A LOT!! Btw may I know u pump how many hr interval? How come it drop so much? Is it because of stress?

Ya, she never bf both her children.. Maybe that’s y she think its not gd.. but I’m hurt loh cos I treat those EBM as my proud..

Lucky my parents give me 100% support.. Cos my mum stop bf us at abt 3 months as she say no more supply. If not, she sure continue.

Its gd that U feed her BM as it has antibodies.

I’m going for my lunch
mei: is the Pigeon one non-talc? she puffed that on miniflos' neck, and becos it's branded, i didn't quarrel with her.

LC: it sounds to me the calculation by ur HR is correct.

sasa: but working for own family is still more flexible than working for a company whose boss is somewhere out there across the globe. u can still cham siong your PILs right? Why dun u work for someone else instead of your ILs? u sound really unhappy there

my DH and I are considering buying a new plc and inviting the ILs to stay with us. we feel so tired driving to and fro their plc daily...it's just not efficient. i can't even hv my breakfast at home and gotta spend extra $ to buy my kopi &amp; toast at Raffles Place, and i can't stay back in the office too late cos my ILs need their own free time as well...this is only the beginning of the year and work will start to pile up!!!!

sarahmay: i know!!! can't get to see u and the lovely elisha
already this week, i've 2 media events
my CNY is burnt too cos on duty
eh, is he on growth spurt? when he wakes at night, does he cry or just 'eh eh eh'?

does regulating his day time feed help?make sure its every three hourly first...

i had to train cy to sleep thru, ch not so. think she follows her bro schedule, at least for now lah...
l'l cy: eh, growth spurt? he's 16 wks now. day feedsare 3 hours and are regular. except now with his weird night-time feeds, the timings are a bit thrown off but still 3 hours between feeds for day. how did you train cy? when did you start? oh, at nite, he first eh-eh-eh...if don't attend to him, will escalate into a cry. last night was the worst la.... wah piang! every hour. previous two nites was wake up and feed only. yday dunno why. maybe too cold? it dropped to 8 degrees over nite. tonite will drop to 7!

flos: poor you! march 14 - 22 i'm back again. this time w my dh. maybe we can meet then?

xuanting: pacifier? been trying since first month. he gags on his own saliva and cries even more. read that some bbs just don't like it? i don't want to spend anymore money buying diff pacifiers already.
<font color="119911">Mei (meie), qqq and blackberryB (blackberryb) – I think a lot of MILs are like that, cos they were brought up in the era where no one breastfeed, and everyone drank FM, so they don’t realize the goodness of BM.
My CL was like that as well, always saying that my BM was "too thin" and baby wasn't full, and asked me to supplement with FM at night (so she don’t have to wake up too many times).
I gave in then, but baby K has been on TBF since she left, and has gained a healthy amount of weight. Thank goodness my MIL is more open minded and follows whatever I suggest.

lanolin (lanolin)- how long is your work trip in early Feb? If it’s a couple of days, then just express and freeze in the hotel freezer, and hand carry back in a fridge-to-go or one of those packs? The fridge-to-go can keep the milk chilled for 12 hours. Am not sure what is the airline regulations on bringing on board EBM – but if that is allowed – can ask the stewardess to store in their freezer/fridge for you?

l'l CY^^l'l CH (lilboymum) – hah, I had to tell hubby your comment on BM being yummy.
We both tried mine, and he thought it was the yuckiest drink ever (think it is abit fishy, cos I express at night after I take my fish oil). We have also tried FM, and that taste worse!! Poor baby. Even greedy baby K doesn’t quite like FM the few times he had it, though he doesn’t reject it.

storeberry (storeberry) – am so envious of you, being able to work 1/2 days! I am not looking forward to full day of work, and maybe 2 hours of shared time with baby during the weekdays. Some nights, it would be even worse, cos I have conference calls at night since my HQ is in US.

Flos (flos) – powdering the neck should be okie. I am also powdering baby K's neck with the antiseptic powder (the one given by PD for his belly button) and that helps to reduce the redness. Anyway, if we leave baby to the ILs, have to really close one eye and let them be, cannot be too particular, else there would be unnecessary tension.

SarahMay (sarahmay) – maybe our babies are all going through some weird phase where they don’t sleep well. Hopefully, this too, will pass. Last night, baby K slept with me on the bed, and I patted or latched him every time he fussed, so hubby and him got better rest (but not me)! Try to latch on rather than bottle feed? Baby K usually snoozes in as little as 5-10 minutes when i latch on (so he doesn't drink too much - doubt they wake up cos of hunger).

Koras – was the weight gain very sudden or has your baby always been gaining good weight? The PD just want to be sure that there is no metabolic issue I guess. Better to double check for your peace of mind.
Like the last time, baby K had some small bruises on one leg (mini blood clots) and our PD sent his blood for testing just to rule out any blood disorders. Turned out it was cos we were holding on too tight to his legs whilst carrying and causing bruises! So its better to just double check and you would feel more at ease.</font>
qqq (missheng)
Yeah man. half is alot to me ... now pump about every 4 hrs ...

last time tired can just sleep then SS will replenish. but now tired also got to work. maybe tts y SS went down.
<font color="0077aa">Goldfish: My boy also will suddenly cried out until very "ke lian" but will continue sleeping...

LC, limay &amp; Sarah: Smallberry yday also "zhao fan"! He wake up at don't know what time, think its 12 or 1am to feed, then 330am, enh enh ehn again, stuff him the pacifier, he still continue till 4am, then my hub took over. The 5 or 6 am wake up again, end of the day, carried him to sleep &amp; 8am wake up! Aiyoo.. don't know why he keep waking up! And today have a training to attend, I am so bloody tired!

Poor Sarah! I also suspect it might be due to growth spurts. Hope E will be guai guai tonight!

Sasa: Your maid really one kind is it? Can you command her to let Max play with the toys? You also part of her employer mah.</font>
bigtoes: but the belly button powder given by my PD is such a small bottle...u hvn't finished yours?

r u looking fwd to work next mon? every morning i'd hug my son so tightly before dropping him at my ILs! he doesn't smile at me anymore!!!! SOBSOB!

dear sarahmay: u r back pretty frequently it seems 2 me, which is good! sure, jan is just a bad month cos CNY is early this yr

sleeping thru: my son woke up at 2.45am this morning...maybe it's growth spurt too?
<font color="119911">Flos (flos) - yah, its the small bottle from the PD, we didn't use much and his belly button healed very quickly, so ended up with almost a full bottle. Have been using it to powder the folds at his neck after bath now and the redness is almost gone.

Am NOT looking forward to work next week - will miss my grubby terribly. Hubby is on leave Mon-Thurs cos my MIL can only take over from Fri. I know I will be MSNing hubby all the time to check up on baby K!

Now, K smiles at anyone who chats with him, i really hope he doesn't 'forget' me when i start work

Meanwhile, he has started flipping, and keeps flipping all the time....leave him for 5 minutes, and i come back to see him on his tummy. He is also trying to crawl and doesn't make it very far, then gets frustrated and starts complaining! Very impatient baby!</font>
haha limay... EJ oso.... he flipped recently and once he flipped over.. he is moving his legs so vigorously ... like wan to crawl.. but end up not moving.. so he get pek chek and eh eh for help hahaha ... super funny....

sometimes i think he looks like a "overturned" turtle with all his limbs up in the air...

but then... i realise my boy has been regurgitating his milk more often now le coz now once i finish feeding him... and put him on his back.. he will wan to flip.. then end up his milk will regurgitate out and sometimes quite alot one... so scary...

so now i dun dare to put him on his back after his milk.. will put him in the walker... at least to give him some time to digest the milk..

any mommies oso experience this ah??


Yes yes. My boy also throws out quite alot of milk when he flips from back to tummy after his feed. So I would always let him sit on my lap for a while before letting him lie down.

Even if he wants to flip I would try to stop him from doing so, in case he throws out and waste my milk!!!
