(2008/08) Aug 2008

hmm tats true. Theres bp that sells neck float and swimming tub le, u think its similar? Thinking if i shd get and let him play at home instead

does tbf means total latch on as well?? Thats v siong. I tried but my baby once took 2hrs till i dozed off, woke up and he was still on my breast! He always take 1hr at least and aft that hungry very fast, so i latch sometimes only but total breastmilk.

congrats on the completion of ur 1st month celebration! haha... my food was wiped out, guess i got >50 guests? (i actually lost count at the end of the day cos some cldn't make it, some brought people along...)
i have extra eclairs, but i planned tat ;) for my own snacking pleasure.
my 1.5kg carrot cake was well distributed. i left myself a couple of slices n tat served as breakfast for 3 days after the party :D

i tink i will juz delay n take 6-in-1 then. might as well lah, cos i know her jaundice level still hasn't dropped drastically yet. i wonder how i can go to polyclinic n get jaundice level tested again... hmm....

megan, shay,
me interested to attend the music trial. but wld have to go for the junior discovery (1.5yrs & above). wld u both wanna go for the same one? or junior playtime (2.5yrs & above)?

i know wat u mean by BIG bag.. i almost had to bring 2 bags! eeks.. so kwa zhang rite? gotta repack the diaper bag lah, many things r duplicated.

i tink our HBs share same zodiac sign.. :S say same things. i tink my online shopping can keep me occupied for the time being. wait until 'better timing' & request for pressie. kaka..

re: maid
today, i lecture poor myanmese maid again. her toilet cleaning skills need improvement lah. always close the door for 1hr cleaning the toilet but still never do properly. u know wat she's been using all tis while? floor detergent to clean EVERYTHING in the bathroom, including taps :S no wonder my floor detergent finish so quickly. then i oso found out she cleans my parquet floor with floor detergent!?!?! supposed to clean oni wif water... *sigh*
My bb is on TFM..almost..datz y she can sleep long hrs..:p

Mil moved back liao loh..she says bring bb back once a week for her to see see can liao.

I'm typing tis while carrying bb to sleep..haiz..

Woah..bof u n ur hb v adventurous leh!
Btw, how to resist shopping when u are in japan?! :p
i used to go japan every yr..but tis yr gotta sacrifice cos hb oni agreed to bring bb to japan when she's 1yr old.

Be preprared for lotsa walking n climbing up & down the stairs cos quite a few of the tokyo stns r realli old..n crowded n dun haf lifts or escalators.
in fact i dun recall seeing any strollers in trains & stns..it mite be easier to jus carry bbs in slings/carriers, esp so when walking in shinjuku stn cos it is quite crowded.

Jus to share some of my fave haunts/brands if u are in tokyo:
1) Harajuku - Kiddyland
it's a small building on its own dat sells toys! i rem they haf a floor dat sells cute bibs and small towels. There's oso a big retail shop dat sells all snoopy merchandise, jus opp the stn.

2) Disneyland - if u are not going to the park itself, u can jus take JR to Maihama station and there's a Disney retail shop jus a few mins away from the station.
Or u can goto the shopping area called Ikspiari: http://www.ikspiari.com/

3) comme ca market
Their children wear is quite affordable and chic.
Last yr i went i saw a beige overcoat for lil' gers which looks like wat the young tokyo gers wld wear in autumn..soo nice! If i knew i wld be preggie, i wld haf bought liao.

4) Afternoon tea
They do sell some bb merchandise but rather exp..a bib can cost around S$20.
But i realli like their tea & cookies collection. The packaging is v nice too and i usu buy back as gifts.
oh, their recyclable bags are quite a hit too.

5) Tokyo Hands - Porter bags
Tis brand of bags is quite common in Tokyo. Their design and brand label is oso diff from wat we see in S'pore - the brand label sewn on the bag wld indicate 'Porter - Tokyo'.

6) Agnes B
Wider collection there and cheaper too!

7) Yodobashi Camera
It's an electrical stuff megamart.
Ur hb may like it.
I usu go there to look at their watches.

8) Factory Outlets!!
I lurve the Gotemba Premium outlet! But it's quite a long train ride.
There are banana republic, polo and gucci!

9) Sanrio
There's a new sanrio shop in Shinjuku. If u like cute stuff for bbs, tis is a must-visit place!

And oh, when u shop, u can try telling the sales girl dat it's a pressie and most of the time, they'll wrap it up so v nicely dat u dun wanna open it! haha..

Enjoy shopping!
Hi mummies,

I am from the oct thread, but was hoping if any kind mummies here can help to recommend good and responsible massage lady to me?

I feel more at ease if the recommendation comes from u mummies as you all had engaged the services and will be the best judge

And roughly how long after natural birth can I book her and how many sessions? And how much is the cost per session? thanks a million!
np la, jus walk in and tell them u are following up on the jaundice check .... so they can give u priority queue. Then go see the doc and get the doc to issue u the form to go for blood test.
Use the special condition queue hor .... faster. They told me, only for jaundice got priority. After which, once after 1 month then normal queue liaoz.
why u dont cut her nails when she sleeping ?

i feel dr lim very conservative. When i brought bb to see him at 5weeks he also say she was gaining weight too fast when she was only 4kg. He somemore ask me to "starve" her until 3 hrs then feed. Hubby so angry say nvr go see him again. Then we went to Dr Cheng instead and he said bb is ok. hahaha

me same as u .. I buy it myself better. haha

i wana bring bb for swimming too but got once we went to the habourfront outlet and the tub wasnt very clean so my mom was quite -ve abt it
Then i show hubby the pic from the bp for the neckfloat to tell him there is such place to bring bb but he not keep, he say the float will stretch bb neck, he say wait till she 6mths then bring her go swimming better
Dongle, whoa ur HB very nice leh! hehe..Soo shweet...

M2B, must take pix and show us when u go k! hehe..i can't wait for Falisha's turn oso! LOL

Catherine, really ah the not clean?

BTW abt the baby swimming place i remember valnsw mentioned that she got ask b4 the shop person if BB goes in the tub then start crying how, and she said no charge. I must keep this in mind. Hhehee...just in case la. Definitely I hope my Falisha will enjoy it!
Catherine, i oso cannot wait till 6months! hahaa...dats y wanna bring her there 1st try try loh. Hhehe...nowadays when i bathe Falisha i will purpose wet her face 1st..then like slowly pour water over her head bit by bit. She neber cry leh. hahah...i know i sound evil...but i guess need to let her get used to water rather than touch water only can shriek. LOL

I'm planning to bring Falisha to a gd fren's condo when she gets bigger..hehe...can go there and play water! Cos apt type of house so no one there usually. Aiyo cannot wait siah! I sound like a mad woman. haha..
hi mommies,

just thought i should let u know that goon diapers have increased in price. just found out when i made my first order last week. now they're just slightly cheaper than mamy poko

btw, need some opinion on crying bb. my hubby thinks i shouldn't cuddle and pick bb up whenever he cries. he is so into disciplining the kid that he refuses to rock and walk bb around even though he's wailing. and he will start to scold him if he cries even more. very heart pain to see him do that. yest, i told him to pass bb to me after his futile attempts to keep him quiet. once he was in my arms, he settled and stopped crying after 5 mins. all i did was cuddle him and told him nicely to be a good boy. my hb was of course not too happy that i managed to pacify bb :p now i'm in a dilemma as to how i shld settle this with my hb. seems to be a prob every day. wonder if i'm being a softie while daddy is being too firm with the kid.
i understand where ur hubby coming from..actually i used to think like ur hubby too..then i read up on the internet that bbs need cuddling too to feel secure..then i gave in..and started to cuddle her more..infact..its true now my bb will sleep when i cuddle her..but she also sleep faster and more soundly..n its a good way to bond with bb..makes everyone's life much easier...maybe u shld ask ur hubby to read up on cuddling bbs...actually i think someone posted an article on something like that a while ago...more cuddling will make the bb feel secure and confident...
My case is about the pacifier. I dont want to give bb the pacifier but hubby will use that to soothe her whenever she cries. Esp in the evenings, she just goes into this wailing marathon, and then she will doze off. I feel it's just a phase they go thru. We've checked with the pd and it's not colic. So as long as I've fed her, changed her, I know she is ok. So I would carry her and try to calm her down. But my hubby would get upset and he would want to carry her and give her the pacifier instead. When I refuse then he would get upset. He says wind will get in if she goes on crying like this. I keep telling him that the pacifier does her no good. In fact it makes feeding more difficult now cos she keep suckling both the bottle and breast just for comfort. And she's drooling more now. But as usual hubby dont listen. So every nite we go thru this process of being upset with each other. He give I upset, I dont give, he upset.
Ya I'm doing some homework on CCs cos hear things abt being on the waitlist for the popular ones.
Looking at Simei area too cos I will be moving there soon
haha, finally settle everything but of course keeping fingers crossed la, cos duno if hb wil throw some funny stunt or not.
Next time we can meet up liao!

josiah montessori at eastpoint is quite ex plus I read reviews that it's not exactly that great too.

You mentioned kinderland, you hv reviews on it being gd?

little twin stars,
So the baby einstein DVDs are gd then? I ordered the DVD set alrdy, can't wait for it! Cos my bb is starting to babble and make baby sounds, like she wants to talk already! Need something educational to let her learn more.
It's really v cute, sometimes we talk to her, it's as if she's learning how to respond back but making some baby sounds and everyday the sounds she makes is slightly different. Like she increase her vocab hehe

wow! u and your gal hv travelled together so many places! Is USA a bb-friendly place too? Been there but nvr noticed how bb-friendly it is.

that's great! So your hb gave u the green light 4 the swimming. My hb and mum still objecting. I feel like bringing bb to Hua Xia to swim without their knowledge :p

your PD is Dr Lim of Kinderclinic ah? Both Catherine and I saw him b4 and he said the same thing about overfeeding.

the $112 for 5 sessions of swimming, add $50 for 5 sessions of massage.
$196 for 10 sessions of swimming.
Is this the norm price or promo price? Cos I tot I saw on website the above is promo valid til 30 Sep?

your bb looks so cute and with those rubber duckies too!

wing wing, catherine,
my hb and mum still object to bb swimming neh... I wana bring my bb swim leh.

you must be damn glad that your MIL is not at your house now! ;) at least bring back see MIL once a wk or every 2 wks is ok. Sometimes familiarity breeds contempt ya?
You sound like one of my friends who also visits Japan once a yr at least. V expert at all the gd shopping and must go places!

hehe is not really me who said the person told me wun charge if bb cries. Is krex who called or isit went there and the staff told her wun charge if bb cries. Hehe, me just relaying what she said.

Re: pacifier
I'm kinda like in similar situation as u. HB also just likes to give pacifier when she starts crying but I prefer not to. I still give but only when I knw she just wants to suck something for comfort to fall asleep or when I'm really too tired to entertain her. Other than that, I will just cuddle her. If she's crying cos she's sleepy, normally once I carry her a short while, she will doze off.

Same here, especially in the afternoon, Chevelle will sleep intermittently with the pacifier. Once the pacifier drops, I hv to put it back on her. I will carry/rock her and once I see her close her eyes to sleep, I will put her down but 5-10min later, she wakes up and the whole cycle starts again lo -_-"

krex / YLN,
Guess there are 2 schools of thought here. Initially I was against carrying her when my bb cries but now that her sleep pattern has started to stabilise, i.e. sleeping more throughout the nite, in the daytime, I will carry her more. Cos noticed if she sleeps by herself on the bed, 10 min later she will wake up w a start and cries as if v scared. I can sense from her cries that she feels v insecure, afraid that nobody is near her. I get that v often during the aftn naps.
Haiz.. guess mb cos at nite, the maid sleeps nxt to her, so she got used to wanting somebody nxt to her when she sleep?

But then in the morning, when she dozes off in the yaolan, she's okie leh...
yup, i read that article also... it's a gd idea if i can choose...

my tbf is latch on only at night & when nobody help me to feed bb... day time i pump out cos my mum is ard to feed her & easier to gauge how much she is taking... ya, feeding on demand very siong cos when latching very difficult to know whether she drinks enuff or not cos she can cry for milk after 1hr plus... faintz...

my hp no is in the same email that contains my address... you still have that email? if not, can wait for the next spree items to arrive lor... prob, 2 more weeks max cos i flying off liao... hehe...

wah, thanks for the tips...u r d tokyo expert man...
Good Morning mummies

yah, my baby under Dr lim KH. quite nice. but talk like salesman.

hey the 2 kids look so cute with the neck float. feel like bringing my son for a swim. but first of all, i need to get a new swinsuit for myself first. scared cant fit in the old one.
morning mummies

yah. don't know why its only in the afternoon. at night, he also sleeps with pacifier but if its drop then, its ok. he won't wake up and cry. i will try not to give him in the afternoon so that i don't have to walk in and out of the room just cos of that pacifer.

i latch in the morning like 7+ cos after that i can put him back to sleep again till 10+. the rest of the day, i will pump but its no longer the 3 hourly. it really depends if yu ze is awake or not.

re: carrying to sleep
i will carry yu ze to sleep in the night. usually he will fall asleep in my arms within 5-15mins. i will need to tell him that i'm puting him in bed before i put him down or he will wake up and cry again.

re: pacifier
my hubby refuse to give my boy pacifier cos he says he will cry when he drop so don't give then he won't cry. but i will give especially at night cos i know he needs that to sleep unless he is super tired. so night time, i will scold hubby if he took yu ze's pacifier from him and make him cry.

re: swimming
the swimming lessons looks good. maybe i should sign up for yu ze too after his massage class this sat.

re: transporting of ebm
sometime back, we were talking about transporting ebm from office to home. i try out to experiment it yesterday at home. i freeze a bottle of water (treating it as ebm). at 5.30pm, i put the frozen bottle of water in medela cooler bag. then i leave it outside till 8pm, assuming i will reach home latest by 8pm after dinner and fetching yu ze from nanny's place. the bottle of frozen water had melted. so we can't freeze ebm in office and bring it home. i think its better to leave it in the fridge, freeze it only when we reach home.
Good Morning!

I saw the Jazzy Toes in Robinsons RC too but didn’t buy though…hahaha, me shopping queen ah, soon no more liao coz me gg back to work already…heehee

Think Celyn is the 1st mommy here to go back to work and maybe I’m the 2nd…well like Celyn said, it might be a relief coz dun need to face bb 24/7…

I do dote on #2 but I think still more for #1 lor…bad mommy…but both are darlings to me… =P

Maybe have a good talk with your hbs that you being the mother won’t want to do anything harmful to the bbs lor, so since you are the 1 taking care of the bb most of the time, can they let you deal with the bb your way instead…this is what I told my hb for #1 and #2 and thus he doesn’t question what I do anymore as he knows I sure have their welfare at heart. Cheer up k?

Yup, hb gave the green light and is paying for it…now is when I’m free to bring her down to try…heehee
both dun work??

i thought of buying one good cooler bag so that i can transport 5 days of ebm supply to nanny place. i staying in boon lay and nanny in cck.
i also worried that frozen ebm wll melt.
i see that you have joined the spree going on for the brighlights exploration station. i tink i should just double check what the organiser means by $45 - $49 for shipping. hopefully it's not per person?!
i only try on medela one cos i will be bringing that to work.

for me, nanny got a separate fridge for baby, so i can transport a lot of ebm to her at 1 go, don't have to transport everyday.
i wanted to join but haven't. total cost per set is about $80 for the organiser koala (not sure about spelling). i saw another organiser, xiao yun, total cost per set is about $70. thought of ordering from her but she need more people to start.
morning ladies! =)

sayang sayang, try to rest when ur bb is resting ok?
ur gal reminds me of my #1, she also practically dun let me rest thru out the whole day 1.

ya, u should let ur gal try swimming.
its not only to tired her out lah, it also help in improving her motor skill lor.

if u can guide ur bb on how to kick and play with water at home, why not rite? ;P
maybe u can go learn bb massage also....hee hee....

but u will need to waste lotsa water to fill that tub every time u noe?

ha ha...ya ya ya, gotta pack super big bag when need to go out.
bought a bigger hot water flask also, bag so heavy liao.
to make thing worse, both of them using the same brand of diaper and milk powder.
sometime i gotta be very careful not to use the wrong thing on the wrong bb leh. -_-"

really ah?
i still tell them to make sure their tub is clean leh. =P
they told me they wash it everyday, and will not re-use water after each bb lor.

actually i brought my #1 to swim only at 6th mth, she will feel frighten 1 lor.
that is why i wanna start zynn earlier.

that is the promo price, but i'm not sure if the promo ending end spe or not lor.

just fyi, the 1st lesson i brought zynn there w/o my hb's notice also...ha ha...
later then jio him there to see his daughter enjoying, he no heart to reject by then liao lor.
krex/YLN/Catherine: My bb also same case! Every night he will throw tantrum,cry non-stop,drink alot of milk (comfort sucking?).. Me n hubby got alot of disagreement, he wants to discipline bb while i am being protective. I feel as this repeat everyday, its affecting our relationship..making us resent each other more.
He feels that i m over-feeding bb by feeding him on demand. He say i will make bb into a FAT boy next time. But i m on a TBF.. n bb cries until face red, he also refuses to carry.. Is there any positive article i can show to my hubby?
its normal for bb to be more cranky at nite as compare to day time lor.
if they cried and will only stop when u carry, most likely is due to stomach wind.
bf is on demand 1, sometime u wouldn't noe how much u are feeding the bb...let alone overfed.
too young to discipline an infant bah, infant wouldn't understand 1 leh.
i thought there is a show at nite guiding parents how to look after bb? think is channel 8.
I went to the one @harbour front.. Brought my bb there last week (5weeks old).. Think punggol plaza n PS ones are bigger. He didnt cry.. just blur blur..haha..but its really cute seeing them kicking in the water. Reminds me of him in my tummy during pregnancy.

Snow: ya lor..but hubby thinks i m spoiling him!? sigh...bb is too young to be disciplined. Just give him lots of love n hugs. I dont know why my hubby thinking is so terrible one..Its got me really depressing too. Thinking of sending him to a babysitter...weekends then bring back..
i'm opposite from you. i'm the one who wants to discipline baby now. not sure if he understands but i will try to talk to him to calm him down. i do carry him as well. hubby will want to carry baby once he crys. i will say no to that. of course, if he cry till face red i will also carry lah. i will carry and lecture baby at the same time. hehe...

i will be the one who put baby to sleep every night. if hubby carrys and baby fall asleep in his arm, he will want me to transfer baby from him to bed. i refuse to do it. i told hubby if i'm not around then how. baby no need to sleep loh or you just carry him like that loh. hubby is very dependent on me to make baby sleep.
my girl very funny, she will hold the pacifier with her hand to prevent it from dropping. but after she sleep and if it drops out, she wont care anymore. Actually even when she wants to suckle i dont give her the pacifier, i rather give her the breast cos at least she take in some bm also better than just plain suckling the pacifier.

where u go for bb massage ?? I'm looking for one.

ya it was quite dirty that day i saw so was very put off by them. Now thou tempted but hubby say dont want.

so our case is opposite, my hubby is immediately pick bb up and keep asking me give her milk. hahaha. if u find an article we need 2 opposite versions to it. hahah

if bb cry even after being carried ? she's just being cranky right ?
YLN, that's the prob. my hb doesn't like to read up. i was reading out loud the portion on bb crying from "What to Expect - The First Year". he only practices selective listening. the article clearly states you can't spoil bb if u give in to their needs from birth till 6 mths but he still don't listen. i'm always the one doing the research and he doesn't even bother. everything must do his way.

catherine, we're both ok with the pacifier. in fact, it's the only thing that can calm bb down these days. i'm just not ok with all the scolding and discipline that my hb wants to instill in the boy at such a young age. btw, if my bb can latch on and drink from bottle, is pacifier harmful? we both felt that suck pacifier better than suck thumb, which is more unhygenic and less even.

val, my hb is the ultimate. he scold until bb cry non-stop and he gets so upset that he dumps the bb to the maid to comfort to sleep. how irresponsible, sigh!

m2b, my hb feels that since my MIL is taking care of bb next time, he doesn't want his elderly mother to do things like rock or cuddle bb to sleep, or sing and dance with the lullaby. very taxing for her. i also can't say anything since i won't be taking care of bb next time during the day

nini, u can let him read this article from the website if he's not too stubborn:
Thanks so much!! Then I shall pick up with the 2nd spree stuff
I was looking for tt mail, but I somehow can't find it.. Cld u fwd to me once again? Thanks!!

heheh, it's still possible to steal moments during lunch breaks & on the way home to go shopping! Heheh, more cutie stuff for ur gers *winks*

U're right, dun need to face bb 24/7.. But i still dun feel like going back early! heheh! It's the best time for a break fr work.. Otherwise quite hard to clear the ML in future

Thanks dear! Trying to rest as much as possible, but it's really hard! *cross fingers & toes* tt this phase zooms by quickly.. I daren't ask my mum to help too much, coz she's also taking care of my niece & doing up the meals..

I shall talk to the CFO abt it.. Later he scold me siao!
celyn, the other day, my hb had a hard time getting bb to stop crying. i asked if i could try and he reluctantly passed me the bb. all i did was cuddle him and talk nicely to him and he stopped crying within 5 mins. hb saw red and started saying next time if he cries, either me or my maid will go cuddle bb and put him to sleep. guess what? by night time, he was holding a crying bb again

i usu let my hb take over once he gets home. i guess he really wants to bond with bb since he's at work the whole day, so i let him carry bb and feed him. it's only at night before going to sleep that he gets really cranky and that's where trouble starts!
i tried it for a week now. milk ss became a little bit better by the 3rd day. no maple syrup smell but noticed my milk started to thin. now i'm in a dilemma whether to continue or not. if it thins, i presume bb is getting more water than fatty nutrients? or rather, more foremilk than hindmilk? can anyone advise?
Ur HB wld most certainly be a gd disciplinarian in future.. But i think now's kind of early, esp when bb doesn't understand much. Some discipline is needed, but bb needs comfort more at this stage..

Lots of books recommend cuddling & comforting when bb is fretful, as studies show tt if they aren't, they are more likely to be insecure adults in future
i had the same problem. my hb also scared tt my son too will become a FAT boy also. my hb will made sure that baby drink promptly 3 hourly and nothing more than the usual amount. this is what i do. if i dun do all these, hb never know the stress we are facing.

Pumping out my milk
my hb want me to pump out my milk cos My baby's PD think I overfeed my son thru breastfeeding. It wasn't a bad idea to pump out the milk as my hb will care for the baby too, including night feed.

Make my hubby carry the bb (despite he is working the next day or not):
If baby cries too early for the feed during the night, i will purposely wake my hb up at night to carry the baby. Usually my hb will either be very sleepy or petend not to hear, I will bring the baby near him and make him carry while i pump my milk out. most of the time when he cant coax the baby, he will ask me whether baby due for feeding. i will say "Not due. Cannot overfeed him. YOU are the one who do want baby become FAT." usually baby cries, as parents, hb will feel the frustration and stress.

Making hb to care the baby from 8pm to 12midnight while I go and sleep:
I will purposely make my hubby care for the baby during the above timing cos I want to get more rest, as I cant predict whether my son will sleep during the night time. I will tell my hb to keep the baby awake during this timing as if not, baby will not be able to sleep thru during the night. Keeping the baby awake is a very hard task as hb dunno how to play with him except carry my son walking around the whole house. if the baby become cranky cos he want to sleep and cant go to sleep, my hb will feel the stress. once my hb suggest that we need to apply babysitter faster as baby had reach his anger limit. i also warned my hubby that if ever he give the baby any "five dollar", he will sure regret forever. if he ever discipline the baby during the above timing, i will tell my hubby, when he is away at work, I am facing the baby most of the time, shouldn't I be the one discipling the baby more than he should. "what is 4 hours compare to 20 hours??"
currently, we are still looking for day and night nanny for my son, bringing him back during the weekend only. BUT MUST FIND A GOOD ONE COS IF THE NANNY STRESS AND ABUSE THE BABY, i am worried too. currently, i had seen and interview 8-9 babysitter only 2 fill our criteria but still lacking of something and we still looking.
ruixuan, my hb is the opp. he wants to be very hands on, but cannot take the stress of bb's crying, sigh.

for #1, hb also wanted me to express my BM. i think it's partly coz' he wants to feed bb, and also coz' he wants to get bb into a routine of feeding every 4 hours. plus he gets to monitor his milk intake. but for #2, i'm determined to latch bb on no matter what. for #1, i never really got a chance to let him latch on, so i've missed out on the bonding plus benefits of latching on, such as increased milk ss, contraction of womb, etc.
i go to kk. they have a baby massage class where they teach parents on how to massage baby. i can send you the notes on it if you want.

me too. whenever hubby is home, baby is all his. i will take over if he can handle his cry. usually, yu ze will stop crying once i carry him. hubby is so jealous about it.

yah, you are right. we are the one facing baby almost the whole day and they only see baby from 3-9pm (for my case, sometimes even lesser if he comes back later). even so baby might be sleeping half the time too. so in fact, he only handle baby for 3hours or less and he can't take it. once he can pacify baby, he will pass to me liao.
krex / ruixuan / Catherine,
Generally I think men duno what to do with a crying baby la... So they will do what is in their best way to quieten them down.
Some will give pacifier, like my hubby and Catherine's.
Some will "discipline" like "scold" baby like krex and ruixuan's hubbies.
It's their way of dealing with their bbies cos they duno what the bb wants!!!
So.... that's where we mummies come in lo... heh
we knw how 2 decode their cries.

I think at this stage, based on my experience, they do need to feel loved and I believe they do understand what you are telling them, if you communicate/talk to your baby frequently.

So, I think you still can lecture bb, i.e. tell them you must do this or cannot do this in a gentle way, i.e. not raise your voice etc. Lecturing them as if you're teaching them the right way.
Of course, at times, if my bb wants some comfort sucking, I give her the pacifier cos I rather her suck something rather than gasp in air then cause wind in the stomach.
So all this depends on how well you knw your bb and what your bb wants.

Like just now, I managed to calm down Chevelle when she was crying. Cos I knw she usually start 2 b sleepy and cranky one hr aft her feed but she's like wanting to suck something. I told her, no she cannot take the pacifier ok? then I just cuddle/rock her to sleep and presto! she fell asleep in less than 5min
But still gotta hold her in my arm la...
later goma transfer her 2 e yaolan.
oh ya, sometimes if you wana drag feeding, let bb drink some water lo..
but depends on how well your bb takes to it.
I knw mine has this disgusted, cheated look when I make her drink water.
Can only hold her for a short while nia.
i always talk to baby and in a way, lecturing him if he is naughty. i will raise my voice only when he crys non-stop cos he can't hear me if i don't do that. hahah..... talking does help. sometimes, he will quiet down to hear what i have to say.

once fil and hubby can't handle baby while i was washing the bottles. hubby had to carry baby to me. he quiet down the moment i talk to him while i continue washing.
wahaha, I think makes you feel shiok that you can do better than your hb in handling bb hor? :p

I also gotta teach hb how to soothe bb and talk to her. Cos I realised my bb is one who wants attention and wants pple to talk to her. hehe
So my hb also starts to talk to her liao!
Hi Val,

I pm-ed you twice, check with you did you receive any pm? I am still interested in the desitin creamy, at times I may not log in as I have my hands full with baby.

Is there any other way to contact you? So sorry for the delay in responding.
Catherine: I dont pick up baby immediately, when he just making noise, i also ignore him until it become crying non-stop like very 'yuan wang' like that..

krex: Thanks!!!
My hubby is also like ur hubby.. he can't calm down a crying bb. All he does is shout n slap bb butt
But after he cooled down then he will sayang bb...Yesterday i went out for a meeting n he took care of bb alone, bb sleep all the way in the car. haha

ruxian: i dont think i m overfeeding my bb leh.. I mean, if bb not hungry he will reject one mah.. My hubby does not support the idea of a bbsitter cos scare kena abused. So either infant care or bbsitter.. I m also expressing out my milk for my bb.

valnsw, Celyn
Actually i feel shiok when i can handle bb better than hb. and bb in my hand usually sleep and bb always play with me when i talk to him as day gos by, my hb felt left out and start to follow my style of handling baby.

I agree with celyn that hb should handle baby in case when we are not around... in case we need to go shopping. Actually i need to work during weekend, definitely, hb got to learn to handle. my hubby ever shout at the baby cos bb cries so loud and hubby duno what my son want. the more he shout, the baby cries louder.. end up, i got to take over and calm my son down. after that i get my hubby to do all the chores. He feel that doing chores is still better than looking after son.

right now, my hubby can bb quite well. many unpleasant incident happen when my hubby learning how to handle bb.

I got 5 pacifier in my house. but my son dun take them in the day but only at night. we got so many in case dirty, and not in time to sterilize or lost in the bed somewhere.

When I breastfeed my son on his Day 2, he cried very badly, making me very emotional that time. I feel my son is a betrayer then. Even after discharge, my son misbehave and i really feel he is not so close to me. that time, my hubby dunno how I feel. when he start to learn how to handle son, my son get very cranky. then this is what i tell my hubby "now u know what is betrayed?"
