(2008/08) Aug 2008

at least my maid wont say this she never eat before .. like abit hinting like that .. hahaha. Ya I told her she can eat any fruits, biscuits etc in the hse. But i never point to my bird nest la .. hahaha

Hi Rat,

Pls help to update my BB's weight @ 1.8kg @ 32wks.

Thanks a lot. =)

Was happy with the weight cos going to reach 2kg very soon.
twin stars

Ooh, i thought I might bump into u, but i was also thinking of your condition. Better guaiguai stay home for ur HB's return
twin star, catherine,
oh, what i meant is when we ask her to prepare & eat those fruits/dessert, she didn't want to eat at first cos she never eat before... after she tasted, she seems to like them... haha...
re: full month cakes
have you mummies check around and decided on which bakery to order from ? last discussed i think seems quite a few mums are going for choz.
after their recent samolina poisoning case, abit skeptical on ordering from them.

Wonder if it's ok to just give cakes w/o the ang ku kuey and red eggs ? I'm thinking of ordering from roomfordessert but they only have cakes.
hubby said he bot 3 bags worth of things from the HK shop. can;t wait to see them tom
n can't wait to see hubby as well la, hehe

oic. i was jus chatting with catherine about how my maid;s appetite increase liao. she eats BF, lunch, coffee break, dinner n supper today!!!! she eats more than a preg woman man, haha

i'm ordering from sweetest moments
Catherine, I am opting for natural.

Went to gynae today, all is well, BB is heads up though, must talk to bb so that next check up he will head down. Gynae keep asking me & DH whether we have any questions to ask him, so funny but nothing to ask leh..

Rata, can help me to update?
28 weeks 6 days, 1.291kg.

My fren keep telling me to get a maid but I still cannot get over the fact that a stranger is staying at my house & the problems awaiting to be seen...
Little twin star,
Your maid got off day one? My maid dun have. So what I do is I dun let her hold any money, I bank in all her money into the joined bank account every month (including her Any Bao we gave her during CNY and her BD). Whatever she needs (eg clothes and pads) I buy for her. I told her b4 she goes back I will check her belongings and if I found any money then they are mine. So now I dun care if she has stole my money or not lo.
my maid got no off day in the first 6mths. but after that got 1 day off. she sure will ask for off day cos she got sis working here. she requested for cash salary n not bank in, she smart lor.but i tot of a way.i will inspect her $ before i give her her pay at the end of every mth. learn from u, anything extra, i'll keep.but she can hide in the boxes in her room lei. before she goes for her off day, i will inspect her money. when she comes back, i will inspect again. i sian about maid thinggi liao. but alot of pp also close both eyes n move one lei. my bro's maid really terrible one, can get neighbor;s maids n kids to come over to his hse n all babysit n chat together when no one is at home. kena spot check by my mom. but also never send back. yrs from which country?
yup, we got the same doc alright.
i like him too, though each session is short and sweet. :p
he look tired most of the time though maybe is just those dark ring circles ba.

yup..stiff hands, read to place hand above heart level will help relief abit.
my gynae say is due to fluid retention, which is also true, i read abit it from babycentre.

ya hor..still got hidden cost..hmm..so which caterer u be ordering from ah?
after ur first confinement on ur own, nothing changed in ur health right ? even though u din follow the "rules & regulations" of the traditional confinement?

re : cold drinks/coconut
i also din restrict myself in cold drinks. :p
coconut, will start to drink soon, feel so cool just the tot of drinking coconut loh.

re: maid
u pple all treat ur maid well,is good cos what goes round comes round, so keep up the good treatment yo.unless u met those ungrateful ones.
Having a good maid is all luck. I find myself lucky to have my maid, but her 2yrs going to end when #2 is around 6mths old. haiz

yday went for gynae checkup...urgh..put on 2 kg in 2 weeks..sigh..the durian realli potent..i ate 7 seeds tt day!! baby now is 2.5kg at 32weeks..doc say bb min 3.5kg..

btw did anyone of u buy the Baby can read series?

I have the Baby can read series. I find it quite good. Captivates my son's attention.

Little twin stars,
At the beginning, my sis lost $1k when my maid came. But my sis is those kind leave money all over and her bag wide open. So sometimes also dunno is it she drop it. I didnt ask the maid cos I'm thinking if she did steal it, she will surely hide it in not obvious places so hard for you to find. And if she didnt, not nice to falsely accuse people. In the end, the lesson learnt is that ultimately you have a stranger in the house, you have some responsibilties to ensure you dun leave temptation lying around. Finally, if you keep demonstrating you dun trust the maid (check her things, check her wallet), then how to trust her with the most valuable thing=your child.
I have the whole 6 series and now my girl do not want to watch liao, so I will leave for #2. My #1 only likes Barney, wheel on the bus, doraemon etc
hey u guys r early too..i am given 1 week mc so working from home..

hmm thinking of buying the baby can read series...ask u..is it only got 1 baby can read or many different call the same title?

my eldest now 3plusw right i am buying the leapfrog series on phonics for her so thot the baby one for the lil one coming...

must say i neber lose any money when i had my previous maid cos she is not allow to hv any money..on her day home..she turn everything over for us to check and tell me dun frame her by putting things in her bag!!! walao..i think already also want to laff...
not too sure if the fresh goat milk got smell or not, but my colleagues say not really. I hated the smell of mutton so thinking of which dun think i will like the goat's milk too. should smell similar. haha... still stick to my dumex mama...

Your baby is big leh, 2.5kg at 32 weeks. Mine only 1.5kg at 31weeks. 1 kg different... OMG....

Could you help me to update my baby's weight at 1.5kg @31w3d when you are free. Thanks.
ya baby is very big but gynae say..okie wat...u always hv big babies!!! cos my first was 3.8kg..sigh..

there was good news abt baby lah..but realise boy aint as tall as his sis who was very tall when born...55cm..
worst is I put on 2kg!!
Good morning mummies

Got yr mail. Thanks for the effort and time : )
Really aprpeciate it and looking forward to seeing the goods!

Wa yr bb really big! Hehe.. did you go natural for yr first one? Cos my first is 3.3 kg and already I felt he was big : p
I agree with you, sometimes its genetics one. My mum delivered all 4 of us and we are those above 3.5kg bbs one....
no first was emer c-sec...but the farni thing is i am not tt big though my family genes is big but husband's is not...he is tall..and slim..and got good skin..sigh so hope kids can get those genes

hey chipchip...hmm 1 week can hv 500g difference dun worry!

but it was realli farni yday when we do check..the baby was flipping from back to front and back again...so active
Hi Megan!

I think in this August thread, only you and I are going to have big babby
My baby's weight at 2.3 @31w6d but my gynae said it's ok since hubby and I are big and tall. Lost 1 kg since following the strict diet. So far gain 10 kg.

Are you having a boy or a girl? Mine is a girl. They say boys will be bigger.
i am hving a boy...dun think gender will make alot of diff....

i put on 8.5kg liao..hmm i asked gynae should i go diet he say no..maybe i eat alot nowadaays aha..morning..bird nest, milk, noodles, bread and lunch rice then teabreak biscuit though dinner little bit of rice...

cannot control leh..just need to eat..
little twin stars,
ya lor. tks.

i m still tinking abt whom 2 order fr. thr r so many choices.

u nt planning 2 renew ur maid's contract?
Fitbaby and Megan,
I can join you all for the big baby club liao. My mickey was 2.11kg at 31wks! But my gynae still insists normal size...maybe cos' I am not small size...
i can't decide between sweetest moments and choz confectionery. i will be taking those with tarts, cakes, egg and kueh kind.
Your bb is at a very good weight. I been taking durian, cakes etc as I want bb to reach 2kg soon. He is 1.8kg @ 32weeks so i guess 2 more weeks at 34week can reach 2kg liao and I not so afraid of premature liao
Renew work permit very exp. I still consider and she not comfirm yet.

My total weight gain is 8kg now, from 44kg to 52kg
Hey Megan, Fitbaby n Yuuri,

So good ur babies all at a very good weight... Mine only 1.5kg at 31 week... My gynae say baby is petite, probably genetic... She also say most likely baby's birth weight wont hit 3kg... I'm a bit discappointed leh... was hoping for at least a 3kg baby, but having difficulty putting on weight leh... My only consolation is that, easier to push out smaller babies...

hw come exp? coz i jus renewed mine in Feb. i oni remember paying 4 her insurance tt's all. if she's good, then it's a pity if she dun wan 2 renew. coz good maids r v hard 2 find these days.
vone (vone) ,
I need to chk w my agent again as my agent told me it is far more exp to renew and cheaper if I get a new one. It all depends if she still want to stay lor
Oh I went for checkup yesterday. Gynae said bb is ard 1.8 kg @ 32 weeks, head still down, considered average! Wow I saw other mummies bb at 2.5 kg, mua **stress. Yesterday after checkup, hubby bought durians to feed me. Think I will try to Eat more now, cos my eating habits quite normal so far, but weight gained already 17 kg. Only thing I can think of is my really bad water retention problems.

Me too! Don't really like a maid hanging around the house leh. Used to have 1 maid for 1 month, don't like. But if I still can't find a bb sitter, i will have to settle for a maid for at least a year until my bb is ready to be sent to childcare.
Valval (princess_v) ,
I am also 1.8kg @32weeks, gain total 8kg liao.
My bb also head down since 28weeks checkup. My placenta also move up liao as at yesterday chk up.
Hey mummies,

When does the bb's head start going down? Mine have not gone down n the last few visits always head up... should i be concerned? im 32 week now
Hi Rat, pls help me to update: weight was 1.6kg @ 29 weeks.

Goat's milk and lamb/mutton: SIL's hubby said it caused his friend to be smelly.

Coconut drink: which week can start taking?
hey, those of u having big babies, are u "big sized" by nature? coz' i'm considered petite, though my hubby is very tall. i scared bb too big can't push out and labour will be excrutiating!
little twin stars,cocomo,
my maid no day off.. sigh. sometimes i think it's not that we dont want to give them off day but the problem that comes with the off days are really headache. If they are honest and dont give us problem, then we would surely give them off ma. Thats why i take my maid go out sometimes so i tell her, no off day but we bring you out. better than you got off and spend your money unnecessarily.

Yes I bought the baby can read DVD :p I very kiasu hor ... :p
re: maid
my HB just took the maid to the agency... guess what? that stupid staff is on leave & the rest of the staff duno what's going on & never buy the test kit... my HB was furious as they thought he very free... even got the cheek to ask him to sign the rest of the papers... he refused & say he will sign after confirming she not preggie 1st... then the agency say they will bring her to see doc & asked my HB to come back to fetch her in the afternoon... my maid haven even eat her lunch yet, duno whether they will feed her or not... damn irritating!!!

re: baby weight
i tried to eat a lot of durians & haagan dazz ice-cream & annum milk to beef up my baby weight cos i heard from my neighbour & cousin that MTB who are on long term ventolin tend to have small babies... plus risk of premature delivery somemore... my gynae commented that my baby at 1.819kg @ 32 weeks is considered big for my size...
I also hoping for 3kg baby but i dont think so. Gynae also say genetic cos my mom say i was a small baby. about 2.5kg only. But nvm look at me now hahaha .. also so "fleshy" (dont say fat la) hahaha.. like my mom say "born like cat so small, also feed until like pig so fat" hahaha. I hope my girl tall like hubby cos he is very tall

re: maid
Another thing to take note, when they write letter home or to friends, make sure you check their letter before seal and post cos sometimes they will put the money inside and mail it out so you can find the money. my prev indo one hor .. her letters all write in code one. damn scary like spy like that. dono wat she write.
the maid agency is so irresponsible. If my hubby he sure scream. That time cos we send back the maid and had to wait 1 week to choose he already very angry.
mine genetic more of my hubby's side... the whole family all small size one... wats ur baby's weight now? n which week r u in now?

ic. mayb coz u need 2 renew her passport aso. well, then u jus hv 2 wait & c whether ur maid wans 2 renew or nt.
Hi Avocado,

Oh cos before pregnancy, I already have water retention problem. So it just gets worsen as the time comes by.

7 mths onwards can start to drink coconut water. Up to individual body, some ppl drink once a week, some 2 in a month. Haha I drank 2 in a week, only for a week. After that forgot to drink liao. :p

Oh now I am drinking Daisy fresh milk, Enfamama & at times Goats milk. I like goats milk cos I find the texture is thinner & easier to digest. But for those ppl who cannot stand the goat 'smell', better not try!

if u read my earlier post, i don;t leave things around to tempt my maid and i;m not the type that anyhow put things. all my valuables have been kept, only left with those 3 coins that hubby happ to put. i was very happy with my maid and her performance, of cos there are areas to be improved on which i give and take. i am just disappointed and shocked that she will dare steal on her 3rd day with me.
i employ my maid strictly for hsework. don;t worry, i am taking care of my baby myself.

different pp have diff opinions on how to handle a maid. to me, i just listen n set my own rules. before i employ a maid i will also "judge" pp for being too suspicious of their maid and wander if it's their own carelessness. if u know me personally, u will know that i always give pp a benefit of a doubt. just so unfortunate that my maid will have to re-earn my trust. this is not what i would have liked. i think pp who employ maids will know what i mean. nevertheless, i will reset some boundaries so as to have a better living environment for everyone in the hse.

wow, yr babies are the heaviest of us all. how u guys do it? i also want my baby to gain more weight. my baby's weight gain is slowing down

my maid wants off day lei. to me it;s ok cos it will be our off day to go out as a family as well
have to monitor lor, no choice. most of my friends..........close both eyes liao,hehe
wah, yr previous maod got code one, scary lei. sigh,
it;s like a never ending story.
i'm so stressed this few days cos i;m left alone to cope with the new maid issue until cannot sleep properly liao. aiya, leave it la. jus dun care n enjoy my last leap of being preg. if they really wanna play punk, there is so little we can do............if not, we can be PI liao, hahhahah

aiyo, sometimes it's like that with agencies, u have to chase one. i always call to make app and call before going down to double confirm cos like u, hubby don;t have so much time to spare. yr hubby sure fed up. but gd thing is yr baby is doing great!!! that;s a good news
