(2008/08) Aug 2008


thanks for the info, that day i was so temptd that I took a big cup of coke and end up my baby not sleeping. another issue, one day, after cleaning my boi's bum bum and brought him to bath, end up he passed gas and a whole lot of motion inside the tub. *yucks* maybe it is due to the food i ate.

Just removed chloe's mittens today, after cutting her fingernails...hope she does not grab her hair.. *cross fingers & toes*

She had grabbed her hair a couple of times previously when bathing/wiping her..was crying out of pain..dun know how to release her fingers..so funnie & heart pain at the same time...

mitten, dear mummies,

after washing the mittens, my colleagues taught me to check the inside of the mitens as sometimes the string may come loose. AS what wing say "She had grabbed her hair a couple of times previously when bathing/wiping her..was crying out of pain..dun know how to release her fingers" Baby will get their finger entangle to the loose string which may cut off the blood supply to the fingers . Be careful.
hehe, I took pic of her close up while she was on the bed, so maybe the eyes look bigger than usual.
My mum says bb's pupils v big, covers most of the eyes, only a lil bit is the white of the eye, the sclera.

little twin stars/YLN,
Me too! I also wondering when to stop letting bb use mittens. I've taken out the booties to let the feet air else otherwise the sweat will accumulate there.
She's also putting the whole fist into her mouth. Ya the mittens getting tight 4 her too.

Still hv to wait 3 wks b4 can get the DVDs, hopefully can get soon then got something to entertain her.

wow so u notice the sleeping/waking pattern huh? Mb my bb also sleeps late cos when pregnant w her I also sleep late :p
Catherine, valnsw
Baby's sleeping pattern related to mummy's habit during pregnant.

Actually not true, when i was pregnant, my hubby tuck me to bed by 11pm and sleep still the next day 5.30am due to work. after my baby was born, my baby hardly sleep in the night during the first month.

some mummies are selling their BN MIMs sling in the WTS thread (cheaper price compare to those sell in the shop)
no la, im a silent reader, just that seldom participate cos still busy researching for my trip when im online...

mine is also FTG-1200 & i just weighed it for you, it's abt 1kg empty & in room temperature...so far, i only brought it out once & put in 1 bottle, wen we took the ebm out abt 3 hrs later, still very cold, similar to fridge temperature...

yr maid oso? my maid spoil the knob on my bathtub tap switch on her 1st day... my HB was saying duno y she got such strength to pull out the knob... luckily we always use the shower rather than the bathtub... my niece ever complain cos she always love to use my bathtub for bubble bath after her swim, she asked me "who spoil the tap?", i said "jiejie lor"... she said "yr house so new yet jiejie can spoil things" then so continued "my jiejie always spoil rice cooker" hahah...

the ebm will still be liquid in the FTG...

i also quite worried.. though i tbf but i express during day time so that i ensure she takes in enough rather than suckle then zzz & also my mum can help to feed her while she's here... when outside, sometimes my bb will fuss a lot while latching then she will suddenly unlatch & cry very loud... other ppl will stare at me... so paiseh.. also duno how's japan's culture regarding bf in public... hehe... my HB say to bring along FM wor... cos we still got some samples we got earlier not used up yet... i'll prob bring along a manual pump for morning & night pump ba... sterilising can use those tablets... ya, a lot of things to bring esp for us cos we gg during autumn, have to bring thicker clothes for ard 10 to 20 degrees then... then my HB happily say that i cannot buy alot of things huh cos he can only manage one 30inch luggage plus stroller & haversack & i have to carry baby...
oh thanks Ruixuan! i go check out
Yap, really glad my gal’s routine more or less fixed coz I’m gg back to work early so it will make it easier for my parents and myself too…

Twin Stars,
We took out my gal’s mittens when she is 6 weeks old liao coz my mom said must let her flex her fingers lor…I will trim her nails regularly and so far no scratches…rather funi to see her sucking her fists and fingers…

Hahaha, you gal got her schedule from your pregnancy roster…when I was pregnant with #1, I don’t sleep a lot, end up #1 slept a lot when she was a bb whereas my close coll who slept a lot and even nap when she was pregnant, her bb dun sleep and nap a lot leh, we were wondering whether got connection or not…heehee

We try to let bb sleep at 10pm/+ which is also our sleeping time so that she can sleep through…we dun want her to wake up before we go to bed…heehee

Your hb so funi, he sure got a lot of things to carry during your Japan trip...dun forget must bring diapers...

Talking abt diapers - that day my gal's Petpet run out so got hb to go Giant to get...who knows Giant no PetPet so hb called me and said can get Mamy Poko or not so I said no choice lor but that is exp, he replied "Where got ex, $16+ nia?"...I retorted him "Petpet is $8+ nia leh"...that shut him off...hahaha
BTW u all know if anyone selling Jazzy Toes Socks for Girls? Am interested in the Mary Janes but cant seem to find one available. Sianz
the way you answer back your hb v funny, but that's what I wld do too!
FYI, Giant doesn't sell Petpet, think NTUC, Shop n Save.
Actually if you're at Giant, you can consider Pureen if it's on promo. it's $11.99 for 66pc for S size, the red packaging one not the blue one which is Pureen Dry and more ex. It's abt the same price per pc like Petpet. I've been using the Pureen for night use, so far, she only uses 2 pcs for night, cos chg her aft the feeds.
Another brand that you can consider for night use is EQ selling $8.15 for 40pcs, avg $0.20 per pc. Tho it's thin but v soft/cottony and can see clearly from the translucent material how much urine so u knw when to chg. So far so gd 4 me
Thanks for introducing me to the economical diapers coz I can't bear to buy ex ones and throw after use lor...so far have been using petpet faithfully...heehee
heh no prob, we're here to share gd deals.
haha, I hv not gone into exploring housebrands yet, except for Carrefour, which I dun like the cutting (too small!) even for S size.
Heard NTUC housebrand for some not bad, but think is only M size and above.
it appears that Giant and Cold Storage each have their house brands too.... hubby bought both and i am now trying on Giant. Won't say it's fantastics but it is good enough for home use. each pc abt 16cents and it lasts about 3-4hr. once tried 5hr plus. urine did not leak but it got really heavy!

i had a hard time to train my bb to follow our sleeping time. sometime, my son dun sleep at night. me and my hb will freak out.
Yes fbm will still turn bad and sour even before the lifespan.

I intro solid to the #1 when she is nearly 6 months. i reduce to 2 times pump per day when she is 9 months start eating porridge and having her three meals + 3 milk feeds per day. Hence i no longer need to produce so much milk (slowly reduce the number of pump by dragging the pumping session interval and reduced to produce only abt 900ml per days for her) so then nv pump in the office anymore.
Once she on three meal, her 3 feeds is 720ml + 120ml for breakfast. Before that she is drinking about 1 litres+/-

Of cos latch on is better, at least dont have to worry whether the milk will turn bad, dun have to warm up the milk, the only bad thing about latchinhg on is that we dont know how much they are drinking + they will more easily fell asleep on breast then very difficult to get them to continue drink liao and more tiring for the mom also.

re:pumping in office
For me I bring 4 pumping funnel (for 2 pumping sessions) with it attached milk bottles with cap. So total is 4 medela 5oz (it actually can store up to 6 oz) milk storage bottles + one 8oz avent milk storage bottle to standby. So after pump I just cap it, put in in a ziploc bag and store in the medela cooler bag/fridge to go, immediately reach office will put the cooler bag in the fridge.

Frozen milk although the antibodies is gone but there is still nutrient in there. this is what i know but the taste is really fishy lor. My #1 dont like frozen milk so i nv store also.

Celynlee, me too alway latch on my #1 and #2 with the nursing cover, i dont have nursing top and i dont like using nursing cover. Just be careful can liao.

Shay, my FIL just got a crocs shoe for my #1, it have 20% d/c with robinson card.

shall be able to meet u there. I will sms you again

The shoot is so nice, ur baby so cute

re ebm:
is it ok to store ebm in fridge for about 8 hours before we freeze it in the freezer? will it turn bad?

You can store in fridge for afew hours (not more than 12 hours) but it will shorten the lifespan of the milk in freezer. So alway taste before give to bb.

re FTG:
i got this model
Mainly use this if going out shopping and don't need to bring too many bottles of BM, as this can only put in 2 to 6 bottles (depend on the size of the bottle

and this
I use to transport the BM to my in law house when i back to work, cause this is bigger can put into 6 bottles or more (depend on the size of the bottles u have) cause need to bring alot of EBM to in law house for the bb to drink

so far my son try Huggies, Dryer, Sealer (Xuxule), petpet, pampers and fitti. only Pampers good cos more lasting and my son can sleep better. the other brands dun absorb well and my son always end up with sore buttock.
You gal wont be over-tired from 12-6pm? My gal will scream to take her nap but the timing is out from what is stated in the routine. Yesterday my hubby fed her 90ml (EBM) and she slept till this morning 6:15am for a feed. I was shocked. Dunno good or bad cos' I still breastfeeding her and she is only 5+weeks. Maybe it's just for a night only. Will see how tonight. But I do find the routine very stressful. It's like giving myself unnecessary stress. Do u still rock your gal to sleep?

Strange. For me is usually the 6pm feed that she will cry and fuss alot. Other times not that bad but still fuss. At night usually quite ok. Dunno y.

Ya. I am very stressed since the day I started her on the routine. Dunno y am I giving myself so much stress. What's more I get paranoid. Keep thinking that she is crying.
Milk amount
my baby is drinking 90ml BM I think based on 1030pm feed by my hubby. Most of the time latch on so dunno how much she's drinking. Is it too little for a 5+week baby?

Those breastfeeding, how long does your baby latch on? Mine is varied. Can range from 7/8 mins to 20 mins.
Hey you routine not bad. Did u start her on this or she is the one that initiate this routine. Wonder by wat month will a sleeping/feeding pattern starts to develop?
Can check how you mommies settle your babies to sleep?
- Rocking
- Feeding
- Patting
- Let him/her settle him/herself to sleep

How long do they usually nap?
I got the desitin and calendula cream already but what is your a/c to tsf the amount and also how much to tsf? Thanks!

For the night feed then sleep through, we sort of train her into this routine coz my mom taught me 1...heehee, better for me when I start work too...

For sleeping, mostly after milk, my gal will be sleeping liao but at times, she isnt sleeping, then some patting will helps...
you can be the official BP notifier for our thread hehe ;P
You got so many teether toys!
I've got 3 teethers alrdy duno if really wana get more.
The toys are really cute!
In fact, if my gal cries, sometimes is cos she wana sleep but then wants somebody to carry her lo :S
during 12-6pm, my maid and I will take turns to play with her. not so bad.
I think I will be more stressed if she doesn't sleep at night wor.

Of course, during this 6-hr period there will be at least 2 feeds but anyway, sometimes she will drift to sleep, then I let her be, mb an hr or so let her nap. But seems now she wun want to sleep during this timing.
Getting my bb to sleep depends, if she is v tired, she will sleep on her own when we put her down. Else, hv to carry her or rock her.
But we kinda realised the easiest way to get her to sleep is to let her hv the pacifier. After sucking for some time, she will fall asleep on her own

No stress ok? relax, just find the routine that best fits your bb and yourself.

yup sms me if u can meet me earlier before 2.30pm tomorrow. Also can let me knw roughly where in the mall to meet u.
Baby on Gina Ford routine.

Ideal routine (Mine not there yet!)
7am: Wake up and feed
9am: Nap
10am: Wake up and feed
1144am-12pm: Nap
2-2:20pm: Wake up and feed
4pm: Nap
5pm: Wake up and feed and bath
6-615pm: Another feed
7pm: Sleep
1030pm: Wake up for last feed
Night feed dep on baby.

Come to think of it, I may have a problem when I go back to work. May have to adjust the timing to sleep at 8/9pm when she is abit older.
i still havent received my goods leh? i just checked my email to u, address indicated correctly. is there anyway to track?

you kept the milk in the FTG and then store in fridge again? when i return back to work, i intend to pump and just keep in FTG leh coz my office fridge is not very 'zhai' like gg to breakdown anytime. haha!

u gg to vivo this sat? i need to go to exchange something too but dont know when yet. u gg alone or bring out 2 gals? haha! u call me okay and see if we can arrange.

your boy is very cute.
ya, put the whole fist in n she has so much strength, at times she hurt herself by her own force n she likes to scratch her eyes, sigh.
let me know when u receive the dvd. it seems boring to me but jus now i let my bb watch on laptop for 30mins. she never cry n did watch. she only turn her head away during intervals when the screen is black. tom try again )

i overfed her initially lor. now she is doing better but i dunno her weight. she is 9wks today

i think i will let her wear till 3 mths too although it s tight n i have to stretch them to make it looser. ya, very tiring entertaining bb es now she sleeps lesser in the day. so i have to think of daily program liao, hiaz
how i wish someone sells a list of materials n schedule for us to follow

so gd, mine scratch her face until i hav no choice but to let her wear mittens

maid gaining weight:
mine came to my hse weighing 55kg, then 58kg. today weight 61.6kg! she gained 6.6kg in 3mths!
my girl also very fussy and cry alot at the 6pm feeding. evenings are really a challenge. dono why, she just gets super cranky. went to see the PD and he said it's not colic, just a phase they go thru. very scared to go out for dinner now

how to let 1030 be the last feed ? mine still waking up every 3hrs, i'm already very thankful cos was 2hrs and only last week became 3. Last nite i gave her 120ml at 12am feed and she lasted till 4am. then at 4am she only took 90ml and woke up at her std 6am fussed abit then carried her to sleep cos it was raining and got thunder. How to let her sleep thru the nite ?
Mine is also vary. Can from afew mins to 20 mins.

Ok i will sms you later the time to meet you tmr. Meet at Bakerzin outside ok?

Yup going Vivo city tmr to meet valnsw to collect my milk bag. You want we meet there? I sms you later, I will bring my 2 gals go if hubby is not at home, if not I will just bring Amabel go.
Yup i store the EBM in ziploc bag then the cooler bag/fridge to go. Then put the cooler bag/fridge to go in the fridge cause FTG the temp will follow time increase the temp so the BM will also keep changing the temp which will shorten the BM lifespan. Put in the fridge is very much safer
Hi Valnsw,

I pm-ed you earlier, guess you didnt received my msg. I am interested in the desitin creamy. I am staying in Punggol area.
Hi Mummies who are using Pampers,

Just saw NTUC is having a promo for pampers (S) - $45.95 for 2 packs.

Carrefour warehouse sales is having promo for pampers (M) size and above, $59.90 for 2 boxes of 88 diapers each. Rebate for POSB Everyday card
compare to mamy poko, drypers cutting is smaller.

i got my mim sling from og when they got 20% discount.

wow, that uncle is very nice leh. let you have the shop to bf.

i went shopping today. due to the rain in the morning, nanny came over to fetch yu ze quite late. so i went out at 11am and by 3pm, i'm tired liao. backache, don't know if its cause by carrying baby or too long never wear heels.

i didn't realise petpet is so cheap till i buy yesterday cos i run out of drypers. so got petpet to try.

so nice that your baby can sleep through. my last feed at 9pm can only last till 2/3am.

my boy only drinks 80ml leh. sometimes, this can last him from 3-6 hours. i try to increase to 90ml for him but most of the time, he don't want.

thanks. i like his dimples a lot. heheh....

little twin stars,
i have taken out the mitten and booties after 1 month. yah, i realise yu ze starts to suck his thumb now. there is once i saw him sucking both the pacifier and his index finger. sigh...

i use all the method you mention to make baby sleep.
Yr gal so cute! I wanna pinch her cheeks = )

Yeah cannot go on weekends, sure die. This year i neber buy those whole family 1 set one, haha cos I got a fren to tailor made cos I got extra fabric. She can make the baju with nursing purposes, so easier to bf.. you know lah with the baju kurung, you have to flip up the whole blouse, unless its kebaya.

BB enstein dvds
I got these from a previous BP and my boy loves it..I will watch with him sometimes and its quite entertaining! Look out for the dvd with "wheels on the bus .." the animals all look damn farnie!

I usually pat her to sleep or let her sleep by herself.. in the day time she usually dun nap too long..mabe abt 30 mins to 1 hr but she takes a few naps in a day.

I think my maid lost weight cos her clothes seem a little looser.. must be becos its fasting month, hehe. Then that day somebody commented she lost weight, she so damn happy cos she is abit rounded when she first came.

Amabels' mummy
You mentioned you bring the FTG to store the ebm when going out.. but if lidat, wun yr boobies be engorged and then you got to pump out cos you dun latch on is it? I am asking cos sometimes my gal only empty one breast then the other never touch, then i will feel like I am having rocks in my boobs, need to pump.
When i reduce the pumping session, i dun latch on anymore cos that time my #1 also got teeth already and she actually bite my nipple and pull everytime i latch on so i cannot tahan and stop latching on from there on ward so go out will bring FTG and my pumping interval is i think 6 to 7 hours like that so my boob can tahan that long before get engorge
Amael's mommy
Ahhh i seee.. ok. The problem for me is that my gal now latches only on 1 boob most of the time cos i think she is a small eater,so the other book no chance for her to latch on.. so I always ahve engorged boobies esp when I am out..
I am thinkin of getting the second link you sent, the red one.. which is better as compared to the first one you sent? I store my milk in liners so dunno if they will collapse and spill anot...
*envy* I wish my ger can sleep so long too, but I figure BM is more diluted, so she wakes for milkmilk more regularly.. Prob may start her on FM as the date when i return to work draws closer..

Ooh, u've the same idea i have.. Most likely Orchard/ Vivo wld be really crowded coz everyone else is trying to siam Suntec/Marina. U made plans for the weekend??

*blush* Thanks!! So far my ger tends to get sleepy after her 8+ feed too, but when it's time for milkmilk, she def can cries & stays awake long enough to latch her on for 15min.

Maybe u feed him a little more at his 8+ feed so tt he can sleep longer? I was watching a Ch U TV prog on Thur, 9.30pm, it mentioned baby who feeds well, sleeps well..

Ooh another nice person u met today!!
I saw this link (in business thread, not spree though) which features nursing clothes fr Taiwan too, wonder if it's the same? I wldn't mind investing in some dresses (really lacking of nice ones in SG) tt can do nursing too

Take pix of ur ger in the socks leh?? Am sure ur ger wld be really cute in them!!

Thanks for ur lovely compliments! She's very 'cheeky' now compared to her NB pix

Do the EQ diapers come with velcro or sticky tape (like those of drypers)? Can they also be found in NTUC?

I'm also feeling some stress at times when I get paranoid tt my ger is stirring & making noises, worried tt she starts to cry ahead of time of her feed time.. *haiz*

Am also on total latch on.. Most of the time it's 15min, but sometimes 10 or can be as long as 25min

Most of the time my bb sleeps this way: Feed > Rock & Pat.. She only settles to sleep on her own occasionally after her feed

Hahah, then I can only tell HB tt manymany mummies highly recommend them!! *kekeke*

Thanks for sharing. I'm thinking of sending my 2yr old to the class. Need to work out the schedule to see if i hv the time cos parents need to attend course for shicida....hmm...dunno where to find time

when do u plan to start the class for ur gal?

Wow.....ur gal so so pretty!!! i love the defined double eyelid...v sweet. my son only hv single eyelid like me

So envy ur gal can sleep thru the night. Mine sleep at 12 to 1am every nite! the earliest he turned in is ard 11.30pm but most of the time past midnite. how to train him to sleep early ar?

Yea, we can meet up someday may be at eastpoint mall.

Please drop my order for the personalised cd cos couz wanted to give as pressie...thanks ya.

Went to Robinson today and crocs only hv 10% for cardmember. Anyway still get one pair for him cos already there ma. When did ur FIL get it?

Pet Pet on sale at NTUC selling at $34+ for 3 packs.

CK Tang Sale:
12% Rebate for cardmembers on Sept 30 & Oct 1
