(2008/08) Aug 2008

i was oso contemplating ceiling fans for my place
not becos maid spoilt the current ones, but becos i was tinking of solution to get rid of the rusty fans. hee...

no no, i not tokking abt the personalised CDs. i tokking abt the learning set fm the BP... we all on waiting list ma. so hope she will be able to get fm supplier?

yar, the principal like totally in control of the situation. she knows the names of many of the kids, knows the names of the parents....so amazing. but yar, i still waiting for the MMI at BR.

shay, megan,
i can oso meet up wif u ladies at eastpoint. hee..

thx for interesting link

Have at least 4pkt of brand new Pampers Comfort M Size 58pcs/pkt to let go at only $10. ( Outside selling at least $11.50/pkt) Coz my baby cannot fit anymore.. Will give away balance about 40pcs loose pieces FREE if anyone getting all.. Collection at Clementi. contact/sms me at 96960155 or email [email protected] for quick deal!!
thanks all for compliment about my baby pics =) I personally like the pics alot too, theres some 'artistic' ones with him naked and also him naked lying on topless daddy. I like the photographer's style

Ur bb eyes very big n round le! V nice esp for a girl!
Ya man, i miss those days. And u know what. The first time i brought bb out shopping with my mum n sis, i started preparing since 9+am and only managed to stepped out of house at 2+pm! Can u believe it?! Had to feed him, bathe him, feed him, change him, then he puked milk all over his clothes, so change again, then before step out of house, he poo big one so change diapers again! Faint!

Little twin star,
Its $150 for an hour shoot but only 8pics return. Have to pay another $100 if wanna buy all pics. I think its worth the money cos baby grows so fast, its something money cant buy later on. Hee, think the photographer gonna earn money frm me every few mths!

Yupyup i bought the orbit in the end! Ha after much shopping ard. Cos hubby figured out its easiest to use and decided he is gonna pay for it thou its quite exp. And we are very happy with our choice now. What colour did u get? I got the mocha one. Oh yes, do u get alot of ppl asking about the stroller when u go out? Everytime we bring baby out in it, we r bound to get ppl coming up asking about it le, seems like really quite a good choice. =)

Can some kind soul enlighten me whats the cd ordering thing about?what personalised cd??
morning mummies.

mummies who are feeding fm, do we feed the amount acording to the tin or just feed what baby needs?

just change to dumex mamil for baby and its says to make 150ml for my boy but he usually take 80ml of bm only. so now, i don't know how much fm to make
EQ is found in Giant and mb Sheng Shiong I think? NTUC doesn't carry this brand.
It comes with sticky tape like Drypers but the cutting is quite big la..
It's v thin and cottony but no leaks for sure! In fact can hold quite alot of urine and I like it cos it's white translucent so I can see from the outside of the diaper how much urine which will tinge it yellow color.

thanks for the compliment on my gal.
The personalised CD is from this link:

The CD will have your baby's name sung in the songs. But you gotta check if they hv your bb's name first.
Catherine is organising a BP in our thread to see if we can meet the MOQ of 30CDs to enjoy 20% discount.
Hi Catherine,

Here's my order for the personalised CD, updated list below:

1. Catherine - 2pcs
2. Gayle - 1 pc
3. Vone - 2 pcs
4. nini - 2 pcs
5. M2B – 2pcs
6. aurora - 1 pc
7. valnsw - 1 pc
hi Celyn,

I thought u got lots of breastmilk...

I suggest that since baby is taking 80ml then U got to make up to 90ml for baby. make what u think ur baby can take, dun follow the tin.

For your info, making milk.. instruction 1oz 1 scoop as instructed from the tin. if ur baby is taking 75ml, DUN MIX 75ml with 2.5 scoop of powder, mix 90ml of water with 3 scoop; followed by discard the remaining 15ml or keep the remainin 15ml for the next feed. due do estimation of powder as too much powder, will make ur baby contispated, too little powder, not enuff nutrient.

if u r feeding breastmilk and formula milk in one feed, dun mix both together. let the baby finish the breastmilk first before giving the formula milk as kinda of waste if baby cant finish the feed.

scooping of powder, level the powder on the scoop by gently swipe off the powder using a butter knife or swift the powder on the scoop to level it , DUN press down the powder on the scoop.
i heard this from my neighbour yday. actually quite near my place. any advise how to prevent such incident.. i mean from nanny's side.
where to find Lobang for Diapers (XXL)?
Hey mommies, anyone knows where to find lobang for diapers XXL size? My #1 now gotta wear those >16kg one .. vv hard to find any brand that carries it leh.

Now only Mamy Poko and Huggies. So far for the S size huggies i tried for my #2, i dun quite like it. So bought Mamy Poko for #1 to try since he is outgrowing the L size for SEALER.... but wanna find cheaper deals. Anyone knows any lobang?

For SEALER, if u wan to find one of these guys who sells it and delivers it for at least 6 packs ordered, can PM me i can give the contact. Too bad he dun have XXL size *sigh.
add me in:

1. Catherine - 2pcs
2. Gayle - 1 pc
3. Vone - 2 pcs
4. nini - 2 pcs
5. M2B – 2pcs
6. aurora - 1 pc
7. valnsw - 1 pc
8. krex - 2 pcs
Haha, think I wun be free after I go back to work so now jus browse at the BPs when I’m free…the teether toys very cute right? I just got them yday and really nice…I bought the head rest for bb too and really useful!

I didn’t read up on any methods…we just let bb has her own routine or pattern for the day but for the last feed, we try to put it at 11pm/+ so that it can last her till the next day…now we adjust to 10pm/+ so that when I go back to work, I can go to bed earlier…heehee

I think each bb is different and thus will have diff patterns…

Twin Stars,
BBs’ nails grown long very fast so must trim regularly to prevent them from scratching their faces…Is the BB Einstein DVDs good? I only have the Baby Can Read 1s for my #1 last time…

Can your gal take more for the last feed? If yes, maybe you can increase more so that she can sleep longer than 4hrs…Now my gal takes 135ml and her feed becomes 4hrly…last feed oso 135ml and last night after her last feed at 10pm+, she woke up for her morning feed at 8am…normally weekdays, I will wake her up for feed at 6am+ but since today weekend, I decided not to wake her and she slept till 8am instead.

Hahaha, I can go shopping for many hours and oso not tired… =P
Ya, Petpet really cheap!

I went Raffles City Robinsons just now and quite quiet leh…only bought some vitamins for myself and hb and a cute tights for my gal…heehee

Maybe you try giving your bb the last feed earlier? We just adjusted my bb’s last milk feed to 10pm/+ instead of 11pm/+…
i got the black/grey one. My girl going to outgrow the bassinet soon.. hahaha. I saw they have the new carseat. so tempted.. will try to convince hubby when she can sit in it.. hehee. we just started using the infant seat. I love it thou it's very heavy and honestly i havent tried going out alone with it. So far only hubby can use it on the escalator.

the personalized CD is a CD whereby they have nursery rhymes/bible songs/stories etc and you can choose the name of the child for the CD and they will sing out the name when played.
I just started to give her 120ml on her 12am/1am feed. so far she able to finish. And would wake up 4 hours later at 4/5am. I dono if i add more would it be too sudden increase for her cos other times she's still at 90ml
last night, i give yu ze dumex mamil at 9pm as last feed before he sleeps. then he wakes up at 2am and 6am for another 2 feed and he poo both time. his poo is the usual yellow golden colour one. then today in the afternoon, his poo is greenish colour like smash vege. anyone experience this before? what could be the cause of it?

thanks for the info. yah, i do have enough milk for him. now have about 80 bottles of fbm, hehe... but i'm giving him 1 fm feed at night everyday.
last feed
i give my girl her last between 9.30pm-10.30pm..depending on her...i give 150ml of water (for 150ml..shld give 5 scoops but i give 4.5 cuz i feel quite thick leh..might be heaty)..when add milk powder it will expand to 170ml...and she drink all...and will wake between 5.45am-7am..
im hopping this routine will be more or less settled cuz im quite comfy with this timing...but once or twice she will have her odd days when she will wake up at abt 3plus in the morning to feed..but *touch wood*..rarely lar..
my gal sometimes also have greenish poo...maybe like once a day..out of the 5-6 times she poo...
i personally think its cuz of the FM ..but dunno lar..
Hi Catherine,

Can I join the personalised CD spree? My baby is also an Aug baby born on the 1st Aug.

1. Catherine - 2pcs
2. Gayle - 1 pc
3. Vone - 2 pcs
4. nini - 2 pcs
5. M2B – 2pcs
6. aurora - 1 pc
7. valnsw - 1 pc
8. krex - 2 pcs
9. Sharon- 2 pcs

Most of the bbs here sleep so early!
Mine sleep very late like 12am..haha cos i was a late sleeper when i was preggie.

I dont have any help..so looking after bb alone. Hubby took 1 month leave to help me so hopefully when bb 2 months old, he's easier to take care. So tiring... once open eyes from my bb's first feed work non-stop till he sleep at night...then i can rest..he woke up once at night to be feed again. I m also Mamil Dumex, 100ml warm water + 3 scoops powder. But he usually drink 30ml~50ml only.
thanks for sharing the info. we were quite shock to see his poo being greenish. we even think if we need to change fm for him again.
hi everyone, i'm new to this forum. need some advice.

first of all, anyone's babies undergoing growth spurt at 3-4 weeks? can share your experience?

my girl used to feed every 2.5-3 hours (total breastfeeding). suddenly, this week, she screams to eat every 1.5 hours. it seems my supply is not enough to feed her so frequently cos she still cries everytime after feeding. she gets angry and frustrated at the breast, and bites.

I'm thinking of supplementing using formula milk, but worried that she doesn't want to latch on after that or to take breast milk cos the taste is different. has anyone tried this?

some friends ask me to stretch the feeding interval longer by letting her wait longer to eat, as she is making snacking or grazing a habit. but she cries very loudly and I can't bear to do that..

any advice or suggestions? thanks much.
Hi everyone..
It's been long I dont post here. but I always try to catch up with the latest topic.
My girl Misaki is doing well, especially with her drinking. she's 6kg plus now. I just hope I dont overfeed her. SHe's on total breastmilk.
but recently she doesnt sleep well at night, dont know why.

Shint: my no 1 also >17kg now wearing drypers XXL for daytime, and mamipoko nitetime. only those 2 can fit him. I always look out for promotion at ntuc or giant.
there's chinese shop jin tai tong (or something like that0 at kangkar also selling diaper and milk quite cheap. (u stay sengkang rite? )

anyone can give me tips how to train my #1 off the dipaer for night time?

M2B: baby einstein is very good.my #1loves it. can learn lots of words and I think the classical music is good for his brain development.. I think ....

Huichin I just Pm u. I bought tippy toes today from robinson. If you want I can let go white and yellow one for you.
let me know ya?

here's pic of my Misaki

hashisan: Ur bb is so cuteeeeeeeee!!!!!!! So chubby!

Urgent:Anybody knows where got sell Ameda spare part? My hubby broke the valve while washing...
BB's Routine:
My bb developed her own routine

7am - she will do her stretching exercise and eh for milk. Sometimes when i'm super tired, i'll jus give her pacifier and she will doze off :p
9-10am - bath time!
10am - usually after bath i will either give her a bottle of milk or pacifier and she will doze off..
whole afternoon - if i on the aircon, she can sometimes sleep for 4 hrs! but if i don't then most of the time i hafto carry her to sleep..put her down on bed/cot for 15mins, she will wake up, and i hafto carry her to sleep again..
8-9pm - wash up time!
9-10pm - after wash up, i will usually give her a bottle of milk or pacifier and she will doze off..
3-4am - eh for milk..
7am - the cycle starts again..

YLN, Aurora,
re: mil carrying bb:
i'm a v possessive mommy..i oso dun like it when mil carries my bb cos she likes to carry her v close to her face and tok to her (not v hygienic rite?) and altho i did tell her to wash her hands and change her clothes after her marketing/cooking before she carries bb, she doesn't listen to me lor! so fed up!
And somehow my bb can recognise mil's voice..so irritating..sometimes when i carry her when she's crying, mil always tries to stand beside me and hush the bb and bb will stop and listen to her..sigh..so upsetting..
farnie ting is, mil knows dat i dun like it cos my face always turn black, but she continues doing it..i know it's not quite right for me to show my temper cos afterall she's the granny mah, not wrong for her to dote on her granddaughter, but it's so hard to control my feelings sometimes..or all the time..:p
As for whether bb will stick to their caregiver, hmm..i'm not so worried abt dat cos my 6 yo niece who was taken care of by my mom since birth, now argues wif my mom and tends to stick to my sil more. As for my 9 mth old nephew who is oso taken care of by my mom, tends to stick to his dad more cos he always brings him gai gai!! hee..

Hey i'm on Meihao99 tingkat too! Jus ended my 10-day trial period..
Yah, their food is not bad but portion quite little hor? esp those meat dishes.
So i'm gonna try out Jiale next week.
Btw how do u usually settle ur lunch?
my trial period wif Empire Food is ending soon, and will be trying out Lexin next week.
actually i still prefer to cook my own..abit sian wif tingkat food liao after jus 2 weeks of trial..:p

Twin Stars,
Woah, ur maid machiam preggie lady leh..!
i thot u gave her some clothes as motivation for her to slim down?
ReiRei: Ya!! Their portion really small...so dont think i going to continue.. I also prefer to cook my own. Like today no tingkat delivery, i cooked lunch while hubby took care of bb. Finally had a good and decent homecook meal with hubby ever since my CL left..hahaha..

Rata: i need it urgently leh..anyone got extra can sell me? If not i hv to keep changing sides as only 1 can be used..
I have extras, u can come pick up from me if u wan. I stay in Seng Kang. PM hp and area to u if it's convenient for u .... unless some other mommies have valves to let go.
Dear mummies,

I have the following items for sales.

1) Bumbo seat @ $35. Very good condition in box. Used less than 10X. Color: Aqua.

2) Hanging mobile for baby cot @ $8.

Self collect at Serangoon Station or North East line. North West line from Outram to Clementi can be arranged.

Interested buyers, pls text 96510417. Thanks.

will let u noe once i rec'd my cc bill.

oh no... i sent out ur items on mon. by nw, u shld rec'd them oledi. m2b oledi rec'd hers even though i sent out hers on wed. y dun u wait a few more days? mayb thr's a delay at d post office. if nt, then most prob ur items r lost oledi. thr's no way 2 chk coz i sent out by normal post.
Re: Growth Spurts & milk intake
is there such thing as growth spurt stage? My baby seems to be drinking alot of milk this week! He used to drink btn 120-140ml every 3hrly. This wk, he started drinking almost that amt and crying for more milk every 2hrly till i increase abit abit till 190ml now! Is it too much to drink for a 7wks old baby? Can u mummies share how much are ur babies drinking ah? He is on total breastmilk, ebm.

At first i thought u referring to ur girl outgrowing the infant car seat soon and i got a shock of my life! Cos my infant car seat is just infront of me when i was reading ur post and i was trying to imagine how huge ur baby is to outgrow it soon! So its the bassinet, got me shocked for a moment, Hehe..
What new carseat??? You mean like a new model or sth? Oh yes, my baby seems to perspire always when sitting in the seat le..share if urs do too after u put her in =)

Thanks ya =) seems v interesting, will browse what cd i want.

u very cute le, making me laugh. Cos u always type "bottle of milk or pacifier". It sounds like u r replacing her milk sessions with pacifier, haha. U so funny. I havent given in to the pacifier yet, cos dun wan my boy to get used to it. N my hubby v against giving him pacifier too which i was too initially! But wait till he faces a crying n yelling baby 24/7 alone! I am slowly giving in to the idea of stuffin pacifier to my baby to make him easier to handle.

Oh ya, u know hows mulberry??Nv see her posting too.

My baby used to sleep almost 12midnight too. I found it abit too late to my timing, cos hubby sleeps by 10+ cos have to wake up early for work, and i go to bed alone everynight =( so i started changing his sleeping time to 10plus, latest 11pm now but bringing his schedule earlier.
Kindly include me and if u dun mind, kindly pm me if i dun reply here cos i might not check thread. Sorry to trouble ah, many many thanks! N thanks for organising =)

1. Catherine - 2pcs
2. Gayle - 1 pc
3. Vone - 2 pcs
4. nini - 2 pcs
5. M2B – 2pcs
6. aurora - 1 pc
7. valnsw - 1 pc
8. krex - 2 pcs
9. Sharon- 2 pcs
10. Joanne- 2 pcs
Hey val..bb was 3.3kg, went home from hosp at 2.9kg..worried weight problem but now...i think very heavy le..

dongle...for ur info...pampers or rather mamy poko in japan is very cheap...and u can go toys r us to get all sorts of baby stuff...i use to bring back boxes of stuff...from there...u can get the box from toysrus....

twin star..when my 1st was on FM we went to japan when she was 4mths plus...we bought the disposable bag to store milk instead of the drinking bottle..avent has this..so we only need to bring drinking teats which save alot of space..and then the sterilising tablets..no need steriliser...

actualli before 6mths good to travel cos they eat and sleep....
Hi, Catherine,

me too interested in the personalise CD. Kindly include me. Thanks.

1. Catherine - 2pcs
2. Gayle - 1 pc
3. Vone - 2 pcs
4. nini - 2 pcs
5. M2B – 2pcs
6. aurora - 1 pc
7. valnsw - 1 pc
8. krex - 2 pcs
9. Sharon- 2 pcs
10. Joanne- 2 pcs
11. von(mrsgan) - 1 pc
U oso long time never post wor..thot u MIA liao..

U oso taking care of bb all by urself ah? shiong rite?
Mulberry ah..i tink she's a silent reader..heheh..either too bz or too lazy to post nowadays..jus like me.. :p
No worries, I think your bb has green poo due to FM. Cos initially I was bfeeding and supplemt little with FM, her poo all yellow one. Then when I switched to FM, her poo start to be green. Actually the first few strings of poo are green but the later ones are yellow and sometimes w bits in it.

hehe, I met Mulberry last Sat cos I was passing her the Lasinoh nipple cream that she wanted. She will be moving to her new house soon.

gd leh, at least your bb is settling into her routine. Hehe, mine at least sleeping better and more thru the night but I wana train her to sleep earlier.
Hope things btwn u and your MIL will get better.
I guess when parents or ILs stay w u, gotta bear with their way of doing things. Even tho I'm staying w my parents, haiz, sometimes my mum also drives me nuts!

I remember you mentioned there was promo on the Kodomo baby wipes.
How much is it? Cos I was thinking to buy, as it shd be handy to carry these lightweight packs of baby wipes out.

wow so Titus gained quite abit of weight then. Hehe, me also worried if my bb gain too much wt but then ppl say it's ok one, u shd b even more worried if they dun gain wt.

mb ur bb is undergoing growth spurt at wk 3-4. If your bb wants more, then give him/her. Give on demand. Else if your bb is full and refuses the bottle if you've given your bb, and still makes those grazing/rooting gestures, use the pacifier. and it may also help to drag the next feeding. Sometimes, bb want comfort suckling.
In that case beta dun increase more since you just started giving 120ml...you monitor and see how and when to increase slowly then can last her longer...

I think must put in the designated no. of scoops of milk powder coz if diluted then not so nutritious already...to prevent heatiness, can give some plain water at times...

Thanks for your reviews on the BB Einstein DVDs.
Your bb is so chuibby!!!

Thanks so much!
those mommies who are TBF, how do u keep up a routine so that your bb feeds every 4 hours instead of 2 hours? and can u time them on their feed, esp at night? maybe one feed at 12am and the other at 4 or 5am?
i was in orch yest & for a wkend, there also werent many ppl.. Even though Robinsons had the exclusives for card members, the crowd was non-existent! Prob reverse psychology at play? Many ppl think the areas wld be crowded, so they avoid.. heheh! works to our advantage!

bb Misaki's so cute & cuddly!!

The routine for ur ger sounds so ideal.. Are u giving BM or FM?

Am on TBF, during the day I try to stretch till at least 3 hrs & then at night, let the feeding be 'feed on demand'... This is recommended by the LC at Mt A

Ooh, thanks for the info on EQ.. Heheh, it being thin has its advantage yah, an indicator of pee like Pampers
Both you and Medusa were talking about childcare centres. I suppose you had looked around childcare centres in Simei?
Any gd childcare centres/kindergartens to recommend?

hehe, something like that. You can buy one pack to see if it suits your bb. Cos also depends on whether can suit your bb or not.
So you went to Robinson sale? Anything gd?
yu ze's daily schedule
5/6am - feed, sleep immediately after feed
9/10am - feed, play for 30mins to 1 hour, then cry for sleep. will carry him to sleep for awhile then put him on bed.
then its feed on demand. sometimes, he can sleep for 3 - 5 hours before he cry for milk.
depends on what time hubby comes back in the afternoon, then it will be his bath time. between 2 - 5pm
9pm - last feed before sleep. wipe and change him after feed, carry him to sleep.
2am/3am - cry for milk.

didn't know FM will cause green poo. also since its only 1 feed a day so didn't expect it to cause this.
Hi all,
today my bb is exactly 2 months. Time pass so fast hor.. sigh.. still remember she was only a small baby awhile ago.

my bb same like yours, must carry entire day .. sigh .. so spoilt already.

ya they have a new car seat. Looks quite similar to the toddler seat but to be fit into the car. 600+. I thinking want to get or not, but now abit too early. so better not ask hubby now. hahaha. I never notice that she perspire alot lei.. but i know that when she sits on the seat and she poo poo, esp those watery type cos of the way she seated, the poo poo would leak from the front.. kena 2 times already
But other than that never notice about the perspiration. Will take note.
re: sep spree
all items at vpost aledi but this vpost driving me nuts... have wrote 3 emails to them that ON & DS kena separate boxes & they still keep asking for invoice & then update invoice amount wrongly... if tomo still dont reflect correct amount will have to call them so that we dont kena gst...

thanks for the tip, so mammy poko can be bought easily? i can take risk & bring minimal diapers cos very bulky lei? im staying at shinjuku, you know of any shops selling children stuffs nearby? what did you get from toys r us? sorry ah, so many questions... my frens oni told me can buy burberry blue label & agnes b bags & jap brands cosmetics/skincare... never tell me children stuffs is cheap... hehe...
Can PM me the info on the webcams you installed in your house? I'm contemplating too.
Remembered u said can DIY and can link to your PC to view.
Roughly how much to install? Sorry asked so many questions. TIA!
Anyway, it was nice meeting you that day!

hehe can buy the Burberry Blue Label bags there. I think only Japan has this line, nowhere else can buy.
I know of this shop in SG that sells the bags but more ex for sure.
wah, u so fast making plans for CC oredi? well, i tink so far the few popular ones convenient for those staying in simei wld be kinderland upper changi, josiah montessori at eastpoint, or u cld even travel to tampines n look out for kinderland at tampines safra, juz to name a few.

me oredi started on my cold drinks :p n ur confinement period n mine the same. keke... juz tat i oni do for 35 days.

btw, did u bring ur son for Hep B jab? how much did it cost?
yup i taking care alone, really very tiring. So tired that i dont realise it anymore nowadays till i sit down and really can doze off anytime kind, but still have to feed baby. Its such a demanding job to be SAHM! Its definately more siong than going to work, Sigh. My ILs offer to help take care of baby and my mum too, but honestly id rather do it myself, dun want conflicts in style. Esp when they loveee to keep carrying him to sleep which i am against cos i will be the one suffering when they arent here. I believe in letting him soothe himself to sleep when he is sleepy unless he gets very cranky and starts yelling. Keeping my fingers crossed

Oh think what u referring to is the toddler seat+ car seat which is like our infant seat, but its for toddlers.

I alrdy started when i was 28days! Cannot tahan anymore, hee. Think its individual choice.


i drank cold drinks when my confinement ended on d 30th day oledi. u r gd, can still ren till d 40th day.
