(2008/09) Sep 2008

Hi ladies, I'm another silent reader of this thread.. My edd was 5th oct but little Zoe decided to visit us earlier on 28 Sept. It never fails to comfort me when i read this thread cos i know i'm not alone in facing baby blues haha..

I had the same prob as you. Zoe rejecting bottled milk be it FM or EBM. Called my pd for advise cos am afraid she is not getting enuff. PD suggested to lengthen the feeding time cos it could be that baby is not really hungry only wans comfort from mummy's nipple. So far it works for me but must be a bit hard hearted to let others carry and feed her the first few days if not she smell my breast she'll not wan the bottle. However me and hubby noticed that baby tend to reject bottle milk again when she hasn't pass motion for a day or two and we are thinking if it's bcos she knows BM acts as laxative and can help her. *puzzled*

<font color="0077aa">Hi,any mummies here have your maid schedule to email me for reference? Need to prepare for new maid... Thanks!</font>

Welcome to all the new moms on the thread!

Looks like our Sept community is really growing!

So many posts I cannot catch up.
Envious of all of you who can come so regularly to chat. I'm struggling to balance housework, baby caring and work. Aiyo and my dad is still here to help me.

Share tips! Next wed on I'm all on my own!!!

The weathe is getting colder. Bathing him is a challenge. SO many things to do. Hope i dunfreeze my poor baby.

FP sale! Wah,,, i also want to go!!!! BUt cannot. Sniff sniff. Anyone can buy for me and i pay you back in Jan.

Question: Any one with TBF babies an sleep through nites already??? And if so, at which week?

Bigtoes: DId you ask a questin abt bb mimicking us? My boy started copying sounds when he was about a month old. When we did the 'nrg nrg' sound for poo each time we thought he needed to poo, he started making the sound just for fun. Kieran is about 12.5 wks old now? I think he's pretty good at mimicking expressions etc now right? Must take videos. THey are very cute.

Storeberry: How come you still cannot use the MIM sling? Boy don't like or too complicated? Just watch the video and try! be garung! I just stuffed him into it in the beginning. After a while you get the hang of it, and Zane will get used to it.

GUnibabe: my mboy also loves his bath time!!! he used to cry when we take him out...but now no more. just cries when we take to long to dres him.
My little Zoe doesn't like to have her hair wash.. She'll cry when we wash her hair but she'll stop the moment we place her in her bath tub.. Silly girl, dunno how enjoyable it is to have others to wash your hair..

This is little Zoe

<font color="0000ff">Princessmum
Welcome!! Lil' Zoe is so cute &amp; chubby!! This pic is sweet

aiyoh.. u missed the previous sale as well, remember??</font>
oh! about eric carle. I discovered that one of his books 'Animals Animals!' works really well with my baby when i show him the pics and read the poems from it. THe illustrations are of a good size and are vibrantly. it's soft cover though and for parents to read, not so much for babies to handle. But find the size MUCH better than the small board book versions for now since i'm doing the reading.

Springz: The flashcad factory link looks great...but ex hor? You getting any of those? THink i shall make. Prob invest in my own laminating machines and cart it over here. Hehe. Share those links you found with me soon ok?
Nice pic of Zoe, and welcome to this thread
Rachael has the exact prob like ur Zoe, she hates it when I wash her hair, and keeps screaming away, but once I put her into the tub, she shuts up! Hee...babies behave the same way!

I've dropped u an email

Any mummies considering buying an exersaucer for baby as an xmas gift?? I saw quite a few good brands, BrightStarts, Baby Einstein, Evenflo, Leapfrog...Anyone using for their #1 and has any recommendation? Quite expensive though..but should be a good investment!
Me not planning to buy a lot of toys for Rachael cos got to tighten belt, but still, the exersaucer should be a good buy! (as compared to a walker..)
ssasa: don't say already....heart pain lor. so how...can help me chope some good bargains? hehe. i'm all the way in ulu land. toys for kids so limited here and ex. sian. i m going hk for christmas so maybe have some time to look around. but suspect prices are also high there.

princessmum: zoe is so cute....
<font color="119911">SarahMay (sarahmay) - yes, Kieran will turn 3 months this weekend. Am still not sure if his cough if for real or just faking it (though it sounds v fake). If he is still doing the "talk talk cough talk" routine when we bring his for his 6-in-1 jab in Dec, i must check with the PD.

I suppose our babies' personalities are all showing, and Kieran is turning out to be one big drama mama. He can be crying with lot of tears, big pout etc (not hungry or dirty but just want attention) ...then when we come by and talk to him and smile, he would stop and smile back! Sometimes undecided if he wants to cry or laugh and does both simultaneously! I thought I was a drama queen, but he is worse!

princessmum (princessmum) - Zoe is another cutie! So sweet...!

Jas (mobilesuitegal) - got ur mail

How soon will our babies crawl? By about 9 months? Timeline for stuff like crawling and talking are hereditary right? My sister's son started crawling then walking by 7-8 months and i hope Kieran will walk early too!
Kieran is attempting to do that during tummy time already. He manages to wriggle abit cos his crawling leg movements are still up in the air!</font>
<font color="0077aa">Sarah: I don't really know how to use &amp; Zane also don't like it lo..
Mine still wakes up at 1 or 2am &amp; 4 or 5am... Don't know how to train him to sleep thru but yday his last feed was 9pm &amp; he only wake up at 3am to feed. And when you read to baby, do you show him the book as well or just read from the books?

Zoe looks cute!</font>
Hi mummies thanks for the warm welcome and compliments for Zoe..

Jas, very stressful to bath them when they screamin away right? I'm already a clumsy mummy, with her crying i more gan chiong and always forgot to dry her hair before placing her in the tub. Bad mummy haha..

Mattel sales:
I just bought the FP aqua swing from mothercare after reading the good reviews from mummies here! Now i wish my response is slower sigh.. Any eastie wan to go together? Cannot bring hubby if he see it's half the price there i'm going to be nag at hee..
bigtoes, i'm not so much looking forward to the crawling but i hope my baby will start talking quickly so that instead of indecipherable owhs and nehs, she can just say, "mommy i'm hungry" or "mommy there's a pea under my mattress" and i don't have to keep guessing!

jas, how do u pronounce rachael? is it like reh-kell?
Jas, I am also planning to buy a exersaucer for my baby girl, Mikayla. She is getting quite active and I believe she will enjoy it. I am eyeing the bright starts one as its space saving and the toys can be removed and attached to the pram to take out.


Sarahmay, thanks for the tip on the eric carle book. Saw a promo on acmamall selling the boxset for $28 plus. Thinking of getting it soon. Any tips on engaging baby when reading to them?
So many new Sept mommies! welcome welcome! I've been hving 'lao sai' since ytd...Tried taking lots of yoghurt and Po Chai pills to cure myself at home, cos the wait at the clinic is simply too long...

Mei: Maybe it's just a passing phase for Devon? I think it'll be good to set up a home office if circumstances allow for that. In your case, u shd!!! What are your core duties btw? Is it a must to be physically present at your dad's office from 10am-2pm at all? If u can communicate with customers via email and fax, then skip that troublesome leg by all means!!

Bigtoes: yes, Isaac is also mimicking us, and we're, haha, also mimicking his high pitch!!! My DH sounds like a parrot now
Oh btw, Isaac has recently discovered his hand! He kept staring at his clenched fist in awe

He has been laughing a lot these 2 weeks. His favourite time would be the RiseNShine segment, and the evening Bath-time.

SarahMay: Cold Baths...did u buy thse thick hooded towels and thick rompers? U shd hv a heater in your bathroom, eh?

princessmum: Let's look at it this way, u might not find another FP aqua swing in a pristine condition as urs that you got from the retail outlet downtown. If u still feel uncomfy, maybe convince your hubby to 'hedge' by buying more toys at a fraction of the UP?

I'm not sure if I wanna go, but maybe my DH does cos he is a diehard warehouse shopper, unlike me who doesn't like visiting dusty and smelly industrial parks, and perhaps one of the reasons why I'm not working for my family business becos I like to wear high heels and suits in the CBD!

cloud/guni/jasmine: I always have a hooded towel spread open by the side of the bathtub. Once I'm done, I carry him and place him on the towel and swaddle him immediately. I'll cuddle him tightly and bring him into his room to change. He doesn't cry at all...Also, during the undressing and dressing periods, my classical music is playing in the background, and windows &amp; doors all shut.

Head lifting: Isaac finds it a chore to lift up his head when we place him on his Rainforest mat. He simply hates being in that position! When we finally flip him over onto his back, he's like panting away and heaving real hard! Poor boy! How to encourage him to be in that 'combat' position??? We only started this recently cos he kept vomitting when we placed him on his tummy a few weeks ago.
xuanting: actually, by now, we can more or less guess from the bb's crying. I maintain a logbook to monitor when I feed (and with EBM/FM), when I change diapers, when he poops, when I bathe him, and when I buy a new tin of milk powder. When he cries, I will refer to this logbook to see if I'd just fed him? he hadn't been pooping for days? he needs to change diapers liao? he hadn't slept therefore he is tired? There are cries which signal to me that he wants me to sayang him (he'd cry with his lower lip pouting!), and other kinds of cries which are to wake me up.

jas, I also would like to know how do u pronounce rachael
Rey Cherl? or Rah Kell? or Rey Kell?
flos, i still cannot figure out my bb's cries apart from the obviously hungry/wet screams...
there'll be times when everything seems perfectly fine, and she is even cooing and smiling, but without warning, she can just burst v loudly into tears and become completely inconsolable from there. also times when she cries for milk, gets milk, drinks like 60ml, and starts crying again. then when i remove the bottle, she cries even louder and begins rooting for the bottle again! we can go thru this several times in one feed. so pek chek lor.
<font color="119911">xuanting (xuanting) – oh yes, talking early is good!
We can roughly make out his hunger cry and sleepy cry, but everything else sounds about the same! But once they start talking, we would be wishing that they would keep quiet and give us more peace. Already the other nite Kieran was lying on our bed chatting away to himself (11+pm) while hubby and I were dozing off! Once the toddler years come, it would be "Mommy, why this, why that…"

Reading to baby – I do this for about 10 minutes a day when Kieran is awake and I don’t know what else to do with him! He has some hand me down books from his cousins, and I will sit him upright facing me (propped by a pillow) and read to him till he loses concentration. Unfortunately, he usually more amused by me than what is being read to him!

Flos (flos) – hah, Kieran is fascinated by his hands too.
The last couple of weeks he has been doing the "cheng cheng" hands (like wishing people happy Chinese new year) or interlacing his fingers on both hands, or with my fingers. Also noticed that he is a lot more fascinated by textures of the different soft toys and would keep touching them. Of cos, he is also putting his fist into his mouth, yucks.

Tummy time – make sure you don’t flip Isaac on his tummy after a feed! Have to wait about 1+ hour to make sure he doesn’t puke. Guess not all babies are keen on tummy time.</font>
<font color="0077aa">Limay: Yah, today I start reading the story books that I had gotten yday, hopw Zane will like what mummy is reading though!

Crawling: When I put Zane on his tummy, he will try to crawl using his legs. I will then use my palms to support his feet &amp; he will inch &amp; move up! Recently his legs are getting stronger &amp; he can move quite a distance now!

Baby lifting his head: Anyone have your baby trying to lift his head while he is on his bouncer or on your lap? Zane has been trying to do that but his back is not strong so he is like a "bu dao wong".. Should I put him on the bumbo? I tried once but he don't really like it...

Take care Flos.. Aiyooo, what did you eat that makew you have a stomach upset?</font>
jas / busybee, where can we buy the bright starts exersaucer in singapore? i wanna make an effort to train my baby for walking as i really regret not putting her on her tummy when she was a couple of weeks old. now she howls uncontrollably each time we try to put her on her tummy till hb &amp; i have decided we dun wan to try anymore. too traumatising for bb &amp; parents.

Limay... envy u so much!!! hahaha..
it's either my bb is lazy or has phobia lying on her tummy.

Xuanting, u wanna check if your bb has reflux? Your bb's behaviour sounds alot like mine previously. But since the diagnosis &amp; right medication, we don't face this problem now.
Me too!!! I also maintain a log book of the time I feed him, how much he drinks, whether got change diaper and whether he poo today already...Been doing since the day he is back from hospital... think at least can see some sort of pattern from there..

Baby pooing - Actually it is possible to sort of "toilet train" your baby by now.. always make the "ngg ngg" sound at the same time... say after morning feed before bathing time... baby will be conditioned to poo at the same time everyday...That's wat I did for my boy... every morning after his 8+/9+ feed, I will make the "ngg ngg" sound and hold him in a possible as if he is sitting on the toilet bowl and he will definitely poo without fail.. then after tt I will shower him and he'll take his morning nap...I think it is more convenient for me (lazy mom) if I were to bring him out...coz poo-ing outside is quite mafan...but then again.. my boy is on total FM so not sure about TBF babies...
hmm, xuanting, did u check with the PD? Is it cos of the teat size? Perhaps the flow's too slow, so she got irritated and restless?

princessmum: I'm only this meticulous cos I need to track how many pampers my maid is drawing from the pack, and whether I need to stock up on a new tin of FM. Once she forgot to inform us when we were left with just 3 scoops of FM at 9pm. We reprimanded her and asked her to quickly run dwnstairs to grab a new tin of FM.

Bigtoes/storeberry: envy envy! your bbs can crawl now? My son only likes us to carry him upright over our shoulder in the shopping malls so that he can look at things in our perspective!

Bigtoes: Interlacing? Mine too!! And he will salivate and stick out his tongue, as I munch on my Royce choco potato chips! He knows I'm eating
Flos and Jeraldin! Kudos to both of you on logbook! I gave up sometime 2 wks ago.. haha too tedious plus I'm lazy! haha..

ahhh baby's crying.. catch you all later..

btw, zoe is cute!!
Jeraldin: I'm now on TFM as well. I have gotten used to changing his diapers in nursing rooms outside. It's very cozy and private, though some are more stinko than others, so don't think it's THAT mafan...

I dunno that we can train bbs to poo on demand. Can we? Thought only sleeping patterns can be conditioned?
I believe everything can be trained. But lazy me has no discipline to do it. For Jonas, I'm really more bochup compared to Joshua. Used to worry when Joshua can lift his head, flip, crawl, talk, walk etc but now I'm totally used to the "each baby will develop at their own pace" mentality.
I dun mind changing diaper outside but i feel cleaning poopoo quite mafan though haha

actually its not poo on demand but rather make it a habit bah... once they get used to it..they'll poo themselves even if you have forgotten.. just like today.. i forgot to "ngg" for my son but suddenly he gave me the "stoned" look then i remember...

the reason i did tt is coz i realise if he dun poo on one day.. the poo poo will be harder on the next day and it is more difficult for him to pass out... but it does take a few days to achieve this and maybe 10 min of "ngg ngg"

not sure lei for the tooth fairy..anyway,my elder gal childcare is bringing them there .havent decide if wana her to join in

my birthday oso coming in dec so oso thought of asking hubby go jewelbox as well as to let my fb see those lightsup...theres 1 pricing of $9 , $4 &amp; $68 which includes the set dnr..which restaurant u went to?is it kids friendly?

u back from the sale? how is it? worth going? me overslept today..woke up @ 11am+ thus didnt go..
<font color="119911">Flos (flos) - no lah, Kieran is not crawling yet, cos he kicks his legs in the air rather than on the bed. But like storeberry, if i use my palms to provide resistence to his soles, then he can scoot forward bit by bit.

Jeraldin (hppymom) - heh, u hold your boy over the toilet bowl and he ngg-ngg over it? so cute!
I don't think i can toilet train Kieran - he poops after almost every feed! Then again, my CL claimed that babies can be toilet trained by 4 months, and used to make him pee into a brands bottle on demand (i mentioned this before).

What to do with baby when he/she is awake?
Mommies - how do u spend time with baby during the day, now that they don't sleep as much? Its just baby &amp; me during the day till daddy comes back from work, and sometimes, i run out of things to do to entertain him when he doesn't want to sleep or entertain himself! There is just so much time i can spend with him on tummy time/reading/talking or singing to him!!</font>
Bigtoes.. i dun hold him over the toilet bowl.. but i hold him AS IF he is sitting on the toilet bowl but i ask my mom to get a small potty so i can make him "sit" there and poo instead of on the diaper.. you on TBF rite? think BF bb poo more??

as for the peeing.. haven't tried yet but i'm thinking of making the "shhh shhh" sound and make him pee b4 i change his diaper coz my boy has the habit of peeing on the newly changed diaper... will tell you all when i am successful...
Lok: Yah, after all, some babies here are born in mid-Aug, others end-Sept. They all develop differently

Bigtoes: is it supposed to be liddat according to those baby-rearing books which I dun read: dun sleep as much like before? Mine sleeps a lot in his Maxi-Cosi and stroller when we're out shopping, but is wide awake at home playing on the playmat, in his cot and in his bouncer. Sometimes, I wish I'd go out with him more often, then I dun need to spend time cajoling him so often. My maid helps me to entertain him when I'm busy, but she cannot sing for nuts! I fear it'll affect Isaac's singing capabilities next time...
My baby also has the same problem as yrs... drinking already but push out the teat to cry... yet wanting the teat back but cries with the teat in her mouth

Is tat so? I'm not sure if its becos of the teat. Did u change Isaac's teat size?
Xuanting, Flos
Hee.. I like "Rachel", but don't really like the spelling (Think it's too short), so went to find the "book of baby names" and found that "Rachael" and "Rachelle" can also be the same in term of pronunciation to "Rachel". I believe Mrs Yap's gal is also called Rachelle right? Hee...I noe why u all ask, some of my colleagues also say, hey, it sounds like the "female" version of "Michael", so should be pronounce as "Ray-Kal" as in "My-Kal"!

Dmbb, The_Busy_bee
If u want to let ur baby use the exersaucer, good to rent one for her and see her reaction to it before getting one. Try it at www.gogomummy.com . I might have to do so too to avoid geting the wrong one for Rachael

For me, I do the hairwash fast, so that she can go into the water and enjoy her bath! I noe it is stressful, but told myself to overcome it, and now I seem to be the "expert" in bathing her! *grinz, the 'proud' mummy* Even my MIL don't dare to bathe her, and my mum struggles a bit when she do so
Jiayou, cos a confident mummy keeps baby at ease!
Hmm my baby name Rachelle
Pronounced as Ra-shell
Same as how u wld pronounce Mi-chelle
Some pp like to call her Ray-shell but the correct way to pronounce is Ra-shell

had trf to your acct...pls check...

To Account POSB Savings
171-05066-9 LiMay
Amount S$24.10
Transaction Reference 1995103191
Sorry me sua ku...wat is an exersaucer? What does it help to do?

Bigtoes: Ya check with PD...but I think Kieran is dramatic. That is great! Expressive little guy. Mine loves to babble and babble. Sometimes while nursing, he starts babbling. Very cute...but interferes with efficiency of feeding though. And I also just realised that mine can cry just to get attention. Then once attention is caught, and reciprocated, he starts cooing and gurgling with glee again! And crawling can begin q early. My niece at 4+ started I think cos now she is 9mths old and is walking! Apparently, if you walk early then you teeth later cos the calcium goes to the bones rather than teeth. Elisha is rocking back and forth on tummy time. Haha. My Dad managed to find a way to make tummy time fun for him so he doesn’tthink we are making him sleep. But mine in his sleep, he can wiggle all over the mattress!you know mummies shd just fix play dates so we can rotate turns to entertain our bbs. sometimes i read till i feel sleepy.oh! have you tried dancing? dancing with baby is like exercise for us!

Storeberry: Babies can be trained to sit in I guess. For a while he cried like crazy when I put him in..and i thought he hated it. But because I had spent all that money, I was not about to chuck it aside. So kept putting him in. The amazing thing is after 2 or 3 times, he cries for the duration of time i take to put him in nicely. Then after it works like an auth shut-up slot machie and he stops crying! Hahaha. Maybe you try different positions? Mine only likes snuggle hold. The cradle one makes him furious!

Xuanting: I also hope mine starts talking early!!! Are you planning to teach sign language? I got the materials already so will attempt it. Btw the dunstan baby language thing...i saw the free videos on you tube...think doesn’t really apply lei. Ours asian babies so language sounds a bit different. Notice that when my boy is hungry he doesn’t go ‘Neh’ like Dunstan says but ‘Ngah’. But the ‘eh eh eh’ one for gas and discomfort seems to be quite on the mark cos my boy does make those sounds!

Storeberry – Depends on my mood and the type of book I’m reading. If pictures are big, i will show book. Sometimes i don’t because he’s nursing. I tend to read a lot more to him while he is nursing cos he’s captive audience. Haha. Cos if he is lying down on playgym he won’t really keep still to look at book. If i do show him book as i read and he’s lying on playgym or sitting on my lap, I will make sure the story is the ‘chop chop’ kind . not long winded.

Busy Bee: another fave bk of mine is "gues how much i love you". i read it almost every nite. a bit long but heseems to recognise it as bedtime story. listens intently and smiles. What box set did you see? The smaller board books will come in handy when they are gain more muscle tone in arms &amp; hands, when they can sit up and hold them.But can buy them to read to them. For now, if print is too small, they can’t see anyway. But the pictures will captivate them. Read to baby while nursing or bottlefeeding? Cos i find that helps utilise time better than me watching tv or something. I also tend to sing nursery rhymes or kid songs related to the theme of the story i’m reading. Create own story using existing toys or picture cards. Talk about current affairs to baby. i do my own version of music and movement with him - sing/recite poetry as i movehislimbs or dance with him. exercise for me at the same tume!...endless ideas. Share yours with me!

Flos: I only have one thick hooded one. Hahah. Thick rompers...not realy. Layering a lot. But think i have to stock up on MORE because he is fast outgrowing his existing wardrobe. You are so diligent in doing the logs. I stopped after a while...but now i am starting again. Determined to establish a set routine for him...and that coming from a non- routine person...challenging. I think i might as well change myself first! Oh and my boy falls asleep when we’re out but is wide awake at home too!

TURNING TO SIDE: Anyone knows when baby will start trying to turn themselves to the side while lying on their backs? I notice that mine has been doing that increasingly since week 6. No more changing tables for me because i think he might kick himself off soon.

BUMBO: Yes, i have the same question as storeberry. How do we know when we can put baby in the BUmbo?

POO ON DEMAND: EH! I think possible to train. If anything, my baby has the poo routine most established!
Here's a pic of the exersaucer. I'm also ignorant abt this item, until recently
Think a lot of mummies come to know abt things that they never knew of before their babies are born

<font color="119911">Jeraldin (hppymom) - yes, he is on TBF, so he poos like no one's business...then after that, he gets hungry again. Haiyoh. Kieran also has this new habit of peeing into brand new diapers, or rather, peeing before i can get the diapers on! So now, i am always prepared, thou sometimes accidents still happen!

SarahMay (sarahmay) - Yes, he is very drama. Got that genes from moi!

Flos (flos) - I suppose babies generally need less sleep as they grow older? Lucky you - i wish Kieran sleeps when we are out. He did the last time, but rarely, so going out shopping with him is a hassle.

Bumbo - just remembered I have a bumbo from my sis in the storeroom. Dug it out and put Kieran in it. I doubt he can sit in the chair for long, given his fat thighs...lifting baby out is also abit difficult, and the rubbery material feels hot. Here is Kieran in the chair taken just after dinner today
Bigtoes: Kieran looks like he got alot more chubby! just look at those thighs and arms! In comparison, my GuniBoy looks so tiny in his Bumbo!
Can see his picture on my FB
hi mummies
down with food poisoning yesterday!haiz...so many posts..no time to look through~~

zoe looks soooo endearing in that pose!!!pretty pretty!!!

wow! keiran looks 'well fed'!!!so cheery in his bumbo!

o dear, im guilty for not reading enough for ch! usually nighttime routine involves mainly reading to fb.and when i try doing flashcards with her in the morning, my fb wants to take over!!!

...poor neglected ch...
l'l cy: wow! flashcards!!! what flashcards do you use? bought or home-made?

bigtoes: kieran is sooooo round. so cute! my friend says she can lend me her bumbo cos her son can't fit into it at all! i shall go visit during cny and see if my boy can fit then! so as long as bb can hold head steady, can sit in bumbo?

jas: thanks for info! so what does this exersaucer do? looks very expensive!
SarahMay - mine just did his turning to his sides yesterday. He is 2 mths 2 weeks old. Now am afraid to leave him alone on the bed and sofa. But once he is out of his cot, he refuses to get back into it. sigh.

Angeline - hmm..sasa must be shopping at the C&amp; K sale. I went at 1pm and got back at 3pm. Very crowded and had to queue for 10 mins. They did not check if you are a member. The shoes were "so so" only as sizes were sold out, either too small or too big. If you are size 36 and below or above size 40, then you got plenty to choose from.

i only managed to buy 3 pairs.
Bags were cheap, managed to get nice ones for less than $20. Good as Xmas presents as its still in its packaging.
Meie - have you tried other combinations...ie having ur mom feed him with bottle while u are in front of him to disassociate you with the lunch-time feed? and slow disappear after a while after the feed has started? Just digging into my behavioural psychology notes to see what may help!!

"crawling" - my boy also tries to push himself when I put him on his tummy and put my hand behind his feet. His neck muscles are not strong enough for him to lift his head off the ground so he ends up rubbing his nose against the mat and becomes rudolph! But he seem to enjoy it alot!

Bumbo seat - I've tried putting the boy in it....covered it with a diaper cloth coz he was rather intimated at first...though the diaper cloth would give him some sense of security....he sat in it for a while but I had to put a cushion behind him to prop his head .... try it!!!

Xuanting - maybe u should try changing the teats if u haven't already!

I nipped alittle of Dec's flesh when I was cutting his finger nails today. Smsed my Hubs and said now no one will cut his nails coz we both have phobia (he also did the same when he cut the boy's nails for the first time...) there was a little blood.

sarahmay - u are such a dedicated mom! reading to him while he is being nursed??? I'm happily readingn the newspaper / watching inane shows on TV or reading my latest spy novel!!! U're great!!!
lilboymom: what food poisoning? Me oso! I lao sai until cannot tahan! Rushed in and out of the CK Tang private sale to the loo ytd at Vivocity! Went home and lao until nite time!

bigtoes: Ooooh, how Kieran has grown! Isaac's face is also getting rounder and rounder by the day:p

SarahMay: Exersaucer is merely a UFO-saucer that has a lot of activities around it and that allows your bb to exercise in it
Aka activity center.

Little Nyonya. Are u all following this 9pm serial on Ch 8? I think it's a very well-made show. All the kebayas are so pretty
The song is also very nice...
I will be going down tomorrow to get my shoes at C&amp;K sale, as my foot size went up after giving birth, now lingering at size 40. Quite difficult to buy shoes now, so this sale should be a good one for me to grab watever I need. Did u say bags were cheap too? You mean each bag cost less than $20 each?? How about shoes then? Cos I might need to take cab there, dunno if it's worth it. Mummies who went, any advice??
Jas - price of shoes range from $9 to $40. $9 lot are messy, so got to dig - plenty of size 40. But for those that range from $13 to $40, sizes depends on the pattern chosen.
Bags cost from $10, $15, $19, $25 and $29.

The factory quite ulu situated so best to cab or drive but parking is tough. i ended up parking one street away and walking.

Yup my feet also went up by half a size that is why i went. If you ask me to rate the sale its 6.5 out of 10. Can give a miss type unless you are a C &amp; K foot wearer, live nearby or work nearby. Its pretty near for me so i went.
<font color="0077aa">Sarah: Great idea! Read to him while nursing! But he likes to nurse only for 5mins so the story have to be chop chop!

Limay: Aiyoo... Kieran looks super chubby!! Must be all the good food you are eating!

Jas: I think sunrays went to C&amp;K sale, maybe she is too busy unpacking her buys! I forgot to sms you my no... Too busy!

My boy has been having rashes on his body, I will bring him to see PD tmr and to go for the 2nd 6in1. If I did 6in1 1 Nov, can I do the 2nd jab now? Hope its nothing!</font>
wow, you can still chiong sales with your food poisoning? i nearly died last night.

some bought, some made. but really didnt do much leh. i should really dig out those dusty old poems from my memory and recite to CH...o yah, must put some bb books next to nursing couch so can read to her..

No worries
Just leave me ur sms, and we can keep in contact
U going to C&amp;K sale? Looks like it's only good for those mummies whose foot size is 40&amp; above or below 36, according to Breadmum...

Thanks for quick and detailed response! I am still hesistating to go, cos it's quite far from my place. But it seems like a good buy though, can stock some pairs for work also..
