(2008/09) Sep 2008

Mei: The Gund toys are so cute! Hey, don't buy too many yet. Cos stuff toys trap dust easily and actually they're not recommended for NB babies cos the dust have interfere with their breathing.

Heheh.. i know too early to buy, but so cute, cannot resist! Guess i'll keep until baby is bigger & wash them before giving to baby.
Mei: I know exactly what you mean. It's so hard to resist. I've started buying thomas train sets for the bb! He will only be able to play them I guess at 2 plus?? Hahahah..
hi rxmom,
didn't know anything about chest clips until now. i've not seen a maxi cosi with the chest clips like you mentioned but so far, both kids sit in it and have not tried to wriggle their way out. i hope this remains so... now i wonder if i can just get chest clips as an accessory. perhaps i can like just tie rubber bands?? hehehehe.

The story book: The enchanted wood brought back such memories that i actually went to take it out to read. then from the back of the book, i see these titles that brought back lots of fond memories too. like: the adventures of the wishing chair, mr meddle's muddles, the children of the cherry tree farm etc. and i now after reading, i remember mr saucepan. the one with lots of saucepan hanging all over him and always hearing the wrong things!

wow. your mil is really atas. never mind lah. since you won't have to pay for it, just let bb wear lor. those are nice items you got. how cheap were they??

i like fox babies! when's the sale till??
i hardly think there are any car seats that are any smaller in size than what rxmom showed. maxi cosi is abt that as well. looks like you really have to get your maid to slim down or change to skinnier one. but your current one really not that fat leh. today my maid sat in between two car seats too. can fit in. just that she can't really lean back. but can put her arms on the kids' chair and use that as her armrest. she said it was comfy enough.
hi Elaine Tan,
Could not PM you so I have to check with you through this thread. This post-natal massage lady by the name of Siti, how did you get to know her? Cos I was just wondering if this Siti is the same person who left her namecard at Dr Heng's clinic in Bedok. I happen to be a patient of Dr Heng.

Thanks in advance.
Alabone: Not sure when the sale is until. I was there on Fri, and the SA said they'll bring in nbew items throughout the sale. Go check it out.
haiz...i guess so...coz i saw one from graco that is super wide, so i thought that might be one that is slimmer than ordinary..keeeekkeekeke..

but youe wish is wider than our axio leh...
Hi Mickey: I also like FOX clothes!! The sale is at all branches? Gosh! I gotta to stop shopping!

l'l CY (lilboymum): Think you missed my post.

"As what was written in the article:

Suction Settings for Ameda is 8 but Medela is 2 and the Cycle Speeds for Ameda is 4 and Medela is 2. So does it mean the Ameda has more suction & speed to control?"

Think the FOx sale is at all branches too.. I am tempted to buy the baby clothes too, baby ger one got a lot nicer cuter ones than boi.. but hubby said better wait for our 24th week scan, by end of the month, to just confirm the gender of baby again. I guess he got a bit affected abt princess become prince on the 20th week DS..

i haven bot a lot of things, collecting hand-down stuff like breast pump, breast pad (unused of course), etc.. but I ended up buying the pigeon steriliser, milk container, powder container yesterday at 20% off to balance out myself a bit.. ho ho ho.. wanted to buy the pigeon nail clipper but out of stock..

Anyone has any idea where i can buy the pigeon liner for their clothes diaper? Went BHG, andd only see the cloth diapers but not the liner.. oh ya, if you are getting pigeon wet tissue, go NTUC, it is cheaper for the 3 pax ones..
The Gap stuff were all going at 50% off.

Pigeon nappy liners are available at most dept stores.. got mine from Robinsons.

Ok, here's a pic of my bump taken today.

Nope, in fact i am taking food that are not favoured most of the time cos my MIL has slight diabetic..hence her cooking r usually bland. I think my shoe size expanded due to the water retention i am having plus i usually wear close toed shoes.

what ava explained is correct. You need to drink more water when you get water retention to help reduce the puffiness. For me, it is swollen and the joints get numb and sometimes painful in the morning. U just have to exercise your fingers to feel better.

yr bb's room looks great
v nice. I have yet to get the cot i want..still deciding..but most likely a white cot to go with the deco.

If not wrong should be between 20th week to 26th week.. my colleague did hers on the 26th week though.. have you done ours?

Bigtoes - can i have a peep in to your baby room?
Thanks, Mei for advising where to find the liners. May I know if one pack of pigeon cloth diapers is enuf?/ think there are 10 in one pack..I am thinkin gof using it for the first mth when the CL is here abd maybe coupled with some disposable ones.. and, your baby bump is quite big.. how many mths are you into now? I wan to take a photo of mmy baby bump too but keep forgetting..

I have been eating a lot over weekend, uncontrollably.. like sunday, I had ah mei toasted bread with kaya and butter (4 slices), then followed by lunch with pork chop rice and a rice dumpling, then less than half a hour, I was eating durian pancake (1 and 1/2 pieces), then red bean pancake after 1 hour, then dinner, eat duck rice and fried carrot cake and fruits!!!! I am shocked with the amount of food intake I had yesterday, even my hubby was shaking his head..
think i forgot to post this...hahha..

the ameda model you posted is not the lactaline that im using...so im not sure. i rem many mothers commented that the PIS has many different suction types (not only power/strength). i didnt use the PIS so not very sure. but for Ameda lactaline, you have different strength and speed. i always have the impression that the PIS offers more?
Big toes: Your nursery is indeed looking pretty. But just a questions : you've set up the cot so early. How are you going to ensure it is relatively dust free when bb comes in sept?
hi LC,

thanks. i did mine but have been going back to the hospital couple of times pending spine scan..was told need to complete before 24 (?) weeks. just wonder if anyone has the same experience.

it is good to be able to eat alot..my husband is constantly worried that i do not eat enough.
Hi l'lCY,
wish is perhaps one a little wider than the axio. with us needing a third car seat now, we are gg to upgrade to a bigger car. so these few days, we've been car shopping. i think we are gg to confirm tomorrow.

wah. 50% very worth it leh!!! i like the dresses there for girls.

Nursery: I so wish i can do up a proper nursery... but mil STILL occupying my other room! can't wait for her to goooooooooooooooo!!!! I'm EVIL!!!!!!
i also bought the 10-pack.. i think maybe it won't be enough as newborns poo a lot.

i'm at my 23 weeks now. i also find my bump ok for my stage but my mil always ask me why my tummy so small when she sees me.. irritating!

i was shopping just now.. then i passed by the Osim counter.. the salesgirl approached me & asked me if i wanted to try the U-zap.. she must be crazy!
Mei - That OSIM salegirl might be trying her luck.. if not, she really blur !! I might get two packer of the cloth diapers then..

I can understand how you feel when your MIL asked why tummy so small.. My MIL though din say it to me but think she mentioned to her neighbours cos the neighbours when saw me would comment " where got small? your MIL said not big.. " sianz.. I dread going back to her place at times..next time, she will take care of baby.. i cannot imagine how I will take it.. have to go back to her place to fetch baby everyday and need to stay for dinner too.. and she will definately ask us to eat and eat and eat cos she is not those wasteful type. I hate it mann.. can't eat liao, how to force down, right? got one time, it really peeved me off that I told her I can't eat anymore and it is me who suffer thereafter cos will puke out.. she jsut give me that look... sighz..
Hi Ladies!!
I haf been MIA for one whole week cos' was bogged down with exhibition @ suntec.
I have been inhaling 'thinner' cos of booth setup lah and my ears were bombarded with those hammering and banging sound due to setup on last Monday. Diaoz.. i hope my bb will not be 'twisted' from the trauma last week :S

Haf been reading the posts silently for the whole of last week at night. Bigtoes, can i check how much are u getting tat Combi Magic Turn huh? I went to Bb Kingdom and they are offering at ard $473 something liddat. Wat's urs?

Abt bb bump, mine is oso small loh. I bumped onto one of my customer last week at the exhibition. She is oso preggy and oso at the same term as me lo. And her tummy is HUGE lo whereas mine is like.. EHEM. MOreover, both of us are first-time mama lo.

My colleagues are also comparing it lo.. bt they did not make it like beri sacastic liddat. I just find comfort tat my mama when preggy oso small tummy lo.

Btw, anyone out there getting playpen bassinet huh? I saw one at kiddypalace and wonder how 'sturdy' it can be for a perhaps 1 year old bb to be lying inside wor..

Anyone finalize bb chinese names liao mah? We haf been flipping those chinese names books and was informed that for bb born in rat, it is best to haf character sides like 'RICE' (MI) and GRASS (CHAO) etc etc.. cos rat likes to eat rice tat kinda of logic.. diaoz leh.. anyone following tat reasoning?
Hi Goldfish, Mei & LC, ours tum-tum not so big so next time when we slim down its easier lo... One of my collegues working ont he same office don't even know I am preggy! So not obvious meh? Kekek...

Yah I am having trouble with Chinese name also! Anyone knows of any wensite to look for Chinese name?
chinese name
tough to find a channel in the website to help with chinese names search. Best bet is still to go to bookstore

bb bump
many ppl thot i am expecting a girl cos my bump looks really flat out, all-round. Not sure if it is small or big..no one has yet to comment but i dont really care.

i am eating alot too..like a eating machine..i think my MIL is secretly v happy with my eating habits but i am trying to control a bit..already feel like a giant standing next to my hubby

milk & food warmer
got the pigeon brand at isetan (one of the mommies's recommendation). was expecting to find a huge container, however it turn out to be a small container, plastic-looking...i hope i got the right one?
it cost $60 with 20% disc.

gap sale @ isetan & fox sale
anyone went? i managed to grab some good bargains

Just thinking...anyone interested in a gathering?
<font color="119911">bacon&amp;egg (baconegg) - how long is the Kiddy Palace sale lasting? Maybe i should be stocking up on the smaller items like milk bottles etc already...realised that we haven't gotten most items, other than the big ones! So much more to buy!!
Mei (meie) - think ur bump is about the same size as mine...Going to my gyne for the monthly appnt this evening
Hubby is guessing that Kieran is not 650gm, i am thinking closer to 550gm - will see who is more accurate!

Goldfish (goldfish1395) - We got the combi pram from Cheong Choon for $470 (list price is $498).

LC (faintz) - photos of the cot: www.bigfattoes.multiply.com (click on the photo link)

SarahMay - actually, we cleared the cot already. Kept the bedding back in its packaging, so only the empty cot is left standing....like u said, too early to set it up to collect dust (was just excited &amp; wanted to see how the finished cot looked like!)</font>
i think it is still ongoing. the last time i went was last sunday. if you are buying b-free bottles, it is not having any disc. Isetan however is giving 15% disc
<font color="119911">bacon&amp;egg (baconegg) - okie, thanks for letting me know. Wanted to get the Medela ones but no point if no sale on these.

Actually, my hubby thinks we should just get the bigger bottles from the onset rather than the 4oz ones since these last a couple of months only.
He thinks we can just go ahead &amp; get the larger Pigeon PES BHA-free bottles from Isetan etc &amp; feed 1/2 a bottle each session..and not get the small bottles at all. Mommies - what do u think?</font>
Chinese Names

Yes, have thought of a name for my no 2. Think no.2 is easier, cos will normally use the same first chinese character. My firstborn is called 锐翔, had wanted to called my no. 2 锐洋 (one is soaring in the air, and one is sea), but cos they sounded quite similar, second one will be called 锐恒 instead.

I did not look at the bi hua, etc. Just meaning of the words.
I read somewhere that bigger bottles half-filled while feeding may contribute to colic problems because of air trapped in the empty space. Maybe just get 2 small ones?
There is a booster with 5-point harness by Inglesina i saw for 9kg - 35kg. Should be OK I guess.

Anyone here who had slightly preemie baby first time round or under 2.5-3kg baby? I want to know if i should get a convertible (like the Britax/safe n sound) or a capsule then upgrade later...cos the baby kingdom guy said should not use convertible for less than 3kg...then next day when we went back, he said even capsule cannot use for under 3kg...so i said then how do i strap the baby? he said: I dunno lor....*so irritating*

I think u bought the smaller one for 2 bottles is it? The one I'm referring to is the 6 bottle one (quite big, think it's bigger than Avent). Usually at $100+ before discount.

Chinese Name:
For #1, we waited until he's born and counted the strokes to give him a "headstart" in life. Probably do the same will do the same for #2.


I saw on the Britax USA website that they do sell the chestclip separately (US$3). Maybe I go check out with Motherswork whether can retrofit Royale.

Bump size:
Actually I had a very compact bump for #1 and #2 is probably the same. Much prefer a small bump, so long as bb is of a good size (at least 2.5kg). Small tummy = easier to trim my toenails, easier to move around, easier to slim down, less discomfort in 3rd trimester (I don't see any downside at all).

ignore my msg abt the Pigeon Sterilizer. Just realised u were talking abt the warmer.


Thanks. Think I much prefer Britax brand.
I got a few stuff from the Kiddy Palace yesterday. Even bot a medela nipple cream for sore nipples at 20% discount though unsure whether will I get to use it or nt oso lo :p

Talking abt bottle warmer, I got one from NUK and it looks abit ‘fakey’ leh. Not tat glam leh. Shld haf got a pigeon version. Looks nicer oso wor

I think there is a motherhood fair at expo in early june if I am nto wrong wor. Any idea what will be selling there huh?

Bigtoes, thanks for the pricing! Does Cheong Choon sells playpen as well mah?
My hubby and MIL would never agree to send it to a mite cleaning co to have the mattress cleaned. One of the reasons for using that mattress is to save money from buying a new one, so why would they want to spend money to have it cleaned? My MIL already said that she can wash it and sun it and it can be used again.
My friend told me that the Medela purelan nipple cream is very good.

I also intend to get a playpen cum bassinet to put at my mum's place. I should be buying Graco one.
<font color="0000ff">Chinese Names
hehe... i have entrusted this task to my FIL.. since my in-laws are so well-verse in Chinese. In fact, he has just told me that for my bb's generation, their common name would be 家. haha.. to follow the phrase 国家栋梁. hb's middle name is 国wor.. so looks like for the nxt 3 generations, their common names have been tot of..

Nappy / Cloth Diapers
Where to find cheap and reasonable ones?? think buying from departmental stores like Isetan and Robinsons should be quite ex rite...

Pigeon bottle warmer
oh yes... it looks so small.. was expecting something bigger oso... haven read the instructions. but it looks plasticky oso leh..

oh no... i haven got down to buying all the necessities yet.. haha. still taking my own sweet time.. till i realise my frens are starting to pop 1 by 1.. n we are onli left with abt 3-4 mths...</font>
You should google pictures of skin rashes etc that can happen when sleeping on an old mattress and show them. if they wont do it, bring it for cleaning yourself please. My MIL also let my son sleep on an old old mattress when we go visit her in penang. he had rashes the whole trip and was very difficult to handle...at the age of 3 years mind you, not a newborn!

I don't see any reason why capsules cannot be used for under 3kg. They use that in the US, even for preemies. I actually used a capsule until my son is around 7 months old, when he outgrow the height, then i put him in Britax roundabout rear facing and change to forward facing once he's 1 year old and 20lbs. The convenience with a capsule is that I won't disturb his sleep if I transfer him from the car to the stroller (i can clip on the capsule to my stroller).
Think Bigtoes got a Britax. I bought my Maxi Cosi Cabriofix from Baby Avenue at Balestier for $289, after 25% discount.

You should start buying now, especially with all the ongoing sales now. We're all reaching our 3rd trimester very soon, &amp; before we know it, baby is out.
sasa: Agree with Mei. You can start the buying with the sales on now. Some items are must-buys anyway. So better to get them while we have still have time, and when the sale is on.

I bought Medela nipple cream but hardly have to use it.

Anyway, for mummies' info, the PIS Adv pump (not sure abt other Medela models) came with a small tube of Purelan cream which the mummies can sample before buying.
Yeah lah...stupid guy. Service at both Baby's Kingdom and Hyperstore has dropped man...but at least the Hyperstore people are slightly better, just come across as quite tired/busy that's all. Went on Sun and yesterday to look for baby seats...we ended up buying a booster for Adan instead!!!
Anyone can enlighten me how to go to Cheong Choon huh?
Issit near the People’s Park Complex? Tried to find it at streetdirectory.com and realized that due to legal issues, they are not able to show maps liao. Aiyoh..how annoying it can be.

Mei, I saw GRACO playpen cum bassinet. It looks very CHIO leh.. bt the pricing oso abit steep. Ard $300++. Where do u intend to get it?

I am still undecided oso whether to get a medela pump or ameda wor.. haiz.
The Graco one I saw at Isetan is selling at $199, pale green with animal prints. Have not gotten round to shopping for this item yet as it'll be placed at my mum's house when I send my child there for day care. I will start shopping for it after baby is born &amp; I can bring him to go try it out before we buy it.

Hi there...
Haven log in for a few days already
I was bleeding at 21 weeks... notice red blood when i wipe on sun... until now i am still spotting brown. Due to vesak day holiday, clinic is closed, so i will be going to see gynae today. Hopefully everything is fine. I dun have low placenta so i dun understand why i bleed. Anyone having same problem?
