(2008/09) Sep 2008

Flos: i did stand for 4 hrs some time last week too.. my legs hurt and feel so weak at nite.. den in the middle of the nite i had leg cramps..

So now, not your hb posting already right? hehe welcome welcome! the bubbling probably is the baby kicking

Standing for long hrs
ladies, this can bring on preterm labour for moms carrying twins, from what i've read....i think standing should not be too good for singleton pregnancies either!!! Pls be careful and rest more!!
<font color="119911">Mei (meie) - wow, amazing that u managed to stand for 8 hours straight! I can't even go shopping for more than 2-3 hours now before feeling the strain!

JJParents (jjparents) - welcome to the forum! Btw, this is your first baby ya? Really amazed that ur tummy is still relatively flat (which is a good thing - less stretch marks/lesser load to lug around)

DREAMS - Mommies, are u all experiencing more intense nonsensical dreams? Last nite I dreamt that I was made to help clean up at some rubbish dump while preggers. Didn't even have any shoes on, &amp; was wading in the reeking rubbish! Have also been having very regular dreams with my mom starring in it...maybe cos i will be a mommy soon...</font>
Hi Bigtoes.. yes this is my 1st bb.. ya my frens oso say will have less stretch marks, but juz to prevent any i'm actively applying e cream since i hit 20 weeks..
That will be my one &amp; only last time... had no choice that time as I took up a makeup diploma for fun &amp; that portfolio was my final assessment. I can't makeup for my models while sitting down. Actually I did not feel the strain till I reached home, guess I was too focused to notice the pain. I'm so glad it's over.. it was pure torture that night.
AVA: Oh dear, will my feet swell tonite? They'll swell on the plane won't they? URRGGHHH!! I am sitting down now...resting...

JJParents: I can only photgraph my own bump reflection in the mirror!!! You're the wife (not hb) now? Was wondering why your hubby wants to see my tummy!!! KKEKEKE!!

Mei: You're a makeup artist? I thot it's sunrays who's a makeup artist here? WOW 8 hours is siong...And are you sure we can go for foot reflexology? Maybe if they avoid the soles and just massage the back of your feet and the calves, it won't trigger contractions??
Hi all mummy, did anyone always have backache only at night time? why? what should i do? can i go body massage?

I am so envy of your leh.., can go shopping &amp; buy alot of baby'stuffs, I am not that lucky than you, my MIL always restrict us to buy baby'stuffs. for eg. baby's milk bottle, she doesn't allow us to buy because she has 1 milk bottle (BIBI brand) which is keep in the store room but don't know how many hundred years ago 1 and also baby' blanket, she said she got 1 from flight, after wash it then can use already...don't waste MONEY!! hai....but hubby &amp; me also decide to buy baby'stuffs secretly and keep it in our in our room. haha....
<font color="119911">CORD BLOOD BANKING

Hi mommies - just FYI. I spoke with someone from the Spore Cord Blood Bank (http://www.scbb.com.sg/) - the alternative public storage to StemCord/CordLife. Collection &amp; storage is basically FOC, but as and when we need the cord blood back (if the physician finds a transplant match) the cost is:
-$2,500 for a sibling (i.e. if we donated for 2 or more kids &amp; the cord blood is still available for use when we need it)
-$26,000 if the physician finds a match with an unknown donor (Note - One dosage is only sufficient for transplant use by a receipient <40kg.)

They have been collecting cord blood for the last 5 years, and have storage of about 3000-4000 cord blood donors at the moment. If we want to go ahead, have to meet up for a suitability evaluation. It is also not certain that they would store all cord blood collected - those with insufficient stem cells would be discarded.

Guess this is more like a public service (like regular blood donation). We are still undecided between CordLife or donating to SCBB.</font>
Yup, sunrays is the makeup artist. I just took up the course for interest &amp; fun.. don't dare to take up any professional jobs.. just do for friends &amp; family only.

I go to Kenko coz it's opened by a doctor &amp; the masseurs are trained in massaging preggies.. they know where not to knead &amp; press. I signed up a package &amp; I go once a month.

No offense, but your MIL is not being very practical.. use a free blanket from a plane for baby? It'll be too scratchy &amp; woolly for baby. &amp; an old milk bottle? OMG...

Yesterday I spoke to my hubby about this, he decided to still go ahead &amp; bank with CordLife, he feels it's a small investment for the future, should anything unfortunate happen *touch wood* Anyway, yes.. that's what I understand between public &amp; private banking. However, for public banking, you are not guaranteed that your child's cord blood will be kept solely for you.
Mei (meie) - we are still sitting on the fence for this one, &amp; will speak with my gyne before deciding, but suspect that we would lean the same way as well....Thou the cordblood is quite pointless for the same baby (since it would have the same genetic defect anyway), it would be more useful for the next sibling. And like u said, the likelihood of the cordblood still being with SCBB is low should we eventually need it.

Guess more to buy peace of mind....even my sister &amp; her hubby who are both surgeons (and should realise that storing cord blood for the same baby is quite uselss) stored my nephews cordblood with CordLife.
SarahMay ,
my gynae told me baby is slighty over the weight range for 21 weeks. Sigh.. but as long as baby is healthy so i guess it doesnt matter, but im afraid i will have a harder time pushing him out.

JJParents ,
i think the "small size tummy thingy" shouldnt be a problem, everyone said my tummy looks really small for 5mths but my baby is slighty bigger compared to the normal size range for 5mths. Strangly my tummy doesnt show it at all.
bigtoes, i'm getting lots of bizarre dreams too! getting chased and bitten by a baby-sized, skeletal-looking alien, back in pri sch wearing pinafore and a bow tie, my mom offering to breastfeed me (at my present age and i could feel the breast pushed against my cheeks – EEEK!) etc. also been having some dreams where hubby and i were desperately looking for places to have sex in, and the only "available" places were like a bed along the corridor, a room with only half walls, behind some bushes, etc. strange!

does anyone know when the thick ankle, water retention thing will happen?
Will the gynae tell you how big you bb is when you go for your check-up? some will oso tell you abt your bb's weight as well?
mine oso say very good healthy, no more..
when i ask why is my tummy so small, my gynae will say its still early dun worry... she very cool cool type de...
Foot massage
was told by a prenatal massage therapist that the ankle and the heel of a pregger is untouchable as it has alot of nerves which might upset the pregnancy.

I think I am having water retention now..when press on the leg area, it will have a light dent..it takes time to bounce back. And in the morning when i get up, my fingers are all swollen and "frozen". My gynea says its water retention and told me to drink more water and to exercise fingers in the morning - with hand face up.
on 07 May, just went for check up, my baby weight is 454g in my 21week+5days and my gynae also say slightly bigger and next mth i have to go check up for diabetes because alot of people say that women is higher chance to get diabetes during pregnancy especially when baby is overweight or big. It is true... I am so worry...

Did your gynae instruct you to go diabetes check up?
shazz - i still worried sia.. cox i din gain much weight also from the last visit. only gain 700g

think duno ate what food wrong keep going to the toilet the last few days
Yup, I also understand that the cord blood would not be of much use for the same baby. &amp; you're right, it's more for peace of mind.

Your dreams are rather funny, especially the breastfeeding &amp; sex ones. I do have dreams too.. but they are mostly nightmares about my MIL.. Lol.

I have been suffering from painful wrist &amp; numb fingers for the past few weeks.. also due to water retention pressing on the nerves. Nothing much we can do now but to exercise. I bought a wrist splint to wear at night when I sleep coz we tend to curl our fingers when we sleep &amp; that aggravates the problem.
bacon&amp;egg, does the water retention thing last the whole day or is it only in the mornings?

my bump seems to be higher and rounder on the left side. wonder if this will become more pronounced as i grow bigger. anyone else has a slightly lopsided bump like mine?
Eh this is getting confusing lah...husband/wife get your own nic so we know who's posting leh!

I got slight water retention in legs only in last month, but feet did not grow in size.

Speaking of keeping things from decades before...My mom kept my potty!!! I didn't use it for my son, cos he never used the potty...we just used that baby seat you put on an adult toilet...
i went for the detail scan and found out my baby was slighty bigger, my gynae told me she will check baby's weight again the next visit.

sly chua,
actually every vist there will a urine test to check for diabetes, my gynae said im allright.

does drinking herbal soup like black chicken soup makes baby grow bigger? My mom told me too "bu" will cause bigger babies too.
*screams* &amp; yucks, yucks, yucks!.... Lol.

Yeah, that thing that you put over the toilet bowl is much better. With a potty, we still need to empty it &amp; wash it. Much more convenient now. This reminds me of a disgusting story to share related to this.. when I was young, I was siting on my potty doing big business.. then the fidgety me moved the potty around while sitting on it, then the potty got caught on the groove of the floor tiles &amp; toppled.. you can imagine what happened.. I got a huge caning after that.. haha.

I still have loads of children's books from my time, lots of Ladybird &amp; Enid Blyton books. I find that the illustrations back then were much nicer.
mei, i love the old enid blyton books too! do u still have copies that made reference to golliwogs, with their pictures? now no more golliwogs already!
Yes, yes, I still have the golliwog stories. They are in storage somewhere in my mum's place. When I move over to my own place, then I'll bring them over to my home.

I love golliwogs to death.. I even have a golliwog plush which my sis bought for me from australia. Apparently it was not displayed at the shop front.. the shop owner had to take it out from storage, because it's a 'black' doll.. so racist.

Remember Amelia Jane, Faraway Tree (don't know if I got this right, climb up the tree &amp; it's a magical world up there.. Moonface &amp; all that!). Memories...
Hi Mummies:

I think the choice is very individual. If u don't want, it's ok. But must bear in mind there's no turning back (not like insurance where u can buy later, just pay higher premium). And pls don't be mistaken that cordblood is only use for blood-related diseases (e.g leukemia). Recently, my hubby is having a bit of health challenge and this may be one of his best bet in the long run. So, I am definitely banking the cordblood for my 2 sons in case *touchwood* it becomes hereditary.


My in laws kept the bb clothes of all their kids. Imagine i have a piece that is >40 years old. When I told the confinement lady that, she quickly took it out and let my #1 wear. Think it's only for 1 day cos it's so flimsy and it went back to "cold storage" again.
The issue with golliwogs is not that it's a "black doll", but that it is supposed to be derogatory to blacks! so it's considered insensitive to have goliwogs, same reason why Darkie toothpaste became Darlie toothpaste...
My mom took out and washed all the dresses she sewed for me as a baby, a few weeks before she found out i was pregnant...she has ESP!!
Yes, my gynae told me that sometimes urine test is not 100% accurate so next mth have to go blood test lol.

Yes, drinking herbal soup (CHICKEN WITH TANGKUI, PAOSEN OR TANGSEN) will make baby grows bigger that's why my mum told me that we should stop to drink this kind of soup during 6mths+ pregnancy otherwise our baby become bigger &amp; it is hard to delivery/labour.
Bump Size:

Agree that it's most impt that bb is of a healthy weight.

At the end of the day, you will be thankful for a small tummy as it is probably easier to go back to pre-pregnancy size and less chance of stretchmark. For #1, my bump became obvious only after 5 mths (and it happened very quick over 1-2 weeks). For #2, I could wear normal clothes up until 20 weeks. But, since I switched to maternity clothing, it's much more obvious (maybe due to the cutting).
mine seems to be all day round. my ankle and toes are swollen. My shoe size has gone up 1 and half size...i am a size 8-9 now..

I just wrigger my fingers in the morning..follow my gynea's instruction. But i do feel that if i drink enough water, the numbness of the fingers not so bad...bearable.
Oh I see.. Oops.. but I just find them really cute with their round eyes, fluffy hair &amp; smart suits.

Mine's quite bad.. I have the carpal tunnel syndrome.. I guess mine will only go away after I've given birth.
Haha...I dont think there's a problem with liking them
just the reason why stores don't have them out anymore... heeh

If you have carpal tunnel better get wrist guards...will get worse when breastfeeding. I had it after birth and it lasted for qute a while
Sly, your MIL reminds me of mine. She has an old mattress which my hubby used when he was a baby. She said she will just wash it and use it for my baby in future when she looks after it. And my hubby agrees with her! Can you imagine how old that mattress is? And that means my baby will be sleeping on the floor at her house.

How to relax and let her take care of my baby when I return to work in future?
yes yes, mei! i remember them! i think i love the faraway series the best of all. i still have a golliwog too; it's kind of lopsided cos it's handmade somewhere. my mom thinks it's v ugly but i love it so much. some of my friends have also called it a voodoo doll.

ava &amp; bacon&amp;egg, there's no pain apart from the discomfort from the swelling right? how come drinking more water helps, since it's water causing the swelling? my fingers seem to feel a little tight although i can't see any swelling yet; suspect this might be the start...
wingkei, don't think mattresses can be kept and re-used after that long... i imagine there must be lots of mites and stuff that have made their homes in there all these years. not v safe for bb, i think.
The water is retained because the cells are holding on to water due to dehydration, that's why drinking more water helps...but it has to be pref room temp water, sipped slowly thru the day...not cold water gulped down!! Also, gravity plays a part so elevating legs while resting will also help.
slychua: your MIL is really very funny...

xuanting: are you ok?!! BF by MIL?!!! yikes

keepsakes: Oh yes, I have all my pri-sec-JC-uni stuffs (report cards, library cards, bus cards, autograph books, diaries, christmas cards, love letters, etc. etc). My hb has all his scouts badges, stickers, etc. etc.
Haha..it must be many many years ago, POOR YOU &amp; ME!!

No choice lah, both of us stay at MIL's house but temporary i will let my baby to sleep with me on the queen size bed and we will wait 1 more year when we get our new house &amp; we will buy baby's bed &amp; decor our baby room.

But so far MIL &amp; me never argued abt anything, not like my friend's MIL so unreasonable one!
Maybe you can suggest your MIL to brew 13 TAI PAO instead of chicken soup for you
This 13 TAI PAO is very good for baby. you can start to drink from now till you delivery...

Sly &amp; Blue Roses: Hmm... my gynae didn't mention anything about my bb being too big even though my bb was 443g at 21w1d! As for the GTT (glucose tolerance test) to test for diabetes, I've had it done already. And mine is clear. So don't worry unneccessarily about it now. As long as bb is growing fine.
