(2008/09) Sep 2008

<font color="0077aa">Sasa, yes, cos he sit there nothing to see so I tied the hanging toys to the bouncer.. See below:</font>



if for me,i would choose infant/childcare over inlaw..unless ur inlaw can help discipline,teach the child..apity mind cant..they will spoil her only so i rather put in childcare next time..for infantcare,depends alot on the teacher..if the ctr u want to put has v good caring staff then shd be ok...i went a few places last time to visit,some r 'passionless'..


tink i will opt for dropby..hehe..will call u again...


ya..babies after certain months can burp on their own liao..i am oso looking forward to tt milestone..
shazz: my MIL also gave me a lot of those fugly enamel bowls and plates. I was cursing and swearing the whole time during my confinement to my CL abt those 'tin tay' items!

bigtoes: nope, she is not preggers

sunrays/sasa: both of u bought the toys even before u gave birth?!! I'm v proud of you mommise

Dusty and crowded? So shd I bring Isaac to the ulu warehouse? Need to check with his daddy to see if we wanna drop by too!!! But I wonder what other toys he needs at this stage...I'm just looking for an Exersaucer, but I doubt Mattel has any...

Why do u say some of the toys are not in good condition? Are they defective or 'As-is' rejects by other customers?

COUSINS SHARING TOYS: For those of u parking your bbs with your PILs who are already taking care of other siblings' toddlers, do u mind the cousins playing your bb's toys? My MIL is taking care of my SIL's son which is 11 mths older than Isaac. She is one thrifty mom who doesn't splurge on branded or fanciful toys. If I bring my son's toys there, I'm sure my boisterous lil nephew will snatch it away from Isaac! I really sound like a selfish parent
I bought all these nice toys because I dun want my son to be lonely and bored when he is with grandma and grandpa......... I'm very sure my PILs will allow my nephew to play with the toys when I'm not present...haizzzz

Kym: u r really very capable as the rest'd said! I thot it's OEM as well
u shd import those bb stuffs and make a killing here!! hahah! u were in the wellness business?

IFC: I might put Isaac in a CCC too when he turns 18mths. I dun want to hv this maid stuck with us for too long...

Qiuling: it's not 1.5mth bonus. It's 0.5mth bonus to be exact
The 13th mth, aka AWS, is what the rest of the world are getting too, not just civil servants...
thx for the sale info. I'll go down to buy!

so u gg on NPL? Envy envy. Tmr I'm gg to work again. And on fri too. thinking abt leaving my girls makes me sian...
hey i dun mind watching some xmas performance!! but hor, cy is not into barney or whatever is on tv (coz he doesnt watch it) but i think he should be fine watching it...

yeah wanted to go but lazy to lug him out..am getting lazier and lazier these days...

o ive been wanting to ask you if you know of any lactose free organic milk powder? it's for cy...so far there arent any i know of...

unavoidable ley. they are defintely going to be sharing toys. dun worry. when isaac is older, im sure he will scream "MINE" if his cousin dare snatch his toys!

hahah...what a great innovative idea..and you can change the toys everyday!

aiyoh!! love the way she laughs!! she looks such a happy bb!!

strange,..realise my girl doesnt laugh at all. she will smile, but wont chuckle at all..my son used to chuckle..wonder why...
Hi mummies...

any update on the Xmas gathering, plz PM me cz after started working, i been bz like bees!... I nt yet make any pymt so plz advise ya! thks!
No la!...its just a hobby... something to keep myself occupied.. was just explaining to Flos why the monitor covers so expensive.... nothing so capable la..keke
<font color="0077aa">Kymkym: Definitely capable! I have always wanted to do my own business but with a baby now, its impossible!

Thanks l'l CY^^l'l CH (lilboymum)! Yah am thinking of changing the toys! Keke...

Flos: The toys are not defective but cos its a warehouse sale, some items inside may be missing or spolit so must check after you go home. I don't think you will have the energy to check on the spot cos some toys need to be assemble... I don;t think little Issac will like it there with his leg warmers!</font>
Sunray, Storeberry,
U ladies know what time the sale starts? Storeberry, lets arrange where/time to meet? U drive or I drive? Or we both should drive..in case we lug alot of toys back! hee...
I was another another one of those preggy mummies who went to chiong the Mattel sale. Even asked my hubby to go 2nd round to buy more coz it was so cheap &amp; the items sold are current, not some old stocks as they are still being sold at Toys R' Us. Now Devon is happily enjoying the toys so all that sweat is worth it.. lol.

Actually not advisable to bring baby as they just set up a tent in a carpark &amp; the place is super hot, stuffy &amp; crowded. That time I went, really sweat like a pig but worth it, as I got great buys!
my friends who went to the Mattel sale last year, said that that is not a place to bring kids cos it's too dusty and hot.

maybe your girl chuckles but you didn't manage to catch her doing so?
Exersaucer, you can get from First Few Years. They can only use it around 6-7 months, when they can sit. My FB stays in that thing for not more than 10 minutes each time. She prefers to be outside meddling with the attached toys.

Hubby brought my girl to the Hungry Caterpillar and according to him, show was really good. I'm still upset that I didn't go cos I stayed home with baby. Sigh, I used to bring her for all these activities, now lesser.

There's a show in in Jan by Act 3 'Father, Son and Ox and other Stories'. You might want to bring Isabelle.

Did you try Vitakids and Brown Rice Paradise? They may have it.
haha me also KS, bought quite alot of FP toys at the toys warehouse sale when preggers. It is half the price or slightly more than half even! BUT it is really a dusty place.. not for babies really! Saw some mummies bringing batteries to try toys. I thought I tried most but ended up with a few faulty toys myself sigh.. but overall very good bargains! Just throw away the torn dusty boxes, try the toys and grab it!!

Isabelle - nice to hear you are surviving and even got time to go out with hubbs.. so precious right those times? Hee, now with new helper our time alone even more scarce!

Kymkym - you see on sat lor! Basically I already feel very blessed, don't need to train as she looked after my cousin's baby from birth to 2 yrs. Cooks well and learns very fast, got initiative too. But nobody's perfect la... I'm sure there will be things I will not be happy with and have to give and take lor..

autumn - such a happy girl you have!

Storeberry - another brave mummy to dress your boy in pink! Cool mom ya!
flos, u're not selfish la. i'm sure if your sil isn't such a niao person/if she hasn't been trying to freeload off u, u won't mind her son playing with the toys u bought at all. it's nice to share but if every time only i buy and u come and share, then i think everyone also will be quite buay song.

mattel sale
do they accept cash only?
meeeeeeeeeeeeee! i'm definitely chionging the mattel saleeeee!!! can't wait to shop liao.

your girl had such a hearty laugh!!! i was beaming from ear to ear just looking at your girl's pic. sadly cadence still can't smile...

me me me! wanna bring my kids to watch xmas show. got elmo or not?? barney nat likes too. you saw hungry caterpillar?? i wanna bring jared but really too busy. now that hb's back, can bring. oh! is it over??

teacher mummies,
not sure if it's a fantastic idea to rant abt this here but the other day, my hod sms me and said 'if you can be active on facebook, you can check email'. i was flabbergasted. then went to change all privacy settings on my facebook... i never even added her as friend lor...
yesterday and today my boy been keep crying straight 4 hrs. carry him pat himto sleep, put him down on the bed he start to cry again.not sure what is happening to him very worries. anyone also have this problem with their baby
alabone: Oh yah, I thought about this a long time ago...

if u r in the private sector, and if your colleagues &amp; bosses are in your loop, make sure u dun comment too promptly on FB during office hours. IT's ok to be active on FB during your maternity leave. You dun wanna project an image that you're all too obsessed with motherhood. E.g. "So &amp; So commented on So &amp; So's photo "what a cute toy!". You'll be the first to be axed.

Once I caught my colleague who claimed to be telecommuting at home commenting on frens' photos on FB (got time recorded!) during office hours...

You may wanna restrict viewing of certain photo albums to your bosses. You dun want her to keep seeing you appear and tagged in those Sept Mommies gatherings, else ngeow bosses might find excuses to nitpick on you, "wah, so free ah? always going out with mommies, no need to work ah?".

Also, change the settings that u will receive an email informing u about third parties commenting on each other's walls/photos.

If possible, make yourself 'invisible' from any people search...your principal might be bored one day and start to search for all your names. She will be able to penetrate thru your network, your newsfeeds and all the albums to see what this staff has been up to!
mattel sale

tink it would be better if those going bring along a maid or fren to help jaga the loots at a corner while u all go out n grab..coz the items were mostly bulky with boxes,abit hard to carry around grabbing...this time at lok yang way..hmm.abit far now..tt time i went was at alexandra techpark..


u going for the tooth fairy show? alot of fren who went said that the caterpillar is very nice show..
Mei: I must hv missed out on all your ravings abt the previous Mattel Sale during my pregnancy!! Guess I wasn't all too interested in toys then

Where on earth is this Lok Yang way? Loyang is it? Sounds worse than Kaki Bukit!

Springz: how to test certain large toys like th playgym and rockers with batteries? they need to be assembled, so meaning u will hv to open the package and wouldn't that be a mess for the next customer?

sunnysunny: Yep, I saw them at FFY. Thanks! I'm not in a hurry to buy it now...cos bb is only 11 weeks old today.

lilboymom/xuanting: I guess I'll just hv to limit the no. of toys I bring there la...

Ignorance abt toys-I suppose I need to read up more abt toys from now on! I dunno so many toy trademarks and what they are for *_*
your HOD oso very free hor, can get in touch with the private lives of her subordinates :p

i suggest you change privacy setting for all your colleagues, close or not. coz they can actually view other people's fb and know your activity status too...

Mattel sales
okok...so mostly developmental toys for bbs?hmmm....doesnt seem very interesting ley . by the time i buy ch might be outgrowing it very soon, and not thinking of no3..so wonder if it's a waste of money.might decide to save up and buy more books for the kiddoes...

no FM organic soy leh..they only have normal organic soy milk, which can be easily gotten from CS.
hey all mummies

the sale shld start at 11am...9dec is a fri. Haha, so many of us going!! So, mini gathering ah?? Lok Yang is in TUAS(ya i knw, uber ulu) If it's the same as the previous one(also at tuas) then they can accept credit card/nets and cash. Credit card payment queue always longer than cash payment queue tho..

gosh, i feel soooo Ah Soh...am a warehse sale queen now!!! been chionging so many sales past week and this week,...tsk tsk tsk...must claim 'year end bonus' frm my ah lau liao!!
dear warehse sale queen haha ya I wanna chiong early early too! I remember got nets right? I'll prob drive down dunno can go with helper coz prob leaving her with in-laws. That will be serangoon area. Can help pick mummies there.. or around east (my place before heading to in-laws) will confirm again!

Flos - precisely! Among my 30 item loot, only 2 are not working, 1 being a kick activated gym. I was badgering hubby to assemble once we reached home but we procrastinated. See la, now the lights and sound doesn't change when baby kicks it.. sigh.. either that or I assemble wrongly! haha I've seen ppl returning with spoilt toys for exchange..
They do sell the jumperoo and exersaucers there? I am more interested to get these 2 items, if they do have, I want to go grab too!
Me stay in Bt Panjang, anyone driving can give me a lift?
Thanks, thanks! Hee..my hubby works in Tuas, if only he can run out of office for a while!
<font color="0077aa">bacon&amp;egg: Sure thing, so should we go on the 1st day or..? I think its better to both drive cos the boxes are huge! Hmm.. thinking whether to bring batteries there.. Haha!

Ya lo, sunrays, now we all become warehouse ah soh liao! </font>
<font color="0000ff">storeberry
wah good idea.. i should do tat too... but den again.. maid doesnt like to put max on the bouncer. she prefers putting him on the FP rocker

hehe.. yeap.. we spent hundreds even before bb was born. went when we were preggy. DON'T bring Isaac. that place is super duper hot, poor ventilation and crowded. He'll surely be fussy

oh ya.. it's a MUST to check the things that u buy too. read alot of reviews on the last sale, some ppl went back n found screws missing, toys unable to work after putting battery. Some are rejected items coz can see it's been opened up before. Another thing is some of the toys are pretty dirty and dusty. so heng suay de...
but it's a good place to get cheap bargains

I bot this FP Magic Rattle &amp; Ride Pooh for only $20 on the last day of the sale. 1st day it was going for $50


Could it be colic?? Isit the same time ur boy cries everyday?

wah... scary la.. someone's monitoring ur movements

haha.. so we shall make tat day a date too :p

Springz / Mei
so u were one of those of chiong the sale too
Hi Sept mums. My baby girl Jamie was also born in Sept this year. Nice to 'meet' you all here and see what you and your babies are up to!
Mummies, have ur babies started to learn to grab a teether and put it into their mouths? My fren's son has been doing it since he was going 3 months, and it seems normal to do so. My gal has not been able to do so even now at 3 mths..is her locomotor skills slower?
Hi all,
Back to work le, sian. 4 months of invoices all not updated in the accounting system. Now im doing it, hopefully i can finish and balance these accounts.

Really no time to go thro the forum le. Hopefully this Saturday gathering, someone can update me, what's going on.

Ok got to go back to work...
<font color="0077aa">Jas, I live in CCK, if u want, can give u a lift but can you come by Yew Tee? Cos from my house, can hit KJE straight away to Tuas...

Sasa: So should we go on the 1st or last day? Aiyoo, this is making me excited!!

Welcome Melina! Are you the slient reader we met at Lot 1?? Keke..

More sales!!! See below:</font>

<font color="0000ff">storeberry
haha... go EVERYDAY!!! the previous sale, I went everyday, coz juz had so many things to get

hhmm... but it realli depends lah. 1st day coz not many ppl have been there yet, so got more choices. but den hor, last day they might start slashing prices. Read again, i say MIGHT!!! den again, they 'siao siao' one lah.. they like it, they will juz come up with some special daily offer lor.

like tat time the jumperoo, i wanted the rainforest one.. i asked the staff there, they say all new one. but when my fren went there on day 2 or so, they got 1 already fixed up for sale at some rock bottom prices. mayb there was some defect in it or dirty lah.. but it was snatched up lor</font>
My elect bill also shot up to $330 this month (after the 21% increase in rates). We think it's partly due to the higher air-con usage during confinement but still amazed it can be so much. Usual is around $200 for 3 adults+1 tot. Am definitely going to monitor this.

I like the idea of a tot's gathering. J is ok with Barney but more interested in Mickey mouse.

New maid much better than the old one!! I will definitely consider Indo again next time.

I am an advocate of IFC. Somebody asked what kind of educational stimulation --- besides feeding/sleeping/bathing, they do reading, songs, gym activities, kindermusik etc. Development assessment checks done every 6 mths. NO TV. They also encourage self-help skills once they are older. Same things that can also be done by PILs if they bother too. (Mine don't). The ratio is 1:3 for my chosen IFC. 1/3 of someone's attention is not the most ideal but neither do I want my bb to grow up with the idea of instant gratification. Like having a maid, IFC can also be a heng-suay thing. U hv to go in with your eyes wide open.

Jonas is still on Pigeon S. Tried to switch it to M 2 weeks back but it's too fast for him. Can't swallow in time causing a lot of wastage as it leaked from the side of his mouth. By the way, I think there is no major hurry to switch if your bbs are drinking fast enough. My 28 month tot is still using NUK 0-6 mth teat cos the 6-18mth teat is so flat and difficult for him to suck.
Storeberry, no..not me at Lot1. hah, but was a silent reader for a while though.

I am considering IFC, sometimes so tiring to look after the little one, esp since I've a 5-yr old and 7-yr old at home for school hols too! But feel a bit pitiful for the small one :p
Hi everyone.. I am also a sept mom... gave birth to my boy on 24th sept... been a silent reader for quite a well and learnt something from the experienced mommies here.. so i guess it may be time to join in and give some contribution... =)

jaymickey.. I finally decided to join in .. heehee =)
OK ON! we drive and go there on the first day. SMS to confirm/arrange timing
The rest of the chiong queens...we can arrange to meet there too? We can jaga or help each other grab bargains! Its next friday rite? getting excited already...

Bringing batteries
Which type to bring? AA? AAA?
<font color="0000ff">Wow.. suddenly so many new mummies

Email u le

hehe.. u started ur BP le...</font>
it happened recently only so i was kinda still on ML. even if it's not ML, it was already the school hols. but apparently civil servants must check mail regularly lah. i already changed all settings. if you all go to my facebook now, it's really bare.
My girl now 2m+. She can sleep 11pm++ until 8am+ the next day w/o night feeding? It's seem to be good thing coz i no need to feed her when sleeping buy is she normal??

I saw many of your baby can do tummy time ald. Ur babies able to do tat since when? I try to do tummy time with my girl but her neck seem not strong enough to lift up.
Hi mummies!! I wan to go for the mattel sales TOO!!!
but i cant make it on friday. I DO hope i can but i dun dare to take leave already. cos going to have long holiday from 6th dec to 16th dec. dunno my boss will get angry if i take the 5th dec off also leh... urghhhh!!

Jessie (newmrs), my dd also dun like and dunno how to do tummy time, btw she was born on 3rd sept. Ytd tried again and she din cry, cos the tv was on! just lift her head abit to watch tv!!!
so good ah... my boy just 2 months... his last feed around 9pm then sleep around 10pm... on good days he will still wake up for milk at 4am... then next feed at 7am...

Anyone using NUK latex teat? how often must we change the teat ah?
Yan: Me too can't make on the 5th, cos infant care center is close on 1 &amp; 2 dec, so need to take leave, plus 8 is holiday, n 9 i need to take leave to bring my ger for jab. so the only day i can go is sunday. sigh!

No worries abt ur gal not being able to lift her head up for the first few times. My gal managed when she is less than a month, but after several tries cos I let her lie on her tummy since very young. Give ur gal some time, and use some rattles / call out her name when she is lying on her tummy. She will be motivated to do so, and her head will automatically look to you
Jia you!

Storeberry, B&amp;E
Yeap, I want to join you all for the chiong! So exciting, I think it's better to go on the first day, more stuff to get!!

I can understand how u feel, my bills also lingering in the 200 range, even though our water and electricity usage went down, the bill is still too high! Cos of per kilowatt cost that went up.. Shouldn't there be more help since a lot of low-income familes sure can't cope with the high inflation + retrenchment fears..
