(2008/09) Sep 2008

xuanting, tell that to my hubby and MIL. He agrees with his mom that it can be used for our baby, he told her to just leave it at her house and she can use it when she looks after our baby in future. My MIL says the mattress can be used again after washing and sunning, although I think the same way as you. And even then, let's say it's clean, but it's so old, it should be pretty thin by now, I don't think it's a good idea to put a baby on such a thin mattress.

13 Tai Pao: Oh! I just read what Sly's posted. actually this 13 Tai Po only needs to be taken twice throughout the entire preg. best time is 5th and 7th month. No need to take so often.

Alternative Herbal Soups: Can try Shou Wu, Bei Qi and Dang Shen with Gou Qi Zi. Can alternate Bei Qi and Dang Shen. If you brew these with meat, make sure you eat the meat too because the nutritional benefits of the herbs will be absorbed by the meat. For tonic soups, take twice a week should be enough. No need every day.
SarahMay: why must we take 13 Taibao? is it supposed to be good for the bb? Are you sure Shou Wu is ok for preggers? I dun dare to take Shou Wu... I dun take the meat. I usually drink the soup only as I expect the nutrients to hv gone into the soup...

Koras: wow, your bb is 600g? Is it cos of the durians you've been eating?!! heehee

JJPArents: Why is your hb so interested in talking to a bumch of mommies here? Why can't u be the one asking questions instead? LOL

SWELLING: Yes, I also got swollen heels and ankles. Don't think I can go for foot massage cos those areas correspond to the uterus and ovaries. Very sensitive. Do not press the area below the jutting ankle bones.

NUMBNESS: My right hand fingers are kinda numb.

wingkei: Old mattresses: I think it's better to buy new ones!!!

I love the Faraway Tree too!!! Unfortunately, I've thrown all those books away many years ago. My hb still has his matchbox cars, power rangers and transformers. Am not sure if my boy will wanna play with rusty toys next time...
hi gals - my bouts of puking is back again.. horrible haiz.. took time-off from work to come back earlier to nap.. yday evening puke once, this morn once and now i feel pukey aft dinner tho trying to ren ren ren.. later gona zzz early to forget abt puking.. tink i fated to puke till pop liao haha..

next wk is 24wks n tue going for scan.. wonder how much minnie has grown..

my right hand fingers oso feel weird weird today.. like 'sng' feeling.. trying to massage now..
13 tai bao is supposed to help 'an tai' i.e stabilise the pregnancy as well as reduce the chances of NBs developing jaundice. So only twice in the entire pregnancy is enough.

SHOU WU: Oh yes! It is definitely safe for pregers. It is supposed to be good for your hair.

MEAT IN TONIC SOUP: That was what I thought too until I checked with my TCM friend. It is the other way round - the meat absorbs the nutrients. Maybe you double check with your TCM practitioner?

FARAWAY TREE: Ooooohhh!!! One of my favourite Enid Blyton series! I just love the sticky toffee treats that explode in your mouth, the slippery slide, that pretty fairy whom I've forgotten her name and the silly saucepan man! All the places that land atop that tree too! Rber the soups that flow from taps? And the Land of Birthdays?

Flos: Your hb played with power rangers??!!! He must be really young. I thought they only came out in the last decade. Hehe. I LOVE transformers!!!

Janf: How come you are feeling nauseous again? Try small meals? Poor girl. Hope you get better soon!
flos - no ler not due to the durian.. but recently guess eat wrong food or what keep going to the toilet to laosai.
that y din gain much weight
tired...just finished packing my luggage. SarahMay: u r out of SG now?

I always thot Shou WU is to treat male infertility and baldness!!

I didnt know the meat has nutrients after being brewed fr 4 hours. When I was in Southern China and HK, or for that matter if you go to Lei Garden or Imperial Herbal Soup Restaurant in SG, it is a std practice that the waitresses remove the ingredients from the pot and place them on a separate plate for guests to see/eat if they like. They will usually give u a bowl of soy sauce to dip the meat in cos the meat would've been so bland and 'sucked' dry during the brewing process. Don't u find the meat and the chicken tasteless after a real good brew?

The true blue Cantonese dun really like to dig at the plate of meat and "herbal twigs". They merely drink up the essence, that's why I observe...

I think u might brewing your soup using a slow cooker. Therefore, the meat is like very tender and tasty after being braised for hours, i.e. like Bak Kut Teh and Lor Bak. If you use double-boiler, then ur meat is really sucked dry, trust me! Even the CK Tangs Double Boiler sales aunty told me to dispose of the ingredients and drink up the soup!
koras: 600g is ok I guess, if u r very tall, like the other lady in this thread...i bot a box of durians a few days ago at that cold storage again. it was quite good
thanks, ava. room temp water – will remember that. been gulping lots of juices and soda recently cos of the weather actually.

wingkei, if your hubby & mil are so insistent, then at least send it for mite cleaning like ava suggested? actually, i wouldn't be surprised if it crumbles to bits after the wash since it's so old. maybe then better yet, they'll have no choice but to get a new one.

janf, i hope you'll feel a lot better over the weekend!

sarahmay, it's silky!
flos, i also thought likewise – that there's nothing left in the meat after brewing since the restaurants always only serve the soup and just leave the meat and stuff on a plate (to show us they really went into the soup?). i usu only drink the soup also. wonder if we've been wasting all the goodness?
i think your mil and hb wanted to do that outta sentimental reasons...you can send it to a professonal mite cleaning co to get it cleaned...

wow you are one sentimental one. i never kept my things. but my hb did keep some of his pri badges...

faraway tree?
i still have that book. not the same one i read, but there has been somekinda resurging interest in enid blyton sometime ago and i got the whole series from popular. super cheap..

and i love those school series, st clare and malory towers, the famous five, five find-outers and secret seven etc...o yes, and silly mr twiddle!!!!dumb guy!!!!
hi hi ladies,

FARAWAY TREE: yessssssssssss!!! i remember those series too and i love them to bits. what you all mentioned brought back memories of me reading the books deep into the night and wishing i was able to partake in the children's activities. i so wanna read them again. and i still have the whoooole series. next time can pass it on to my kids!!!

when my mum boils the black chix soup for me, i also only just drink the soup... i wouldn't wanna waste any of that goodness. will lap up the meat in future!

my mum brews the soup in a dun zong in the slow cooker. the meat is super tender. but she always just lets me drink the soup and never scoop out the meat for me... next time i'll request to eat the meat too.

BB KICKS: recently, i can feel bb kicks very prominently. whenever she kicks, it brings a smile to me and i will put my hand on my tummy to feel it kick against me. it's the most wonderful feeling.

BREAST PUMPS: looks like everyone here is either for the medela or the ameda. anyone getting an avent?? i wonder if they just sell the avent motor for the IQ isis. anyone knows??
Oh wow.. Faraway Tree.. really brings back good old memories for all of us here.

I'm getting Avent electric pump.
Meie: The Tollyjoy food warmer is cheap! Will look out for it during GSS!

Ameda VS Medela:

l'l CY (lilboymum): As what was written in the article:

Suction Settings for Ameda is 8 but Medela is 2 and the Cycle Speeds for Ameda is 4 and Medela is 2. So does it mean the Ameda has more suction & speed to control?

JJParents: Yah! Very confusing! Kekeke... Create a new nick so we know who we are talking to.

I have been having cramps in the morning when I stretch my legs.. Ouch!

Just came back from BBQ!! Eat till my tummy is so full!! And some collegues guess that I am having a gal! Cos they say my nose not big...
But I am having a mickey!
speaking of MIL and the hand me downs ... mine kept the blanket that she used to wrap all her 3 kids, which means the blanky is more than 36 years old! She brought it out to wash and wrap my niece when she was born and she was so proud of her blanky. And now she's passing it on to me, cos I'm bearing her first grandson, and she wants me to keep the "tradition" going! The blanky is really really old, even though it's not torn or anything ... it looks really dated and OLD! I'll only wrap my baby with that when my MIL pops by! :-\
Hi can see this thread for comparison between Ameda and Medela. I think if my fren is not passing me the breastpump, I would most prob get Ameda...
Flos: Yes! I flew out to Macau on 15 May Thurs. You should be in Shanghai by the time you read this right? How long will you be in SH for? I think Vickie is already in SH shopping for her little Princess Charlotte already!

MEAT IN TONIC SOUP: I do the standard boiling or double boiling. The meat is ok... not too dry. BUT I do think lean pork tends to get drier than chicken. I just did a soup the long-boil method but the meat can still be quite tender leh.

Anyway about the meat absorbing the nutrients, I really dunno man. How come herbal restaurants take away the meat? Well, my friend graduated from TCM college a couple of years back and she keeps reminding me to eat the meat if I brew it with the tonic soup...maybe she has the latest info? I think i shall try asking around. However, I just eat the meat now...don't waste just in case. Also the meat supposed to provide proteins still right? Hahah.

SHOU WU: You know they say preggers will tend to lose hair after delivery right? So that is why shou wu is being taken even now to help 'bu' the hair.

L'l CY: Oh yes!!!! The boarding school series! I LUUUURVE! I just adore Carlotta - that little gypsy girl. Always thought it would be soooooo fun to join the circus. And now, that childhood dream is kinda a reality... though it is my hubby who is with the circus. hahaha. Maybe we'll get to join a touring show and my kid can be part of the circus school.

Koras: Diarrhoea? Oh dear! What did you gynae say? Anyway, I've read that it is common for preggers to either have this or constipation. Just be sure not to eat too much oily food and not to be excessive in eating food with laxative effects e.g. papayas, bananas. Hope the runs stop for you soon!

Storeberry: Yeah! I've also heard that the nose doesn't grow big if you are expecting boys. But dun think it is true cos Sunrays says that mine has definitely grown bigger....and I'm having a boy. Haha.

Shazz: It is a heirloom blanket! That is really q symbolic. How bad can the design be??? Post a pic to show us! Hehe. Anyway, I think it is really q sweet to have such a tradition.

Wingkei: Can understand your concerns. I think the issues of difference in parenting styles between you and your ILS and even parents are tricky to negotiate. Try to discuss and get on the same page with your hubby...will be easier. Are things w ur hubby getting better?
Bacon & egg: Shoe size up 1.5 sizes?!! Is that considered a lot? Have you been taking foods high in sodium content? I didn't think water retention hits us so early. Yikes! I better start drinking more water!
I'm getting the Avent Isis Uno.

You can get the food warmer from BHG now if you like.. they are having a 20% discount now.

Just keep the blanket.. I think it's really meaningful.. imagine your hubby was wrapped in it before.

Yesterday I went to Soup Spoon for lunch.. then the girl at the counter wished me Happy Mother's Day.. so cute. Then she offered to help me carry my food to the table & removed the plates from the tray to the table for me.. so sweet.
sarah - my gynae onli ask m i recovering le.
i say yes he did not ask much about it.. just normal scan to check if baby is normal.
MAGIC FARAWAY TREE: I'm a fan too!!!
The little fairy is Silky. There's a Grumpy too right? And of course Moonface.

Whenever I'm on a self-drive holiday and see big and tall trees with thick thick trunks, I'll be wondering if the Magic Faraway Tree really exists! And how nice if it really does.
Magic faraway tree is my fav book!! All of you talking about it makes me feel like digging it out and read it all over again!

thurs night had a big fight/quarrel with hubby. i guess i'm getting really paranoid and abit depression. hubby just ignored me and made me more paranoid and even more depressed. cried myself to sleep and had to take leave from work yesterday cos of swollen eyes.
luckily he got back early yesterday afternoon and cheered me up alot, and showing more concern. i think the baby can sense the mother's mood, cos when i was really unhappy, there's no movement from the baby. but yesterday was kicking me so much till night-time as my mood cheered up almost like till '200%'.
Hi Yan! Good to hear that your hubby is pampering you a lot more. I can understand your emotional swings. Have it occasionally too. Not nice. And you're right, bb can sense mummy's emotional state...so keep yourself happy!

MAGIC FARAWAY TREE: Yes! It's Silky! I rbered it last nite suddenly. Hehe. I just want some of that sticky toffee explosions now!!!!
Hey mommies,

Motherswork at Great world city is having 20% discount on their carseats. Not too sure if it's on all their carseats, but I just bought my Britax Boulevard from them for my first son to go into when he has to pass his Britax Roundabout to his lil brother later. It is $599 before discount. They have the Britax Decathalon on sale too. It is $499 before discount. Both are very well reviewed on amazon.

Britax produces very good carseats and these two are among the few available in Singapore (and the few that's from the US) that has chest clips... which is VERY important to me and count as true 5-point harness.
need to ask you about something. you know any car seats that can be used as convertible infant seats all the way to toddler-hood? and something that is narrower and takes less space.

my constraint now is that we got my boy safety first carseat sometime back. it's huge and heavy duty and we intend to let him stay in it all the way (can be converted to booster as well). now the thing is we want to just get one car seat and let it stay there for the new bb too (we have an infant car seat though). but those i saw now are all way too big. put two of them in, ill need to change to skinnier maid liaoz...

so any recommendation???

O for those who want heavy duty car seats that can take fat bbs, try safety first. i got mine from kidzloft. they have 50% of all items in the shop when your bb turns one. so nice nice time to upgrade car seats then!

haha, actually I face the same problem as you. I will be having both the britax roundabout and britax boulevard in my car and somemore my maid is on the round side one, so I've told her to start losing weight when the new carseat arrive. :p but of course, not really possible lah. I think eventually I will have to be the one to lose weight and sit in between my kids at the back while I let my maid sit in front. Worse case is change our SUV to an MPV, but of course that is most impractical as we just got the car last year.

Personally I like the Britax Roundabout. That is for sale at the first few years at paragon. That is quite narrow and less 'plump' as compared to many other carseats and yet provides the safety standard of a Britax. You can use the britax roundabout from infant to 4 years old (or 18kg). It is higher and provides the child with a good view out of the window too.
Dear all mummy,

I given birth to a baby gal on 28/04/08 and started my post Natal massage on the 30/04/08.

This massage Lady by the name of (Mdm Siti- 91460613) service was ready bad an she is a cheater too. At first when I book a 7days session at $280 with her, she was quite good initaily. She only collect a $50 in advance on the 1st day and claim that the balance amount she will collect at the end of the session. Although she is mostly late by about half hour or so, I dun ready mind because she still massage me for about 1half hour plus from the time she reach.

But things turn out sour when I extend my session to 2week!! In my 2nd week session, she collected $100 on the first day of the session. But her session only lasted for 1Hour only!! I tursted her and I given her the money on the 1st day of my 2nd session. But on the 2nd day when she suppose to come, she called me and claim that something happen in her family and she cannot come massage me for the next 2day. I thought something really happen in her family and say ok. But she just dissapper after my 1st Day of session!!

I tried to call her again but she simply did not pick up my phone call. When I tried to sms her she also never reply. Only after my few sms send to her, she than reply me that she is busy. when I tried to sms her back trying to ask her when she can come massage for me again, she just reply me that she did not recieved my sms. (If she did not recieved my sms than how come she know I sms her??). Untill now when I tried to sms her she still never reply me back. I am really very dissapointed with this massage lady. As a new mummy, everybody know that we need money a lot at this moment. And I cannot believed that this Post Natal lady just went off with the money..really very angry!!

I hope that if any mummy really need any massage lady. Pls try to avoid using this lady. She is really bad.

how old is your #1 and how heavy? I also need to look for a safe yet "narrow" carseat for my #1 as I intend to pass his current Britax Royale over to his didi.

I saw this carseat brochure from TMC that says from 9kg onwards, actually we can get highback booster seat with harness. The booster seat neesd to come with harness as they are still too young to use the normal car seatbelt. Heard from my colleagues that booster seats are less bulky. Anyone has comment?
<font color="119911">l'l CY (lilboymum) - We also got a britax for our baby. This the britax Meridian AHR in midnite grey....suitable for newborn till about 4+. I highly recommend this model as well

Meanwhile, our baby cot was delivered today! After looking high &amp; low, we finally settled for a simple brown one - see: http://bigfattoes.multiply.com/photos/album/117
and http://www.smallfattoes.blogspot.com/</font>
i cant rem leh. their stocks change quite often so am not sure if they have britax.

but how much is britax roundabout?

eh better not. read from the American something road safety or what association you only put kid from rear facing to front facing seat when the child turns 9kg... booster seat i rem the loosest regulation (from singapore) states after they reached 13kg or something...
bigtoes: your baby's room is so nicely done up! love the set-up of the mozzie net and the mobile on the baby cot! So cozy to sleep! hehe
i think maxi cosi car seats are slightly less bulky than britax. not sure if others agree. but i do not think they have one that goes from infant to todd.
Hi Lok,

My no. 1 is 13kg. Personally I do not recommended the use of high back booster using the carseat belts until they are much much older. One of my friends who son is also around my son's age got 1 high back booster but she said her son was not ready for that yet as he will lunged forward when she jammed her brakes and went back to return it to baby kingdom.

l'l CY (lilboymum),

The Britax roundabout is selling at The First Few years at paragon for $399. Like the Britax Boulevard and Britax Decathalon, it is one of the few US Britax models in Singapore with a chest clip. I cannot stress enough the importance of the chest clip (if you read the US forums for mommies, they are v concern that their carseats have chest clips too). Cos when they get older and if the seat has no chest clip, the will wriggle their way out of the strap (like what one of my friends' son did) and in the end, only the straps around their thigh is securing him.

Most Maxi cosi seats don't have the chest clips too.

This is the Britax Roundabout. Note the chest clip.


And this is the Britax Boulevard. With chest clip to secure your child up to 30kg.

Lovely cot &amp; bedding!

There's a 50% sale on Gap Baby clothes at lsetan Scotts Event Hall.. l bought more clothes!
Oh yes.. wanna complain about something..

My tai tai Mil just came back from holiday &amp; she bought my son a Baby Dior bodysuit with matching milk bottle &amp; pacifier &amp; a Burberry romper!! i personally don't think babies &amp; young children should wear luxury high fashion, it's not practical as baby grows out of clothes fast, plus i feel it's not nice babies wear clothes that are so 'loud'. She even planned to wear matching Burberry outfit with my baby during CNY.. *faint* Really irritating, seems like she forgot i am the mother.

And everytime she sees me, she'll go 'Why your stomach so small?'... she got nothing better to say to me.
Took some pictures from my shopping trip today.

Clothes from Gap sale

Baby Gund Noah's Ark toy

Baby Gund Police Car toy
eih, this looks as big as my safety first leh. yes, mine also has chest clips. never thought muhc about those clips and got it coz my son is small and wanted something very very secure.

not actually the size that concerns me, just the width...haiz..looks like i have to find a skinnier maid liaoz....

Thanks. You are right. At one stage, my son is one of those who will wriggle out of the straps, so the length of straps must be just nice and I am the "chest clip" i.e. I hold the 2 straps together. After a while, he got the idea and stopped his nonsense (though once in a while, he flares again).

Out of curiosity, since u like the Britax Roundabout, why not get a 2nd one for #2 or is the Britax Boulevard and Decathalon have special features?

Do u know if Britax sells chest clips separately? Wondering if I can retrofit that onto the Royale?

Mummies: Fox is having sale on bb clothes too. 50% but with min 2 pieces. If you pay by Amex card, you'll get additional 15%. Very worth it. I bot 2 little shirts for bb.
bb girls clothes has a wider selection as usual.
