(2008/09) Sep 2008

Me too, Storeberry! I am getting the steriliser during GSS.. I dun need the food warmer cos my colleague giving me hers. if just buy the food warmer, it is abt 50plus to 60..

Just went for my detail scan, gynae said my baby's head &amp; stomach was slighty bigger. And he's quite tall too. Plus slighty over weight, im 21 weeks now baby's weight ard 425g. Omg. But my gynae told me not to eat lesser yet as im underweight to begin with, but im afraid baby will put on more weight.. >_< Wondering will my baby's size be back to average in a few months time?
LC/storeberry: me too. I will wait till GSS to get certain items. I'm a last minute shopper

blue roses: I suppose the bb's weight/height will change when he is older right? I was pretty heavy (7 pounds) at birth but ended up pencil-thin during my childhood. It's the 先天后天 thingie lor. Dun worry too much...
any mommies wearing maternity belt? I am thinking of buying one to support the growing tummy...feels tired if walk too long after one day of work. Anyone knows where to get it?
Baby binder
For wrapping baby's tummy...supposed to prevent colic...I think?

Only if you are as big as me...LOL.

I didn't need one with my first and i was walking around till i popped, he was pretty heavy too...

Can find them at Mothercare (quite flimsy tho) and KiddyPalace type places. around $30+
Baby binder is a flat piece of cloth with velcro fastening that you wrap around baby's tummy... like what Ava mentiobed, supposed to prevent 'wind' from entering baby's tum.
<font color="119911">Ava (avalyn) - are u quite alot bigger now that u are carrying twins? I think my belly size has sort of plateaued the last couple of weeks...been taking weekly photos to monitor &amp; it seems to have stagnated! Even my mum saw my last evening (after not meeting for 1 month cos she was overseas), &amp; asked how come my belly is still quite small! Am wondering how is it possible to balloon by so much within the next 3 months till delivery....argh...</font>
Hey Bigtoes
I am humungous now...my belly button already stretched to max (it feels)...you may not grow very much...depends from person to person...just as long as baby's size is OK and this will be monitored at every visit. my new FB profile pic is a recent bump pic...
oh, i just checked out ur photo on facebook. Your belly is indeed bigger (but very compact ya)
Don't think my belly has grown alot, but somehow, my belly button is slowly disappearing - its just a small little circle now
Somehow i am most bothered abt that than anything else &amp; hubby finds that amusing! haha
Heee....Yes, I am bothered about my belly button too....cos it feels really weird, esp after a meal or when one head /arm/leg is pushing out against it....sigh...
Shazz, thanks for organising the spree =)

Went Isetan Sales this morning too, so many people ...

sasa de mouse: , I wanted to buy the Pigeon steriliser too, but it comes with Pigeons bottles that I don't want, because want to go for BPA free bottles. Bought the Bfree bottles there.

Mrs Yap: I bought the gerber hankie from the BP, I don't know if it considered soft, my mum say the quality is quite good and baby normally use this kind.

Ava, Mei: Is belly button binder same as baby binder? Bought 2 just now, states for newborn.
JJparents, baby bump size varies.. you will be surprised as the baby bump will have an exponetial growth after 24th weeks or so.. maybe your wife is of petite size so bump is smaller.. so long baby growth is normal, the bump size dun really matter.
as my wife said : " No leh, i not petite 1..."

how ar.. haha...all the aunties sae she very good in keeping her tummy...

nobody give up their seats for her...so sad..
hi jjparents,

my tummy is huge at 23 + weeks and ive put on 5kg. so depressing. somemore my hubby quite small size 5 more kg and i will weigh the same as him ! your wife's lucky she can still wear her old clothes
Sa sa: Haha.. Yah sometimes really get lost with all the posts! My fren is going to buy me the steriliser as a gift so most prob wait till GSS then ask him go &amp; buy.

Ameda vs Medela Breast Pumps: I haven't got time to do the research but Ameda is really cheaper than Medela PIS about half the price! Will let you know once I research it! By the way what did your fren say about Ameda pump?

My tummy still not very big, now in my 23 weeks. My friend who saw me commented I didn't grow much &amp; she says its good! Cos will not have stretchmarks! Haha... I am praying for no stretchmarks!
hi ladies,
went to isetan sales this morning and there were really a lot of pple. before i started shopping, hb and i were commenting abt the pple who left isetan holding bags and bags of loot. so i said 'got so many things to buy meh?'... dear me! i should never have spoken so early. i left a good one thousand dollars poorer!!!!!!!! bought quite a lot of stuff.

i also bought a maxi cosi cabrio fix infant care seat for $286. they didn't have stock so we ordered and it'll be delivered to us next week. bought a new design and colour - chili pepper. hehehe.

shopped really happily though i came out poorer.

hi jjparents,
this is your first pregnancy? perhaps for first preg tummy not so obvious yet. it does seem a little on the small side but do not worry. bb will definitely grow. is bb actively kicking you?

i'm also anxiously waiting for my detailed scan. mine is later than yours tho. it'll be on the 28 May.

i agree with you that for during scans, drs can't be absolutely sure that we are expecting girls. that's why when i gave birth to nat previously, the first qn i posed to hb after i woke was 'is it really a girl?' only after confirmation then i went back to my slumber... heheheheh. so for this one.. i'm keeping fingers crossed too. in any case, if this is a girl, i'm naming her Cadence Faith Goh. hb doesn't like the name, but i've already gone on to get jared and nat to call mei mei that. hehehehehe. xian zhan hou zou.
alabone ,
my friend always reserved her wanted items 2 days before IPS with the sales girl, then on the actual day , she just go in and pay .. cos too much q gg along and the fitting and changing room always full .. keke .. she is smart one ...
<font color="119911">alabone (alabone) - wow, what did u get from the Isetan sale? All baby stuff, or shopping for urself

JJParents (jjparents) - ur wife's tummy is indeed very small for a 5 mth preggy woman! Here was how mine looked last Friday (even then, people are saying it is small for 22 weeks+)
Blue roses: Huh? aT 425G, your bb is considered overweight? Then mine at 443g is for sure overweight la? Haha. My gynae didn't comment anything about my bb's weight last week when my DS report came. I was 21w1d then. Someone here has a bb that weights 600g at 21w5d! So really, don't worry.

WEIGHT GAIN DURING PREGNANCY: I think as long as doc says we are doing ok, we shdn't worry about weight gain. Now, we just need to ensure whatever we eat is of good nutritional value for the baby.

Preggie: only 5 kg since pre-preg. You're doing alright! So pls don't say you are depressed over this! You must remember you are not putting on pure fat - there is the weight of the bb, amniotic fluid, placenta, increased blood value etc to consider.

BIRDS' NEST: SAw this article that was posted on this forum. Has been circulating for several years I think. HOwever, regardless of bleaching processes, TCM practitioners I know tell me it has almost zilch nutritional value. I posted on this before. So I think this is one 'scam' that has been in existence for so long that ppl take for granted its benefits. I am sticking to other chinese herbs and lots of fruits and veggies to help my bb develop good skin. Hehe.

CORDYCEPS &amp; OTHER CHINESE HERBS: There are several other herbs we shd be careful off when we purchase them. There are different kinds of cordyceps and one is more pricey than the other. You can check out Eu Yan Sang's website for more info on how to spot imitations http://www.euyansang.com/index.php?option=com_content&amp;task=view&amp;id=217
Some sellers even mix biscuit lookalikes into the cordycep bundles they are selling.
So buy from a reputable and reliable seller.

Pao Shen is another one where TCM scammers try to cheat - they mix yang shen that is dyed into the pao shen mix. So be careful too.

JJ Parents: If the gynae and scans show a well-developing bb, there isn't any need to worry about the tummy size at all. For all you know, she may start 'blooming' really quickly later on.
My friend was about the same size at 5 months, so much so she didnt even need to tell her boss she was expecting till that time...and she just gave birth to a 3.7kg baby boy on Monday!!
wah.. although my tummy is small, i cant fit into alot of my clothes..
at 1st was my pants.. 1 day i realise i suddenly cant fit into any..
den now my tops slowly getting tighter..
i look more fat den pregnant....
hi bigtoes,
didn't shop for anything for myself. coz now pregnant. no clothes i wanna get for myself. and anyway, during normal pte sales, i also rarely get things for myself. mostly get for kids. yesterday i got several big items. got a maxi cosi cabrio fix infant car seat for $286, the avent IQ steriliser for $180, a tiger grill and steamboat pan for $119, some fisher price toy for $84, tiger food jar and bottle for $50, osh kosh clothings for the kids (more than 50% off), several thomas and friends die cast engines, and some other thomas and friends towels, bedsheets. pigeon bottle cleaner @ 2 for $17.50 (i bought 6 packs). can't remember what else. so cost us about 1k.

same. i also used to do that. would go and try clothes first then make reservations. on actual sale day just go there to pay. else on actual day, can NEVER expect to try on any clothes.
i think your preg bump is ok lah. not small or big. i don't know why there are a lot of pple who like to comment and say 'oh, you are too small' or 'wah! so big ah'. those comments. preg bump varies from pple to pple and sometimes, for second/third preg, it can be bigger or not coz of the previous pregnancy. ignore those pple ok?
JJparents: Don't worry about have a small tum-tum!! Other mummies will ency you cos you will lose weight faster! Haha...

Ava: Wow, 3.7kg is heavy!!!

Alabone: I always faced this!! Cos another fren is also preggy (now 8mths &amp; hers is big so people are also comparing &amp; commenting. Even though I am fine with it but sometimes its abit oo much...
Heh...well, she and her hubby are both tall and both are also half-ang moh... but dont even need to be half-angmoh to have heavy baby...my first was 3.64!! and i'm short.

Count your blessings...you'll have less time feeling like you swallowed a watermelon whole!
HI I search on the web and http://www.breastpumpsdirect.com and Ameda &amp; Medela so I did a compasrison via the web. I think one impt thing about Ameda is the closed system pumping so that milk will not flow back resulting in contamination? Any other mummies can comment on the two pumps?

ahh.. there was a isetan sales ah.. sop sop.. i member also dun know.. must have not check my mail for too long.. hmm.. no leh.. must be under my hubby name one.. so never go and see.. :p

private sales was yesterday only rite.. now fri should be no more already.. sign.. i usually will go for IPS one..:p

Think like wat the other mummies say.. first pregnancy usually slower one.. than on the last trimester.. your wife will tummy will grow so fast.. kekek..
medela vs ameda
i used both ameda and medela (Cant rem what, but not PIS)before. both quite good, and i can say they are comparable in terms of pumping, but i think i posted before, the PIS has more pumping functions..eg let down...the ameda only has a few..speed and strength...

of course the reason why i bought ameda was coz of the flow back and possible contamination..dunno why i did that coz i dun even intend to give it away yet...o yes, ameda has the most silent pumping compared to medela...that is for sure. medela can be really loud. but if you dun mind the sound, medela is good then. (coz i used to work in school and the pumping place is where a lot of students and staff loiter outside...)

and of course, medela looks way way better than ameda!and the valve lasts longer. ameda, you have to change the valve quite often...
SarahMay - I suppose those Cordyceps from EU Yan Seng is ok right for consumption? I went to them yesterday and was shocked to know that not all preggies can take pao sheng one..
Eu Yan Sang should be reputable. they have very stringent criteria for their herbs from farming all the way to packagin and bottling.
Ava - Thanks. I bot some cordyceps yesterday.. will cook it in the manner thst Flos suggested. Do you know where I can get a decent double boiler and which brand is ok? I went BHG but they dun sell, they only have slow cooker..
Try Tangs basement. Not sure about the brands.

or you can just buy a cheap double boiling pot (the white and blue porcelain type from chinese sundry shops) and use that to double boil by placing it with some water around it, in a regular pot.
Glad it's Friday, long weekend yippee!

Good buys from Isetan!

On baby bump
People have different comments on our bump.. some people comment my bump is small while some exclaim that my bump is huge.. I feel a lot depends on the type of clothes we are wearing too. Some clothes emphasize the bump. I just smile when those people pass comments.
Yet another hot weather today...my back and legs are BRRRRRREEEEAKING, after acting as MC the whole morning at the auditorium...stood for 4 hours...Gosh, Clarins tired legs emulsion, I need ya!! I need a foot massage NOW! I wish they'd get another MC at the next session in Jul.

LC: Oh, my mom got me Sona double boiler. Just go to CK Tang basement. They've got many brands to pick.

My mom also bot me the Lucky Brand slow cooker for other types of soup.

JJParents: hmm, yes it's smaller than mine, at least. I haven't taken a shot of my bump before. I'll try to ask hb to take for me in SH.
For those who don't wish to spend too much on a food &amp; milk warmer can consider getting the one from Tollijoy. It only costs $27 after the 20% discount.
Hi Alabone, yes this is my first pregnancy.. i oso heard pple saying first time preggie tend to be smaller de...

Flos - i wanna see how big is ur tummy... haha...

I eat alot leh, bt i still duno why.. all my fats end up at my legs, hands etc.. =)

I know how it's like.. just last month I stood for 8 hours straight, only with a 30 min lunch break in-between when I was doing my makeup portfolio. When I got home, my feet swelled like pig trotters &amp; they ached like crazy. The next day, I went Kenko for a foot massage, it was terrible.
