(2008/08) Aug 2008

Hi Rata,

PLs help me update the table.
My boy is 2.16kg at 32 weeks. Thanks

Hi Ladies,

Has anyone started taking coconut water?
I'm in my 33 weeks now and will be taking one this weekend.


No lah, u're not bad mummy k? Afterall u've spent so much time with #1, so def closer to her.. So who wld be caring for #2 then?
Hmm, if I travel in Oct, bb might be abt 2 mths old.. And since offseason, I hope I still have time to decide if bb's going to be easy to take care & can sleep easily. *cross fingers & toes* tt my ger wld be guaiguai like urs!


Gosh, only 2 slices of bread.. Hmm, is it due to bread? How do u feel when u eat other things? Small meals are good, heheh, provided there's a variety of food while u're at hm.. *heheh*


Thanks so much for updating

Thanks for updating!

Do we start drinking now or start during confinement?

Anyone booked or have done post natal massage before? Care to share? Need to find out more before booking...
coconut water

hee ..me just had another coconut yeaterday...after having durians!..sigh...so sinful..but the durians were irresistable..calling out to me..so bo bian...must eat them..heehee

How many weeks are you in? When did u start drinking coconut water?

Wow...Durians!!! So tempting.
Too bad, I'm ban from eating anymore durians. Gynae said tt my bb is overweight at this stage and i've to control my diet now else will end up having C sec.
Itz been about 5 years since I last been to BKK so thought of gg there for shopping since on ML anyway…heehee

I just been to Japan last Nov before getting preggie…heehee, had a great time with my gal at the hot spring.

You can always plan for a trip with hb and bb when you are more comfortable and confident with bb…doesn’t mean no more traveling with bb wat. Cheer up k?

I think you shd listen to your gynae…my gynae only gave me a pill to insert for my yeast infection and he said to test again later in 3rd trimester.

Thanks for updating!

Me like very “pian xin” like that leh…already planning to go HKG in Oct/Nov too w/o bb leh…so bad…my mom will be taking care of bb when we go overseas, my sister will be helping too…she simply love bbs coz her son already 8yo…

Ya, you can see how you are coping with bb then decide…rbr, it doesn’t mean no more traveling w bb ard. :p

Coconut drink – I haven’t started yet though…think I only drank 1 or 2 coconut drink when preggie with #1…

I tried the post-natal massages for my 1st pregnancy and it really helps to bring the tummy down lor. I have booked already for this time rd and can’t wait to start it man…hahaha

My appetite also going down... Sometime ago, i often eat 2 shares for breakfast..then i feel just nice full. But now, i feel bloated easily... So I guess like you all, if cannot eat, dont force yourself.. Coz last nite i drink milk even thou i m very full, then 5am got up still feeling very bloated.

Anyone STILL can sleep on the back? I still CAN sleep on my back leh..My sis say she totally cant for her 1st gal..she sleeps SITTING UP!?

If you feel that your tummy is very low, like (under your chest) feels more space.. That means ur bb have head down liao.

How much do u pay for your post natal massage?
How many sessions?

What do u mean by cleanse the bb?

I can still sleep on my back... But cant stay in one position for long... must keep changing postion... until hubby also cannot sleep well now... feel so bad
hope u are feeling better today. rest more, get yr mummy to help you get things as much as u can. wat u can do for hse viewing is get yr hubby to go first. take video or pics of the place. the environment as well. if u see something u like, than make a second app to view it. explain to the owners, i'm sure they won't mind.

just tot of it., hope this can minimize yr walking

oh, so mine is a warning sign like yrs huh. i better rest but this sunday i have a major shifting of things from my hse to my mom's ....finger's cross.

hisstory,celynlee, valnsw,
no choice, i have to train the maid myself lei. mil's standard diff from mine, cannot demo. if mil demo............my maid will pick up all the short cuts!!!! haha
recently becos of all the training, baby has been moving alot n kicking my bladder n stretching alot. good thing is my training is almost done. bad thing is now my mil is chasing me to get the baby bed in next wk after sun;s clearing........which means, next wk;s going to be a hectic week again
don't know when i can really rest.

IMPORTANT. no matter how gd u think yr maid is.........

as u guys read, my maid is very gd with her work.
but i found a flaw which all my bro's maid have as well. they like to steal coins, little by little.
guys always like to empty their pockets of coins when they come home, they tend to put on the table.
i have already locked up all my valuables n coins but hubby left $1.40 on our room table......old habits hard to kick la.
i was lazy to keep it as well. last night, i checked the table and it became $1.20. it's no big deal but it does say alot that no matter how u like to treat them as family, they are really still strangers. i did not confront her but i added some pointers in my rules and regulations n will wait for hubby to come back and give her the list. till now, i have not given her any written rules yet. but the $150 in my wallet remains untouched...watches all still there. same as my bro's maid;s case............big money they dun dare steal. they like to steal coins only cos they know we won't be able to tract.

so be safe: don't tempt them by leaving coins around unless u want to donate to her but that's not the way too la :p

coconut water:
i'm in wk33 coming 34. mil just went to market to buy me a coconut :p
You should start drinking now but during confinement you shd also continue with it to maintain consistent supply. I think for milk production it varies from person to person cos my sil recently gave birth and she said that tho she ate so much fish her supply still quite low. But for me the fish helps alot. I think at the end of the day just give yr bb what you can give. Dun stress even if supply is low. Breast-feeding shd be an enjoyable process, not a stressful one... hehe : )

As for post natal massage, yes I did that for my first pregnancy and did for a week. Average session is about 50-70 bucks and usually for 1 hour. It includes massaging and also wrapping to bring the tummy down. They will try to get rid of any "air" trapped in yr body and also massage yr womb upwards. This time i also need to source for another one cos my ex massage lady moved to msia liao so no longer doing : (
can go BK in sep?!!!!!!!!! yr baby n girl girl how? bring along very shiong. if BF, then how? i'm dying to go away but i don;t know how to go about wo
mine is natural birth. My #1 also natural birth without epidural as my delivery very fast only stay less than 2hrs in the delivery ward. Hope #2 also can tahan w/o epi too.
That day I also geh geh left some coins here and there and see if she got take anot.. but she never leh.. Hmmm.. maybe I shd pretend to leave some notes in the pockets to see if she will give me back when she do the laundry anot... Yeah no matter what they are not family so cannot trust..
M2B: So good that you are going on a trip with your family... I haven't been going for the past 1 yr liao & my DH don't like travelling..

YLN: I cannot resist durians as well!! Yummy!!

Shint: I am also experiencing alot more bb's kicks & one side or both sides of tummy will protrude out & harden. And think bb is pressing on the uterus so will urinate more often..
This time round, gyane said need not do the Strap B test as I have it during my #1, so he will prepared the antibotic drip during delivery.
<font color="0000ff">cocomo</font> / <font color="0000ff">celynlee</font> / <font color="0000ff">Rata</font> / <font color="0000ff">Snow74</font> / <font color="0000ff">M2B</font> / <font color="0000ff">valnsw</font> / <font color="0000ff">Interrace</font> / <font color="0000ff">Medusa15</font>
thanks for the well wishes

yes i keep telling myself n my bb that got only 1+months to go, so must hang in there ;)
yesterday i keep talking to my bb, tell her to guai guai stay inside mommy coz she's not big enough yet. and i made my hubby to talk to her too. :p

<font color="0000ff">Rata</font>
thanks for updating!

<font color="0000ff">hisstory</font>
no, no more backache liao. i'm ok now.
hmm...but i got a 'preview' of how my labour pains will be on the actual day. I should be 1 of those that will experience both abdomen pain and backache pain when contractions hit me.

<font color="0000ff">celynlee</font>
oh don't put the oil in circular motion, that's a no-no. just stroke upwards n downwards. I think stroking is ok lah (i mean compare to circular motion) but that time i was still having contractions, thus the nurse scolded me :p.
last night i also still put on my Clarins oil (no choice leh, i have to put coz my tummy very itchy.) but i stroke in very very soft motion/touch.....so far so good, no hardenning or pain/cramps.

<font color="0000ff">twin stars</font>
yeah good idea, will ask hubby to try ask the owners whether can take pictures/video.
but in the meantime, i've asked my Mom to go along with my hubby when hse viewing. I don't really trust my hubby leh. There are some things like fengshui aspect which he is totally blur about (coz he doesn't believe in them).

huh ur inlaws or parents not pantang meh? still can shift things from ur house?
but no matter what, you don't do any of the shifting ok. leave it to ur hubby.
hmmm...maybe u ask ur MIL to do the demo while u supervise? i mean if ur MIL demo wrong thing, then you quickly tell her. hee...so u just NATO (no action, talk only).
<font color="0000ff">M2B</font>
so cool, u get to go for hols in Sept!
I also want to lah. but i'll want to go with hubby only, plan to leave bb with my parents...haha...i say now only, dunno when the time comes, will i bear to be apart from my bb :p
u also tested yr maid, hehe
i didn;t do on purpose, since it was there, i just took note of the amount n monitor. this morning i kept the coins already. hope she got the hint. sigh, have a maid also need to be on constant guard n cannot take things for granted n leave things everywhere like in the past liao

ya, i also heard cannot stroke tummy. my hubby worst. always stroke my tummy in circular movements when applying stretchmark oil. at times, he is so gentle till it tickles n make my nerves "stand" and tummy harden so i scolded him,. i told him jus rest yr hand on tummy, don;t touch so lightly until my hairs all stand cos there r so many nerves on our tummy now.

hehe, i know you sure won't trust yr hubby to view alone so i tot of this idea. wow, u getting yr mom to inspect as well, not bad

cannot let mil demo, i;ll end up teaching both of them n doing it myself like i did just now. they are pantang, but i'll be shifting tons of clothes to my mom;s place.
next wk will be tough, cos then comes the cleaning and packing when the bed arrives. that one i need to supervise, if not they misplace my things or throw them away. then mil is the type even when i say tummy pain or backache liao, she will not ask me to stop n rest one cos she is very gan jiong, wants things done now means now. cannot leave halfway. when i was clearing and packing the hse to prepare for the maid, i really almost died man! it was my fil n hubby who came back n ask me to go and rest cos my face was already blue!!!!!!! my mil just keep quiet wo
rata :

pai sey, age should be 30 (by yr) by mth 29..lolz.
zone : north west


me too, was 1.5kg at 31wk, was 2kg at 33wk, so that's 500grams in 2wks. dr ong din say anything abt the weight gain though..i tot it was due to the durians i ate ( 9 seeds at one shot), so i din ask him abt the sudden weigh gain by baby. lolz.

yes i go visit dr ong at bt panjang, u too ?
i live ard there, that's why i chose him. din read much abt which gynae to go to, just want the nearest and can visit during evening time instead of over wkend type loh.maybe we have seen each other but dunno each other at the clinic ??

how do u find him so far ah? my hubby complaint he only entertain me and dun entertain him.haha..i told him tat's bcos i am the patient not him mah.

re : coconut drink
once a wk is okie, though pple say is very liang, so i think once a wk, durian sat, coconut sun, should be balance out liaoz..kekeke..

clarins oil :
been applying this oil too, but still got stretch marks lei..so sad.
i applied all over ..no fixed pattern..maybe that's why still kenna stretch marks ba.

can go bkk shopping during ML ?? baby so young can bring ah ? I want to go also!!!

sleeping on the back:
i still can but can feel baby movement more when i slp on my back, so i turn to the left after awhile.is aching to slp on the left whole nite long though.

restless leg &amp; stiff fingers:
do u all have restless leg ? my legs seem not able to keep still when i slp.
fingers are stiff when i wake up in the morning, do u all experience this also ?

massage booking :
when is the best time to book?

u went through natural w/o epi, was it bearable? can describe the birth process?

receipe book for confinement :
tks but dun think i will have the time to read and cook as per instructions wor.

Heheh, I remember u mentioned tt u might be pian xin.. *hugs* It's really quite normal, for all u may know, it's #2 who turns out to be more lovable. Wah, so gd to hear ur mum &amp; sis are so willing to help.. I dare nt trouble my mum coz my 2 year old niece might be a lot for her to handle, and we've got no maid..

Sure hope bb's gd gerger, then i can travel with bb, esp on long flight... I think the weather in UK in Oct wld be wonderful!

twin stars

Sure understand what u mean by diff standards.. Nonetheless, dun overtire urself k? HB's going to be on Fri? Make sure u rest lots this weekend..
What are u planning to do next week? Pace urself right.. U are anemic leh


when u mentioned 'preview' I was thinking to myself, like not bad ah, gives us an idea, esp for 1st time mummies.. Bt if tt's just the preview, i can't imagine when the real show kicks in!!

Do backaches come with contractions?? *ouch*


I think stretchmarks are not really dependent on which oil/cream tt's used.. If u skin's elastic, u're less likely to develop. Some mummies testify tt they didn't have any while preggy, coz the skin's stretched, but after delivering, the lines appear.. Just like if u've lost some wt, esp the butt area, u wld see some whitish lines/creases

Nw I dun see any stretchmarks, but if they set in after delivering, i am resigned to accepting.. *heheh* Just have to give up bikinis.. *kekeke*
i have booked my post natal massage liao. its with the lady whom i'm using for prenatal. i think its about 450-500 for 10 session, can't remember. will ask her again. hehehe.........

little twin stars,
oh no... try to do it slowly ok. do a bit and rest a while. don't do all at a time, very siong leh. haiyo, why you mil like that. she not kan jiong about baby meh?

wow, your delivery is so fast. really wish that mine will be like that too.

oh no.... stroke up and down huh. i always do circular leh. must change pattern today liao.
I can’t rbr how much I paid the other time liao and I booked her again w/o asking…hahaha, think it is for 7 sessions…

I heard it is not good to sleep on our backs so I alternate between left, right and sometimes back so actually whole night like tossing and turning…

Twin Stars,
You take care and dun exert yourself ya…
BKK - Will be bringing my #1 and leaving #2 with my mom…hahaha, I never thot of bfg issue…

I know some people dun like to travel one…like my coll’s hb and the worse thing is my coll likes traveling a lot so she will go with her kids or colls like us…

Hehe, tink I can bear to leave bb behind in Spore but can’t bear to leave #1 leh…thatz why I said I very unfair to #2…

Yup, very scared I will be “pian xin”…hope both me and hb won’t lor…heehee…I hope my #2 will be as easy and well-behaved as #1…*cross fingers*
ai yo, me also vomitted leh.
ya, listen to ur body.

u want 1st teeth toothpaste?
i got stock up some, can let u have a tube or 2 1st if u wanna try it out lor. =)
i bought it at $7.80 per tube lor, u consider liao then let me noe.

yes, heartburn always cos vomitting leh.
u take care also ya?

its not bread, think its my stomach acid that is playing a fool on me now.
its like going back to 1st tri like that lor.

very irregular hor?
sometime milk can cos me to feel very bloated also.

talk more with the bb, they can hear liao leh. =)
tks! i jus went thru some magazines to throw n keep with maid n mil. now maid is going to clear the kitchen. that one since i am not cooking, i let my mil handle. one load off. washing of clothes i also let my mil handle cos i taught her b4hand liao

can;t wait for my hubby to come back tom night. but he very poorthing, go there work non stop.

hubby just called me from Zen. he bought some things from the HK shop u rec. now he has to rush back to the client;s off liao. think that's all the shopping he can do. but i'm happy lo

think although mil dun want me to do but she also know how particular i am, so it;s hard to draw a balance. i don;t blame her la, i'm the type i need to know where everything is kept and i dont want pp to pack my things. i wanna organize myself. so i make life diff for myself lor

gd lei, now i also realized the importance of my mil and mom. es when we need to go out, no choice need to " make use" of them to jagar baby n maid so we can chiong!

but hor, remember to leave a space in yr heart for yr baby hor, don;t everything also give #1 ,hehe
little twin stars,
i know what you mean. i will scold my hubby if he didn't put things properly. but now, i will try to close one eye since he is the one doing all the work and i can't help.
shint, i'm going for natural unless there are complications.

celyn, i have a strange feeling my bb will be 2kg at 32 weeks when i go to gynae tmrw. at 29 weeks, he's already 1.5kg! i think mine is a big bb, which is worrying coz' i'm not very big size. hope that doesn't translate to a long labour! and my weight gain is more than 10kg liao
think u beta dun walk too much. Remember I had spotting all of the sudden. Also suspected too much shopping the day before. Take care.

Re: Goat Milk
Heard from fren that goat milk has much more nutrients than cow milk. One of my colleague actually ordered fresh goat milk from the farm and drink one bottle everyday durign her preg, now she say supply of milk very good. She still drinking goat milk after birth.
twin stars
not only m2b, i agree that we tend to doted on #1 more.
its like we are too use to care for them only, and its not easy to change that mind set suddenly. =P
my appetite now getting better. Seems to be eating more than 2nd trimester
hope dont eat too much

I'm actually thinking of the Air carrier (i think it's the white one). Cos it's cooler to wear and not so hot for baby and me.

Luvlel, Celyn,
think i'm the only one that put on weight cos i never really follow the diet. i just cut off the super sweet stuff like softdrinks. but my food intake portion is still quite the same. My test is 3 times a day for 7 days then 7 times a day for a day.

i havent book my post natal but i did check with her on her charges, it's $830 for 10 sessions. i think it's abt 1-1.5 hrs each time. cant remember.

my tummy also bulging right side. i think thats the backside hahaha .. cos during the scan i saw the legs on the right. whole night keep going toilet, day time not so bad.
Coconut Water

Ppl said that baby will come out cleaner if we drink coconut water. But i dunno how true is tt. Seems tt alot of expectant has been following this myth.
received your file. thanks for the hard work. no problem for mine.

you are testing a lot more times than me. now i only test once a week and 7 times that day. for me, its easy to follow diet loh. so not a problem at all. gynae thought i will complaint to him yesterday about the diet. but he is surprise that i'm fine with it since its not a lot of different from what i'm used to. he told me a lot of mummies complaint about it.
i can still sleep on my back too. but i tend to wake up to burp thru the nite. very irritating. anyone experience this ?

little twin stars,
actually u can intentionally put coins there to test her. sometimes i will purposely leave like 1 $10 and 4 $2 notes in my pocket and ask her to take my jeans to wash.. she will put the money on the table and then i will go check and see amt correct or not. i feel must do such random checks. but coins abit diff to check la.

BF even better to travel ma .. dont need bring formula. breast goes along ... hahaha

re: eating fish
when i attended the bf workshop, they say dont eat too much fish cos later ur bm with smell fishy. Cos remember what we eats goes to the baby, so if u eat so much fish, the bm will have fishy smell. must eat a balance diet so baby will receive balance nutrients.

re: confinement food to avoid
i also read on another thread that during confinement , for 1st 12 days cannot eat fish and chicken. anyone heard of this ?

why cannot put the clarins old in circular motion ? i've been doing that all along :p

ya my fingers very stiff when i wake up. feels painful when i clench my fist hard.

are you having natural or c-sec ? if natural then i think by 6 weeks u can start the massage. if c-sec then best to get clearance from the gynae 1st.
ya the 3 times a day one quite simple la, just do after each meal. problem is lately when i wake up already noon so no time for bfast :p i think easier to follow diet if u work cos got fixed time to wake up and more systematic.

Last nite i could sleep till like 6am.. toss and turn. not feeling uncomfortable or anything but just cant sleep.. then moreover now always stay up to watch soccer until 5am.. so timing all upside down :p but so far the readings are all ok. just that my weight still go up
re : maid
agency still din reply as to what we should do, still cant get the boss... today, i asked my maid how is she? she say after eating breakfast, she ate the multi-vit &amp; still felt like vomitting... plus the whole day she felt giddy too... aiyo, duno how? my mum just told the maid to go sleep for 1 hour if she feel giddy!!!

take care &amp; stop all physical activities like walking, shopping &amp; doing household chores... we are in the same shoes...
Catherine and Celyn,

I am actually eating more with diet then usual.

Catherine, has Dr asked you to test this many times as i test only once a week and 7 times per day.
ai yo, u are the 1st one who 3rd tri eat better than 2nd tri leh.
normally due to bb getting bigger and blocking our stomach during 3rd tri, most people can't eat well lor. =(
i only noe 1st 12 days during confinement gotta avoid deep fried stuffs, but thought chix is very common?

u are most welcome. =)
as long as its clear enough that everybody can understand lor.
u had been a few lessons of yoga class liao, how u find it so far?
maybe its cos i'm working that make things easier. not so much temptation of food in office too. also have a kiasee hubby who will constantly ask me if i eat already or not, make sure i eat correctly. although at times, i can still play cheat lah.

not much a change in portion for me cos i just break my 3 main meals into 6 meals. so in terms of portion wise is the same.
did u get maid do home test kit ? or ask her if she had sex when she went back ?? tell her to tell u the truth. Call the agency and make alot of noise else i think the owner just try to avoid this matter and turn the blame to you. my hubby very good at screaming so usually i will ask him do it :p

actually have u thot whether is ur maid just trying to pretend to be sick so she can get rest and sleep. maids sometimes very cunning also. my mom read in the chinese papers that these maids in their agency back home, the agents teach them that if they not happy then just go on strike. the owners will have no choice but let them come back.

ya gynae ask me to test that amt of times. i also dono why.
i have gone for 4 session liao. its good exercise for me. i don't feel so aching after doing the stretches. but i lazy lah, only do in class, come back liao. never practice.

did the instructor told you all about vicky's birth story? she had inspire me to go drug free. but not sure if i can do that without practising at home. heheeh.....

from my friend;s maids n bro;s experience. they don't steal notes, they steal coins. notes they know u can tract down the serial no. coins dun have n so many. they know we can;t keep tract of how much coins there are in our pockets or purse. they also don;t steal everything, too obvious. so they will steal like 50cents out of $3 worth of coins so u will be thinking, mayb u count wrongly. they don;t steal notes one. my $150 in my drawer is left untouched. sil's rolex watch is left untouched.

wat one of my friend does is she liquid paper all her coins to "mark" them. so when she checks her maid's belongings. she knows. she send her maid to the police station jus becos of 50cents! to me, no need the drama all for so little $. steal back la! hahaha
rather i will use emotional blackmail, i do not intent to confront her but i will sit her down with hubby to go thru the rules n highlight to her the stealing of coins part. they will b on their toes liao. cos so far if she is a gd worker, only this flaw, i still wanna give her a "backdoor" but tell her that by doing so, she will jeopardize any rewards we wanna give her which will def be more that wat she steals.

but i tell u, this wk my mom caught my bro;s maid trying to open the safe in his room!!!!!!! OMG

sian. i hate to be on guard in my own hse
