(2008/09) Sep 2008

no... Sri Leo.. i'm not...

i go back to work after 3 mths... cos i cannot std staying at home doing nothing.... cos MIL will look after M and Maid will do hsework... i find myself abit useless at home.. so i GET to work...

icic... me too...
Jaymickey, ive already PMed u my email add.. Can i transfer u d $$ tomorrow after 6pm.. Will inform u once i've done d transfer.
Chewy ring..I'm also going around that time.. u going with baby only or with hb? I have your no., maybe I call you on that day! where do u stay by the way?
Hi Mummies, finally have some spare time for myself..

Chewy ring,
Maybe the stuffs are made in USA that’s y its so cheap? But I know their furniture is v ex..

Thanks for the useful advise.. Btw do u apply lip palm on yr bb? Dunno is it safe?

OMG! How come u know it's mountain home? U also went on that trip b4? Hehe.. if so can share w me what stuff over there? U seems so experience in it. Like what Flos quote “sap sap shui” hehe..

I can understand how it felt.. I know for sure when I went back tmr, I also can’t go back on the dot. During preggie live when I went home on time, I even “tio” complain from my sales. Dun feel sad, u can still makeup on the weekends?

Btw C poo on the “Ma tong” yesterday. Haha think she hate the feeling of poo poo in the diaper so rather “ren”
Jo, I don't care what my hubby said. at times, he said it's not so good, but i don't care, coz it's my quality time. There was once my MIL came into my room when i was trying to put bb to sleep. She could hear baby's sound when she is outside, so she just knock and came in to play with him. I show her a black face immediately and after a while, she walked out coz she can sense my unhappiness. Even my hb asked why my face was so black. I just don't like ppl playing with my bb when it's bedtime.
like storeberry said,the good thing is that bb is in the hands of a caregiver who loves him a lot. make up for the time whenever u can and focus on him. little bbs can sometimes be quite "xiao qi" too i think. my FB certainly was.

i wasnt at mountain home. that's a really new setup- only end last year i think. but sure, pm me for more info if u need it. in fact, DH has itchy feet and is contemplating another posting now...:D
anyone noticed their bbs falling sick after outings to vivocity? like too many ppl or there is something wrong with the aircon there???
I just recover from sick...

Jo, **hug** after bath and eat, you quickly carry M, play/sing/read to M. When my MIL see my boy, she also stick to him. Even worse when my friend visit us, I carry my boy show to my friend, she come and carry my boy away and siad , your hand very tired! my friend and me also shock, what wrong? damn angry of her

LC, don't sad, ok. J will love you more! When I back home, after wash my hand, I straight away call his name and carry him. At first, he also no responde ( maybe he still small, that time he only 2 1/2 months) but hor, when my mum feeding him FM milk, when I reach home and call him, he don't want drink FM milk at all. When I take over to feed him, he finish it!
Nowadays, I call him, he will smile to me! Baby still will stick to mummy more than other!
blackberryb - y r the MILs like that 1 hor?!?! reali beri pissed off leh... if not because of M.. i won't zoom home immedi after work.... *headache*... esp the feeling of her watching mi!

Does ur MIL watch u oso? just like a camera...
<font color="119911">Jaymickey (jaymickey)- have transferred you the $$, thanks

SarahMay (sarahmay) –
Power naps – Yes, K does that too! He naps for like 15-20 minutes then wakes up again! He is like an energizer bunny, can go on and on and on….

I know how you feel with regards to the lack of sleep! Baby K also seems to have reverted to the 1st month again – woke up at 12, 2, 4, 5.30, 6.30am last night (or something like that – lost count) ….couldn't really be soothed, so hubby ended up feeding him 3x, while I nursed for about 10 minutes the last 2 times to get him to doze off.

I think he sleeps v lightly and is having way too much dreams – if you just stand there and observe, you would see him smiling, frowning and twitching his arms (like Moro reflex) in the matter of minutes! Its still not too bad for me cos I am on maternity till the end of this week, but if he continues waking up so frequently, I will be zombified at work! I know we should probably be more hard-hearted and try the 'cry it out' method and leave him to self-sooth, but the longest I have been able to leave him to cry is for 5 minutes before I give in….! Plus he just gets louder and more pathetic.

GuniBabe (gunibabe) – sigh, I think we need to close the door and let baby K cry like what you have been doing as well. Hubby says he bullies me, cos he just cries louder when he sees me approaching (cos "mommy is too nice to him")

Flipping – Baby K is also flipping…he turns his body over to tummy time, then rests there and examines his hands…I actually like him being in that position, cos he is very quiet then!

VelleVelle (vellevelle) – your baby girl is really pretty!

The various photos of babies from Studio Loft are really nicely done.

Springz (springz) – thanks for the update on Fenugreek. Currently, I am taking 4 capsules a day, will increase my intake to 6. I have noticed that my supply of EBM has decreased ever since I had severe blocked duct on my left side from that day trip to Batam a fortnight ago, and ended up with a fever. This side use to have about 20-30ml more EBM per pumping session, but now its down 20ml vs. the right, so I am down about 40-50ml per pump. Really hope to provide baby K with at least 70% breast milk when I go back to work next week.

WATER for baby – our PD said the max per day is 100ml (for BF babies, lesser for FM babies) – but only when the baby is running a fever and you need to cool baby down. Otherwise, some sips are okie, but don’t think they need any water to supplement the FM or BM.

breadmum (breadmum) – hugs! Hope u settle back at work soon ya!
I am also not looking forward to going back – though I have been diligently checking and replying work emails daily, going to office for occasional meetings and calling in for conference calls, I have a list of to-do items waiting already.
Btw, are you lugging your pump to work daily? That is a lot of stuff to carry if you don’t drive. I am thinking of leaving my PIS at work, and using the mini-electric at home, but the latter is slower, and that means I have to waste more time pumping at night.

QUESTION: Mommies leaving babies at caregiver (mum/MIL) when you are at work -
Do you drop off and collect your babies everyday? I intend to do that every mon-friday, but hubby would be the one doing the sending/picking up, and it would be quite tiring for him. Plus if baby K wakes up several times a nite, we would both be exhausted...so my MIL is suggesting that we leave him there maybe 2-3 nites per week
I am very reluctant to do that cos:
1) I want to latch him on in the evenings
2) I want to spend time with him and would miss him terribly otherwise
3) What if he loves my MIL more than me???
So how? Most probably have to compromise and leave him there once a week....</font>
thanks bigtoes , but I think my little girl is more towards handsome , everytime bring out ppl thought is boy.

millie : haven receive yet but i tink soon , cause normally pm slower de.
hi mummies, jus popping in to say hello, been sometime since i last posted.

jus brought my gal for 4mths jab few days back, its over due thou by 2 wks as she was not well earlier. haiz, she only weighs at 5.5kg at 4.5mths and 60cm tall, PD comment her weight gain is slow..haiz. saw alot of heavyweight babies here, any tips to share??

can i ask TBF mummies, is there any good stuff you eat to help to boost good milk? can share some tips.

also about weaning. those who bought healthy times brown rice cereal. is this good for baby's 1st food? need some feedback cos i remember i was feeding my son earthbest rice cereal then. also for healthy times, can jus add water? or milk is still better?

also jus wanna share added lorbang, any1 interested in baby einstein dvds boxset of 26? i'm helping a fren to consolidate orders for another 5 more sets, price is $65, inclusive of registered mail. but if got another 5more sets, then e seller can sell cheap ie. $62 incl. registered mail. if any1 keen, can PM me ok. dun post here, if not later kena complain.
BB sleeping on tummy
Alston rolls over to sleep on his tummy at nite. Is this safe cos i scared he will put his head straight down on the bed and suffocate himself ? My hubby's aunt (caregiver) said it shld be ok as he places his head sideway so there's leeway for breath and now he's also capable of turning head himself.
Can experienced mummies enlighten me on this ?
milk supply
just now I pump, I only get 20ml after 7 hours last latch on !! Since I sick on Sunday, my milk supply keep dropping. Now only have 20ml, is it mean no milk produce now? Can re-build again? hard right? so sad!sob sob sob

I know what you mean. When I am at my in laws place in the morning, I usually will change his diaper and talk to him for that few minutes and my MIL will come in and play with him. Knowing baby is baby, little J will turn to smile and play with my MIL, totally ignoring me. And, when I go back in the evening, she will still continue to carry him (though she is already very sweaty after showering him or cooking) until I am ready to go back home. Sighz! I just have to see open lor, take it that she loves little J. Guess some old folks are just plain insensitive.


I also hope so that my little J will also be more responsive to me. Maybe I am just seeking some form of assurance that I am his Mommy and I am different from his ah ma, ah gong they all..

Hi, Dsepkton

We go vivocity often but so far baby ok leh.. could it be other factor?

Hi, Bigtoes

I drop off and bring back my baby everyday. I have to carry my boy out to the main road to take cab cos I dun drive. My MIL suggested the same too - to leave baby with her overnight but I dun wan. True enuf, it is very tiring and hubby and myself have no time for each other too. sad right? I am latching my little boy every night.. the feeling is great after a day of work. I guess at the end of the day, are the two of you able to cope with the logistic? Dun tired yourself out. We need to stay healthy and good mood for our babies. are you and your inlaws staying very far from each other?

my ms drop alot now..coz over the past few days festive season..been going out thus dragging my pump..to abt 6hrly..now trying to make remedy...


$5 $10..thats cheap..will go there find..actually i got 1 set red 2pcs liao tts worn by my fb last time...hmm...
breadmum/LC/spring/lanolin: i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooo sleeeeepppy and busssssssssssssy as can beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! this is really a hellish "welcome back to work" week!! event after event...meetings after meetings...

still trying to get used to the ferrying of miniflos to and fro home in the early mornings and late evenings.

he doesn't seem to smile/respond to me as quickly as he used to
So I try to bond with him every evening by wiping him down and personally feeding him, yes with my eyelids drooping down...super tired man!

i even gotta skip my brekkie in the morning cos there is simply no time for that! i told my hubs not to waste time changing his diapers but he insists cos he felt it's too heavy/soiled for the lil one.

SLEEPING PATTERN CHANGED: yessssss, completely changed again after putting him at the PILs. he now wakes up for one more nite feed (this morning was 4am!!!!!), so DH and I took turns to do the graveyard shift.

SPRINGZ: I can care less about sterile or not sterile now, as long as my son is putting on weight, and yes, he is much bigger in just 4 days (I only started work on mon), all thks to my MIL's "special way" of feeding him... my MIL is also super tired. Must spare a thought for the 65-yr-old.

i think i SERIOUSLY need to relocate to a place nearer to my inlaws. the detour to PILs is really taking the toll on my DH who is the one driving every morning. Every morning, I just doze off in the car after droppping off miniflos, but I tried to stay awake cos my DH kept talking to me during the journey. I think it's fair to stay awake alongside the driver, cos he also wakes up to feed him in the wee hours

Last nite, we had to buy takeaways home to eat cos my MIL was simply too tired to cook.

I wonder how u guys still have the energy and time to do photoshoots???? I bathe and eat so quickly these days...can't even sing/read to miniflos cos he'd be asleep by the time I finish bathing and eating!
<font color="0077aa">Limay: MIL stays with us now so no need to bring baby back but if I were you, I would also want to bring baby home everyday cos this is the most important period I want to spend with him. And I definitely cannot bear to leave him at another place!

I think I amglad that my MIL is more sensitive cos she understand that after a day's work, we would want to bond with baby so when I bring baby into the room to play / sing songs / read, she will leave us alone, but maybe cos sometimes my nephew is here to take up her time. She also told my helper that when I come home after work, don't always carry baby &amp; let me have some time with baby cos my helper loves to carry smallberry!

blackberry: how long do you pump? Cos I realised that sometimes my let down is super slow. Usually I can finish pump within 5-10mins but today after pumping for about 10mins, I only yield about 20ml each side, then I stop my pump, waited &amp; resumed a few mins later &amp; let down came soon &amp; was able to yeld alot more.</font>
Storeberry, just now only pump around 10mins. I can't spend too much time on pumping in the office. I didn't drink much water and eat more food this few days, will it effect milk supply? Later I will try pump longer and see..
Bigtoes, I got a friend who leave her baby at her mum’s place. Everyday after work, she and her husband will go to her mom’s place to take care of her baby and play with him. Then they will go back to their place after putting the little one to bed every night. Initially, she did pick baby up and drop him at her mom’s place every morning, but after a week or 2, her baby and both of them are exhausted. She said that every morning has to disturb her baby’s sleep and in the end, he gets very cranky too. So in the end, they just leave baby there. Her boy is now 3 years old and the 2nd one is a year old. Both boys are still very close to her. As what she have told me, the bond between mother and child is always strong.
I have another friend who pick and drop her child off at the nanny everyday. In the end, all 3 of them are exhausted. She quit her job in the end to look after her child.
But of course if I were you, I wouldn’t bear to leave baby at MIL’s place. I rather tired myself out then to leave him there.

Millie: You can get a sleep positioner to prevent baby from rolling.

LC: Why don’t you ask your hubby to tell his mom to let you and baby have some quality time instead? When you are around, she shouldn’t get involve too much.
<font color="119911">LC (faintz) - hubby uses the car to/fro work everyday while i take the MRT to my office in town, so i told him that if he is too tired after work, i don't mind going up to my MILs in Khatib, then cabing home to Seng Kang. My ILs place is about 15-20 minutes drive to ours. I don't think I can get used to baby sleeping over at their place more than once or max twice a week.
Plus, i find that i need to nurse him, else if the boobs get engorged, the pump doesn't clear the engorgement.

Ade (littlepea) - if we travel all the way to the ILs, might as well take baby home i think. Thankfully, baby K wakes up early anyways (by 6+am), so we don't have to rouse him from sleep to go to my ILs. And like u, no matter how tired I am at nite, i still rather have him sleep at home with us, even if i have to do all the night feeds alone! Think its a mommy's thing

storeberry (storeberry) - i don't think i even feel the let down during pumping anymore
I use to leak on the other side when BFing, but that has also stopped. Used to pump about 5 minutes to get at least 150ml twice at night, but after my bout of food poisioning then fever, now it takes me 10 minutes to reach 120-150ml.
Am upping the Fenugreek to make sure I have sufficient supply when i pump at work.
Its weird how i used to hate getting engorged and having to rush home to feed/express, and now i get happy when my boobs feel full!</font>
Jaymickey: I had transferred the money to you. Please check ya.

Bigtoes: I will be a weekend mummy when i'm back at work next monday. Eventhough I'm very reluctant to do so but this is the best way for us cos I don't drive so it'll be very inconvenient to bring bb to and fro my parent's place and furthermore we don't live really near each other. so i'm planning to try my best to go back my parent's place as much times during the weekdays evening and do her last feed at ard 8pm and put her to bed before going back home.
<font color="0077aa">Limay: yah man, its a conflicting feeling abou engrogment!! I also feel that way when my boobs feel soft &amp; I am missing the engrogment feeling! I am also pumping regularly to keep up with supply now. And after bottle feeding smallberry twice a day, I am missing the nursing feeling! Gosh!

blackberry: Just wait for a few min to pump again if flow is slow. And don't get too stress out cos it affect supply. And drink lotas of fluid too!</font>
Limay: Ya, that's a mummy's thing. No matter how tired we are, when it comes to our kids, we will give them our best. Do what you think is good for you and K. As long as baby is happy, mummy will be happy too.
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">LC</font>
hugz hugz.. i'm facing the same issue too... talk to bb n when maid or hb comes along.. his focus will be on them instead. kinda exasperating at times. it's getting so bad that i'm having trouble sleeping at nites now and feel like crying each time I think about it.

<font color="ff0000">Babies with Caregivers</font>
Also, i'm feeling so so down coz a few times I came home to see Max juz sitting on his rocker and playing by himself. NO TOYS!!! juz staring into blank space, admiring n sucking his fingers. Where was the maid? In the kitchen cooking. I asked her y she didnt talk / play with him and she replied she had to cook.

Realli feel so disappointed and sad that my boy has to be thrown and left alone like tat. Am crying these few days whenever I think about it.

Haven spoken to hubby yet but am thinking of a few options:
1) Either i work half day everyday
2) Or Work only 3 days a week.

Though it's ILs company.. but i think i cannot take advantage oso.. so will prob ask for a pay cut
i cannot totally dun work.. dun think wil be able to survive ah.

And i totally CANNOT depend on my MIL to help mi coz she's more interested in working and touring den looking after my boy. Something which I'm so disappointed about.

My own mum has to work to support the family. I still have a sister in the uni and 2 bros who juz finished their O's.

Dilemma, dilemma!!!</font>
Just some suggestions..
Working partime is a good solution esp since its yr ILs company..more room for negotiation.

Or u could continue to work and get yr mom to help u and pay her a salary (whatever she is earning now) and get her to come to your place like she goes to her workplace?
sasa, LC: me too. everytime, I want to talk to my ger, she will look to other direction, when i bring my face in front of her, she will turn to other direction. sigh, so sad when she didn;t want to talk to me. she talk to my sis instead, maybe my sis know bb language. sometime, when i manage to talk to her, then someone (colud be my hb, mum sis)walked passed, she will turned to looked at them.

but yesterday something happen, I went for my driving lesson, on my way home, my sis called and said my ger looking for me. when i reach home, carry her, she was jumping in my arms, my mum n sis told me she look so different when i was not in n she was shouting n screaming.
At least now i know she will look for her mummy.

Guess we are facing the same thing. My boy also staring into the blank space, sucking his fingers (lately his toes) and only interaction is from my in-laws who asked him to "siao siao" (smile smile in chinese).. never put him on tummy too but got try to carry him on standing position. I guess its to try to let him learn standing ba..

I am also thinking of working short week cos I still have 4weeks maternity leave to clear before August 09. So if I work 4days, I will have 4working days till may.


Guess my hubby has enuf of me complaining abt how Baby J has been taken care so i decided to just leave it as it is since baby is going IFC in March.

Last evening, I dun noe why baby J has red spots on the neck, face, back , thighs he came back from my MIL place. I think might be heat rashes.

My boy has been sleeping on tummy since he was 3 weeks old.. Now he's already 4 mths plus old, still sleeps on tummy.
No worries about that..
Have PM u le

Dun worry.. Last time I also have this problem on low ss. So low till no BM to freeze and have to take care of C all by myself as I cant EBM enough for my mum to feed. I'm sure yr ss will come in no time.

My hubby will make tonic soup whenever i tell him "Low Supply". Wanna give it a try? It can also "pu" yr body. 1 stone kill 2 birds

I'm going bk tmr... hope can find a nice place to pump. Haizzz... hate breast-feeding UNFRIENDLY environment!

Envy.. C seems so much happier and will show her sweetest heart melting smiles whenever she saw my dad and hubby.. Maybe because they know how to make really "ugly" expression? Haha I wonder..

Hi all mummies,
Seems like when u started work, the milk ss will drop.. May I know in the office, u pump every hw many hr? I actually intend to pump every 4hr interval but seems like it will affect the milk ss.
qqq: there is only time my ger think of her mummy. everytime pick her up from IFC, she smile so happily to the care taker when i carried her. when i wave to her, she also never smile so happy. Maybe she find it comfortable in my hand, so she smile so happy to other. (zi wo an wei)
I'm working for my own family business too. What I do is to work from home &amp; take care of baby myself. It is very tough to juggle both work &amp; baby, unlike being in the office where you can concentrate solely on work, but the satisfaction I get from baby's bond with me as well as development is worth the effort. You should consider working half-day everyday, it's a great idea.

I think it's normal for us not to feel engorged after months of nursing. Initial months, prolactin makes our milk but after that, our boobs have been programmed to produce this much milk according to baby's demand, meeting baby's needs, hence no overproduction which means no engorgement. So don't worry so much.

I also have same feeling.WHen I try very hard very hard to give BM to my boy, my MIL see me want to feed BM,she will talk to me that: "har, you want to feed bm again ar? " . Sometime I pump out and let my boy drink, when she around she want to feed, then say: "so cold, cannot drink..too cold...warm up first or make formula for him lar..blah blah blah.." arh!
My MIL too, she thinks BM is not nourishing enough for baby, she'll always tell baby, in front of me 'You drink your mum's milk full or not? Must be still hungry, poor thing.'#$%^&amp;* Ignore her comments, they are outdated lor. Just continue doing what's best for our babies &amp; not to worry, baby will not think it's yucks, especially after seeing how they slurp &amp; smack their lips after drinking our BM.
Yes, it's tiring but worth it. Sometimes when baby is in a fussy mood, nothing can be accomplished at all, so I'll only do my work after he sleeps at 10pm. Also, my mum is around to help me out on some days, so it's really not that bad. That also explains why I'm still latching on 100%, simply no time to pump &amp; bottle feed.
to all working moms - I really can empathise with how you feel.

Flos - yah, I am so dead tired these few days ... yesterday was particularly bad coz it was issue after issue / problem after problem / meetings after meetings. I missed 1 pump and felt horrible. I tried to pump no matter what time it was but it ended up being too close to the boy's next feed which meant there wasn't enough for him when he latched on (the 6 plus one). I tried by working non-stop (ate lunch at desk / have lunch meetings) but (as I told my husband), I don't seem to have enough time!!!

Re leaving with care-givers ... I guess no matter who u leave ur baby with (ILs / babysitter), there is a very real fear that the little one wouldn't recognise his parents but from what I have seen / heard, there is this unbreakable bond btw parents and children so have some faith!!!

Limay - I siamed my work trip to Europe in Jan but can't siam again for the early Feb one. Realyl want to keep feeding him BM but am really wondering HOW I can pump and store and bring it back!!! hmmm....I'm also very afraid of engorgement as, like u, only my baby can empty my boobs totally. Sigh.
hi mummies
looks like it's been a rough week for most. cheer up, it;'s gonna be cny soon. a good break and some bonding time with our lil ones!!

for oversea trips, most likely have to pump and throw. you wont be able to bring back coz they have limits to the liquid you can carry onbaord. you can of course check it in and leave it unpressurised, but not sure if you wan to feed your lil one that after a long haul flight...

o yes, dun worry, your body will adjust according to your timing and declans demand. the first few times are frustrating but after a week or so, your body will know when to produce more milk to satisfy both pump and feed

jia you!!!

iyo, your mil is meanie lah. say such things. but you've got a sense of humour there...'frozen bm = overnight food'..kakakakak

actually i havent met a single breastfed bb who thinks bfg is yuck. especially those who are bf very long until toddlerhood and can actually recall it.my friends who were bf have very fond memories of bm! and they all (yes read ALL) commented that they hated formula after that!haha...

usually those who were never bf before would think it yucky. just rem your girl so very very privieged to be bf!!!

some thoughts for mummies who are still bfg!!!!


"If a multinational company developed a product that was a nutritionally balanced and delicious food, a wonder drug that both prevented and treated disease, cost almost nothing to produce and could be delivered in quantities controlled by the consumers' needs, the very announcement of their find would send their shares rocketing to the top of the stock market. The scientists who developed the product would win prizes and the wealth and influence of everyone involved would increase dramatically. Women have been producing such a miraculous substance, breastmilk, since the beginning of human existence..."

-- Gabrielle Palmer, in The Politics of Breastfeeding, London: Pandora Press, 1988, page 1.

"Breastfeeding is a natural "safety net" against the worst effects of poverty. If the child survives the first month of life (the most dangerous period of childhood) then for the next four months or so, exclusive breastfeeding goes a long way toward canceling out the health difference between being born into poverty and being born into affluence .... It is almost as if breastfeeding takes the infant out of poverty for those first few months in order to give the child a fairer start in life and compensate for the injustice of the world into which it was born."

--James P. Grant, former Executive Director, UNICEF (this is actually one of my fav quotes. make me very gung ho about bfg my fb!)

"A pair of substantial mammary glands have the advantage over the two hemispheres of the most learned professor's brain in the art of compounding a nutritive fluid for infants."

--Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)

"When we trust the makers of baby formula more than we do our own ability to nourish our babies, we lose a chance to claim an aspect of our power as women. Thinking that baby formula is as good as breast milk is believing that thirty years of technology is superior to three million years of nature's evolution. Countless women have regained trust in their bodies through nursing their children, even if they weren't sure at first that they could do it. It is an act of female power, and I think of it as feminism in its purest form."
----- Christine Northrup M.D.

"Formula feeding is the longest lasting uncontrolled experiment lacking informed consent in the history of medicine."
-- Frank Oski, M.D., retired editor, Journal of Pediatrics

The Dairy Council tells us:
Milk is nature's most perfect food.
The Dairy Council doesn't tell us:
Milk is nature's most perfect food for a baby calf, who has four stomachs, will double its weight in 47 days, and is destined to weigh 300 pounds within a year!
----- Unknown
lil CH
LOVE the quotes! so farnee
yet so true. to everyone who is still struggling to keep on bf-ing well done and JIA YOU!

it sounds like it has been tough getting back to work for most of the mummies here. i think the main difficulty is the fear and the subconscious guilt at leaving bb. dont worry, ur bbs will still love u best. really.
Hi all pretty mummy,
anybody interested to do Manicure and Pedicure for only $40 dollars at my house? Especially CNY is coming. Let me know if any of you is interested. Email me at [email protected]. Thank you.

<font color="0077aa">Thanks lil CH &amp; CY for your encouragement!

I went back to work this week &amp; had to readjust back to working life. I, too had the fear of baby not close to me so as my work is flexi, I will go to work around 12pm then rush home about 5pm if I have no appt. And the joy of seeing my smallberry smiling at me when I am back at home is priceless!

qqq: I pump about 4hourly &amp; ss still ok.

Sasa: Yes, working half a day is good &amp; can spend time to nurture Max! I am trying to get helper to let Z sit in the bumbo for a few min a day but I doubt they will do tummy time for smallberry. So when I reach home about 5 or 6plus, I will bring him to the room to read, sing songs, tummy time...etc.</font>
