(2008/08) Aug 2008

Yumin aso having red dots on her arms, quite alot. They juz appear out of sudden, without fever, foodwise we still feed her as norm leh. So really dunno what they are, and they dun appear itchy

<font color="aa00aa">Mrsgan, MsApple, Gayle, WEndy, Mrslow</font>
Happy Belated Birthday to your little sweethearts!

<font color="aa00aa">jojobar</font>
happy birhtday to Marcellus!

<font color="aa00aa">History</font>
happy advanced birthday to Baby Ashley
<font color="aa00aa">Gayle</font>
Congrats!! What wonderful news!

<font color="aa00aa">Msapple</font>
Looks like a lovely party! Hope your gals had lots of fun

<font color="aa00aa">Sterilizing Milk Bottles</font>
Has anyone stopped sterilizing milk bottles? Wonder when can stop?
<font color="#CD3278">ms apple</font>
Tt looks like alot of fun! The cake looks too pretty to be eaten.. The LHS is Amabel's &amp; the RHS is Aisleyne's? heehee

<font color="#CD3278">Vern</font>
Many thanks in advance! She wld be 1 in 2 days time! Time flies man..

<font color="#CD3278">Medusa</font>
I just drop 1 pump, to pump twice a day.. Any idea how long before the SS wld really stop? You think I shd start intro her to FM now? She's still on EBM and I've prepared to thaw the FBM
ms apple

party looks lovely...big bash!

sterilizing bottles
err...i stopped when she 6 mths..v bad hor. but i read is ok. n even my PD say ok so i stop lor...she had no problems after so lucky for me.

being preggie:
dunno pyschological or what but my tummy looks huge now lor!! die sia...30++ weeks to go n i feel so fat liao. so sad...havent even gone back down to pre-preg wt and now im gonna start putting on again. i better control this time...if i put on like last time (20kg!!) i'm gonna hit 80kg+ and i will be same wt as my hb!! faint!

i told my maid im preggie again just now...her reaction damn funny. she squealed "I KNEW IT!!" i was like huh? y ? she say "becos last week u very bad mood, get angry v easily"......i dunno how to react :p

just now im in my room just wearing panties, she open my room door peek her head in and ask "can i watch tv later when i have nothing to do" so there i am standing there half naked w my maid staring at me waiting for my answer. wah lau...ok la..im not shy one. but if u see my neh-neh, close back the door n wait for me to cover up la!!!

i swear my tummy is growing as i type.
hahaha it's growing for a good reason, not to worry lah ! =)

you still sterilizing bottles ?! I also stopped when Adel was 6 months !

Mrs Teng,
If cannot give chicken and fish, Adel cannot eat anything liao, cannot eat pork leh ...sigh...
<font color="aa00aa">gayle</font>
haha your maid damn gan chiong!
am sure you are not growing as you type lah :p pyschological keke

<font color="aa00aa">happy_mommy</font>
oops my maid just happily sterilize lei.. I just nbr ask her to stop :p Try giving adel beef? Izzy loves beef cos juicy!
<font color="aa00aa">History</font>
Yeah so fast time flies.. very soon all the birthdays will be over and we have to countdown to another milestone! too fast :p
hi mommies,

anyone here using pigeon detergent? my maid poured the entire box into an ice cream container and i lost the instructions. the old one didn't tell the new one how much to put so i can only guess. anyone can let me know how many pigeon scoops to put for a full load using a front loader machine? tks

Yes, we enjoyed ourselves. Denzel loves chasing the Barney and Mickey Mouse Balloon.

He even wear the party hat the next day. I was surprise the hat can still on him so long.

Once again thanks so much for the invitation.
thanks for the invitation... cayla really enjoyed herself that day, play too much until at night kept crying, kekeke... my HB commented that the curry very nice... the cake is also very nice... happy to catch up with m2b, snow, april and jen too...
Hi Vern, Mel_ocean &amp; Snow74

Thank you for your well wishes for the Marcellus birthday.... We had fun !
Yesterday the party was so tiring,... But the kids enjoy the clown/balloonist and the party packs... So worth the money and effort

Today we bought baby to underwater world ... then to Toy R us to buy him a gift

So fast our baby is one year old... tomorrow baby M is seeing his PD for his one year old checkup. Not sure if i want him to the MMR injection yet. We will be travelling next week, if there is any side effect to the injection might be inconvience to the trip ...
Hi mummies,
Sorry, not v active here... spending a lot of time trying to upload pics, update blogs, plan party... so many things so little time...

Thanks for the great party! Too bad didn't really get a pic with both princesses...

Great to chat wif u too... but paiseh a bit distracted cos my #1 is attention seeker... :p

oh is it?

My PD frd told me to get leather sole shoes like shooshoos. the leather must be rough type, so I chose shooshoos.

anyway, I got other brands n designs too. so nt a prob for me.
morning mummies

maybe u can import all then delete what you dont want. dont think can select what you want and what you dont want. sorry wasnt much help

shooshoos have 2 type. the rough rubber sole and the soft leather. the soft ones not suitable. the rough rubber type which your fren mentioned is ok.

nice party. sorry we couldnt go cos bernice started having fever and red spots on her body a week after her jab. the cake looks great. from the patissier too. was telling my fren about it yesterday and she asked if you liked it.

u are so funny.. but seriously i think u look great yesterday when i saw you. glowing
so dont worry.. ur neh neh and tummy will be growing but u are still beautiful. but shouldnt ur maid knock before entering ?
morning mommies. =)
i remember its 1 of the bb's bday today, but wasn't listed in our excel sheet.

ur party sounds great ya?
just make sure u give bb m drink more water, as long as dun develope fever should be ok liao bah.

pd also advise me to get leather shoes for toddler who is learning how to walk, something not so hard. =P
you still sterlizing also ! Pei fu you leh !
I stopped sterilizing when Adel 6 mths liao. hahaha... I one type mummy. Let me son eat lemon juice and even whole egg before he was 6 months Heng ah, nothing happened to him.

your maid really like friends with you hor ? Anyway, you are very pretty, so not to worry ! There are very beautiful preggy mummies around
snow74 &amp; catherine,
i don't know leh. should stop or not huh?

happy mummy,
didn't stop cos i used to sterilise my pump also mah. sterilise all together loh. now i stop pump liao but hubby still continue to sterilise bottles.
unless there is a reason, else i dun think i'll stop sterilising milk bottles lor.
especially i always bring bottle out. =)
haha! u damn funny! Ya loh ur maid is like fren fren wif u~! lol...

Hahaa..with growing tummy n nehnehs, dun worry, u're a hot mama! haha..just enjoy the preggie feeling again yea

I dun mind trying for #2 now but i've got space constraint issue now. So not so willing. Sighs..
gd question! I've been asking myself that question too! hahaha..cos now only got like 2 bottles in one big steriliser. haha.

when did u stop sterilising for your #2 last time ah?
yah loh. at least yours is 2 big bottles leh. mine is 1 big 1 small. hehehhe.... somemore, my steriliser runs on 24 hours.
Re: MMR/Chic pox jab
Who brot ur bb liao ah? Issit the fever will kick in late? Cos when i brot Falisha to jab last Sat i ask my doc she said fever will come next wk. I was like 'whoa'! I abit worried so need to look out for anything. Got any other symptoms other than fever?
dongle, snow, m2b, april
nice meeting u gals at the party bash too. ;) too bad, i didnt get to see jen. also missed the barney appearance.

u never thanked me ah?! haa..anyway, it was really a great birthday. all the adults and kids had fun. the food was good too especially the cake! *glutton*

cat, snow,
jonas is already wearing sandal from adidas. not good? this boy already started walking abt 3 weeks ago and i thin he wants to run now...walking faster and faster!

celynlee, snow
i am still sterlising the bottles too. dont know when to stop..i read frm somewhere that some mommies stopped sterilizing the bottles when the babies started eating outside food.
din bother to stop...ha ha...since sterilizing zynn's bottle, so might as well... =P
cos i always bring their bottles out, so to play safe as more easy to get dirty ya?

after mmr, not all bb wil kena fever lah.
at least that is what i noe lor. =)

ur steriliser runs 24hrs? -_-"
mine is twice only, once in the morning and once in teh evening.
I stopped sterilising the bottles coz my maid spoilt the steriliser
So now I ask her to cook the bottle using traditional method. Think will continue sterilise if my steriliser is in good condition.
yah, mine is the avent IQ loh. run 24 hours one.

i thought MMR and chicken pox jab is at 15 months. so fast take liao?
actually no particular gd or bad shoes lah, just that soft sole shoes is "less stressful" for their little leg lor. =)
if i were you, i will also continue to sterilise for #1 since its on for #2 right. hahahah....

don't know how to use traditional method. scard i over boil the whole thing.
Ah icic! hehe...

eh? But my doc said take at 12mths wor. Haha...then 18mths still got another one which i cannot remeber what izzit.
Normally in the morning my maid will sterilise 2 bottles and pacifiers and put inside a lock &amp; locker box. Once she used the 2nd bottle she will sterlise both bottles again and put inside the L&amp;L box.
gayle: hahaha.. dun worry la abt the size! u r a hot mama! =D

celyn: i still sterilize braiden's utensils every morning. Everything put in the pot n boil.. haha.. But i using the normal washing detergent to wash liao. more clean leh
hi mummies


u soo cute...
..dun worry abt the growing tummy lar..like what cat said..its for a good reason mah...

me on MC these 2 days..headache n nausea...kept throwing yestd..today much better..but still nausea..the nurse in the clinic also damn furni..ask me...eh..want to take urine test anot?? keekee..n gave me the grin...CHOY man...i say no need no need...

dr said too stressed..hmm...really need to relax abit more n enjoy man..

<font color="#CD3278"> good morning mommies</font>

<font color="#CD3278">Vern</font>
I can't wait for Ashley to start being able to walk by herself.. This ger is so funny! We give her those push walkers &amp; she wld stand there &amp; hold onto them, and then whine..

She prefers us holding her hands &amp; walking.. Siong on the back leh

<font color="#CD3278">YLN</font>
hahah... I wld also say CHOY, if I were u..
Gastric flu issit?

<font color="#CD3278">Celyn</font>
I think can sterilize once a day till however old u like.. My niece is coming 3yo &amp; we're still sterilizing her pacifier &amp; bottles, once a day.. But tt's cause she needs her milk from a bottle. I suspect if drink fr cup, shdn't need to be so fussy
