(2008/08) Aug 2008

Chinese name:
I am suppose to come up with the Christian name & DH the chinese name but so far my Dh is not doing anything yet.. So sickening! Is there any webby that we can look for chinese name? Headache leh!

Valnsw: Super weird dream! Have been having dreamless nights recently...

I have already done choosing the English and Chinese name. My shifu told me for boy he can choose the name for me. It really troublesome to go to ICA for register after discharge
Fae / Hisstory,
welcome back

I'm still debating whether should go and "suan" for baby name. My cousin is recommending this one they used for my niece. So I may probably go there. But I've got 2 names in mind so I will also give him the names and ask him if the names suitable or not.

ya I also intend to bathe through out the confinement. Can't imagine not bathing and not washing hair. Weather so hot. I think the only thing I will follow in confinement is drinking the red dates water and eating those confinement food. Other than that .. I'll just live as per normal. i think that's also one of the reasons why i didnt want to hire a CL cos dont want her to restrict me this and that. My cousin told me yesterday if she have a 2nd one she will hire CL cos too tiring, etc. But i told her i will perservere.. hahaha.

if you go to the shifu, i think the most he takes is 1 day to get it done. You probably can find the shifu before hand and then when baby born you can call/fax him the dates and timing, then next day go and pick up the names. They usually give priority to naming babies. That's what my cousin did. dont need wait few days one.
Re: things to bring to TMC
Found this in their website: -

What to Bring For Your Stay
For maternity patients, please bring along your:
• personal nightgowns (front-open types for easier breastfeeding)
• maternity brassieres
• cardigan or dressing gown
• bedroom slippers
• sanitary belt (optional)
• sanitary towels (optional)
• polythene bags (for your soiled linen)
Note: It is advisable to have a bag ready with these necessary items packed 2 to 4 weeks befoe estimated delivery date.

We will provide the following for your newborn baby:
• baby vests
• disposable diapers
• toiletries
• a baby bag
• wrapping blanket
• a pair of mittens

Basic toiletries throughout your stay with us will be provided. However, you may also like to bring along your personal clothing, cosmetics and toiletries for a more comfortable stay. You are advised against bringing large sums of cash or valuables.
I din go to shifu but just read the book and decide the name by myself. Few names has chosen and yet to decide depends on the day and time of delivery. I bought this book very good (but a bit 'chim'), not only need calculte the 笔画 but also their 八字 to make sure the BB has all the 金木水火土 components. If you interested let me go back check the book and author name then PM you.
back from lunch, weather so hot...having my jasmine green tea with pearls now...so cooling... =P

yup, for TMC, dun have to bring anything for bbs coz everything provided.
anyone knows what GlenE provides ? I havent attended the hospital tour
Dono got time to go or not cos hubby now dont let me drive. Somemore new car, so he say GlenE the carpark very narrow

it's raining very heavily now in the East .. at least can bring down the weather.

not me having BH lah , is Jvenus.
as early as wk 16,is it normal ? harmless rite ?

u doing ur own confinement ?
i should be doing my own ba, dun want CL/catering, mom and mil not able to help.
so will not be doing the full confinement ba.
basically just as per normal, food wise just add ginger and some wine to cooking.tat's abt it, will be bathing daily loh..cannot stand without it.

wierd dreams are part and parcel of the upcoming event i read from book.

watever ur worries are, am sure we all also tot of those qns during this preggie stage..so is normal..not depression k ?

i heard from colleague that is cheaper to go ICA to register baby's cert than via hospital, hospital admin fees are higher than the ICA's? she register her baby at ICA as they did not have the name when baby was born, they just call her baby during the first few days.

Hmm, I didn't get the pigeon stuff tt're supposed . Very nice!!to be cheaper than in SG. After storeberry posted her purchase at Ocean & comparing with the prices at BKK, they are cheaper to get in SG.

I did get a Classic Winnie the Pooh bb wear set. I love tt buy to bits.. So cute!!




The jasmine green tea sounds so yummy....
ya i doing my own confinement. Cos i think since intend to bf, the CL also cant do much cos need to get up to latch on anyways. As for bathing the baby etc .. i think we have to learn it rather than depend on CL. For food, hubby and mom can cook. As you said just add more ginger and rice wine. hahaha. But stock up on red dates and make that to drink instead of water. That's what I heard. If possible add "dang shen" to the red dates and just put a few into a thermal flask and everyday drink instead of plain water. Rice wine, mil made a bottle, but yesterday we open and use already.. hahaha.

re: constipation after delivery
found out from a family fren who works in chinese medical hall.
Drink red dates (hong zao) + honey dates (mi zao) + black/blue dates (hei/lan zao). Go to the chinese pharmacy and just buy accordingly. Then just add a few dates boil and drink 2-3 times a week.
re: maid
just now, my mother was telling me she suspect that my new maid might be pregnant... yesterday, she complained to my mum that she felt giddy when she squat then stand up... so we thought she is anemic/malnutrition bcos her diet in indonesia is only rice & vegetables, only once a week got meat to eat... so i gave her the multi-vitamins that i was taking b4 preggie... today, she complained to my mum that she felt nauseous in the morning & couldn't take any breakfast... my mum then asked whether she preggie & she said duno cos she got no menses after her "injection to prevent preggie" a year ago... but my mum say the injection can last only 3 months...

my HB called the agency & they informed that she did a medical checkup including pregnancy test on 4 June... exactly 2 weeks ago... but he didn't ask what should we do? bring her to see doc or buy a HPT for her to test... aiyo so mafan!!!
wah alot of posts.

fae n hisstory welcome back!

u are back, hubby left in the morning

he only brought hand carry so i don;t think i expect him to buy things

thanks for the kegal exercise tips

think it's our hormones not depression
last night i cried when i think of labour......don;t like the unexpected. as my lower tummy has this pulling pain from all the maid supervision, sudd the thot struck me, wat if i go into labour. then i started tearing liao. think it freaked my hubby yet i do not want him to leave for his biz trip unsettled so i control

weird dreams:
my hubby is the one getting it!!!! hahaha
he said he dreamt that our girl grew up n there is this guy trying to woo her and her was so worried until he woke up! hahaha

wa, u expert in CL food n stuffs liao. seems like u are well prepared

chinese names:
i thot supposed to wait until the birth of our child than get "shi fu" to give options or ask about the names u have in mind according to birthday?
OMG, that is scary. mine is married lei. aiyo. i better cross my fingers n toes as well. but she has been here since 30may..........ya, alot of headaches. it's like adopting another "older child"
good afternoon ladies!
sorry, i placed order this morning cos cut off date last nite ya? =P

ur mail received, dun mind give me some time to do my doc ok? =)

think its raining heavily island wide. =P
u reminded me something about my friend's maid.
she claimed her mum's sick and need to go home, but came back preggy.
guess its her hb "sick", rather than the mum is sick.
so if u allow ur maid to go home, there is always this kinda risk also lor.
^5 catherine.
thanks for the tips, will stock up those confinement stuff in early july, any recommendations on whether to buy from whole sale places or just normal medical hall for things like red dates, dried longan, wolfberries, ikan billis and etc ?
heehee..i also think my MIL will ask me not bath and wash my hair..like u said they think will kena 'tao Hong'..sigh..but i dun think i can stand the use of dry shampoo leh...like quite yucky ...

my hubby dun like all the mah fan things...so finally, (just today) we decided to think of own chinese name for bb....then i immediately went to popular to buy a book on chinese name..hhee..my hubby say its more convenient to think of name n register immediately...anyway..he dun believe in all the elements thing...but i do lor...the number of stroke and what timing and element (to me) i feel is quite important...but hubby insisted dun need to go shifu there...so bo pian...just buy the book and find a nice name lor...he say how the kids grow up depends on how we parents teach them and eventually if they want to lead a rotten life, there is nothing we can do, he say nothing to do with name...sigh...(which i do not quite agree, but have no energy to argue with him)..

interrace/little twin stars
i guess thinking too much is one of us women's problem..:p..
ya..i think sometimes we shouldnt burden our hubbies with our emotional swings..i also try as much as possible not to disturb him when i feel down...cuz i think he also quite stressed...but little twin star..ur hubby so cute..dream of something that will happen many years down the road!
Wah Snow go to hospital for birth must also make appointment ... like going to stay in hotel! Hee! Hee! I guess hotels may also be fully booked on 080808.
I'm just happy to let baby come whenever it's ready.

Interrace yes that's what the MW said about encouraging baby movement. I also found an article which said pretty much the same. http://www.furriballs.com/birthing-balls.asp Didn't know balls could have so many uses besides bouncing around.

About BH, the MW said that it is quite common to have BH until the end of pregnancy. BH is just a sign of your body preparing itself for labour.

Hisstory and Faeriekim welcome back. Faeriekim hope you had good weather while you were in London.
It's not very nice today at least in the East Midlands just windy and rainy. Wish it was warmer.
mrs n
bo bian leh, i also wish bb natural delivery.
080808 is coincident, cos its my 38th wks. =)
normally planned c-sect, gynae wanna do it on 38th wks.
wa... you better check with your agent. If your maid really pregnant, can be a headache. Is she married? Cos I thought I remembered from the EOP that if maid is found pregnant, has to be repatriated. Keep your fingers crossed that maybe she vomitted due to food poisoning or gastric flu.

Did you capture my babymallonline order? Emailed you last night.

wow good that you settle the chinese name. Til now, still not settled. Got a feeling that if hubby listens to ILs, means have to go get Chinese name from shifu cos ILs seem particular on this. My hubby had his name changed by his parents cos of the strokes and character.

Now contemplating if want to get this playmat, think it's the similar one to what Ratatouille wanted to buy too?
Yeah it is actually quite yucky so i bargain with her that I will use it for 2 weeks cos initially she wanted me to use it for 1 month *faints*...She is those that when deliver us really stick to the never bathe rule... ( I cannot imagine..but then again olden ppl are lidat, hahaha! ) So after 2 weeks of ordeal I shiok shiok everyday wash hair but I will blow dry after that cos actually I did experience body ache quite often and then my massage lady told me I got a lot or air bubbles trapped in my body
( So can bathe lah but do it quickly and try to blow dry yr hair.
oh! i think i will still bathe n wash hair during my confinement... SG is not like China where they got harsh winter, thus the women there were advised not to 'add cold to the winter'..haha! In SG everyday we sweat! Can't imagine i dont bathe... i think my 'hu xiang wei' will pollute the whole house.. OPPS! Hahahha!

I'm stil doing housework as usual..mopping the floor etc. I m also my hubby's slave..haha.. coz everyday he work so hard (he got to stand on his feet all day), stressful lifestyle..so EVERYDAY i use nivea cream to help me massage his feet... I feel sorry for him coz i think when bb arrives, i wont have time to help him le..sigh. But now its still ok coz everyday im at home shake leg... xianz..
yes, actually i replied u thru mail already. =)

did u bathe using those herbs water during confinement?
my CL also say 12 days no bathing n washing hair.....i tried to bargain with mil also cannot. but the CL say aircon room ok la as long as not too strong n dun let the shafts blow directly at me. "heng" like that i don't think i will leave my room!

my hubby very funny, always tell his friends expecting boys to leave his daughter alone! haha

wa , u still mopping the floor everyday?!!!!! u must take care and rest when yr back aches ok. yr hubby really lucky to have u man
re : maid
my maid is married with a kid... she was with her agency in indonesia from beginning may, she return home from 23 may to 26 may & arrived in spore & did medical tests on 4 june... so i was wondering if really preggie then the test wont be able to pick up ba... cos 23 to 26 may till 4 june is abt a week plus only... so sian...

my HB called agency again & agency spoke to her & asked her some questions... agency say will speak to her boss before getting back to us...

aiya, if she really preggie then i have to look for another maid & re-train her again... on top of that, dont know whether have to pay for the medical & bond insurance or not... have to clarify with agency again...
hee hee....agree, nini is really a xian qi liang mu.
even now i'm shaking leg at home, my hb is still my maid. =P
I didnt leh but I am thinking maybe I should do it this time. You know where I can get the herbs?
First time round I jus use the normal water to bathe...: p

Yeah I heard aircon will be better than fan cos the fan movement can be too strong..dunno how true leh but that time i remembered I use air con but keep at very high temp

Oh dear.. I hope she is really not pregnant else very ma fan for you...
twin stars

dun sob k? When will ur HB be back?
If u are able to reach ur HB & if he has time, u can ask him to go MBK's 3rd & 6th floor, i rem seeing Carter's rompers & dresses. Another place is Platinum shopping mall, which u referred me to in the thread, there are a few shops which have bb wear. There's a particular one on the 2nd floor, near the escalator which also has Carter's dresses


Did u manage to capture my order?


Wow, u're still doing so much household chores.. Ur HB must be so appreciative of u! Dun over tire urself though

Mrs N

Thanks for the welcome!!
Mrs N,
thanks for the link, was sitting on the ball last nite, hubby worry i will roll over the side and fall..lolz..

u very good wife lei..i only still do hsehold chores but i dun apply cream for hubby, he is the one to massage and apply my legs and feet.
u super duper good wife lei.

yup...women think alot and think far far..u also good wife lei, wont disturb ur hubby.
me get fustrated easily then will throw tantrum at my hubby loh..even though i noe he also stressed at work..but i just dun care..lolz, bad wifey i am.
must learn from u and nini wor..but dun think i can make it. :p

can buy the bathing herbs at the chinatown store, one packet contains two bags cost 3 bucks i think.
u can try asking chinese medical shop?
cos its bring in by my cf from m'sia, i'm not sure where got sell lor.
but so far i got no wind problem by using that herbs to shower.

for those who sent me ur order yesterday, dun worry okie?
i just need some time to do up the doc only. =)
14 people ordering from 4 merchants, no joke leh...ha ha.....
Snow, YLN
Okie thanks... will ask my mum to check out for me, hehe : ) Think she will be more than happy to do so cos the last time she asked me to i said I dun want cos ma fan...
Hope your maid is just unwell and not preggie so at least can save the trouble of sending her back and retraining a new maid again.

I agreed with the rest that you are a good wife indeed. Now I concentrate more on my #1 than my hb...hahaha

14 people ordering from 4 merchants?! Can imagine how long the spreadsheet will be this time...hahaha

Take your time k? :p

My mom just dried those ginger skin and pomelo skin for me to bath during my 1st confinement...we didnt use the herbs...
cannot bathe, at least give me aircon, hopefully i can "tahan"

my hubby will be back on fri evening la, hehe
he;s staying at emerald near siam paragon. but i really dunno if he has the time to shop. he already shop reluctantly when he;s with me. now without me, he lai won't shop la. jus now he called me n say the new BK airport is so big until he almost got lost. then he was complaining about the hot weather etc. he's only looking forward to tonight's biz seafood dinner! sigh
may I know the title of the book? I am interested. Previously borrowed a similar book for chinese name with strokes and elements but can't find it in library now. That's how I choose my boy's name. According to strokes, surname and elements.

Interrace, Catherine,
I am also doing my own confinement but will be ordering catering cos' dun think I have the time to cook. Previously, my boy dun really sleep and always want to latch on. Worried this baby will be like him too.

twin stars,
aiyoh... your hubby precious little gal... next time guys will have a hard time from daddy dearest....

Many thanks for your effort.

d herbs r called 'da fong ai'. u can get fr any chinese medical shops. if nt, jus let them noe tt u wanna buy d herbs which r used 4 bathing during confinement.
no prob you can buy from any medical hall. But for red dates, good to buy those already pitted. you can try "dong fang hong" at taka basement or "ma piao" beside furama hotel. Else too much time wasted on pitting the dates.

if you want to buy ikan billis then i advise you to go to the victoria st wholesale there to buy. Very fresh and cheap.

if i get any recipes from my mom's fren i will share here. So far I got was the dates drink to help ease constipation after birth

well .. then no choice lo. Just get a name which you both like. Else what we might do to be double sure is to choose a few names then from there after birth get the shifu to countercheck if ok or not against the birth date/time

I'm also thinking of the playpat next time but must get one that easy to keep and clean. Dont put already then forever leave there.

hope your maid is just not well. that day hubby also frighten me say thot our maid preg cos she was like wanting to vomit etc .. but later i talk to her and found out she want to vomit cos got migraine.

heheh, thanks!! I dunno if i sent u too late, then i miss out on the good deals.. *heehee*
Take ur time to do up the doc.. Wah, 14 ppl's orders fr 4 merchants, tt's alot of orders to consolidate! Thanks for all the hard work!

U stopped work oredi?

twin stars

Ur Hb's so funny! Heheh, almost got lost in BKK airport ah?
Emerald hotel, hmmm, dun really have an impression of where it is located though.. Bt it's pretty near MBK, the locals know of it, it's huge! Anyway, maybe he might get sthg for all u may know yah?
Thanks. U din reply so just checking if you had received my mail. Not rushing you so take your time to do up ur doc. Thanks again for arranging.

Any mummy drank goat's milk?
Haha you all envy my hubby but i envy u all instead! Got hubby to 'ci hou' u all...shiok man! :D Not only vaccum/mop floor, i still have to change the bedsheet, wash clothes... so i am my hubby's pregnant maid.. hahaha.. But i dont mind doing these lah, cos for one he is really very exhausted after his work n he hardly got enough sleep..Besides i still quite mobile n active.
But now i feel my tummy gettng in the way when i do housework, n very hard.. Must bend carefully n slowly..

Cindy: goat's milk got those 'horny' smell! so i dun dare to drink..
u did ur own confinement after ur #1 too ?
how did u manage then, was it manageable?
order catering expensive rite? i saw from other threads, cater for 1mth cost 1k+?
was thinking do light cooking like steaming fish and one big pot of soup with veggies should last for my lunch and dinner and wont probably cost 1k for one mth ?

tks catherine, will source those shops out.what's meaning of pitted huh? peeled ? dry ?
u noe how to mae the longan + red date drink ? just throw in the longan and red dates into boiling water will do izit ?

sorry hor, so many qns.

i dun drink goat milk ..dun dare to try.
is it more beneficial than cow's milk ?
pitted red dates are those that the seed already removed.
as for the exact method of making .. ehh .. i dono how much to put but my mom say if really no time then just use the thermal flask and put the longan + red dates to get the taste. Some if got time will put them into a pot to bowl and drink in replacement of water. any experienced mummies wana clarify this ?

i drank goat's milk before when young, those fresh ones. must boil before drinking else got the funny smell one. But if you like milk then it's quite nice
my hubby has his funny thinking

he said it's a new terminal lei. actually hubby went to MMK several times already but he still doesn;t make it a point to know the places. he can't be bothered.......i gave up hoping he'll get anything.
so u got alot of carter's dresses ? can start to sort out her dresses according to colours and size already :p
i just came back from dietician and gynae's appointment. dietician want me to eat a bit more to put on more weight. i have lost 500g with the new diet. so need to add additional glass of milk to my morning tea and bread to afternoon tea. i was like how to eat?????

baby is now 1.7kg at 32 weeks. gynae say its a little big for my size. i'm a small mummy so baby is consider big (just a bit). he says elephant give birth to elephant. baby is like a little hippo in me and not a mouse. he also mention that baby can easily hit 3kg when full term. baby head is down liao. he says no need to worried about my weight lost cos baby is growing very well.

we had also made our first payment for A class room. we can choose to downgrade if we want as long as its done before admission. in case of complications, they will also advise us to downgrade to B2 or C. which i feel its quite important.

i will be seeing gynae in 4 weeks time and then will discuss on pain relief and labour. we were given brochure to read up first.

thanks for the effort. its not easy to consolidate for 14 mums.

help me update when you free. 1.7kg at 32 weeks.

twin stars

The new airport's nt too bad, maybe my yearly trip to BKK the last few years makes me familiar *heheh*
Nvm, am sure ur HB will help u with the online sprees instead
Online shopping also very shiok, esp now tt u shd rest more yah?
Me, nono, my mum got quite a lot of Carter's dresses for my 20 mth old niece.. I did get other random brands, the Carter's ones are too big for the 1st year.. *sigh* I was kind of sorting out the wardrobe of the little one, bt got a little tired doing it


Any alternative to milk for u to put on a little more wt? Hmm, slice of cheese or soya bean milk?
