(2008/09) Sep 2008

<font color="0077aa">Bacon&amp;egg: Somehow I feel that kaiden is heavier than Zane! Maybe cos Kaiden is longer? Hope Zane don't grow up to be a fat &amp; short kid! Keke...

Silent reader, come in &amp; post something lah!

Limay: Kieran looks so happy in his rocker!

Mummies, do you reckon a bouncer is better or rocker? Will baby get so used to rocking that he will refuse to sleep with the rythmic motion? I have this Tinylove rocker but the material seem hot!

qqq: I love you gal double eyelids! So pretty!

Xuanting, I change the pigeon teat to M size when Zane is two mths old cos the S size one he takes forever to finish his milk!</font>

storeberry (storeberry) - yes, Kieran is quite contented in his rocker/swing.
I usually switch off the swinging mode &amp; music once he falls asleep. He was sleeping on his vibrating spider chair previously, and had no trouble sleeping on his bed at nite anyway, so shouldn't be a problem sleeping without the rythmic motion.

Teats - Kieran is almost 3 months and still on the 0-2 months (S sized) Pigeon teat, have not switched to the 2-3+ months one yet cos he seems to be drinking fast enough right now.
Flos, Bigtoes, Thanks for yr comments

It's so nice for those mummies who have a nursing room at their workplace.

Btw I need to pump in the toilet as my workplace is like a building full of office.. Something like those JTC building.. Cant even see any handicapped toilet

Any mummies experienced on this? My milk flow will drop drastically when i'm tensed.. Can share? As i'll be going to work beginning of Jan

Bigtoes, wow.. yr boy really love to smile. For me its quite hard to take when she smile as she will kp moving around..
Kaiden weighs 5.7825kg end of last mth (oct), 61cm. How heavy and long was Zane in oct? Now i dunno yet...only get to weigh him again end dec.
Hi Mummies... It's been a long long time since i opened up dis forum.. let alone post something..
Here's a pic of my boy, Md Qaid

<font color="0000ff">nelc / Taslyn / Aloysius / Kym / LC / Sunrays / Shazz
Thanks for your comments. I feel better after reading what u all have posted.

Sad to say, Max reverted back to his 330am feed even tho his last feed was at 10+ last nite. sighz.. but it was bcoz he vomitted his last feed. think only abt 50ml remaining in his stomach bah. dunno wat happened oso, coz it happened again for the 330am feed.
dunno wats wrong with him. but he's ok so far today...

I love those animal prints. Count me in for your BP yah..

Storeberry / Aloysius
yeah.. will keep a lookout for the next one.. hopefully closer to me.. haha, oops, asking for too much :p

Cadence has got very bright eyes. and No lah.. she's not crossed eye lah..
she's prob trying to focus on something huh

wah.. ur bb double eyelids so deep... so nice..

i'm still using breast pads leh... but from today onwards am stopping le. didnt pump at 7am this morning. so it's been abt 36 hrs since i last pumped? and i think it's leaking wor

FYI: each time i pump onli can get abt 60ml combined

u looking at buying either a rocker or bouncer? hhmm... IMO, rocker would be better wor. coz my mum did mention to me bouncer not v good for spine leh. haha.. but I recently juz bot a bouncer :p

ooohh.. but the one I bot is the new kind. Has 3 levels of elevation. and it doesn't bounce. (no spring). can rock de.. it's netted so it's cooler.

the FP rocker I have is quite warm wor... and bulky to bring around, so I bot this so-called bouncer

Max is still drinking from the S size Pigeon teat. he's already 3+ mths

wah... ur boy so handsome leh... hehe... eerrmm... no hair???</font>
<font color="0077aa">Missy: Your boy look serious! Another double eyelid handsome boy!

Bacon&amp;egg: Yah, today so quiet! I think Zane was about 5.3kg End Oct, only about estimated 55cm. I weigh him just now using my digital weighing machine, he is about 6.2kg. But I believe Kaiden should be heavier... And I finally found the page on "What to expect in the 1st yr", its on pg 160.

Sasa: Yah lo.. cos Zane sit in his netted bouncer nothing to do also. So I thot a rocker with hanging toys or lights will have some stimulation to him. I put him under the FP activity gym, he doesn't really like it &amp; lights not working so...

Alabone: Candence not very crossed eye lah! She looks chubby!</font>
Indeed Kaiden is heavier and longer!
Am sure Zane will catch up v soon..
Thanks for the page - i am worrying if i should just let him sit in the rocker and play by himself or should i stimulate him (v tired to do that all the time)

U know when he is in the rocker with all the hanging toys and music, he doesnt even look at me when i call him..so engrossed with the toys!

Think all the mommies out shopping! Flos...where r u? Hee...
<font color="0000ff">Storeberry
oh.. i've got a recommendation.. haha. get the Playskool Tummy Time gym. wah.. i didn't noe it was such a nice toy lah. Max hates his FP gym too.. coz the toys doesnt move n there's no sound / music. but the playskool one is diff. got music de. den got lights oso... n it stimulates him too. coz there's 1 mode, bb has to hit the toys before got sound de.. kinda teaches him and stimulates his brains

max loves this toy now. It can keep him occupied for a long time giving mi time to go do my stuff. each time I turn it on for him, he juz smiles n smiles and gets so excited with it.

haha... i juz fixed it up can u believe it. my sis bot it for his man yue, and I juz took it out nia. Should have taken it out earlier should I noe he likes it so much. so mayb u can invest in 1??
<font color="0077aa">bacon&amp;egg: Not alot lah, only a few of them.. Keke.. I didn't buy alot of toys for Zane, had a few hand me downs..

Yah man, looking forward to toys sale!

Thanks sasa!</font>
Hey Kymkymm, I like e 1st socks tat u posted.. I'm looking for something lik this for my little gal...

Btw mummies, how do u make ur little one slp thru e nite?? Mine still wakes up to be fed at least twice at nite.. e.g 12, 3, 5am
sasa/storeberry: I just got my Rainforest Deluxe Gym today! It's also got Melodies &amp; Lights like the Playskool gym
I simply love the vibrant colours and the cute animals
I hvn't got the right-size batteries so I dunno if Isaac will enjoy the music and lights yet.

I think it's a 'heng-suay' thing regarding whether your todd loves a toy or not. Mine happens to love his Rainforest bouncer so much, whereas my fren's son hates his Rainforest Jumperoo.

xuanting: I'm using Avent teats, so once he hits 3mos, I'll change to the next size. He is currently using Size 2 but I find it too slow.

Haiz...this maid of mine gave me problem again. She suddenly felt nauseous at the supermarket today and almost puked into the grocery bags (we were already checking out at the cashier). I quickly tore a plastic bag from the cashier and pass it to her to vomit out the kopi I bought her ...everyone in the queue was staring at us, thinking that my maid is pregnant....endless maid problems....
Flos - I went to the PD for Dec's 5-in-1 so he got weighed there! It wasn't a digital scale so now I'm wondering how accurate it is.

Maid - maybe ur maid has gastric problems so cannot drink kopi? Was it on empty tummy?

Angeline - wah!!! so heavy already???
by the way, need to thank you for nanny contact again. It's working out very well and she adores my boy!

crayon - aiyah, better cast more nets out just in case the girlies "qiao bu qi" my botak head leh. Really still got no hair u know? Many people have asked if we shaved him. hahahaha...

Xuanting - I also just changed the teats this week for the 3+ month. We were wondering why he has been refusing his bottle feeds and now I think I know why.

Sleeping through - honestly, my boy's doing pretty well in the day as per gina ford's timings but he still wakes up at night. once at about 2am and once at 5am. (I wish he just woke up at 2 and sleep till 7am....) but I'll just accept my fate.

alabone - cadence is soooooooo sweet!!!!!!!!
hey mummies, how's everyone!

No time to read all posts.. been busy since I returned to work.. and over the weekend, was terrible as my toddler kena some stomach virus.. vomit so many times until we so stressed! started on Sat after midnight.. Started at 12+am, vomit all over his mattress.. we bathed him, then put him on our bed to let him sleep.. he vomit again, on our bed.. took him off, cleaned him, put him on sofa, he vomit again.. clean him, then he lao-sai, clean him, put him back on his mattress, he vomit again.. until finally he drop off to sleep in the wee hours..

On sunday morning he woke up, he drank a lot of water which i felt is good cos i scared he dehydrate.. then he drank his bottle of milk.. so we thot he ok liao.. but still I thot better bring him to see doctor.. so we all change, got into car.. i was carrying him cos i thot nearby only and he sick.. and guess what... he massive vomit all over me until soak thru my shirt, bra, pants! lucky haven't start car yet.. so we all went back upstairs to bathe and change.. then finally went to see doctor.

Today my tod is ok liao. but Hubby got lao-sai many times! and my maid told me she vomited once in the day today.. oh man! I hope the adults won't become seriously ill.. now I worry about my baby girl.. hope i don't kena too.. else will be super terrible..

Sorrie for the long post.
Yalor!!! My boy seldom smile.. And i notice he sumtimes frown even.. Very fierce.. I think dats bcos i had a massive temper back when i was pregnant.. And his hair grows soooooooo slow... We shaved his head after my 44 days confinement, and till now, grow so little.. Must send him to Yun Nam Haircare...Muahahhaah!!! ;p
Teacher mummies
Just saw from the news: We will be getting 2 months of bonus payments. Does that mean 2 months bonus + Dec salary = 3 months (minus CPF deduction?)
just scroll thru archive to look at photos.. so many cute babies.. the girls all so smiley.. and boys so cute.. now i feel guilty cos i really haven't been taking many photos of my baby girl.. me bad mommy!

thanks.. i just hope everyone gets well soon!
Taken from chanelnewsasia

"As for civil servants such as teachers and police officers, they are getting a total of two months' bonus payment this year, plus S$100 to S$300 paid out in July. This comprises the 13th month payment or Annual Wage Supplement and a one-month Annual Variable Component or AVC. The year-end AVC has been reduced to 0.5 month.

Last year, the total bonus payment was three months plus S$220, including a half-month Growth Bonus which was paid for the exceptional economic performance in 2007."
Got this from channelnews asia site... last para:

As for civil servants such as teachers and police officers, they are getting a total of two months' bonus payment this year, plus S$100 to S$300 paid out in July. This comprises the 13th month payment or Annual Wage Supplement and a one-month Annual Variable Component or AVC. The year-end AVC has been reduced to 0.5 month.

Last year, the total bonus payment was three months plus S$220, including a half-month Growth Bonus which was paid for the exceptional economic performance in 2007.

Think i'll wait for news on Suria too later... ;p

haha..its ok..dun mention it..but she working for u only until end this yr rite? jan ur inlaw will look after rite? ...me got to bring out my elder gal 6-12mths clothes for carine liao..haha..her rompers now all quite tight..so sayang..wear afew times only..i still havent change the teats for avent..shes still at 1..going to wash later coz find tt she take a long time to finish her milk now..


take care ok..tink better seperate the bb n the tots..can spread 1..hope the whole family is well..
Yipeee... My bb burped on his own the whole of today! Hope this will lasts, X my fingers and toes. Wahaha... More sleeping time for me..Zzz
wonder what wrong with my ger, since last week, she had been pooing a lot. then last thurs, she drank abt 30ml to 60ml each feeding, so we tot she might have wind in her stomach, then fri went to see doc, doc said can continue to feed her with the gripe water given by polyclinic, at the same time we feed her med from the doc to clear her phlegm, then she started to lao sai, sometime when she 'fan pi' then there is shit also, see also haert pain, cos her butt is red. she also started to squeezed when we knowed she got nothing to shit. wonder is it the med, so we decide to stop the med and change all her teats, cos she kept drinking abt 50ml today. wonder is the teat too small, so she lazy to suck and don't want to drink. how she get better and start to drink.
Dear Jasmine,

Maybe its too 'liang'?..
Gripe water is quite cooling.. perhaps the phelgm med too.. double that up, that may be why your little girl is poo-ing so much.. maybe try just putting her on just one type of solution first, gripe water add it to the milk, and make sure you burp her at least 2-3 times each feeding, and if she is only feeding 50-60ml, perhaps try increasing the no. of feeds, feed every 1 hr 50ml, 1 hr 50ml at least that'll increase her intake..

Impt thing is you keep her hydrated since diarrhea can make babies dehydrate quickly
oh yah, i think flos was asking abt the boiling method to sterilise the bottles. mummies generations before us have always been using boiling method, in a big pot. we got away w it cos of the ingenious invention - steriliser!

i know one of the mummy here got her pump parts "burnt down". but that's cos she wasnt watching the "fire" &amp; the water was totally boiled off. when u are directly heating the plastic parts in a pot, of cos ur pump parts will melt lah.
morning mommies.. back at work.. feels so weird. suddenly away fr my girl. keep thinking of her..

teats: i've upgraded my girl to Y teats for the new pigeon bottles and those S teats, i use the teat hole enlarger to make the teat hole bigger. Now she takes abt 15 mins to finish 120ml instead of her usul 40 mins...
Did you find out why your maid puked?

U got nice n cute stuff! When are you starting those BPs?

Download pics from FB - U can just right click, cut n paste the pic straight from the source. I havent try it b4 but my SIL told me thats the way to do it.
Hi, Spring

You can e-mail me at [email protected]. Thanks.. and see you this sat

hi, Mommies

Have been so stressed out at work with lots of backlog to catch up until my milk supply dropped quite a lot
lucky i still have some frozen EBM to give but dun think can last till long.. hopefully I can pass the 4th month mark..

DILEMMA - Can mommies here advise me? My baby is with my in laws to take care. So far, baby is ok there (as I see him well and ok when I fetch him back every night) and in laws are more or less get used to him.. Maybe I am feeling ok bec I closed both eyes on how baby is been taken care. Now, we are planning to place baby in infant care when he is about 5 or 6 month old when he knows how to turn and crawl. Tot infant care has more stimulation than with in laws who only engage in some small talk with baby currently. And also tot that it will be better for my MIL who has knee problem (remember the bathing drama posting that I posted last week?).. And the in fant care we are look at is a new branch set up near the train station and think registration is fast cos it is a new and cleaner environment and cap at 9 babies with a ratio of 1 caretakeer to 3 babies. Is this a good ratio? Now, both hubby and me are heart hearted. On one hand, worried that the infant care has no more vacancy and baby will be stucked with in laws with little stimulation and if wan infant care, will need to look for another one that is further away. On the other hand, tot that baby and in laws are more or less used to one another and with grandparents taking care, baby is safer?
LC, putting bb in infact care or grandparents has their pros and cons.

infact care - main cons: when one bb is sick, all bb will kanna.

main pros: no matter what happened, grandparent will be dote on their grandchild and will not let something bad happen to them.

main con: will intro lots of bad habits and it's hard to scold them or ask them to change.
Kym: u r running a baby business?

bacon&amp;eggs: she ate Friday's eggplant (our dinner leftover that she had kept to add on to her Sat lunch, but we went out shopping on both Sat and Sun, so maid had no chance to finish up that dish). I was shocked to see it still in my fridge and told her to throw the eggplant away. But she insisted on microwaving and eating it with her Monday lunch...too bad...most imptly, she is well now.

Autum: stomach flu probably?? Poor baby!! take care yah...

Jasmine: oh dear, another one? HUGSSSSSS!!!

twendy: I always rem I had a mangled and twisted plastic milk bottle when I was 5, as a result of my mom's boiling of plastics...
Hi Von,

I know abt the virus spreading so that is why I am expressing so hard to be on TBF my baby so as to build his immunity.. From what I know from the centre, my baby will be the oldest infant among all if i put him in when he is 5 or 6 months old cos the rest is abt 2 to 3 month old..
Dear Flos,

Keke, baby business..no, hobby of sorts, yes.. started out while I was working in Taiwan for a couple of year, went to GZ with a good friend and started this Gumoni thing..

<font color="0000ff">Storeberry
This is the gym I was talking about


errm... i didnt do anything leh.. my boy juz automatically slept thru the nite. but i've no such luck now.. he's been waking up at about 3+ / 4 these 2 nites

hehe.. Isaac will like it... juz like he love his waterfall

hhmm... mayb i should start changing Max's teats too

oh no!!! hope the flu virus juz stays contained. u and bb had better not get it..

how did ur bb burp on his own???

ooh ooh... did PD say anything about the little intake?? how often is bb feeding?</font>
