(2008/08) Aug 2008

The Pampers Baby Dry (with red & green packaging) is not too bad. This was the type my MIL bought for bb when she was born. Just don't get the Dry Comfort series which is in orange packaging. This one the cutting too small.

Same here, while feeding Chevelle, must let her lean back 45 degrees then not so messy. Just now wana feed her apple juice, she wanted to lean forward and sit up. She grabbed the bar at the front of the stroller (I put her in there while feeding) to sit up and the apple juice dribbled down for those that she didn't swallow.

Ashley's still not sleeping through the night.. Btw, the proper def apparently refers to sleeping 5-6hrs w/o waking for a feed, or are u referring to our adult def? *heehee* If it's the latter, then my little ger still needs her night feed.. I want to have undisrupted sleep.. Miss tt alot

Wah, ur hb does the household chores ah? My hb used to do when we stayed with ILs, but 2 years on our own, he does a fraction of what i've done.. *hahah* But can't complain now, coz he puts Ashley back to sleep when she wakes at unearthly hours

Wah, 2 tooth oredi!! Kaer's a little big ger oredi

I know there are some mummies who still have not started their little ones on semi-solids.. Ruixuan, Shint.. Waiting for the magical 6 mths?
hi all,
read some of you bought the HT teething biscuits.. OMG I so regret buying. It's so messy.. she dirtied her face, her hands, her clothes and the exersaucer (cos she was eating inside it) .. aiyo... super messy !!!! Now I'm contemplating if I still want to give her again

re: diaper pants
I bought a packet of mamy poki M size diaper pants for her to use during CNY in case we go somewhere so it's easier to change her.. I notice they have 2 types, one is the super soft one. which is more ex (i think was 14 pcs for $17+ or vice versa) and another value pack one. The cartoon pic on it is diff. Any mummies here tried them and know the diff ? Wanted to get the Pampers ones but cold storage didnt have the M size.

bernice has not slept thru the night yet
wake up 12am and 3-4am for feed.
Adel also doesn't sleep through. Last night woke up every 2 hours, other times 3 hours... giving me a lot of stress esp when I am going to start work soon.

Adel also hasn't started on solids yet... PD advice 6 mths for his case. Really can't wait liao but must ren lor...
i dun latch kaer on anymore liao..since 2nd month..bottle feed all the way..so now got teeth also not scare..heehee..now she will bite her spoon and hold the spoon there..very naughty..cuz my spoon tip is made of silicone..so its very nice to bite on...

nowadays..kaer know how to throw tantrum ..she will scream and show a very angry face...then when she gets her way..she will smile...very very naughty..sometimes make me so angry..dunno how...hope she dun inherit my hubby's bad temper!..
Chevelle also likes to bite the spoon too! haha I guess ya it's cos the spoon is made of silicone, like v "chewable".

Ya my definition of sleeping thru the night means bb doesn't wake up for night feed.

happy_mummy / Catherine / hisstory,
Ya, reali sian to hv disrupted sleep. haiz.

I think i also saw the mamy poko value pack. I didn't buy to test.
BTW, pull-up pants easier to wear? I thought hv to put bb's legs thru the holes, quite troublesome.
I bought HT teether biscuits too but have not let Chevelle eat yet. OMG, the way you described sounds like it's gona be v messy. Think like that, I better not let Chevelle start so early.
It's recommended to start only at 6 months as recommended by WHO, PDs, Hospitals, nurses ... so I don't see any hurry to do so leh. I had asked quite some people.

Afterall, Kai is still on FBM and it's the best gift that a baby can receive. Don't think cereal can replace it and I think FM is better than cereal.

Sometimes it seems ok may not really be so - not saying that it's not good to give cereal but if there's BM, why trade it away?

Overall, I am not for the idea to start too early though many had already started. It's quite tempting to join in but well we've got to weigh the pros and cons. Not forgetting that Kai is also the younger lot, though he is one of the bigger ones.

Have you read recently abt the article published in Straits TIme that it is not recommended to deliver by elective c-section any time earlier than 39 weeks? I had done my research previously that's why I changed it from 08/08 to 20/08 ... though many pple, including gynaes says it's ok after week 37. The hard fact is that it is not. ANyway, for this case, I had not done any research yet cos i am not planning to start till 6 months.

Yes, so it is the magical recommended 6 months i am waiting for.
Milk ... i heard some people feed their kids milk until vv old know ...

cereal.. start later .. milk easier to feed ma. hehe. then can get tips from all the mommies here .. me long time forgot how my #1 had his cereal started, etc .... need refesher course.
Kaer's tooth so big liao! wa wa wa ...
Kai still toothless .... prob due to this mommy din take calcium during pregnancy? and oso milk cos i was milk intolerant during that period.
Good thing he loves to drink milk ... else i sure jialat.

He's drooling alot now and fussing .. dunno is it becos he's gonna start having teeth .. maid told me maybe .. anyway, i leave it la, told her until he fusses alot then can check and give teething gel. Last round my #1 got no prob at all leh. Never buy teething gel ..
hahah, i also am looking fwd to when she doesn't wake up for feeds anymore.. There was only once, and once only!! *sigh*

How often does Chevelle wake up in the night?

Ashley usually wakes up once ard 2-4am then abt 7am

happy mummy
wow, every 3 hrs.. *hugs* i can feel ur tiredness. Have u help stretch such tt he doesn't wake up for feeds as much?

A bk i read recommended reducing the duration for the night feeds, working in 3-day blocks, and then reducing again in the next 3-day blocks, then slowly bb realises tt there's no need for the feed

The above method works on the premise of bb having 3 night feeds in the 12hr night cycle.. And the author recommends eliminating the 2nd feed first.. Apparently she has tried with many families, even older kids, and her method works..

Why did ur PD recommend tt Adel only starts semi-solids when he's 6m.o?

Same here, waiting for her to be 6m.o... Tmrw she wld be 5m.o. Looking fwd eagerly to seeing her 1st gleeful face when she tastes sthg diff

But as i see the how some mummies have to deal with the 'mess' of feeding, heheh, i heave a sigh of relief too

Did the article mention why it's not advisable to deliver before 39w for elective c-section?
yes, the kids will have higher risk of having coughing problems, asthma .....

it's higher risk but does not mean that all kids have that. some are ok.

my #1 was delivered via elective c-section at week 39 oso but oso coughs alot.
basically their lungs are weaker when they hit wk 37, after wk 39, lower risks.

and comparing c-sect to natural ... natural ones has the least risk, emergency c-section after trying natural has higher .. the highest is those elective c-section ones .... cos baby not ready to come out then we cut them out oredi lor (something like tat)

For me, in a way bo bian cos i did emergency c-sect last round .... if i had known i would have insisted to go natural all the way.
u may want to do an internet search on elective c-section if u wan to know more or there were some links i posted around end July/early Aug period when i was deciding to go for the magical 080808 date at wk 37 or delay it to week 39.

I chose the latter of course.
For my #1, he wakes up every nite until he was quite big ... i thikn ard 1 yr old? the mommies say that to give the baby a little more for the last feed might help to stretch the sleeping time .. then again, it depends on each baby cos they might not wan to drink (ie happy_mummy's adel) or might wake up at the scheduled 3 hourly, etc.
Yupz, i have heard tt some mummies trying to feed bb more at the last night feed. But somehow some worked & some didn't..

happy mummy
Oic.. Then better wait, esp coz some food may trigger allergic reactions too.
hi mummies,

after reading all your posts about babies sleeping through the night, I then realised I am so blessed! My baby Keri started sleeping through since she was in her second month. Initially, she still needs her last feed of the night at 1am and woke up at 9.30am.
But since I started work 2 months ago, her last feed of the day is around 11pm-12am (depending on what time I sleep) then I will feed her the next morning before I go to work at about 8plus am. If I dont wake her, she probably can sleep till 9-10am lor. I guess she is a lazyhead just like her mummy.

So Jiayu to all the mummies. You all are so wei da!!!!

so sorry i did not transfer today as I did not have the chance to do so. Will transfer by tomorrow. ok?

Sorry about that! paisei paisei....
For those mommies who had started with food .. juices ... pls take note that KIWI is a NO NO for kids below a certain age ... cos it will trigger allergies and as their airways swell, it will cause breathing difficulties - something like that.

My #1 almost kenna that cos once we were in NTUC and this auntie vv nice to give him the golden kiwi .. i din know and soon, he got rashes appearing all over his neck. I quickly brought him to a GP and by the time it was his turn, all the rashes went off oredi.
no problem. after u transfer, pls pm/email me.
also, have u given me the details i needed to send to the studio contact person? if not, pls do so. i am consolidating the list but haven't done it ... will do it all by tomorrow.

i think u haven't send my your details yet as well.

we let jonah sit in pram to eat when outside. the high chairs all dun seem suitable for him yet coz' he can't really sit on his own without support.


really ah? i'm contemplating getting HT teething biscuits but if no gd then i will get another brand.


no rite and wrong on this. i wanted to wait till the 6 mths mark also but i really cannot tahan already. jonah seems hungry and distracted during feeds. and since pd gave go ahead...might as well.


jonah doesn't have prob sleeping thru the night as well. noticed that he sleeps more during weekends when we sleep in, maybe coz' it's aircon room, although his bed is very small (it's actually the combi bed cum high chair). he won't be able to fit into it soon, sigh. this morning, we let him sleep in till 11am. he took his usual 8am feed and had no probs going back to sleep after that. thank goodness for that, coz' me and hb so desperately wanted to sleep in today
I started Braiden on cereal yesterday but it was a total failure coz i make it like cereal drink! hahaha.. He gave me a damn 'er xin' look n spit it out...hahaha..

Tmr try again :p

see her dirty face !!!

*hint* dont give baby the teether biscuit in the exersaucer.. after that practically entire exersaucer must wipe thru cos her hands touch this touch that.. then try to put parts in her mouth etc..
I din say it's rite or wrong, it depends on mommies and babies. Each one works out what is best for themselves.
re: feeding solids
My boy is the earlier batch here (end July) and I still haven't started solids....because...I haven't bought a high chair! Haha...such a stupid reason! I leave his bumbo at my pils and his stroller at my parents' so no place to prop him up! I'm gonna wait till the day he turns 6 months during CNY when I'm v free, then start on cereal.
hubby still in reservist n token is with him. tom is his last day so he will transfer for me tom n i will let u know trans no. was bz whole day, didn't get to transfer. so sorry

wat details so u need?
"bursting freezer"
other than celyn, anyone else's breast milk is bursting the freezer?? i think mine freezer bursting soon. practically nothing but mine breastmilk...

dunno how to show i feed and "cuddle".. maybe i should say cradle..

we go for trial lesson on 1st feb, we may meet yurri and rata there... hee...
shint need
Those who had not provided me your
1. Name
2. Contact Number
3. Total number of adults (Parents of child, grandparents of child, sibling)
4. kids/age
5. Email address
6. Tentative Preferred date and time (to be confirmed by the person in charge)
i'm up for pump.

i follow your method of storing, keeping in a4 carton box cover for fbm at fil's place, i'm able to have 4 stacks of it and its very neat. i can also find the oldest fbm easily. unlike in the beginning, hubby just anyhow put, take a while to find the old fbm when we transfer to babysitter's place.

i need to free up some space in my freezer to put food for cny.

yu ze don't like to be in cradle position. there's no way for me to feed him in that position.

yah. he do everything in the house including serving me except for ironing and cooking. if i'm lazy, he will do ironing for his own clothes cos i'm particular about my clothes being striaght i won't let him iron mine.

happy mummy,
oh. every 2-3 hours, i can feel your tiredness. last time yu ze only wake up once, i already feel tired liao. 'hugs'

my trip to Hokkaido is specially planned F&E for bb.

So it will be easier n relaxing for both parents n kid.

is ok. Anyway hor.. most mummies will be buying bibs, protector n socks. no clothing leh. Especially the socks.. so cute!! Hahaha!!!

hee hee!!

anyway......... big size clothings......... I think all mummies bought lah.

I even stock up winter wear due to the sales loh. my hb like... ???? why ar? SO kiasu.......


Meredith still wake up for her night feeding. 2-3 times per night.

Most of the time, she will drink while eyes closed. Then either she is full or she went into deep sleep and will look like a drunkard to tell me she is finished with the feeding.


Meredith wakes up about the same time for night feedings.

for Mamy Poko, the softer version which is the pooh version, is the new version. Cutting wise is bigger and softer as their selling point.

Size: smallest is huggies ultra< pamper comfort < pamper active/ Mamy Poko ( old version) < Mamy poko ( softer version). This is based on M &amp; L size.

&amp; Huggies Ultra is suitable for boys not girls. I heard Fitti too.
Hee! Hee! So many mummies have started their babies on solids already. Looks like I'm one of the last ones.
Like a few mummies here would like to start when he turns 6 mths or when he gives me the cue that milk alone (EBM or FM) is not enough to satisfy his hunger.

I haven't bought any baby rice or cereals. Am looking at other first food alternatives or possibly making my own (just blended my first batch of rice powder today).
This website has lots of interesting ideas.

val Dominic has also been sticking out his tongue quite a lot lately. Quite funny! Good thing it's winter over here otherwise a fly might land on his tongue!
Mrs N,
Thanks for the link, will go look at it when i have time. Thinking abt it, when Kai turns 6 months, it's a good time for me cos i'll be quite free and can take leave. Till then, it'll be our turns to complain abt the mess.

Kai has also been sticking out his tongue alot and licking everything, handkis, toys n my arm! I tried to see if he's teething cos he was fussing quite abit yesterday but if I put my fingers near his mouth, his tongue will stick out and lick. So vv hard to see.

I think i know how difficult for you to take that pic .. hahhaa.

i went to buy huggies ultra over the weekend since on offer. have not tried yet but maid says she likes that brand as she used for her son last time.


i guess u can't complain since your hb is THE domestic helper in your home
last time i did almost everything except ironing...me lousy at ironing. and hb always complain when i attempt to iron his shirt. wah, men's shirt so diff to iron leh! i do most of the cooking coz' i usu come back earlier than him. he'll do mostly the wash up lor. now quite glad i dun have to do housework liao. quite useful to have a maid :p

mrs n,

tks for the website. as usual, very useful. u really have a wealth of info at your end!
bb's dvpt:

jonah does not really stick out his tongue but he does like to lick things. he started shaking his head yesterday and it was a playful kind of shake when we tried to put him to sleep last nite. he will shake then smile at us. wonder if he's trying to say "no" to something. maybe "no" to bedtime? haha! he can also hold a ball with 2 hands and he tries to catch water droplets when we squeeze water out of a sponge high up. it's so comical!
YLN, Ruixuan, Shall see you both on 1st Feb. wonder if u both going to sign can we convince them to let us ve the dist wif juz 4 of us.

Yurri, When is ur boy born? Mine also turning 6mths during cny
I just checked the archives..my boy is just 1 day younger than Jacinta! (and much slower :p)
Hehe, maybe we can change our signup date to 8th Feb instead then can do group signup :p
Can you PM your email details for me to send?

Thanks for coming ! With so few of us, should have just ordered pizza hor ? Now the cost per person quite high, I also quite pai seh ...We distributed some food to my parents and ate some at night... I am quite done with buffet food already.

PM me your email add k? so that i can send pics of your princess to you =)

hello all..

i havent started cereal though my son has 2 teeth and my milk is pathetic..and actually cereal got fortified irons which is good for my son who may be a little anaemic but I am trying to ton till after CNY since I also read tt no need to start before 6mths..
and my pd also okie with tt...just ask me to give him brown rice..
