(2008/08) Aug 2008

i think maybe u can give 3-5 tbsp? for me, i just dont know how much milk to add. ;p is it right to make more milk then pour gradually to the consistency that we want?

ruixuan, both Yuuri & I taking weekend class. dunno if there r any diff in charges. if i not wrong no night classes.

my sister in law has two of these chairs....youngest is 1.5 eldest is 5...i think this chair is very good.can adjust height....it's solid wood..heavier and better than the stokke tripp trapp....baby can use until very old...but of course now baby so small must use towels to pad for now...

i try to borrow...then u can come and try...
Hey HappyMummy

i just kena very bad sore throat + cough. So dun think i can make it to the gathering. Sorry
Dun wanna spread to u n the rest of the Mummies n BBies. U all enjoy k.
1. ruixuan (received)
2. Shint (received)
3. celynlee (received)
4. megan - (received)
5. linx - (received from Ruixuan)
6. coolsnow (received)
8. Shirley (received)
9. Amelia (ruixuan's contact) - (received from Ruixuan)
9. Twinstars - (Shint pay first)
10.Mandy (happymum1010) - (Shint pay first)

11. Sarah (Shint’s contact) - waiting for transfer
12. keri - waiting for transfer (did not final confirm)

Please respond if you are still interested?
If I do not receive any confirmation that you are transferring the $$, I'll have to drop you from this BP.
mummies feeding ht cereals, i got stupid questions to ask. we use those type of metal spoon that we use to eat outside or the type we use to chopsticks? when we scoop a spoon of it, do we level it like fm or have a 'mountain' of it? tomorrow will be yu ze's first solid at home, this blur mummy don't know what to do.
I dono if I am right but I use the metal spoon.. I dont level it nor do I make a mountain of it. Just like agar agar 1 spooinful. That's for me la
hi mummies,
V long day today, now only manage to see the postings. Sorry if I missed anybody out.

Cheong Choon's address: Blk 34 Upper Cross Street #03-132
TeL: 6532 3855

hope u get well soon! Must be tough ya? Must think of so many things, ie cannot be near the kids.

little twin stars,
sounds serious, hope Georgine will get better.

ya think our babies will sooner or later get heavier for us to carry/rock them to sleep, really dread the day when hv to let her cry it out siah. I think I cannot tahan.

sounds like you got alot of buys at Expo! must hv been happy shopping. Ya, lucky your hubby didn't scold u.

Hope you all enjoy the gathering tmrw. Too bad I cannot go.

And ya, talking abt tmrw, almost forgot it will be my bday tmrw. Which means I'll be another yr older. Time flies!

I use the plastic thermal spoon, not the metal spoon. I guess any spoon is okie. As for the amount per spoonful to feed, I also just agar agar.
hi, only manage to log in now as have been busy over the past few weeks.

Shint, is it too late to photo BP? LEt me know and I can arrange to transfer the 50%. If it's too late, then never mind, maybe next time.

nite mommies
still overseas.. cant read all the post since internet bit problematik here... will b back tomorrow nite only... but mite b cant login to the internet directly due to unpacking then need to make bb adjust again with the home timezone *sigh* I'm really worried.. Hope I'm strong enough n dont fall sick or else who's going to take care of bb ?

Update boout photostudio how ? Just pm me incase I missed the post

No prob abt the info needed, just remembered I hv the namecard so fish it out.

As for the spoons, I bought when there were Babymallonline sprees organised by none other than snow! hehe

Think if you want, can buy from Kiddy Palace or the baby section of any dept store.


Thks! haha, yday hubby asked me again what i wanted for bday. Told him to sponsor my hair treatment today. He kept asking me to color my hair.

Next up will be his bday but I knw what to get for him, cos his wallet is like fraying at the sides.
BJG class for our babies age is only available on Sat and Sunday. Only 1 session on each day. Hope that helps. Glad SL is well already

is 2 feeds of 5 tbsp a lot of cereal? am i overfeeding him? my maid says ok to eat more since it's solid food and will keep in full in between feeds. but when i planned and discussed with PD, it was more like 3-5 tbsp a day leh...how ah?


dun think yu ze will reject cereal. seems like most bbs, esp boys, are not fussy with food. they seem to want to try new things. anw, cereal tastes gd...i tried it, heh heh. u can give 3 tbsp for a start. when i gave jonah 1 tbsp on the first day, he was already begging for more.


for me, i use water since it's easier. if i use BM, must heat up and if not watery enough, must heat up again. so troublesome. with water, i just try 1 tbsp, then another, then see if the texture is ok. for first feed, can make it more watery and subsequently can make it thicker so that it's more puree like. this is to facilitate his transition into pureed foods like veg and fruits. dun worry, my bb ate it all up whether it's watery or thick
i had transfer (to shint) $100 deposit for u first...
u can pay me back when u return to singapore.

rata, yuuri
i cant get BJG so cant arrange a trial class this weekend
okie mummies, super tired, will be turning in for the night.

I think u can give more based on your boy's needs. The packaging/instructions are just a guideline.

Haiz... It's like for milk intake, even up to now my girl still needs at least 6 feeds a day. She cannot be trained or forced to drink more than 120ml per feed. Sometimes she cannot even finish 120ml and has to finish in 2 separate times.
Guess she has small appetite, and must drink more frequently.

So I guess same goes for cereal, if your boy is big eater, by all means give.

I decided to throw all those guidelines out of the window as I noticed each baby is different.
heheh, i thought u wld ask hb to sponsor the Neverfull Damier.. kekeke!

Ur hb not bad, pays attention to looks.. He wants a meimei wifey

U get the Neverfull Damier for urself & a Damier graphite wallet for hb?
I also dunno why quite hard to get BJG sometimes. If you're really keen, guess you can call tmr morning since they have more lessons on weekends, should have more staff to answer phone!
krex78, personally i do feel its a bit too much leh....but if jonah can take it without having any digestion problem then i think should be all rite ba...maybe in between also give fruit puree? Actually have u thought of starting porridge for him liao?

I don't dare to ask him to sponsor Neverfull. Later he will have a shock ah.
On the other hand, I was thinking of getting the Damier Florin wallet for him but duno if he will appreciate it or not. He may think it's a sissy wallet.
No offence to other mummies' hubbies who like this wallet k?

For the Damier Neverfull, it's just a wishlist, not necessary to get. MB can ask my friend going to Japan to help get, else wait til it hits SG shores to see if it's to my taste.
hmm, sponsor partially?
Oh i think u wld like the neverfull quite abit! if i had known they were going to produce the neverfull in damier, i wldn't have gotten it in the monogram canvas..

Damier Florin ah? I go see.. I wanted to get hb a belt, but he said i was mad..
Please go ahead to transfer the $100. In in previous thread. i too tired to check, pls check it ok? then PM/email me after you transferred.
Please transfer $100(50% deposit) to my POSB Savings account 149-35371-2 and indicate your nick.

Name, contact number, email add, kids/age, date pref. Thanks.
ur birthday soon?

Happy Birthday!!

Anyway, I bought the spoon fm Daiso... must go n check is it thermal. The mashing spoon attracted me. Hahaha!!
Wish all the best for your birthday

I have the info to share on how much to feed after 6 months (This is an easy-to-follow feeding guide from Heinz)

- 180-240ml breast milk or formula feeding

- 1 to 2 tbsp infant cereal mixed with breast milk or formula milk

- Breast milk or formula milk depending on baby's appetite

- 180-240ml breast milk or formula feeding
- 1-2 tbsp pureed single vegetable

- 180-240ml breast milk or formula feeding
- 1-2 tbsp infant cereal
- 1-2 tbsp pureed single fruit
tbsp is tablespoon as in the big one rite?
for those who give only breastmilk , do u mix cereal with breastmilk, water or formula?
<font color="0000ff">happymummy</font>, thank you for the arrangements. ur hb is so sweet to contribute! I gave Phil some cereal for a couple of days and he has a little reddish rash on the face which comes and goes. Hope is not allergy. Will let you know.

<font color="0000ff">val</font>, happy birthday!!!

<font color="0000ff">shint</font>, u are still sick? take care leh.

<font color="0000ff">hisstory, timminbuzz, wendy</font>, u got ur period although BF? that happened to me for #1 too. I think went back to work, too stress. Dun worry, should still be able to continue to BF. I just went back to work recently, cross fingers auntie stay away...

<font color="0000ff">interrace, history</font>, u stay near ur parents? I can't afford to ferry everyday. My ILs in east, parents in west, stay in north.

<font color="0000ff">celyn</font>, wah! u wake up so early! what time do u zzz? I'm already so tired with sending kids at 7.30am and coming home at 7pm to cook dinner.

<font color="0000ff">sylvia</font>, hokkaido! wah... I have been targetting very long oredi but no chance. how to bring baby along? difficult leh.

<font color="0000ff">mousse</font>, I found Pampers M quite tight even though it states 6-11kg. Mamy Poko S is also very tight when Phil was 1 month old.

<font color="aa00aa">Re: Diapers</font>
Anyone using size L oredi? How heavy is your baby?

<font color="0000ff">krex</font>, wow! jonah can take so much cereal? I only just started giving solids. According to the box instructions, I only give 1 teaspoon for first feeding. Now just increase to 1 tbsp.

<font color="aa00aa">Re: Solids</font>
I just started giving cereal to Phil though he is not yet 5 months. I mix until the cereal pour off the spoon else scared he choke if it's too thick. Also tried giving avocado but dunno how to choose really good ones. Also mash and mix with EBM until pour off the spoon. So far haven't exceed 1 tbsp (before mixing with EBM) per feed even though Phil seems keen to eat more. Am watching for allergic reactions.

<font color="aa00aa">Re: Milk</font>
I am worried Phil is not drinking enough at the infantcare. They only feed him 100ml per 3 hourly. I asked to increase but they say 120ml is too much. But I find he gets easily distracted so probably wun finish 120ml anyway. What do you gals think?

<font color="aa00aa">Re: CNY walk in</font>
I went today! Anyone else went? Kind of regret a couple of pics I chose cos hb was rushing me, kids were cranky and so many pple around. After the photoshoot, some china lady who was waiting accidentally dropped the paper umbrella on the shelf unto Phil as I was changing him on the mattress. He started screaming his head off but I couldn't see what was the damage. After we left then the injury redden. He kanna a small cut on the eyebrow.
yea, I am still coughing badly .... and i had lost my voice cos i was talking too much yesterday. work ma.

oh my goodness, how's baby Phil? kenna cut, so poor thing. *give him a hug pls.
Thanks for responding via email.
will add you back as I had spoken to the person in charge to give bit more time for mommies to make the transfer.
DPhotofolio photoshoot payment.
1. ruixuan (received)
2. Shint (received)
3. celynlee (received)
4. megan - (received)
5. linx - (received from Ruixuan)
6. coolsnow (received)
8. Shirley (received)
9. Amelia (ruixuan's contact) - (received from Ruixuan)
9. Twinstars - confirmed, Shint pay first, waiting for transfer.
10.Mandy (happymum1010) - confirmed, Shint pay first, waiting for transfer.
11. Essie - confirmed, Shint pay first, waiting for transfer
12. Keri - confirmed, Shint pay first, waiting for transfer

13. Sarah (Shint’s contact) - waiting for transfer

Those who had not provided me your
1. Name
2. Contact Number
3. Total number of adults (Parents of child, grandparents of child, sibling)
4. kids/age
5. Email address
6. Tentative Preferred date and time (to be confirmed by the person in charge)

I will email you all the details.

so far i have not exceeded the packaging instructions as it says can feed 2 times a day and 1 full feed is 5 tbsp. but i think i better check with PD. maybe wiser to increase milk intake instead. i feel as if i've starved him by not giving him enough milk
hb says better not to latch on anymore...just give bottle so can monitor his intake.


i have not started him on fruit/ veg puree yet coz' he's not 6 mths. PD said to try cereal first about 1-2 weeks before 6 mths if he's not feeding well (coz i feedback that he's very distracted when BF and sometimes does not feed for very long). i tot of giving veg puree only after cny when he's turned 6 mths. but will give more water to prevent constipation. noticed his lips a bit dry these days. porridge also i never try coz' PD says mostly carbo. cereal is more nutritious.


1 teaspoon quite little leh. HT packaging says 1 tbsp then work up to 5 tbsp for full feed. my bb was already crying for more after 1 tbsp and we had to quickly make another 1 tbsp on his first day of attempting cereal. he will "eh eh" after i put each scoop in the mouth. he only stop the "eh eh" after i feed about 3 tbsp worth, i think. the rest he just take but maybe not so much out of hunger but as a snack.

can i check if any mommies are latching on and then supplementing with the bottle (either EBM or FM?) i'm thinking whether to try this method so i can pump less often. very lazy to spend every 4-5 hrs pumping esp when i'm at home with bb. now i only pump in early morning and before i go to sleep. but for this method, i guess can't really monitor bb's intake, but i'm thinking if bb does not latch on for very long or is distracted when feeding, i will just add another 60ml of milk. or should i just give him full bottle feeds everyday and pump 5x a day? i'm more worried about how i will clear my breast when i'm outside, esp during CNY when we spend the entire day out. dun think i want to pump when i go visiting!

hair loss:

went to rays salon to do hair loss treatment yest. now waiting to see the results
btw, the guy told me they're stopping matrix brand of pdts already. so sad to hear this. now dunno where in singapore i can find matrix. the shop is now promoting goldwell.
ruixuan, ya some time no one pick up but i called yrsterday evening can get thru. hope u can get to trial this weekend. update us ya

Hi Shint

Thanks for including me. I have transferred to your account:

To Account POSB Savings
149-35371-2 Shint
Amount S$100.00
Transaction Reference 2074531380
