(2008/09) Sep 2008

sasa: when we bring her to doc, she still drinking normal, only these two days, she cut down her intake. yesterday night her last feeding is 10pm, then she sleep through the nite, wake up at abt 4am, pat her, n she want back to sleep, till this morning woke up at 7am, take in another 50ml. If her intake still the same for today, then I think i will bring her to see doc.

I see
where did u get your stock from? 海珠广场 or 火车站? $32.90 per monitor cover is kinda...
Psst, I lived and worked there for 3-4 yrs.
Hmm Flos..

They are not ready made items, you can try to see if you can find the exact same designs in the shops...

We had someone help with the design in taiwan then purposed made in guangzhou, so.. it does command a premium..

In other words too.. i am the supplier?... keke

Small business, not enough to make a living, but its fun, heh..


但是我沒去過廣州, 只有認識那裡的台灣產商
...哈哈哈, 沒聽過火車站, 海珠廣場...

這產品規劃至今也有2,3年了.. 之前你可能有看過, 那應該就是我們了, 那時候並沒有GUMONI這個品牌


GUMONI是我想出來的名字, 類似英文翻譯的'早安'..
Post on behalf for my friend:

Hi Mummies and MTB..

I am a breastfeeding mummy myself...

to make breastfeeding a breeze and on-the-go, a nursing shawl, a chic accessory, is a very useful item for breastfeeding mummies...

If u are interested in L'oved Baby 4-in-1 Nursing Shawls, ready stock is available...

interested pls email to [email protected] with subject heading as "4-in-1 Nursing Shawls" for more details..

pls do not post ur enquiries here.. thanks..

Happy Breastfeeding!!
Update on new maid:

Lok, Springz:
How are your helpers doing now? Any signs of panky business...
My new helper has also arrived last friday, till today, she has been a pretty good help, cleaning my little girl after her poo-poo sessions.. and dressing her.. and I keep a very cloooosee look-out to make sure my FIL don't scold her, otherwise i will blow man.. Hopefully she stays the way she is now.. no funny business..
Opps Flos,

"went to GZ with a good friend and started this Gumoni thing.." 是朋友帶了生意去了廣州.. 我本人沒去.. 嘿嘿嘿
I have a colleague whose daughter is placed at childcare..she thinks it is good so far..daughter gg 2 years old now..she likes the arrangement. I would also consider childcare when Kaiden is older say..18mths? I feel that grandma will give alot of TLC however lack the educational stimulation/development a child need...
<font color="119911">bacon&amp;egg (baconegg) – hah, okie, am looking forward to seeing Kaiden as an angel with pink wings for the Xmas gathering!

qqq (missheng) – yes, Kieran is a smiley baby! Then again, he can switch between smiling and (fake) crying very easily – sometimes, its quite hilarious – think he cannot decide if he wants to cry or smile. His cries are also very drama (lots of tears, sniffling, poor thing look etc). Think he got the drama-mama gene from his mommy!

Babies imitating us – is it too young for babies to know how to imitate adults? We notice that Kieran has started a 'fake cough' habit. I had a cough about 1+ week back (lasted maybe 3 days), and ever since then, he has been doing his 'talk talk talk cough talk cough' conversation. At first I thought I passed my cough to him, but it sounded totally fake (no phlegm, and only cough in between talking). Is it even possible for babies to imitate adults so young??

FP tummy time toy – oh..i have something like that in the store as well (another hand me down) – have to dig that out to use. Most probably need another 4-6 D sized batteries right?

Flos (flos) –so is ur maid preggers??

LC (faintz) – on infantcare and stimulation – am not sure to what extent the teachers at infantcares actually interact with the infants? Would be easier for them to just get the babies to sleep most of the day (easier job for them) – so now sure how much more effective they are compared to having the ILs take care of baby? Our plan is to drop Kieran off at my ILs when I return to work as well, but might also consider an infantcare if my MIL cannot cope, and definitely when Kieran is abit older (about 2), his resistance is stronger and needs to learn to interact with other toddlers.

Sleeping through the night – most effective if baby is very tired (not enough sleep during the day), or when he is full and contented after the final night feed. During those times, Kieran would sleep from 10+pm till 6+ am and not wake up for milk.</font>

<font color="ff0000">Xmas Gathering - I take it then there are no drop outs ya? Okie, will go ahead with the catering order then!</font>

In school today .. tidying up things and getting ready to be on long leave of rmy little one next year .. keke ... will be back these few days to tidy up .. so much things to pack and give away ..

Civil servants .. yah .. 1.5 mths bonus ... keke .. so much .. thought it will be lower than that ..
thanks mommies for your feedback re the teats. i guess i should get new ones soon.

bigtoes, not sure abt the coughing but i know they're fully capable of imitating impish nonsense like sticking tongues out.
LC, if you want to place ur bb at infant care, then pls make sure u give ur bb all the optional jab.

i have the same plan as bacon&amp;egg, to sent my girl to childcare when she is 18mths. but not now, will be worried.
Hi, Bacon &amp; Egg and Bigtoes

I tot of delaying the infant care thingy too but worried by then, my MIL cannot handle and wan a maid which I dun wan.. I would rather place in infant care than letting a maid to handle baby..

Hi, Von

Yes, I am getting baby ready for the optional jab in dec.. just in case we decide to go ahead with infant care..

Any mommies here have placed kid in infant care so far? any advise?
LC: I already place my ger in infant care when she was 9 wks old. so far so good. they will wrote down what time my ger was being fed, bath, sleep time. also how many time she poo.

maybe u can just go down to the infant care to have a look, see whether u like the enviroment and how the staffs there taking caring the bb.
most important, u have to feel comfortable with them, so u will feel safe for letting them look after ur bb.
Angeline: my weekends are super packed, hardly at home. For mailing, not possible to do without box cos the cream may be squashed out of their tube if Singpost mishandles them. If you're afraid of lost mail, may I suggest Registered Mail, so you can track. Cost wise, PostPac box will be $1.75, postage $2.55, registered mail is another $2.24, so total will be $6.54. Alternatively, you can drop by during weekdays.

Flos: your maid is trying to help you save money on the food ah. quite a sweetie! I wish my in laws are as helpful too, my electricity and gas bill shot up to $327 last mth, usual for 2 pax was $180-200! It's even higher than during my confinement! *faint*

Weaning: I still pumped out 90ml last night, my last pump was 35 hours apart. I pump at the first sign of engorgement now, to avoid any pain! And I try not to pump too much out and not for too long a period (less than 15mins). So far so good, think can drag even longer now and eventually be able to stop without pumping. But my poor breasts are really ugly now, like deflated balloons! Sigh ... another side effects of motherhood!

Baby sleeping thru: I started by training the boy to skip a feed, and also by tanking him up by his last feed so he can sleep thru. But this mummy is so heartless now. Usually, my boy will have last feed (FM of 130ml) at 1230am or 1am
and it'll last him till 730am. This morning, he woke up at 7am! I went to check on him and saw him eating his hands and drifting back to sleep, and then start fussing again. I stuffed a pacifier into his mouth and he sucked and went back to sleep, but 1 min later, he started fussing again. I didn't want to feed him so early, as I do not want to encourage him to wake up earlier, so I unplugged the baby monitor and went back to sleep, and leave him to continue with his cycle of fussing and going back to sleep. When I woke up at 830am, the boy was still soundly asleep! I'm so pleased because that's the idea time we want him to wake up. He was fed at 845am eventually when he woke up.

I think babies are creatures of habit! They will not die of starvation if they miss a feed, and I think they can endure at least 12 hours without milk. For those babies who are waking up habitually for a feed, you can try feeding them glucose water, so that they will get the idea that, "I'm not gonna be fed anyway, so dun bother to wake up" and they'll start to sleep thru!
Good luck!
Think Goldfish also place her bb in infantcare? Can check with her

I personally think infantcare is more systematic, they feed, bath at a stipulated time...not sure abt diaper changing though..I am not considering infantcare now cos i could work from home from time to time..but definitely would consider childcare later..i think bb needs company and interaction with other kids..imagine just me and grandma thruout my childhood..would be so boring..
Feeding - Kaiden's last feed would be 9ishpm and could last till 6am the next morning. He would only wake up at 10ish. That leave me some time to catch some Zzzz. One time we missed the 9ish timing cos i was shopping for grocery..his papa called (could hear his loud crying in the background) to come back quickly...in the end, i nurse him all the way home (cos no more water for milk!). Agree with u bb are creatures of habit...

U gonna stop bf soon? I hardly could pump any milk now...my cost of PIS is gg to waste...sigh...my hubby told me to just let him latchon and forget abt pumping cos it is a waste of effort to clean n wash and have little output. I am not sure if i even need to wean..cos there is hardly any milk! double sigh...

What did you in-laws do at your home? catering biz? elect bill is v high ah..
bacon&amp;egg (baconegg): we dream feed him at 1230am or 1am in the hope that he'll sleep till 830am or even later! hehe ... we want to tune him to our timing ... we sleep at 12 plus to 1am and wakes up at 83am. So we want our boy to get used to our schedule.

Yes, I'll be stopping soon, after having fever for more than 3 times and so much problems with my breasts with engorgement, blocked ducts and torn skin, my MS fell by 50% after the last saga, which left me with much pain. I would love to breastfeed my son longer, since I believe in the wonderful benefits of breastmilk, but for the sake of my well-being, I decided to wean off, and trust God to bless my boy's health even though he's gonna be FM.
I think FM will do him good too, with all the extras that are not in mummy's milk, cos mummy dun exactly watch her diet! haha

My FIL is a tv addict, loves anything that's on MGM. MIL ... not too sure what else she cooking, I know she loves to boil water lah! keke

Guess what she added to my kitchen this week? those enamel bowls ... yucks ... so ugly!
shazz: this few day i doing this also. all started with my mum, as i was sick so she helping to take care of my ger. so in the middle of the night, she wake up for her feeding, my mum will just pat her to sleep cos she lazy to get up and make milk. so this goes on for 3 night, when i take over, when she wake up, i will just pat her to sleep. so now i can sleep through the night till 7.
Shazz ,
OMG , haha .... u really unplug the monitor . keke .. i cannot bear to do that .. till nw , my FB at 18mths fuss a bit during the night for his milk , even at 2 am , poor mummy still climb up to make milk and pacify him to sleep .. maybe that is y I am still not sleeping well.. i accomdate to them , not the other way round ... keke
talking about sleeping, i tried onmine but did not work. tries to stuff pacifier and pat him to sleep he still cries for milk
What brand of FM would you go for after you wean off? My SIL goes for organic milk powder..i am thinking if there is any diff (in goodness) between organic and non-organic milk powder?

All those old hollywood movies? hee..your FIL must be very retro?

Why is she buying so much things? Hmmm..am sure your kitchen has existing pots,pans,bowls etc..right? She is a shopaholic?
Qiuling (chewy_ring): I was like you in the initial days ... but after reading several books on sleep training, I've learnt to harden my heart and bear with it. I've seen results so I'm gonna be more "heng xin" from now onwards! I believe we (adults) should be the ones who makes the call, not the little ones! keke ... Bao Da mama!
How does the IFC provide educational stimulation? I always tot their main priority is to make sure bbs eat well, sleep well, clean clean and ...dun cry!! Will bb feel neglected if the caregiver have to attend to other bbs first.

My MIL likes to stick her tongue out at my bb thinking its funny. I dun want my bb to learn such bad habit so I ask my HB to tell her. I am now scare whenever bb goes over to 'tong' night at her place -_-

I used to spend 10-15mins trying to burp bb after feedings. Now I just carrying him up and he will burrrp. So I jus pat pat a while and put him back to bed. I went shopping with him in my MIM sling(in koala position) and he will burp on his own and fall asleep. Haha... I am sure a lot of bbs here can do that already. I am just glad mine has finally reach another 'milestone'
bacon&amp;egg (baconegg): my boy has been on Nestle Nan HA 1 since day 1
I was told by many friends that it's the closest in terms of taste and properties to breast milk, so the boy won't reject EBM cos of great difference in taste.

yah, my FIL is past 65 years old and he loves the oldies ... but MGM sometimes shows modern shows like Stuart Little too. My MIL is making herself "comfortable" at my place, so she starts to make my kitchen look like hers! ;p
dmbb, i think we're recommended to change bottles every 3 months and teats whenever baby outgrows them (but i dunno how to tell).

shazz, what monitor are you using? good or not?

jasmine, does your bb scream when she wakes up at night? or make some noises only?
koras: I already started swimming 1 mths+! haha!!!

no worries lah, I also c-sec. Just follow what your body says.

by the way, "Hi!" everyone... u people are still so active in this forum. I can't keep up already.
Babies sleeping through..
I guess my boy is doing ok... His last feed is around 12. And he'' sleep throughout till about 7. He does fidget a little about 3-4 am, but i would either pat him to sleep or stuff him w his pacifier. I guess it's true, u have to harden ur heart a little to make these babies develop good sleeping habits. Plus, mummy reaaalllly needs her sleep!!! ;p
<font color="0000ff">Shazz
haha.. I wish Max was like Eamon. Everytime he fuss for milk at nite, i'll wait till he really cry before going out to make milk. This morning, tried to be hard-hearted and juz pat him to sleep but cannot lor. he ended up crying even louder and started kicking around (macham throwing tantrums, sighz..) I've not started him on pacifier and dun think I will, so he usually ends up sucking his lil' drumstick.</font>
LC, yeah yeah, like wat bacon&amp;egg says, I oledi put bb at infant care when he is 8 weeks old.
I am not a fan of IC bt out of bobian-ness loh. So far, I find it not tat ‘bad’ lah.
The caregivers are all AHSOH, like our mama age liddat wor. And as AHSOH, they are quite motherly one. So the sight of them make me feel ‘at ease’.
But I did tell them that if any kid fall sick, must CALL me cos I wana to decide whether to stay at home and look after bb instead cos my bb got a viral infection.. white blood cell… so cannot ‘play-play’ loh

I tink Lok has more experience in IFC wor
Talking about IFC
My mum actually went to visit "secretly", an IFC @ AMK. Very famous though, and saw for herself some babies crying away while the others are struggling to sleep. She makes it sound so scary, that I don't dare to put my gal @ IFC. I sourced out one in Bukit Batok, and initially wanted to put baby there, but decided to keep my maid first and see how it goes. Honestly, I hate having a maid at home, and leaving her to care for my gal makes me worry so much at work. Dunno how to settle this caregiving problem when I go back to school to teach in Jan...
<font color="ff0000">sasa
u gonna laugh at me liao...but tis one must announce lah...

5 Dec-9 Dec
No.1 Lok Yang Way</font>

<font color="aa00aa">wanna chiong together like last time??? hehehe</font>
<font color="0000ff">Sunrays
OMG!!! it's finally back.. hahaha, ok i'm done with laughing, so let's be serious. YES YES YES!!!!!! Of coz wanna chiong lah.. muz go early early leh... hehe</font>
mummies, I stayed home today cos felt a bit giddy in the morning.. my maid also down now. I just pray that my girl won't get affected.

spam some pics of my girl. I finally can catch her smiling so beautifully. really made my day!

I MUST SHOW MY HUBBY TODAY'S DISCUSSION!!!!! He was rather upset with me the past few nights as I was letting Shauna fuss at 3/4am by just patting her or using pacifier.. he said I was stubborn in my routine of not feeding her at night and said she may develop gastric!

Anyway, Shauna doesn't fall asleep with patting or pacifier. She sucks at it so vigorously that it is always 'spit' out in a few sec. I was walking from my room to hers so many times last night!! Shazz I peifu you for switching off monitor!!

I also think babies can be conditioned. Even if I feed Shauna at 9pm instead of 8pm, she will cry for milk at 12mn instead of 1am (following the 4 hr interval). Also, though she was playing in her cot at 2am to 4am last night, she still didn't cry for milk.. it was 'awake/ play through the night without feed'.

LC(Faintz) - did you get my PM? My email to you was bounced.. why don't you PM me your hp? I sms you the address?
Xuanting: at the beginning, was taken by mum, so i'm not sure whether she scream, but sunday night, she sleep through out, yesterday at 4am, she did woke up and i manage to pat her back to sleep. she do make noise and try to suck her mittens, i just pull her hand away from her mouth.

IFC: Most grandparents will chose not to put their grandchild in infant care. just like my friend, she and her hb goes to work quite early, so she left her son to MIL or her mother to bring her son over to infant care (they live very near to their parents), end up they either bring over late or fetch early, so in the end my friend pull her son out from infant care, waste money there.
My dad also ask my mum not to work and stay at home help me to take care of my ger. My MIL also kind of worried when we tell her we going to put my ger at infant care.
autum: that's a hearty smile! it made my day too!
take some iron supplements, will help to relief giddiness!

Mattel Sale! Ahh ... must block out that day for sale manx and apply for leave from work! haha
i saw it in one of the thread leh, no brochure.... but frm the last sale, managed to see mostly Fisherprice items..Mattle includes Hotwheels, Barbie, Disney, Sesame street...

I got most of my FP frm the previous sale...like my Rainforest gym mat was only $60(original $129). The FP swing only $70(original $169)....sasa got her jumperoo there too.
but one thing, some of the toys not in good condition...so have to check properly.

Lovely!!! she's so happy!! when they smile, can melt our hearts ya??
<font color="0077aa">LC: I had the intention of sending my bb to infant care when that time the part-time nanny played me out. But one of my fren strongluy discourage me from doing that cos she say bb need lots of love &amp; attention now &amp; most likely if all the bbs cried they cannot attend to your bb 1st so have to let him cry until they have the time.. So now I get a maid &amp; see how 1st. But will definitely send Zane to childcare when he is 18 or 24mths...

Kymkym: You setting up your own biz? Congrats! Opps, saw your post!

Autum: Oh dear, glad that your bb is ok now.. Take care! Stomach flu can be spread!

Von: MY bb still not sleeping thru yet.. Haiz.. Last feed is 830pm, he will wake up &amp; 1am then 4am somtimes fuss at 5 or 6plus then I have to carry him to sleep...
shazz, sunrays,
yahlor, when our babies smile so happily, we really want to smile, laugh and cry (too touched) at the same time! hee..
<font color="0077aa">Sunrays!! Thanks for the announcement!! I wanna go as well!! Keke... Yah lo, my FP activity gym lights not working liao!!

Autum: your gal smile is so sweet!</font>
wah so many posts i hardly can catch up!
Have been so so busy at work! Last week I even had to get my colleagues to come to my house to finish the meeting cos my boobs were gonna burst as I hadn't expected to stay for so long!
Went to jewel box last night and had a cable car ride too. Haven't been out for a real date with hubbbs in ages!

i use organic milk powder for isabelle but her Step 3 bellamy's milk powder is OOS! I am advocate of organic food as it is not only free from harmful chemicals, but also environmentally friendly. But too bad I dun have that deep a pocket to go fully organic!

love the pics!

wow. U r so capable. Admire u!
I heard fr my FIL that my hubby's aunty who works in childcare that the people taking care of the kids (herself included) can;t be bothered with the kids cos in her centre, they have one person to TEN kids!!! So if the kid doesn't eat for e.g., they'll just leave the kid alone and focus on other kids/chores and tell the parent "Ni de hai zi bu xi huan chi". But can't blame them also cos how the hell to take care of 10 kids????
But of course this centre charges lower rates so i guess u get what u pay for... But those with a lower ratio and better quality r so damn ex! It's so ex to raise kids these days...

big toes
am so looking forward to xmas gathering! In christmas mood now. Am gg out to buy xmas deco soon for my "new" 7 feet tree that my neighbour is giving to me! Yay!

2006 mummies
mebbe we should bring our todds out to watch some xmas performace together! Barney anyone?

Anyone brought #1 to watch hungry caterpillar last week? Was a great performance!
I also want to chiong for the sale! Been paying full price for fisher items..*shake head*

5 dec is that a saturday? Friday? How was the last sale? Crowded? Can bring bb there? Or not advisable?

Whats IFC?

I started swimming..second mth..jsut go easy initially...then add on more laps when you feel better and body more tune to exercising..
<font color="0077aa">bacon&amp;egg: Not advisable to bring b there cos its dusty &amp; hot!! I went when I was preggy that time &amp; had a hard time lugging the heavy stuffs back! Shall we arrange &amp; go together??

Just now put Zane on the netted bouncer &amp; I transfer the hanging toys from another bouncer over. He is using his hands to touch the toys &amp; make it turn! So amazing!</font>
