(2008/09) Sep 2008

i remember reading about someone asking about bean sprout pillow previously. i had just ordered one from a BP here.


any mummies interested, can go take a look.
morning mummies ,
I had a dream yesterday .. haha ... that i am driving to school to work in the morning and feel contrations coming .. hubby not in sin yet .. so i just drive myself to the hospital and check in myself for the delivery .. haha .. so brave ... and in the labour ward i forget about the stem cord thingy and sis not managed to resue my son's cord blood ... keke .. should call them today ..
Thnk i get this dream cos yesterday i remembered thinking of the day when i check in hospitalt o delievr zac .. i was in school and there was a "show" and no contrations yet .. so i just drive down to hospital to check myself n doc says i am 2 cm dilated .. hubby rush down from home to hospital that time cos the first bb .. kan cheong .. we went back home to wait for contrations and we waited like till the next day 1 am then contrations started .. keke ..
i love cordycep and paoshen in my soups and used to make them once a week for myself. Now that i am staying with in-laws, feel paiseh to use their kitchen. MIL told me not to buy and that she will brew for me..so far only once a mth. So gotta wait till end june to brew for myself again. Is it too late to bu on our 6th months onwards?
Hey, I'm the same as you.. I don't feel comfortable using the kitchen at my in-laws' place. Although I love cooking a lot, but I stopped when I moved over to my in-laws' place. Don't worry, it's not too late to 'bu'.. for me, I don't take any cordyceps & paosheng at all.. only take bird's nest daily.
Bacon, Mei: You can double boil the cordycep and pao sheng soup also in the zi sha pot. So no need to really be in the kitchen too long.

Actually, I'm opp from both of you. Although we don't stay together, my MIL is the one who prepares the soups for me and hubby. When we go for dinner at my IL place, my hubby will call and ask them to prepare the soup I want to take eg: black or white kampong chicken or pork etc.

I think the relationship is harmonius and amiable because we don't stay together.
thx for the link...ordered two pillows...

For first few days, baby latches and doesnt need anything else. if your baby is small or not doing that well (touch wood), they may cup feed a small amt of formula, but they will continue to let him/her latch to stimulate milk production. This is why it's quite important that baby is larger at birth - more food stores to tap on... that's why, you cannot stinge on food while preggie ladies!!!

Dunno why find you familiar leh...you on MSN too? add me lah. [email protected] (I don't use this to check emails, only for MSN)
mickey n mei,
my MIL is a nice lady..she cooks soups for me daily..those normal soups. So i feel paiseh to ask her to cook birdnest for me..afterall it is expensive and she told her not to buy birdnest cos she bought already..so if i go out and buy and cook myself in her kitchen..might upset her...so i just stay put
Thinking to get Lo Hong Kar's bottled birdnest to eat instead..at least for now.

mickey, agree with u, i feel better not staying with in-laws..
Bacon: My hubby buys the stuff - cordyceps, birds' nest, pao sheng etc. Hubby's a very filial son, will buy for them too. Then when we go back for dinner, MIL will do the marketing and prepare the soup for us. This way, I don't feel paiseh.
I agree with you totally, relationship will be much better when we are staying apart. My MIL doesn't brew any tonics for me at all.. in fact, she goes out all the time & is hardly home. My SIL is also preggy, but I'm not sure if she brews any tonics for her though.

Thanks for sharing the link, designs are lovely.. I ordered already.

I am taking the concentrated bird's nest daily from Eu Yan Sang.
Hi Morning evreyone.
just went for my detail scan yesterday.
As i was with KKH, the one who help me to scan doesn't seem to be very experience, so when we ask the gender, she just scan and say it a gal. she didn't even tell me the length, weight and how old is the bb. When we ask how confirm is it, she can't say is 100% but highly is a girl.
So I having a Minnie.
I will be having another scan on july, so maybe will confirm again at that scan.
haiyo... v unfortunate that u got an inexperienced sonographer... But probably she didnt tell u but she got record the details into a report. I think they are all required to do so. Guess u have to wait for the report to be out

Me too have to go for a re-scan of gender. But i guess it will most probably remain as a girl and i hope so too... cos i already when on a spree to buy girly stuffs!! All PINK
After the scan is done, she'll generate a report & a doctor will explain the results to you.. wasn't that done? I have had extremely good experience at KKH so far, all the nurses & doctors who attended to me are all very experienced & patient. Do talk to your obstetrician about any concerns you may have.

I guess the minnies are starting to appear now.. 'birdies' are more easily noticeable at the earlier stage..

Btw, I saw you ordering the beansprout pillows too.. I adore the oriental blossoms too.. so 'In The Mood for Love' movie... but too bad I can't order that as mine's a mickey.. & it's lovely both your daughters have matching pillows..
Ava: Hmm, strange...I have never known anyone by your name leh...

And wah piang! u reveal those frens' name in the public forum ah!! tsk tsk... take it off line, dear...I'll add you to my MSN and let's investigate further how we're related...kekeke!!
<font color="119911">Jasmine Yeo (jasyeo80) - congrats on your baby girl!!

Think i will order the pillow from this site since they can customise the baby's name: http://www.beansprout-pillow.com/rc_why.htm

Not sure how useful it is compared to a normal pillow thou?

Btw, any mommies have comments on the link i posted earlier on the usefulness of cord blood banking? Wondering now if it makes more sense to just get more health insurance for the baby...I am arranging to meet up with someone from CordLife next week, will ask her to comment as well.</font>
Ooopsss yah hor....eek.

Yeah. I thot they might be a bit "ching chong" but thot, heck i like them anyway...
Jasmine: that's not right. I think you should be more inquisitive. Ask the sonographer more questions, like I did. Mine was so obliging. Lucky me...

Sasa: Where hv u been?!!! Oi, this Dr Cheng got ask u to buy Obinmin from him or not? This time round, he did!!!

Mei/mickey: say with in-laws? better not...Sure quarrel one... almost did when they spent a long time in our overseas apartments. Almost had to tolerate my MIL usurp my role as the Matriarch of the household and conquered my kitchen and maid! Now that we're living apart, our r/s is much better. She brews soup for me regularly. So does my mom... I dun wanna drink too much tonic soups actually. Just had a cup of birdsnest this morning...

I also drink Brands Cordy Chicken essence if I'm too lazy to brew.

SarahMay: u flying off today? U mentioned about your gestational diabetes of sorts (or something else) that u had to go back the following day to TMC to hv it checked? Could it be due to the packet Anmum milk with HONEY inside that resulted in this?!!! I'd better stopped taking the honey-flavoured milk.
Hi Bigtoes..

I read that article you posted and am concerned if it's really that worth it to bank it privately. I did ask my gynae b4 abt the difference betwn the 2 private banks in Sg and his opinion is that just choose the one that gives u the best deal. He did explain to me y the advantages each claim to have are negligible but I shan't go into the details else my posting will be too long. Overall his view is that it's a good idea in the sense that it's like buying insurance, hoping that u will never need it.

But now that the article says that public may be more useful, I am thinking twice and will prob check with my gynae again during my appt this saturday.
Hi mummies,

Actually, I don't advise to take too much bird's nest. According to a recent PD article in Mind Your Body and what I recalled fr Mrs Wong (TMC and her father is a TCM physician), this is one of those that causes allergies and asthma in children. Bird nest causes more allergies than nuts in Singapore context. For cordycerps, I told that in my 1st pregnancy too (Mrs Wong says this is ok) --- it is very bu but also very ex!


I feel that cordblood banking and insurance are 2 different things. Cordblood is like the "cure" since basically you can use it to generate new COMPATIBLE cells. Health insurance is just to give the financial means (but it doesn't mean you can be cured, just like not being able to get a suitable kidney when u need one). If financial cost is not an issue, I would definitely recommend to any mummies. Nobody can predict what can happen healthwise.
Dear Ava:

Nevermind lah, doubt they got the time like us to chitchat on forums...

Hey you changed your profile pic! I need to recall whether u were in my sec sch or JC leh...
Flos: No no no.. I will never agree to staying with my IL..
Have already made my point loud and clear with my hubby before we got married. And he knows my temperament, and can foresee it will be catastrophe to stay with his parents.
bacon&amp;egg and meie.. same same.. I shy to use my sis's kitchen oso.. also waiting to move back to my flat next month and i can brew my own tonic soup... i think shd still be able to bu around 6months on rite?

My MIL?? she's a tai tai.. doesnt cook and so far, she's only asked her maid to brew normal soup for me once..but not those dbl boiled ones, its mass boil in huge pot for 10pax kind.. haaa... and apparently she heard that black chicken not good, so it was white chicken..

and birdnest have to wait until her cough is better, then she'll ask her maid to cook for everyone.

Hee.. heng I have my mum's wkly tonic soup and birdnest...

and is there such a thing as too much birdnest? Cos if my mum has no time to cook the birdnest for me, she'll make me drink 2bottles of the birdnest at one go.. I told her might overdose and she said no such thing...
congrats jasmine.. now u can start shopping for all the pretty dresses...

bigtoes, i am thinking of buying from there too! Cos i don like the flowery prints in the other site.. and i can customise baby's name.. and i think i've heard that its not good to use the normal pillow on nb leh..
<font color="0000ff">Flos
hehe... been a silent reader all these while.. dunno wat to post leh.. muahahah

anyway.. so happy.. i juz found someone to help me buy the Pigeon steriliser from Isetan Private Sale.. good deal wor..

oops.. Dr Cheng told u to buy from him?? haha... he didnt leh.. perhaps on the nxt visit wor. dunno why.. it's been some time since i last saw him le.. ahha.. my nxt visit is 26th lor. so u bot the obimin from him? i've got 5 bottles with mi.. so wont be buying from him de
Life Insurance and Cord Blood Banking

I think there is a need a get both cos they are for different purposes. Life insurance you are helping your child to get it while they are still v young so the premium is v low.

I took birdsnest during my first pregnancy, but am alittle hesitant after my sister sent me something in the mail. Now I dunno what to do with the birdsnest that I have bought:

Dear ALL (my girlfriends, specially the Chinese race)
The bleaching method of Birds Nest is commonly used in all over Asia. The same thing goes to Sharks Fin.
My dad was a trader for these items in Jakarta once.
Do you still think Fann Wong has her luminous skin because of eating these? Is it pure coincidence tha Hongkonger who are famously fond of birds nest &amp; sharks fin delicacy are also very prone to cancer? Anita Mui, Roman Tam, FeiFei, all died of cancer.
Do consider the side effect.

Birds' nests which are just taken down are very dirty and smelly.
Nobody will think of consuming them at all if they see the condition. Now let me show you how the birds' nests are processed so that they are edible.

The workers are getting rid of the fine feathers, grass and dirt.

After getting rid of the feathers and grass, the birds' nests are cutinto smaller pieces for further cleaning.

Then they are soaked in water for other smaller particles to float to the top.

Then they are soaked in a kind of bleaching agent for them to turn white.

The bleaching agent becomes cloudy after reacting.

After bleaching, hot boiling water is used to get rid of the smell of bleaching agent.

The parts of the birds' nests which cannot be bleached will be taken out.Now it's the time to mould them into shapes

After moulding them into shapes, they are dried.

After drying them for one day and one night, the birds' nests are ready.

Malaysia and Indonesia produce at least 800-2000kg of Cao Yan and Mao Yan. In these birds' nests, only a small amount is edible ( the saliva of the bird ), but they are very dirty and almost black in colour. No one would want to consume it. So should we just waste it like that? No, there is of course a way of turning them into attractive products, which is bleaching. Some suppliers use H2O2 to get rid of the smell of second class birds nest. H2O2 is a rather poisonous chemical, and it might cause cancer. Only some food contain small amount of SO2 and SO3 ( not more than 0.00000002%) In Japan the amount of SO2 and SO3 in all sorts of food must not exceed 0.00000001.

After bleaching

Before this, the nutritional value in Cao Yan and Mao Yan is already very low. After processing using chemicals, the nutrient in the birds' nests is totally destroyed. Therefore, the nutritional value can be said to be lower than Pek Bok Nee... have you eaten before?

The birds' nests which are bleached have lost its original shape. So, businessmen turn these birds' nests into different kinds of shape. The most common shapes are leaf-shaped, strips and round shape. There are also those who dye the birds nest into yellow/ red colour, and cheat the unknown consumers by selling these birds' nests to them as Xue Yan/Jin Si Yan.

The nutritional value of these birds' nest is gone and totally worthless after processing them with lots of chemical.
Do you think that people will still be selling them ?
Don't Be NAIVE!!
To be frank, some of the chinese medical hall owners do not even know what they are selling.
what more the consumers? You may ask,' Aren't they afraid of being sued by the consumers?'
Of course not, because they are just the agents, not the manufacturers, they do not have to bear the consequences.
Now, Do you still dare to buy birds' nests which are cheap and big ?
actually your sonographer, even an experienced one, cannot tell you 100% it is a girl. not very professional if they do that. coz for girls, it is never 100%. coz sometimes, things like birdie might not be that obvious or hiding or covered or what. unless you take DNA test, then it is 100%...

am waiting for all eternity for my 21 week DS scan...haiz...
you should show the photos that come with this msg too. seen it somewhere in the forum. will sure put people off immediately one...

Got meh? I did not see the photos before. Wonder if the message is true or not. Really dun dare to eat my birdsnest now leh...
l'lCY... my fren's SIL's gynae actually told her that she's having a girl at 14wks.. Either the gynae has a super good machine or she's just guessing. Cos I think its impossible to tell the gender (esp that of a girl's) so early rite?

My gynae also din dare to confirm mine's a boy until after my detailed scan.. hehehe

how many wks are u now?
aiyah, i must try to find the photos. super gross!!! those murky pails of bird nest before and after..wowo....but i still eat leh..kekekekeke...

can! can tell, but cannot be 100% sure.think your gynae is careful lah, coz patients can blame and sometimes even complain about gynaes who tell them early then was wrong...
<font color="119911">RXmom (ruixiangsmom) - thanks for sharing the posting on bird's nest. Have been drinking bird's nest 2x a week, but perhaps I should cut down to be on the safe side as well....
On Cord blood banking, obviously there is a difference between blood banking &amp; insurance, just surprised that chances of the baby him/herself being able to utilise the same cordblood is so low...it is however, more valuable for those with 2 or more kids since most banked cord blood are used to treat siblings. Anyway, I will check with my gyne &amp; speak with the CordLife lady before making the final decision (will likely go ahead, just incase, but wondering out loud how useful this really is).

Meanwhile - my Amara stay photos at Sentosa are up

Check out the hotel at: http://bigfattoes.multiply.com/photos or if you are on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=20729&amp;id=650743986 (Add me in as well)</font>
Yah sa sa post here lah! WHy silent reader? Kekek... I lazy to go Isetan... Keke.. Think will wait till GSS then buy the steriliser.

Congrats Jasmine on your gal! Yes, the minnie are coming out!

l'lCY: how many weeks are you now? When is your detailed scan?
Mrs Yap: She did passed me a report and ask me to pass to the doc. I look at the report, only got the head, legs, hand, etc measurment.

Mei: As I didn't fix a doc, so the doctor didn't mention anything, I did ask her, how big is the bb, she just told me, just nice, not too big not too samll.
think she didn't catch me what i'm trying to ask. sigh.

crayonshinchan: We will still hold on buying clothes, cos since the sonographer can't confirm, cos she din't show us, she just scan and tell us, we was like huh? how come u never show us.

Just imagine, half way throught the scan, there is this pro yeo came in and talk to her and tell her what to do, and what is the position of the bb. we were thinking, is she just graduate. Then she can't get to get the heart beat and the back bone, i was told to go walk around and go back half an hour later.
More thoughts on cord blood banking:

"" Although private cord blood banking facilities have been in existence in Singapore, current data indicates that self-banked umbilical cord blood units are hardly used in stem cell transplants.

“Using unrelated cord blood samples is preferred by many transplant physicians because firstly, the child’s own cord blood cannot be used to treat genetic diseases. Most transplant physicians are also reluctant to use it to treat leukaemia for reasons which include the possibility of pre-leukaemic cells being given back with the transplant. Also as a person's own immune cells could not fight the leukemia in the first place, they are unlikely to do so when we transplant them back into the patient. However, someone else's immune cells could do the job,” explained Dr William Hwang, Medical Director, SCBB. Dr Hwang is also a consultant haematologist and transplant physician at SGH. ""
<font color="0000ff">Storeberry
hehe... dunno wat to post mah.. den suddenly got lost in all the posts so might as well not post anything.. :p

haha... my fren juz called me from Isetan sale.. wah.. she say super lotsa ppl lor.. heng still managed to get the steriliser. she oso bot the same steriliser. oohh.. u waiting for GSS huh.. hehe.. i was actually thinking of waiting.. but dunno whether will have the same offer anot..

i gian the breastmilk cum food warmer lah.. hehe, plus.. i saw the steriliser alone at kiddy palace already selling $120 i think... so tot it might be a good deal..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Ameda vs Medela Breast Pumps
Was this topic being brot up sometime this week? So what's the outcome?? Who wins?

I'm quite swayed by the reviews my fren gave after using Ameda pumps.. and of coz the price difference.. but my mum is adamant tat i get Medela ones.. think coz it's more well-known (think she nvr heard of Ameda before).

So what's ur take? Storeberry, u managed to come to a conclusion?</font>
Dilemna on cord blood banking, I have forwarded the article to my hubby &amp; we'll discuss.. I'm also very undecided..

Beansprout pillow
Since I intend to get 2 pillows, one for my own place, one for my mum's place.. I've ordered one from the site jessi posted &amp; I'll order one from the site you mentioned too.. I like the giraffe.
sooooo hot outside! i just went to SQ@Paragon to check in my bulk head seat...went to first few years to hv a closer look at the bedding set. $400+ for kidsline...no sale even on GSS.

sasa de mouse: u ah, why "silent reader" leh. just post lah, make some noises also shiok rite. I didn't go to Isetan sale but saw many pp with the shopping bags.

Buy from him? no need lah. I still hv Neurogain and he says that's fine. It's pure DHA fish oil. Obimin has other vits which I also take.

Mei: oh, i dun use MSN in the office one
I'll check my FB later!! Hehehe!! Were u wearing glasses last time? I've always looked like that...forever young

RXmom: The same should be noted about CORDYCEPS. If u notice the cordyceps are very yellow, be very careful. It's been dyed!

lilboymum: maybe u can try oneline EDD calculators to find out you're at week no. what?
Sorry I talked to the wrong person above, not Mei, but Ava...ooops

Ava: okok! I replied to u liao. pls chk!! were u with glasses last time?!!
