(2008/08) Aug 2008

no leh...dr said that i could be too stressed..so i get the bad headache..which leads to the vomitting...

Gymboree free trial for those with vouchers on 29th Aug (sat) @ 10am -10.45am
1) YLN
2) snow74
3) dongle
4) Ruixuan
5) valnsw
6) shint

anyone else??

rat..u still keen? the prob is u got no voucher leh..else..is any mummy here nice enuff to let go of her voucher if she not going??

Sterilizing bottles
I'm still doing it too... even for the #1 (sshhhh, this lazy mummy still giving him the bottle in the morning, cos its the fastest way of waking him up!!)
Ahahaa...Ashley is so cute! ehehe...soon sure she can start walking liao! hehe..

Last time Falisha oso scared scared, nowadays she will hold a balloon in one hand and flap her other hand and walk a stretch even she's wobbly! LOL..very funny one :D
hhaha.... ashley so cute. you can just stand striaght and hold her to walk mah. we do that to yu ze too, don't need to bend our back one.
Oh after one wk then get fever ah? icic...oh yes glad that Bernice is ok liao

Solly that day couldn't talk to you guys much...got tooo many guests arriving at the same time! Busy till i wanna run away siah...
heh solly i kpo answer ur qtn. Falisha took hers at normal GP is 90 bucks, now got promo. Think later on the actual price is 80bucks for MMR + 40bucks for chic pox.
YLN: aiyaai wanna go also.. but i lost the voucher!! arggh.. but i tink can go without the voucher u know. cos i ever read the July mommies organising the free trial and they dun hv vouchers also.
dono lei i bring the shooshoos soft sole one show my PD he say not suitble for walking. even the sales lady at mothercare also say. those are crawling shoes. i guess if ur PD say ok then ok ba

i think i will just carry on sterilizing. no reason to stop. haha

my hb dont like the idea of wearing sandles or slippers one. he say must wear covered shoes.

maybe you should test too *grin*
I think as long as we continue to pump hor the ss will still be there one just that it may be lesser cos we pump less now. Last time for my #1 I totally stopped him ie no pump and no latch cos that time pregnant with darwisyah so got to stop. After 1 week really no more milk..

As for intro to FM i tink depends on when you target to stop completely.. heh! Maybe can try 1 feed of FM now see how she adapt to it. Now darwisyah is on 2x FM and 2X BM.. I think another one month or so i will switch her totally to FM liao..

Oh happy birthday to Ashley!!!

Hahaha! You so farnie la.. its ok at least the fats and tummy accumulated will see results at the end.. : ))

Re sterilising bottles
My PD says at least for the first year must do sterilise but I am still doing for darwisyah.. maybe i will stop when she is 1.5 years.

I stopped for #1 when he was 1.5 years. but till now before i prepare his feed I will still run hot water and rinse in the bottles and teats..
oh i didnt even free to think of bring Aisleyne go the indoor playground to play, didnt take the ferry wheel too. regret!

yah the balloon scuplturing was good. I were like I should get him to do something for myself.

It's at eXplorerkid indoor playground, the place was great and fun. The Barney is I engaged one, together with the balloon sculpturing and face painter. The cake is from Patissier.

Thanks for the wishes and yeah all of us having lot of fun. Feel like having it once again. The time is just too short.

Re: Sterilizing milk bottle,
I am still sterilising, will continue to do that.
Even my elder one i am still sterilizing, just that when she enter childcare, I'm no along sterilise for all feed but at once a day

Bingo. Yah the cake is too nice, when the cake was being cake, I were like... *sad*

Haha, I saw the scene where Denzel crawls away from the octopus. so cute!

Aiyo I nv thought I'll be so busy, I alway wanna have a chance to carry cayla.

Yah spent 2k+, hubby said can only do once. lol but I feel like doing it every year, it just too fun though very tiring.

this weekend, we can take one.

Yah I liked it and my guest too.

buddy buddy dont have to thanks so many time. :x
I cant remember I thanks you how many times in sms and msn. hehe.
cat, medusa
choy choy choy..i think hor..i will only test if i miss my menses, which is next week...but choy choy choy...not so soon lar...:p
ha ha....i just log in only saw all ur choy choy choy liao, maybe u should just test and cfm ur ans. =P

for bb learning to walk, soft sole shoes is preferred cos wun stress their little feet.
for toddler who are already walking or can walk independently outside, soft sole shoes is a no no.
cos zynn can only walk when i hold on to her, and mostly in sling outside.
so soft sole shoes is actually better, cos wun have any restriction to her little feet.
but hor, she like to choose....not so soft sole 1 lor... -_-"

understand lah, u must be very tired that day. =)
<font color="#CD3278">celyn</font>
Heheh, i know what u mean.. but must still bend a little bit..
Then this ger is terrible! She doesnt want us to hold her at the armpits, i dun like holding the palms or wrist, afraid of dislocation at shoulder.. She wld wriggle &amp; grab our hands &amp; hold our hands with her little fingers *faint*

<font color="#CD3278">Medusa</font>
Ah.. Hmm, she's turning 1 tmr &amp; I've met target in terms of EBM or FBM.. I'm just concerned she doesnt take FM &amp; when my EBM ss cannot meet her demand... hahah, incessant worries

<font color="#CD3278">Huichin</font>
Falisha sounds so cute doing just that! You very busy with work huh? Not many updates on ur blog leh.. *grin*

<font color="#CD3278">ms apple</font>
I also very bu she de eat the cake.. So pretty leh!
And my cake cutting skills is one of a kind.. So many crumbs, make the whole thing so messy
just teasing u only! ;p
seriously, i thought u spent more than 2k!

not kpo lah..GPs also have the 3+1 jab?

feeling better? if really 'tio' then must tell us. hee..

how was ashley's party? post pics in ur FB ya..
same with Jerold, also must hold the hand - and two hands, then can walk, else will shout at you to ask you to pass him your hand. but i find holding the hand better leh, no need to bend the back so much lor.
<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
hahah.. Zynn scared of itch ah.. I shall go home &amp; test of Ashley is afraid of being tickled at the armpits.. hee

<font color="#CD3278">missysz</font>
Fun!! But super tiring for me &amp; hb..
The kids &amp; adults were going oooh-aah with a 2 tier cake.. Mommy didn't have at the wedding, so make use of bb's birthday to get a 2 tier cake

I've been trying &amp; trying the entire weekend to upload pix onto FB but cannot leh. Sianz, i dunno what's wrong

<font color="#CD3278">Rona</font>
I agree! Hold at hand less bending, but I think the paranoid me makes me worried if holding by the hand wld cause dislocation anot

But i've got to admit, our bb now can express a lot of displeasure &amp; opinions
hee hee....dun tell ashley who tach u that. =P

sounds like a very fun party ashley had.
same here leh.
its like mommy dun have that kinda celebration, so hope my gals can have it. =)
hisstory: where u order the cake from? I cant upload the pics on fb also... have some problems also.. Btw ashley will be officially ONE tomorrow ya? hehe.. she's sooooo cute!! I love the way she smiles! =D
<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
hahah.. our little secret!

Here're some pix of her party.. Mommy was so tired after the whole day tt she slept till 9+ the next day!



<font color="#CD3278">NiNi</font>
I got the cake fr Caffe Pralet.. Haiz, dont remind me. I shd have stuck to my choice of their signature cake. Instead I went for chocolate ganache which cld be made in 2 tiers. The signature cake cant be done in 2 tiers.. The cake was gd but I wanted more fudgey chocolate which the chocolate ganache one didn't have. But still the cake turned out beautifully

U also cannot upload ah? Why ah..

Thanks dear! I can't wait till our FB prob are resolved, then we can see all the pix of our little ones' parties
feelingmuch better liao...no more headache..tho the gastric feels kinda weird still..n no good appetite..maybe when i return to work tomorrow..shld be ok liao...

hiaz...yaa lor..lately work has been quite stressed..yestd only not in school, 5 of my students skip class..*faint*..when i return tomorrow..got more work to do liao!..e.g..scold them, give demerit, give them work to do, then i gotta mark!..sheesshhh..
hope you will get well soon. Oh you in teaching line?

my cutting skill also not good at all.
Ashley's birthday cake look so beautiful
the party place look cozy and nice. where is that place and what is the cute little thing that hanging on top in the first pic?

haha no lah, i joking also, still got to thanks you again, you helped captured a lot of beautiful shot which I didnt managed to capture, and also the video of cake cutting etc. Thanks thanks. And I always feel so happy having you around. Meet up shop again soon k, so long nv go out shopping le hor.
the cake is very nice and sweet!

Ya lor, i totally agree with you, mee too didn't have tier wedding cake so now wanna get tier birthday cake too...
haha..shopping?! anytime but really have to do without the kids..haha.

the cake looks too dainty to be eaten!
i have no problem with FB.
If you intend to stop soon maybe can intro to her liao but at the same time continue to express in case ashley not used to fm.. Thats what I scared lor thats why continue to keep ebm just in case..

Hey ashley's cake so nice!!! And yes the place looks very cosy and warm : )

Heh I did a small celebration at home for her on actual day.. want to keep it small in the end abt 60 guests! My hubby family enuff to form half the guest list liao. Overall ok la.. very tiring lor cos got to entertain ppl but our dear birthday gal best.. she basically just on her own.. dun want to be carried and be "paraded" want to "walk" instead.. so ppl want to look to see her must go and find her at some corner of the house.. I ordered a minnie mouse cake from ecreative.
How was yr party? I rememembered you had it at some gym rite?
<font color="aa00aa">YLN</font>
Hope you are having a good rest! Feel better soon!

<font color="aa00aa">Hisstory</font>
Orh that is so cute of Ashley!
Know what you mean about the backache.. hmm when they can run... will become thighs ache? hahah
Love the ball pool for her birthday! So clever!

<font color="aa00aa">Nini</font>
I decided not to go, you wanna use my voucher? PM me yeah?

<font color="aa00aa">msapple</font>
Wah... to have again will be siong again is a great idea.. DAY to NITE? hahaha sure shack one! :p
yu ze will grab one of our finger to walk. no need to use 2 hands to hold him. i never hold him by the armpit. babysitter will now hold the back of his shirt and get him to walk. he will walk that way too.
any mummies here weaning from breastmilk to other forms of milk?

i've dropped E's 3pm bf feed to uht milk. but he only takes 70-80ml, max 100ml. that's the only milk he'll take. not sure if that's enough??? he has 3 other bf feeds.
Vern: Thanks so much dear! PM-ed u

oh no..Braiden having fever 39 deg. Seems like he kena fever EVERY month... Damn pissed..
why do you give uht milk? why not fresh milk or FM? for fresh milk you can warm up slightly and give it to him. i read somewhere that fresh milk and FM is better then uht milk.
hi mummmies
just came back from another afternoon at polliwogs. hahaa.. this time with my hb and his fren family. tiring.

no it's 2 in 1 only la. chicken pox + MMR.

i hold bernice hand to let her walk. my maid will hold her armput, pull her shirt, etc etc.. very irritating when i see cos she is practically holding bernice back. i dont like it. told her many times not to pull baby back or lean her forward. my maid either over protective of her falling down, else will be lax until bernice knock her face knock her head.

u should have ordered the pralet cake. much nicer
hope braiden recover soon.
the pd never comment anything about his frequent fever? =(

60 guests?
u must be very busy and tired.
ha ha...d so cute, playig hide-n-seek?

ya, zynn's party in a bb gym.
really hope all my little friends enjoy themselfe lor. =P
1 gd thing is setup, clean up, and cutlery prepared by that gym, i simply just order food to be deliver there can liao.
got cake from pine garden, disney princess theme.
took very limited photos, and the daddy dun want me to post any related photos in fb.
<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
It's a function room at one of MOE's buildings.. Hahah, no choice but to use MOE's premises..

Why ur HB disapproved uploading Zynn's bday pix on FB? (Actually I was wondering if I shd have uploaded w/o asking u anot leh)

<font color="#CD3278">ms apple</font>
Ah the pink thing is the pink elephant pinata.. hee! The kids love it, and they loved it more when the goodies came falling out..

<font color="#CD3278">missysz &amp; rona</font>
So bb J's going to get a 2 tier cake? heehee.. Looking fwd to seeing a pix of it

missysz: dunno why leh, the other time I wanted to upload Zynn's party's pix, I also had diff.. All the laptops &amp; PCs have prob doing so

<font color="#CD3278">Vern</font>
When she starts running? I'm going to ask Daddy to settle.. heheh!
I love the ball pit.. And the slide tt comes with it! Wish I cld play too

<font color="#CD3278">Catherine</font>
Yah lor, so sayang.. But mummy gian the 2 tier but yet the Pralet can't be done in that way
I shall get myself a Pralet cake for my next bday!!
Braiden having fever again ? Sigh... i have nightmares everytime Adel has fever. Hope he gets well soon !

What is UTH milk? Different from fresh milk ah ?

yup..me lao shi..

my maid does the same..keep holding kaer's arms and shoulders..when kaer just want to run off....in the end, kaer just end up falling...told her off many times..but i think she thinks she doing her job by 'protecting' her...haiz..
<font color="#CD3278">Medusa</font>
Dunno why, but my mum says to mix FM with BM in one feed.. Sounds wrong leh

<font color="#CD3278">Celyn</font>
YZ's so clever.. Ur hb very tall leh, he doesn't need to bend over a little?
Snow74,happy_mummy: Thanks for the concern!Braiden's okay liao... I guess its the bad weather.. so hot.. And this little pig snacks alot but drink little water.

nice venue leh, MOE not too bad leh... i don't know yet. you know, i'm supposed to have his birthday dinner this sunday, but due to some unforseen hipcups (mil lah) got to postphone to 30 aug leh. i still gian my cake... but i got to think how to eat the cake if i take the 2-tier cake leh. BTW, how long can you keep the cake huh? think not possible to keep for a week right?

was shaking my head when i read your description on how your maid hold her gal. sayang bernice leh. knock here knock there...

YOurs also huh? show your maid how to help your gal walk around. maybe then she will be able to do better?
