(2008/08) Aug 2008

hi jen,
how the eye cut ? must have been very painful. Does Phil only have the redness when u give him the cereal ? maybe u should check with your PD

Re: bernice's eye lid
Bernice eye lid still got abit little pus each day cos we cant manage to squeeze all out in 1 go.. everytime we try to squeeze she will scream until i think my neighbour think we abusing her. very heartpain to see her cry that way.

re: solids
I started on monday with 1 tbps and working my way up to 2 tbsp from wed. And also i introduced 1 tbsp of grated apple puree. so her feeding now is like this
7am milk
10am 1 tbsp grated apple puree
11am milk
3pm milk
6pm 2tbsp cereal + 6tbsp milk
*bath and ready for bed*
7pm milk
12am milk
3am milk

I think the cereal is more now like a snack until i work my way up to 5 tbsp. or I will intro twice a day of 2tbsp and work my way upwards.

re: diapers
Bernice still in S size pampers.. finishing up then will start her M supply.

My boy is prob abt 9.5kg now. At night, he wears Mamy Poko size M and during the day, Huggies Dry size L.

We used to let him wear Pet Pet during the day but about a month ago, he kena UTI (urinary tract infection) and some moms have told me that possibly something to do with Pet Pet diapers (something about their absorption). Not sure how valid this fact is but since then, we are a bit paranoid and have switched to Huggies. I quite like Pet Pet actually. The fit is pretty good and it's not too expensive.

The boy went for a test on Monday to check for reflux. Thank goodness we had good report. No reflux
Apparently, UTI is quite common among infant boys. Quite a few friends we know whose sons also had UTI when they were babies. And when we went for the test on Monday, there were two other baby boys in front of us.
morning mummies

having a high chair is very good leh. i put yu ze in and give him some toys to play. let him sit beside me and here i can surf net.

i sleep at around 12am, my last pump is 1130 or 12. very tired loh.

my boy also got UTI at 2 months. is it cos of petpet? i can't remember if i started with petpet then or not. i'm still using petpet leh. your boy so fast went for the reflux test? mine is schedule in march and he is still under antibiotic. the reflux test is the one that they insert a dye in him right?
I really cannot say for sure that Pet Pet caused his UTI. I think could be a few factors. He was hospitalised for 3 days. I stayed with him cos BF.

We used to make him sleep on his tummy at night and at one time, he would poo at night.. and so the change of diapers is not prompt. We've made the adjustments then. He now sleeps on his side and we change his diaper when he wakes up for a midnight feed even if doesn't poo.

The doc at KK scheduled for the reflux test so early because last week they ultra sound his kidneys and found them to be of an unequal size. So I think they were worried and wanted to be safe. Yes.. the reflux test is to check for back flow of urine to the kidney, using the dye.

My boy is also still on antibiotics.. for the next month I think. Poor boy. He doesn't like it at all.
Ouch, hope Phil is okie now..
Hmm, i am not so worried abt not being able to bf with the 'aunty' ard.. heheh, i'm just disgruntled tt it has made a come-back.. *argh*

No ah, i wish i stay near my parents.. Quite a distance, but becoz we have to leave quite early in the morn, we prob wun get caught in bad traffic *cross fingers & toes*

Hmm, for the CNY period u latch on bb Keston & then after tt u can resume pumping?

Pump at work & latch him on when u're home, in tt case u can spend time with him.. I guess if he looks dissatisfied after u latch him on, u can supplement him with more..At least u dun have to spend so much time away fr him, just to pump out the milk..
i see. my boy's ultra scan in dec is ok so the reflux test was schedule in march but still need to continue with antibiotic loh. he also sleep on his tummy.
Catherine / yuuri/ shint / fitbaby / jenjen,

Thks for the bday wishes!


Woman's age is a secret mah... cannot anyhow say. haha, me not that young la.. I think as compared to some of the 2nd-time mummies here who gave birth to their firstborn at earlier age.

Hope Phil is better now. U must be feeling heartpain ya? U putting him at infantcare? I cannot imagine myself putting my girl in infantcare, cos I think I will be the one suffering separation anxiety. Now I go out for work, alrdy bu she de.

Bernice's eye still got the pus? hope you can squeeze it all out soon. Else v heartpain, fr the way u describe in your blog. Actually if the cyst can dry up become one hardened lump, easier to remove via surgery. It's a quick one, cos I've done it before.

i heard that it's better for breastfed babies to start taking cereals earlier cos they hv the iron, calcium etc that is not present in breastmilk. U still can give him more breastmilk but gradually wean him off and each baby's allowable intake is different.

hmm...seems like UTI is common boys. I certainly hope it's not Petpet causing the prob.
Best of luck for the test results ya?

when I told hubby abt the Damier Neverfull, he said why spend so much $ on a bag? he said he'd rather go tour. Then I said, why didn't u use that $ to bring us tour ah? Then he keep quiet lo... LOL
Hi moms
Can I check if any of you have or know of a good and reliable but not terribly sky-rocketing high price sports pram to recommend?

My husband and I are starting to look around for one. Cannot wait to go running with the little one!

Thks for asking abt the nissen but think I will skip. I think my mum and hubby will think I'm mad if I buy anymore clothes! I even hv stocked up on bigger sized clothes for her when she's older.
Have to curb/resist shopping too much for her
happy mummy,
i might not be able to make it for the gathering later. i got eye infection. if its still swollen then i won't be able to go liao. sorry. let me know how much to pay you for the food, ok?
I laughed when I saw your msg to krex cos I was trying to imagine Krex latching on keston..Krex's boy is Jonah. Keston is mine
Gd idea but hor... my hubby is not a fan of Jap food and culture even though he works in a Japanese company. haha must work on him for this.
hubby coming back later so will transfer later. tks 4 helping me pay first
hope u r feeling better. cld b the weather

yes, pd say the soy milk frm similac is not suitable. plus pd gave me probiotic to feed bb. i jus did a search n it does cause constipation. i keep blaming myself for the pain i put her thru. so fast intro so many thing
bleed cos she push the poo thru n it got stuck n tear her anus skin *ouch* until bleed alot cos the poo was 10cents coin diameter

i gave her apple puree n the left over juice. i also change back to her previous milk till she stabilize then slowly intro

mousse, celyn
yes bb is teething . bottom tooth only. it is cutting thru but not totally out yet. so farni right.

georgine's condition:
thanks mummies 4 yr concern n smses
SHE FINALLY POO!!!! at 11:30am.....yeah!!!!!
she cried wen she poo la cos got one big lump came out. so poorthing. at least she is getting back on tract

if i plan to give once a day, shld i give at noon or dinner time?
Val - Happy Birthday!

Mommies who stopped BF - anyone got their period yet? I stopped for about a month oredi but I still haven't got it... quite worried...

Seems like a lot of mommies and babies are under the weather.. Hope everyone recover fast fast for CNY!

i also had a gd laugh when u asked me to latch on keston, heh. i think during CNY, if he doesn't feed properly, i will just give extra FM or cereal. it's usually a bit more problematic during his 8pm feed coz' my ss is lowest then.


yah, i wanted to give him cereal as 1st semi-solid food coz' of the high iron and nutrients, as compared to porridge or just plain fruits/ veg. so far so good. he ate a lot of cereal but didn't constipate. his poo a bit more solid and greenish now, no more nice smelling mustardy yellow anymore *sob*
Hello mummies,

Thanks to all of you that made it today ! I had lots of fun even though the number was small.... and the babies were all so cute...

Ok, here is the list .. Those that didn't come, sorry I still have to collect from you as the food was catered with your attendence in mind..

So here goes ...

1) Happy mummy (Kat), Hubby (Faroek) and baby (Adel) - 2 adults
2) snow74 (may), hb (bw), toddler (nynn), bb (zynn) - 2 adults
3) celynlee (celyn) and baby (yu ze) - 1 adult
4) cocomo (Joey), hb (Steven), toddler (Jayden) and baby (Shervalle) - 2 adults
5) M2B, toddler and baby - 1 adult
6) Essie, maid, toddler and baby - 2 adults
8) Sylvia, HB ( Edward) & Baby ( Meredith) - 2 adults & 1 baby
9) Jen, Baby (Phil) - 1 adult, 1 baby
10) krmeow, baby Mabel - 1 adult
11) Hui Chin & Baby Falisha - 1 adult + 1 baby

Total 15 adults.
Total plus food $11 x 15 = $165
Transport = $20
Total = $185
Cost per adult = $ 12.30

Pls trf amt to POSB current account no :
Heheh, maybe he got turned off by Jap stuff.. Maybe u click on the link Sylvia shared & show hb? She had planned her own trips to Japan.. Looks nice leh

twin stars
*phew* Poor Georgine & mummy.. Was daddy ard when she finally poo-ed? Give a hug to her on my behalf

*ooops* Super duper paiseh..
Maybe u can supplement him if he falls into the situation of being fussy.. At least he still gets his mummy's best
*jia you* 6mths is round the corner & u can give urself a pat on the shoulder for a job well done even though it has its tough moments
i give 3 spoon of cereal to yu ze today. haiyo eat till so messy. he try to grab the bowl that i'm holding so his left hand got cereal, then half way through he put his right hand into his mouth full of cereal and happily chewing. sigh... then he use his dirty hands to touch me!!! cannot take it. i give him water after cereal.

12pm - cereal
2.30pm - 60 ml bm
4pm - 100ml bm

i should be able to resume to his normal feed at 7pm right? with this cereal feed, i don't know how to continue with his feed after cereal. 'blur'

little twin stars,
poor georgine. sayang sayang.

i give for the afternoon feed.
hi all,
today i went fox .. the clothes sooooo nice. Was tempted but i resisted and didnt buy. hahaha. Actually was becos bernice was fussing so we had to leave Fox quickly. haha.. I hope I can resist the temptation.

anyway today went to see the eye specialist AGAIN cos 3rd day already got pus. Waited an hour and finally our turn he say very good just keep squeezing if got pus and it will be ok. wah lau eh... very stressful squeezing her eyelids. Then after that the lid like very raw so worry infection, but the doc say it's ok.

dont want to go for operation cos will need to go under GA and we dont want to let her have GA at such young age.

ya boys very easy get UTI. My godson had UTI .. then his parents had him circumsized .. so the 2nd boy they also circumsized him. They said better.

today bernice only took little cereal cos she drank milk at almost 6pm so when came back, she took like few spoonful of cereal then she starting fussing and kept wanting to touch the spoon etc and made a big mess..

Ya you should be able to resume ur normal feeding at 7pm

re: cereals
I give evening feeds.. cos mostly in the day we go gai gai .. hahaha
i today bought my son out wearing the BP romper that u organise. everyone say it is a very smart romper...


Baby Jumper Gym
will want to bring my son for another trial lesson before starting cos today the class that i attend wasn't that good cos one of the baby was making so much noise that it interrupt my son's attention.
Yes, we thought about circumsision but if we were to do it now.. might be super painful for him because he is extremely active and kicks all the time.

So now.. we just have to be extra diligent where hygiene is concerned.
actually the younger you do the circumsision better.. Now is ok la. My eldest godson did it around 4-5mths also. But the younger one they did at 1mth cos they already planned it.
u went for today's trial? how was it? did u feel it was good?

kaer's 2nd tooth..
anyway..i tried again..to take pic of kaer's teeth..now the second one coming out liao...


was a struggle trying to get that shot!
congratulation!!! wow two teeth....

need to go another time... feel it is not bad but need to find a better teacher
ruixuan..oh...which teacher u got? read from yuuri and rata..think they have grace ..when u going for trial again? we go together?? after CNY?
i need to check my roster first. BJG only have trial lesson on weekend. both trial and actual class held on either Sat 12-1pm or Sun 2-3pm. The teacher on sat is Christin and Sunday is Grace.

YLN, if u go for trial on sun, u can meet rata and yuuri, BJG will not hold extra class unless a lot of parents sign up.
Essie, Happymum1010,
Received your transfer.

DPhotofolio photoshoot payment.
1. ruixuan (received)
2. Shint (received)
3. celynlee (received)
4. megan - (received)
5. linx - (received from Ruixuan)
6. coolsnow (received)
8. Shirley (received)
9. Amelia (ruixuan's contact) - (received from Ruixuan)
9. Twinstars - confirmed, Shint pay first, waiting for transfer.
10.Mandy (happymum1010) - received
11. Essie - received
12. Keri - confirmed, Shint pay first, waiting for transfer

Those who had not provided me your
1. Name
2. Contact Number
3. Total number of adults (Parents of child, grandparents of child, sibling)
4. kids/age
5. Email address
6. Tentative Preferred date and time (to be confirmed by the person in charge)

I will email you all the details after I consolidate the whole list.

The person in charge gave me till Monday morning to transfer so in case any last minute mommy who wants to join, pls let me know asap.
I am trying to confirm another 2 more to the list. So by Monday nite I will email the details.
little twin stars / vern,
thks for the bday wishes

Just now had dinner at Four Seasons Jiangnan Chun, food is not bad.

feedback abt the treatment. yday went to Kimage to do the treatmt and color hair. tdy wash hair, but still got hair drop. *sobs sobs* Just applied hair tonic so I will monitor and see. How abt u? U applied the hair tonic alrdy? Got this icy, "bing bing liang liang" feel. Quite shiok.

SL looks so handsome in his romper! Wa... too bad he's being taken by huichin's Falisha haha...

this time round, can see Kaer's teeth! Wow she is hitting alot of the milestones pretty fast.

Do post pix of the gathering on your FB. Then I can see.

Yup, that surgery requires GA. Perhaps you monitor and if the swelling gets too big to handle, gota think of alternatives instead of squeezing out the pus.
Twin Stars,
U are soo hilarious gal!
u announced georgine's poo as tho she has given birth! haha..

Yep! he's soo smart! Getting ready for interview?

Sooo cutE!!! Does Kaer like to bite u wif her 2 new teeth?

Happy Burfday!!

Altho Chevelle doesn't eat alot, her weight is jus nice rite?
Anyway she looks quite chubby in the fb videos..esp those juicy thighs! hehe..

re: diaper size
Pampers - depends on which type u get..
the cheaper 'comfort' line of papmers has smaller cutting..M size is quite small.
The more expensive line has a bigger cutting. Char is wearing M cos S size too tight for her thighs..
Goon - Wearing M size now..S oso too tight on thighs..

jonah tried to grab the spoon and also touch his mouth with his hands. so i got my maid to restrain his hands, else his dirty hands will touch my combi high chair cum bed and i have to wash the cover! will see if he can be less messy, else must buy the ikea high chair liao. i did not cut down on milk feeds. now that he can finish 5 tbsp, i give him in between feeds. so for eg, he feeds BM at 12pm, then cereal at 2 plus then BM at 4pm. i dun want the cereal to curb his appetite. it's meant to supplement only.


i called joyful parenting today and the lady said ok to give more cereal if bb demands it. no need to supplement with FM. so if let's say his 8pm feed he's fussy and dun take much milk, can give him cereal after that. but maybe less lor, since he already had some milk. i think for now, my cereal feeds are not at any fixed time. i will see whether he has hunger cues then feed. but will feed minimally once a day lah.
here's a pic of jonah eating his cereal on monday (1st attempt). now u know why i dun want a messy feed...the high chair isn't so easy to clean :p

i'm also feeding bernice on the combi chair. hahaha. today she did the most horrible thing, while eating her cereal she turn and started to lick the fabric on the chair.. hahaha. then i told her "stop it, you are not a dog!" hahaha. I tried to put the tray on cos she kept raising her legs and few time almost kick the bowl of cereal. But after awhile she get very upset cos cant raise her legs then I had to remove them. You so good somemore got put the protection under for jonah.

morning mummies

catherine & krex78,
at least both baby are willing to sit back and relax to have cereals. yu ze will sit up and lean forward towards the bowl or spoon i have. i can't hold his hands off cos nobody to hold him for me. my hubby will just sit there and laugh at the mess. he is of no help. 'angry'

i also still drop hair but seems to be a bit lesser whenever i apply the tonic. i didn't use it everyday, only alternate days.

finally you got it. is she cranky when her 2nd tooth is out?

i haven't tried fixing the tray yet coz' i'm still using it as a bed during weekends when he rooms in with us.


aiyoh, ask your hb to help mah. tell him if your son messes the chair or floor, he's cleaning it up. he will cry if it's the combi kind where u have to remove everything to wash the cover!
Morning mummies,

Lotsa posts alrdy!

thks 4 e bday wishes. haha so Chevelle has juicy thighs ah.... sounds like KFC. I think she has big feet.

krex / Catherine,
Not bad, your bbies can sit down n eat in combi chairs. my gal, we let her sit in the pram haha... ya i knw shd give her a better place to eat but she refuses to sit in the bumbo le...

not bad results 4 u then. I'm still monitoring cos yday 1st time i apply the tonic. duno isit the coloring still cause me 2 drop hair...
I agree that the Pampers Dry Comfort line (the orange packaging) the M size's cutting is damn small. So now, I letting her use finish all then will just stick to Petpet or NTUC brand.

When going out, will let her use the Pampers Baby Dry (red-green packaging) M size. The cutting is definitely much bigger.
just now, i feed yu ze with cereal but today he eat very little. i think only 1 spoon of cereal. maybe i'm feeding too early, its not his solid food time yet. shall try again later.

he laugh at me causing yu ze to look so messy cos yu ze got cereal all over his mouth even his nose. so i told him, he so clever he feed lah. he feed 1 spoon then he knows how hard and he give up.

telling him to clean up is useless cos he is the maid of the house. all housework is done by him, i only use mouth to talk. hahah....

how to cuddle and feed at the same time?

yah, 1 time use might not see result. i don't know if its my imagination, i think the side where it looks botak seems to have hair grown. it don't look so botak now. will carrying on to monitor

the hairstylist told me my hair seems to be dropping from the front so ask me to apply more in front.

ya, no worries, let Yu Ze take his time in taking the solids.

I remember u said u put brown rice in Mae's night feed. The brown rice is those already v refined into powder right? I'm thinking of putting into Chevelle's night feed but using those HT cereals. Duno if the cereal bits are too big for her to swallow w the milk?
the ht cereal will become very watery when mixed with bm. so i add very little bm so that it will have some texture.
Isit? Then all the better, cos I'm thinking of mixing with the FM for night feed, so that she will drink feeling fuller, then won't wake up for night feed.
Haiz... til now she still hasn't slept through the night.

RE: Sleeping thru the night
Any mummies here with babies who have not slept through the night?
ya..the other teeth finally out also..no leh..she didnt really bite me or what..but as usual..just like to put things in her mouth..i think maybe the second one..more season liao..

heehee..ya..finally i got the pic..almost rite..she struggling like mad..so difficult to take the pic..n she wants to grab the camera most times...not cranky leh..

ya..i know abt the trial classes..u let me know what is a good day/time..we can go together..(if ur schedule allows..) if not, maybe i will go for the 1st feb trial (sunday)
BTW, anybody noticed her baby has this habit of sticking out his/her tongue?

Chevelle kept sticking out her tongue today, as if she learnt some new thing. *faintz*

re: baby 1st food
as cayla seems to have problems finishing her milk, i decided to give her HT brown rice cereals shortly ahead of her turning 6 months old... yesterday fed her the cereals with milk & i think i put in too much milk with 1 scoop (i use the S26 FM scoop which came in the sample pack) of cereals, the mixture becomes very runny... think since she is sick of milk, she din enjoy her meal esp towards the end cos she cried... hahah...

today tried with 2 scoops of cereals with lukewwarm water & i mix it such a way that it's like porridge like that with texture & she seems to enjoy more...

i also felt that she is not comfortable sitting straight up cos she lean forward to grab my bowl & spoon & that the cereals kept dripping from her runny cereals yesterday... so i adjust the fisher price space saver high chair such that it tilt backwards (like leaning position) & i got no more problems...

take care wor... CNY coming... cannot take too much titbits...

SL really look less chubby now... heartache hor... nvm, still so dashing

ouch!!! sayang Bernice for me... her eye better? she still look so beautiful & sweet...

kaer looks so cute with her teeth... do you still latch on? looking forward to seeing cayla's teeth...

happy belated birthday!!!

is Pampers Dry good? i bought a M size pack but didn't use yet cos now using huggies ultra M... also bought the pampers active M & heard the cutting is bigger so wait for a while more...
