(2008/08) Aug 2008

my girl also upgraded to S size. Now using pampers and mammy poko. Almost finished a pkt of Nepia, didn't like it cos even thou very soft, i feel it's very thick..

my boy had upgrade to size s for drypers and mamy poko. drypers for day and mamy poko for night. going to change to petpet for him to try when drypers finished.
Krex well done to you for getting your son on total EBM. I'm still supplementing with FM once or twice a day.

August Mummies I was on another forum yesterday and someone mentioned the breastflow bottle (from Mothercare) http://www.breastflow.co.uk/index.htm Read some of the reviews and it seems that babies who were bottlefed early can be trained to latch onto the breast with this bottle. Also ideal for those who want to alternate between bottlefeeding and breastfeeding. Anybody heard or used this bottle before? Am thinking of getting one as would still like to latch on my baby a bit more often. Don't do it very often now as he tends to get a bit frustrated. But if I can train him on a breastflow bottle first maybe it could make feeding from the breast a less stressful experience for him.

Menses: I've also been having some light flow since last week even though I'm expressing. Not quite sure what to make of it!
heheh, maybe like how the saying goes 'outsiders get a better perspective'??
Thank God our ger has double eyelids tt hb & i have, if not i seriously think there's a mix-up at the hospital!
This romper had better be worn a couple more times, before it can't be worn liao.. Those button front tops always shift out of place, so my mum says might as well wear romper

Thanks! I love the romper too!! Too bad, i think might ger might outgrow it very soon..

I must work hard to stretch Ashley's feed to 4 hrs too.. Now it's still hovering at 3hrs
U going for the Robinsons sale??
if u put EBM in FTG and place the entire thing in the freezer, will the EBM become frozen? i dun mind doing that if the EBM is still liquid since there's so much feedback that the mini fridge isn't cold enough.

cooler bag:
i've got a silver colour cooler bag when i bought the avent isis duo breast pump. if i put my EBM in the fridge and transfer it into the cooler bag with ice packs, it's supposed to keep the EBM cold for about 2-3 hrs rite?

feeding EBM outside:
i will consider feeding EBM outside if bb's next feed is within one hour from leaving home. so sometimes i warm up the milk already (we make it quite hot), store it in the thermal bag, then feed bb once we reach our destination within the hour. the milk will be room temperature, so still quite drinkable. otherwise, we'll just feed FM lor.
catherine, i've finally found 2 CDs that i like. i think i can order 2. it's prob more convenient if i use the promo code and order online since they can deliver for free. else u'll be a very busy woman having to coordinate all the payment and collection!

huichin/ mrs N, pump more often and eat more fish...it helps a little. i'm only able to give bb full EBM coz' i reduce his intake ever since the PD said i didn't have to follow the qty from the formula can (they usu encourage u to feed more). now he drinks 90ml every 4 hours and the last feed, we give 120ml so that he can sleep longer at night. my bb is able to latch on (well, i try only when he cries a lot and daddy is busy warming up the milk). just that daddy doesn't want him to drink from the breast coz' cannot monitor his intake and make him drink according to a scheduled time. but i'm very sure that for #2, i'd want to start on the right note and do total BF from the breast. even if it means waking up more often at night and feeding more regularly
What i do is that if baby's feed is in the next <4 hours, I'll pump and then bring out the freshly pumped milk out in room temperature and then feed him when he is hungry. Normally the next feed will be within 3 hours or less.

In this case, dun need the fridge to go but if stay out longer then cannot.
okie, jus let me noe in adv.

4 me, i wld press my breast inwards 2 stop d letdown.

my gal is wearing s size diapers oledi. we changed when she's more than 3kg as it's cheaper.
BP use to sell that mary jane jazzt toes. 1 box only $26. i bot frm tiny thots i think.
my girl is also using "S"now. in fact mamy poko's S seems tight liao

think our maids think here is like their kampong. everyone friend friend. so have to remind them lor. now i must look thru cocomo's email to me n get hubby to install. but hubby thinks by doing that it might threaten my maid n he feels she has a gd attitude n no need wo

if u see any promo on braun's ear thermometer again, can let me know....that time i went n missed the deal so never buy
in case u come into the forum, I've emailed you to check if you can meet me this Sat at Vivocity to get your milkbags.
Time stated in the email. Have given you my mobile number to contact me in case.

Didn't get your email from you on how you want to get the Desitin, so do let me knw ya?

Hehe... ya mb the next round can organise another one w more mummies. Hee.. seldom go Taka cos usually I find not much for me to buy. and I really dun like to drive into town where possible.

hehe, I think YLN also got the baby einstein DVD. Think my hse gona be collections of DVDs and CDs liao.
Hehe, I think Chevelle managed to lift her head for a few moments when I put her down on all fours. Didn't manage to capture that moment on camera. sadz... wait for tmrw.

so the Isetan sale not so worth going then? I was thinking it's gona be soo crowded, I dowana squeeze w the crowd.
Re: personalised CD
Hmm... so it's gona be pronounced as Shah-velle, gotta think abt it.
re:mini fridge
i got 1 free from buying biotherm products... have been using it to store ebm in my bedroom... so far so good lei, my ebm never turn sour when i keep it within 48 hours.. thinking of bringing to office cos always hear my clerk complain that duno who always leave food/drinks &amp; forget to bring back &amp; they become bad/decompose inside fridge... ehhh... ya, cannot thaw frozen ebm then freeze it back...

my HB got 1 for me but i find it heavy so i seldom bring it out... i will use it when i go back office ba...

dun need to bring to me specifically, wen yr spree goods come then we arrange again... thank you so much...

good idea to meet up again but duno whether i can handle baby alone or not... hehe... before or after my japan trip?

my SIL was telling me after got maid have to buy cheap appliances liao cos her maid spoil many of their appliances...
haha, u MIA for a while liaoz ...

Talk about it. When my maid came, shortly the washing machine spoilt. It just stopped working and i was not sure if it's becos of her but we had been using it for years and working. So, i almost wanted to go buy a new one liaoz .. then one day,i decided to try to fix it again and i shift it here and there, reconnect the hose , etc ... and viola! it worked again! so happy .. else gotta waste another few hundred dollars.

THen other applicances also stopped working ... dunno they mishandle it or she vv SHAY .. things just stopped working under her .... then found out it was the cable, so changed the cable then work liaoz. So far, she has not spoilt anything major yet .... but recently i found that my house always kenna power failure ... dunno where plug what ... no time to go figure out yet.

At first i tot it was the photo therapy machine I rented causing it but now no more liao still get blackout .... so must be something else causing it.
FTG ... who wanna organise the spree?

The FTG too heavy ah? how heavy har?
I was thinking if i bring my pump, FTG daily to and fro to office then quite leh chey ... now have not decided what transportation mode i am gonna take in future. If taking public transport then sure die.
hi mummies!

havent logged in for quite some time, hope all of u are coping well n enjoying motherhood =)

Its been a real test of patience handling my baby alone. But all's worth it when i see a smile on him.

Re: Bringing baby out alone
I did that when he was slightly less than 4 wks old, brought him to parkway (nearby)! But i did it in a pupsik sling.

The sling's a lifesaver nowadays! You girls shd get one if ur baby refuses to be put down during the day like mine. He is always very calm and happy in the sling, and falls asleep most of the time. I've also brought him shopping couple of times with my mum, but its a huge challenge! All the things that needs preparing before even stepping out of house!

Sigh, gone are the days of " Lets go ... now"

Realised he is growing so fast n to remember his every stage, we brought him to foto u for a shoot. Wanna share with u mummies =)


okie, u girls take care =) He is gonna wake up soon for feed. Ta
very nice pic joanne...

hey catherine..good to see u yday
and ur gal..

din see u leh..snow...i was there from 9.30 to 1.30pm...

btw...robinson sales got that tippy toes/jazzy toes socks...20+5% right..price not too bad...

shay..i stay at st34...maybe we can meet up

my boy is on S size diapers liao....cos he is now 5.26kg at 6 weeks..haiz...i feel overfeeding leh..but at night abt 4pm -6 pm, i feel he always just want comfort feeding..so end up giving him some..dunno how to make him sleep whole nite..short of realli letting him cry till 6pm
Good Morning Mommies!

My gal’s daily schedule is something like that:

6am/+ - Feed her milk (no matter whether she wakes up or not, mostly no)
10am/+ - She woke up for bath and milk and she will normally nap after that…
1pm/+ - Milk and nap on off, if never nap we will play with her while she lie on the bouncer
Her milk feed is ard 3hrs+
6pm/+ - Clean up
Normally after 8pm, we will try to keep her awake by playing with her…
11pm/+ – Milk and then sleep through

Yday I tried feeding her at 10.30pm and she managed to sleep through but I still woke her up for milk at 6am+…

Yup, bought stuffs for #1, #2 and myself at Isetan…heehee…bought a toy for #1 and some VCDs for #2 as Children’s Day pressies…

Ashley looks so cute!

Wana ask you yday you mentioned that I look different?? Very different from preggie meh?

Hahaha, ya, we are finally back to our normal selves liao…
Your son 5.26kg at 6 weeks, mine at 4 weeks oredi 5kg .. about the same ba.
Now he is feeding every 2-2.5 hours for 100ml. The thing is he seldom regurgitate after milk and sleeps after that, else he fusses alot. I think i let it be cos breastmilk is feed on demand rite?

i asked the docs but they say ok lor. So nevermind if he becomes a chubby baby. He's still not FAT though cos he's pretty long ba. i tried to measure him, he's prob 56cm or longer ... estimate cos i din get to measure him yet. Only when i bring him for his jab then i get his assessment but now due to jaundice, he's not encouraged to do the jab till next after next checkup.

Nice pics!

Fridge to go
Not sure yet .. haven't read all the replies, posts on it ... busy now. TRy to reply on this soon.
nice pics.

little twin stars,
ok. will let you know if i happen to see it.

i prepare my boy to sleep at 9pm. usually will feed him fm at this time then start getting him to sleep. sometimes, he fall asleep very fast. sometimes can drag till 10+.

is it ok to store ebm in fridge for about 8 hours before we freeze it in the freezer? will it turn bad?
i saw the braun thermometer on sale at the last robinson sale. maybe u can check it out since robinson is having sale again. they placed it together at the toiletries, vitamins dept at centrepoint, robinson. if i remember correctly, it was 20%.

any idea if the taka member sale is coming? hehe. u seem to always know the sale before anyone of us here
can i crown u the shopping queen? lol

:: FTG ::
i got this model

it's abit heavy as compared to cooler bags.
Forget to comment that you have nice pics of your bb.

Yday evening brought #1 out for dinner with friends...realized very unfair to #2...hahaha
Catherine, oh ur BB upgraded liao ah? Oh man, die. I just bot a pack of Mamy poko NB - 58 pcs! Hmm...Mamy poko size S n Pampers is for what weight to what weight ah? And how much did u get urs for? Can share the price with me? Based on the biggest pk.

Celynlee, oh ur boy using drypers. Is the cutting smaller for size S?

Krex, okie i will try. Now fasting month so abit hard to keep track and 'jagar' my makan. Yea i think i really need to eat more fish siah...like long time no eat liao. LOL.

Little twin stars, oh Tiny tots got sell ah? Hehehe...okok i go find. How heavy is ur BB now?

hisstory, ya they will outgrow their clothes damn fast! In fact i aredy got 2-3pcs cannot wear, and 3-4pcs of clothes like very tight liao. hahaha...'graduated' liao la. Last time when Falisha wore her night long-sleeved rompers from Mothercare (NB size) she was like swimming in it siah. Now NB size like quite tight aredy! She started to wear 0-3mths one liao. Hahaha...
Re: maid spoiling appliances
hee... after hearing all your stories, going to buy cheap CD-player from Giant, else later she also spoil that one, damn sian.

your gal on 4-hr feeds alrdy? that's fast.
hehe my gal only started to be on 4-hr feeds for the last two feeds.

your bb is 5.26kg at wk 6? wow! how heavy was he at birth?
Cos I think my bb was only about 4.1kg at wk 4 just before her full-mth.

love your bb's photos. V nicely taken!
ya, now when you wana go out, gotta prep this and that and then cannot just go out on a whim.
Sigh... the sacrifices we make.

I'm a late sleeper. For my bb, depends on when her last feed of the day is. usually, she will sleep around 12MN or 1+am. v bad habit gotta train her up.

from the looks of Maegan's routine, she feeds only 5x a day? wow that's so gd. How you manage to do it?
back for today... was out with bb for >12hours yesterday from 7.45am till 10.30pm. it was quite a record.

is there an infant care centre near your place at St21? thought i rem vaguely there is...

i am still afraid of the bjorn though i feel that it's a good investment. haven't got the courage to buy one in case one more white elephant at home. krex, do you manage to put bb into the carrier alone or with help? how long does it take for you to place bb in?

nini/mrs n,
my 'menses' is back for the past two days...wah seh, pretty heavy lei, like any other months when i had my menstruation. i have to change a regular pad every 4hr or so.... sian...hopefully it's a sign that my system is doing some serious clearing up and not the return of regular menstruation. i am currently doing latching on majority of the time n pump 1-2 times when i feel that my breasts are still heavy after feeds.

your baby is noisy while doing her stretching? same as mine lor...very very noisy but she looks okay and no need to carry lei..just that her stretching can get a little disturbing in the middle of the night cuz she sleeps in her cot in the same room as us. i am also wondering if it has anything to do with air con room cuz she is perfectly fine in the daytime (mostly).

re: latching on in public - keep it up! i share with you what happened to me. in the first 2-3 weeks i was very concerned about latching on in public. hubby thinks it's "improper" to breastfeed in public and he is worried about other ppl staring at me and bb. i assured him i try my best with my nursing tops lor. yesterday i went shopping with mummy at this makeshift shops at bugis area (opp raffles hospital) and bb starts whimpering for milk. shopowner immediately asked the shopowner of the oppsite shop (an old uncle) to let me have his shop to bf for 10 min. he said ok and i was there, sitting on a stool facing in, latching bb on! it was quite an experience! hahah. the old uncle stayed outside his shop while i bf bb lor...even his customer had to wait for 5min with him outside his shop. ha ha. My view is that if ppl wanna use "coloured" mind to look at you while you bf in public, you cannot stop them. however, you must be very convicted in believing that your bm is the best food for your growing infant. just my two cents worth
good morning all!!

It's raining at my place.. Nice cool start to the weekend

U got the JazzyToe socks fr BP ah?? Dun make me gian leh..

Can you recall how much are the JazzyToe socks at Robinsons?

Hmm, sometimes her last feed is at 10+ or 11+.. How abt urs?

U give FM to ur ger yah? So fr her last feed at 10-11pm, she can sleep thru till 6.30am huh?
I wld actually like to keep her awake in the evening, so tt it tires her out &amp; then can sleep longer durations at night. But at the same time, a little paranoid tt she might then be too awake to want to sleep later on..

U're so cute! U actually got Children's Day pressies.. Gd excuse for me to tell HB i want to get things for my ger!

Yah lor, they outgrow so fast.. No wonder my mum &amp; HB refused to let me get more pretty rompers for NB or 0-3 mths stage..
Luckily I didn't buy alot, if not sure kena nagged at..

wow, there are really nice ppl out there who are so generous..
Incidentally, u've several nursing tops?
Baby enstein DVD
ya..i bought also...cuz my gal now like to watch TV leh...everytime turn on, her head will turn and stare at the TV..can sit for one hr and just watch lor...so i think the DVDs will come in handy when she refuse to sleep ..better to watch educational ones than those ch 8 TV serials!

actually my bb already using M size Drypers...cuz drypers cutting small..petpet S also small for her liao...so moving on to M liao..

BB routine
i heard from a colleague that bb's routine will change every few months..issit? cuz these 2 days, my bb quite cranky..dun want to sleep in the afternoon and throw up milk ...wonder if she's not feeling well or what...dun want to slepp and want pple to talk to her ..sigh..where got enuff energy to talk the whole afternoon!?

anyway..hope she will sleep a bit more lor..i gave her gripe water..put ru yi oil..also no use...still throw up milk and eh eh eh alot..

just wanna check with u mummies who will leave bb with ILs to look after..
i wonder if im the only one feeling like that..but i am SOO afraid that bb will be attached to MIL once she start to look after...like yesterday me went to isetan sale..left bb at MIL place..then went back at about 5pm...wanted to carry her and rock her to sleep...but my MIL keep asking me to pass the bb to her to let her carry..i felt so offended..like think that i cannot handle my own girl...and i felt so upset that when my bb was carried by MIL, she stopped her eh eh eh..i was so sad that i went home crying....i was so afraid bb will be very close to MIL and dun want me liao..n my hubby said i crazy already..'why granny cannot carry granddaughter meh?' he siad i too sensitive to everything...sigh...how?
can anyone tell me if i put the FTG in the freezer with the EBM, will the EBM be frozen or still liquid? I don't mind buying FTG if the EBM will not get frozen since like some of you say, no one uses the freezer compartment in the office fridge.
My gal feed on between 3-4hrly...ya, mostly about 5 feeds only...I think to stretch the duration of the feed is to slowly increase the volume per feed...now I give Maegan 135ml at certain feeds that stretched longer...

Yup, after her last feed at ard 11pm, she will sleep till the next day and most of the times, she won't wake up for milk at 6am+ too...it is me who will make milk to feed her so she can continue to sleep till 10am+...this is to give me and my mom time to do our own things in the morning...I reckon this is good too as I can give her 1 feed b4 I go to work next time and then can handle her last feed too...hope no pattern change man...

Who is going shopping today? Wana go out with the 2 gals to meet my fren but raining leh...sianz...think this weekend town and Vivo will be crowded coz many will avoid suntec/marina area...
YLN, dun worry. these feelings are normal. we mommies always think no one else can care for our bb better than we can

yest my MIL also came my place to babysit. luckily my boy was asleep the whole afternoon, heh heh. so she only had chance to feed him. my biggest fear is her giving FM coz' old folks always like to complain that bb doesn't drink enough. in fact, she commented to my maid that bb doesn't seem to be drinking enough milk!

i'm also worried that bb will get attached to her, so i try to be close to bb now. hopefully he already knows i'm his mommy and his most beloved. but really can't be helped lah. opp cost when u leave your bb in someone else's trust. just have to "compensate" at night and during weekends lor.
This one never say what's the size leh ... i prob wan to transport only 2-4 bottles of milk only. if i stay out whole day then need 3-4 bottles. Any idea how big is a FTG normally?
Baby closer to the caregiver

Now my maid feed my baby my EBM most of the time, i seldom cos initially i dun wan confusion .. cos they say for spoonfeed, also get someone else to do it. SO i'd express while she feeds baby. Sometimes i latch on but now it's quite rare.

SOmetimes i feel that she manages baby better than me ... cos baby once smell my milk, regardless of whether he just drank 30 mins ago, he will start wanting to drink more .... then fuss, cry. Once she takes over, he will stop. Or when i feed him, he still drinks.

But now, he oredi drinking 100ml for every 2-2.5 hours ... alot liaoz. So in the end, i get maid to make him sleep ... she oso quite steady .. *sigh .. me not worried if he closer to maid for now, afterall they will recognise us one .... my son oso vv close to ex-maid but when she left, he oso never ask abt her .. hee.

Mommies will always be mommies. But of course, cannot totally all leave to maid then baby cannot recognise u liaoz.
G'day mommies! So many posts to catch up!

Is the spree still on? I ould like to order the CD too. Thanks!
1. Catherine - 2pcs
2. Gayle - 1 pc
3. Vone - 2 pcs
4. nini - 2 pcs
5. M2B – 2pcs
6. aurora - 1 pc

BB routine
My bb can sleep throught the nite this week ! So happy!!! Hope he stays tt way *cross fingers*. I tried to give him FM for the last feed at abt 10plus - 11plus, but he takes just 30ml then sleep thru. Is it ok as long as he has done enuff feeding during the day?

Hahaa.. my bb still using the last few pieces of NB size from Goo.N cos tt time i bought 4 packs! He's oredi 9 weeks old and 5.5kg. Luckily the cutting is quite big. Will be changing to mamy poko.

I'm facing exactly the same problem as you with regard to MIL! Haiz, mil toooo pampered my bb liao.. until a bit obsessive and scary le. She will be very happy when i go out. When i return, she vvvv reluctant to *return* bb to me.
Mess up all the routines and habits tt im instilling in bb. Keep carrying him and give pacifier. I oredi told her only do so when bb is fussy. If not just let him lie in the bouncer and he'll sleep by himself. Yesterday she wanted to carry and pat bb to sleep and i ask her to put him in the bouncer but she insisted. I quite pissed and showed a face, then she relented. This issue has been ard since bb's born. Talked to her before and things were better for 1-2 weeks, then begin again. Very sianz, and can't say much to hubby cos dun wan him to be sandwiched.. haiz. I guess really really have to learn to close TWO eyes and psycho ourselves to let go. Im also afraid bb will be closer to MIL, esp since she so pamper him... but then my friends keep reminding me tt i am the mother. BB will know who is mummy ultimately. Sure hope so. Like my SIL case, tho' my nephew spends more time with my mum at home, when she returns from work, bb will look for her. Let's not worry too much.

Ur gal getting prettier and prettier! V beautiful eyes!
I also try to keep bb awake in the evenings, but usually at 8pm plus feed, he'll be very fussy cos wanna sleep oredi. Everyday feed him tt time very stressful cos he wanna feed yet wanna sleep, then kept crying.

Think shoul dget one soon. Thanks Von for sharing the info.

bb ehing for milk liao. post later! :p
I also abit worried my bb will be too attached to my maid but so far, I think she's still recognises me, cos now at home I handle like maybe half of all the feeds.
Only the bathing, til now I still have not handled.

like what krex says, just gotta compensate during wkends and night time.
Gotta think of it as spending quality time. It's the quality, not the quantity. Since bb should be sleeping most of the time, then I guess it shd be ok bah.

At least Maegan can still take 135ml if you wana give her more to stretch. My Chevelle is still stuck at 90ml, haha no change. Wanted to explore letting her drink more to stretch, but then she seems satisfied plus if give her more, she like doesn't want. Small drinker leh..
YLN and Krex,
I believe our bbs will sure know who are their mommies...at least at nights and weekends you get to spend time with them...unless you are talking abt being weekend parents instead...I work after my 8weeks ML for my #1 and my mom takes care of her but she is still very close and sticky to me so dun worry so much ok?

Yup, we tried to increase Maegan's milk slowly, we begin with 60ml when she is NB, then 90ml, 105ml, 120ml and now 135ml at certain feeds...

Some bbs are small eater so cannot really take too much at each feed...you monitor and see how.
thanks mummies for reassuring me ...i really really need to pyscho myself already..must learn to let go lor...my sis also told me bbs will know who is mummy and who is granny one..i hope by the time i go back to work...i would have other things on my mind ..and wont keep thinking abt this issue..hmm..sigh..
yes, there are some very nice and generous ppl out there. yesterday morning i was on the train by myself with baby, an elderly aunty actually let me have her seat..gosh, i was super paiseh. the other two ladies sitting besides her were all white hair old folks, even more elderly than her. i said no need la, but she insisted cuz she said 'for baby's sake'.

yes, i purchase 5-6 nursing tops from the taiwan spree a month ago.... i love them as they are casual and pretty and cheap. each one about $20-$25. don't look like nursing tops at all. i suppose cuz in taiwan or any other countries, some mommies are much younger than our lot and they prefer 'trendy' looking clothes.

wrt to bb's vomitting, i had the same prob with my gal when she was in her 6th/7th week... i was so upset that she could merlion 1-2 times per day and i wondered why. in the end i realized that she loved to suck after she is full but the milk just keep coming and hence it overfill her small stomach. as such, i tried using a pacifier on her. since then, her vomitting episode stopped. do you use a pacifier?

and about your MIL, don't worry too much. i think we all have the same problem.. i have the same problem with my MIL too and 3 weeks back bb was whining for long time while we had a meal in a restaurant. she asked me why bb keeps whining she had latched on for close to 1hour already. i said she might need to be comforted lor. she said "no, i take over" and immediately bb stopped whining. i was upset and then i consoled myself that bb stopped whining cuz she found MIL not very familiar and she was 'sizing' her up la. hahaha... don't let the negative thoughts fill you up and take care of your mental health, ok?
Hello mummies

Hey yr boy has dimples! So kewt! I still hoping to see if darwisyah has anot cos my #1 has and both me and hb also have.. hope she inherit from us.. hehe!

Yr chevelle got big eyes! And her cheeks so rosy.. btw did you go back to Dr Heng for follow up? I am going back to see her tmr.. lazy to go do pap smear at another place.

Fridge to go :-
Shint, I also interested leh cos I need to transport my milk from my place to MIL when I go back to work. Is it really good? Any idea can store up to how many hrs?

Jazzt toe socks.. yeah I also told hb same thin, divide by 6 only 5 bucks nia.. just now I just tried on my gal.. so kewt leh, as if she wearing mary janes lidat but its fake!

I also upgraded to S liao.. and am using huggies ultra at the moment. Btw mommies who have "Ang Mo" supermarket near their place, can go and check out diapers there. Its a lot cheaper leh. I go to the one at punggol near Blok 600 plus

So lucky, yr bb routine more or less fixed.. My gal one abit erratic. She is mainly on 2.5-3 hour feed.. about 100ml each time.. Her last feed will be about 9pm and then she will still wake up at 2am for 1 feed and then the next one at 6am. I wish wish wish she can sleep throughout tho...

Amabel's mummy
I can understand how you feel.. I also like "pao getai" nowadays.. juggling between #1 and #2. Usually I will feed my gal at 2am.. and then after that about 3 plus, number 1 will come into my room to look for me and then i will make milk for him and accompany him.. then after that 4 plus I will go back and sleep and then 6am my gal wakes for her feed.. Thats why we mummies got to wear many hats.. no choice. Have to be mother, wife, lover.. so shiong -_-

Yes I went down to LV at tp yesterday. Ey the principal look quite good hor.. I mean not exactly pretty but she got one "sey"..And she seems really proud of her centre! hehe. Anyway I think we both decided to put my boy there already. Going to pay deposit on monday.. I quite like the place lah.. plus its so near my hb and the fees are cheap! Too many pull factors... Then yesterday my boy got explore the place a bit.. no adverse reaction and even wave bye bye to the children there when we leavin.
MMI is monte? When you decide to enrol yr #1.
i got the einstein dvd too. sometimes they will talk in mandarin or spanish is it? confused lei

have u tot of the logistics needed to bring bb to japan? we wanted to go for a holiday but after thinking of all the things to pack n the stroller. we thot, better bring the maid......then no pint liao
but i think it'll b easier for u since u breast feed. no need to bring sterilizer. jus latch if possible

mine broke all the fans in my hse. she doesn;t know how to open them to wash so she use her stretch to pull n it broke....it;s those ex ones somemore. later she use scotch tape to fix it back. we end buying a new one. now tempted to get ceiling fan

nice shots! how much was yr package?

celyn, missysz,
thanks, will check it out this wkend

taka sale:
pls let me know

yes, tiny thots got sell. i still have not found a chance to use them. i dunno how heavy is my bb. she was 5.5kg at 6wks.....but now she is on a diet liao

mamy poko's cutting is on the smaller side lei

i';ve kept all her NB clothes liao. now she;s using 3-6mths size

mittens n booties:
r u gals still letting bb use them?
i will take them out for her to play but will put them back cos she likes to scratch her face as she is learning to suck her fist! her whole face or eyes area will turn red. so i dun dare to take it out unsupervised. can share how to deal with this? how to wean her off mittens? i cut her nails every 2 days liao but still sharp

my bb is also like that 2days ago. cos i stopped giving her rid wind. now i give her, she is fine liao. hope she is not addicted to it. i understand how u feel about others carrying yr bb n able to soothe the bb. i also will feel it when maid was able to soothe bb n not me. but then, i took over n take care of bb myself n bb wants me now. but at times, i think they want our attention n not becos we can;t soothe them. like whenever i wake up n bb hears my voice, imm she will cry for my attention. now i try not to go to her each time she cries. she is so smart she will turn her head to see who has come into her rm. if it;'s daddy, she give up cos she know daddy will scold her if she don;t sleep. kids pick up things fast man!

my bb knows if my maid feeds her at night, it is sleep time. maid seldom get to play with bb as a result :p
Hee.. mine was a gift fr colleagues. I think I will use it tmr liao, yeah! Will let you know.

Not brave la..more of becos 2nd time mum liao so hor more garang! No choice la cos I needed to get stuff for the house.. but i die die wun go this few days cos the whole community will be there!!!
no leh..i never use pacifier..she drinks up all her milk everytime and will burp also..but after a few mins..then she will throw up a bit of milk..and over the hours...milk and the milk curd will also come out...*scratch head*..dunno how leh...shld i bring bb to c PD har?

twin star..
i also have the prob...my gal is sticking her whole fist in her mouth!..ah yo ..next time mouth big big die..i still let her wear mittens and booties..but think will stop when she is 3 months...cuz mittens and booties too small and tight by then liao..now she wear ..also a bit tight le..
nice meeting u.. sorry didnt have time to chat and didnt manage to see your boy. cos my girl poo poo alot so was in a hurry to change her. did u manage to get alot of stuff ? i feel this sale not as good as prev one, or maybe already gotten all we need at prev one. hahaha

pics very nice
I'm thinking of taking at 3 or 6mths. not sure yet. did u buy the orbit baby in the end ? I got the pupsik but cant seem to get her in comfortably

ehhh .. the mamy poko was 16+ and the pampers got it from the motherhood fair. but saw at giant for $26.90 for 58pcs. Mamy poko I think from 3-7kg. Cant remember. Pampers is from 3-8kg.

wah so good got schedule one.. mine dont have lei. every day is diff. but she usually wakes up at 6pm usually will latch her one side then she will very quickly doze off, but usually she will want to be cuddled to sleep. then 7+ she will wake up and then DEMAND that you talk to her. But every night I will make her sleep by 9pm.

I kept wondering why she always wake up at 6am and 7+ even if it's not time her for feeding. Then yesteray i figured out cos when i was preggy I would always wake up at 6am to wait for hubby come back. And usually 7+ he would either just come back or if he was back early he would make bfast for me before sleeping again. Maybe that's where she got that habit from.

faeriekim, dun think i'll be getting the personalised CD cos it doesnt have my Falisha's name. Hahah...

little twin stars, y ur BB on diet? hahaha...when was ur BB born again?

Medusa, hahaa..i just went yesterday, weekdays really much better siah! Got my MIL to look aftre Falisha for abt 3hrs. Tot wanna just go see see look look only, ended up buying a set of baju kurung - lurve the colour n design la! Then my hubby blame me for coming down with me there - cos he gotta buy a set to match mine! hahaa...(not exactly same colour - i dun like super matching outfits! haha)

Catherine, Oh then the bigger pk of 58 more worth it hor. Oh my 3-7kg for Mamy poko. Die. i still got one more 52pcs pack to go siah. But i check there it says up to 6kg. But now like abit tight liao...bleahhh...just that Falisha doesn't get any red marks on her thighs so far - means still can wear rite? LOL...only that once in a while the diapers like became lower and lower when she move here move there.
