(2008/08) Aug 2008

little twin stars,
actually when u bring the maid back, usually they will give u a list of belongings and cash they carry. so if u random check her stuff and find that if she suddenly have $$ then should be something wrong. I agree with you that it's so troublesome to be on your toes all the time. but no choice leh.. having a maid at home is like that one. my cousin and her husband both police officers, the maid still can dare to steal a HP from their hse.. hahaha.

ya dono why now will feel more hungry lei. 2nd trimester didnt eat much. now can even eat supper.. hahaha.

i dont snack much at home anyways. so actually my 3 portions according to the dietician is already quite small and qty is correct. So she told me if i really cannot eat the 6 meals then it's ok. hubby now only dont let me drink soft drinks .. only water... hahaha.. but other than that.. he is ok.

my msg deleted

wanted to tell u to take care, our tummy getting bigger, may have reflux if eat too full.
also, i got yr mail, thanks! the white mary janes oss. shld have asked u to get a bigger size ...forgot la

ya, test her urine....see if she's trying to "geng"
ask her to pee in a cup but u stand at the sink so she can;t dilute the urine...back face her la not watch her pee...
Twin Stars,
Yap, actually having a trustworthy caregiver is very impt…thatz why I really appreciate my parents’ assistance in helping me to take care of my #1 for the past 4 over years…anytime I need to work late or hb and I want to go out have dinner alone, I can rest assured that my mom will tend to my gal and put her to bed…then on weekends (now that my #1 is big liao), we wana watch midnight show, my #1 will sleep over at my IL’s place…heehee

To be frank, I feel very bad when I sense how “pian xin” I am to my #1 lor…hope I won’t be when #2 is out…

Yalor, we spent years of undivided attention to #1 so thatz why will be closer to them ba…letz hope we have more love to give to # 2 when she is out. :p

Natural birth can start the massage within the week itself already…I think c-section got to wait for at least 3 weeks…
wah, steal from police!!! haha, she got nerves!

i know how much she carries now but when her pay kicks in.....diff liao cos she requested for cash salary. she can say it's her salary.
how ah?
u know my bro;s first maid steal their coins n put in her stuff toy and sew it up. they find it strange why her toy is so heavy then realized all the coins stolen in the few mths all in the teddy bear
i dun have any HPK at home & scared that if ask her to test, she may anyhow test to avoid getting sent back... we asked her & she say she was "with" her HB from 23 may to 26 may... anyway, the agency has called back to ask us to bring her back to agency to test tomo morning...

we told her if she giddy then dont climb on chair to do chores... these can wait... but she climbed on chair to clean my main door just now lei... duno what to say...

we have told her after she do finish her stuffs, she can rest early but she dun dare to sleep early... we never monitor what time she wake up & sleep, but i told her 7am to 10pm... my HB wake up 8am & me 12noon so in between, we also duno what she does but i usually tell her what chores to do the night before... by 8 plus 9pm, she aledi standing in the kitchen looking out of the window & usually my HB will ask her to watch TV with us... once 10pm, she will go & bathe & then sleep...

sometimes i will ask her tired or not, she will smile & reply "ok la"...
little twin star,
her salary not bank into the bank ? So after u give her, u just keep track of the additional amt. Even if she buys things, the amt will only go down but wont go up ma.
At least now the agency already told u bring her back 2moro then ok la. at least got response. some of these agencies really very irresponsible. Else ask ur hubby buy a kit back 2nite and make her try.
finally able to remember my username and passowrd to log in here after so long. all the while have been silent reading all the posts...a lot of posts though..

now we all coming to the last lap, so everybody jiayou...
twin star,
my HB dun want lei, he say he scared if she got disease then i kena how? will let the agency handle her tomo... if really she find too much work to do then too bad lor, my baby not born yet so the work is still minimal... later when baby born then definitely got more work to do...

during the phone interview with her, we did ask her if she mind working in a big house & a dog plus baby on the way... she say she dun mind...

she ever worked in a bungalow before with 4 kids for her 1st employer... 2nd employer got 7 kids & she worked for 8 months to fulfill her contract then she returned to indon, she say cos out of the 7 kids, 3 kids are their cousins who are being "babysited" there... so i thought she can really handle a lot of work ma plus she dun need to cook cos my mum is cooking... plus i really think the work in my house is not really that much lei...
im 33 weeks now and actually have been drinking coconut water since i was 28-29 weeks...but appparently we shouldnt drink too early...but coconut water is very cooling in these hot weather...

little twin star..
eh...ur maid is still quite new rite? wah..dare to take coins from u liao..so daring..

ya..me go to the ten mile junction one...i think dr ong is very short and sharp kind..he wont really talk a lot of nonsense..but sometimes he will ask me about my work and if i get along with my MIL...quite considerate...he also bo chap my hubby one...anyway..my hubby is always like a dummy in the room...keep quiet..never ask questions...only i ask only...
overall, i quite like him
when she starts her off day, she can pass "exta" money to her sister.....for safe keeping n we won;t be able to tract, the main thing is ...... no going to our room. cos i lock everything there. see how it goes lor.
i only plan to have a maid until my girl goes to classes, then can do w/o and get a part time helper. i really don;t like a stranger in my own hse.
at least i do, especially when i wake up in the morning or after sitting for too long. think could be due to the fact that our bb is getting heavier day by day. the weight forces it down due to gravity that is why there will be a slight sharp pain feeling
since it's tom. ya, let the agency handle her.
interview, of cos everything also ok la. but when they come over, may be diff story. i also think my hse nothing much to do cos i;m very organized. now everyday mil n i will discuss........tom ask her to do wat. cos too free liao

think we will see how it goes for now. if after baby arrives, still so free, i will prob revert to getting a part time maid.

my hse is so organized until anything missing, i know. i check my things reg as well. last night i tot i heard the fridge door close, i dash downstairs to check. nothing lei.....see, i;m getting paranoid with a stranger! my bro's maid will eat their haggen daz ice cream n eats my nephew;s kiwi ( she;s suppose to feed him) when nobody is looking.

no matter how gd also will have flaws. may pp just live with it. cos they don;t have the time to change or train or be with their kids. wat to do
maids really add more stress than anything. my maid also say she work in big hse before, after she come here i see she work so slow i wonder how to handle such a big hse.hahaha .. ask her to go upstairs bring something also so slow. hahaha

i ask hubby bring me drink coconut he say i cannot drink

little twin stars,
i am thinking of getting a camera in the hse to monitor the maid..

ya i get sharp pain when i stand by after lying down or sitting down for long. but it goes away. i think shouldnt be anything la hor :p
i'm not sure if its ok or not leh. but since it didn't last long, so i ignore it loh. usually i feel it when i walk a bit faster. then i will slow down, trying to lift my tummy a bit by supporting it. then it will go off slowly.
Wow ... seems we are all experiencing similar things at this stage leh.
I also remember cannot stroke rite? will make baby wan to come out earlier is it?
Anyway, i oso apply cream - this cream called Happy Event from Watsons .... quite good and cheap leh.
A fren recommended. Last round I used some branded one which has coco butter then ended up too rich and I developed bad rashes.
Whole tummy was itching and had to use calamine lotion.

Hubby also tries to be nice and stroke baby ... but i cannot remember why cannot stroke so just let him be. Baby will kick and the tummy will bulge and tightens alot.

Thanks for info. Will check with gynae after delivery thenz.

He everything oso ok one. I cannot drink milk - puke all the way in 1st tri-2nd tri, he oso ok.
I asked enough calcium, he oso dun give calcium pills, said will get constipation.
I say i drink Mamil mama milk, he says only I will put on weight, not baby. So far i gained only say 6.5 kg(minus 2 kg I lost) so about 4.5 kg.

Storeberry, Snow,
I normally dun turn on aircorn. Last month i turned on a little more than normal .. and my bill shot up from 100 to 300!
I guess no choice ba ... but scared baby will get used to sleeping in aircon then long term not good oso.

U good sia, no epi and natural. Peifu!
I'll check with him whether i need to do a StrapB test lor. Din have this last pregnancy.

U got extras then can sell me 2 tubes la. Cos my son now still dun wan to switch to the kiddie toothpaste and I am running out liaoz.
How to trf $$ to u and u send it via mail to my place can?

Me oso keep going toilet liaoz. Heng, this time round I haven't kenna leg cramps at nite(touchwood). Last round,I will start screaming and hubby will be woken from his sleep thinking something serious had happened. Then gotta help me press. hee.
hubby already found out about the web cam thing, $8 per mth per cam ( singtel ). but how many can u put around the hse? think we better start soon too.
if u know of any gd plans, let me know.
we shld get those can play back one right?

to my bro, as long as she does her work well, he dun care about all these coins they take one, guys r like tt. my hubby is like tt too.
gd, yoga actually help us to relax alot ya? =)
yup, think she got a big bb rite?

hmm...maybe u are those more healthy type lor.
eat while u can, cos now bb is eating what we ate liao.

twin stars
thx, will eat several small meals now.
u take care too.
dun worry lah, there is always a next time..hee hee....just that this time might need to wait slightly longer. =P

if u dun let ur maid go into ur rm hor, then how is she going to clean it?

dun pressurise urself with that thought lah, think just be urself and try to be fair as far as we can lor.
most 2nd time mum must be facing the saem problem ya?
iszit cant stroke the tummy in case bb came out earlier? oh dear i do stroke everydae to talk to my minnie though...

same here as long as the pain goes away in a while. i am okie with it...but i do take extra time to do things more slowly.

as for your maid, if you feel better to install a camera to check your maid. i dont see why not though
twin star, catherine,
ya lor... every maid got their own set of issues/problems... tomo see how, if really she trying to be funny then too bad lor... she with us for a week plus we aledi brought her out with us quite a few times... she said her ex employers never bring her out to Orchard Rd before so we brought her out... so far, brought her to eat out at a Japanese Restaurant, "Zi Char" coffeeshop & we ordered fish & crabs & squids etc & also to a foodcourt & we ordered for her "halal" food somemore... i dun think we can do any better than this...
maids nowadays are very smart..as what dongle had mention that every maid got their own excuses and problems..good maids are getting more and more hard to come by
Little twin stars,
your maid requested for cash salary? The maid agency I went to, prepared this contract/schedule that shows the amount I will give her every month, but bank into an account for her. No physical cash to be given. The passbook will be given to her and if she needs $, then will draw out for her.

wa, you want to set up CCTV. Thought you will get your mum or yourself to supervise the maid?

At least you burp, better than me, for a while during my 2nd trimester, I kept farting gas out.

I saw your email. Thanks for the effort in helping to organise the spree.

my bb will kick or wobble about when I place my hand on my tummy. hehe, she v naughty.
Today, she super active, keep moving around my tummy when I was lying down in bed.
Re: maids
I think the biodata all not accurate, even though say work X yrs etc, but maybe they didn't have that much training.
Also when they come here you still need to train them to adjust to your house environment and way of doing housework.
After telling all your stories to my mil, she just shrug it off say the maid also human leh, thus cant treat her too bad also. well in my opinion she just pamper the maid too much to a point i just closed both of my eyes and ears as i cant stand any more of her complaints of the maid if she found any mistakes done by the maid.

all the logic behind then now double standard
i dun allow my maid into my room /o supervision. yesterday was becos she was cleaning my room for 2-3hrs n i needed to pee n get water etc so she had the chance i think. every morning when i wake up n go to the kitchen, i will get her to go up n make my bed. but that is when i already done my inspection of wat's in the room. this morn i purposely kept the coins so she will get my hint, till now. she dun dare to enter my room except to greet me to eat. i still treat her nice but i've put up my guard la

u treat yr maid very well liao, but at times, they really cannot be spoilt one, the more u give, they will take advantage. i am sure they are well briefed by their friends before coming over. u r the soft type, don;t let her climb over r head hor.
think catherine n i more fierce ,hehe
ya sometimes we just dono what is in the maid's head. my this maid dont like to go out.. everytime ask her go she will say she want to stay home do work.. haha so i say up to her. We let her eat whatever in the hse, ice cream, kiwi, apple. Somemore she like the pandan chiffon cake, we buy the whole cake and everyone eat. As long as she does her work, we are ok with such matters.

Tonight hubby cooking steak
We also bought a slice for her. Not nice we eat steak then ask her eat instant noodle ma..hahaha.

little twin stars,
ya i'm also interested in the singtel one. will look into it later.

So long nvr drink soft drink, I make hubby open a can of Mug Rootbeer and I take a sip.. sooo nice. weather so hot .. i need to take a 2nd shower.

wah...u really good to ur maid sia...bring her go eat in restaurant some more...i will never do that lor...not that i want to mistreat the maid, but i think this kind of luxury i rather keep to myself and family...:p....i think i quite bad leh...i 'ngiao' until chilli i also dun wanna give my maid...:p..but my maid know my pattern..she dun dare to ask from me..but she dare to ask from my MIL when she go her place...
little twin stars,
i agreed with what you say, the more you give in the more they will take advantage. well sometimes as long we give them what they deserve, should be fine..
little twin stars,
hahaha .. i think my hubby quite fierce with maid cos he got no patience and cos he cooks so she need to "assit" him in kitchen and she gets stressed.hahaha. for me i am ok with her but once in a while out of the blue i will spot check and if not good then i make her redo. else i will think of little things to spot check and test her :p hahaha
Thanks for your detailed breakdown. Will wait patiently for the stuff.

For my 1st confinement, my mom cooks for me. The rest of the things I do on my own - full breastfeed (mom how to help...hehehe), bathe, change diapers, etc. But now my mom is tied down with 3 toddlers, how to cook for me.. So thot of catering so that I dun have to bother about food. Actually, u forgot about the hidden cost - electric/gas/water bills for cooking and washing as raw ingredients. Not to mention the time u can rest when ur baby sleep. I only managed to catch 2hrs sleep everyday for the 1st month. Now thinking this no. 2, really crossing fingers...

twin stars,
no lah, ur hubby more worried becos he is a guy and he knows what guys are capable of .. hehehe .. that reminds me of a movie where the daddy gets paranoid when his precious daughter wants to get married.. can't remember the name of the movie already...

Thanks. Will check it out.

Do take care. Take this opportunity to sleep as much as u can cos' once baby is out, u may not have this luxury liao.

Was told not to eat chicken and eggs for the 1st 12 days.

Coconut drink
Hooked. Very refreshing and tasty. Din take during my 1st preg cos' suffer GD so dunno can take or not.
wa, u treat yr maid very well lei. in fact too well, hehe. be careful when they wanna stay home. do not let her stay home unsupervised hor. this is when she has the opportunity to "inspect" yr things

actually we are nice pp. m sure all of us here wanna treat them as family with no restrictions but they really maynot appreciate as they are not used to this style. from where they grow up, to them, they are here to "survive" not here to play happy family with you. it;s like trying to domesticate a stray dog. they are used to the wild life of survival, how will they know u are trying to stroke their head? they tot u wanna hit them so they bite back.

oh dear, i hope i dun offend anyone here. it;s the honest fact that we really won;'t know wat they are thinking. so we have to still treat them well but be on guard la

I think as employers, we shd be responsible and keep our things properly so if someth goes missing, you dun automatically suspect your maids. It's quite true also that they are humans so must be sensitive.
u are so right, the best thing is not to tempt them. keep yr things properly. but even so. all my bro;s maid goes thru their bags. how we know? i was asking for an item. say a mint sweet. then his maid said, grandma has in her bag. my mom was shocked. how she know my bag got wat. so for me. very simple. when i come home, i empty my bags n place all my things to where it belongs n wallet, keys n make up are brought up to my room n i will repack my bags whenever i go out. troublesome, but no choice. i tell my mom n mil who visits to take keep their things in their room to play safe.

extra work lor. but it protects us n it protects them in a way cos u don't tempt them
The whole incident sounds quite scary. Must have gave u n ur hubby abit of heart attack. You take care and rest well at home ya. Dun worry, am sure you'll be fine =)
Oh ya, why cant put clarins oil in circular motion ar? ive been doing tt le..

Re: Maids
Seems like u girls more busy having a maid than w/o one. Like really alot of monitoring to do.
little twin stars,
true thats why sometimes when i see not much things to do, then when she say she wana stay home i say no. nothing to do u stay home for what.. then i insist she come along. Thing is cannot have a fixed system to things .. must random change then they cannot "catch" your pattern.

gosh, u better take care k.

i went 4 my gynae chkup jus nw in d afternoon. my gal had turned head down oledi. bt she's oni 1.4kg at 32 wks. seems like she's on d smaller side. 4 me, i had oni put on 0.1kg. my gynae is a bit concerned abt my v low wt gain, bt at least my gal had put on wt. tt's a relief 2 us. my nxt appt is in 2 wks time, hopefully everything will b fine.
twin stars

Looks like things are moving on for ur maid.. At least u dun have to bother abt cooking.
Gd tt ur HB made some effort to do some shopping, u must give him a gd hug when he gets back, esp when he's not the shopper type.. *heehee*

After touching down on Tue night, my HB left for Jakarta on Wed morning.. *sigh* Am left alone, so spent last night at my parents, also can't wait for my HB to return tmrw..

What time is ur HB touching down & which terminal? Am going to be at T1 at 7+pm


Heartburn ah.. *ouch* so yucky!! Thankfully u're not working, so can rest more..
Oh I sent u an email abt the spree too


Tt should be the BH contractions.. Just hardening, no pain. U talked to ur gynae abt it?
Very scary leh.. Think i also have to get one.. looking at all the mummies experience... must be more firm and not spoilt the maid...

I drink soft drinks every other day... I don stop myself from drinking cold drinks...
hehe, ya, cannot have a fixed pattern, u reminded me
thank god now for us, really no fix pattern :p everyday do diff things

hehe, u also like me, waiting for hubby to come home tom. hubby taking TG. i also dunno wat time reach but i know his flight is 2pm frm BK, me not going airport to pick him lei

u still have to eat more ya. literally "jia you"!!!! hehe
re: maid
yup, cannot spoil maid if not will climb on top of our head... HB wanted to bring her along for dinners also bcos we duno whether can trust her to stay at home alone or not... for some of these few family outings, my bro never bring out their maid cos they going to send her back to agent soon, everyday she eat a lot but kept complaining their 5 room flat got too many things to do & cannot finish on time... she is the one whom i earlier complained that she ate the fresh & good food herself & fed overnight food & bread skin/ cheaper bread to my nieces... so angry...

we are ok with keeping her if she is willing to work for us... her performance so far is quite good... she just told my mum while they are cooking dinner together that she wanted to come out to work bcos her she got no money to buy milk for her child...

we also let the maid eat what we eat, we asked her to wash & cut rock melon & strawberries, she say she never eat before... my mother cook "Cheng Teng" with "lian zhi" & "bai guo", she also say she never eat before... the only thing we never let her eat is my birdnest lor... even my mum & HB also never eat ma...

u very funny.
me try not to eat things that she cannot eat in front of her. not nice la. so far she dun dare to say wat she never eat before etc. she is a quiet worker which i like lor. maybe her english is poor so she can;t really express herself so i will make sure she has her coffee breaks at least
