(2008/08) Aug 2008

My boy cannot sit yet mah, so developing much slower than your girl...I delivered in TMC. Yah he looks quite big size but not heavy ley.


I have tsf the $ to you. The ref no. is 2077068552.

I didnt put brown rice into Mae's last feed ah...she takes 2 feeds of brown rice with milk daily which is morning and evening feed. The brown rice is mixed and grinded by Mae's weida grandparents...heehee...they added many stuff inside.
Hi mummies,

I am back. I have missed out so many post. As office block web and super busy lately. Now i am off for 3 weeks....

Did i remember reading about GYMBOREE? Anyone bring baby there. I was thinking to start foe stage 2 next month at Harboufront for Sarurday class. Anyone joinging???
M2B, Celyn, Jen,
Thanks for the trf.

What happened ? how come never come ? Busy that day ? Missed your presence leh ..

Check FB. For your viewing only.. hehehehe
yuuri, isit? how heavy is he now. Jac look much smaller. Recently she refuse milk even in sleep mode think she is going on diet sia.
He was 7.2kg 2 weeks ago, quite average lah..not small but also not among the heavyweights here :p
Yah you mentioned Jac not drinking milk, so worrying for you! 2 days ago Kes also rejected some milk, drank only 90ml (instead of 200ml) for his last feed and I got so freaked out! Luckily he was back to normal yesterday...
yuuri, recently at time she refused to suck at all. Last time she can dream feed now dun even wan at times onli take half which is 80ml. worse case is 20ml then dun wan liao. See how worrying I am. Ur boy drink 200ml!! Wa!!! U cannot msn in office?
So u reali wan to wait till 8 feb?
Ur boy is not slower than mine he is teething liao, mine not yet.
Mrs N
U mentioned abt baby led weaning yah? Briefly saw it on Babycentre. Can you ref me the webby u shared the other time?

heheh, ur hb also very teng u..

hmm... Jacintha's milk intake still quite tricky ah.. U started her on semi-solids? Did the PD recommend any measures to help the situation?
yup, cannot msn :p
Heh, he drink 200ml but only 4 times a day. So overall not so bad. Yah, until it happened to me then I realise how worrying it is and started panicking about starting solids!
I don't really mind waiting till 8 Feb...heh, but would we have 5 babes? There was 1 more mummy besides Ruixuan and YLN right?
You resisted Fox? I wana get a Burberry top each for my gals on Sat (already chosen and tried liao) but my #1 told me "Mommy, don't buy because I don't want you to waste $"...hahaha, so this mommy didnt get any in the end.
wow, your girl so dong shi. ask you to save $$. you must be very happy right.

yah. he very teng me. he just bought me a bottle of birdnest to eat and ask me to continue to eat. he will buy every month. if i get him to do things for me and he don't want then i will say, 你不疼我了,以前不是这样的。then he will do it. hahah....

happy mummy,
i also want to see.
any mummies going to bring their bb to swim? I plan to bring after CNY and I'm going to buy swimming diapers but looking for mummies to share as 1 big pack dunno when can finish? I'm looking at M size...If any mummies wanna share pls let me know can? Also if you got any brand preferences...

On the other hand, anyone got loose pcs can sell me i also willing to take..
I have loose ones, huggies M size . if you want we can share cause I opened it to bring Adel swimming 2 wks ago

i dun mind bring Adel to swim again... but the last time I tried with Shint, the water too cold and both Kai and Adel wailed non stop...

Where and when would you like to go swim ?

It's done, check it out !
Hisstory, ya ve been dream feeding her every meal since 8 weeks till now it got worse recently even in sleep mode she dun wan to drink  yup I started on semi-solid at 4mths at least less milk feed no choice coz my gal dun like. PD say no choice her colic already clear but she cant convince herself to drink.

Yuuri, got a mummy who is say was a follower of the thread. But according to ruixuan they both didn’t like sat teacher cant control the class & she cant make it on sun de so giving it a miss. Jac take 160ml (5x/day) + 1 semi-solid meal.

BJG, anyone else keen?
So by right Jac drinks more than Kes afterall! Still can maintain her petite figure! Haha..does she reject her semi-solid meal also?
heheh, u notty wifey.. But being cheeky does help keep the romance going, esp with the 3rd party.. *hahah*

i also think semi-solids for Jacintha also gd in this case.. Gosh, she really needs her calcium & fat intake thru milkmilk leh *hugs* Help me give her a hug..

Raine is so cute.. She says really sweet stuff, what an endearing little ger
Yuuri, same lei both ur boy & my gal daily intake is 800ml. She dun look big hor, but her weight is ok. 1 week ago was 7.9kg. but it was this recent week where she reject milk eeven in sleep mode so i think slim down liao. her semi-solid soso.
Hisstory, u know the pain me, hubby & my mum going thru need to rock her to sleep b4 feeding each time. & now it got worse sleep liao also dun wan. Btw u know we got to keep coaxing & patting her to complete her milk it take 1hr lei worse case is 2hrs! tell me abt it. Told my hubby I scare liao next one I dun dare to think now.
U mean u cradled SL to feed him? Like that, won't it be v tiring on your arms and uncomfortable? I think I will not be able to tahan.

Chevelle likes to sit up on her own now. Especially when I let her use her hands to grab the bar in front of the pram.

Mrs N,
Haha, the way u describe the fly landing on Dominic's tongue is so funny! BTW, thks for the bday ecard. Sent u a thank u card but being such an idiot on these FB applications, duno if got sent thru to u.

Wa... Bernice really made a mess w the teething biscuits. At first glance, I almost thought she got some rash/dots on her face, then realised it's the bits of the biscuit.
After your warning, think will only start Chevelle later on it and after I get the Ikea high chair.

Raine is so sweet and sensible! I think your gal will be v attractive to boys when she grows up!
Happy mummy,

not a prob lah!!

it's fun!!

but Meredith got sleepy mode.. if nt.. very noisy n talkative. hahaha!!

Great u finish off the food! I worried if u hv to eat for a few days....
Keston drinks 4 times a day only? That's v gd. My gal cannot take alot at one shot, end up everyday she needs to drink 6x or more.

not bad ur hubby still lets u take all the bird's nest. I don't have this kinda luxury wor...

RE: #2
haha think my hubby kinda "relented", cos when I brought up the subject, he was like maybe next yr. Maybe i'm mad for bringing up such a subject to him. Cos, can u imagine, have to go thru all this all over again. *can faintz*
Stick tongue:

Meredith love to do it recently.

& she even can grab my or hb's hand and started to chew like a teether.....

I'm starting solid food for her after 6 months.

U bought the huggies swimpants? How is it?

I'm thinking of whether to buy one pack or just a few loose pcs to test.

shint / happy_mummy,
Kai / Adel didn't like the pool water ah? Too cold? Cos I'm thinking to hit the pool w bb when she's 6mths old. Then daddy can go along to swim and exercise too. haha
happy mummy,

thanks for informing us about the mess with the teether biscuit. i almost want to buy and give yu ze too. i think i better not do it now.

hahah.... i'm also a bully wife. :p

wa... Meredith is so on to chew on your hb's hand. Mine at most just licks hehe.

BTW, i noticed my gal making this "grr..." growling sound. So did hb. So I told him, it's cos of him, she picked this up. Cos he always makes this sound.

So... looks like babies imitate what we adults do pretty fast.

If got chance, I will videotape her making the sound and put on FB.
i only took birdnest during pregnancy cos i told him its good for baby skin. then stop after birth, i'm also surprise that he asked to start taking again and brought me along to buy.

going to the pool depends on baby bah. yu ze didn't cry at all when we bought him when he was about 4 months+. but he can't stay in there for long, about 5-10mins, he sian liao.

coolsnow & valnsw,
i also bought a pack of huggies swimmers. if you want to try out, i can sell you 1 or 2 as sample to try.

If you are ok, can sell me 2 pcs? How much do you want to sell them for and then where to collect?

I remember you said you stay around Serangoon right? Mb this Sunday evening I can go your house pick it up cos will be going to ILs' place for reunion dinner, but I duno if u will be at home.

Not bad leh, ur hubby told u to take more wor... Hehe even now no baby yet, still can take, make mummy's and wifey's skin smooth mah.

ya... chew till can see red mark like mild blue black. I was thinking maybe teething... but no see white white leh.

Oh... ya... they love to mimic or parents copycat them. If I copy her sound, she will keep laughing non stop.

btw, my maternity leave is rejected leh. coz invalid maternity leave period.......... I call CPF... the staff also blur, then tell me claim 3 months.. 84 days only.............

gng to try again... on the 112 days.
can, no problem. but i can't remember how much i pay leh. let me check at cold storage then i let you know the price can? this sun, let me know what time you want to come cos we might be out for dinner too. anyway, i'm not working liao so very free. can meet anytime too.
not to snatch biz .. but val if u want, i also have the huggies swimpants.. hahaha.. cos i know u live near to me.
happy_mummy, i wan i wan...I'll take 3 pcs is that ok? Please let me know how much to pay u...is it convenient to send by post?

Where did you all bring Kai and Adel swim? What time was it? I was thinking of bringing my gal to a friend's condo swimming pool to try out...was thinking mayb the water cleaner cos not public mah(mayb decieving myself)...heh..btw..does Kai & Adel wear swimsuit? Like those thermal swimwear? If my gal catch a cold after gg swimming I will be in trouble with her daddy

Talking about maternity leave claim, really pissed off with CPF S^%$@. Sorry hor, must vent frustration.

I think in the system, you must enter exactly 84 days. Cos if you put more than that, will prompt error. Then the last mth u must write in CPF to claim, so u must submit those documents such as letter from MCYS approving your 4th mth and your NOA if you're self-employed.

The stoopid CPF reimbursed me lesser than what I should get. Cos they assumed my self-employed income was for the whole 12 mths, but I was only self-employed for half the yr. Grrr.... So I replied via email that they calculated wrongly.

In any case, did you have a CPF officer who will liaise w u on the 4th mth? Most likely will email you right? Cos when I write in, I purposely put in the letter, must acknowledge receipt, leave my contact number, address and I duno if I left my email add. So in the end, the officer corresponded w me via email, so response is like flying here and there, v fast.
hahah.... no business leh. no extra $$ earn. :p

if getting from catherine is easier, then please go ahead to do so hoh. never mind one.
valnsw, my gal same as chevelle everytime will make this "grr..." growling sound, sigh...aiyo really dunno where they pick it up...

U not working liao? I thought u tendered but you still need to report to office right?
This Sunday u not going to parents' or ILs' place for reunion dinner?

hehe... since Catherine offered, u don't mind I get from Cat if she's ok? Paiseh... cos this Sunday, I also duno what time will go to ILs' place. My hubby is super last minute one. Haiz!

Wa... like that I v nan zhuo ren leh ;P haha. Don't u need the swimpants for Bernice? Thought she will use it quite frequently since there's the pool at your condo?

If you're ok, I don't mind getting fr you too.
wahaha, our msgs crossed. ok, I will get fr Cat ;)

So can spare me 2 pcs? I wana test on bb before I decide if wana get the whole pack.

MCYS still have to approve 4th mth??

but mine 17 Aug 08 leh.....

ya... self employed loh.....

ya... they divide 12mth automatically one.........
u write email?

ok... I'll follow suit.
no problem. please go ahead to get from catherine.

i'm officially off liao, now clearing leave till end of the month then start work in feb.

we are going out to have reunion dinner with fil's families which include fil's brothers and family. i think its quite a big group but i don't know where yet. for my parents, we never had reunion dinner since young so its not a practice.

Oh yea... just to relate last night's incident. haha

Last night, ILs sent my hubby back to my parents' place. Since my parents not around, they asked to see Chevelle. It was 9+pm. She was in her PJs and the moment my hubby carried her to them, she cried. It's the loud cry and crying v fiercely wor!

MIL wanted to carry her to pacify her (cos normally MIL carried her and she's ok), but still cried. I knw I v bad, but secretly, I was like "tou1 xiao4".

V weird, it was only 1 wk ago when she saw ILs and even my hb's grandma and she was fine. Then last night, it was as if she didn't recognise ILs liao.

Hmm.... mb they at the stage when they knw how to recognise pple.

Anybody's baby also like that?
