(2008/08) Aug 2008

yu ze also like that. my fil will report every sat and sun evening at my place. he is ok so far. from last sat, he suddenly can't remember him. yu ze just cry and cry whenever he see my fil. its so funny. then yesterday, same thing happen again but this time its better. i carry him for a while, talk to him and let them play for a while then he is ok liao.

but hoh, yu ze seldom see my parents and yet he is ok with them. he will play and let them carry leh. my hubby say its cos yu ze sees my parents when we are outside, so he is ok. don't know true or not.

wa.... sounds so uncannily alike. I remember Yu Ze is only 2 days older than Chevelle.

So seems like their patterns quite similar.

Chevelle is ok with my parents cos everyday also see them. But it's damn weird w ILs. Cos the wk before last just saw them, then yday like treat them like strangers. When she saw them, her whole mouth turned downwards and cried.

So your bb born on 17 Aug? Then shd be no prob one, u can even submit online stating your baby's birthday on 17 aug and enter 4 mths.

For me, I had to get MCYS to approve my 4th mth cos my bb born on 8 Aug but EDD on 17 Aug.

As for the email, I duno how they found it but the officer in charge of my case emailed to tell me I did not submit the approval letter etc for my 4th mth claim. I was like, what the heck, I passed everything to the CPF officer at the CPF building leh... I shoot her back. Then she said she found them after I told her who attended to me.
Aiyoo..when i read how u 'deh' ur lao gong, i got goosebumps leh!! :p

haha..same here! we see mil every week..but since new year till now, everytime mil toked to her or carried her, she will 'bian zui' and start to cry!
looks like i 教道有方!

ur #1 is sooo sensible!! very few children her age know the value of $$!
btw, u know there's a new boutique called 'Gingersnaps' in Raffles City? Next to DPMA.
their clothes vv nice!!

ok. I will try online submission again. if nt, will bring Meredith now... let her have her concert here. Hahaha!!

I think they lazy to find lah...... so u write email, then they kuai kuai go n find.
it's ok la .. 2 pcs i still can spare u .. just let me know when u wana pop over. Thur & fri we be out in the afternoons cos she got class. I'm usu home in the evenings and mornings most of the days. plus lately we nvr bring her swim cos her eyes like tat we dont want she kena the swimming pool water.

i saw the gingersnap clothes.. quite nice
but bernice got enuf clothes le.. hahaha.. must stop buying until few mths later.. hahaha.
any mummies starting to wean bb off BM liao? i read most still very hardworking pumping..im considering to wean kaer off liao...now im pumping 3x a day...but feel like stopping in another few weeks..
Thanks for the compliments on my #1...she can be quite sensible at times but she will also get me to get things for her lah...she will say "she needs" rather than "she wants"...hahaha

I bought Gingersnap dresses for #1 before...nice! But not cheap wor...
hehe..i oso resisted when i walked into Gingersnaps and bb fox cos i oni had $50 wif me! haha..datz how i control myself! :p

Oh mommies, came across tis when i was reading babycentre..at least now i dun feel guilty when i left char alone while i surf or rather shop online! haha..

Qn: How much do I have to play and interact with my baby? Do babies need time alone?
Ans fr: Edward Christophersen, clinical psychologist

You can play and interact with your baby as often as you want.
After all, you're her favorite companion.
That said, babies need time on their own, too, so they can gradually start to understand that they're independent from you.
Look for occasions when you can place your baby on a pad or blanket in a comfortable area on the floor with some soft toys within easy reach.
Leave her there for a short time so she can explore her environment and learn to be alone and amuse herself for a short time.
Over a few weeks, try to stretch the amount of time she has to herself.
Be observant and read her signals: Try to pick her up before she starts fussing or crying.
the brand is from philippines and my fren told me it's much cheaper there!
if u got frens going there, can tompang them!
or do u know anyone's maid going back for hols? haha..
*hugs* It's tough yah? But am sure when u see her gaining weight, albeit a little slowly, u wld feel it's worth it. Maybe when she progresses to more semisolids n solids her appetite will pick up yah?

*jia you*

Thanks for the fd jar!! Rem to let me have ur acc no. hor??

no lah, it's assertive & determined wifey.. Sometimes gonggong hb also gd, when they give a surprise, it can really be very pleasant. Like ur birdnest surprise!!
So sweet leh..

my ger aso recognizes ppl & house somemore. Haiz. She cried v chiam when i brought her to friend's hse on xmas. that was her 2nd time there. haiz. hope's she ok on NY...

i aso discovered my ger dun like ppl wearing dark clothes... she will cry heartily if these ppl talk to her...
your girl just don't like people wearing dark clothes. sorry, if there is any malay mummies here that i don't know. my boy hoh, is a racist. he don't like malays wearing head scarfs. he will cry when he sees them.

hisstory this is the BLW website

This one is a blog by 2 mums who are trying the method out.

Val yah saw it. Me too very blur with FB sometimes.
Hee! Hee! Not coming back for CNY. Would like to come back for Christmas but have to see how things are. Hubby not too keen to travel long distance with a baby.

Krex I was just googling to find 'spicy' recipes for babies and came across these websites. Trying to find out when we can introduce chillies to babies.
Those who dun know Kai might think he's "girl" .. haha. u know what i mean rite ;) All becos of this mommy here ... the other color out of stock la ... it was heavily discounted ma. I must wear the full suit over it so cannot be seen.

I was ill-prepared that's why he so cold. Let's try again at an earlier hour ... so the water is still warm.

NeckFloat ..... me wanna sell off .. who wants to buy ah? cos Kai's neck is too fat for it!!
Used only once for 5 mins? Brand new condition - Blue color.
We went in the afternoon ard 4pm and it did drizzeled slightly before that .... the sun was setting oredi ...
it's a pool that's not crowded at all and clean ... and ard AMK/YCK area. we can organise another one after CNY.
no la, the swim diaper i bought ... those reusable one ... it's purple color .. cos the other color i wanted to order is OSS.
my babysitter just inform me that yu ze is drinking 6oz of milk now. but my ss has not increase, very soon he will finished up my fbm liao.

i see. hehe....
sorry to intrude... I m a Jul08 mummy and looking to buy a Medela freestyle breast pump from US site addalittlelove.com. Need 2 more orders to go ahead w the spree. If you know of any1 who is looking to buy Medela freestyle or PIS, pls look into this link.


My 1st pump is dying and I really want to get a new one from this spree!
... oh, and I am not related to the organiser of the spree, jst a really desparate mummy.
brought bernice for her 3rd 6in1 jab today.. she didnt cry as bad as she did the for the 2nd jab. Just 2 ehh ehh and 1 tear .. hahaha.. She's not 7.15kg (50% percentile) and 67.5cm (75% percentile).. so next jab will be after 1YO) yippie ...

I'm looking at the GAP website now.. hahaha
Catherine, you buying the bumper playmat? I saw u post on the BP thread.. I wanna buy too.. Dunno if should buy big one or smaller one.. Which one u wanna get?
I'm just thinking cos i have one from tiny toons already.. but my mom complain say it's hard.. so i'm wondering if i should get another one.

re: enfalac 1 or 2
I notice Enfalac 1 is from birth to 12 mths. But Enfalac 2 is from 6 mths. So now should we buy 1 or 2 ?
heheh, u still tease her ah.. Hope things improve and her fear of taking in milk wld go away. Do u still latch her on?

Received!! It was nice to meet u too, although it was so short a duration.. Maybe we can have a SAHM gathering sometime yah?

Thanks!! Shall do some research.. I think it wld rock my mum's boat to start sthg like tt *hahah*
re bumper mat...i have the yellow bear $119 one...i think its really good..much better than the tiny toons one.

the bumper mat 12mm is sufficient..just put a carpet underneath or one of those jigsaw mat pieces....and it will be soft enough

big one is better...but it takes up alot of space....and its cumbersome to move around...so its best if u measure the area u intend to place it and then buy a suitable size.

i bought enfalac 1 ...enfalac 2 definitely has more added nutrients...so might be more suitable when baby is older and has a more developed digestive system.
heh... maybe you can keep the current one for when your gal is bigger then.. think I'll get the Pooh one ;P
Catherine... ooops... errrmmm tell him baby needs another layer cos she is learning to crawl :p heh heh... safety first rite?!?!
Wa...did i read wrongly? U want to intro chillies to your bb?

Think I will arrange via sms w u to get the swimpants fr u one day. How much per pc?

Not bad, Bernice didn't cry much. I keep my fingers crossed when I bring Chevelle next mth. Time really flies!

Enfalac 2, u mean Enfapro right? Cos I thought there is only Enfalac, no split into 2 stages.

I can post to you no problem but why dun we meet up for a swim? perhaps we can go with Shint...

Anyway, i bought a top for Adel when he went swimming... the thermal one and blocks out UV rays, but he still cried cause the water was too cold... As Shint said, we can try again, maybe this time in the afternoon...

Tell me if you realy need it posted, i can post to you... just PM me k?
today was a pretty gd day for me although i'm dying of boredom from my 4th month ML :p

jonah fed and slept well, so not complaining!


he ate 5 tbsp of barley cereal 2x today. both times he was asking for more!?! anw, found a way to get him to drink his water. he has been rejecting water for the past few days AFTER i fed him cereal. today i tried feeding him water after every 5 spoons. he took it without problems. haha, that solves my water problem! i also checked with PD and she says ok to feed 5 tbsp 2x a day. she wasn't too concerned about him not drinking water though...she said even one teaspoon is ok...weird.


finally managed to put jonah to sleep w/o swaddling. i still had to carry him though, but i notice when i try to put him to sleep when he's sleepy, he doesn't take more than 5 mins to sleep in my arms. i try to put him down when he's not fully asleep, but eyes closed already. then let him hug bolster and put blanket over. he managed to sleep 1-2 hrs each time using this method. i hope to advance to not using pacifier and carrying him although it sounds like a tough job! maybe when he turns 6 mths next week, he'll decide to be a big boy and sleep on his own :p

i'm considering bum wear already but waiting for mother & bb fair in feb/ mar. hoping they will have a booth coz' very lazy to go down to united sq to get it. and it's soooo ex! i think i'll use it at my MIL's for everyday use but when bb's home with us on weekends and weekday nites, we'll stick with disposables. anyone using bum wear already? any feedback?
nite mommies...
me back oredi... trying to read all the post whenever I can while bb napping still cant finish til now
will continue tomorrow

Happy belated bday !!! My bb oso cant sleep thru the nite yet and gosh how I miss my nite deep sleep

Thanks very much for paying up for me first
Have trf to ur acc pls check and let me know if u hv rcvd them ok ?

Bit shiok when u asked who is linx ?? It's me lohh.. :p yahhh but mayb cos I'm quite new here ah ? hehehe

sticking toungue
my gal like to do it then booo the saliva with the toungue.. can wet all her top n bibs one

Carter bibs
Is the bibs supposed to b water proof behind ?

Will try to post more 2mrw.. now hb insist I need to rest liao.. while bb asleep

GOod nite mommies
Hisstory & Timminbuzz

SAHM gathering. Yeah....count me in, too
When? After CNY?

Read your children's blogs. Very nice
Good job! Interested to send Trudy to learn the piano foundation from Stephanie. Where is her place? Love the way she conducts the lesson. Look like very interesting. Is she good? Hope you read this
heheh, u can jio and see if the rest of the mummies are game

Wah, Jonah so guai.. Willing to sleep more on his own liao, he knows mummy is tired, so he sayang u

Eh, how come ur 4th mth of ML is only taking place now? U broke it up huh?

yah lor, i think must wait till aft CNY.. Wah i hope i dun chicken out, coz if it's on a weekday, i might have trouble bringing her out on my own..

Oh yes, have heard of aquaducks, but dun know enough abt its reviews.. Do u?

i was just thinking if latching her on may reduce her fears tt's all.. *jia you* k??
