(2008/08) Aug 2008

in fact maid keep asking me if it's measeals ... i said i think it's fake measeals ... but i oso dunno what is measeals.
Tomorrow see how ... if not getting better, then may go back for review.


if is measles, then cant open window,blow wind liao. n I think will keep having more rashes n very itchy. I had it when I was age 2, right after my bb bro was borned.

fake one as what some mums wrote here, will disappear. better go n chk with doctor.

Kai n BB M can be good frds leh. take 1 tbsp of cooked rice.

want to eat everything but when put in her mouth, she only take a few mouth.

tonite I gave her scorn... dunno what is in it ( I tot egg and flour), her mouth turn red........... so I think they add milk....
juz wana check if your bb has got fever b4 the rashes starts spreading or wats the cause??
As after 3days since last tues my bb 1yr old Jayden fever-38deg plus then oso kana tis rashes ard all over his back..tummy then tis morning it spread all over to the forehead except his hands n legs...its oledy 3 daz liao but hasnt gone off till today..the rashes isnt itchy...I m Veri 'xin tong' to c my 'spotty bb'....
It oso happen b4 to my lao da ds after high fever ..he oso kana rashes every parts of his body n i ask doc :its fake measles n its normally will happen to young infants after fever as bcos the body is de-toxic..N it will go off a few daz.. Docs say not to be too alarm..No medication needed.

pooh luv elmo,
don't worry, the rashes will go away. i think there is this virus going round. now my friend's 3yo son also got it. my bbJ got his end of last month i think, recovered in time for the Aug bb bash.
bb M still cannot take milk huh? poor thing leh... how about cow's cheese? same reaction?

Mrs Teng,
i didn't manage to get cod fish today. hb is in states - a week already, and the kids are very sticky to me, didn't get to the mkt or the super mkt. we went back to my mum's place for dinner tonite and i ask my maid to give bbJ rice (using new grain white rice with a little more water then needed) and threadfin fish soup (the soup from steamed fish) and veg. surprisingly, he didn't itch so much and not patchy after eating. i'm thinking maybe he has sensitive skin and if he touch fish and rub here rub there then he will get all the rashes. will try very small amount of fish and prevent him from spitting out/touching it to see if this is the case. but i noticed that lately he doesn't want to eat meat and fish too. think he prob wants to be vegetarian. Your C&C good lifes lah, got a cook for mummy... i wish i can cook half as well as you, then i won't be so scared thinking about sept/oct - when my maid goes back for her home leave and my mum going to stay with my sis in hcm... eeerrrrr....
i like K's foto!

Mrs Teng,
the two cakes looks good! wha's the filling?

MMR - mumps measles and rubella. google measles lah.
Hi everyone I'm just popping by again. Hee! Hee! Keep disappearing and appearing every now and then. Been away to the seaside last week! D had his first experience of putting his toes in the seawater and he didn't like it! Started screaming everytime I tried to lower him.
Don't know if he was scared of the sound of the waves or the temperature of the water which was as cold as refrigerated water. I'm guessing it's more likely to do with the temp of the water. Can't imagine what it'll be like during winter. Brrr!

re:salt and fussiness about food

I've got a recipe book written by 2 paedi dieticians and the recommended daily levels of salt intake for children age 1 to 3 years are 2 grams salt (0.8g sodium) per day, for those below 1 it's half that amount. It is really very little considering that quite a number of foods naturally contain sodium. So instead of adding salt to D's food I've been training myself to go saltless and reduce my salt intake. Ha! Ha! Sounds like I'm on a Healthy Lifestyle Campaign. I've stopped cooking seperate meals for him for almost a month and am now discovering that saltless food can taste quite nice. But I'm not entirely convinced about going sugarless though.

D is a bit more picky with his food these days. I've reduced spoonfeeding to once a day now (even then I'm trying to get him to spoonfeed himself) and give him finger food the rest of the time. It is interesting to watch him eat. A few months back he would pick up food indiscrimately but now I notice there is a system in the way he eats. He will start with the food he likes best and what he doesn't like he will pick and throw to one side or refuse to pick it up at all. He is also not shy about picking up food from other people's plate when he sees something that he likes on it. I have now learnt to eat the things I like first before it gets stolen from me. Cannot save the best for last like I usually do.

Happy Belated Birthday to all the babies who were 1 last week and in case I don't have time to log in Happy Birthday to all the babies who will be 1 today and in the next few days/weeks. Best wishes and many blessings to all of you. xxxxx
Kai is a milk and water baby. So no worries abt him not drinking enough.
Or maybe I tried to give him another drinking teat instead of the milk teat that he is not drinking as much.

BB M mouth is ok liao? she is ok with egg rite?
I really dunno what's the cause cos Kai dun eat anything except so little of fish and rice, which he had been taking.

Yes, there was fever for a day or two.
From what I understand from the mommies here that it will get worst so I was not worried ... jus wonder if he can go out. haha.

We brought him to the playground to CHUI CHUI FENG (but instruction is not to go near any other children) ... then hubby said 1 uncle was smiling to see a baby and when he came near, his face changed. Prob wondering how come this baby so many spots .... contagious or not.
morning mommies. =)

msapple, wendy, cindy, & von
happy belated bday to aisleyne, david, ky, & Janelle.

happy bday to Marcellus.

u not sure what trigger the rashes ya?
hope he recover soon.

mrs teng
early in the morning saw ur cake, make me dun feel like eating my bread...ha ha... =P
hi mrs teng - wow..the chicken leg and the cakes look so yummy!!

hope all the bbs with rashes will recover soon. Heard if fake measles, after fever the spot will come out.
hi mrs teng - when did u start tofu for ur 2 darlings? thinking if i shld try on E cos he still likes v pureed porridge and if my mum puree it abit lumpy (not too fine) he will b v unhappy and makan v slow and complain all the time. Thinking of giving him tofu to try his chewing skills...with his conditions, tofu shld be ok right? he takes soy milk and is ok..so i think soya and soy same right? thks for ur advice...

Gave C & C tofu when they were about 10 months old. but my MIL dun quite fancy it cos it's the process if making the tofu that she reckon is good for babies. I dun care, just give lor. It's bcos tofu need edible cement to firm up. So I'm not sure if it's okay for Eli leh!


Peiseh! but I believe your bread should be good also lah!


Can imagine how tough it is to handle 3 when hb is not in town..

The cake are both chocolate lor... easy to make lah!


Feeling much much better now.. just a bit tired.. Clara has been crying and talking in her sleep. scary lor.. wake everyone up, including Cheril when she cries. And den, when you go see her.. she's just talking away with her eyes close. haizzz...
morning mummies
so tired.. bernice has been waking up every hour in her sleep and crying for no reason.. make me so irritated (sorry to say) hb then got upset say cos she is sick i should be more patient. i said it's not him that is falling off the bed, not him latching on every hour.. not him watching her in the day. so angry.

PD say shooshoos is not suitable for walking.

ya today the spots seems to have subsided. not sure about later but so far nothing already. but hers is not like kai's rashes. hers are spots. and it's like total maybe 10-15 spread out over the body that looks like mosquito bites.

mrs teng/vanilla pod
my PD say tofu is good. he always recommend me to give.

ya i think so too but just see already cant help but feel worried even thou doc said it's normal.
Mrs Teng,
Your dumstick and cakes looks so delicious!!hungry already. . .

Can still see quite a lot of rashes on Kai's face hor. Hope the rash go away soon. Maybe want to let him drink some barley water?

There were twice my sister's kids also got serious rash and fever till 39-40C, no energy and feel very sleepy. So she 'dun' the frog leg + gou qi zhi + bitter gourd (those small one) for 2 hours and her son's rash subside the next day. This formula is very effective for rash but then very bitter.
hi mrs teng and catherine - thanks...think i will let him try but little bit and see how...

mrs teng - clara must be complaining in her sleep! E can sit up w his eyes closed and cry..i am still waiting the day he stand up hold onto his cot while sleeping...haha.. weird mummy right?

Hi catherine - understand how u feel. My hb also get the easy end of the stick when it comes to caring for E when he is hospitalised..i was so pissed off w him during E's heart surgery cos once he told me he v tired when i was the one doing the night duty while he can have 6 solid hrs of sleep on the comforty bed. and my mum was helping him during the day. Men lah...
morning mummies

hugs. shooshoo not meant for walking? i'm thinking of buying the rubber base one. i bought a pair with soft sole and my babysitter say too slippery to walk better get rubber based one. end up my shooshoo only wear for 3 times only.

i think kai should be ok soon bah. seems to be better leh.

jia you!!!

still itchy loh. thought my wound is very clean and good, i will go and change dressing daily. gp say no need to change daily but i still go due to the itch.

how's baby? mouht still red?
ya shooshoos are not meant for walking. crawling ok. else it just serves the same purpose as socks. i got 3 pairs. 2 from a spree which she in total wore only 3x. and another pair was a gift which she havent wear cos it's size 12-18mths. dono what to do with it. i think the rubber base ones ok cos those are walking shoes. my PD say must get good shoes for walking else it's very bad for their developing feet.
I believe the itch is not due to the 'dirty' wound but rather because its healing. Your skin is growing and closing hence you feel the itch leh. its a bit like the tummy during pregnancy - where the skin got stretch, hence itchy. try not to scratch it.

i also got a pair of shooshoos. My friend's son walks with it, but the sole is leather, so could be slippery so not meant for walking? Anyway, i've got a few pairs of hand-me down shoes from #1 - comprises of cheap ones to clarks. My maid recently bought a pair of good shoes for him too.
yest brought jonah to bird park and we enjoyed ourselves very much. went in the afternoon...started to drizzle a bit before the bird show but the rest of the day was nice and cool, just a tad humid at times. it only started raining heavily when we left, heehee. i think it's my 1st time there since pri sch...no recollection of the place at all. oh, the panorail is quite a waste of money. we enjoyed ourselves more just walking the area and looking at the exhibits.
thanks. so rubber base shooshoo should be fine right.

yah, i think so too. but hoh, must still go and clean and get new plaster cos i scratch till my plastic 'qi mao' leh. hahahha.... its the worst at night. and i can be woke up by the itch leh.
rashes after fever:

it's quite common to have outbreak of rashes after high fever...it might be some kind of viral infection. the other time jonah had viral fever and it lasted a few days. after that, he broked out in bad rashes but it didn't affect him much. wasn't itchy or anything. looks hideous of course, but they subsided in a couple of days. so nothing to worry about.
<font color="#CD3278">MrsN</font>
D sounds absolutely adorable with the way he eats.. You've actually started training him to feed himself via the spoon *applause* Must be hilarious to see him 'struggle'

<font color="#CD3278">Cat</font>
*patpat* Hope she's too tired from all the waking up last night tt she wld take longer naps today

<font color="#CD3278">shint</font>
Kai looks so sweet while sleeping.. Think it shd go away soon! Today's weather's slightly finer.. Last couple of days were quite horrid

<font color="#CD3278">NiNi, Ms Apple</font>
How were Braiden's &amp; Aisleyne's party??
mrs n,

i've had no luck teaching jonah how to feed himself. till now, he does not know how to drink from straw cup. he only drinks a bit of juice with sippy cup with soft teat. doesn't want to feed himself biscuits and insists on being fed. needless to say, we haven't tried spoon feeding. i think he will only want to feed himself once he goes to play school and decides to do so under peer pressure, heehee.
<font color="0000ff">Catherine</font>
ya understand wat u mean. Is the spots itchy for Ber? my PD said if want, can put calamine lotion.
hope the spots go away soon!

<font color="0000ff">Shint</font>
sayang Kai. hope he gets well soon.
hi mommies,

those of u who use blogspot, do u know if there is a quick and fast way to transfer blog entries (with pics) from one blog to another? if u know, pls share. tks
yu ze also can't really self feed. he just started to be willing to touch food. he will try to self feed but not always succeed. he will be able to put food in his mouth but don't know how to let go once the food is in his mouth. he end up taking food in and out of his mouth.

jonah is worse. at 9 mths he was willing to put the long pigeon biscuit in his mouth but will just hands off after the biscuit is in. now he doesn't even want to touch the biscuit. he will brush it away and still cry out for me to feed him biscuit *faintz* we tried letting him hold a pc of biscuit and he threw it on the floor. same with cheerios. put it in the munchkin bowl and he will take it out, scrutinize it, and throw on the floor. leave on the tray table also he will swipe across and it all goes onto the floor. only when i use my hand to feed him will he eat it *faintz*


yah from blogspot to blogspot. where can i find the export function and can the entire entry be transferred, i.e. date, title of post, post, pictures?
hahahah.... i will ask him to hold. if he refuse then i forget it. i just feed. cos he will do the same thing as jonah.
under settings > basic. there is export and import function there. i think everything will go over date/title/pics etc. i ever export from blogspot to wordpress and then import from wordpress back to blogspot. everything is back
Shint: yes once the high fever subside, the meleases-like appeared.. It's not itchy, but if it does, apple the calamine lotion. It will go away very soon.. Dont worry!

Cat: Mosquito-like bumps? Is Ber havin allergy?

hisstory: hey! hows ashley bd party?
Braiden had his birthday bash yesterday...hehe.. Turns out okay except my photographer (my cousin) sucks..hahaha.. Cos thru out the whole session he only take pics of my nieces and my son.. The rest of the ppl nv take.. lol..

Re: Pine Garden
ooh for those ppl who havent ordered from PG before, yesterday i ordered Tripe Cho for the 1st tier n blackforest for the 2nd. It was REALLY PRETTY
But hor the choco (for kids) very sweet... and the blackforest(alchol) smell bery strong..
not many ppl like it.. I ordered 3kg but left 1kg of cake nobody wanna eat liaoz..) my hubby jus ate alittle bit only n his arm kena rashes( allergy)..SO be careful ya.. Overall i feel it's very pretty but for a the price I could get a better tasting cake.
krex, celyn,
ok, the my bbJ is better in this sense. He is able to self feed himself - biscuits, tamago, take his water bottle to drink (straw)... generally can feed himself lah. have not made him use the spoon yet though. but he got bad habit, if he doesn't like, he will throw. and he can throw very far leh...

You can try colette if you like the designs

Any of you still BF(include EBM) your baby? When you intent to stop?

1) cocomo - still BF, deciding whether to stop soon??!!!
2) sam - still BF, hoping to stop asap...
3) hisstory - Still BF.. Hoping to stop soon. Personal target is 1yo
4) MummyNana - Stiff BF in morning, evening n night. Pump in closet liao. No more breast pads too! Hope to end it all when she's 1YO!!
5) rona - still BF, personal target 1yo. i don't wanna take pills to stop, so will try to stop naturally. if can't stop by 1yo, will extend.
6) Ruixuan- still giving EBM, got lots of EBM in deep freezer. Still got early March batch.. intend to give as long as there is still stock.
7) vone - still bf. intend 2 bf till my gal is 2yo.
8) catherine - partial BF, mainly at night. I wish to stop dono when will do it
9) Wendy - would like to stop already but finding it terribly challenging!
10) Rata - still giving EBM. Also got quite abit of stock in my freeer. wanted to stop when she turn 1 but now turn 1 liao still pumping (bu shi de)
11) celynlee - stop pumping but still got fbm in freezer, stop when stock finished
12) briebaby - still pumping too, feel bad to stop, guess will stop when I "dry up" ba.
13) mulberry - still BF, want to stop soon, trying to stop naturally by cutting down nbr of pump &amp; latch per day. but so far only cut down 1 pump.
14) babyemma- still BF...want to stop but cannot stop..mark wont let me...i guess stop when i get pregnant again ..i draw the line to stop at 2 years
15) Smurfette - Stopped pumping before Kaitlyn turned 6 months old. Latch on from the start till now, she shows no signs of stopping/weaning. Will stop when she wants to stop.
16)Medusa - target of 1 year hit already.. Just intro FM.. now on partial FM/BM..still pumping 2x a day.. Also dunno when to stop completely.
pg cake.
i had lychee martini for top layer, and triple chox for bottom layer.
the triple chox for my case taste nice, but lychee martini eat liao my neck rashes came out also. =P
i all the while not allergy to wine 1 lor, but dunno what happen also.

i saw that as well, but i dun really want to export my entire blog to another site. i want to transfer certain entries i have in my personal blog to my bb blog coz' i can't decide if the entry should be under personal blog or bb blog :p
hugz to you . I know how it feels our babies wake up like that. It is really stressful for us. How is she now ?

Wah, your bb can feed himself ! So envious ! Adel can only eat biscuits himself only. How to train to drink from straw ?

Mrs Teng,
Adel has phlegm and cough a little. Can he take chicken ??

Congrats ! When is the baby due ?
Snow, Jen, April, Dongle,
Thanks for the wishes, gifts and taking your time to attend the birthday party. Hope you all do enjoy the party

Thanks so the special gift delivery. You're so sweet but is a pity cannot get to see you and Reagan again in the party.

The party is great and all of us are having great fun. Though it is not up to my expectation lah. I'm so busy and couldnt get to chat more with most of them.

Here afew pics to share. Not yet get hold the rest of it.

Birthday cake

Face painter's work

My elder princess



Any of you still BF(include EBM) your baby? When you intent to stop?

1) cocomo - still BF, deciding whether to stop soon??!!!
2) sam - still BF, hoping to stop asap...
3) hisstory - Still BF.. Hoping to stop soon. Personal target is 1yo
4) MummyNana - Stiff BF in morning, evening n night. Pump in closet liao. No more breast pads too! Hope to end it all when she's 1YO!!
5) rona - still BF, personal target 1yo. i don't wanna take pills to stop, so will try to stop naturally. if can't stop by 1yo, will extend.
6) Ruixuan- still giving EBM, got lots of EBM in deep freezer. Still got early March batch.. intend to give as long as there is still stock.
7) vone - still bf. intend 2 bf till my gal is 2yo.
8) catherine - partial BF, mainly at night. I wish to stop dono when will do it
9) Wendy - would like to stop already but finding it terribly challenging!
10) Rata - still giving EBM. Also got quite abit of stock in my freeer. wanted to stop when she turn 1 but now turn 1 liao still pumping (bu shi de)
11) celynlee - stop pumping but still got fbm in freezer, stop when stock finished
12) briebaby - still pumping too, feel bad to stop, guess will stop when I "dry up" ba.
13) mulberry - still BF, want to stop soon, trying to stop naturally by cutting down nbr of pump &amp; latch per day. but so far only cut down 1 pump.
14) babyemma- still BF...want to stop but cannot stop..mark wont let me...i guess stop when i get pregnant again ..i draw the line to stop at 2 years
15) Smurfette - Stopped pumping before Kaitlyn turned 6 months old. Latch on from the start till now, she shows no signs of stopping/weaning. Will stop when she wants to stop.
16)Medusa - target of 1 year hit already.. Just intro FM.. now on partial FM/BM..still pumping 2x a day.. Also dunno when to stop completely.

17) Msapple - at least till she is 2 years old, but somehow not very convenient to express milk at current living place, still preserving. Latch on at least once a day, the rest EBM. FM only once afew weeks
thx for inviting my family and i to the party, we really enjoy alot.
#1 still placing the balloon on her head till yesterday....ha ha....
we went for the ferry wheel after the party, and zynn woke up. =P
