(2008/09) Sep 2008

my girl ald no night feeding ab at 6 weeks old. I'm just worry whether she hungry or not? or she just lazy??

Anyone using Avent teat? My girl still using newborn teat. Try to switch to 1m+ teat but she wetted few bibs each feeding... Do the Avent teat written 3m+ teat then can start with that teat when she is 3 months old?

I am also using NUK latex teats for Rachael. I have made 2 changes, from Small to Medium once, and Medium to Medium once. She had been using since Day one until now for 3 months, it's actually very lasting. Change when the colour seems to turn odd, or lighter shade of yellow. I sterilise her bottles and teats 3 times a day, so had to change the teats every month. Hope this helps
Hi mummies!
So can summarise, Mattel sales is from when to when? And where is it held? So many warehouse sales!
And i heard fisherprice is having sales too!
Hi Melina and Jeraldine - welcome welcome! Show us pics of your babies!

Yay! Praise God Shauna slept last night - Koras, she was also fussing alot the previous night. Stopped crying only when carried and walked.. from like 2am to 6am. Slept only at 9am..

Anyway, am wondering how to flash cards at baby.. must it be in a particular sequence? Found this website might be useful to mummies...

Mattel sale - ah ya will try to ask hubby to take leave.. he still has last yr's ones not cleared yet!! Then we got some manpower..

Sasa you power la! Go nearly everyday! Ya it is 1st day grab good stuff then last day slashed prices! But 2nd day also got new prodts.. sigh.. so we're going on 1st day morning?? hahaha.. so fun!!!
<font color="0000ff">Jessie
lucky you!!! I was asking on this qtn juz over the weekends only and mummies have indicated that it's fine and in fact good that bb is able to sleep thru the nite themselves. dun worry abt the nite feeding coz if they are hungry, they will wake up de. they won't starve themselves
so clever hor

Jas (mobilesuitegal)
u change teats only or changed the bottles as well?

Mattel sales = Fisher-price one. It's the same one

Onz lah... let's go chiong on 1st day
muahahhaa..... it's near my office so i can go everyday. If in the east den i can forget abt going le

hehe.. okok
Okies mummies chiong-ing mattel sale.. these are award winning FP toys.. http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=2101&amp;e=moreAwards&amp;age=infant we keep a lookout for these and wipe them out!!
hee hee..

Btw, my colleagues with hyper babies esp boys, found that renting toys are a better way. They are sterilised, new and cheaper as babies lose interest very fast. Just google it, several webbies avail. Flos - can consider these to share with Issac's cousins?
wow, tks for the link!! hope they have the baby grand piano!! great!!! so many of us going!! can give a lift to mummies in hougang/amk area...let me knw ya?

Melinda &amp; jeraldin
welcome to the thread!!

at last...a sale near you!!
<font color="0000ff">Sunrays
the last time got grand piano leh.. $50 i think

yah manz.. finally a sale near me, hehe, and a sale I cannot miss... sad lah.. i'll miss the C&amp;K one

Sunrays has posted the details before. It's as follows:</font>

<font color="ff0000">MATTEL TOY SALE
5 Dec-9 Dec
No.1 Lok Yang Way</font>

mine still cant lift her head up yet...maybe bcoz her head alittle bit? haha nut i am oso not tt discipline in giving her tummy time everyday
<font color="ff0000">Xmas Gathering - Have already sent PM to relevant mommies on buffet cost.

Cordelia (evan_gigi)- I accidentally PMed you as well, then remembered that you aren't having the buffet - so ignore my mail on payment - but do send me your email addy so I can send the driving directions as an attachment.

Jasmine Yeo (jasyeo80) - Your account does not accept PMs. Can you email me at [email protected]?

Thanks mommies!</font>

if u all bring batteries,then maybe u all wana bring screwdriver? coz need to open up the compartment mah...n must bring a few sizes type..
Welcome to the new mummies!

Just a thot -- I have a hyper active tot. I don't really buy toys or rent it for him (leave it to the Childcare centre to do it) since he's usually not at home or busy with the tv when he's at home.

Sleeping thru:
My maid must be hoping Jonas can sleep through soon. She is a heavy sleeper and we have difficulty rousing her from her sleep when Jonas eh eh for milk. He still wakes up for 1 feed (around 3-4am) after his last feed at 9pm. Thinking of "sleep training" him soon with either pacifier or less milk!

yes!!! tis is the one i am going tmr!!! hehe... the discount is really good...u can get basic sandals at $7 and FULL LEATHER heels at $30!!!
so you mean you change the teat once a month.. em think i should change soon coz i am also sterilising about 2 to 3 times a day since I am working with only 3 bottles...
You staying around bt panjang area?? me too... quite near bt panjang plaza...
<font color="119911">isabelle (isa_belle) – wow, the Jewel Box date must have been romantic – I saw their Xmas advert in the papers, really pretty!
Must make time to go with hubby one evening….

Btw, if you have not gotten ur Xmas deco for that tree from your neighbor (so nice of them!) –the CK Tang trim shop at Vivo has pretty deco.

mattel sale – what are you mommies looking out for? I don’t think I want to get anything else for Kieran – everything is so bulky and if he doesn’t like it, then have to figure out where to store them. Also waiting for more hand-me-downs from his cousins! My sister moved back from KL last week and Kieran got himself another cot to use at my MILs place!

Jeraldin (hppymom) – hi hi!Welcome!
So you are the silent reader that everyone has been commenting about (for how many months now?)

Jessie (newmrs) – Kieran started on tummy time quite early – think once we flipped him over to try at about 5 weeks? I give him some tummy time everyday cos he loves it and lazy mommy wants him to start crawling soon so I don’t have to carry him around. But if your girl doesn’t like tummy time, don’t force her ya.</font>
Bigtoes - don't think i am that silent reader bah... ??? but anyway doesn't really matter... but i definitely heard alot from jaymickey about the very interesting gathering that all the mommies had... =)

Here is a pic of my little boy, En Jie @ 2 months

u went b4 for the C&amp;K? will it be alot of ppl? can bring bb down? coz nobody look aft carine..$7 so cheap..need to buy shoes for cny oso


me oso tinking of bring Fb to go see the xmas tree as well as the snows...but the pricing abit 'confused'...
i want to go to the Mattel sales too! and it's near to my place.
missed the last sales cos thought is too early to buy then end up we had been buying toys at retail prices.
actually i'm also keen on the mattel sale... intending to buy a activity gym mat for my boy... wanted to get the rainforest one though.. any baby using it???any review?
Jeraldin (hppymom)- my son Kieran is using the rainforest playmat - he reaches out to hit some of the hanging items, talks to himself on the mat, and it keeps him quiet for 20-30min or so. I bought it at the regular price but if u can get it at a discount, its money well spent!
Hi everyone!! I am also a sept mom... gave birth to my mini-me, Mikayla on 03rd sept at 34 weeks. Actual EDD was in mid Oct and I have been involved in the Oct thread but find it more relevant to join you guys in the sep thread as bb are abt the same age and we're all more or less going thru the same stuff.Hope its ok to join in... =)
My boy, Kaiden is also using the rainforest playmat. Agree with bigtoes, it is money well spent. Kaiden is reaching out to the hanging toys and the blinking lights..definitely can keep him entertained for a long time.
Sunrays &amp; Sasa - is it only mattel toys? no other brands. Am interested too.

There is a Johnson &amp; Johnson sale 2-5 dec
The Atrium #01-10
International Business Park
10am to 5pm
Cash only
hi mummies,

My bb Sam's appetite changes..sometimes he can drink 135ml and sometimes only 90ml... his weight abt 6.5kg shd drinks 140ml 7 feeds per day total abt 900 +....but he only drinking 600 - 700+..

Any1 bb having the same problem>?
<font color="0077aa">Jas: no problem!

Bacon&amp;egg: Yah, we shall fix a time to go there. Contact thru sms? So exciting!!!

So many new mummies login today!

Jeraldin: I think someone bought the rainforest gym &amp; said it was good!

Hi busy bee!Welcome!

Sunrays: Tai seng to far away for me liao.. Sob sob..

Today had a busy day! Went to Bedok, Serangoon &amp; Bishan to get some stuffs that I bought the past few weeks! Also got some 2nd hand story books as well.. Kiasu mummy at work again! </font>
Bigtoes, bacon..
Cool.. think i should make a trip down to see if I can get it at a discounted price... want to get something to entertain my boy.. haha since he always wan pple to talk to him now...
Thanks! =)
<font color="0000ff">Hi Mummies,

Sorry to intrude

Am starting a Blue Egg Milk Bag Spree.

It is breastmilk storage bag. Storing breastmilk and freezing it. Then you can use it on the go.

Self standing
Easy sealing with DOUBLE ziplock
BPA Free
Freezer safe
Leak proof
Store up to 210ml (7 oz)
Double layered (it is very tough)
FDA approved of material used (100% safe)
Country of origin: Korea (25 bags per pack)

$6.50 per box

Pls PM me if you are interested

Need to have a MOQ of 50 boxes
Transferred the buffet money already. If bringing maid...dont have to pay for her right? She doesn't eat much..if it's an issue, I will ask her to eat before we go to your place
Thanks storeberry! I'm thinking of going for the Mattel and JnJ sale too. Tot of going to both on the sameday since all in the west! When are u guys going?
<font color="0000ff">breadmum
got mattel, fisher-price... others i can't rem le

how come no details on ur leggings BP???</font>

<font color="ff0000">SALES
oh oh oh.. since we are on this topic now... tmr onwards AKIRA got warehouse sale leh
my rainforest gym mat was purchased frm the previous mattle sale...only $60!! But the popular items like rainforest collection has limited stock so pls go on the 1st day to grab!

many brands under the mattle label... disney, barbie, barney, hotwheels, sesame st etc... but most of the big-ticket items are fisherprice.

angeline goh
tmr for members only so i reckon it will not be too crowded... 28-30nov open to public. If u bring baby along, abit troublesome ya?? cos nid to try the shoes leh....
<font color="119911">ava (avalyn)- I ordered just sufficient for those of us who are having the buffet, but I am sure there would be excess, so nope - don't have to pay for the maids.

But its going to be a tight squeeze at our place with 32 adults + all the babies + toddlers - don't even know where all the babies will lie - so if possible, mommies, please leave your help at home!

Another one to add.

Borders Holiday Fare
06 December 2008 - 08 December 2008

Event type : Consumer
Venue : Hall 6B
Admission : Public - Free Admission
Event Schedules : Time: 10am to 9pm

Show Profile :
Bargain products &amp; Calendars

Oh no... suppose to be tightening belt but with all these sales going on, SO TEMPTING!
ok. am going to put my son with my mum and meet you gals at the sale. cause my mum stays in the west and not too far from lok yang.

Good idea to take turns to look after our massive buys.
Lets keep in touch with sms.

sasa - i just pm you my mobile.
Thanks for your advice.. will go at 11am on the first day since I am also staying at the west..

Didn't realise that you all had a westerner gathering at Lot 1 MOF.. and Bigtoes.. I am definitely not the silent reader that they bump into on that day..

Who else in the west is thinking of going down to the FP sales? are you gals thinking of going together???
ya lor.Sales thread.LOL.

Charles &amp; Keith - members sale. means if not member cannot go? anyone member going? can i come along - am shopping deprived. wa ha ha

this is a result of confinement.
<font color="0000ff">breadmum
got it!! SMS u le

Jurong West mummies
oh my!!! i didnt noe there are so many of u in this thread.. haha.

i should be going from office wor...

Charles &amp; Keith sale
If only I can buy shoes w/o trying them or pre-look at designs, den can tompang 1 of u to help mi buy... sob sob sob</font>


no choice lei..me if going shd be using the bbjourn carrier to bring her there..at least hands free...
