(2008/08) Aug 2008

hahaa, i normally dun take cold drinks ... but hor, yesterday i had my 1st month celebration - i did it one week later ... so then i saw the fruit punch, jus felt so thirsty suddenly then wanted to drink ... haha. I drank anyway.

Me ok after that, no more craving for cold drinks. Still drinking my red date tea... heee. ALso, i ate prawn for the first time .... i mean after delivery ... cos seafood (except fish) not good for C-section ma. I ate the eclairs and profiteroles too!

U know something? I over-ordered the profiteroles and eclairs .... now i have 1 more pack of unopened profiterole and many trays of eclairs. People dun eat so much afterall. Even for the buffet, i had to get some people to DA BAO the stuff. Yes! the food is yummy! Thumbs up.

My cake, I have at least a kg left - i ordered a 2 kg cake ... now i think i am gonna put on weight . haaa.

I must say it's quite a success. Ended up I had 50 guests who confirmed and about 45 who came. HUbby was wondering how to accomodate so many guests at home but well, we did and enjoyed ourselves quite abit. So did the guests (i hope!) hee.

Remember reading that some of your babies got cranky after the celebration or after attending some functions - mine did fuss for a short while.

GUests left ard 5ish and he slept till about 7ish when he suddenly started crying for no reason. He was crying till he was purple ... so scary. His sound was terrible .... maid tried carrying him but din help so i took over .. finally he was ok ... maybe he played too much in the day. Alot of guests was carrying him and he slept so soundly ... really. Even those who dun really know how to carry oso he can sleep.
I have not brought my son for the Hep B jab yet cos i asked the GP near my place n they oso say better wait till jaundice goes down to below 100 then take the jab. Anyway, i shld go for the 6-in-1, which baby can take the jab later anyway.

Planning to bring him to the Kids Clinic which costs 440 for the jabs.

Your leh? I asked the nurst at Dr Ong clinic and seems that the jabs will be more exp in the end and I have to travel all the way down ... think i do it at my place here .... walking distance only - save time and $$.
dongle ..

actually japan's baby stuff are first rated..and prices are much cheaper than in singapore esp for like combi, tomy toys, diapers..of course clothes etc i never buy lah..those not really cheap..but u can buy their burberry range for bb/kids there...much bigger range than us...but i am not sure about shinjuku..i only noe toys r us at sunshine city..tts y for all tokyo trips, we stay there..cos toyrus next to hotel onli..can use trolley to lug back stuff

but supermarket will sell the diapers..just not sure if on promo...btw if u go to supermarket or toyrus..remember to get tis baby vege or fruits juice packs..very small packs one for like 8months or more bb..can bring back..3 packs maybe sgd1.65 but singapore selling for more than 3 bucks..its very nice!

and all malls have strollers that you can borrow they are either aprica or combi..
morning ladies!
finally got time to log in liao, when all my 1 big & 2 small bb are not at home.
hee hee... =P

actually bb can be on 4hr interval 1, as long as correct quantity is given.
4hr interval is advsed by GlenE nurse before i discharge lor.

brought zynn to swim on fri again, and she can really sleep alot after swim leh.
before i left, another 5wks old bb came in to swim.
after that, i found that she can kick and hit those hanging toys all by herself accurately.
and can lay down to play by herself for 1/2 an hr leh.
maybe u gals should really try lor.

twin star
my experience with maid is that some time they cannot be totally trusted leh.
my current maid look "gong gong", but when my cl ask where can make oversea call & she can show her the direction 1 u noe?
that mean she actually sneak downstair by herself when we are not ard, thats why she noe.

heard from my friend, taka sale is on 10-12 oct.
not sure yet.

u mean another rnd of oversea spree ah?
hee hee...this rnd have not reach, we are talking abt another rnd liao.

with 1 bb only, shd not be a problem ya?
cos this stage they will only noe eat & sleep, sometime play abit lah.
u can arrange again lor, i should be fine with the date to meet up lor.

ya, i had been buying cheaper & cheaper appliances liao.
else sure high blood pressure 1.

ya, u look so diff from preggy liao leh.
think ur tummy totally flat liao.

its their instruction, found that most kids can't react accordingly is due to they dunno what is wanted from them.
so no point send kids to those trainning when they still dunno instruction, will waste $ lor.
build their motor skill instead, or even music appreciation.
think they will enjoy more, and learn faster.

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ya actually i bought the whole set incl the toddler seat but that is actually not to be used as car seat. now they have one specifically for car seat.

i agree abt conflicting styles, sigh i tell u even betwn hubby and me also got conflicting styles. He always gives the pacifier which i am against. I always think he just wants an easy way out of soothing her while he say he wants to prevent air from going in. sigh .. and my girl now always end up need to be carried cos he dont let me let her cry.. so end up it's me who suffer while he only know how to open his mouth only.

I drank cold water even during confinement.. hahaha
oh.. I managed to play mj already..hahaha. but must take turns with hubby. he play like 3 rounds then i get to play 2 games..haha
hey snow..i also want to include titus but dunno how to upload recent pic..onli got 1 that was him 2 weeks old...

anyway..i also got to play mj liao hehee...

i am blessed tt my mum help me out in the day time...

anyone noe if robinson sale still on? need to get the nursing cover..
ME oso no confinement lady ... my maid considered? hehee. She's quite good la. I vv FANG XIN, tasked her to bathe baby(to date I have not bathed him yet cos vv scared) and reason to say i on confinement ma. She's done a good job so far.

Also, all the bottle feeding, I let her do lor .... so she auto wake up when baby wakes up to warm EBM to feed him .... today i managed to wake up at 6am and i actually slept till 12pm! I faintz ..... din know i slept so long .... only remember my #1 coming in to tell me "Mommy, i going to school ....."

Of course he din come in just to say goodbye cos last week he came in and say the same thing, at the same time asking me to give him choco biscuit which i din allow cos he is having a cough. But in my dreamy state, i said ok. Today he tried the same stunt and i said no ... then he started crying but dun care, leave the maid to bring him down to the school bus. He din get his way .... hahaa. Try to outsmart me ha ....

I drank liao, i drank liao ... last nite told hubby tat i graduated from confinement .. so he said .. u wan to drink coke rite? Last week i drank cold drinks at MOS burger and he was super unhappy - he machiam my CL lor.
it sounds so good i very tempted to bring ZK for the swim. BUt the Punggol staff not vv nice leh it seems ... where else to go ah?

Electrical applicances
I think my ex-maid actually spoilt my rice cooker and iron so she can send it home. Cos when she scratched my rice cooker based, which i told her not to ... then i buy new one, she kept the old one and when she sent her stuff back, i saw - told her that it's scratched, can cause cancer .... so better throw. She still sent it home. Another time was the iron, she said spoilt liao so i say throw, she kept it .... then i said, u sent back oso cannot use, she said her relative can repair wo. Next time I told her, I'll throw cos i have no space for her to keep all these junks till she is ready to send them home. I throw it away in her presence so she knows she cannot spoil things and then collect it to send it home.

U ask me .. some cheap brand applicances oso quite good la .. jus not branded. No choice rite? Even my $1000 over dollar pressure cooker the old maid oso spoilt. Cordless phone she use until spoilt.
so it is safe for bb to travel? the air pressure won;t hurt their ears since they r so young? or travel to nearby places n not long trips like london is it?

thanks for the tips on avents milk bags n the sterilizing tablets. i forgot all about it. still tot need to bring the whole sterilizer there! hehe. hubby feels that the stroller is troublesome to bring as well. besides japan, is there any countries that r bb friendly? cos i hate taking japan's train es if need to bring luggage n bb frm airport to hotel

wa, yr maid still know where to go...but how she know unless someone else teach her. i often see maids talking to each other when they wash cars etc. my maid does not have hp so hubby gave maid;s hubby his no. in case of emergency. every wk maid's hubby sms to ask my maid to send money back. saying kids have no money for sch fees. my maid dun dare to send back yet n wants to ask her mil who is taking care of the kids if it is true cos she said when her sis was working in s'pore n her hubby kept asking for money, he took the money to drink n go to ktv so she;s scared. i told her not to send all her money back. must safe for herself la

yrs drink alot lei. i still tot mine is bad cos kena nagged by PD n put my girl on a diet n now she seems to loose weight.
birth weight: 3kg
6wks: 5.45kg
7wks: 5.55kg
9wk......i think she is 5.8kg liao

now she drinks 120ml every 3hr (FM) n PD still ask me to cut down but i didn;t cos she is not vomiting anymore n she lost some of her chubby cheeks .....

the photography session sounds like a gd deal....can tell hubby liao:p

i put 120ml of water, then add powder become 135ml but PD ask me to stop before bb finishes...exactly at 120ml wo. think my bb is really drinking much lesser liao....last wk she cry after we took out the bottle as if she wants more but now ok liao...dunno did we "make her stomach smaller" as a result

seldom se u online lei. how r u coping? will drop u an sms today cos i can;t take care of bb today...my sensitive nose became running nose
my maid....i pass her some of my old clothes which she can fit comfortably cos slightly big for her....she got a shock when i get her to weight when we changed the batteries for my scales. this few days, she dun dare eat much liao. even buffet, she only take 1 round. she use to keep alot of rice n noodles behind for herself after she cook for us but now she cut down alot liao. ya i'm also shocked by her gain...6.5kg in 3mths! when i preg also never gain so fast...only in late stage than gain...haha

ya, her nails grow so fast but she doesn;t like it when i try to cut her nails. i need to give her the pacifier to calm down b4 i can try to cut

when i first bot the bb einstein n played it to watch i regret cos it seems so "wu liao" but when i tested it on my bb....it manage to capture her attention for 30mins! after that i stop cos i dun wan her to strain her eyes. they hav a mixture of phonics, simple words like "papa" in mandarin ....think they expose the kid to diff languages. then they hav a break with a song. like twinke twinkle little stars...each break, they play the song in a diff language. since, it captures her attention. it;s gd enough 4 me :p

i think ceiling fan is gd, i wanted to install but b4 i got to do it, i need to buy new fans to replace the broken ones...

too bad, mine is a fhil, no fasting mth for her, hahaha
Me oso need to go check out nursing cover or anything that can help to cover me when i pump in the office in future.

My space is a bit hidden but still if my female colleague comes back to office, can see me ... so need to hide under a cover while i put the pump underneath ...

What works ah? Hope to pump once a day in the office.
hey shay or fariekim, u guys interested to bring ur kid for this trial? at least 2 kids can share trial price of $35, i like to bring my daughter for the piano class...


Twin Star - actually japan most convenient cos theres buses tt bring u from hotel to airport and vice versa..so tt y whenever we lug boxes back from toysrus we not scare cos limo bus is door to door..

so far i hv traveled to us, japan, hk, aus, taiwan with my daughter since she was 4mths and it seems okie le..i wanna bring my kids to UK too..i think it shouldnt be a problem cos underground very convenient..and car rental also..but my fav is japan
though lugging stroller in japan troublesome but cos its a clean place, it makes everything else easy to bring kids...we went back to japan 6 times in last 4 yrs cos its such a bb friendly place

just make sure bb suckle on something when taking off or landing to prevent ear block and pressure....
I didnt shop much last weekend...gg shopping with my friend tmr instead...heehee

yday, bb watched F1 race with me, hb and #1 and guess what, it tired her out so much that at 10pm+ after we fed her milk, she slept till this morning 10am...hahaha, so funny leh!

I'm glad I look TOTALLY different from preggie leh! hahaha Tummy is more less flat but like you said, the loose skin will still be there...but at least I dun have to spend $ gg slimming liao coz heartpain lah...

Tell you what, hb agreed to sponsor #2 for the swimming lessons...hahaha, now just a matter of when to bring bb coz I'm starting work next Wed liao...time flies! Anyone starting work soon too?

Twin Stars,
Yup, bbs' nail grow very fast...ok, I have decided to order the DVDs too liao coz at least it can keep her entertain when I go back to work.
oic, thanks... if the things r not cheap then we wont buy la cos too "lay chey" to lug back plus HB initially resisted going at this time cos he thinks baby too small plus he spent quite a lot from our moving house, my push present &amp; my pregnancy/hospitalisations etc, but i insisted gg b4 i go back to work so i told him japan stuffs too ex &amp; i wont buy a lot of stuffs... hahah...

so dun need to bring stroller? you mean they borrow for free?

actually we were ambitious at 1st &amp; wanted to do tokyo/hakone/kyoto/osaka... then my fren say osaka not so interesting plus quite difficult to chase after bullet trains with baby/luggages/stroller so we change to tokyo/hakone &amp; day trips to kamakura &amp; nikko... we chose a hotel with airport bus but we likely to try the bullet train from narita... see how 1st...

wow, your gal very seasoned traveller lei...

twin star,
at 1st, me &amp; HB also worry a lot abt baby this &amp; that b4 booking the tickets but now looking forward, hopefully cayla is not cranky while overseas... my last trip was ssooo long ago in Oct 07 to Frankfurt

wah, time flies... me supposed to start work on 13 oct but im taking 3 weeks leave so starting early 3 nov...
Celynlee, oh got sell at OG ah! How much was OG selling the MIM sling b4 da 20% discount?

Medusa, whoa! Nursing style baju kurong! Care to share with me? Can email some pix of ur stylo-milo baju? Sounds very interesting leh! I'm so curious i wanna see! Hehehe...if u dunch mind lah. Heh. Email me at [email protected]

Thanks ah! hehe...

M2B, where u bringing ur #2 to swimming?
little twin stars

Ur baby's PD is very stingy in giving baby's milk feed. my PD Dr Lim KH of kinderclinic say my baby overfed. must cut down...
so nice of ur hubby to bring u overseas..sigh..my hubby..ask him to buy me a push pressie...wah..many things to complain..ex lah..hospitalization fees alot lar..now electricity bills high lar..must pay car insurance and road tax lar..etc...i hear liao..i super sian..dun even want to bring up the idea of going overseas...me dun even have a present from him..everyday just hear him nag about how much $ we have spent liao..so depressing..he ..sigh..not thoughtful and romantic enuff..
..i rather buy myself presents then to ask him buy ..cuz my ears will suffer!
Yalor, time flies...I'm supposed to start work on 20 Oct instead but coz of some work, have to go back earlier but will clear the balance ML and my annual leave in Nov and Dec so can spend time with #1 as well coz her school holidays...heehee

Now, I'm enjoying my last week of ML but glad at least I'm starting work on mid week next week instead of a Mon...
oic, no wonder...
cos uterus will only shrink bk to original size ard 6wks time, thats why my mum din allow me to drink cold stuffs before 6wks lor. =)

u are most welcome.
really ah?
actually i arrange the pics according to 1st come 1st serve lor. =P

actually zynn that photo also taken some time bk, now she already look like a big hamster liao...ha ha....

there is this "Upload Attachment" button below, just click on it to browse for the pic that u wanna upload lor.

btw, robinson member sale over liao.
its last wk only lor.
but think taka sale is coming, u wanna wait?

should bring ur bb go swimming leh...hee hee...
think plaza sing got another outlet lor.

ai yo, i already surrender abt applicances liao.
now is got brand no brand, can use can liao lor.

twin stars
that onyl show that my maid sneak downstair when we are not ard, cos she has no chance to even step out of the door when we are at home lor.

think u better observe ur maid as long as $ is involved, incase her hb really force till she got no choice u see...

wanna bring meagan go this sat afternoon?
i can make appt for 2 bb in adv if u wan lor. =P
if u wanna go on fri to avoid crowd, let me noe also ok?

u wanna bring bb to swim also?
Ya i'm planning to leh! hehe..Probably, next wk or so, i should go esp. b4 i start work. Haha...u leh? Planning to bring ur BB?
zynn was there twice liao, and she really enjoy lor.
if u going to the harbourfront outlet also, can jio us along leh. =)
if u go during wkday, not so crowded and they will massage slowly.
today, its very tiring looking after yu ze. he can't sleep well. he is tired but the moment his pacifier drop, he crys. then i have to put back for him and this cycle goes on every 5-15mins. end up, i sleep beside him and keep putting his pacifier back for him. he is sleeping now. hopefully, it will last longer.

i got it at $34.32 after discount.

i starting work this thurs liao. time really flies. in a way, i'm glad to start work early. at least, i won't be cage at home with baby 24/7.
Celynlee, that's pretty cheap leh! Better than buying 2nd hand wor..haha...i saw one 2nd hand one selling at 22 bucks though..hehe. Which material did u buy ah?
Hi, Catherine,

me too interested in the personalise CD. Kindly include me. Thanks.

1. Catherine - 2pcs
2. Gayle - 1 pc
3. Vone - 2 pcs
4. nini - 2 pcs
5. M2B – 2pcs
6. aurora - 1 pc
7. valnsw - 1 pc
8. krex - 2 pcs
9. Sharon- 2 pcs
10. Joanne- 2 pcs
11. von(mrsgan) - 1 pc
12. wing wing - 1 pc
thanks for including my bb into e calendar =)

how old can bring bb for e swimming thing ah? u mean now can bring alrdy?? im v tempted! so they provide the floats and all? n how much do u know??

lil twin star,
ya man my bb abit sotsot alrdy. Quite scary his milk intake, dunno isit cos breastmilk more diluted so can drink more?? but he has really grown! hope wont be overfed!

so shiok! it has been ages since ive played mj!

Re: bb bullying mummy
When his daddy ard on wkends, he v good boy, drink n sleep drink n sleep. Wkdays he starts getting cranky, wanna b carried all e time! Think he really knows who to bully! Any bbs like mine ah? even my hb says my bb really bullies me

Re: CL
ive swore nv to get a CL ever again! i chased mine away aft 3 wks, one wk i also cant take it anymore. She was so dirty n unhygenic! Left my bb clothes in e rain under some umbrella, say wont wet my bb clothes cos she lazy to bring them in n out, but common sense will tell e wind w e heavy rain obviously will wet e clothes n plus rain water is dirty! Many many more horror stories. *shakes head* i was sooo much happier wo her ard.
yup, thatz the 1...

dun know when to bring leh coz tmr gg shopping w fren...if wana go shd be this week liao coz me gg back to work next Thu aldy...

think Sat not possible coz after my #1 piano class already 12.30pm liao leh and think crowd already coming in...hb hates crowds...

Fri also out coz gg dental appt for myself and #1...I let you know again ok? I'm thinking to try gg on this Wed...now hb gives green light, can just sign card 1st...hahaha

True, at least get our lives back on track by gg back to work rather than stuck with bb 24/7...can still take leave as and when to spend time with them...

Think I will miss the free time and as and when can go shopping lifestyle...heehee
Bringing bb out

still did not have the "courage" to bring bb out...heehee..

have a question: how do you wash the milk bottles after feed when you are outside, so that you will have clean milk bottle for the next feed.. or you will bring 2 milk bottles if you were to feed bb milk 2 times while outside??
u are most welcome. =)

think the youngest bb there is 5wks old only, our bb cfm can go liao lor.
yup, they provide the float...no need swimming costume. =P
$112 for 5 sessions of swimming, add $50 for 5 sessions of massage.
$196 for 10 sessions of swimming.

thats why if going on sat, gotta call up to book appt 1st lor. =P
i cannot go on wed, so sorry abt it...public holiday, should be very crowded also.
maybe u let me noe if u can make it on thu bah ok? =)
after washing, i'll rinse the bottle with hot water.
i already gotta bring 1 bottle each for both my kid liao, can u imagine i gotta bring 2 each?
ha ha....by that time, i'll need a super big bag liao.
hope all's well with yuze? My mom and my mil said that babies' poo will be green if he/she has had a bad fright.
When i changed kaiwei's milk powder from nan 1 to nan 1 ha, he had diarrhoea (watery yellow poo). But he's fine aft i switched back to nan 1.
Hi snow,
The calendar is nicely done..thanks for your effort!

I brought my gal for a swim cum haircut yesterday at PS, here's some snapshot..
i got the cotton one.

yah. good thing is that i'm on 4 weeks flexible maternity leave so can take maternity leave whenever i want.

i bring 2 bottles, 1 for water and 1 for milk. i will rinse with hot water if need to give 2nd feed.

yah. he is ok liao. no more green poo. i'm not sure if he had a fright cos i don't remember anything of such happening.
thanks snow...

hubby says she still "young", will bring her out maybe when she's ard 3-4mths lor...

now go out, olso will think of her, cannot really shop..=(
public pool is not as clean and safe for infant leh.
this 1, the water temperature is set to be comfy for bb. =)

u are most welcome, hopefully u gals like it.

oh, u brought ur bb there too.
which outlet u went?
she enjoy the swim ya?

ha ha...u reminded me 1 of my friend, her hb said the said thing no doubt he is an amg moh.

1st bb is like that 1 lah, u will get use to it slowly.
Ok, I let you know if I can make it on Thu...oops, I 4got Wed is PH, got a bb shower to attend that day too...

I will have 8 days of ML balance and oso my balance annual leave from last year to clear before year end too...then gg BKK in end Oct oso..heehee
Hi Snow74,
I brought her to the one in Plaza Singapura. She enjoy alot and I have signed the 4+1 package. Will be bringing her there bi-weekly..

Hi Ratatouille,
No need to bring clothing, my gal swim naked.. she is too small to fit into the swimming costume..:p
ya lor, a bit tough but reli a lot of difference btw 2 person expenses versus 4 person lei... last time me &amp; HB can on aircon the moment we reach home &amp; utility bills is $100+... now only on aircon when sleeping, utility bill $300+...

my HB oso complains abt $$$ not enuff but he will still splurge on me cos he say i pregnant very xin ku (bcos of my pre-term contractions) &amp; now tbf my bb also very xin ku cos she very demanding &amp; fussy esp at night...

oophs, im starting on a monday cos my buddy who has been covering me since end March is going on 3 weeks leave to France... super paiseh aledi...

Yr gal is sooo pretty &amp; cute, can make commercial for bb products lei... hehe...
I read from a mag that if after ML, better start on a Wed/Thu coz it is easier to get used to as a few days weekend again rather having to work 5 full days then weekend...heehee, so I decided to start on Wed instead.

Yday I hint to hb about a ring from Goldheart instead...hahaha, guess what, my #1 said she will buy for me instead...so I told hb "daughter better than hb"...hahaha

Sorry for the lateness in picking up the items fr the 1st spree fr ur place.. My ger was a handful last Sun, so I cldn't make a trip out. Hmm, can you drop me a mail with ur HP no.? So tt I can arrange a gd time to pick up this week

Sigh, nothing was bought at Robinsons.. My ger is usually veryvery guai when we go gaigai, but she became very fussy tt day, so I totally forgot to check out the Jazzy Toe socks.. *haiz*

I think maybe all the cardholders decided to go to the Expo sale instead.. heheh! Robinsons @ Centrepoint was quite deserted..

Today's a disaster.. Wanted to maintain her 3hr interval, but she was very jialat after a trip out this morn!
Also coz I am doing latch on with TBF, so quite hard to know how much she's taking in.. *bleah* These 2 days, my ger is also regurgitating again, which stopped for 2 weeks..*argh*

Am so tempted to take her swimming so tt she wld tire herself out, and not us.. And then hopefully enjoy baths too

U're a true blue shopping queen!! Heheh, online &amp; physical shopping, u're a conquerer of them! *heehee*

Sounds like u're among the 1st to return to work! Then u shd go more shopping before returning to work.. Heheh, treat urself well

Ur #2 is such an easy baby.. Wld u start to dote on her more?? And ur #1 is so sweeet!! She really knows mummy the best!

*hugs* Ashley also gave me such a tough time this afternoon.. Hopefully she wld settle down soon! Unlike Yu Ze, she refuses pacifier.. Nothing I do helps, except to put her really close to my ear &amp; sing *haiz*

Enjoy the rest of the 3 days before u return to work!
