(2008/09) Sep 2008

i will be going for the mattel sale too. prob on friday over lunch-time w my colleague. really jia-lat leh. the last time i went for the crocs sale @ expo, i "had" a super duper long lunch for 3+hrs. got a strong feeling my lunch on next friday will be loooooong too :p

wow so many sales going on! but me not enough time and money to go lah! kekeke

Flos: I also find the things that my MIL buy "ding de"! lolz ... yes they're fugly! that said, she likes the enamel cup with paintings which I got from Prague! I'm guarding my precious cup after she took it out to use!

Alabone: gosh, your HOD is scary! that said, it's important to guard our privacy in this internet age. I'm also keeping a "lower profile" now cos I realised that my colleagues and SIL can easily find what I say online! :-/ and I have a colleague who's a silent reader of this thread after finding out my nick! but she's harmless lah ... if not one of these days you gals will find a "new mum" in this thread! haha ... can change nick and not mention my son's name at all ... cos his name is rather unique ... and born in same mth and yr, if my SIL or colleagues smart enough, can piece it altogether and figure out my identity! hehe, I'm sort of blowing my own cover hor ... hhehee ... heck lah, time for new nick?
Mommies.. had a question..
How do you all do dream feed at 11 plus 12 am?
DO you just pick up the sleeping baby and push the teat into his mouth? will he suck since he is so deeply in sleep??? Coz my boy now can sleep 6 hours at one go but he normally sleeps at 10pm.. so meaning he will wake up at 3+/4 so I am hoping to push his last feed to 11 plus 12am so the next feed will be around 6am... to condition him so that when I go back to work after next month.. i wouldn't have much prob...

Any tips??
that is so frustrating rite...to not be able to say whatever you like even though using a nick! I think we should all change nicks and just keep the identity among the real Sept mommies. haha..
I did what you suggested before and it backfired on me! My son cried for hours and was really upset with me! I suggest you up the feeding amt instead of dream feed...
em.. ok maybe i should reconsider... but i can't up his feeding amt coz once he have enough he just refuses to take in anymore..he has a nasty and stubborn temper just like his mommy .. even the nurses @ NICU said tt...

So I guess.. might just have to bear with it till he grow out of tt...hope it wouldn't be long
j has started waking at 3+ for a feed after two weeks of sleeping through from 830pm to 530am ..hmm could it be a growth spurt? he's now ..er.. oh dear lost count already..hey, 3 months exactly yesterday!

mattel sale
am thinking of chionging early on 1st day too but may have to bring bb and maid cos my parents will be busy with the new twins coming home from hospital with my SIL and bro.:) anyone living near kovan, serangoon gdns and needs a ride?

ur HOD very free hor?!
shazz: my colleague also knows I surf in this forum! Looks like we're in the same boat wrt those extra utensils and crockery!

Lok: My bill was $400+ for last mth

Jeraldin: Agree that the Rainforest Deluxe Gym was a good buy!! My boy simply adores it!!

MATTEL SALE: Is Lok Yang in Tuas? Whoa, imagine the petrol I'm gonna exhaust driving there. Need to buy loads of toys to make the trip worthwhile...I think not just AA and AAA batteries are needed for the trial. Some FP toys run on C and D batteries. A screwdriver is nec

I need toy-cum-furniture, more than toy per se. I do appreciate the benefits of intelligent toys, but kinda hate the need to stow them away. Such a clutter. If he wants to play with toys, he'll go to Toy R Us with us next time to take his pick. I can't predict which toy is attractive to him
One more thing abt toys...my cousins who had heaps of toys in their childhood didn't perform as well in school as those who hadn't

C&K sale: yes, each member can bring along 3 friends.

CK TANGS VIP sale: I just went there with my DH and son...didn't get a lot of stuffs...believe there'll be more sales coming up next mth!
Shazz - yikes. you being discovered on the thread by colleagues and family members. hmm is there a way we(all) can hide our identity better?

We just have to be sure, we don't write our real names on the thread. But hor, posting pictures of our little one, does reveal our identity as well. Can we do some sort of blocking - any IT savvy mums out there can advise?
can set up yahoo group account to put all those pictures. moderator (one mummy) to allow access to the group pictures and info...

when you post pictures of bbs, can blank out the faces of mummies nad daddies...

Employers who are simply too free...
but i guess just as long as we dun post during office hours, it should be ok. i think employers who try to investigate what you do in your private lives are simply too free and has nothing better to do. Either they are skivving at work or are simply not spending enough time with their own families.

my advice is for them to spend more time with their families and stop snooping around other people's families..
hi all,

on the sales topic, today is crabtree & evelyn annual vip sales. storewide 30 precent off. i queue for almost 2 hours to pay....at paragon. Any C&E fans this is a good time to stock up. The sales is open to public on 28 and 29th nov.
question to all mummies: Have u seen ur baby dream? I think I have seen my boy dream twice. ONce a good dream - he chuckled and smiled in his sleep...and once a bad dream when he had the
face all the time.

It was really amusing!!!

Anyone going for Mattel sale from the East?!?!?
A Warm Welcome to all the new mummies who just joined us.

So many sales but I've started work & it's pretty tough to bring baby along, how to grab with baby in tow?

I'm a C & E fan.. I'm their VIP & received the xmas catalogue but totally forgot about it, thanks for reminding me.. I need to buy some shower gels to pamper myself.

Devon dreams all the time.. he even throws punches & kicks in the air.. darn funny.

Today my boy gave me a huge scare. He vomited like a merlion all over me.. he has never vomitted like that before. I went to the PD & he's fine.. prob due to overfeeding.
Haha...after reading all the posts about changing nics...i think i will do it too. it's about time to...since I've been thinking about it for a while. lemme change and drop hints along the way so the sept moms can figure out what my new nic is...
C&E sale
u better go early, the queue to pay is horrible
i queued to go in before the store opened at centrepoint cos i thought they opened at 10, should have gone to paragon ..and then dashed around to pick up the stuff and then queued to pay...all with J in the carrier. poor chap was quite hot in the stuffy shop but he sportingly fell asleep after a lot of jiggling on my part...hehe
Merlioning is quite scary. Both my girls have done so at one point or another...freaked me out, esp with the milk coming out of their nose!
<font color="0077aa">Mummies, just take note, the J&amp;J sale is from 2-4dec only as stated in the brochure not till 5dec...So can't go Mattel sale &amp; J&amp;J sale together.. Hiaz.. Think I will skip the J&amp;J one.

Aiyoo.. so many silent readers &amp; investigators!</font>
Change of Nicks! May I suggest we message each other on Facebook our new nicks! kekeke ... will be quite fun! at least the regular mummies will know who we are when we change our nicks!
dseptkon - my girl also woke at 3.30am this morning for milk. tried to pat her back to sleep but cannot. so no choice have to give her milk. then she slept from 4.30 till 10am. she has been sleeping thru for the past 3 weeks. so it is a growth spurt? i hope it wun last long cos i am finally getting some good night's rest recently. hehe..

sales - want to go for the mattel sale and get a swing for my girl but i will be away in HK. can anyone be my proxy buyer? haha.. :p
i just read that your hod sms u about being on FB.. wah..sounds scary. Never cross my mind that my boss will do that to me le.

re: mattel sale
seems like many of you very excited about this. i also want to go but lazy to drive so far le. last year i didn't go also.. but asked my friends to help me buy! mummies can consider the Little People Zoo sets.. that is something that i have been wanting to get but never got the chance to. In the end, only manage to get the animals thru friends.
cannot change nick. the only way is to start a new nick. that's what my other forum friends did. then to participate in sprees etc.. u use back your old nick (cos to post in some of the threads, must be at least 1yr old on the forum or something like that).
Hi alabone/autum,

Local BP threads still can post even not 1 yr old on forum. It's the overseas threads that need the 1 yr participation on forum to post.
yah lor. i also did not expect.

i'm not sure now if she was the one who checked on me or the colleagues i had on my facebook ratted on me. in any case, both scenarios are scary isn't it?????
hahahaha.. i just realised something funny! all these while, i always thought your nickname is abalone (bao4 yu2).. wahahahaha.. suddenly i saw that it's alabone, not abalone! Sorrie!! :p
nah it's ok. now that will give you an idea how i got that nick in the first place! i made the exact same mistake!!! LOLLOL
Storeberry - sorry, i posted the wrong dates for the J &amp; J sale- was my typo. yup its tues to thursday only.

Lanolin - mine too dreams a lot, sometimes he breaks out in loud cries then goes back to sleep.

l'l CY^^l'l CH (lilboymum)- great idea. ok to protect ourselves and our jobs, lets do that. Can you play moderator?

Also, anyone knows if we are TBF, can we take manuka honey?
That's so funny!!

dseptkon &amp; nelc
Same as you.. my boy has been waking up for a feed at 2 to 3am the past 2 days after sleeping thru for the past 3 weeks.. that explains why I'm up &amp; posting at this hour.

Ok, I'm awake coz I'm troubled. Just finished feeding my boy &amp; pumping but could not get back to sleep.

I work in our own family business &amp; have gone back to work since early november. I usually leave my boy at my mum's at 10am, leave for my office &amp; come back again at around 2pm (my office is just a 10 min drive away), the rest of the day I work from my mum's place. It has been manageable so far but starting from last week, my boy has been refusing to drink when my mum feeds him &amp; he'll cry non-stop until I reach home. I usually latch him on before I leave for my office, then he'll play with my mum &amp; then take his nap. When he wakes, my mum will feed him, but he'll only take 20 to 30ml then start to wail. He'll scream &amp; cry until I reach home. This has been going on everyday &amp; it makes both myself &amp; my mum very stressed. I feel so bad towards my mum, it must be very stressful for her. My son is too attached to me. I don't know what I can do about it. In the meantime, I have decided to set up a home office at my mum's place &amp; work exclusively from there.
Hey Mummies.. it is me on my morning pumps again.

Went through blogger awards.. saw this rather cute blog reviewing baby products! http://www.popularbabyproducts.com

Kym Kym the blog reviewed some clothing websites that seem interesting.. you super biz woman, can link up? hee

1. Cute tutus wif leggings... http://www.tutulegz.com/

2. Tank tops wif tutus! www.tufortee.com

3. Make your own rompers/ booties www.uncommonlycute.com
Ava - Check out the twins series! Cute!! There is also another webby for twins

4. Cute rompers www.misswit.net check out this for a romper:


okies going to kunz..
btw Alabone OR Abalone.. you are really cute la!! I also mixed up before and concluded that you must be some American babe or something haha
hmm.. i dunno of any lactose free organic milk powder leh. Is CY lactose intolerant?

lilboymum, alabone, lok,
sounds good. will go check out those xmas kids shows. Is next week good for u ladies or week after?

unfortunately hungry caterpillar is over...
And ur HOD is so so scary!!! But that sms was kinda rude? So sarcastic!
I am paranoid about student's/colleagues accessing my facebook so I allowed only "friends" to view my facebook. And I accidently added 1 ex-student so I blocked her from seeing all my albums!
Noticed that someone called you "mrs goh" in ur facebook. That ur student? Mebbe they told ur HOD u got facebook and she went to check it out!

I'm thinking of changing my nick now cos my coleague also in SMH forum and am afraid she secretly knows my nick from searching for the hy p no b i r t h i n g posts... And there have been a few mothers who pm me to ask abt h y p n o b i r t h i n g!
Think kym kym and lilboy mum have changed their nick before. Can share how?

Aiyoh, if u had gone to the caterpillar thing u might have bought some stuff. They were selling eric carle's stuff there. I bought 2 board games for isabelle to play with.
And thx! will go check that show out.

nope, not gg for tooth fairy. U going?
<font color="0000ff">THE JEWEL BOX
it was my b'dae so we went out lor. Otherwise we wouldn't have gone! But still, am sooo glad it was just the two of us!

yep was romantic. Am still very happy thinking about it! Dunno whether I have been deprived of gg out for too long or what but I was so pleased with everything that night. Love the trees that are part of the architecture there. And lighting was nice though it only comes on at certain times and goes off soon after. I can't understand why.
And yes, ask drawcy to take u there!
Hubby brought his camera and tripod along and took so many photos though posing for pics is my LEAST fav activity. Gonna post some on my facebook.
Btw, does tangs at Orchard have a trim shop of the same std too?

The snow is actually foam and I dun fancy that getting onto my head though it looks nice from a distance. U might not want that getting onto ur girl's hair either. Not sure what u mean by pricing. We paid for the food and a discounted cable car ride at $4 per person. Not sure what the usual price of cable car is though</font>

<font color="ff0000">breadmum
i have taken lotsa manuka honey liao... We just can't feed it to baby directly till they r at least a year old.

where is the akira sale?

my electricity bills also went up to 300 plus. And worse at PIL place. Almost hit 500!! Looks like I gotta cut down on air con when I'm there and in my own house too...</font>

Last eve went to Kuishinbo at GWC. Din know the buffet there costs more than the Suntec and Jurong Point branches!!!
Anyway, my maid also ate and she was so happy to be included she grinned from ear to ear and greeted my mum good night super loudly last nite!

Hope it doesn't rain later cos I wanna take isabelle to East Coast Park and then to Old Airport Rd hawker centre for dinner. Miss the char kway teow there and the Hokkien mee too!!!
Good morning all!!

Kymkym....I am thinking of reviving my webstore to sell personalised kid's stuff and books (abandoned the biz when I got preggers). Any tips? I think your site looks great! Btw are the leggings with skirt suitable for 3mth old bb? She is only 55cm at her last checkup 2 months ago.

Sales...sigh was hoping to go both sales on the same day. I read in another thread that JnJ sale is worth going apparently one mummy bot 1 yr supply of products for her bb! Now have to make 2 trips, not sure if the petrol costs can be offset by the savings from the sale!
I prefer the 6-7Dec weekend for xmas tots gathering.

Have been checking around and I think the elect bill killer for us is the slow cooker and the Thermal Airpot! I only switch on the aircon for Joshua and even then it's set at 26-27 degrees.

R u going for the Tooth Fairy show? I heard from my Jul'06 thread that it's quite good. I'm still undecided.
<font color="0000ff">Isabelle
Akira sale at Akira
Jurong East... hehe.. i'll be going there in a short while

Any additional discounts for mummies in the Sept thread for ur BPs??? hehe</font>
Morning ladies,

Alabone.. i think many of my colleagues have Facebook accounts.. even my P has one..

J&amp;J sale.. any mummies going for this? i'm a big fan of J&amp;J products but Jurong East is so far away..

Sat gathering.. anyone going who owns a MIM sling and can show me how to use.. mine has become a white elephant because can't figure out how it works and my hubby can't find the demo video.

BB bathing .. my Kieran always starts to cry and scream after i take him out from the bathtub and place him on my bed to change him.. i have no idea why!!
I've done the bank transfer via atm for the payment of the xmas gathering.

Amt: $48.20
Date/Time of transfer: 27/11/08, 10.08am
Reference: 2906
From: POSB Savings 001-43730-5

Pls note, thanks!
my ger too, the moment we took off her clothes, she start to cry and when place her in the tub, she will seem to enjoy. when took her out from the tub, she start crying again.
<font color="ff0000">isabelle (isa_belle) - was the food nice at Jewel box as well? The last time we went, i don't remember it being that great. Meanwhile, i think i need a date nite with dracwy soon as well...our lives have been so busy revolving around baby Kieran, have to set aside some couple time. Btw, the trim shop at Tangs Orchard is quite miserable - just a small corner at the top-most floor. If you are in orchard, then go to Metro Paragon or Taka atrium for your trims.

Xmas Gathering -
Mommies who have paid for the Xmas Gathering - thank you! I will send the addy &amp; driving directions over soon.

Jas (mobilesuitegal) - pls drop me a PM with your email address as well.</font>

<font color="0077aa">Hi Gunibabe, welcome!

I still can't use the MIM sling, my sis gave me a luckybaby carrier, I should be using that for a while..

My Zane also like to have his bath!</font>
